f ^ I* j' ^ n vtll ^ t rt t r ' a'iyptiiiji o; said niiiendiiiL-iit. j for a v.rit ofImIi-hs r.j.-pur, w'liicli his IJonor had and v.ruug their licar'.s A sligld hnov.it-.ige of AFFIDAMT OF LL'CIAN I{. i*F VV ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -y”* of I'i!* jurisdiction to the extent of enfur-! sat*; the French character is sufficient to enable us to j • ALI>ltL'KV i IIK ..o ^ ll>ll hU Honor ta no jor^klion to p.^ terribleacconnt- j We ,.nl,li.,l, belotv tl.e .ffi.iovi, of Fn.ui tiu' Avw A’crl: 'J in,.;::, Jh-r,. ilOW- NOT TO MA.N'AOF j^OL’TlIlUiX FJ.EfTIOXS. •t I o'lig the prohibitions of tliat section we have .lu , r j i.-j-- x- ’ tlr.t.i.f ...1 . 'PI , i niKdi a charge of imirder and to bind prisoners . cKIDA'i , ,\I (.1 >1 20. If.o I uoubt w),.jte^er. The power to enforce the pro-' over for a trial before the State Courts, that I - ability. Without a speedy and favorable change H. Murray. ..ne of those inentioued in the: 1‘ufhiions inij>osel ujion the tStalesby the Federal I take the respniieibilitv of jiroceeding on this in his fortunes he will certain!'-be deposed and pr.,ct>eilint^s as haviij.r b I' i i *' II AllKAS .CttKPT S (ASKS ^ i;i:- : «overn.nent r^ece.mril, results frt.n, the prohibi-1 ben-h warrant without fear of any conflict of overthrown. ' : beas cori.ns cases b.:f ,r T u ? ; 1 lASC (»F Till- l'Klv(.\FI‘ ' tion.s themselves. (Jther'vise ihev would soon be-: Who will .succeed him in the vacant throne, if. c,-n,’, \ Judge Kr.s.ks on the cur.se of ..I.v. \ r 1 Ill. 1 .vt.,'i.M.ir. . 1„ 11.. rr-.i , hands of the niilitarv and ni the hnnds otthc • “ • mcetu mm in int . p riday last : '‘lau.s ami thoir Xortliorn il... ■' ' ‘ ‘tu eivil authority, and will be dealt with according he is deposed, can not be a matter of doubt, so far it,, , . thou .'iioi.hie i disregard ilu-m tJiw would soon learn to hold j to law. as the Hou.se from which .such siicces.sor will be ^ A-MFitif A. } mmig wh ' the Fciieral goverumeiit in contempt This con-I ^’u"'we have nlain .sailing ; if there be “pro- He wiU undcubtedlv be ,.n.. „,„b„ri., b.v .b. ; “J--*” I'Ti-n.-r, IK .lu- .S.nk ^ ^ la\ the luum.ayon mr another attemi.tcd dts.so-, Xo more need be said abou- the manner in Henry IV, of the House of Orleans—Bourbon. United States, and of tl lution of tbc Union. j which t!ie military 'va.- organized, or a traver.se Wbieli Prince of that Hon.se will be eho.sen mav oHua. residi.ig in the : We have said tl.at we 1 • tint doul.t the juris- j i'.f;|ef^l'Uyd by bis matter of some doubt. It will almo.st cer- fom.ty of Aianmnce in said l elongs to no mil O ; Tlmrsilny la.st at abjut four o'cloek, P. M.. a n iniber of.''tate trooj>s under the conimandof t ' il. Kirk, arrived here on th.e train from t.’oni- pany Slucps, ha'ing in ehaige t'-'enty one citizen t'ris uii rs fri'iii the coutuius of .-Mamance and C i-'vei!. barge number i f «',itir.''nsof thi-and other eouiities bad as.'c:iibled to witness their diction and [xov.-r of tie- l edi-rai .Jiidiciarv to arrival. It is gratifying to us to l.etilde to .state . enfirce the prohibitions . ; tlie F' ileral ('onsti- that. ti: ugb dee]» feeling pervaded the ihror.g, tution upon the Stale-. It is oulv under ibis there sM-re no disorderly deunmstr.atiottt, hut I powi r that the motion ruade before Judge calm self-.'oiiMul ibroiighoiit. The pri-oner-, Brooks on Friday la-t, liy iov. Jrab.im for a Were man bell to the 1 own Hall where a re])ast lieiali warrant agaimt ol. Kirk—to tlie end )iad I'h;u prepartsi for tiiciii by the g»K>fi pcs.ple i that lie might he put under honds to keep tlie of''ali'ieirv Hi- Honor tie btl.e); at wa- riMi dell, ol County ofCieweil was in a -tate c.f insurrect'on. ! [leace and Cease his milaw.bil arrests—can be Jii Ige Brooks, took bis .seat upon i)' look, and amiouiieed tliat be ■ to ].roeed vith the ca.scs. Mr. Boy- if the counsel for Col. Kirk, asked im- lil il.e- 1.1 xt morning at 10 o’cl'iek to prejiare re- tu.'-;;- to the ji veral writ-, ''ropiising that, in ihe iiieiui lime, the jirisimers be j'erinitted to go at maintained. J lie proliibitioii.s upon the .States Pi'.MKux, C. J. : tuiiily be the Count de Paris, grandson and heir ! ()n Satiirdav tlie couns* ' fu tiie State moved *’l Louis Phi!!i[>e, or the ount tie (li.inibord. for bench warrants against .\. 1. Moore, J. T. lineal heir of Hugh ( .ipet, Henry 1\ and -Mitchell, .To.scph B. Fowler, S. P. Hill. F. Lharles X. Of the Count do Chambord we Wiley, Felix Boan, and L. M. Totten, charged, the Count de Paris .seemsto Ids life, r.-.si,led on the affidavit of Cub (ieorge W. Kirk, of he- educated Prin.e, and Is pro- ■ itig guilty of the murder of John W. Siepheiis, ' ^’m'dled. for tbc government of : .and of conspiracy, &e. The counsel for the pris- Fier.ch people as any Prince tliat could be oners resisred the apjdication on the ground of ' i'l all Europe. Put, in tiie event of his ... e.s .ini' op , iii^jLifheieiit evidence, and asked for a tiostpone- j ''tcces-ion, he will cmuc to tlie throne of a second crate .as pr.>!iibitions upon all tiie officers of the ' i i ! ill the bedi-ra! Constitution mu.st necessaril' Iji.stiict ot Xi,u‘lIi (,'uri.iliua. ^ Lucian H. Mur ay beiug duly sworu do- is a cit'zei! of the O' State of Xorth Car- wii (.t (iraliiiui, ill tl.e State; that he e - o. .... ...oitary • rg.uiizatiou ami is in no imun.er suluect to mititarv law. hut that his occupation i.s tiiat of a derk ami sales man 111 a retail .sto e iu said town, of Baso,, A .Sou ; tliat he is a native of am] ha.s. all ill the said cuiiiitv of .Vla- uiaiice, ai.d is now o* ib,e age of uventy-sev- eii yciirs. That on the d7th of July bust, be ing i’.ifonned that a guard of soldiers iVoni the ciinip of G. \V. Kirk, at Com].an v -hops. had been to his place of onsiness . aiiest this iiliiant. wliil tlie \\ ise Mall i.s ver ri.-d in some e.vtreire Sontlo'fn tudiii- is : i.. liigb bray a toid in a mortiir ii- it with a iiestle. v. t will n -t Iii.s 1 I'e class of I'll i-.vp.r! - Vc.b'i:! '.Ver ■ foidishliess (b'p;iia from him." whom We speak learn iiothing tV.. ence. 