VOL. \ . VALUABLE PROPERTY £! A f f SALISBURY, N. C.. AUGUST 26, 1870. NO. 34, r* t ^ 1 ' ': ■■' :i: ■!.■;. ;iii(] !: • •' .\.cr*'.s ul' \ fi v 'T^ I WILL SLI.L L- »L ASII, at the Court II ’1 MIX K.-^vii-Li;. DAvii: ro.. x.o., on the I’h ^l.iv .■I i-M' i i)iirjL i 5 Tues day til'' V.. , h S'^-ui'U' ''.ii:, tl.u well- know n County FHOPaIRTY, which . I.; •' • .iin’i .• .‘'uud.-: fur AJercii.i Ti'S'i' ... \\ ■■ •. j ir silii- «teil 2-t • "• - ..I ! .ly. .ii W: lo'.-- h>r)' It', ■i. !'• ii; 'i- t:''Ui >'iile, in a fine Til- u ■ ■ . . u l; ■■ '1 Tv/0-Story with ii.i :.i . \\ :(i«'.j.pUM_*2i ;• trade'. A.-*., u DWELLIZ’G- HCU SE, Out ir . I.. Ii Rome T'.' .; ' ; T fite and u ■ >. (,1,,* ti,** most de- sirahle [•..i' • - i ; T! I- .t,! rv. Any "111' i :;.! .■ tlie I’ldju rfv &c., \\ i i i : .t •'■ ■ ■ i) ,). \ V . P * 1 * V \ . or t ]ie Mep.srs. J I -'I!’.'-p i' ..I" iiow ill Im.a- iiiess lars, a .■! N. ■. July L - M ■•. cV i:3'?OTflSL-:55!S, ‘ .1 u m Till-: Court House, oa IvlEc-in Street, !.> h'l'i •; • T \ \ k s th tii i: J L -1 . . (.ji- j"y*'_Pl ' ■ . ■ ■ ' • I', r, -lls! tldpl', iiy la:;- a. ■ : . • . • . e • ;,imiii,.ss L' lU'-i- ... , , (.fjljc .'-aine " I ; ,1 SU]'- l)lv ot r.fllVLIIi’L’’ G-]?»p3C;jt:-IlI2:s, in cludinr Tru-Js aij.i y.tili —»r i;, ri:v \;;;k'iv — II A/.s7,e//v, lir i/,. ’ - . (liiij (c, tfr. .i /. VO. BOOT.S, .'Vli'tiis. ]:■! ):\iL.STlCS, I’l J'.! 'L I Pj YANKL!', .v».\8, in fac*. ■ . ■ . . ' 't V: riety . 30]! for Cash, or Conaa y Trcd est n: . p : :i ■ :.- r jiai ticu- • 'i; h.-ih-l! ' o.. ■1 . ( 'XPlT.H. F.l. J- ; . ! .a- i.i_''n- rii 1 i.i.ir.' d 1:1 >. *AU}‘ J>e3inT's v^in IPu*;.--: -iir-- ail v,.,-. Ki.lu.-y ii.i.; n-.-aliic Wt-aUii. --0 1', •• (i'.'.ii'v;.’, 1)..- Iiility ai"l a V. m of t'.,. I ()r- gaim. n,.. sl.lliiu \v:'! als'il"' !'i"'! f'U'any case of Blimi. H' "1- 1;.I’ih-s that I)e- Bino’- 1 K'-;' ''i \ f.l .- I" .-lire. D.-liiim'- .'.I.YiilU LI.M.MLNT cures Kheiiiiia'’ . I’aiii . I’lioii.'i'.-- ami Swolled Joints, (aiiii ." '/• L Sol'!' ' w,-.: -. . f'U- Uamiililet. 1 !’j I'laiikliu st.. Haiti- more. M'i. aiut!2-iv WILLI AlivX VA.L Li N TlflE, Tua-i p.itr": . inforu. ■ ' it ootnmoiiio Shop, ill Ur. Koalcrscvi ^ Srick- Bailuin.';. F.ocri lUo. :i, whore hr u ' ■ '■ :!irm. lie puara;:'.. '.jP ■ .r ;• I\'riv,a-r.— He ha- ;u ' . • ' r ; • li..p| i rrs-i'iv ill \S'c- ■ rii A I . I i ' .1. I i : ■ li - a call from Ada ■. V .(.■’■ ; '.I All—If GQQDZ iysAGLidWIil GOODS GOIDG DOWN I ! ii \ N ’V V lo 1,;.: I' ■ I’u : 1'' i' ti.e ;i 'cial - • 111. I;iKi'v 1: ii.’.'.'i CO a lu-w and NORTH C.A.R0LINA, ? Superior Court, 1 O.tviE COL’.N'TY. ) Spring Term 1670‘ i Llizehetii Sprousr. assigm-e, plaintiff, : against j 1st. George D. Sprouse, of Yadkin county, I a Ijfother of Rolirrt .Sju'ouse, deceased. I 2d. (je..rg^‘ IL Carter. Rolieit Daniel and ' wife Iliiuuah. David Kendriclc and lii.s i wife III inii'tt. Lury Ili.'iliijgswortli. chil- 1 cireii 'f .Amelia .S)U’ouse, dee'd. a sister of ; Rohert .Sprouse. I .'Id. a. Thomas .Joue.s. George Jones. an.I two oilier cliildren of .Sally .Luies, dec’d. who wa.s a daughter of .Martha .Sprouse, dec’d, ! a si.ster of Robert .Sprouse : fe. Jas. Smith, I ami two other cliildrcn^of .latio. a daugh ter of said Martha ' iiTouse. j Petition for Po til ion. I lo George it. ('arer, Roli,-rt Daniel and I Wife Nancy. Ge'O're \\. Kelly ami wife , llannali, David Kimuicli ami w ife Harri ett, ami I^ucy H.dlii.riwoiili. c ildreu ami Il'dis at Law of .viiielia Spr"U. : and j Thomas .Julies, (h org.-J.mes, mi t wo oih- j ercliildieo ot .'loly .Jours, whose are un- kiiowu, ami .Ja iie.s Smith ami two otlier cliildren of Jane Smitli, dec’d. nou-resi- I dents: 1 Aon are Iierehy nritified tliat a snniinonst . ill tile aliove eiilitli'd ca.se. lias issued acains. y. u. and tlie complaint ilieieiu was filed in the Supi-rior Court of Davie county, on tlic I ‘Jlftli day of .July, I'/O. \ ou arealso notified, tiiat tiie suinni"ns in tlie cas»' is ret nrlilt Me to t he ,I ml^e 1 if ou r Su - . pei ior t oil 11. to he liehi tor tlie County of Da- ' vi'-. a tlie (.'. Ill It 111 'U'-e i 11 .M ock~\il!e. on die Second .Monday alU-r tlie tliird .Monday of .