- i . SljfP!iXoiJl)5tok I OCR CUU1UUC. $AllSiiU.rUlUA. OCT. 7. 18T. B i i - ' 1 trn a 1 1. WK HAVE A (juN VENTIoN 1 'fbm question i txciiinic considerable discus 0, aad U really one if KTeSt jni iljtm-f lii the sample of North Carolina. It U tjuiiw cir l tin thai they err dissatisfied with much of the , 'resent amalitutjan that ihey demand tree I iMg requiring thg restoration of much of the eld Qvnajitutinn. Ami these changes are fnA llannjpilaj by the members of Iho t'onsorva tln put alone, but by nun li the larger jairtiun s4 the rntittlfwit KepublU.-t.. also. Thi. holng ilia east H fei to tu to Ihj useless in iinu im now the change ami amendments necessary to pmwttt. ' The on!v question (hat now presents NMMalMaafilU'iifluUkillMtit('ii:tik'. When Hiat U asreul upon U will he tuo enough to disamsBlh. changes i1icbmIvc. Tk question of the manner, it seems w us, ia (Baa MpB which we can all agrre. Tu changes omjhl to be ttsde by the rcprcaeiilalivu of the WOflaV eh Plan from among our wisest and beat Burma. In that way it cheaply and cjLpediliously ihaei to aoy other war. If attempted to be done by She WfUlatira mode it will be ssany Team sasre all Baa required change are made. Ami ,itoO,J to ! .1 BnssBBsi I , ,1 nr. r..i ,.-. i mi nuv turn oor rcaucrs will i-xciimi int for (riving place lo the ftitlowlnr private letter wniili we lake Iho liberty of pnblisl In Hfili. i, In it. l.r one ..f the .t I., la ,,f the legal profession In North Carolina, who ia also highly esteemed, wherever known, a a Chris tian gciilletaaii. The manm r -i which we haw been sustained hy many of the whin and boat me ill the lute, who have no imiiyaihy with radusJlsiii, ia a soubcu nf much Krniftscalion o , Hept. 29(11, 18T0. How. Lrwis Mam Ha, HaMahury, Tt. (, Dkah Km : Will you he kind enough to aand roe several copies of your paper of the 23d tu.t .....I I : i ... i i ill I'M'ii i ,i i m i ol iii.il . on .iiiiii,,, ;,. . ... Elill'a lirel article and jroor reply thereto. An atomrf nf fix weeks has rattaed ywrr pa pen to he juhlaid. Allow :ue to -iiv that your denunciationa of lho.Ku Klux urguniiution nhmilil have met with the approval of all good men. You did not write one word concerning them that I wond Jtnve herniated one mordent publicly to endorae. If I had been a candidate I khould have denoun ced the organisation to the "nil extent o my ability upon alt proper occaaioM. Now aa to the organisation itaelf, I hare never had the ullghieat evidence of i a jlateaca, eava through the newspapers. An effort was once aauuial n.dmlinil, to atari U in thie lt.ui.y. but it waa etudlouaty ewioialid from me, ami eappreed by the wiadom .nd pairiotiau, of "'ii""." ,ne m,,rm) ,,, .1,,, j, ... . ' oorrro. iu ignorance ami unwilling. taoae to vnoen rt waa conBtJwi. lum of many in giving anawen lo the questions If the toaaoiM of hjslurr an' worth anvthine. asked, will make much of the returns hUm. they teach us thai secret political auciatiea have ProaDe" . uncertain and without ral- never eUeoUsl any good, on Ik -onimrv u "T 1 c?r?c v,fw or eaoaWlltiai of oar . , ir. i 7 : . ' t. n is itirtner certain that in reward to have don. as much to bring calamity and aor- manutacturea, to capital and other aaaSB row upon tin; human raue aa ail other caiuMw deaignedly misinformation wns iri yen lo tli . .Hi combined. Of Ireland they bar bean the eurae Cer' , alao aoeae from a wilful perverae ...j .. i.i. .i. n.ia..it. n, . .1 neaa, would take naiua to lie in onbr n.;l...,l " ".' ' "inc v nurcn will not ail- u-.. i A . - - L"-,-J s I a r ai e- u iiai it'll I rial mt' iamaiia r.nu.r u f. I W .11 ra. i-i f lalt hi lb omisiun na .L ,, . . . v BW i a i "i-s w ma pwacr I " meir win oe Very tar I torn giving correct dat MMUuoa Ami aa ail ciaaaea oi peo- - unuer wnat " " 1 l'"aT no conunn.n oi our country, it u a ida aalLfaartiaa Jeai re changes ami amendments uue 10 V ""V operate, no matter whether in ,"al,cr to be regretteil that it ia so, ami the char in the oigaaic Uw, let both parties in the legls- nPe of Kibboniam, Fenian um or olher- in calling a Conreation for that wl4 au trl " "e seniont is over them If ibis ia done it will lake the que- Outrage and murder, under whatever pre m ... . ... I Inari raiiimill I . , . , . oi party poiiuaa, w a very great extent, ""-"i nooneror later, awaaetlic will insure us a much better Constitution Teri8"W of God, and we know that, for Hia meet at the hands of a nartv en- own ""cruUble ptirpoaes, the innocent aa well i .i ,.. . - In a hand-to-hand strngclc witli nn adyeriic Ule PMVi omcUiuca ruber the weight oi His party. j tubmen la. w' - ... ... . I a t. . At MM) proper time we will enter the lists and ou,ar" my anowieoge cxten.U the Conscr- hs'sltf aftawqririg the organic law of the State (orwvwr to the parly rrica of V State. AI nvxat every candidate, and certainly eveiy par ly, wiTJ totve aoaMaMbbfof hia own, U the ah ape ft aa amendment to the Constitution, at every i iiaiajag atoettoa.. Ii this way the Conetlte lioa, whioh ahotsW be a aacred instrument, will ttecaaaa ttariajce soot tall of party, aad nobody will be aaie to fH exactly what it is. Then let a Vmtmnm called, and let the people elect iaV Kead the following honeat confession from the Orecnsboro' Rrpwbdtmn. Tun Nwrr Crwwra. -The Tmrpoaw of lh government of the I iijltxl .in. in having the census talren all over flie country is to obtain erenie inNtrmatinii on all the. subjects siaaUtoil ui iiiu ifoica -Mpiilatlon, in uuilactures, lauds, etc., eto. ri-ni-ur inforiuation issouiiht: annmx iuialioa Jiml cuirinit inulil lx- done by the olH- W.I. . lf J i 1. ii K'TItJ -J ass's at t BsiiiiiKinn as well as ny any one In uie i-iiate, county ur lownsiiip, nml would not riwt urti M, nun h The cost of the preaent at igaWpt In 1N,U irel .ux uiatis inforui.itii.ii will fee very great, and we are very suro (hat much ai Ui. n n nn. math, to NVwvliinefan will be at tcrly unr,lnJ,U. . r,. l, ,. uieuna, limt the sysli nt, ur'ralhe-, want of aya toms by which