'I'lio fiet tli:;t Gov. H..!,! ])roeeed!iigs have tnuist'erred .Xorth (-'.irolina to the Hemi-enii-y teiudies tlieiu m. h-ssoii. They ini.aglne that the p..,,f p., entitles tin in to ]dav ih soioie Tr’elis v nutiiTy : and rJut if til..;,- ride i.iw ;in.l oipr;,^.. juvt'e,. )... ,d'i.ii! the. h ave l)':t to appeU obtain ;,11 the sup. assume tluit E.'.lera whenever T' ■, ,.] that, if t. 1>,,T **iie-;t ' ongri' ‘V- h a’e will ■'t.He-, wlio e.xerid.'fc e an_v portion of their sover- eig'ii ['ower. .iiid ii su di oliieirs, ;n their offi- eia! caji.'icity, attempt to enforce ;iuv .St.ite law, the en.'()reement of wliieli is pr.obiidle.l, or to wj "deprive citizen.s of life, lil.erty or propertv stalc'i tb it tiiotigh the t. ti i:iy- allowed by the i wilbo it dii j process of biw."’ — cn.di as the recent ment of the matter till Mon b;v. Ci.if.f Justice ; power, but still a power second only to that Pears.m accordi.igly postponed the matter tij] | Germany. Moll.lav. ! m " ;is absent c B o-reiroiii, he Went to tiie siiid Camp and it.-d him irgeii ,i larce on their o"ii receoiiiz.incts. Hi- Ho Robert Roan, J.ilin Kerr, J. C. Griffiili, A'an- cy Jones, G. A'aiicey, Peter H. Wilii.amson, selt to one B. \\ 1-ie'jfenai.t Coli.nei nnder i Command of a regiment v, 1 -S-ate tr ops,’ that s.tid 15,:r. We are ill receipt of a communication I'rnm a ordered this aliiiun to 1.. TIIE .SEXATOR?IIIP. il.iv r. t irn- had daps, d -i-.l to .tel ii.i-til;. ai.d ''..••ibi g 111- Ilolio! .lis t i-.sUetl a.iditi 'V1,.. .i .'ii-d ' .III lal .the!' Irl'ts' wri new !• l.i'v for making il..v r. t irn- had daps, d -.ei h "r.- i.ot lb-p. tne ’.a one- writ' ; ,r a loimner ..f a arr. '! -il.ee tii is-;, ' Ill 1 ■ ’ll I nut at ’• n Old. . k on 1 ri lay li g. ‘ mo'.i'.n ol .Mr. Bia' i.nier. Mar i 1 'inl.i.v. 1r L. \ ii.gto’i,as ;i-o:ii;i( .1 I be.- as an miorm y and coin.-eil.ir ii. ll.e lourt. \\ e .-.I .. oii-.r'.ad tlie loll. inn nivmoeis of the bar i;. .ttf. ndan -e, bt.-id'.s, t!..- iniUisel in the c,a-e: Z. B Vane.-, .M. Cb nr Jo.-. II. Wil- s' Ii. ken Cr.aine. 11. ( . Joi.es, i r.tnk C. Bob bin-,. P. .M. .'illi.-on, ( iiarh.s .M. .St‘-.'.dnnin, .las. A. tiiid.iiii!. B. V. .M aVdeii, \Viii. J. Montgoni- erv, 1 . 1.. tsl.ober, W. M. Ib.bbii.s, Paul Means, inorn- a-.:, 'I r military arrests and d^t-ii.'ions—we b.-lieve I e.leial Jinl.ge may arrest iheui an.l j.iit ‘ben ' Merrim under bonds t i respect and t.bev tin- ( tional J.r*lbiol11 o 11 s of to., i-.-.l.r .] ^.>\'i*riiijient in t.'iat regard. (\'e btii-ve ih it he may even ar.'est and jiiit iind.'r boi. i- tl,... ij.jvi.Tnor of a State. When Covernor Gra’iam, ir, tb.;- conr.-e of; B. (iraves, B. Bo've, and J. M. Neal were , gimtlcman of clairr. tf.r, in a co’intv remote fr. disci.arged for want of evidence. . thi,..^ rccomrucr.ding (, , M.'.tt. W. B.vn-som On Monday tiie ol.jeetions urged by Judge : as a suitable per.son t., ..neceed Gen. A" n-'itu- ! ‘''b'!>iii-t the .sufficiency of tlieaffi.bivit ! t]ie United .Slates .Sen;.o. Of tlie man- ' on 'vliieli the bench warranis were granted was ami delilllie'd !U Salo c.im; an Iudge Brooks: .e provi-ioiis of the Biit..ii Critiee, Benton Wili; i o liii S. Hen- arg'iuii nt '.vhieli he uni.ie be!'.re on last Friday—sj'.-aki.’.gel first section 1.1 tile 1 Uli anieiebiieiu—said, “Fu- . t' r • generations of .\.uierie.,n eiiizens will liave ' c.iUec to be tliaiiklul leU' these liciieli'.'eiit provi- - siuiis of the i ederal Constitmioii," it foreiblv ' c.d.ed to mind the eeleorutetl .'juotalioii !rnin the i 1 i-.-th I salin: 1 he y:hi/-h tJy. hutt/Iet's reftLsed^ N becuiae the Icuid stone of the corner." i liot. n; ge:i tie- sure to fee^ ill Quite a num ber of naiii-e.s have already been inentii.neii piili- inlay and • ij,.;.].,-in eonneelion v,-i;h the position, ’ "r-t in. Tuesday. ^ Their l.-iniony is reported at length i order was that of C..v. V ill ib.e B.deigh ji.aper.s, luit is entirely too long I of t - ... for o’.ir eolnmns. Xothing 'vas elicited again.-'. J I ■ s"s" ............T ,5..,....^., ..... nien "diom it wouM .i’-^ as pie withd.T-av. n, and the prGiniinary examination of the .'Senate Gen. Ban. om ! one. Wiley commence.1. Lr. Koane and several otli er wilnc-sses '.vere e.xaniiin d 'Vlio ckiililed to ivirk. in the . !i bey e.ilb .1 :en imiiiediattdy JOit lllnler glia tl il.S il Plis' u.-i'.— night • s'",..! '. iii.d ask- tlie pnst.iier on Monday and Tticsilav bevoud a single cirenmst;i!ice, wliiili, iineonneeted witli oilier eircninstiiiK'es, proves nothing. The cir cumstance jiroved is, tiiat about 4 o’clock in the w;.: .■|•rn:’.l n, i.iiiiiam, flov. ("i,''van ami Bobir: •■ nee. J hen came tlios-e Hon. Bedf I'd Bv'wn. BlMgg ]; Jf ."'.i-ange. .\m,',ng .-dl of TA. IS affiant was V 1 » iai'i'-i iu a tent wit; (i‘ !. er pi-i .siiu.s al o ■ s.ii.i f.s ; ami in the MIC ri-i'diug. nhi.iit i o'ci.'l'it. .\. vjtj,, liIirLlT'ii caijit* to 1 a* etit. W.i :i a I'auiih add rV'sed 1 :.Ts alii: i' 1. " hii W s ;.'-\‘;ike ing . --Is t'';aT '■ .11. M itrra' J” to whlei; r 10;. lied. ••Vi'S." Z 'a id Burge:, iheii I't'',: his own lei.t ;r ■:...iTly n.Aer'.' a' d.s hac A wit’.i. u; a A.; : and '(.uciieil tills 1 lip. .11 h.s left, and il 1 :i l.iw I.l I.l- ,.f Vo’.. lie'' ed niui "to g.'t ]] -' ’ t!) e 11 * j 11 * r t ‘ oV •nge.t. \\ .I'U'.'.ig- ri to p.irt they I'eij'iire. T ,. v tro.ijis ai'i' av libib'e iiooM," to e.ill f.,r I:e';i, and imt eiiua! T.i ti eras'..n. np.set i's ,.\v,i W'-' k'. d.. v:.;- lence to the rigiits ,,f sov.-reign .^r.i-. s. aiid lost I'e elni'.s as a p eto.vt f r n.i'i'arv einnii'!it. It must b.-admitted !::it fu' e\t ii'.'igaUT assiiiipol.'US T'Mi m'le:! je.st iti.-.i- ti"ii has li....!' nil' 'I!;,. dXpnteh ,,f tro.ips to (?.) (t'o. . lloblen's li'.i.! • Ceilellt Hot I.'ss Hi'-.'h i.-v I ms !;i it- t than tn,' ev.T l•.•em!■:n thr. al "f iio.- "■ .n-h t.,e e.vtr.'::; st-i,. ,.i.g: .-ss ;. " li'-nev .'f I;i: ,1 PC.: I v aroi/.-.l a Sta’ g. ,v- io-se these we lb) not find tiie nan tleiiian that woiil.] rot do honor to the .State, if sent to the .Senate, or "’ho is not emir.entlv ,..,r- ^Ve will not at this s liopio iip’pai'e 'd.il. ••Voiy O', di. e, ’i'. e sail! B .i-i'ii a: t tlT'e.l tili'lll l.i;.g." .w..;,.,l He ti.. ll. it 1; (ia’. v\ i; It'-v’- T i- I i ' !