^e^itemher. l.'7h!, wlieii ami where you are ^ lu'ieliy reipiiird to ajiiiear ami answer the complaint—in dcf.iult whereof di,' jilaiiitiff will apjily to said Court for tlie reliefdeinati- ded ill tlie compliiilit. W itiiess. II R. Austin, Clerk of our said Court at olhee in the town of .Mocksvilie, ou tile 2dt!i davof,Julv. A. D. l'''7n. i ■ ' H. R. .AUS'ITN, Cleric Cynj erwr Court, i'iivie County. ! autrl) JliGw—[nr. fce.Sl.J.] i .NOR I H ('.-VROLIN.\, I In tlie .Superior i ('Ai.iiwni.r. Cm NTY. ^ Court. -M. Heniliardt, L.vecutor of Henry Smith, I dec’d. nrrainst wi.s S. Hartley ami wife C’l.irrissa. D. W. J’r.'ssiiell and w if.'KHzahetii. .Maria H.-.vs, ' Rufus .Sii,ir I'.pliriam .''initli. Willis .Stan ly and w ife "clcna. .III!,:. .Moore ami wife I'.iiiily. \V. A\ . Harm s ami w ife ( aroliiie, -Marcus .Siiiitli. .Alarion .mitli. Pliiliip W. Harm s. Ilardic Hariies am! Ida Harm s. : I 0 Lpliruiiii .'siiiidi. \'. i.liam StauK midwife I .'Selena .Joiiii .Mo.i e and wife i'imi 1 v, non resident defendants in the above entiled pro- ' ceedi'lir ; A nil are lien-Ii^- nodii.-d tiiat .'Umin'Ui.scs in the i.hi"V>' entilicil pr.iceedi.ie Lave issued iiitaiiist y"U. ami the c'lii.i'liiiu: tliereiu was fiie'd in the oliii'ei f die t.'lerk of tile Su|ierior 1 Court of Cal'iwell county, on the 11th dav July, A. I) I'-TO. ^on are furiii'r nntifiefl that the sum mons ill this proceeding i.s returnahle to the ofiLe of the ( ierk (if the Stijierior I Court of the .said (miuiiiy oa the 1st diiy ! of Si.oitember next, wlieii and whore you are rerjuired to appear and answer tlie comphiinl—ill defaidt w hereof the plaiii- ; iiil will appiv to the ('oiirt for the re- ' lief d. enianded in l!ie c‘oiu]iiiiiiir. Witness, R. R. Wakefield, Clerk of •lie Stijierior Court in Lemdr, the lllli i dav of .Jiilv, A. !>.. 1S7U. ; “ R. R. WAKLI'IELD, c. s. c. 30;Gw-[j(r. fee-SlO.J SLbc©li) Nortb State PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY LEWIS HAINES. Editor and Proprietor. RATES OF SLBCRIPTION One Year, payable in advance $3.0U Six Months, “ •• 1.50 .5 Copies to one address, 12,50 lO Copies to one address, 20,00 Hates qf Adoertisinq. ■ a- One Square, first insertion $1,00 For eacli additional insertion 50 Special notices will he charged .50 per cent higlier than tlie above rates. Court and Justice’s Orders will be publish ed at the same rates with other advertise ments. Obituary notices, over six lines, charged as advertisements. CONTRACT RATES. 1 .'square. 2 Squares. 3 Squares. 4 .'squares. i (kdiiinn. i Column. 1 Ctduinn. at the time of its service, the prisoners have not been in the custody, nor within the power or control of the respondent. It was sngKested by Gov. Bragg, one of the Counsel for tue prisoners, that this return was insufficient, and that the par ty making it was guilty of contempt. He further suggested that bis client had a right to have Col. Kirk placed in con tempt for making an in.sufficieut return. Per CcRiAXi. — Co'ji^tnpis are not in- 18 0024 00 30 00 45 00 75.00 28 00 40 00 50 00 80 00 130,00 L S5 00 S8 50 $13 00 4 .50 6 25 8 50 13 00 22,00 fi 00 9 00 12 00 20 00 30.00, 8 00 11 00 15 00 25 00 37..50 i liaving resciuded .xaid order lie had, on the 11 00 10 00 20 00 .‘10 00 4.5.{)0 iStli iiisi , made retnrn to the Chief Jus tice’s writs, and delivered the prisoners to him at Raleigh throngli h;s subordinate officer, Lieiit Col. Bergen—that if said prisoners slionid be remanfled to liis cus tody be would at once deliver them to Judg(' Brooks. Judge Battle, one of thocounsel for the prisoners, moved for a writ of attachment agains.t Cid. Kirk for contempt in not de livering the bodies of ilio prisoners, which motion he argue d at some length. In opjiosition to the motion IMr. Bovden argued that (joL Kiik wih hound to make return to the Clliief Justice’s writs—that he had refused to make tlie retnrn at the time th(‘ writs were served b( From the Old North State—Extra—Aug. 20. THE CIVIL LAW TRIUMPHANT - MILITARY HE'SPOTISM OVER THROWN. IX THE n.^BEAS CORPUS CASKS, BEFORE niS HONOR, JUDGE BROOKS, OF THE U. S. DISTRICT COURT, ON 19TH INST. The ease of Josiah Turner, editor of the Sentinel, was first called, and the petition and return read, from which it appeared that Mr. Turner was arrested under an order of Gov Holden on an alleged charge o o of consjiiracy to overthrow the State Gov ernment. The Counsel for the prisoner, Governor Graham, argued that the return was in- siiffici('iit inasmuch as it did not state the day of arrest, the nature of the order, &c, ^Ir. Boydeii, Counsel for Col. Kirk, ar gued that tlie return was anfficiont -that prisoner had no cause to comjilain of it. Per Curiam.