it was expected to be dim, is far ,r " "'M cimipitic ami t il,-, live. The ap- IMiiiiluirnU of Assistant Marshals, or Knunicra lorseven, if Hie nnsle were correct, was by no meana M oompetaat aten in v. ry iqany cases. ins apoiiiiiueaia were limcje through oflice hrnkeraln many cases, no doubt, and lor a val uable consideration. In many cases the town ship were farmed out to "anybody" that would to it, or rather not do it, ami get up a return. I Inn. ex were not visited iu order to get the most ae nrate information Uiat diligence, care and ilhility oould get. All that waa undertaken to bu done thoroughly waa to get aa much pay out of the office as possible by doing the work as poorly and aa little of it aa possible, J was common, in the case of large land owners, first to art all their land to them and then again divide ii among tne leuanls and sot each farm to thtste tenanta aa if it were their own. Little care waa hail to wat correctness even in the unrulier of -miens of their educational advantagee. the incauacilv and the un&tithfuliiaai of those who took the number aad value, etc, of the I term, there were difficulties with the ail. laena mat also will make the returns ... 4 M.rrvro IUM Kl iWI ' r'.iy I Sharif lAinrtiui. Miniil.. Hi i. 'i.l. .a ' y, miill'iiii. I ' 'i r i i ''ii 1 ours to-day sHumBM. iha I:. ,,,,l.h. ,,, ! wiUi the in ; "r- "if case ol t lilt r Ju.thw 1 vtm imu, 2j 1 1 ' iiehb-llr en- raged dally lo tl,e aaan.inti..n of the Imperial Ij-ttars dI-H..,r,, ruillerira, and also in llmca4.irr-l trunk of the l'rinrwaa Clothilda at 1 neppc. I hey reef) aatounding erldrnosa of .... ........wand amour, of the lale Milertr 11 rX, ?,lrlww Iti-IUnger. 1'rivale pa pera of CfcUf Jiiattofe iJentoana, also seii.d by the 1 4,inmia8iini, aariou It o implicate hiin aa a feiceii m the ctobaiK-lury aad aeandahKi. transactions of II. s tote Kmperor. TIki tliief .iiisti. w now ri(fjl .rweillariee. II nas i , ,, .Ieiwte, irM ,he rords of his court In ken from him. Tl... .. ii.,.. U, ..1,. , titi is sufficient t convict iK-nienne and forever pnvim I lie- Imixr .1 l..il,,.,l i,... 1.... r. esiaiiiisiitsd on the lkroe of Krsnce. It is sta- Prealnt of the Mnrilrtrml Itewulalmnt iHiiimr- tee, announced the result of the pleblscilum of the JM'opIc nf Kunie In 111 tin- baleuuy ol tin Caintol amiil the m. ate! 1 ulhusia-m. 'J 1 lu grama announixil ihe f. Ih.w Hig ns tin ba'loltnga uf the city of Kome : 10,fi ytm in th amnu- flive; to in 1 ue negative. Lamniue tltycast ,.i"'i mi. s. all lu liie aOinuallve. Kcturiis fnun the Provinces show 6,337 votes ii, tint afOnna- live, against - IaiuIoii, ( k'tobcr ;i, t-Vfiiiiie, market tloscil stagnanl, tratiNacliona iKsmrnai: ctuiols ' fur iiimity arid 211 for account; 1'. H, Umds iK:tK)j. I. it . 1 1 .xil, I Mi. her ft.ewniiiL'. -sCieVwi 1 ld firrot-r; mitl.llin uplamls Orleans 7d ; sales la, OW riales, including 2,1410 for exKn and spulutiin. NEW YORK DKMOCRATIC CONVKX-1HN. ltotrster, Sept. 21. The Hemorratie Rale ted that the guilty MarKiicrlte is In the tantof tTxfUt "I," IT to in vooiuusaioii. iri .ii.., iIim of the documents already disctivernl she will be placed upon the .tami to testify directly of her crime, the whereabouts of the seroi-l'rince Im perial, ma ti,e part b Kreaktont Den- it nut?. iWytoa Arm J Obtnvatio WitMnnm. llrussels. OctoUir .1 -TK f .,1 n. I. i I il... r..,.,,l.ii,.. . 1 "t 1 . . t - - '"J ii . . , ........ i aii mm 1 1 . Bill, n lion, WblCb lias baan enninsl ilniv Mir ntiMiiti in ( low. I fnjfti... . l... 1 a i i - . . - I - - n i m wv rotett 11 1 III oi tne war in prvaerrlrrg arnied neutrality and I self fully up lo the standard of the peoplsa eV and given for dtr by the Him. Ramuel J. 1 il.lt n, t hairman of Ihu stale commit lee, who, anirarswkiugat aoeie leinith ngaiust the coagrwasioaal t cntraliration ,l isiwer, and charKiiiK the reiiuhlieaiis with beiiur :l- . r . . w wit- iwriv oi ta-niraiiuiion, nianiinaUtl the linn Wm. 1 , lA-wlll temporary cbairiusn Th nuiniuallon was carried. Mr Duwitt, on taking the chair, sharply ii ri'lernng maaassswsa. At Nt. Luke's I lunch, ill Ibis ,,,r. on ihu 4th ineL, by the Itov. James II. Tilluighast. Mr. illiain t Iverqian, Jun., and Miss Uura Mur- pny, ail oi tun place. ; I J Jh Klh U,H Waughtown, by WdeW m. Turner, Mr. 1. R Stafford w Mhsj Lura Anu fcwairu, of Davidson comity. S. At itethania. Kuravlb caaiitv. ui Tiiaartov. tlm 20tli ulL, by ltov. Uwis Itlghia, itev J K. I.inebsjt lo Miss AlkeO. I: gl.is, daughter of "'"w im i ieivymau. i) 1 1 ii At Richmond Hill, at the residence of her aim r, loeemiwr llli, of Tvidioid Ferer, I.ai (X T. 7, 1810. crll pTevcntirur violation of reaties with France, and msnds, three cheers were called Prtlsala haa been Withdrawn .nd lianrwxrt l,ir I Jnl.n T II. ctinrts in that direettoe. belmr no lonavr neoes- The list of deleratea was thsn ll.,l .nd ih. lmTT- I chair announced no oootestlnr deleration J . XSV. - J I . . r . . . . sjsrg- sjsrsmn TVwaaV aaeaaf. I ammuw u. moil oi uucrns county. Said the del Vleatsa. OosehaV UIThs. ixZi l agate from New York contested the seats oi ih.. r..k. ""Je. oe"aim WDoae names had been read, and acter of our country is wronewl bv such but as Jong as honest and capable men men of iruiu and conscience are not held at a premium, no public work will be well done. Aa long as place ia made dependent only on the politica in.ii men may proiesK, or tne mean and dirty partisan jobs they may hare done, we 'shall aces no improvement. As long aa good and capable men are misrepresented and underrated because they are honeat enough to have opinions of their own, there is only room for adventurers and HCfiunlrt4 wlm in vi.r ,1.. tl... ...... 