>' ’ i. i;-. ,‘IN .» • Gt' I t* i'; a I'?: -'*. Iij i-i ft :y t.i I* f IIT lIitTS 'iTrar > -To.t •A' i- • .1 (1 t’ {y evening, while Mr. Brown was speaking, the | thy of a .sc.at in that bodv. iley, Weill to Mr. .Stevens, ton ed him with his iaind atid said, “let’s go down.” | I am F. Kerr, Balp'h Horrell, J.inies 1 . Morehead, .Jr., I i.l. John .V. Gilmer and Goi J d.ii M. I.' -i g. For the proi IIABL.V.S LCiUPUS PKOCEEDIXGS BA LFKill. air- ■n i'riilav the re'eb. r i- l.'ie r. port on o'lr tii-t page, which III' re eb- irlv, tluit j a- of Mr. Turner, i r.'icrreil t' V.o h. re'.y e,iireet hv statin; ill all the eases except ih I'.-VLi I llVt 1'KI'.'KTMENT, •State uf N'outii L.tkoJ.ix.v, ILihigh, August lo, l.sTO. 1 tiLf liull, ll. .1/. CliiiJ Jnrln;' St'jtrnnc Court of N. C.: ng.ainst whom it "as ;i,lmitt.-1 that tlu-re Wiis no ■ ed\inon nii”\iv 'tl!"' ' , , , 1 , ; u upon me hy the .Mar.sJial ot the Supreme legal evnl.-nee, and W . S. Brad-haw. and I'vo o^ j (.oiirt, in tlie matter of Ad..lplius (B Moore and threc otln r-, 'vho batl heeii di-eliarged before - other', cu parte, I stated to your Honor that at the SI rvii e Ilf tlie writ-s, and tho-.' 'vlio "ere de- ; ‘bat tiiiie tiie piiblie inte.''est lorbade me to per- Jiver. d !o .Judge Pearson at Raleigh, the couii- ! noiair the'-M iV '"t , ,, , 1 , ■ , , . , ^^unor tin. .said iiariies; ;it the stinie time i a.s- sel lor ( '.!. Kirk xsked time to jiroduee the evi- j snred yoiir Honor that as .soon as the .safety of deuce, wbieli Col. Kirk claimed to have against | Jie* .State siiouid ju.siify it, 1 would eliecrfiillv it.e prisoners, and wliicii re'juest bin Honor re- ‘^Lil power ami cause the said par- U'U m'.'.l tilelii l.u.g." ile t...-:: to -n fiaiit to b:s o\'.l; tint wla.-re tloie were ti.:ie ot his men .".rmed wi:''i pisto's, tlie s.iid prisoner, .Mr. M ik-y, went to Mr. .Stevens, touch- | time expre.^s a pref-i-mce for any candidate, but fell iiim'* all about the 1i!!;.gi ng' i f 'wyati _ I we think the >'l;oieesliould be lu ide from anniing Guilaw.’’ This iilbaut I'epli. ,i that lie ■ w I r 1C two, aecordmg to the evidence of W . H. | [Poce who are eligiMe—those muhiug abmn it. ;iud th.-it b .hi n,,t ! 1 .Stevens, and a colored imin, went down stairs j l.^ve been removed by j together, and about two minutes tliereaftcr were I . I followed by two oilier men, named Fowler and | COXEESSIOX OF Dm JOHN zl. MOORE. 1 j Ilubbard. This is merely a eirc'uinstanee " liicli, j C ; by itself, proves nothing at alb Whether the 1 ‘be information of the J I State will .succeed in connecting it with other ; J'>bn A. Omlaw banged by one .Vd.ejdnis .M...,;e.— \ eireumstiinces so as to form a cliaiii of evidence i **“■’ f*-’biting to l;is connection with, and the I'liis iifii.int lepln il, it ■.' as false, t'lat he that will fasten conviction upon the mind re- ^“'iduct of, tlie A lute B.’'otlierbood. Of course t. e. ■: i.i t: •g a'.j 1.' bosc wlmsc disabilities “"'biug abmit it. and tli.-it i. Congres.s. ti t »\\* i that IJutbiiV bad been hai.ge.i lill ;ifter siiii , rise the iimriiii.g after it w;i.sdi.iie. 'I’heSiiid Buigeli replied, “It is a .hiauieii lie. J tlO'.V th.it you d","’ .HU 1 jii'iiceeded to s.iv tlia-. tlie; i. Was all allidavit lih-d in liis olliee agaii.st this t.:-' Kukiux I. .ipj*' ar. : ag-'S m itiply a: a la:. ■‘.g'lialioU e.aii expl.ai".. t>■. 1 ,g.'!,ei. til.' \N",- P pliia l.a'v 'll!’ \v: iei ( If ibis ■ 0 ( e a l.'.'-li tl: : r' are wiili- ut a rival iu ;li,,t iiu paper business. Andiiiev ar*' 'f. skill. 'I'liey \'.''iui.i ii.iv.. us 111];.' cb-r'.-at ill X..i'th t'ar.diiri iii'gi.i iuive prevented bad llieiv b.-eu liii'ie bavoiii fiise-l on the ground that they had already had s'llii. ii'iit time. \\ nil llieilisehargc of these prisoners we lioiie and Ij. li. Ve that these unlawful military arrests and detentions will cease. .Since the foundalii 11 tie.s to be broiiglii before yon together with the cause ot their capture ami detention. I hat time has arrived, ami 1 have ordered ( ol. (leo. \\ . Kirk to (diey tlie w rits of hal)eix mains to be .seen. I*. ‘S.—Just as we are going to iires.s've learn that Judge Pearson has relea.sed ?.Ir. Wilev. TIIE .SITUATION IX EUROPE. knew ii.iiuiug a rope ar.iuud said, ' otlier.s o ibont it—till' saM Bnrgeii "lut Commencing on the I4tli Inst., there ha.s been a scries of engagements between the armi.j.s ofi bav it w ill not do for ns to say that we believe the Dr’s, statement: fur to believe siieli asiatenient, tl'.ongh it were made by one wlio ro.se from the dead, or by an .\ngel from He.iven, D, in tliec.=- timation of .some, le become a radie d. .Still we cannot help .s.aying '.luat we have been acquaint- "'ith the three a'.'un d ed with Dr. Moore tor rive or .si.x vears—that we *‘“J "f the roiu-. till' i.i'ca ot tills a lliai.t an. the ba.lot-box ; and thf-v lirsi'i.b' e iu other States as to siigg.'st tlu' n.-c for iiii.itary a;qiear.ii.r.-s to make sui.' . jiiildieaii Viciorii's. J io-v a.'k us t. il '. ot [irisoiiers and witnesses is eoii'iderable, I . , . , , woiild .suggest to your Honor that it woiilil he Ol (Ik goveriiiiieiit no similar speelaele has evir j more convenient to make return to the writ, at been lue-iited to the view of the people of XiTtli !‘be (.'apiiol in Raleigh. Col. Kirk is prepared t'..roliiia, and, it is to be hoiied,iieVi r w ill beagain. I tt soon as soon as voiir I lie hu t that the pcojile have submitted i[iiietly " ' ami peai e ibly to the depredations and lawless ai- ri -1 mid deteiiiion of so many of the most rc- sj'ie'able eitizeus of the State by a ragmuffiii s.,! ,1. ry. sboulil forever dispel the charges of kiw lessiiess preferred against them as a people, i'l.e [leojile are tired of war ;iml long for peace. \V V. \i;»vv not ii NVoi;*\ to miv in ju:stirn:vlion of it till tliey Were hung up. and they could tlieii tell all about it, and you iniist do the same.” He then took tins affiant to a tree. nieo afor“? ;iid, tbre'v still on ti.Is tiliiaiit’s neck, over -i branch of the tree, and having already til d this a!lian!’.s arii.s in them.