ei5C0ii)i%c-:,) State ITT II ifrr iifiMi nmaifimmi n'^nrrtftnaTnTaniTiafcMa—Tfiw^—WbTIMM—Mr* '.laouicAi.s.—Tilt! Xeir York Kchxtlc . Hon. John Pendleton Kennedy, a well ! for S.>i!Teinl).'r is at hand with a very iiu^r-' resulted in .,; „ , 1 1 r . , at Kewnort, R. I., on Friday, whither he had IS iig aieo contents, comprising twenty- gone with his family for the benefit of his health. hvc an:cies from alino&t as many oftlielead- : Mr. Kennedy had a national as well as local ing magazine.s ot the world. ' Among ^e ' , He was SALit^i'r.Kv. 1- i;i: (■I'bT -hi LOG All a:?jd :i:ESfXS. TEXXE.S.SEE.—The election for Judges in Ten- tjje choice of Conservative The Congressional election VilPIive neariy the entire delegation to Uie Con.sorvatives. For Lieep.i.v.—The American (^Ionization CeV-" \V :. ;.. Advi-r:; tln-ri... d I n ■ at I nr h rmir h I’r"; rii tiU' of tin-Star y. \V:i :. '.’mr. N. •.. i- ;ui- :i i : l-vliicnt.' for tlii." ))apLT u« Mainii-m.n. 1 !i- old PriMiiis of Paris and h-r the celebrate Win. M’irt, and was admitted ^ tln-ii' Iniiiiiit -. Charles Itichens—l>y Antlio- ny 1 rohoie. tures on the .Science of Reli- to tlie bar in 1816, and practiced law sncetsw-! saormo'^UvT^idents of Carolina, are'eu- j AGENTS \V\4NTED in eyerv city, town hilly fir alwut twenty years. In polities he was ' • land village for tlie largest and inost success- ■ „n,t > ^ r- an nl.i W hig, and served a.s prestdential elector : „ ^..ommended several ' HOLLAR HOU.SE in the countrv-ON- ! ^ MuMcal Talent, to be equal. ir'Hii r^Iarvlandin thccuntesv wluch elected Har-' T!ic Bostonians nave recomme . everaj . . . n -s*of colored applicants for pas- THE TREMAINE PianoFortes t arc acknowled by all who have them in use. MAV T -l>y Ma.K .Mi.lier, J. ird Mc^'anlev'.' 1 l).ty. W omen in tin- Mid-l!-! Agi.-s, tii-n ot .Mar.-hai Xev. Kec-.-nt .Solar Rc- Tnv Jh". The " • at the f ^ h.e Y. Si.y ni" Five . ; . Ten . ; and an . .v Tie :e. vmr pr ■- until th- V adva;:-'.-, with'iiit a tharji il. Nit'v .V fi.r -.Lie. ( t i;r I' : i;!i-TioN llr.Dt ■ !;i> 1! !;• reaf’.L-r be j-nblishcd 1 !'e -; . :i'e - S-2."-U l.eO l-l.l-i ■Jo.Cl) r I't ! '■ eluc. . •> ' . •. • •lo't.: -1 !'■ tin rn 1 - ne yi ar in i-aj-.-r i-i s- nt , ; -ir will 1 0 .-■^ed Oat.' ._T’ g'.on - .S'■'lO' i; .ee- se;irch-.t, .Molier*.-, poeti v, Lileiury X-itice.', ■ Scieiir-n .-V.rt. Vaiii;ties. It i.s al.-oemh-dlisli-. cd with a iiiie stei-1 (-ngrriving of M')J,ii;ue. till' gi'eat Comic I’lM't Ilf the age of I.oiii.s Xl\ in I ranee. Terms, singh* iinii,lier.'. 4.i Genii’,’ Sllhscrl 1-ti->11. -S-J- Addl'e.s.S • I I'.. K. Pelton. Puhlisher. lUS. Fult-m street, X-w Yorh. : 'I':.' L'lirltn Tt ■ a -It I n car tahb*. a’.-] one - ' 'V(-j li:.-!' 1; g; 1 at ii.'-'i 1-1 till- .V'gt,-" li '-.lit T.-it. ti.e ntel'esting. \\ e I all in «ant --f .such !• liiiii.li -r. -SI. One h.-.nnr.l Pal..' hn-:. X-ey 'i .e-h, 'M n •f'l: ■ n e coi-iliji ri kn- man V Ill .Marvianain ttie contest wlueli electea J-lar-■ i nc liosionians iia>e ,r 1 ' r V nw-L.. t. ..o i n.. .v i n- ' .1 -n in 1S40. He wa.s the author of the well . sanitarv mea.sures which may well be adopted , L\ ONE indorsed by the leading papers and | and m many respects, own novel of “lIor.se .Shoe Robertson,” and in other citie.i. Fir.-H, the more frequent and j Lxpr^ , .s. ot the L nited Stales. Our iny oilier works of intciest. - ihoiongh cleaning of the streets, secoiui, the : goods give aiiiversal satis action, our pre- Superior tO Sn Mr. Kennedy was highly respected wherever more efficient abatement of nui-sances, third, a iniums to Agents Citnnot he excelled, and our systematic inspection of the fre.di provisions of-1 checks are free. Having two houses—Bos- Itred for sale in the market.-. ! tun and Chicago—onr facilities are unequal- I Ti i ed. and our bu.siness exceeds in amount all j other concerns in this trade combined. 1 Send fur eircuiars and free Club to Kutherfordton, -September 4th. i b- C. TllOMPcOX & CO-. k’li.wii, not only lor his literary abilities and j-oliti- aJ promincrice, lint for liis genial social ipialities and elevated personal cliaracter, and for the a-'iive part taken by him :n all thesecn- l-;'i [ii-i'e- nmiei taken for the im[irovement and happiness of the comimmity in which he lived. Bisiiop Atkixsox’s Appoixtmexts. appointments are as follows : I' [■iibhi-a' hnv-' i'i';i.'. a:-' C I Vf ••'I'!,- 11 ;,..l c t t!.!s r-'\';-''.v ' T- rm-. sh.a .\'l-li. ■' t!..'- ] M. F. I--.:. J ■■ iiiorc^."'! II i'C.l an-l. r 'C for J-i’y is f tile Ill- -St •iVi-l- iis way Tiler-'. 'S? ti e arl'cle ii’i in the pr.-st-nt itiier arti- commi.-nd 1 Work.— year. $4. hu'e i.'o.. Thl re-o,. . Kuir . le.n i - V- liii .al 11 i ‘ «.i i it-*. pul..!'! .-■c.'-v-.' : II ■, in lii-^ \ ' . 1.. ! 1' ' n ■ - 11 1-1 i;-. ! u(-• ’»ruVi- .. I' Ut ii'iiv . if -1 C' ili-l 1- ,iz 1- ; ■ - .t.-il. L -■ ni- . ■• • • • . 4 • . - w ■ :ii u\‘.v!- f' -■ •■■ '-■' v. i' ’ll aii its n(.- ■1- h. •■: ■ - lb , ' l i 1 1! 1 • .1 ■. ■ 1 ^to- * ■ F- .-. j'...--y. H a.. 'li iii.ii:- r.-, .i.v!i;ti-c!- 1 ■ -■ '(• V,: M;,:: u.'i-. ai.-i (1 .•nii--;,':1 ai;il Fa-;.5)11- are ■- ' • ■ . i i V‘ a 1 U .’y,- -'i. latlb} I'al a!.i ■ai! -f a!! 1 t!ii-l'.-. biiili ‘ t ] ; i 11 ’.. L' t -. L f -r bi ii! 'y ;u,i! (y. . - ; "D.-n,-.. .-t's 1’: :■ .M''' 1; . 'i'. t'! r i 1 a 1J (;-1 - 1 -■ lyiiiiirr.ipliy, lii^li- ’ ,..t .1 l.M iil'nrc, ;i li f ia.s; il u-tiat;i>ns. ' -'u_: . ■ .Ii ■' i-.M.'i-iii-ii bv ail V iit!i(.'