1 . f .1... l diecuej Wtrl our brethren of the press the alter- vn,lvc party h not bound up with this organ- carefully and well. In what we write we are aiioas and amendments needed. At preaent we ,I4,Uni but if it waa, the unnatural affiliation, "ot striking at any one. We do not include all ahall not do so, further than suggest, what we "hou,J hav Helens cncrgoUcally de- lWsTd in ,,.hi ork n, or strictures. v. . . .. . I,,,,,,,,., ,i " ere it net invidious we could milnt out men Bare orten oeiore sugsesiea, than one great work " ,vk ,1!lt w believe have don., their U'nrlr wnlt anrl rf aaaavssk Vaneamwtlira 1.1 K ...!:.. .....1 - 1 111 the L'Olltml I tlllnlr trim a,.,, n.....! I... I I- I . ... . wasiwaieaAia Biivitixa tsctu atijunh nilU KIIHI I - O - wew vvuta-; "iiriivt ajY I IIIUUU C U 1 -C M IK t' OI IJOIIlg 11 COrrtTllV. C illl.' .a m . m .a .... I - - -- .1 . v ... I . t . .1 1 1 tt if.. the eTebt Of the State, holh old and new. upon a I ulw' vo( nccro approval 1 Hunk vour luJU ere anotner uecatie ot years xliall have Joe) and .equitable basia. That it can be ao re- P'Pcr JlJ muJ to secure our late victory as tay ConvenUon as to brinj: it easily lJ,v ,,u'r Vtr UieMate. Tbecorruitioo of within the power of tlm peonle to pay it, with I Prty in power, exposed ami bronght to the the sanction of the holders of it, we have but I v,ew o( ll public, by able, well-timed and mod UUto doubt. But while the Constitution n-1 mte articles, was the cause of our micccs. Hut one point made by you I could not en- prove, mid that was where you miggeyted a sep aration of the moderate, from the extreme, men of the party. Let the wedge once enter and we will be split up rent into fragments. The mod erate men have the majority their policy ia the only safe policy for as let them remain in the party and control it. Pardon this off-hand letter. Tammanv list.) fAr i - i r piuust.j 1 he committee on reeolnttnna rwrnrbsl First A eeneral indictment awainat the re- piiniu an party, Second hfator of (rt trad. Third--Keftrui in inter i what it now is this can never be done by the legislature. And in no event could the leg islature do It ao well as a Convention. THE SUUTHFliN HOME ONCE MOKE. ' units- cd, that the Cuilcd Slates Coneress will have devised some betier mode of taking the census audi aa will secure completeness and accuracy and be comprehensive of all needed items. In the meantime we hope the Genera) Assembly of tius Mate will provide lor the year 1875 that the census of North Carolina be taken in the most perfect inancer. Although I have yery little political influence, ret, as you have Ih .-n assail. .1, I think tho-e who approve your ftfrfcoi. ftawain jroti by some evidence We have given the whole letter of our valued 1m brief paragraph in the last Sontitrn Iftant, iwtrporting to be copied from an lulicle of onrs of the 6th of Aagust, opnstrued hy itself, as 3ea. Hill has printed it, may mean juxt what Cb?n. Hilt aaya it means; but ns ire wnse and ""vWpartinjT tlieltRTcfe' of which it formed a purl It simply amounts to a suggestion of a "proha Die occurrence in a certain coniinecncv tne contlnirenev of a refusal l.v the rittrcme men to corresjionilcnt, that winch approves of our gen accept, in good faith, the 'reconstruction acts of cral cuunu! ns wtl1 wWch l"ipprove?-f Orngrma, the 13th, Hth and loth a.ncndn.enta a ,an 01 "r c0,,l"s UM respondent will included, as a'fin a! st ttlcraeTrttrf the ouestlon. re"l!lbir tl"'t ' auggestcsi the vAoiVi- That ia what we meant by ft, anil that is what " attpawium u a.A:eriaiii course was per it means, "Judy." Doui Gen. Hill think -""i- wing ot u,e party. 1 also stiggusted how it might lie prevented. The j suggestion may, pomibly, have been a mistake, anil lpiay, ;seWy, serve to preveut tire .eejara- members of uie htte lirotherhootl, who went through the form of acecjillng tin- Legislative Addjieas, aa Dr.Moore and i.i.u.y others did, ac cepted of it in good faith, pr only ns an "elec lirswwj.riXl ruse." Or does he still believe, "uot withatanding sthe stRtcineubi of the (Ad Jforth Stat and the lluldcn press, that there waa no each organization In exsstencc '!',' A talhe Horn' correspondent of the 3d of March, if he can prove that the ' Liberal Mov meat" with wluch ice were connected originatei with Gov. Holder, he can prove that darkness ia light that falsehood ia truth that vice virtue, or anything else that ia untrue. We bum who eere the outhnrs of it, and we low that their object waa to defeat Gov. 1 1 olden and radical Republicanism. NORTH CAROLINA STATE FAIR; Office of thk N. C. Ao. Ntx-iety, September, 27, IS70. To Uie I'ajplc of tU StuU : It is now only throe weeks to our next State Fair. It will begin on Tuesday the lHlh of t)c tober, and continue four days. Kvery prepara linn has been made for n'satiafaclory display of all articles which may be forwarded for exh'ibi. lion. I am advised, from notinwrtions already giv- ....-. " i nc various itniironit companies, with enm inrndahle spirit, hnve rcdiiitsl their fares so low that all who desire it rnn attend. The fares are lis a general rule, not nmre,jlmn mnthivd foil rates Id "go and return. Parlies living not very remote from Rnleitrh can visit the Fair and go hack Ihesame evening ao ns not to sjH?nd a night from horn-. I fi ,. confident that those attending will ho abundant ly repaid by the instruction gained and enter tainment enjoyed. The orlicers of the Society ex'end to all a cordial invitation. 1 earnestly nipicst the friends of the Society, particularly it officers, including tint Marsha treaty fur tha nnu - ' .i :t.. I in and privileges of uaturaliaed A merman -'- I asked fur a committee to examine the ease. The returning to their netivw catuaarv an i i I r'"llr stated lhat he could not receive the names for social purposes has keen atonal bv tha A.