-iu- , , , „. . . I . . , ner u.sual with criminals about to be execii- was doubtful, from the conflicting telegraphic | .statements a-; soon as we would believe ted, he, the “ ■ ’ ' ’ ‘ r Patten and B 'gers (alluding to two fills juis ners.) knew nothing about more upon the bullet and ie-.'S iq on tiie bal lot. Fr.iiii tliis teaciiii.g been rescued by tlie g,. of the b) ba'.ijuly al J>egis!atu!.'. iuilois. ii am] pei 1 aided bv .-\ttornev (1. always regarded him .as a man of iiulh the Etiropc.an beligerent.s. I'-'or several davs it i kiul honesty, and tliat we would believe his ‘ iTius 01 naoeax I — tea, lie, tnesaid B'lrgmi. drew the rojie and corpus issued l.y your Honor. .As the number repo"bich party was vietorions. But all j‘be .sworn statement.' of most other men.—! swung tliis alliant up by tlie neck. .Vft iini. for a short time, be was let doubts have at length been dispelled. Th.at the ' Dr. Moore h.as been a Con.servative nn-'.aiber of .«n.spc lldiiig Prussians have brilliantly executed a plan con- | Jbe Legislature since lfij-5, and wa.s the Conser- down, the said Buigen asked liiiu if he would that coi.ibct with right, lii Texas, iie.i-ev ceived bv splendid nrlitary genius, and gained vative candidate for tire .Senate from Guilford .ben, tiiis ailmnt replied, tliat ne ever, tln r.'is a CToveruor w:io desiies to iu a .series brilliant victoric.s is now certain.- and Alamance at the late election. i cotif.-.ss The said Prnrgen hate Mr. Holden _ IJ.- wauls a_ litre .'tami the liiurdereis of Outlaw- ami .Sieveii.s, wlioever tin y may he, nor of any secret iiolitical orguni- z.ition wluitever. But none of these things at all alii'i t the great principles of civil liheriy iii- \'dvi-ii ill the recent ])roceedings. The eai.se of a guiby man may sometimes become the cause i )i every good citizen and every friend of civil I liberty in the.'^tatc. We do not know that tlicre is a I'anii le of evidence against any of the pri - oners that luive been unlawfully arrested and iiet:iined by Kirk ami Biirgen. .Ag.'iiiist a nmii- I'l r of till III it is .admitted that there is n.ine a: alb Blit il lli.rt* be snlliiai'iit ('vl'leuci* to justifv the arr. st and i xaniinatioii of iheiii. let tlicm iio'v be arrested on a ; i'. ii "■.irraiit titid ui dergo an examlmitioii before a cii il iii.tgistrate. Tii this no go.,d l iii/in, not evi n tl..- areUscii i.ar- ti.'s tlu ni'i!'i-.s, w ill I 'ject. all good eiti/.en.s disire. With great respect, Tour ob’t serv.ant. ^V. W. Ho I.l I ex, Goecnior. KEPI.Y of chief JV.'sTIcE rE.\RS0X. I'.M.Eti It, .\iigiist IS, 1S70. To ITix r'.rrellcnci/ Cor. Uold' o .- tsjii; . \i.m coiiiiiintiii'inioii of tliel-'jlli iiist., 'vas handed to me bv Mr. Xeatherv. I The Frenc h have abandone d Chalons, ami, enca sing the Marne, have so posted them.selvcs as to ‘'uy.s: I joiiiid an orztiuizalion known prevent, if possible, the pas.sage of that river bv 'on.pany .Slmj ‘b the Pnissinn army. They have nnacle a .series ol continued retreats that would be sufficient to paralyze the energies and dampen the .spirits of the be.st army in tlie world. The Prussian.s, if they intend to pre.ss cm to Paris, as tliey proba- biy do, will, ol c'onr.se flank the jiositiotis occu- j , , -r I • : and bis men, ator.-said. tboii lu-e.seiited tlie r John A. .1/ew'i, l.eiiig duly sworn, deno.ses and pist.ds at this alliant'.s bn-ts! aud thfeatm ed as the ; 1,;^ out if In- did not confess, tome- -pi,is alli.int still r.T'ising to make t!:e admis sion demand d, the said Burg.'n seized the rope and again hoi.'ted this aiiiaiit fr-mi the ground, more roiighlv than b fore, and sn.s- time ill tlie_ Spring i.f lyG'J. The ordigatioiis were adiiiiuisiereii to me near iny hoii.sc about 0 o’cloc'k in the niglit. Tlie obligations wero ad ministered uartly by . iticre Were pres ent , , ai,'! otliors wlio ate not rt- niembercd. I was rciinested on the night in wliich I joined to alrcu't v r.,teling ofti.e l-H.-m n pine tliielvct on a certaiu night, at which peiui.ng litii! .oi.gti-r. npi.ii biii.g let cb.wn this atlianf was unable to .sji. ak lor Some time. '1 he sani Burgeu tlo u .s d.l. • 11..w c'oiif.'ss that you saw Mo .re.” Ailiatit n - tions. X dispatch to tie- G .1 — a sta lu'li I'nioii ti.ei-t—-bi storv : A r ST IN', Aug iiiin.'d that if i.i O'llt p.'is big ti.e iii'.m.ii’.'r T'. 1.1 aI.i.(aiii. ri at.'lv e.ll! ail e'.tt.l sess-- B. —-11 OV. Da ■ ’ I.' gi -la* Mt'i' a - P). ■■.;.rbir ... - iiist., 'vas liamled to me bv Mr. Xeatherv j : biy do, will, ol eour.se flank the jio.siuutis occu- ‘u pine tliu'ket on acertaiu night, at which coiif.'ss that you saw Mo.re.” Ailiatit n- diat.ly e.il! an e-.t; i It w ill he in the Supreme Court Boom at 10 o’clock : 1'*'-'^ French on the b.ank.s of the Marne, ! ^ w'cr.ild be fui tli'T a linittecl iiiio the .se- plied. In- could not do it, s.iid Biirg.-u repbed. fus".i. !..■ w'.il t epori to t!:e F.-.b : A, M. iiist., to receive the return by C,d. Kirk i ami compel another retrograde movement bv I L'-''’: ^ “yu minst acknowledge it or die.” ami sai.l men: that tb- ."taH- is biwl.-ss. of the bodies ol A. G. Moore, and the Olliers (in i X-inoleon ' , ''“‘J J*” y'-‘‘ .le place ol to one ot lus uieii, ‘•.''^ergeant hang him uji powerl-s'. ami a.-k tliat tbeS'a;.' 'vhose behalf writs of/aiit'cs fonHi.-s liave hereto-i uicc.iug^ur.til ilic} w i.c I'uaking iii'. 1 never to that tri'c aud let him hang till .S o’clock ded to m"i; ry rule, tiiat be 1,.. cor I) (Li lore liecii issued by iiiei together with the cause 1 of their arrest and detention. Reel iviiig the reniirii afiir the clelav fowlncli you allude, of several weeks. K not to he taken as eoneurriiig on my i.art in the nece.ssity for ilic' delay, or as .assiiniing any ]iorii(iii of tlie re- sponsibility in rc'gard to it. The entire respon sibility re'sted on ymi. I was unwilbngto plunge' the State into a (-ivil war n|ion a mere question of time. With great re.spect, T our ob'l servant, B. M. PEAimoN, Ch. J. S. C. 1 On Thursday, of last week. F. A. Wiley and ! tervention will he luierposcd to that end in a few , otlic r- 'vere brought before t hief Justice Pear- j J'’.’’'' “‘id that it 'vill prove sucee.s.sful i ' son rn tic.- writs of h(d,ea.