!'. 'Th- .''^.■’-tciii- : SPICE ITEMS. s\s a la-iy was walking tip the Bowery, a young rowdy purposely stepped oii her dress aiiii tore it. To the lady’s remark that h.e .shio’.ld iiave heeii iin-re careful, he replie-i i'i. iiieiii'y : ‘''rill- .street is f ee and ril walk or 1 lace my font wliere 1 like.’’ '‘.So will i.” replied a hy-stc.nder, and with a well- d.i'ect-ii Id It he .si'iK tin.- fellow .sprawling in i t'l gut -.-r. 'raking iilf his hat he said to' tin- r-ia dy : siqipuse yon accord me a ' siniilar j-rivih-ge, and admit that I. too, may .'aci- my I’lot where 1 please.” ‘•Tiio arrangemciit.s of nature arc adniiral.le,” f.v--lainKl a yomg lady during the late high w.ii is. "I'inj .s.uiie wind wliieh djsarr.uigo.s onr • .'re.-'-.s hb.ws i.inst in liie eyes of ilie wiiked ' -ii-ng mm who wonhl lake advantage of onr -■( ir.i ciii.'’ .'she was a Very philo.-opieal girl. llii-i'e is a man down east, rather a facetious eh I,-, a in,.-e nameisXew. lie eliri-teneii Ids tir-i ■ i.il-i .'soniet I dug, as it was .sonielliing new. lljs li.-.xt lie cliri.'teiivd Xutidng, it being noth ing iiew. I) ■an Swift at one time jiroposcd to put a tax on l. inaie l-eanly, and to leave every ladv to rate her i.wii ciiarins. He said the tax wonhl be cheerl'nlly paid, and would be very product ive. Slielliy, Liiieolnton, Higli Siioal.s, l.'iiarlotte, Cliri-,t’s Cliiireh, I Rowan' Sunday, “ -^t. .lainc.s, - Iredell; Mo k.'ville. St. .Andrew.s, S.aii--bnrv, Sunday, '• T * * l.t-.'.uigton, (ireensljuro’, Mountain b'hapel, (Rockmgham; (let. I.eaksvilie, • *' Y'aru'cvville, ‘‘ Miitoii, IIil!>boro’, .St. ^[ar\ Any ManuAictnrud. They comhine Immetise Power, Equality »^U€€tness ayid Hrilliaucy of Tonc^ iAusticity oj Touch, and Great Durability. - 136 Federal Street, Boston, or 11th' 36:4t 15S State Street, Chicago. ! 13th ' 1. ath 18ih 20tli 2Jd 23rd 2. >Ji 27 til 2Sth 1st 2nd 4th or !i 0th lUtii Diarrlioa. Dysoiiterv, (’liolera ■ MORBUS. CHOLERA. i:c..‘ cartain and! iiiiiaediute cure licgciiiaii’s (loraieriy t'eip-.'au’sj i Di.tkkue.v ItKiiKDV, ii-,'d witii unfa Ting simcess ! Since l!ie i.'liolera of 1S32. aby. Prena ed onlv Dealers, Teachers auii others TO PHYSICIANS. New Tom, Augont 15, 18G8. .Allow me tc call josj attentisc to my prepzra- tlon of COMPOUND EXTRACT BUCHU. I Th« componenU parts art Bochs, Long Leaf, C*- bebt, Janiper Berries. UODE OF PKEPARATIOX. Baclia, In vacno. Juniper Berries, by distilla tion, to form a fine gin. Cnbebs extracted by dis- placement with spirits obtained from Juniper Bei- rles; very little angar is used, and a small propor- : tion of spirit. It Is more palatable than any now desiring to purchase a first-class iustrumentare : to use. Buchu, as prepared by Druggists, is of a dark ooU INVEXTOBS address Fdson Bros. Ptl'ENT Agen's. 459 Ninth St . Washington, D C , for advice, terms and reforenc . NBWSPAPBR /iDVSHTI.8ING. \ Boa’s of 12.a closL-;y printed p.-'-pcs. l.-irL-h- is- ! j their selections elacwLcrc. ■1S32. Sold by urngg.!.r.-gfcner-1 invited to examine these Tianos before making i. • . ^ y l.y IIeuk.'J.vn & t o.. .N . li .,rk. I * j ot- I* li? ^ plant that emits its fragrance; the ac- ; Uon of a flame destroys this (its active principle)!, I leaving a dark and glutinous decoction. Mine !• j the color of ingredients. The Buchu in my prepaf- : ation predominates , the smalltfl quantity of the Together with all modern improvements. The ' i„g,edients are added, to prevent fermenta- PATEXT AGRAFFE TREBLE, (Orange,'' SArjisaupT K’o*2aB. ^ This is to give Sfotice ; That on the rVV-'i'i' -' v w-'i'°i '>"t-ii*'icligmii. apriciiltinc. im-i utuie. Ac., | a.s.suredil will be the cheapest in the end. J>ai-k! 11 j-L--y \va> m.-iicd ngMin-t ticc L-t.itc (d Jo- v. I.vtry a-lvt‘rt..'ei' un-.i i;\cr\ i.- i-r-on u bo con- ^ M-|ili Ilviidcrsiiil, of .'-'ali.-iburv. in the cmiritv of tcnijihite.s be-joiikii^ sii- h. will liii-l tliis book of ‘ Ko . sued (‘•'^ntiiiJis u list ot t)ic \iiicr cmi \d\£*rti* I a *1. i_i i • v . « ,• I I slug Me iiiuiis. giving tlie iinmos. eiieuhitior.s and thoroughly sea.soneJ Umbortlie market af- 1 tion ; upon inspection, it will be found not U. be a I mil p.iili.-iiliir.'CuiiccimiiL'tl.c lead..!' J a:.\ and It., ... . „ j Wee ny i>->litici.i imd Fmaily NeWL-papm- t-g.tber > f»rds is selected, regardless of cost, .as we feel i tincture, us made i» i Wmacoj^a. nor ..s it . p,- uitli a.!t. -i:,c lia\iiig bilge cnrunit.111..j-uldi-iied in . j.j,p—^nd therefore can he u-st'din ca-se.-where fever and F: itc of Xonii (.'aruliiia—'ivlio has .aii-nt vuiiic. yrabc.i free to any inblrc.-s mi receipt i The great increase in the sale of our iu.stru-i fiib- ur inflammation exist. In thi.a, youhave the knowl edge of the ingrejipiit.s and the mode of preparation. luenl.s, has enabled us to reduce onr prices for j Hoping that you will favor it with a Irial, and bteii a ljudged a llanknipl upon hi- own ,,^-1!- 1‘.'''‘ J-F A Co. ti-.in—ihat liie iiavnu-ni of anv dciilk and the : .*'7" , ,, delivi.-y Ja.i> iiro|ic! ty belonginglo.-aid IniiiK- ^ 29. 1871) sa\s •••n;e linn »t dv-i. 1'. Unwell .V Co.’. , riii-t, to Lim or lor In- use ami iim iransl.r of wl.icU i.sufs tbY 1; mn-bog ami vaiinn.Y hook, is ! Fivst Class Pianos, from ten to twenty-five per jt an_v properly by inm, are foroid-lt 11 i-y law.