- of nr "elegatm except those read by the aecte- trian Mtouter at Foretoa Ajairs and bv the UP (whicn WM lfle varnencen minister, lion. John Jav. Iiim.U. eeeam snbiect to the approval of the Austro- Hunfarian ParliamenL There ia ae doubt of tne immexuau assent of that body. IJommbmliMM I mm ml ii. IX... r J -. ... - I u'iui in internal revenue matters. ' tSWeaene. I roilrth Dencuncinir the mneniaimial nat. T l! , . . . ,. m . I ii ., jjsrriiB, a. n euict nas Been nmmnln. urmisaiion act. Ud by the Prussian goverament that in every Fifth Rejoicing at the downfall of Imperial trench department occupied bv tha Oerm.n iam in France, and aiae the re-tsslahlixhrnent m trtaipa, when the uiliabitanU have been retniirtd t'Cinan unity li Ireland, tuba and liberty extension of eleni- rial Ministry. I ancy to prisoners for violating neutrality laws. mxmr . - I L'llil I . a m ... KeswijV rum rum tu (Suet Victoria permitted U f-gnin inuoming inc canal lunilmg bills. w I i ilnir Ififlnimei JsOIHlOtl, KH'U't- A meiMMiri- Imm P.ri-t.tl Tl... MwaL.tsrataa. svAisk 1 . C " I " smfsiiuMiw nut ii iiiiiu in 'iii I autll'ttU .... s,w. r mroiign meir Willi great applause. W. M. Tweed movcti the lines and proceed to hiutl.ind on Kridav Uxi A niunln.il... 1 1 .. ..r .. ,i..i . .g. ., - f s... ... k. ......'.. . ... ...... i,.. "i m mu nouncaiion. nowever. waa t issoate i.. I, . il... ,,.:.(.. ii i ... i. j.. l. .1 T J I wsiitvii eeiarv ' nn nu 1 1 1 uv ni.t'it tie ciHincr mat no more messengers will be allow- acclamation. Mr. Ottendorf, after a few re marks, nominated John T. Hoffman, which was received with applause. Kit-hard Orlorman seconded the nomination with a brief siK-cch. The nomination was then made bv acclamation amid repeated clterrs. The ticket was comple ted a- follows: Lieutenant-Governor. Allen C. Reach : comptroller, Ashcr F. Nichols, of Erie: i anai commissioner, long term, Jonn if. ray ; troops, wuen the mnabitanu have been required 1 'ennan unity, to pay extra ONilnbations, they shall be appro- Sixth Sympathising with Irel nriated to pay indemnity to the Germans who other Ironies struggling for libertj have been expelled from France by the Irape- Seventh Calling for the cxtotn rial VIhiiIpv .... i - - f W . f BA Gar-eat 1'MIOJOJI, daugl.ler of Chief Jus tu . IVarson, aged 22 yearn 4 months and 21) dava. Uehmtleas lVath hath aaatcheil a shining vie- llm. Rlending the highest qualities of mind, and the BtroiiKint elements of chsracter. with ! jofttml womanly greem ; excelling in every fem inine arrompiisiimenl, characterised in every ait anu worn, ny tne must winning grarmeanses, (he most exquisite refinement and kindness, and lu-pireti aim s isirlty of principle, iiiHturiui I7 the highest principles of classic virtue, aha was .-Hon,,- xexuti. most brilliant ornament, and moat beloved member. With aa ear ever ready to the tale of distress, a hand ever ready to relieve want, and a heart foil ofaympalhy for the sullcring, she was held ia ilisaest reverence and love bv all who came in reach of her deli cate attentions. But her tomily, who can explain their grief, who can comprehend the anruish that rends their souls, when they look for the joyous smile with which she ever greeted them, or listen far toe marry laugh, or the g acroBTKP sr t. a. uccuMaavonsr.eaocxB. Barns, Berptmn4 ...... ta ta an 4tofle, peepouaU, tB to BB ( ..in. per bush, ill Wj lbs. , Ml lo j on Mesj.iMHdK-te " . ir tot nr. 'opperas, perpeear .... ...... let ce t'sadlcs, Tallow, " aula, au " Adamantine, 96 to on Cotton, issr pnuad rate IB 1 am, per uuuuu i.ooioi.aA r.Ks. i uuaeu, kt. reamers, par puiuul. Plour, perssuk BMiioS.ie Klati, alaclieral, lil . uo Mte n r'rult, Urietl, apples pealed " " uuii'10, " " I'eachea, iiesleit . ... m m aapealed r..... Leather, epper, per isiund cole, " toaa, bar, mum Nolaasea, sergasasa A B to 4 4 s 7 IB 711 8 to 10 7 " 8yrup, 1.00 to l.fD llulons, per bushel AO U 78 Pork. perpouad. .......... Mile I I'otatues. 1 nsl,. 1 bushel 76 to I. Oil me merry laugn, or the gay song that was wont to rehopod through the paternal halls, anima ting and 4amrtog them, and remember that one cruel blow has Bereft them of all this; that she wno was so lair ami lender, whom Ihey were weal to nurture with such sflbcthsn. has hern lorn from them, aad now lies aleenin under tha cold sod. Her death has left a void that cannot he All- ed. Her tike we ne'er shell see again. Let us ensiirine her In our hearts ! Let us hold aacred the places where her shadows have tall en t r. In thia t-it v. on tha nth Inst.. Mr. diaries F. Kits, aged about 44 He waa a native of Vscha, near Kisonach. in Thiirineia. Clin many. but lor several yean a resident of this city, Hogar, Brown, perponnd, Claried. " Crashed Pnlrerfaed Salt, coast, per seek, " Liverpool, " TBBIS. Tubscco, l.esf. perpoand, Maaontetere4, Baaeklaa. s- 60 to .... 13 to 16 as e ... t.00 Int.fB .ale.9B B.MBaxao Rto aa a ef 10 to 1.66 to I K SPECIAL NOT1CKR. ed to paw Amitktr Sortie at 2Idz. A sortie haa Uvn made at Mela bv a ilotaeh. iiiciu 01 uaxaintis nnny in eart h ol provisions. me raiu wuapruviUcnuaUy suot esslul. The gar rison suffers principally from the want of salt. bsBramCaeawas. 1 ne cnoiera nas ruacle iu appearance among for short term, tieorgo W. Chapman, of Sarato- 1 1. . . 1 ... ........ ... ,lt . m a I ..... 4 . ' . ...e 1111, 1, 1 iiiiiiis nt t uaions. anil llllleU el--, f-:l' lor l;ll.. Insi.-, U.r s.,,1, I. tJ,.l... citement has been caused thereby. After the list of delegates from tlie younir de- Jitmia aboid to propose a ItcrUion of the Treaty mot racy of New ork city was rejected in the 0 I&06. fonvention a long protest, attacking Tweed am inc lainmaiiv organization ol JSew lork city WHY DO YOU COUGH ? When it is iu vour power to relieve your self; a few doses of OIL TUTT'S EX.'EC- TOKAVI will cure you and allay theappie- benaions of your friend ; moreover, it ia pleasant to take, it produeee ao oausea, and strengthens the Lungs and throat to resist attacka iu the future. Mothers need not dread the croup when they have it bottle of this valuable compoutd on their inantlepiecu 0 ISM London, Oct 3. The Timet thia morning in an important correspondence from St. Titers burg, announces that it is Bjcncrally .assumed in Imperial circles in that citv that tlm Kmperor will shortly propone to the t ireat Towers a revi sion of the treaty of I8di. The Ptrbiaeitum at Eimt. Rome, Oct. ..The Tlebiscituin of the Un man inhabitant