^ cnrvux. referred to in \ ‘"-s “-'Otit a c'cssation of hostilities, at least. To ti.s it seeni.s that the war must be near its cud. That the great po'vers will consent to the dismemberment of France is not for a moment to he supposed. Tliis beingtheca.se Prussia has nothing further to fight for, and I'Tance is not in a condition to fight longer. F’rance is even now, it is .said, soliciting tiie intervention of alti'iideil anv other lai etiags or iiad anvtiiing t'l do with the councils or proeecdings of the Klan. I know noiliiiig of liie iiidiviiliials who hung Outlaw or those w ho have eomniitted tlie oilier outrages in Alamauec. 1 know liiis much in , regiird to the attempt to assassinate Senator, Siioffner. On the bill day of .lanuarv, 1670, I liapj.eiied in the town of Craham. ^Vhileihcre Jtid.'cd, it is wh.'i! ',ea.^ cnrpux, the a’.ove eorrcsp.omhnce. L. P. Olds, Esq., appeared for tiie State aud Messrs. K. P. Battle. K. IF I'atlle, and .'lessrs. \\ ;itt ami Wiu.ston fur .Tol’.ii F. Boyd, i'-.si]., c.iiiie to me an.l told me Great Britain, and .several Continent.al powers, I that he had ju.-t lieeii informed that tlie KuK lux for the purjiose of bringing about a speedv ' iuteded to kill Slioliiar on that night, and that ‘ peace. And it is quite probable that their in- i’w Vu VV’'"'m to If. 1 tnlil luni liLif 1 uoii'a do ap.viiiinLr in rnv power to ]irivdu it; for in mv i.jiiiiion sneli pro-.'eeclings woiibl lu'itig ruin aa.i .lesi.l.-ition iqi- the cTiiiUtv. \Ve a!' ) leirued that the band 111 1 rirg- iii the iiiotiiiig. then cut liiui down aud bu ry him under tliein e.” After other c.nver- satioii and thre;its of killing this aliiaiit. the .said Bargeii sai.l t'' tb.s alliaul, -'I will now give you until to-iuorio-.v-iiigiit, and it vou doll', coiiless then, [ will kill you d.-.i'i.’’— •Aliiai.t reidied. have ii'itlTiig t. 11. el 1 t.1 :\ e: 1 b ' e! being i'l..i:ge.i ii.ad I (■■.■'in I'd. 1 .bvi.Ved it. I. never Co'.lf.'Ss. f .r I ’’ Thi-' atiian.t was 1‘. Tlu ore limy Le some delay in arningiiig the | lireliminaries of a [leace, owing to the extrava THE sj.ix-j; wnn it 'IHE 111 lEliF.U.s nEFI sKO, IS UECOMI: THE HEAD sToXE oF THE (OK XI It." the lui.-oner-'. Pi. H. Battle. Esq., on luhalfc.f ih. sidimiited the Kdlowiiig motion: defence gant demands of the King of Pru.s.sia. Tlie.se ! demanu.s arc stated a.s follows: “Fir.st, that King ' \\ i.liani he det lared Emperor of Gerrnanv ; sec- It will be ri'inenibiered by all liird when the i the CoUs-rv;r,l',omtor- im.l .sof ilu-.•si-ii., ours ani.'Ug the uumb. r, F. .(ill al—be r-.-m.-m- IcTed tiia:, atli I I lie d j' ii: a! i. \ tag • lau-*', the first SeCli. Il '.V.is tile ebji'.-t . ;t the - .'li'll. 'e. :.o;i, it w.!-;:", Hon. li. M I'e.\i,'sox, ( hief ,J Usiic'e, XC. In t i..,' matter of tic- s,. 1 I ond, that the province of zVlsace, together with At Ciiambcr.s, i >I‘e city of ."itrasbourg, be given to the Grant! Aug. 16. F'^70. j Dutchy of Baden ; third, that Bavaria receive a 1 1th ameti.lm,an wa- uml. reonsideration in tliis i ‘U;’ "‘“’“ J- 'V;* V “f .John I Ml monetary comsid-'ration of her .service.' ami State with whit vehetiictue i; was oiuiosed l>v I .VT'^ 7^-Loati, Robert Boan. . , , ' • *'■ '' ***’,' » ui'H* oliKT'^, it-r \s j*it ei hdhctis f'or- ;e.'-'. your Honor liaving-^latcd in ibo oitiiihms iiieii in tlu'.-eVei'al e.'i-i s ..earing date .Vugu.-I d.l, 1 7', lha: vo-.r pe-ver was i xlmii.-tod, am'i ' the said p-'t! 11.'m rs in (■• .nse(imnee tliercof, i ,• • ■ r-, . deeming them-. Ives witii.Ku rcim dy from tlie ; '-'‘■eut Brittain and Germany is all • I ulie,;irv lit the .'si'tte. liaving (ditniu. .1 writs of! '’’U universal, and we can readily believe it.—- ;al I/(.//)"t.i'(—7.10. ti-.'iu H..U 1; M’. Brooks, .Judge ! Germany can not but be proud of the genius r t J I h'it l‘lu( 1 • Gi rt of t lit- 1 llilcd fnr f Iu* ! .... 1 1 -1 .. Z. - ... l • r . i t r [. \T ^ col llolicn- it the Ger- exi'en-scs in the war ; fourth, tliat Napoleon III be depo.seil, and tliat an Orleans Prince be placed upon tlie tbroiio of France.” It is said that the feeling i.a fav.or of tlic.se .llafg ed iIk- aln I Iv 'iver'g:ie,v;i '...W' ' I>i ill t Ui gov.-riimeut ;.s i- alnmst . x.ittguis’i St.ite rights ; ” >itn.u t ..art of the F,died States mr the 1 valor a.ul statesmanship of the Ho,isc allo-elher 'J h i’ 'ce'i ,n p.mlv d e'-in-^ ‘ ■” -'"rlh ( aro ir,-,. returtiable helorc 1 ,, » i • • , , . 1 V ; 1 • 77 1 !>uu“tBliand'er- in S ili l.arv this dav.asa.uii--L’id it is quite natural that are eiiE.i iis ot t.n . ..i.c'. ■' t. u im;>o,e.m!....,tion- s^.j 1]^. |,iis,.iKrs. ami on iadmlf of (,nr ; peoi'Ie should anxiotislv clesii as.soeiate ( .mils' 1. we r. sp.'.-tful ly ask leavi the sai.l pri-oiiers resi'cetix Eesire a great for j German nationality that would be able to dic- lid I. tub.i - -.o ! v' 1 i ■ *7’" 1 Furoiie. To declare Fing Wil- s.iul pi t.t.oiis, .imi we do lur-bv ai.aiidoii fur-, r' r n . tiler proceedings under the 'vrits, in their sever-' Lmperor of all Germany, with tlie dignity a! ea-es. M’m. H. Batti.e A- Sux?. ! heredit.ary in bis family, under whatever restric- ( oiinsel for Pciitioiicr.s. j lion, would be to cstnldish the unification and I he ea.so was then adjtmrned till Iriday, the j niitu'uality of Gennanv, under the sovereignty lent, witli.mt ih- a.l.q.th.n of t),- Idih j prisoner Wiley being remamled to the custody j of tho ablest family that ha.s worn a crown .since eiit. To iimii tl„- ,.ow, r I r the M ite j (.>f the civil law. | ,|,e d.-iys of tlm Il'ohenstaufeus. The feeling in •al prohibitions tip.ui the St.He-, cou-iderablv ab.idgiiig their sovereign [. .w.-r'. 1 n.br these enlargements of Federal and abridgment of .'state pow' rs ni.any Lelievi'd tli.if, without any violent or forced eonstnicti. n, the wh(de ii'iestieiii of s'gtliage' was left in the conir.d of the Fedenl povermiient. witliout i! ainerclni gove-ruuK’Hls oViT ‘.Pie eili/.e'iis e.t tlu* Stales, in matters having no (ounectioii with tlu Federal government, by eiin,g 111 Yesterday morning the ease wa.s resumed ami j England is to be a-seribed to the fact that the ( liiof Justice 1 e.arson .allowed the application | Grown Prince of Pru.ssia, the heir apparent of an auiemliiieiit to the Federal ■ for the with lraw-a! of tbc writs. ! of King -\Villiam, is married to the clde.st oustitiuion, was tlioiiglit by many to be per-I The .