— 1 the lurgeL-t ami bl‘^t .i-lveiti.-mg agency in tlie Uni-i I riiat a meeting ot tlie creditors et s.n-.l Rank-; ted 'tates. aiul we oa-i-.•b-'.'riu'iy reconinniid it to ; other house (offering the ! tion, With a feeling of confidtr.. c, nipt, to jirove ihcir debt.s, and elioo.so one or .attention it 11.use w Icj oe.-Mr-- to adveitii-e their. * | more a.s-ignec.s of lii.s e.state, will be held at a ! Fusincr-.s s-.-ientiln aby i-iu! -y-i, n-aticai'y in such a 1 \. • 1 11 i:;ry :i, V.--' will bi*r nnmher, just i.s.s-,.-i]. i.s lully up to it.s n.s- ' gv in words, thus; “1 don’t see liow the devil eanii' to turn out so when there wa.s no other A little hov embodied hi.s thoughts on theolo- fou.-t of Raakrnptcv to he hohleii before R.‘ II. ' j„o,;‘rAYski'll' ssi-nre tlie larc'e.st amount of I i^ame class of instrnmenls) in the 1 niicd .Slates. WJi l-n- '■111 i . 1: .. I ien. 1.- J 'i-'i i'-i. i suit ot' li,.- - i. .Mr. W. .‘hi I'1I. 7 1,1- 1 .vi-r I..' ■y -iv. r >pnig!ie -1. i- l.c:; i. ."'e-jlt ill till- -ith asloni: Iiii.g n- ii.i 1 st a I, da I li. a mi 1 .!. v lUi!; t h --1 111-;’.g the M del 1'arlor Ma ica. \i-aily. •'83. ch-iicc 1 vc-u'iii l':--iii two t-i tell dollars It l-i toe ela'.in izilie of Aliier- I f [iri-niiums, is given to devil to put him up to it.” ‘'My landlady,” said one man, so sti'ong that it hreaks the cups.' ( -.1. Jlarri C-il. I-i trl 11. 11 i.\ i: ■ 'rrv tk .'-l-'iiiiay nv/: J-'W. rl'ill -pe- a.'iother r- vi'. jmL'e ir. e-.!..,l hr T-.n.p- r.. .... I ■ in 1 c.i .. ami ti,. : • 'ar- ilrii.' g-l - S' ! , • s .. h- r- . 1 :. 1. fi-r ii. . d.-y. ' I'l" m lie lo 1 j-r.-i-. ic" -L.m the li- -! the war. Jl 1 - I J'-l-lgv 1. r- h- -me 01 he ki over ih-.- -. !. im.r w I '-v. r I ba kery in tin- -iia! lii.iji.rity (ivtr .J, H. .'y i-v. r .loll, s in 1],,^ yd, .1 2 - II,. • '• u. R. !!. \'aiice ad- i' at tie ir Hall i-n - - ■ ■ 1.1 r.ii eloipM lit and . ! . ilM 'V ;y.; Is aliout lime for in im-( ) ik ' iiy i'-irnieii. AVe '■ r-n- i 1.1 :■ r. llml K ing J- n- y y- t in ti;e.-i i-ain.-.— ji rilr-1 o. -liig. - -1 h. • ■avu suh.'i'rilier, aimu.g wliivh i.s a sjileiidid I’ar.or L'lii'oinn, worm .83. Addn-ss \\ . .Jeiining.s Ib inuiesl. r-3~ lliiiadway, X. Y. * Jh'lJIOfr.-il'.•i 1 tii(/i'/ .ll/icricu, th‘ juvenile I’riiice 111 .Magazines, is on oiir table, and we 'makes liertca .” “.Viid mine,” said another, “inakes lier’s so weak it can’t run out the j.iot.” Bito.AOiiEi.n, Esq., Register in Ibuikrnptcy, at! Ids (ilTii.-e in Salisbnrv, at 10 o’clock, .\. M., on ! the lOlh dav of September, ,4. 1), 1870. S. T. C.VKUOW, To S. Marsiial, by J. 'I'. CfTutiKi.i,, IVpiity 43-ot U. S. Mar.sbal, as Messenger. publicity for the least exiiemliture of luouev.’ PATENTS. While we act upon the maxim of “quick sales j and small profits,” we make it, at the same i I am. Very re.sjiectfully. H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist and Druggist of 16 Years' Experience. .V Void' coine.s from AVashington Territory, j saving, ‘•.Send ns wives!” .And a tlion.sand un- 1 Inq-liy Renediets respond, “Take ours!” i “A cooper, seeing a dandy’s lingers covered ; with rings, declared be must be a weak fellow, ' timl. as ever, that the children are on tlie ' or lie woiiidn’t require .so many hoops. 1 hPKtjIAL jSKj'riUl-hS. Inventors who wi.sh to takeout Letters iMIeiit are 1 .... ' j advi.seil to counsel w iih MI NN .V cii.. editors of; limf. a special object to furnish our customers I i the.Scientilie liiieiicau. w!.obave]iro.seiutedcIaini.s j j before tlie t atent ,-lii:-(‘ tor over‘21 years. Their | iu^jtrumciits in no wav inferior to the best' -American and Kmoiieaii aiei.i .\geiicy is tue most ' ' ‘ qni Ci.'-c ’ liev are imi DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. The poor, emancipated Consnnq-tive who is now beyond all Itope of recnverv, iniglit I now be bale and hearty had he not ueglect- 'I'lie Oliio legislature at its last ses-sion pa.s.sed ed that sligh' cough. Be advised, if you alwavs sure u li.id in it. Tiie chro- ' ‘"dy seventy-two general acts, and the Oolmnhiis j liave a congli or cold, get at once a bottle of' i.-l I'.'ipi-eiati-m t-ir the g-md thines ' e.xtensive in tlie worid. C harges less ti-an any oth er relialile ageiu'i'. i-anijiliiet containing full in structions to inventors is.-ent gratis. XN A (’()., 37 I'iirk How. X'ew A'ork. Aioifl Qiiarki«. A victim ot early indiscretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay. Ac., havingtried in vain \ in the market. ! (From the largest Manufacturing Chemista in the j AVorld.] Many families have had a desire to obtain a | X'ovembkr 4 1S64. Piano, but could not afford to pay tho dealer a “1 am acquainted with Mr. H. T. He'lmbold; he prolit of from SlOO to neither do they wish j occupied the Ihug Store opposite luy residence, and to purchase a cheap made instrument, that ; was successful in condneting the business where !i-' ihillinn-re )r;-'!e makes th rind says there wa.s le.ss hunconihe leg-! DR. TUT'r’.S EXPECTORANT and you i , ; miatiiin ami le.ss of tlie inischievousspeeial link- ^ „.ill soon be relieved. Do not put it off. ■ ’ l ilt niimoL-r e.'per:a!lv atira-'tive, and "t i !-j ering luisines.s than at ativ other se.ssion wilhin every advertised remedy.' has discoviued a simple i "'fuld more to keep in repair than it is ; others had not been equally so tn-fore him. 1 have means of self-cure, lie will send free to hi9 ' lienee a large elasS of our music loving heen favorably impressed with his character and Addre.