was successfully completodyea lerday. The report which was enteimivi.lv iir. iCOlated that the voting had been postponed un til Tuesday nilit, was undoubtedly designed to keep many persona from voting, LuL it utterly failed in its object, its a prompt denial was given ing places, t!i-eTTBtii t,t. juestions ujam aliTrn they were to decide. Laid eliee.s given for V utor lMiiaiuiel and the cause of Italian unilv. The voting was conductetl in an orderly and im posing manner, and the result -t iilrnii.l 1111111 imoiisly in (avor of rnion with linlv inl..r was sent to the officers of the convention, but no notice whatever waa taken of it. I 'I.AI: is AS11 RlUlES. When rosy lil)B part, pearls should glitter behind them. To preserve ami beautify the ileutal enamel. there is no preparation like 8ozodont, a compound of the inoet wholesome, vegetable autiaepticts, among; which the Bark of the South American Soap Tree, known to the natives aa Quillay. and used hy the Spanish Americans for cleanaiug without Impairing, the moat delicate fobries, ia the uiost iuiiHtf-taut. MSW ADVEIiTISttiXlfTS. Important Sale of Valuable PROPERTY. THE UNDERSIGNED A8 AGENT tor the late Ann of Henderson Ac Enoiaa, will expose to public Auction for cash, at the Court-House door in Salisbury, on Monday tha 17th last., at 10 o'clock, P. M., a two thirds interest in that eligible plantation 3 miles east of Salisbury, on the H C R R, con taiuiug about 90 aerea ; also, 90 shares of Stock iu the VV N C R R company, theit notes, accounts, and other evidences of dar. and various kinds of Stock. Also, a vafwa ble GOLD MINE iu Mo utgouterv comity . And on the I9tn Jay of November next, at the Court House in Newton, that vaihehli. larm known aa the HOtiPEU PLAXTA TK , od which there is a vaJeeble LIME KILN and d.-posit., f GOLLa, MARBLE PLUMBAGO. IRON. ice. Ten;..- umde known on Ay of safe. W. H. BAILEY, Agent Oct 1. 1870 40-81 TUattORS, TJleera. l,al Ik..- Pluuslt plna t nawr InMI. IU tlKSU', K II. KLINK, M one y tt i., si. PI, ll.d, , L .. p, ,,i r l. D., Ctiarloltr, X. CsryBaklsstntat saaaaSaahStSZL "Spaluiko'b Gi.fK." will just suit you. More lit ti.tim. Grave thanre. savs the World, nre pnfcrrctl acain.-t the lion'. David Rutler, Uovernor of Nebraska, and resrulnr Re- ... -. - . " I -- s . - , - puiilican nominee for re-election. It. ia nlb.jir lyLUiiJil Kixly t'eutr. Pamphlet glringsym Hon, which many fear. We had mneh stronger grounds for thinking a continffency might arise and his aiifs, to persuade their acquaintances that woulil lorce a-. separatum than we now feel Having objects worthy ot exhibition tn forward Jiv, EDITOHIAI, MISHAPS. Tliat (here are some things connected with auditorial life that are very pleasant ia quite true; especially if the editor possesses equanimity of temper and happen to be blessed with a gener ,oas and magnanimous disposition. Butatill the Jife of no editor can be one 0 unalloyed Bioas- u re. Many things must almost necessarily hap m that will cause him some regrets. If he at tempts to set up and establish a particular Stan dart! for bis taper, or to conduct it upon any ncrtienlar modal, he will still occasionally find that a communication or an extract has slipped into hmffliMBans inconsistent with the character of his paper. And siaia oausea him regret after wards. This haa been Uie case with oursclf ice. ' Dm lug the late campaign wc ppsibtd to reject several communications 1 Baa paeaonal Uutui-at ion h fell they , or their want of decency and dignity. 1 all one communication found its way into our columns which we regretteil to see there afterwards on account of its intenso bitterness and its1 personal attacks. Knowing the writer to be a worthy and recctiible gentleman wc gave die manuscript to the compositor without reading more than a page of it. No one. ever complained to irs about it, but srill, whcrwe came tu read It in our columns wc regretted that are had not read it in manuscript and rejected it. f jet week owing to the great huiry in which the inside of our paper was made up in con.-e-aeocjeAf absence and illness a lu-ief extract found Its way iuto our columns which we re retted to see in them when we came to read it there. Of course we do not endorse such extracts by publishing tin ni unless we expressly say so, yt giva them place in our editorial columns and set them in the same manner that we set our ed isariaBS. The journals lo which such extracts jare eaedited, or the writers ofcomraunicaiions, ttaaM ateay be held reionaible for them. .But' otwitlastaiWiug all that we would niJt willingly give eiscuatitn to what wouhl do injustice tp others, or want..:, h Ueiiiple upon their feelings, even though llu.y be our political, or even our petsansssi, enofBjrs. il seems to u that political warfare ran Be waged with sufficient intensity without pursuing -nth .1 coarse. at liberty to make public. There seems at this time to be much less probability, of its ever ari sing than there was then. The disposition seems to be almost universal now to accept the recon struction acts of Congress, the 13th, Hth, and 15th Amendments included, as a final settle ment, by which we mean a settlement never to be disturbed except hy other amendments to the State and Federal Constitutions in the, wav and manner prescribed in said instruments. GREAT FLOOD IN VIRGINIA. On Friday and Saturday last portions of Vir ginia were visited with the highest freshen ever known in that State. In Lynchburg the James River rose twenty-live feet higher than ever be fore. Many bouses in the city were swept a way by the surging torrent, aad a number of lives b lost. Mills, dwelling houses sad bam were almost constantly being borne do en on the bosom ef tha turgid waters, and a great number of Railroad bridges were destroyed. The Ri vans, thi Shenandoah, and other rivers, were al moat aa much swollen as the James. At Rich mond, even, the James was as high as eret be fore known, though there had been but little rain there, or for