—That would be a pro- j *^0 make return to tlie writs first issued by THE CAUSE OF PRUSSIA. Some person, anxious to create preju dice against the unification of Germany, which is really the cause that Prussi-i, as the representative power of Germany, is required to uphold, has issued a pamphlet from Boston, entitled : ’‘Origin of the Bis marck Policy ; or, the Ilohenzollern doc trine of maxims, described and defined I'y the most eminent monarch of the Prussian dynasty, Frederic the Great: His opin TerKfl^ to vindit'Ate tii-STigirts of parties,talons on religion, justice, morals, politics, but only to vindicate the dignity of the Court and the majesty of the law—if the Court is satisfied that no contempt is in tended parties liave no rigiit to complain. The case of Adolphus G. Moure was ne.\t called and the petiiidii and return read. In this, and a number of other cases. Col. Kirk returned that some time in July writs had beem issued to him for the prisoners by Chief Justice Pearson— that lie had not then made retnrn to said writs because lie had been ordered not to do so by lii.s superior officer, Governor Holden, commander-in-chief of the milita ry forces of ilie Stat(‘—that Gov. Holden diplomacy’, statesmanship, the German people, etc. Written by himself express ly’ for the use of his successor to the throne. Cai'efnlly translated from an au thentic copy’ of the original IRSS.” The significance of this j ublication just now cannot be misunderstood. It is. as Slated by the New Orleans Times, an at tempt to siiow that the Great Frederic of Prussia was a cold bloodod Mepliistopbe- les, who loi/ked upon religion, ’^lorality and justice with supreme contempt, and that the B:.«marck policy is founded on these well catablished Hohenzolleru doc- truies. It will be readily admitted that Fred eric the Great was not Great in every- tliiiig. He bad bis faults, as other mor tals have, and among ins other eccentric ities may be noted bluntness of speech and a sovereign repugnance for all sorts of shams. But for him, Prussia w'ouhl have been dismembered and blotted out from the map of Europe as an independ ent kingdom. When hope seemed little less than madness, and his literary friend, Voltaire, a(lvi.«ed him lo sue for mercy, lie replied : “1 am a man, and therefore born to suffer. To the vigor of destiny I op- 1 pose my owm constancy’. Menaced with shipwreck, I will bear the storm. I will he a king in spirit, and I will die as a have lived, a king.” These brave, hero ic words show what manner of man he was The circumstances considered, they cannot he read even now, after the lapse of more than a century’, without making the generous heart to palpitate with a tlirill of admiration far the man who ut- u I tered iliem. What if his acts did not con- barrier pre.sentod itself letween Iiim and i iorm in strict observance to the text-books the Chief Justice’s vviifs —in tlie or-|ihe tables of the deca- ders of Iiis commanding otficer—which he conceived li- |, ul mJ the imwer to overleaji—that .‘^aid bmiier being remov- (■(] t.y ;i witlidrawai of tl>,. order by tiio Governor no course was left hiin but From the Neu' York Tribune. THE NEW french MINISTRY. 'cause Count de Palikao—General Charles Guillaume Marie Cousin de Montauhan— the new Minister of War, was born in 1796, and was employ’ed at an early age in Algiers, where he distinguished him- se’f as a cavalry officer. He advanced through successive grades to general of! brigade in 1851. In 1S60 he was invest ed with the chief command of the French expedition in China, and there achieved a series of vicloiits. The capture of the forts of Takon at the mouth of the Peiho ; the great victory of the Chinese forces on the 21st of September; the destruction of the imperial palace, and entry of the French army into Pekin on the 12lh of October, were among the important affairs in which he shared while in command of the French army’ in China. He was lib erally rewarded on his return to France, receiving the title of Count from one of his Chinese