-s I people have been obliged to do without. A\ KlRHl .M AN, CHOLERA strive lor. S- Tl'.o lolluwtng letter is from Mr. AYoodward, 'oine idea of the extent of the AA'estern egg 1 Harris, E>(i., ot New trade mav he formed from reading a paragraph .j',' S" i n i* i**! . ■ of high in the 'J'lileda Blade, stating that recentlv tiicU , 1’ ‘V’'^V arrived in that cit.v, in a freight tram on the ^ ■> F .L- J II i'\ a -.. 11 111 ■I ill I : r! tliat I the liv- d ■el't V ; ii:g n-i e- 11. - r III .''i-nih ■ V. mlii a’;..lit Hill- 'j'r- .i'iir\-- li 1 aiiiiina :'.s '1 iir- iiiilv (iif- ri;r!.i (i aliin.'t .- n We ( .'iiiiii.- Ui W' a.' to the ii-n I r-iji--: nn- I;i, liu re will lie i'-aii/.L-d .'inee dling 1'teddy" still e'lcites the attention of the memnry of the oldest inliabitants. 'riiat’sai the ju veniles. Yearly 8 1.60, witii a beau-i Lgi'-'Hture to i t litl pieinin n wo lit the cost of ••Vuung .-Vnierica. Address AV. Jennings Demurest, 83-^ Hroadway, New A'ork. * -Ax l i KM OF X.VTLItAI, IXTKUK.ST.—'Fll0 sulijeet to v.’liic'n we wish to direct [he read- e- s atiention is one ot great importance to .Viin-rieans, both as regMids ilieir inili\idiial a:iii national interests; t-.r wiiih- it e-iutrili- ntes to the honor and grial:ie>s of the one, it aihances ilo- inte.-est-- of lin- other ; and i Ganpared with the vote of the State nt theloM Pres- | more than realized,'and the testiiniuiy of thous- iio man, (.t class of men, or nation, can feel - J. If. Tl TTLK. 7S Nassau St., N. Y. Wabash Railroad seven car loads of eggs. 'Tlicre Were in each car 12") barrels, or 875 barrels in all. Allowing 120 dozen egg.s in eacli barrel, there were 1,260,000 egg.s on board tliat train. THE VOTE FOR ATl'ORXEY GEXER.AL, 'iMpared with the idcutial election. ease, and his testimony can be relied upon with the utmost eonlideiu e: 1)EAR Sir:— You recollect when I saw you in January last, my expressing to veu my most sanguine-expectations that DAA'IS'PAIN KIL- Cla-es) wMi Pi-eeara'riry ^c'-i'-'nls, o LER would have a trcniendous sale in the west J'’"' t’i/-ss c"i «- -i Sciemm ,1,: , . 1 1 , taiy. ro- ( eo-li'9. ai!(ir--ss. K. KI thl,' season, and my anticiiiatiiiiis liave been CANVAESEK8 AVANted FOR PUNCHINELLO, The great original illu'tratcil comic weeklv paper The first 10 numbers sent on receipt ofGOc.;’ single nnnibers lOc. Litieral terms to agents. Splendid Chromo Premiums to siOiscribers. .Address Punch inello Puhlisliing Co., S3 Xa.s.sau N, Y. Post- office box, 2.783. University of IVa^liville. E. KIRBY SMITH, Chancellor. BU-SHROD R. JOHNSON, President. The ncx' Ses'inn f -t-e Cullegiate Department ('n at' Its I potiple have been obliged to do without. AYo can furnish New Swen-Oetave Piano Fortes from 375 to 950 dollars. Second hand Pianos Iroin 40 to 350 dollars. Parties ordering by mail may rely upon the be.st selections. Our Pianos are fully warranted for six years Wanted- .‘-a'O'lit'd tiial tliey have -lone llieir duty to thfirand Jicrd-^ uiili-ss t'lere are 'neains pr vi l--,! h-r t!.--!!' ctu'- an-l i'e'!..ra i--u wh 1868. X t=: 1. 1 v,i. a remeily ag.iiu.st c-intagiiin, and a ]ire- ’ Ni-iilative against c i'jiirfisin and harharit'i■ - lin- iMi-ans, I'eini-ily. iin-l previ-nlativi; are; c., r iiri-lM-int- ■] in tie- I i liicirif Sci'oicc and pi-'pi-r ca'.e Ilf iiiir Duin-'stic Aniniai.s, t-i COUNTIES. S 11.- iip M. . I i \ i.'i plv:i-e to learn ilmt -ill', iiliii., Ulleniks ..' at his niiiimtain . •-pariiUT-i.-p 'i ii! 1.' !i; i-ii'cs \v:iii ns - i.i ll.i' .^t;i:,-. ■a'Ii:-'h th-' •'Amei-a'.in Sti-clt .lonrnar’ is e:- pecially le'i-it-'.l. a C'!py --f which siiunl-l In in i!;-‘ 1..Mills Ilf ev--rv i'ariiii'r an-l .'•'^-'ck itiVi!-'.-'. .spec:nii';i sent iiTi-t;i all wh-i ap ply. .Adilii .s.s X. 1’. Ibiyer A (’o.. Rubli.-'h- e;', I’a'.'.ii-r.'hnrg. Chest- r c iiinty. I'a. * -n Ri;vi;xi j; 1 r:.\t ])s.—'I’wo or Till. Rn.... • fi- t - . 1 wa- p,i - t xpir;, ■ .tb.-t, I,, hanurai p.r L. :u up : It--!:' ii iiig' .■la L- tiv LVa ha ’ : . I.. i I I. i w’ 11D ii* i or th w year. I'l-inii.L; hnvi- , f.iu- -■.■ tlie M ineihli, i tlii- b hist y ar I'l'.-ni . ter i;,:- ; liabi.ilie 1 '.v. r i ii.vx- IX Its .'.V w.nr into ef- , - '■ .An ;itiien(ln;ent ' • '.11.■ eb- et that at the ■ a.:-, r F-e j v.v w- i:t into li rii-ive a ilis liarge in t a-seis wiiiild p.iy fifty :■ '■•s. Su:.si-,pieiitly an ■A nnisr laree niiui’.lis ago. a I'eiivh h,c.'!i;;g man claii in l.iiK rii'g garb, appiii li al lia- u.i,:!eco lavKn -e of lie-Alt "I.-. Rican, in Raliiik enniy, for einji.oyni-..ni. It was given Inm, and being a I vi-ry quiet, in-lUeiisi ve sui t of a man. evei'\ t!iiiig iy nn'.;! re -- ntiy, when his laliering I Vie (I I I Ires- wi-i;t aii-iig : mill.'.hi V nn'.i! (ii-nly onr w--i kni.iii iliivw oil e- rv, appi- ir-,(l in a -;;i.creiit n- . t 1 t (‘c:- nii- rustfii iln. .l-'I'li H.' Ls-r- 1; a 1,1 veniie (:e;i eiive, an-; ar- 1 ■ - Wll, n ll-e grave ehai'ue eime by Using spn- .-i ib t'r.in-lii.g tin- F. .•2. 11-ii;s't.-iiiips. He liail n-maine-l long enough 111 tile lae'.i.ry lo ooiam a j-rettv I leal* iiisigiitin- to maltei-s and tl-ings, and then he cl.ise'J in on Ills vn-linis.—Sal-iA-.o'-s. ■n 111 iii-t ■■inie liis aniend- ;o into up date. that A 'FiX'-X .A XII o'l F. tile r- x i;i '.V !r, a iwi'-n N•. O. h itis "1- -Abc: .