many miles west of there. The water which created the mighty flood there all fell from the clouds in the Piedmont region of Virginia, more rhnfi A Tiiinflred miles distant. This fact will ..enable our readers to form some da of the magnitude of the rains' and the flood in the region, and among the niountains, of the Blue Ridge. Of course nearly all the corn in the valleys of the western part of. Virginia has been destroyed, amounting to millions of bush- ls. A telegram from Lynchburg having pre pared the people of Richmond for the arrival of the flood they were enabled to remove a vast amount of go4tL and other property from the lower portions of the city to places of safety. Otherwise the loss in the latter city would have been vastly greater than it was. them to me on or liefore the 17th of Oct. There are many things animate and inanimate in the State of excellent merit, which are never found on nny Fair Ground. Their owners are too modest' or unambitious or timid. Kvcrv lover of our good old Slate should desire to see its productions fairlv represented. There will be men at our next Fair from all parts, not only of this but of other Statea, North and South of us. An excellent opportunity will be afforded, of instructing ourselves as well as giving others some Idea of our immense resour ces. Let therefore, each person who may read this paper make diligent enquiries as to" what may be in his neighborhood, worthy to be seen, and when ascertained let him endeavor to have the articles forwarded as above directed; they shall be well cared for, and will be returned free of any charge on our Railroads. T,'ie annual address will lie delivered nn Thurs day, the 20th, br the Rev. Dr. (.has. Phillips, late I'rofeaaor of Mathematics, of the University of North Carolina, now of Davidson College, known to be one of the most ornrinal thinkers in the South. On eaeh night, beginning with the 18th of October, there will be meet intra of the Society held, at which, naisars will be read. and discission- had on interesting subjects rela ting to Agriculture and the Mechanic arts. ij 1 J. J. LITCHFORD, , Cor. Sec. N. (.'. Agricultural Society. Till-: CHATHAM COAL MINKS of NORTH CAROLINA. King Victor Emanuel and his suoeeaaora. '.. .!. ,.,., ,7 i'lUM. Tours, Ortolier 3.-The advices from I'aris, through various channels, report that the 1'rus sians are completing with all ncaaihie expedition ' (heir line of rircnmveliation around I'aris. They h.,ve ueennied the redoubt of ( it nnevil liers in the arc 1 f the Seine at the north wuat, and the rcdonbt of the town Vilje Juif at the south threatening forts Yichtre and D'lviii'';. agaiint which latter work it is presumed that they will hurl their main attack. The seige trains of the Prussian army are expecttd to arrive at the King's headquarters at Fcrrieres within a-few days : it is alsonnlicipated that the Kintr's head. quarters will be advanced further before the close or tne work, antt that immediately follow ing this event a. tive operations against the city wilt or oollllUCTtCftl. Itdijiou Servire in tie Army at Sirtitufcmrg. Carlsrhue, Oct. 3. Yesterday waa devoted to religious services in the army which has just oc cupied Strasbourg. The army which had assem bled at Saint Mauri and Strasbourg, organized immense open air congregations and were ear nestly exhorted bv chaplains of the Catholic and Paotestant faiths. The whole army then offered thanks for the victory, the Protestant regiments on one siae ana inc . ainnnc on 1 lie other. At the rroteatant services the clerzv assured Gen eral Winder of the loyal devotion of a majority 01 toe oiraauourgcr to i no ticrm.in nation, and . t . t I .. . M '. a t ' . men intense ocsire to oe once more resting niiiiui uie protection 01 tne r atnerland. The ceremonies attracted thousands of citizens of Strasbourg, and even many from this city. Since the occti.mey of the city an opportuni ty has been supplied to estimate the ruin and devastation caused by the fire of the Prussian artillery, which towards the last was incessant and terrible destructive. 1 General Worder in his report upon the con dition of the city says that the Prussian fire was characterised by its extreme accuracy and pre cision. Every prominent structure in Stras bourg against which sllell or shot were directed is either destroyed outright along with the ed ged that, being an n ajftW., president of the State Board of School Fund Commissioner he loan ed himself $17,000 out of the school fund, and with said utoncy built, or is building, a private residence in Lincoln, the State capital; that lin addition, he loaned f 10,000 out of the .same fund to his btisbiuas partner (one Ticht ner) to open a hotel iu Lincoln: and lhat while, ostensible FliyfrfiJflrgru"W U4- tieaeloeiisthe ipn llieir re-navuieilt. (ireal i tein in, 1,1 -i.. ;., v..i. 1: 1. . ! .. t... . ; , -i""' ... ...... .-s.i ..I, i,,v net i lopiut nt tu tnese char ges, nun (lie Kepubiicaii Stale Lxeculiye Coin miltee was convened on the 17th ir.tnnt to con sider the same. The result of the deliberations of this Usly is, (Jovrrnor Butler must cease to be the Republican nominee. To this the Guv crnor responds, in language more forcible than elegant, that he tvill sec the committee first. J lie result is likely to be a split n: the Iie- oncaii parte, ami conscu'it nt triunin 1 of i n. nocracy of Nebraska. S500 Reward oflered by the propriettir f l)r. Sage's Catsrih Kcuicdv.Hir arcaseuf Cm. tarrh which he cannot cure. Bolubv dmnmtJ Cancers. Tumors ana Ulcers w tirioii. l it Cm lr Uw kn". wlUi rineli Its- t.f ci r Antlilo'e. t'al r.mni ts. sncrr and TaBMri vlUuul aa orarsilou vie. ut f-uillf. f.tlt.ir or I mrm'm . m.. .1.1.1. k . .... 