victories at Pa li-kao. lu 1860, when the Grand Cross was conferr ed on him, he could count 42 years of ac tive service and 28 campaigns. Admiral Rigalt de Genouilly, the Min ister of Marine, has been in the naval ser vice for f'orty’-two years, and commanded a detachment of inaiines during the siege of Sebastopol. lu 1860, he etitered the Senate, and has since distinguished him self by taking an active part in adminis trative affairs, and in 1867 was appointed Minister of Marine. During the illness of the late Marsha! Niel, he was temporarily in charge of the War Department. He is regarded as an able authority’ upon all mattt rs connected with the naval service, and as practically conversant with the ira- jiortant changes introduced during the last decade. Pierre Jlay’ne, the Minister of Finance, has given evidence of great administrative ability, and was Minister of France from 1845 to 1860. He was previously in the Constituent and Legislative Assemblies, and was appointed Minister of Public 01 ks in 1851. He did not occupy a leading position as adebator, hut his prac tical speeches were always listened to with attention. Baron Jerome David entered the naval service at an early age, hut afterward MARTHA WASHINGTON’S WATCH. Are we never to be done with the re lics of departed greatness ? The identi cal watch which General Washington pre sented to sweet Martha Custus has turn ed up at Newbnrg, (State not mentioned) and is thus advertised : After the letrothal of George and Mal tha he presented his lady-love with a handsome gold watch, which was manu factured expressly to his order in Lon don. This watch is now in Nc.« burg, and an effort fs being m.artc by ihr- rfttzrns to purchase the interesting old n-lic and de posit it at Washington’s hcaihjuartcra in tiiat city. The pi ice asked for it i.- only 81,000. It was given by .Mrs. Washing ton lo Mrs. Halybnrton, her niece, and the mother of Judge Janii s D. Ilalyburfon, of Virginia. 'The saddest part of its Iusn tory is that it is now thrown on the mar ket for sale, as one of the results to its owners, the family’ of Jndg-e 11 ilyburton, of the fortunes of our late war, which stripped so many of our Southern coun trymen of their possessions. The watch bears the name of its ma ker, “Barwie, London, No. 743.” It is of the old-fashioned ‘*bulls-eye” pattern, r‘duced in thickness to neat lady’s style. The gold case is inlaid with white enamel around the edge of the back ami face — 'Fhe watch is in its original case and .ac companied by its original key 'Llie let ters of the name “Martha Custis,” are marked on the dial plate, one letter just outside of each of tlie fignros indicating the hours. The watch is now 112 years old. A (lay or two ago it was “wound lip,” and ticked as of “ye olden times,” but it marked the hours slowly’, remind ing one of the brave old heart heating oa beyond its threescore and ten. AN EXCELLENT SNAKE STORY. logne—were the kings of his lime less i'Mued the army and served in Africa and | latclv" A friend of oars in Benton connty not more than a hnnd.ied miles from Pond Grove is very’ fond of getting a joke nji- 011 his neighbors and eiij'iys a laugh even at Ills own expen.^o. J'he tables were lately turned so nici ly upon him, how- I over, that we doubt w hotiier Ik; will try lii.s hand at a joke again for a long time. ■ CIiSEESSOrJiS’ STJIG-E UirJBS ! WAh ■ o Ffit/rtfrviII('. \. \\\l.l. • ( L. i' (t i:rr. Row. .’’‘.VI N. 0., H.\S .1 i .\ i;!; A i. i i Eis ) i THE North Wit. .1 : N .i a Stuck whicii 111' ' h'-' - ■ ■! . I': if ;it I'riv'.'.', lower tii.-in .'ii\ ■■ .. .i' 1 -I'i ii. l'a\ii:i,’ }>nr- ciiit.-'ftl :' il.'i iii.o ia tile Nortli- erii niar.;i • - .Ml 1 ' •■>1.' :i I'.i'.l. aad I am C'lnfidei t that voi: \i :. II"! icav.'iiiv .'-!"i(' wil'.out Im- inir {ilca-i 'i. 11 • oi'’' woh ti.e Goods, but witli the SOW . ..i.-i-;:. I'll.: ..f Ladi'cs’ Drc3S Goods, TriiiKniEgs ofali kinds, (1 E N 1 L E .^! E N ’ .S FURNISIIIKi^’ GOODS, HAT.’. CAl’S, 13 iO'i S A 81IOES, mil a t'liii line of GROCE RiE S , and a u'eat niany ot her an .co > uot in-re enu merated ■ C",::.- mid e- ainii e my st-o-k of Goods before ji'll'ell '^h O l•’.■.eW^e^e. V. 'u .\LT AGI-:. No. '‘J. Giai.io- Row. .'■'.M.i^iu uY, N. C. .June Id. i''7d, 2-J—3m. MTINSIOX lIOliSE, CllARl.oTTE, N. C. ( R.WI-. 