-n.indoat w and i:d\ - ';- t tlic eIos- oi ri.lining be - - i:";' .li ve.y leW p-tl- I'tey. it is be- " ■■ I j-t !' eellt I ru!*. »\ lu’u Uf n l. ('..;aT.'S . F:'l.1 ine i::w ; i i; 1 alii - ’ i ii: mei;ii- nii. - ! the d, i.t- il N-bi-'li. in a truly pati.ctii- w ^■ ha: !:e Wcni.l tI'atispi-ft the d - -n, the eapiam i t it be known '".'ed 'Fexan ■ !il'.* i's t-i Nt.-w I irii..*in' \'. ui:(iii: ;-.i. , ;• leward. may i-e mad;* a -nr-- thing tliat the wonliv i-aiid i.ai man iva.- t.-.t ■.vi;!ii,|it (alR. Oiieiia.v A lamance, A lexaiider, -■ARegiialiy, .Anson, •Ashe, Reanfort, Reriie, Rladen, llrnnswie'K, Rniu oinbe, Riirke, (.'abairns, CaMwell, Camden, Carteret, Ciisv.ei!, (.'atawba, ('liaiham, ('iiorokec, ( iiowan, ( lay, Cle.'i vel.and, Colmnl);:', I raven, ( 'imberland, I urritnelc, 1 lavidson, 1 l.ivie, ! ):i]'lin, E-igeeombe, !''-trsyilie, 1' rankiin, t ia-toii, (iatps, 1 Iran villc, 1 M . . ne, ( Mi; 7-rd. a 'I • IV -■.■one li. .'ivn at ...M I ,1. iirii. I, ed p:i- i!. - -b' i l.i;. .1 Mati-, at i [ua-t i r • M - r . i.-t-.1 l;v;\ire lha* .V 1 :■.. :. 1 :.! -.1' - ii! ri-ii;i lit-; ami ut Kh-r.- UL -''■;■ '1 ■ i:.'.-.-:i; ul till- I'.aiikiiii't aul ■ n b- . . tl :u lulviin- J; 1-. . . ;■ C - ■ ' .-.■-■■-lat U.' ille .T ol* I'^ r . ! . M I'.u-l; i.- .--(1 ni.il, r l.iUv -.la- -ai the ai-irisanl pr-.-n i- 1 l.i -1 al him fi r ; n.i nn m, ■' A\ on in th. v. ,:r ‘ Ye-. Mr-r-r-r-r," r.-p.,n,]e,l t "W hat \.v r.' vo-i ' 'ail! in-e e-i ■'.V high pri\a:-.-," an-wered :! ‘■(b) ngiit on boai-i, s-.i-.-mger,' tain. ''Fvi- be; n rni.idng tin- iioat two vi-ai's,ai,d ; ■■arried up more tiian two llioii.-ai..! m-eii tliat ! fit, b-ul you're till- fust private Fve met so .hir.’’ j — ■ j Martin, FniTiiHi\i, Ciir-K or Hoxoi:.— No elass of , M 1 >cwell, people neeiipy a inoie respcnsiol-,- positie.n liian ' Mecklenburg, 'i tie e;i; '.atii .(i :hi 1. ••.■kid : ihe six-footer, ■iptain. iplieant. id the catv- i Liy wood. Hi nders‘m, Her; i'll id, H \ lie, Ired.eii, J a. k -on, ..1 olii.ston, .loUfc.s, I.enoir, Lineoin, Alacun, Ma.'ison, nt • lilli: :;nl.i|\ a rivival of I patterns ami exponent.'-of tlie people. 'I'lie state ill siH-iety is new estimated to a great extent hv .'j t ('..iirts- fill- the will pr,li'-.iiily fisnlt . r Cj-p.irt.iiiity I,. en- llieir past tone and sentiineiit of the pre- If the ,1 11 iih H"W T.i Fs Af;: 1m - o A\'oi:m.s. — Fverv jiersi.n who lives :. i n.. ,, e,. mintry knows liow tru;.liles..m. t-. .-. o-'-rs the Imr:' worm is ai.-i what l.iii.if ;; ree ■.!'. s (;esir,.y these insei-ls imd .sii previ ;.t t:.- .i; f. n ri-I.liing tlie loliaceu leaves, a- tiny tip. n ot; i.'.e hdl. >01111' ot our Norih Carolina nei.viii ..rs, iv.-learn. Inivo of late adopted an ea'V nietlio ! - if pr-iteeling their to- tiji' Morin, 'iiny simpR lit -ir i!y-st.-ne , to bo bad ..ii ii tr.iVs the tobaei-o :: ; ha.,-'e' t!,.- m.imii.— .’ .! M. d, 'vi.ii lt vegotate.s I'dit.'i's. Tile publiL- jn.'tiy I,-ok npoti tiieni as -AFitcliell, Montgomery, Moore, Nasb, New Hanover, Northampton, (tiislow. Me tear that onr moral and civil status wiifoc- i Grange, ! eiipy :i ioM' i-osiiion in the estimation of the ikisqiiotank, : eiyili/.ed Morl-1. AVe are eontinnally iiained to ' Rerqiiiman.s, M iiiKss evidences of the Imv standard of morals - Person, and eivili/.a'.ion which is exhibited by .some of i Eitt, tile jonnnils ot our tiiius, and Hie men m'Jio re- ; Polk, jiuinnds ot onr eountiy. ami some of the im-n M lu) ('--miiii-t tiu-m, ::re to n-j.resiiil tiie seliti- im lit, intelligeiiee ami I'i viliz.ition of onr jieoplc. present them.—B.ichanqc. j -Any man in Texas can kill fat beevea, if he j save the hide and talloM' for tlie owner. K.'indolph, Richmond, Robeson, Rockingham, baeeo i-r.-p- iigaiiist use a soln'.ii’ii ci i-.- .at all d: i;_' -' 1 -. •. fly tlfit lay- t . , _. The e-iuim.-n .1 1,1 everyMhi r--, i- :dlo' b'-rs in tile t-iba--.'.- iier-, ami the .1 in '..'.iill. n h-v- iM- ill limited nnin- ; Rowan, ] -A Pennsylvania farmer states that he cured i Kntiierford, I Ids daiigbier ot tho (7reei;in liend by pouring | Fampson, wati-r on her, .'ind holding her out in the snn | -'■'tanley, nii'.il she Marpe-l l-ac'K again. 1 Stokes, Siirrv, bii ■ m- i-I 1 1: ■ 'll. 1 ami in I hi' fern'-- eor- .'. 1>. oer-’il state mixi-d vv.-.. r Is ;i.''.ppi,l in tin- V- ! ;-• t-.l- tee.) Hies free- ■s o, - w-'i -h ilii'v im- khls tiH ii! ah;;i-'t insian- : • tint where this .-peeilie 1.: 1 e 'l l il 1.1 id otit on r. ( -I eonr.'i- die !iv b'e- V l\ rT-'V '■ TranVvIvania, \ lost .1 .''.m. Mas ei-ns'iied bv the ri-fieetion that Tyrrell lie yoinig'ter eonbl not joii'i a h.asc hall elnb in ! ’ he jdace to M liieli he had gone. j -.i-, i-s' hilic- the poi'o \ tai . ii'ly. A\ e ar i' ',;-ed. 'll.- d--ill L the gn.-m-i . ir ing dea-i, ii;e i e.g' -i ;ai-! and the M'orin is , not liaii-iie.!. j Hr. Cole, dr'igg'.i inf -. ins ns tl.iit lie lias ftir- : r.ol.-n i-i a nnm'ier of ( a-will | Jiislied tl.i'. i,ri farmer', mi.-i 1. ' 1 the ; ACake, (>;il ill Laramie, alter the women rran-I jurors . M arren, had lieen tii session two davs, tlie danec-honse I Wa.