1 1. " K oUtsr trutitwa' shoelB ever bease. Por psrtlealsi., ,. j f . clruilsr, call upon or addrtss ' ' ' "i mo ' 0 r. B'. Klluf 1 orl7'.n rill t. aith Or. Dultun, October t-tk sad It. toui- anil iuotifoitrestuienr..sentfrie. Address lr. it. , t'lerev, llutUtlo, .N. V pub! belli SCENES IX PARIS. ty feet, tne tlrst layer of coal is readied whose thickness is six and a half feet. Prnnerlv At Egypt in Chatham county, a few hundred V at tot I a sVrSVI I kasoti r!v..r as tiafi,.tn.l!..L. -I...t". has tlem stirrk to tin; depth ortW htmdrad"Bnft litm biimiiaaa, r renderad irreparably ruin. I V 1AHC llrvlllll. ritiiiin arm fi.nn.1 in jwt,... -o. less numbers among the slates which are perfor ated bVtbe shaft. These slates ate so bitumi nous that they burn readily, and with a bright dame. At Hie depth of four hundred snd twen- -fx I a t . cons.su, o, n o layers 01 coal, aeparataa. by a j ernmpnt tn rh P L layer 01 black band iron ore. This black bant.-ri ' v" tii it -'liX i. .imlUv 10 ti, s;...,,.,!, ki0,.i, . ..i..i...i . T 1.nrw ftom Versailles. He will obtain an inter- ... ........... .v ............ ... . . . .. ''ii.ie'i ,ur A Xeoto or a Woman ! The Republican enthusiast. Tlieodtire Tilton. detdares that (he next Vice-President of these United States most be a negro." Mrs. Sta.nbjn, of the Mevolntion, declares that th neat Vico- residetot must be a fcotaan. xAn issue such as that o.ii.t in wind up the wi.i(iau't. right.; part v. ificBBieiW Dispatch. 1 Why so ? Can't we have a negro woiu.ni. and so.aa.tisfy both f U'e have had old wo men liefore this, in quite as important offices as the Vice Presidency ; and vep trust that neither the Vupat nor Mrs. bUulon ttill . IB the United States District Court. Judge object to any old woman "on acmutnt of her Giles pieisiding, it was yesterday decided that race, color, or previous condition ol servi tude." v 1 1 I.. 1 lis have t ie c.4red Vice Presidentes.. bv all mesne. Norfolk Journal. the manufataiire of the best wrought iron. If is probable that this tire accompanies the. coal throughout the whole of the Deep, River forma tion. The geographical area of this coal field is II Undetermined. It has been variously esti mated from twenty-live to one hundred snuare miles. It is so certain that this repository of fuel is so crc.lt that it will not lie exhausted for several generations.. This Deep River coal is setter ami cheaiH-r than wood or charcoal for conducting many branches of manufacturing in dustry. It ia valuable in reducing the black hand ore with whh1 h It is associated that cast iron can be made for nine and a half dollars per ton, or less than half s cent per pound. Here are the elements which always attract capital and build up intelligent and thriving communities; and a geologist would predict that the Ilecp River region of North Carolina must become the most opulent and flotlrishirrg district in the .State. Lecture by Prof. Simmon. 1 1 1 n. Otm. urittiele Art a Enroy. London, October 8, noon. The 2'iairs of thp) morning announces that Geucral Burnsida, who volunteered as envoy from the iMsriaional iov the Certibcales of the interests of the mem bers of a building association in the accumu lated funds 'tifthe corporation require a twen-ty-tiv? cent United States revenue stamp. Baltimore American. view with Favre and the American minister, Vt ashbnrne, and is expected back to-morrow. Chplurt 0 000 2'VrncA. Berlin, October 3. Official dispatches from Versailles announce lhat 500 French troops, in line, were taken prisonqrs in the sortie against ino t-ruasian l'ltth, Sixth and ttevenlh corps on aaturoay in iropt f Fans. 6'rrof Rejoieauf in Italy over the Remit of t)u- Ptefiritn Florence Oct. 3. To-day the city is occupied in festivities oter the result W theVPIchisi itnm at Rtime whereby the people almost tahhout dis- sc'it, aeciareo their preference for a nraon with Italy, under the government of Victor Emanuel. The city assumes tho anoesranccof a holiday. The inhabitant- from the out lying villages are (timing in with joyful demonstrations. The Pi azza; del Grandnea is thronged with light-hearted people, who, with banners, arc parading he fore the government offices cheering for the King and saluting the officers. Numerous sta tues afe decorated and the joy is supreme. Accounts from Rome represent that the rejoi cings there ia electric. Everybody ia in the streets. The almost unanimous vote in favor of Italian unity has caused agreat sensation among diplomats, both at Rome and at Florence. At Florence last night the Duko Signoretta, A Paris correspondent of the New York World, under date of September 1-ltli, P. M., writes : There is mournitisr on the banks of th Seiue. Horrors ou horrors' head accumu late; one woe treads on another's heels, and the grief of an hour old doth hiss the speak er. And still we are but iu the first hour of our agony. The foe is at our g&tes. 1 have seen the sunlight gleaming from the burnish ed helmets of the daring Uhlans, who dash ed up this morning to within trim shot of the fort on the rampart on which I stood gating upon me aesniation mat nad succeeded to the smiling scene of loveliness that a few davs before greeted my eyes from the same point 01 ooservation. t ne r ruaslans are be neath our walls. They have kept their en gagements faithfully : the 14th nf Sent, in- ber was the day named by them for their ap pearance here, and they are here- We have prepared Tor them, but at what a cost, al ready ; and at what a cost are the v to be en tertained ! Outside of the city of Paris there is devastation, and tne abominations of des olation ; within its walls are what ? There is uo fear, or, if there be it ia bravelv hid den even the women, with their pallid fa- having brave words on their ouiverinu lips, and bright smiles on eheeka bedewed with tears, rhe smiles are for their defend ers, and their tears are for their children Hut. win ! fear is absent or is hidden behind mask, every other emotion that fills the tinman near! with agony rages almost beyond routrol. Had the wand of a maliirnanttt and merciless fairy beeu wared over Paris, chang ing everything that waa joyous into grief and all pleasant objects into emblems of suffering, the transformation eould not have been more startling and shocking than that whitdi has oeflurred. From the boulevards we see dense columns of smoke that arise from the hum- ; 1 t . mi . ing woDoa ami villages around us, and we speculate 011 how long it will be ere our own houses are set on fire by the PfOSSan bombs. There is a story here to-night that the eue iny have immense mortars which ill throw projectiles to a hitherto uuheard of distance, and that the shells for these mortars are till- ed with iiitio-glyeeririe. Tho Paris you knew nits most gay nt night the Pans we now know is to-night wrapped in silence, gloom and sorrow. Not a theatre rs open ; the Streets are almost desetted ; nil the shops'are ..1.w'...I ... . I . ii.ns.