'Ahir-aw-for Favetteviile daily ex J ('‘pi .'^miday. If you a e 1:1 \J'esteru N. ('arol'iia go Id loileigh, aial [in.cure a through ticket (o Fnyetfeville lor S" : Through Tickets from (i.d lhoid’ via War.-aw, to Fayi'ttevilh', si’i. Tlirotiuh tieki'Ts IViuu WeMoii to Favelte* ville hylii. Ti i'oogli ticket^ from Wiluiiiigton, via U aroaw, to i'a vett- ville. .6. CII.V FLOTTF Td ''Ta DL'.^BORO : j Imave ('harlotie aer tlaii:-^ from .Raleigh ! and Foluiidi'a, via i;o!,nip, for W'.ade.^horo’ i 'I'ue.-ahiy. Tliursday, ami .'Satnnlay I.eave M'a- 1 di'-lioro’, T.ic.-ilay, Tlim'.-ilay, and Satui day. af- ; t'-r arriva! of !r,!i:i and .-tt.igcfr m W'^'niiigton. H'-ad o!'Fine h I'll R il i.’.iad t-i J'...fShoro, : X. C., daily e.xee’it .-^■■mdnys. Leave liead of'Jliatham Kail Road after ar rival of train from Raii'igh. j Leave .Tone.'boro’ after arrival of train from ' Fayetteville. per question if a motion were made for the detention of the prisoner. Goy. Graham then moved for prisoner’s discharge. Air. Boyden said : There is no legal evidence, of any kind, of the prisoner’s guilt, and, therefore, his discharge is not opposed. Whereupon the prisoner was discharged The case of Felix Roane was next call ed, and the petition and return read, from which it ajipearcd that the prisoner was arrested in pursuance of a general order, issued by Gov. Holden to Col. Kirk, to arrest all viol.aters of the law in the Coun ty’ of Casw’cll—the same having been de clared to be in a state of insurrection — on the Chief Jti.-lice oftlie State Court, which Court had thereby acquired jurisdiction.— Air. Boyden held that Kirk was ntall times hound to make return to the Chief J lice’s W'rits, the order of Gov. Hold ns- en to (lech: in con- thc contrary’ notivithstandiiig that he was all the time actin'’ O tempt of the Chief Justice’s authority. His Honor did not grant the writ of at tachment moved for, hut a rule upon Col. Kirk, returnable at Raleigh on next Tues day, to show’ cause why he should not be attached for contempt. ”1 he Court ordered Col. Kirk to pay the costs ill all the cas( s. Gov’. Graham moved for a bench war rant ag.ainsl Col. Kirk and Lieut. Col. a charge of being an accessory to the mur- Bergen that they might be put under Ch’rntnnyx.f Aaconimndatinn Line Ui'tween .‘‘^alem and ITiirh Point, will charter ■Stages at all hours •‘Cheaiicr than the Cheap- Office at Butiier’s Hotel, Salem, N. C. E. T. CLEMMtJNS, Oct. 1; ISGO—tf Contr.acfor. est.’ Thi.s w I'll kn 'W;i II" i-ie Iiavin.i I'ciii newi.a' FURNisiir:!' av- i Kf i iTTi i' ill 1. vv ry dejiart- is now "[H'li t'-r t'lo .' ■"iiKii' ilatii-ii vif rii r — TiiArrp>{.](\ J|K^( Imiiiliiis :i'. Ii'.pot on amvii ol Trains.“Yiiia feb4—'itf 11. ’. i:C( LKS. “PRINTIHG PRESS FiR SALE T he iimler-igm il offers for sale an exeel- leiit R.\m.x'I: Printina' I’l' -'S. Red ;’,.lx25 inches. Print' a I’orm ■i'txtiO ami down to a single line. It is in good order, and aiways ready for any find of jirinTing. Price very moderate. .Vddress, J. J. Buunf.r, Ch;^iotl8 Female Institute, (.IlAKLtrrTEE, N. C. The 13th Aiiioinl Si'ssiou of tiiis Institution emnmenet's tin' .'{nth Senteinher and continues antil tlm 30!h of .Tune, I-r'I. .Vn aeeoiiiplisiied corjis of Teachers ha.s been employed iu all branches usually taught in first-class Female Seminaries. For Ciienlar and (,’atalogne containing full parlic’alars as t-i terms. Ac., address Rkv. K. liUinVFLL A SON, Ch rlotte, N. C: REFKRE.VCKS : R R Kolicrfs. Eq., Lexington, N. C. Kev’ F II .If'hri'on, “ '“ l>r E Nye Iliitehi-oii. Cliarlotte, N. C. Kev Clias Phillips, D I>, Davidson College, N C. Prof.] U Rlako, UG Rieliardson, “ “ “ Lx (lov Z R N'luice, ('liarlottc, N. C. .Inly 2'_>-'20:2ni. Y'^RHUKOI GII HOI SK, FATETTEVILL’E STREET A L /; I a IT, y. c. Having no eonneetion witli any other Hotel in Haieigli. I 'hall makt' the irABBOFwOT7&a KCUSE, W'lI.VT IT Tt.VS HKKX, Thf onhj First Cluis Uoltl in the City. J. yi, Blair, Pioprictor. der of J W. Steplieus. In this ca.se the question of the juris diction of the Court was raised and argued with much ability by’ Alessrs. AIe:'orkle and Boyden, counsel for Col. Kiik. Per Curiam—This Court is conviuc- en of iis jurisdiction to the full extent of examining into and investigating the whole malK'i', and