=hiiigton, keepers, gainliR-rs .nid di :,u-mondc fled from tlie S Watauga, eity in di-may to e.scajic imlictinent. I AA'ayne, Mrs. (1. f. AA ilson lias lieen sent to jail for 1 thirty days in St. Paul just f..r wliippiiig her poor lion-jiocki-d linshamh How tlie Minnc.so- ta M'omen are ojipressed and deprived of their •Tights.” AVil.son, Yancey, Yadkin, 1055 516 *15 1050 6-20 1'2'27 7 -53 ]i)70 fiO.S 1(100 741 1111 017 .809 1402 1131 1540 520 ^1-25 1037 0-')l M'.)3 001 835 600 1-582 1473 787 1375 678 672 2148 557 1407 1-503 789 -225 361 714 791 ’467 *301 *200 422 861 733 *253 4.59 *90 2114 338 S83 loot) 2200 104-5 *462 1097 588 10-54 1-557 10-5 877 ♦1-55 1-513 1530 688 *421 783 818 *69 339 9.30 29-53 10-53 347 347 1-5S9 1104 *169 G21 >- •2! H 1102 3- 51 1002 624 1318 1517 1372 878 108-5 927 940 394 *4 832 10-55 488 17 6-5 *25 691 6-56 512 3-53-5 416 1843 ()-5'2 102-5 2681 1262 1431 878 4- 52 27-54 75-5 2100 3206 64-5 640 7 44 572 59.3 1215 625 529 *125 1962 *411 720 1013 837 3968 1931 14-53 1047 *33 9-53 1531 405 1752 *430 1463 13-33 1-279 744 737 195 811 .3423 2303 9-55 30.3 1423 *397 891 840 1870. ■7; -> r- r 788 504 0000 10-52 0000 1-505 879 1115 7-20 1434 803 963 6.37 0(90 881 637 1043 179-5 1043 60.3 000 3212 937 l-50j 162-5 0(.i0 1216 762 1 -505 776 9-53 1378 000 OOO 2173 70-J 1703 3230 782 *322 otto 000 000 121)3 Oooo 1709 519 oil 821 530 000 1116 000 2161 280 481 1110 980 2027 1800 788 1708 837 6-56 1092 1754 000 000 863 168-5 1-592 1459 898 1397 000 989 *400 367 000 789 3112 873 5-57 *300 1763 913 1191 0000 879 104.3 247 0000 980 0000 1346 I .and M ho havi' used it has been thi-y would not I13 willing to go to bed at night tvitliout it in lli(‘ house. On the app-arance of the cholera in this city, sneh Was tlie eoululi-nce in ttioPuin Killer a.s a remedy, tliat in my who puretia.-^n it remarked to me tliat they had no fears or liread of the cholera as long as th--}' had the I'ain Killer by them, and hundreds took it daily as a prevent- i '“ki . ^Ve i-iy »,l',-ii s 'mm 7x tk ‘2011 p-'r mouth ,ma ex opens Sej'teniher 12, Scieniifio D‘s ii.li-e, Mlli- KIRUY ISMtTH, Chan cellor, nr HU IlKOI) R. JOIIN.sON , I’rpsideiit. AtitNTS—Ihi) lo 2,''‘0 il.ill,ar9 per "1 nt'i. everj ivher-, m.-ile an-I f--maie t.i iiitr, ilui-i-th-(1 KNUIX ■- 1M I’.-iCiVKli COMMON FAMIl.'r SSW-M. M.eCHINK. 1 his M-cl ine wi I Vtitch liem. fell, t 1- k quill, c >rd. ii i il, bnii-l an.l embroi-i- r in aoo tsut) I-i r ma iie'. fiic o-nv K'gliteen Dollars. Fully Mariarteii fur live.veins W- v in pav One Thous- -• nd Dolla s ryr niiy ij-au liieOni 111 sew a st ro yer. ir-ore heautiOil. or more - la.'lic sea-u tlmn rnr.s. it n ill male- the ‘ K astic U- ck S i'cti ” Every s- conrl .slit !i can be cut, ami s* ill t e ci. tli cannot h- j»uli--ii apart w-ith lit tear- ative, for no person can Inivt' a lie'.iingement of tin- boM'td s ordiarrhffa if tlir-v use tln.-s medicine 'i'his Mas llip security andconfidenei' of hundreds acquianted Mfiih it, and m Iu-ii their friends were attaek(‘d with the Cholera they M eiild adininis- , , ter the renu'd}' in large funintities, and in every Lj92 I ease M'lieii ii has been taken in ;u;v ofthe first ! ^biges of this disease, it ha.s j.rovi-ii suceesel'nl. 719 j J t-onsid.-r it an infallible reim-dy. 1 have 9-9 not lieard ol any individual in tiiiv family m Iio 6'd3 ' used the Pain Killer -when attacked hut speedi- >51 ! Iy recovered. 2-57 ; Tim clerk informed me tliat he, administer- OfjO ed it to persons when cold or in theciainiis, and S21 \ it gave inied.iate relief, but still it shouh! bo giv- 2-51 ^'’1 (Tiiekiy, for when the cli.-eharge of' rice 149 ! Ki't' has begun, the IifqiC of life has lied.— perjfl(»s, t»r a emu MN-HHi frf-iu whi li tuic' (hat amount can be Ad t >8 »>rlcrnAs t'A Ae GKOIUjK Vc^ AT((^'X t'O.. N.ueh ille, Tenn CAIjT10.\ —of all Aj?' nta Mac inea as our.*, u Jes* tli-y c>'n shou* a (’eriifieate of a^ieiicy a g • ed ov u . t' shad rn*t Loid on*selves res, onsiblc fv»r worlhltss Macji so d !*y « th* r )Hir:Ds. an sh^lJ pr6>>e* cu’e all pariits scl inj or usi' g .Macldnes under thl;* name to the iiiil ext M ol t' e Ihav, • n ess such Mach>' es are « b ta Led Ir in us r oiir pgcids. Du iK>t bo im* oatd up n by par-Te-^ who copy • ur adverliseinent and circiilnrs and olT' r vvurthb.'ss lua .him-s at a ess p ice. K(Mitiicky MiiitaiT Iiistifiite. 6 Miles from Frankfort. l\y. The 25th Aeadeinv Y'ear will begin on MONDAY, .SSPT'5,1870 Firm of Powers 4 Weightman. Manufacturing ClientiaU, Ninth and Brown Streets. PhiladaU pliia. HELMBOLD 8 FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. Descriptive Circulars sent to all parts of the f"*’ weakness arising from indiscretion. The ex- countrv upon application. I hausted powers of Nature which are accompanied ^ by 30 many alarming symptoms, among which will C , fi* found.. Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Memo- IVi in i n ih RrAlllOf* rv, AVakefulness. Horror of Disease, or Foreboding* ■ iTl, 1 rClTldinD 01 Droiner, lof Kvil: in fact, universal Lassitude, lYostration, aud inability to enter into the enjojmentsof society. MANUFACTURERS, 435 Broome Street, Z7ew ITork. o- Send for Catalogue for (j()7!Shtiiildihi.'flisr-;ise make its ii’ pein-aiac-amtiiigi c_i s. m p Aiipn MP . yon. an.l nil pn.baldlity it will, he not ahini.ed: , ■“■Men, Supt., 692 fiUO .314 487 •2761 1-509 o:;') 1150 683 9-52 2878 ' yon am! all other.-; there have the renied'.', and J 1 Fanndale R. 0. Franklin Co., Kentucky, am confident if the Pain Killcri- n.