\tlorney t Jeneral then rene'vod his mo-| daiigbtcr of (^iieen Victoria. All feclly monstrous. Many able and patriolie men. 1 tion to go into :in examination of the testimony w liose ideas of government lia.l been formed in ; a .aiiist the prisoners on the charge of the homi- ihe old Slate Bights .-ehool of polities,'vere pn'- ! eide of John W. Stevens. ]>are(!. upon the adoption of the 14th .Vniend-' Hi-nt. to bid a final and everhesling adieu to civil liberty iu tliis eoumry. But a great change ha.scome over the .spirit of their dreams. They have lived to learn that the moit galling despotism to which a people can be .su'ojected may be inflietetl bv a State government. They have lived to invoke the very Federal power they so much dreaded to deliver them frorji oppressions which thev little dreamed they would ever encounter at the Iiands of any State government. They have lived to learn that the Federal government mav he as much the protector of the libyriicA of the people as the St.ite governments. They have lived too, to apprcciatethemaxini of Alexander Hamilton, proclaimed in the first number of the F'ederalist, that “the vigor of government is ne cessary for the preservation of liberty.” These reflections have been called forth hv the recer.* habeas corpus proceetlings before His Honor, Jud^c-Brook.s, of the U. R. DLstrict (’oiirt. His Honor's jurisdiction in the cases can only be deduced from the fimt section of the 14;h amendment, and the Aetof Congressof the • b of Fi bruary, 1867, evidently p,as8ed in con Chief J u.stice Pearson read his decision a.s fol- .‘^TATE OF North ('akot.ixa At CH.'Mrj:K.s. Aug. R), 1670. State rs. I-'. A. Wieey. The motion on the p:irt of the jirisoner to en ter a nolle prosequi, £?,- yetra.rrt, is allowed. The proceeding h.xs taken a turn for w-hicli mv ex perience and the lab(jr 'pt the learned counsel furnish no precedent. 1. UjMzn a "common sense” view of the ques- Von, I can see no rea.son wliy the prisoner, if .so advi.sed. should not be allo'ved to withdraw his applitxitioii. 'Z. Tlie Attorney (ieneral, anticipating the course that w tdiM be taken on the part of the prisoner, lias apjiiied for and obtained .a bench 'variant. This iiiis oflbill collateral (]nestions an] reduces the matt'zr to this. If jirobnble cause can lie made out .on the part of the 8tate. 1 shall commit the prisoner for trial in the due course of law ; if probable eaii.se be not .shown, I shall discharge him. I hope it is not necessary, but from w hat I see in the newspapers, I think proper to say, “I en ter upon this investigation of the question of ‘probable cause’ with a single eye to truth and justice.” 3. It was said by Mr. Battle of counsel for tiie prisoner, that upon information I was obliged the other smaller prineiiialities and powers of Enropccan easily be brought to acquiesce in almost any terni.s. But what will Kus,sia say to the .ieniaiids : of King VVilliam? Is .she prepared to submit to } the establishment of an Empire by her side that wIki w(.ro to do Tils died, \\\ro (•chiiiicr b of Gilbrctli’s bri'E"''. na l it was tin n agrce l be tween Mr. Bnyd ar.fl n.V'i.ii licit I siii.i'.tld t:ikc iiiv horse and go that t.’enl—meet tbe jiartic.s on their 'vay, atid iHi tl.cni Mr. Sin Jhier was not ■ at home, hat .'ib=ent in Greensboro’. I did take ' niy i'.orse and ri le fuiirtc-en miles ili.it tiight and ' met the jiarlios n bine, a littli after ;1.' .t. j They w-cre on their ' I ioid tlietii that Mr. J Shoffner was in (ii'i-i ...-bori;’, and fortlier that -Mrs. .‘slK'tiiu r-was lioarly e.xpeetir.g to lie e. n- fined in labor, and I ^.'■gge'.i tlieiii n-t to -o luiv fiirtlier. 1 snecec(’ .! in slnjq.ing tl.', i,i a;.,! q,, v all (lisbatided and 'iV'.-ii! in iliilereiu diri.eiions. One of theiMTsons "-''O "'as in the gang rt ni;ii k- ed t'l ni- wliilst standing in the bine that Ine bad rid'b'i! forty miles to take ;i j.-nt in in... rii.l. and sni(i lie wonbi lie d-d if be did not (.iri v it oof. r con! 1 11'it b'lve iK-retofor-e e.X' • -'e'l aiiv k. '..'.'ledge I bad of tlic order 1 joim d, n.s 1 f .n, st.ated, or anv of its [ir'ieecdings, wiilnmt cii'l.-in- gering my life. On the night iu ’.vbieli 1 met the ]inrties going to kill Siiof’Vi r. tlicv told me if it w.a.s after'.v.irds di'Covered tliat j had de ceived tliem, I woiild sutler nr.--elf. Tile ! igbt I "as a :• \l',.S 1,.. bat lias I'oen bebl I'V the s liiier nnid br-ngbi in .■saii.- H lit))', .Bn I go liiiii'lis. I'l. V' Rwoin aii'l sob.-ci;bed bef of .-\iigii.st, 1 c7iB ■V.' M. ■ Cler’.-; I'. S. I'i.'*. Con.t. In •■1 wil confo.'i t'l bis totit. e f -Tor ain. at: or til say iiO'iiiiig ab'iiH wiiat ;;d tl.i oatoiK"! ■.■.'ith ■' it’b if '||■tnI■l•l’. egaia. Kd k as ;i j.ris- .IV ■■•i'l'O .Mi.it.iry H-voranr. ;i;,.l tf o tin- .stfato as liofure foe-nst.'i, \\ " lia vo soi-ii tliose tiling dy t at tiio ]irii.s|>oi't i'f I'i'os li.i s'lriir: wbieh llioy iinig w o can li-iie is jdigrio.ago t'l In "no a loss e. ] l,.:g -f . 11 is ‘J ■ o ;!,at oring tie- S'.o'lii'iu ^tat sUj ' oimo'v iu tii.,;u f ivov has lit:, tl.a’ le !• at !" tb. ir ■o. Tl;o ].,iiT! irmt- is n-’ o--. tlia’ if G ’'Vasili tig' t- St,It. no . » ^ • 'll . ‘: Qi e.N’ - ■ til i’: 7.ll'.a:. i )il VI 'R ’!;i iC »* U Witi ur: u» 1 Hi }D:h 11: .-dTI I ai:kiX‘A . • ' ti i''' i ♦. .1 r • THE OF THE XORTH GAl LJXA ELaGTIoX. )- dt]e. D i.tii.g ting t'l :t. a:.i! a:;;n in tb. 'o i Is 1)1'. ml and f ■St it : I- •» H'l. J Inf tiD' : (tl.i.-ut (if leMMIl' I’.II ti-.i:.. aif! T;d* |h.-cv \vi;i> .u'-.-' ;; ■ (u.'-Lrriicf •.!] s ,.os a f.-;., N-nb ( ■; t- . and w'o si hr. m ('. 1 t T I'.o dofc.at of tlio o;. t: oiiio r.'i!;.' til ( >M v(-* bill a I’T* vn'.>d- I 1 't.iic X"’ ;Ii I »'• t Lt* 1 |U iWUJ- JU uie wi ,.f [.lineipl . t: .1, :n t::o ;;.a is '■ sa 11 o z . util. T : .. nti. t’;. ss j. d.ii'ag. li'.ii i.l Vi ll vo;n(.iit Hi lii'i.r i.f,'iinn.~r ovorv S-nt bora Sta.o fir tho beiiolit ot tiio n:.-; j.iti'.iis .oi- voiitU'.'ois w'lioin (".''cnn.sta (•.■.' ni.t i n inHi.l v t-aei-.i in |iii'.voi', e.s I I'V* ino so g .