if [impi'r cause for the arrest and (letenlion of the prisoner he shown it is the duty of the Court to bind the prisoner over to the pfoper Court to answer the charge, which, in this case, is the l^tate Court. No evidence of the prisoner’s guilt be ing offered he was, on motion, discharged. Tlic case of M. W. Norfleet was next called, and an exten.sion of time asked, by the Counsel for Col. Kirk, in which to produce the evidence, which W’as refused by the Court. On motion the prisoner W’as discharged. A number of cases were then disposed of in the same way’, the charges against the prisoners in all of them being a viola tion of the law of the State or a con.^pira cy to overthrow the government of the State. To the writ in the case of Jas. S Scott and two or three others, the return was that writs had previously been issued for the prisoners by Chief Justice Pearson, bonds to keep the peace towards all the good jH'Ojile of the .State, wliicti motion, and his Honor’s power in the premises, he argued with his well known ability’. Gov. Graham also moved for an attach ment against Col. Kirk tliai he might he piojieily pi.uislii d for the cruel ami inhu man treatment of several of lii.s prisoners. He read the affidavits of iliri’eof the pris oners as to their Treatment, w'hieli disclos ed honors seldom witnessed in anv coun try since the days of Hie inquisition, and upon said affidavits he foniuled his mo tion. Tliese affidavits will be published hereafter. ’I’liis motion was advocated briefly by Gov. Graham and Judge .Merri- cnljiahle than he I In his fearful seven yi a's’ struggle, when opposed by the Austrians, the Russians, the Fiencli, the Saxons anti tUo Svvecl*s, liis lugli moral courage and indomitable energy, display’- ed under reverses which would have the Crimea. He entered the Corps Legis- latif in iS59, and has since been several times re-elected as a Government candi date. lie w as Vice President of the Gorps Legisiatif during the sessions of 1867-8 and 9. He lias been prominent iu de- crushod the spirit of almost any other j Late, and wlieii AI. Schneider last y’car re man, enforerd the respec. of an observing 1 sig’ued the position of President on ac- wonld. For the rest he never pretended c“Biit of tlio re-appoiiirmeiit of Baron Da- to bo a saint. His maxims were founded 1 Bm A ice Presidency’, the Ernjtcror railier upon policy’ than ethics. In speak- i pei'-’onally’ intervened, and testifiecl his iiig of his immediate ancestors he does not : ostoem for the Baron, and desire him to claim fortlu-m cither distinguished virtues ! continue in that position, or high descent. A'kuiity alone, he de I liDVa *mi'le* d'i*staIif ' a crossing a field on his pre mises when he felt a peculiar .“cnsalion in his trouser’s leg, and in an iiitaiit the ter rible suspicion fastened njion him that tYlurc v.-t\o a. BTovVi..; itn-.v..-. i’vitti.i}:; tiui li\» baud to ascertain, it came in contact what lie siijiposed to be the head or tlie reptile. It flaslied across his mind at once that the only hope of his life lay in Ids ahiliiyr to grasp and fiiunly hold the head until he could obtain assistance and axtract him self from his Ids ui.jilcasaiil jnedicament. Seizing it, then fore, with one hand ho started at full tilt for the house, about dared, placed a regal crown on his grand- ' been for some time designated for that father’s head, and he was rather glad of ! position. He has almost, since his entry it, and it gave him (Frederic) the privi- i ''Ro public life, Veen known as an active lege ofarguingand negotiating with kings ardent snppoiterof Napoh'on’s inter- on a footing of equality’. In deed, so far from praising Ids anscstors, he admits that most of them were very ba(i characters.