-ed, not a | ~ ^ TY : singl-g death by Fhidcra will (.ecariti your eity. I SlOOiSer eiliale College, Respect fully yours.- ] KV A. T. WOt'DAVARD The Pain Killer is sold hy all (l-alers in j ^he Second .S-.s.sion ot fins m-hool will open on F'amily Medicines. Aug ,5 lin SINKING SLOAVLY'. Wilmington N. Carolina Dise.qsr-s that progress rapidly to a crisis an l * | 1014 I tint the oniy ones to he dreaded. ' Canker or 1437 I dry rot doc.s nut blast a ti'ce as si'.ddonlv a 00(1 stroke'i! i:g'.;iiig, hut unless arre.-ted, it de- T TTHTr* TT'TQTT'*!’ ia (HiQ ' stroys it a ; eeriainly; and in like inanner elinni- i AiXJT £i .LXn kS w w, 2-542 dcbiiity, alihi-ngh it dm-s ni-t l-.ii! M ilh swift-' 1006 i ’"j' ,X’'^ .Veilo',V j.- ', i-r, t- tis sure to siqi the spiiig.- iTfon«fny, 1870. 'I’lie Srhooi is ut tin- lligl est (Irade. and the facii- itip. for a ihonaigh edu,.-ation iiii'iii jms.-id. For rprnis. A*.-., ajijily to .JM. Huckkr. ang I'i—till I’rop'r. i THE BURDETT Combination ORGAN. { With Carpenter and Burdett’s New Improvements. J The disagreeable reedy tone eutii-ely over come in this instrument. ' The Verditl i-sl'nanimons! The Greatest Siiceessofthe .^ge!I We riiallcnge the World to Eqnal It!! The constitution, once affected with Organic Weakness, requires the aid of Medicine to strenjUb- en and invigorate the system, which HEl MBOLDS Extract Buchu invariably does. If no treatn enti* submitted to. Consumption or insanity ensues. HELMBOLD S FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU, In affections r-etuliar to Femalts is unequalled by any other preparation, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Painfulne.ss. or .suppression of Customary Evacua tions, Ulcerated or Schin u.s State of the Uterus, and all complaints iucident to the sex, or the decline or change of life. HELMBOLD S FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU AND IMPROVED ROSE WA'iH A nd cordially invite the profession, dealers \ and the musical irorld ijenernlly to e.Tamine '■ " ‘'1 radically cxti-rminate froia the sy.stem disease* this truly wonderful instrument. arising fnjm the habits of iiis.sipation. et little ex. ^ •' i jK-iise. little or no change in diet, no inconvenieuce I or exposure; completely .superseding those nnpleas> Tlip r)iird(‘tt (’oRibiiiatioii Orgaib 1717 j of lil'e evi'idmilly ns any aente di-i use, if not Authorized Capital $1,000,000 1347 529 000 Guo 000 40 i 0000 1212 550 1224 510 ‘246 000 1107 000 19.30 (.•hpt'kt-1 by invig'iniling un-divalimi. 'i'hm', is ! sdini-thing iiiexnre.ssiy imu hing in tlm 'i.fi-tn j 0 F F I U K R .S : cb' ol pipiniiti'.ie d(‘C';i}'. iatiiguor, jutlb-r, ('iii-j Ji-li-i Daivs-iu nciaiii.-n, dcpressii n i-f sjiirits,'nml a di-tn.-ti- fur ! B, F. Gradv p.wriiiiii, aw Its (irdiiiarv ^v Hi; ami thev : .As its mirnc iiidii-ate.s. i.-an iiigpiiiiisunlon ofanoiir i I stan lard inipn-vi-iiients. ii-ii.hiijpd Miili many new i i features iieViT lipfurp iiitni.iured ur att-nijitpil in i I Reed Organs, tngt-tlii r making tlii,-(irgaii the su ■ I l'i.rs fl.TitA of iiistiuiiients. and otic tlait has al- 1 I read}' created a revolution in the putdi, niind in ‘ Presiiloilt. : the decided favor of tlie getii lal .'i-ioptimi ol Keed ' — A'k'i' i‘i (-.'idcni. I Organ.s. hotii for .spcular an-l .-,i- red music, m here .''verclarv. ('d iiistrunient is re-niirt-d either to iicconqiaii} tlie . .Mi.-ilivul Director !'''’i** nr t-i i-nniuce orcln stiai tllet.is. rsF. HEL.MBor.nhs FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU , , ... . Ali'X. Jiihn.ain, .)r sniiiint lie pniinp:!}' met ho lo-aie tni-'lnioii' — jir. ]■}. a Amler. ii i The bi-s: invig. rant and j.-xhihu'aiit Ihat can be ; \\'. A. Wright and (h Al.'Stcdinan.. Attorneys. , , adm,ni-tcu-il in a case ot tins Icind is Ho.s^.-tcr’.s Lion. Elihur Vi'right Cun.siiltiug Aetuarv. ; IVith the multitiidinou.s and .=uiprising combina- In all disease.^ of tlie.se organs, whetber exisling in xtoinacli Lilt ter.-;. J he stunnlatir.g pnticiplo of : IK-v. H. F. M.U'uble.... Gen. Supervi-ing Ag’t. '• ib'n-s ihat are -loutained iiitliis iiistrunit-nt. the most > the jirepartilion n-ttses the donnaiil era rgit-s of. '' ^ intricate music of the -great mastens," can be ren-j male or female, from whatever caT»ic originating, the sy.stein. and the strongt hening and regulat-i THIS C’GMPANY SOW XHOKOUG HI T Isimple mu-' — 1- ..1.--. -1 1 .. i... and nn matter of how long standing. It is pleas ing pnip.-rties give a permanent 'and healthful j e.'tabliVlied'. lias'meV with the most iiiiprecedenuid j ’■'* P’-av' d by a child, iinpiilse to tl'.(“ vital lorees llius brought into I succe.ss during the ipm- M eeks .since it comiueiiced | play. 'Pile f.iiiing appetite is re-awakem-d the j ojieraliotis. Us agents are .steadiiy engaged in an process of digestion and assimilation are q nick-; active and most ttatti-iing siicces-sful canvass.— e-nod the quality of the lilood is iinpr-ivod. the ' * *‘*.'’ are receiving ai-plications constautjy, and St Cletiol];-ht'comc moreiiatura',and everv or-rau 1 ^i'e A.(nii])an3’^is , that eoutribate.sto the iionrisliiiient of tlie bodv I ISSUING POLICIES EVI'IRY’ DAY’. 4/1 ' undergoes saliitarv change. Rv these means I The people are d.ii.y availing tliernselves ofthe .a-l.'i ti-,„ .,c .v.