('re a'; vil as to ainei, t t ..o,,!; n : e i.'i.ili .n u - if llio Stato g-Vo. ;;;i,ei;>s ini.’i any I'l il.e), os of iiitogiity, ami has t'-M'i ii ail t. . n's o|qi..s d In s a-.'i pl'Hi.b'ii g ;■'!)!.iTV. at :lio e.xpoi;; e of ll.o .'■‘tale. Lo e .mb m- f .r s. ili.iu- vaii ;ig ib.-ir b De ai'.' mi B..; st t:. m .i! ■' .'OS. if t...-ni tl) 1 w bi'i'.. I,,, J. . I I' x I.. ■. ■ V. or. '■ nariv m.i. A si I speak of w-as verv onld and Iditer. candidate in the hiie lUction njioii the Goiiser- j teot.mi. vative ticket for the State Sen.Tte in the ‘Jfith Hi Xuiili Sen.'itorial District, eoniiio.sed of the coniiiio.s of , G. Guilfork and Alatnaneo. J. A. Moore. Ad inriitary iio'.vor, am! tin- i .'■'tate. Lo e 'll; Car • f-r la, niitw-ith.st.imi; or . a 1.0 Tin hit, )' ; 1 .\s It a- f.H iio; t tiignt g f b "ll hv h Hohloll W'S snpi'ortl'd bv tin. to Sworn and Rubscribed befoi-c me, .Viignst Ititli, 1870. Mb A. zVedrk.ht, C. S. C., Alaiiiance Couutv. t.iat ri.s'.n loss atnl il;fa- inoiis ojioratiotis of G'.il. J'vubi.aml i.al iio j had tlic ([uasi-snjipiirt of ti.e adinitii.stratiiiii ! at Wasliingt'in, the Cnn.serva’ives hav- elec- j ted five "Ut (d soveti nioinhors ot ( bit;.gross Jo.si.vH Ti'KXER, -Jr., of North Carolina, who ' " lion tln-y only claiinoii. Ii. f.ii o tin- ol. oiiun, dared (Governor Holden to arrest him, and wlio ! a gain of f.vo, aiul have . .n i ieJ tho f.iil .State -I a t.i y jn-r i:i ar.i gr* iin - b. j... I. J,..- .iangl.t.-r. a girl age. Fii.iti going t.) r.. cat iqioii tho hroa.'t logs iir.iUtui the (•': ' '.Vo nil \. ho f 'll' in the ehibi’.s nii.n'li. It was arrested, has finally been released on a 'vrit ! tieliot by a deeided niaj'irity. of habeas corpus, and i.s g()ing lionie lo a grand j Tiio morai of all this is receidion that a'vaits him. and will ]>rohal)ly lie cniniiig whi'n raseiil.ly ami vinh-nco e.in no run tor (lovernor at the ne.xt election. ^ riirner , Iniigor govorn .itiv iiitolligout CDinniuiiitv.— wrote a note to the (lOvernor hciore his arrest ; necessities arising from the'ease at the so strongly insulting and abusive tlnit a similar ^l.ising of the war i-hu-od these men in imw- one written hv any gentleman in New- Aork . u.-ces-itios of the ca.se. now'bat re- ' ''"ulJ '."C 7 .7 ' coiistriictiiin lias been completed, reijuire tliat rest on the s,.(R and a long incarceration bes dc. ' , , , , . l , ticii.tv tiiat thecal was li Inn] evidoiitly h.'o-.i as.oe was so much exhl.ilstoil ; 11 g Ill-oil idis;r:ioI*-il that sbo liad not stronot)i (•ni.agh t'l f-rco the eat .iway. \\b li.tvo iioanl !if eats causing tho doaths of inf t ts in tin t the time is "ay. Imt never b. f.iro heard |■fsn(•!l ;iii iiicidoiit in Co: ni-eti-n with a girl two!..o yo.'irs of ;'g‘. The facts W 010 ropn; t. .1 hv the taihor himself. The girl ha.s since bt-n truubb d in breathing. I - — — J.— - .....v r-^ 'i I’ll ''ll- s "vji. .11111 a long incai eei .11 o.-snio. • , 1111 .. i . 1 1 will completely overshadow her in influenee and ! auJ lie would never have run for Governor eitli- ^" '7'.* ,Vi ""7 *^7. I*'* ^ .ti Al the Mothi.ili-t ( .’■■ n in tliis I'itv, on the 23',1 ii>-!., by B. v. B.B .:i;;ioail. .Mr. Claude F. Mills, of Baltiiiior.?. and yii-- ( -inclia F lio'vz(V', oi -'ali-f.nrv. '.i-'., at the -I'nio time .md i'htce. by til.-same, l*:r;! M B.rnbar'it ami .Miss Mary N'irgiiii.i B'.wz.e, both ol tliis vity. .\I Mas‘iib!. B-'-kiiighaiii ..uiiil.. N. C., on 'll' .■) j ili-t., by B. v. ,ji . J.oni'. ^l r TTiOs. .1. McKinm y t.i Mi - .Vr.anat'1: s. Lalher, all of Ih '."kingli mil ,.n' \i : t.'A.:. ■■ .' Ilf'tho I,:-;.'. •- t- .'■ Ot!', I'Jo. hv 1; V. r. .’. ( : ■ , to Mi-s Jd-iii. .!, ! . I r. —f Nb ar i.ittior. ai. -'i : t r. 1 . M' Jiilr iro, B. v. \V. ti. Mb T Q ' I k'- A 1 (, . ( i. w.' , 'til ili-t.. bv Bee! t.. Mi.-S r.EroK rni) B.i, .111, ('urn. I'or ti';- • l i' Alt. b V .T , A . L.*; r.i! :mI, v^. i A.i H I rv- ghI.Q.c V 'ii.i; A i*.* :y i . ] t * r i ' t:-Q.GT7V . ,uc • ■ Mri i v :'A. ' V T-T'* ris.i A ii iv lA ’ M ■ .i;:o( ER. Hi :.j is •-■•J tu 2.S 1 U" to 1 D6 I 00 to 1 to to (0 UU ■ I •. 'JO to no’ I'-’O IS •.) 1 so 10 : ■m t'- 'Al •-..7- ;. 3.00 i'Ji.eo •Ji 2.J *5 C ■ ■ fi 4 to 1 ■- i - 't- i'H- ’.ii in ■ . \.i\ • fn " ly ! l-it'V tl.e liL'.VS- .11’’::: I t\v i I • ■ 'ir •* i:;i* I..»* »*n V. .* .^HD 4f> JC " lu I.) 75 ■ 35 H ■" o 7 r,o TO 1 .'.'O I-:- 1 .(st no i:> IS , Of, o .3.' 2 T'l 6.00 III .. I .I'S •1 I .IH) .VG ir ai /> r/';A’7V.''/'.;//-.v7x Gc'irgi.i lias 111 sell 11* I Pill- hr.l l.ri; .... , ■■1! -IJ'S ral .Vki'.iiia'i. Ti... jii'iqilc an'ii'jt to be (Icfraiiili..! out of an i.'ic- ti-i.. as w.'is pro’i-sed. Nbov let ns h-pi- that they will lx* ;ilIowed to Vote uniii'.li sted by the moitary. M.. .\ki-rman has wi-il -.-li,! that the Bepubiicaii party can heiter ari inl to los(. a .''tate than u 0 .on il hv nma!;' Norway Seed O its for Sale Wi; !■ WF. Xf'\' B;M'V F iR ftK- liv.'i y : .at TWi I HI N : iR! i > I.I’Slil.L.S i f Cr,?nn:ne r^Oirv-ay Eccd Oats (-f I c: ■ I 11 rn i'i I'g . ) I Iu g....,i !;in,i. --v.-ii ir; s^. . 111 bi :'. tlii'V wi.; vi.i.’i • - .'.I lib CVe' y l. ls’:i ! s.iv, . I •- ,'.v ■CM-.) (I'.r pr'i-i's ‘‘or ll - pri- -;. I' or .1 B'.s'.i n .1 I, ; ■ ;il il.' For less t’’ :i.. .') bu.-l'i is -Vny inf iriiiari-n c' ■.•i f.: to ’ R. A .'Vagllst fit). 1 "bit.—-j';! -I icr,)- !:c.-. fill i;.i- li’.si.i'l to the , ,' c a- f ’’.'Ws : . IMi jii-r Ii'isl’.. -l.ilit' •• •• A g V. a. Ai'idy A .'IFRRHV. 6.i!isb'.r'. X. C. Quinine-s^'*tB-’(v.s y man's im- d- ing army to aid bini in managing ma’ i-rs. a';d tll: i-atciis to ;ip)ii'.-i! t,. I,,- W.i !. : g'o:. Jiijiiter il tl.- Ri-gisiaii-'e r.-ji-'t ins pr-pos:- disp itch to tbi. G .ivisii.ii I'. ilhiin .1 V ; ei is the 100 GUIvTCS ‘ ailiiiii'I — 11 a- .Lias- (I iim ( h'!i:'ii—IIIf ! ' t"g. reli ed-r. .1 ii;.-: ass- r,. ide R. n;.i; many ■ .tb' J list R* 'e: Ved ■f'.. 't.i- O '1 i-r '.'11' b. .M Br. m —I". : Fuglish rphii.i — Ale Hew ;de I’-t- li !' Lime .ir 1 \ a. ;• I ti-r- '. il I- a- 1 Mi'*- .•rn It* I nail - lilted '1 ill .\1IU' X' ii; I V.v Fliz.i J. M. T’.. C Vli- ■ ■: .re. (’. 1 ' -VA- 'I.IX.V, I KIN "I .N TV. I . B'l /-■ a I' U (Al.'f. •PP M a i> Tb • 'I- ■n. 1 Bii- . Cl'i'.^ •• eliti- •f ^.iid ;. Vmi- ' I'liib-r will t i a 11 i Tb rn . \t i 1 'Hl- ' ll; e:.-- ■ imp — ... . 