— ’1 hat he was not a bigot is proved by the following extract from his instructions :— “Remcmher the following precept tvell, my dear neplifw, and always say’, as I do—Tn my kingdom people pray as they wish, and Jind their salvation as they can."' Further on he says : “We owe justice to our subjects s they owe ns re spect—that is granted ; but it is necessa ry’ to take care that we are not brought under subjection by justice. * * Jus tice is the image of God. Who can,there fore, attain to so high a pt'rfection? Is not man unreasonable w’lien he under takes tlie vain [inject of having full pos session of it ? Bdiidd all the countries in the world, and examine justice is an- mtnistered exacily’ in the same manner in any two kingdoms'” On the question (if policy he says, with refreshing cooliies : “As it has been a- greed among men that to cheat our follow cieatnres is a base and criminal act,it has been necessary to find a word which might modify the idea, and the word policy has been sanctioiud to that end. ests even during the coap d'etat. He has in consequence been liberally rewarded. Jules Brame, the minister of [inhlic iti- strnctioii, represents a Northern District in the Corps Legisiatif, and is remarka- h'e as an ardent Protectionist and advo cate of the rights of labor. In all pro- bability the word was selected only for moil, and was not opposed by the counsel sovereigns, because tiiey cannot with pro- for Col. Kirk. His Honor took till Tuesday next to consider these motions. 'I'lie prisoners were represented by Ex- Governors Graham and Bragg, and Ex- Judges Battle and Alerrimon ; and Gov. Holden and Col. Kirk by .Messrs. Boyden & Bailey, and Blackmer & AIcC’orkle, presenting an array of legal talent seldom engaged in any case in North Caiolina. The whole proceeding was conducted with great dignity, propriiRy and courte sy, both by theCouitand the Counsel.— As to the great piinciple.s of civil libertv involved in the proceeding there was evi dently no difference of opinion between i March 18—tf Cider Mills & Cotton Gins. SEND to AIITCHELL, ALLEN & CO., Newbcni. N. C.. for Circular. 'ulv 29:1m' and that the prisoners had not been de livered in obedience to said writs because ! the opposing Counsel, of an order of Gov. Holden, Commander i * ’ - in chief of the military’ forr.es of the State ' darkey having been sent to Califor- —that Gov. Holden had rescinded said : f'’ 1 r'. 1 I.-- I , , , ii-ancisco: “As soon as dev landed in de order and C ol. Kirk now asked leave to : ribbor dar monU lagan to water to be on priety be called rogues or rascals Though it may be readily confessed His pious friend seated Pat in his pew, and with pious visage and ainstere aspect, . awaited the commencement of the service. that r rederic had kingly vices as well as i o » 1 i a u . 1 • i 1 1- 1 j.i .1- Pat looked about him, and oh kingly virtues, and that Iii.s regal morality - , , , 1 •. • 1 , •'nr thp nnrnnhprntilia was not a whit snjierior to that of theroy al familiC'S of his era, yet it nv no means follows that William, King of Prussia, is at all responsible for the eccentricities of his illustrious relative. 'JTie Prusaia of to-day is not the Pnissi.i of a century ago. the meeting,’ replied the urbane hut se- She lias a grand nn.-sior, to fulfill in the consolidation of the (Jermaii people, and that mission Lmis Naitoleon assails with all the aggressive might lie can command, under the bald pretext that Spain contem plated thej placing of a Holieuzollern on her vacant throne, and that after the can didature of the Prince was withdrawn Prussia would not undertake to control he Ian he could feel the icjitili; wriggling aroiiiid lii.'i leg. He was fairly Latlicd in a cold sweat at lilt* ihonglit that it might fn c itself from lii.s grasp and give him the fatal blow while far away from lii.l]), and fear letii wings to his feet. As he appronclied the barn, where hi.-' wife wa.- at woik, he be came fearful of tilt teriiihle cfli ct it might tiave upon her lo reveal Ins dangerous sinatioii, and lie tlii'iefore slipjicd slyly in • I • • . I at the hack door. Going into one corner Glement Dnvcrnois, tlm minister of; dive.=ted himself of hU clothin'- (he commerce, has htjen recently conspicuous ; b.^,[ q;, |„,„ts on the wav'] drew m b lench journa ism by lins servile snh- , p,,,,, „[• pj, ^ serv.ency to the Emperor, wlio.^cvmws he ,e„.-e of r. h if hurled it vi'.h-ntlv from was regarded as expressing in the Peitple , j,;,,,. [^ h.c rafters ahov;., then E-ancais. lie recently retired horn that .