„ .,'i—... privilege of In.siiring in All the various improvements on the Biirdett Or gan are protected by patent, belong e.x-lusiv-ly to tht* Company, and can be uned on no other organ. \ >:'‘Pair ol the iihysic'iil structure is efl'eeted -Jo I health and vigor rertored. In no class om, n-.i has the henifieent operaion of the 2914 liitters heen more marked and strikino- than in 9-59 those characterized hy genaral dehilit v''an(l iier- 36.3 - Volts jirostration. Ladies atfected Atn'h these 991 ailments find in this most wholesome of all tou- 9'20 , and correctives the safest and.surest means 79-5 j ''t ffihet. It is strong to restore and powerless 765 ! j" "'jare. iS’ueh is the uniform te.stimonv of 1752 ; ■t'loiul.s of w itnesses.” 000 j n^\ C. W. TOPPING aTcTo., 16231 Produce Commission Merchants, ^973 I Greentcich Street, New York. 1134 I receivers of ALL KINDS of 91-5 ^*"t|icrn and Northern Production, such asTobac- 000 I T,“’ " H?*’ **ops- Hides, Skins, Furs, Feathers, Hemp, 560 i J,Oveswa.v, Green and Dried Fruits. Beans. Grain, Pork. Beef, Venisonj 1 oil 1 try. Butter, riiee.se. Eggs. I.avd. Tallow, Hi-rh wines. iVc., &c. f>ur long experience in the f'(?m- n.ission hiisinesB enables .is to sell goods witliout de.ay for the higlicst market prices. Marking plates and circulars sent on application. (’onimis.vion for selling jirodiice 5 per cent; wool. Ac.. 2 1 2]»ercent C ONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. July 15. 1870. 28-lv The present Burdett Organ has received the most! cor.lial and liigh-ist enconiums from those ranking 1 among the first of musicians and organists. 149 000 633 3504 2206 798 The Christian Ixadrr says : ' We had do idea tkat a reed instrument could he brought to such perfection ” 1785 911 948 0000 ■ 511 ! I; -'.irvlv -:| n'l’i j'V-i-,-'. -1 it M'itli iiiurki (1 .sia i'c.-.-;. - a vlv.'il of labor nn-l tiir.i. — Pan- A lovi-r looking a‘ hi-; watch after mid-niglit. -;aid t-^i hi- sM'cctlu;i! t, "its to-niurrow morning I I ni’i-;t bi-l von l"^0'i nigh'. ' 81,567 72,495 Majority for (.1 rant, 12,563 Counties marked with a * in the columns giv ing the vote, indicati- majorities. FOR SALE! ONE hundred bushels, and over, of PRIME M INTER OATS. Also ten bushels of prime Norway Oats—rdl for seed. - -ALSO, .send in your orders for MOLASSE.'^, or CANE MILLS. J. .H 'THOMPSON, 'Tvro, Davidson Cotintv, N. C-, 'Ang. 12. 1870, A Home Company, and areju.'tifiod in their e.\) "'ctatiuiis of ii.c benefits to lie realized trom a reteiiiuiii ot tlieir iiioiiey at home tor the benctit of Home People. Tiie Capital Stock is rapidly increasing liy constant subscriptions and is sought after M itli miicli eagerness. The dividends in a few years will make the investment more than desirable. IN THE ‘WILIVEH^-GTON IiXFE’ THE IMLK lES ARE ALL PARTICIPATING, and policy-lioldersshaie tlie dividends, and are en titled to tiie participating privileges M itiiout the re sponsibilities of the mutual plan. Our people can not be too fully impressed M-ith the advantages of insuring in tlii.s Home Institution, whicli promises so much of present and futiiregood. Its ouw.ard miir';h Inis begun m ith every assurance of final triumph and the increase of .strength in its progre.ss. Let ns liave done now and forever with the ruinous fallacy of sending our mouev abroad mi j for the enrichment of others, aud deiermine that TI P BurdPtt Org.in rangr-s in price trom henceforward we 'wii.i, retain it at home for the I benefit of the Coniuiuuitv and .'-tate. i Tiios. II. (fB AVES. $lo5 to $lUUU Geu'l .Ag’t. 4fh .Judicial Di.strict, ! We have also New Cabinet Organs at ant in taste and odor, ‘‘immediate” in action, and more strengthening than any of the prejiaratfoiis of Bark or Iron. Those suffering from broken-down or delicate con stitutions. procure the remedy at once. The reader must be aware that, however slight The Xcir York Independent says of the Bur deft Organ : ‘‘It is hy far the most perfect reed | instrument we have ever seen.” 1 may be the attack of the above diseases, it is cer ; tain to affect the bodily health and mental power*, j .AH the above disease.s require the aid of a Dia- ' retie. HELMBOLD’.S Extract Buchu is the great The Xcw York Observer says; ‘ Its purify ' Diuretic, of voicing, richness of tone, and wondcrtii! or- ehe.stral comliinatious, together with a nnmher j of new and original stops, render it an instru I ment of such perfection a.s fo be beyntid ecm | petition ” i The press and public evervM Iiere who have j Koldby Drnggista everywhere. Price—$1.96 per had an opportunity of listening to its beautiful | ^ttle. o^6 bottles for *6.60. Delivered to any ad- .strains, not only give it theirnnqiialif.cdappro ''' ”■ ‘ . ... val, hut unhesitatingly cone* de th.it it stands without a rival. dress. Deacribe symptom* in all commanicatioo*. PRINTIKG PRESS FOR SALE. *45, $75, $100, fFIIE undersigned offers for salt; an excel- i -•■lent Ramaoi-; Printing Pre.ss. Bed 3.5x2.5 j inches. Prints a form 20x30 aud down to a | single line. It i.s in good order, and always ! ready for any find of printing. Price very j moderate. Address. J. J. Bnt NER. SaJishurv C. iTI, Tremaine & Bro., TTHOLE.SALE AGENTS, 435 Broome St., STew York. Julv 22. 187-'>. AddresaH. T. HELMBOLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 694 Broadway, N. Y. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE LT tx steel-engraved wrapper, with fac-simile of my Chem ical Warehouse, and signed H.T HELMBOLD.