1 -. sin Aim G { 7 > . 1 *«• 1 c : (')(}( ll- r 8i Co., fct ' r. r " 0 r n e t ' r: "'s ;. : i L VD eiin- an- a if tl.e ciiiid '- iAi its fire- ■ •1 s n'.'i ;t- mi■'I'h w as w ill; -..ine d'f- iioved. 1 ;.e eiiA.i I aii'l will'll f.iind FEkTii.iZriri liLl/KIIS! Fenivl: CtURITO. powt-r? For, in whatever light the new Em- e pire may be viewed,—except in extent of Terri tory—whether in regard to the jihysical, moral -.r.—A’eic York Herald. TVe had supposed that the Governors of New A most singuhar w ill has just been opc ; - ' ed iu \ enice. .V rich obi ba.Tielor ba- inquitb- ' , reigu of law, ord'.'r and honesty should be .u- i eJ his entire fiirtime to a distant relative, a v. ry angurated. j Jiretly young lady nineteen ,' ears (.f a.m , ami no'. 'I’here can he no reason given whv t!i left a sliilliiig to all hi'near riTati. ns. ■ tar ;ap- A'ork were wise and sensible men, until better ; phimlered eitizen.s of these Ftiites shi.iiid not there is nothing singular about it. But it I' u tJ J! 1 a _ i _ nature with a fearful liiimji on l.is back and a or intelleetnal qualities of its subjects; iF.e ge- iuforined by tlie//craW. New York once had ; combine, without regard to ol.l party atlilia-that the le-tator had la-vn end.iwiil b nius for war and statesmanship of its Princes, ' Governor that would never have been guilty Nobility and Gentry, or the general intelligence i of such folly—we mean De MTtt Clinton. and education of the ma.sses of its people, it will ! -m he one of the grandest and most powerful, if not j What better proof of the imbecility of the Em- the grandest and most ixHverfnl, that ever exist- ! of I ranee could be asked for than his or- ed in tlie world should it be established. ‘S n. " go into battle in a .. .,, , I specified manner, and calling npmi his trooiw to 1 fie depasitiOH ot Napoleon will almost ne-; do likewise? For a conniinnding General to ce.sstfrily follow the success of the Prussian ar- j tell his troops that he has just learned how tliey mie.«. He plunged the French nation into the i *^I'"**^ “ fit-dit, and learned it, too, by , ru i i »i • i i > , I observing the niovenients of ibcir enemv, is to . •'Uipliued bj this election, is that tlie colored war on a mere pretext, as we believe, for the | eonfess tl.at he is totidlv m.lii to eomimuK iiio.st selfi.sh ends, and if he fails the French army. Such an order would cool B'C ardor of their efforts to n-sto e tli- integri v of the people will never forgive him. They trn.stcd , even the most impetuous of Frenchmen, who government.—Plidadelphin Record. him implicitlv, and rallied around his standard *’) march under officers competent to die- ; — -.1 ,1-■ • ij 11 J J i tate new plans of battle if such should be neces-1 .-ir t- s with an enthusiasm seldom equalled and never ! rary-not under an officer who on a lost field, i , I" ^ (onference on .-satur- siirpa.ssed. They believed that he ■w-.as better ; learns his strategv from the en’ernv.—Ric/iwonc/i “•'^y. ‘ue vote (-m lay (lelegation was taken and prepared for war than the Prussian Monarch, !j resn te( a.s o ows. or, 0i , agaii.st, lu. and they declared with the greatest unanimity ■ tious, to hurl from place ami power these : , pluudeiers. The necessities which placed ! 1“-'puts the coumtion that sue f, , ... , must iiuirrv a man endo'veil wiUi siiiiilar orna- t ie.n there have ceased to e.x,st. and "’hat -p,.,. the people need and ask is o .b-r and an 1 on- ! rightful heirs are .pntestii.g the vali.iity of the ' est and eiiunoniical admiiiistratiou of the lo- ■ saying that taj sane man wf.uld j ;it in .siicli ' eal governments, in o der that we may re-i a conduiori. ! pair the ravages of a terrible war, develoyi ! » their reS'iurci's and revive the prosperity of Russia is the (>!ily c"'iiitrv in tlie "-..rbi their .'^tat-.'. w-tiidi now app.i-oacle s lav 1 niicT Atati-s in the (Jne of the best signs of the times, as ex-Q,xtent of railroads l.Ang biiiii. 1 i.iike the No. i pl:ugIeates. BONE BU7T. IiIEAL. LAND PLASTEP. AgriciiltTiral Lime. &c., I It’ll r''.nil’.'rT i'.;' - i.n 1 ir,'F :'’.r sa!i- ill t • III ■ • ■ I i ati,of !.':.i_'lit lam.si.C'. .: ' . ) I ; JI TAMAN X DAXUY, No. 47, W . W’.•(■r .'^’K'l ', aiig. I'J - .’J.’BG: X' -RlTtEK. VA. Cider ! Sparkling Cider I rforth Carolina Champagne ! United .’slates, however, it is iJiiigid to inii'or: confess that he i.s totallv unlit to command an i voters have In-eii as earu'-st as tlie whites in most (.fits raiU. Tim (Tevelaiid and Tyne dis- ' ’ ™ trici.s :i!onc. in Englaii'l. are said to have (irder- from Biis.'ia lo the anioiii.t ol E3,0"H.Ooo ti r railwuiy niateiials of all kinds. T lie -''"nlie:!''- erii district is iirodiicing r.dirind : .a'erials at the rate of LTlMZjUDO t'Ci- a year, a:i'I increasing il.S furnaces, 'o great is the demand lAr railr.-iad- in construction on the continent of Furope. FOB FIFTY ( FM '. >NT.Y Forty I ;'l' n- • idt r, may ’. ■ i • . eii. a- liiie n- the d '. In:. !■ , l' ; i-.i leiialh of time, thus Z; ■ A g i-i lamiiy. i'i hixuri-i’e in .vi. a liiign*-, the y, :;r ihr- .^.i. 'iqqiiy "i tlii- id- r I’r. ■ . • r ri'.'ti":!-, whi,.h are siini ' • ■! . ; -Vt !.. .'■I 1 >1 aii'g 1' : -Jt . a harrel of tiy pri 'crv- y ri :u'('nab!i‘ i:ni'T and his ual to Ghaiii- " itli full di- -. ! I e fi'Und ,g .■'lure, >:ilis!iurv. The phrase: “.-V good deal of land to the the fTi A- e—s ....I, i,,- , We girl has laid bv the sura of .six him- acrii,’must have a meaning tor the Minnesota' The future is a sc.akd book, and how wi.stlv to take notice of the fact that the prisoner liad i sustain him. He has disap- dred dollars, all gained hV making c.orn husk , farmer 'vlio ha.s succeedod in raisin- I'arsnips ^ it is ordered th.a' 'vc- e.an read bu' i e ‘i, .- at 'a ;on- cnadr application to his Honor. Judge Brooks, pointe.] their expectations, blast-”* ' ’.lopec do.o.-mats at ten cents esch. ! three iVet Ion? .m,. ,ong. time ri:11T riii:^i:ii\r.Hs. BOTH .PKAB’.- SOI.T'TK'N. as well « Xorny s TASTFi.F'-.s i’BFz-LlATNG POM’; I 'FB, each luiv ing advatr-.gi's p -c .iiar to iiselt. -V full stock at F SIFL " L'nigSt'Tc, I'J ; 2i -sxlLi’L'U:''-

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