[.e floor and reveal' d to hi. aston- jonrnal._ Many political pamphlets have ; „b) [.iece of n j.e. uhid. he hreii w.nten by hm. in the interests of ,,, ,,.q. j,,,' jq, ' IWeD 1 T TV. • I-but which h'Kl slipped down iito his 1 ni.ee De la Tour D Anvergno is a | ,r,m,er’s leg. 1I.e mov( mtin of wmlking ZTha' f ^ j bad prodneed the wriggling w hit!, had al and has been engaged in the diplomatic fir.H altracK d Ifis attention A knot ou service fi.r about tern years. He was Mm- 1,^. b,.,q nq,taken for the head and ister of bore.gn Affairs m 1869, hntretir- had been holding it a.s with the grasp of ed on the formation of the Ull.v.er cabi-I peath. 11 i.s wife, good soul, wafnerrly d”'' ’""l f a ^'“t' f*’icbten(.l to death', then almost laughed bassador, and is regarded as ule.uified with Pcrsolf to death. Tim story wa,-( too good the Clencal party. ^ jq^^ neighbors wer(f an ' xiously inquiring regarding hi.s recovery Humorous.—An Irishman being invi- from the '‘snakebite.” We have often ted by a deacon to accompany him to b*=urd of persons having ‘snakes in their church, complied with great alacrity hoots, but never in that way befon*. Lafayelte (Ind.J Courier. .'t Ilocfor H'hej iroald no! fake hi.s own Prescription.—T’lie following anecdote is told of Dr. Cabarrus, the great lioiiuepa- thic pliy.dcian who has just died in Paris ; Mille. Julia Birren was out of sorts and sent for him “What is the matter ?” asked the doc tor. “Oh, I hardly know myself,she re plied, “my spirits are terribly unequal.— iSoraetimes I am greatly elated and then I suddenly sink into the deepest melan choly.” After a moment s reflection, Cabairns said gravely : “I am afraid there is but serving none of the paraphernalia belonging to his pe culiar mode of worship, wln.-^pered inquir ingly of the deacon : ‘Is thi.s a heretic church ?’ Be stiil my good man, don’t di.-tnrb vere minister. ‘Faith and P!1 do that same.’ Presently the eld'r commenced his prayer, which so excited the di-acon that he shouted in the fervor of his heart, ‘Glory to Gild !’ Celt The worthy preaclir-rstopped, and look ed around for the cause ol hi-disiurhaiicc. 8pain, at the dictation of France, in the future choice of a sovereign ! j Seeing no one, he hega.i again Fuch are the issues joined by the con- | Suddenly the deacon c.ici out ‘Amen.’ testai.ts on the banks of the Rhine.— | ‘WiR .-e be qui(*t, ye thafi- of the world, Atay the God of B.attles determine the r?- | and not be disturbing the people ?’ giving suit in the ujiholding of Right and the | Rim a dig in the ribs. deliver the prisoners to the Chief Justice ' laud, and as soon'as d- y waded {o'; enlargement ot Liberty. j The minister again stopped, and reqnes- in ob('dieuce to his w’rits. | shore, dey didn’t see any gold, but dey { ' j ^ed some one to remove the profane intru- The Court refused to allow such trans- I ^ nuffin to eat, i The editor of a country paper in Illi- j der. dat der gums cracked Hae baked clay in i nois, who has suffered from the depreda- j Bedad, an I will ’ Suiting the action a brick yard.” j he_collared the offending but one way to cure y’ou. ‘Howld yer whist,’ cried the indignant “What is it 1” she inijni ed 'agerly. ’ “You must get married,” he replied, with a mirthful twinkle of the eye, but still keeping a grave face. “AA ell,” said Alille. Barren after a lit tle hesitation, follow’cd hv’ a lor."'-drawii sigh of “relief, “perhafis you are right, AA ould you marry me ?” “3/a chere," n plied Cabarrus blandly; “the doctor pre.scriheF, but he doesn’t take his own medicines.” fer of jurisdiction, and discharged prisoners. the Take Heed.—I never knew fons of lliievcs, pnnis ll.is paragrapl, : - , |,i ' a man 10 i “The other night we charged a lump of j of the vestibule. Returning with consid- In the case of W. S. Bradshaw, and i • ' ^ a-.o-.v,.- one or two others, the retnrn to the wrii ^ powder. The next morning a ; erahle pride, he addre.^sed the minister : e who worked seven d.ax s m the week.—iS(V 1 stove was blown higher than Mr. Gilroy’.-: ‘There, plaze ver riverence Pve put i nr... I 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 J .• . i i . , ’ ^ . “ . . ' . . . ‘ was that since the service of the writ, nor j Bobert Peel. kir(. \Ye have another lump ch-erged.” ^ the blackguard out, bad cess to him.’ A clergyman once took for his text these words : “The AA’orld. the Flesh and the Devil,” and comraencid liis sermon in this manner: “I shail pa-s over the flesh, touch slightly upon the wmld, and hasten on as fast as I c.in to tlie devil.” AA’oa- '■ ' ■■ hat (he secinpl was \