-u sate uie cates. and Muse are empty ; the few passers-by who are seen walk quick ly and Without eileHkinir. Neurit- .e..rv ut.lu. botlied man in the citv is in th nWuno ,.r at the barracks, and their wives aad children sit at homo with hearts heavy with Brief. Un to this moment the behavior of those from whi.ni the worst was dreaded- the Reds aud the 1 nob has been Mcinderfiiliv rrrt.i.l . V-. er has the city been more orderly am) more free fr.mi crime. But how -lung is this U last ? K.K-hefort has. thus far. restrained the Beds, and the mob has re-Mraimd itsulf. 1: ,- there are terrible whisperings in rnnemt. and in churches ,.f what may happen -!.,, the red flae is raised, as we hoar 1 kr. loBtt iu Lyons. A T0BPI1) SV8TEM. Sometimes, without any assignable cause, he physical strength and animal spirits give tay, and a slraiigo torpor tall alike 11 the suly .ml iniulli.tsi. m i"11 K.4mu. but the natmnaf vitor ui.tl elasticity of . -.omviuar sysiein fyeuis to tltd niw-ti''V'.-rrt,F m -. pleasures oj liU- and even t.fiu gruve respon sibilities, t .kys the .lae' th.ll ...irti.-t i.,m est in both which cbaracterisee evrv well bul atitanl liuud wh.-.i m tt heulthy condition. Ti l- -fate t.f partial collapse is often the pre mitnilnri. SV111..1..V., j ..r. . . ..........s ... soiuo serious maiaor It indicates unrnistakably that the vital powers are lniigtushing nud need a slimnlant. In snch eases the ntiect ota low dose of Hostetter's Stomach Bittersis womb fully benoricial. Tho gieai ionic wai.es up lP0 .system fruni its rirntt-s,. unit the t ncii utiuii reeoit-n , 1 lie secretions ,'U' ,1,1,1. tl.' ' . .. . , . . "r"'-- let.ticu nine, their elas. ticity under the nerations of the specific like the slackoned streugih of o musical Wrumftat in the process of tnninp. Ix-thargr and debil ity are replaced hy enerirr and vi. th spirits rise, and life that almost vi-cru...! a Kin- dou while the season of depression lasted, be- Cnilllta fin'A 1 ' .ninkkl. .ei . j. , ' ,, ""'" Jnai suen a radical change should be prodneed hy a remedy entirely devoid of the powerful alkaloids mid mmeiiuo ru mitiusneir uscu in lncdtrn prac- f ii i. mat s. ..tn .... ...i;i.K. . .. .1 . I "-TV ". ...oiiiiuio to um bo wno pn their faith on the lmdcinal elllasvnv i.f.i. poisons, but if these skeotios will takw rt... ...... bletoeaqBireof those who have tested the corrective and alterative virtues of the Bitters unuer tne circumstances described, thev -til uuu mo statement to bo trut. 8 11 toerfbe nt Once fbr the New York Weekly. The I'cojrfc's Favorite Journal. MOS'l 1NTHKK3TING STORIES aro alwajtn to bo foandia the NEW YORK WEEKLY. AT PRESENT THERE ARE SIX great stories running through its colli n.ti; snd at least one .tory is began every month. New subscribers arc thus snro of bavin p the com mencement of a ntMe continued story, no matter Kca nsnilierol the "w Yoik tt'Jltiv mtmtm. vra'antifia4lbistrstiens,lt.lvt..M..htf v.tuiiK uiaiu'i 01 any pupr of its eJus. see Ike sketches, )lort btories, Poenua etc., are by the ahltat.writcis 0f America atd Kuiope. The NEW YORK WEEKLY. dors act coofine its nsefulaess lo sinuseaient, but 1 osue-.a .rieiti ipianiuy or really instructive mst- tcr, iu the most condensed form. The New Yorl Weekly Departments, have attained a high reputation from their brevity. f V t lull. m au.l . . -s-. ..t v; essau 1.UI 1 i-i , 1 11 1 .- . The pleasant Paragraphs are ma uP of the een centisted wit ami humor of many minds. The Knowledge Uo.x isr outtued te useful inlurras tion on all manner of subjects. '1 he Xe Items give iu ibe fewest words the mort notable ilpinvs all over the werld. The (io-taip with Co respoaeenU contains aasweat to enquirers uwa all imaginable suhjecto. An UnrivcMed Literary Paper it tho NEW YORK WEEKLY! Knull issue contains frnm tioti In a.. ,.. I , ... . ,i. nn ,11 Till Btiv- pm nes sua ssetehes, and hslf a dosea Peeaas, ia add!- ...... .uc u serial stories and tae varied depart- nit 11 tii. SPECIMEN COMBS SENT FUSE t Vain Killer Perry Davis A Son. Manufactures and Proprietors, Prvridenee, Hhtnio Island. TR8TI M0.M A LR FROM THK "BBSS. J This remedy is well known to be one of the very best ever offered to the onblio. It la all that it ia represented to be. Tho testimnniitU in its la vi 1 r. reaohmg back for a series of years, ouu mo uAuinuiicu 01 a long ten. loctnrrestiblv prove it to be one of the most reliable specifics ,.f Ik. 1 - . o 1 -aw , . . vi una age. tu. v.uy om isortn State. We cheerfully add onr testimony In tmvnr nf tnis metueine. jtoman inrrn f B.B0 .III. HO Datpj Path K im.kr. We have tested thi- medicine, and bbiuib nut readers that tt not only possesses all tho virtues claimed for It, but in many instances surpasses any other remedy we hava ever known.--Herald of Gospel Liberty It is really a valuable medicine it is tfsetf btT" : my Physicians. lionton Trarelkr. I c many I have naed Davis' Pain Rillor. and consider 11 an indispensable article 111 the medicine box it has effected enres in diarrhoea, aud for cuts uuu onuses it la invaluable. -Jfk y, Examiner. Spoken of in terms of high commendation by both Druggist and Physician Philathlphia. Eaylc- The Terms to Subscribers One Year Sln.l.r.n. One Tear Four CopiMVs.Va")!"""" one Year Eight Copies..... ". 1 "use senains- ami for 11.1, t l-,.1.. .,, . one Vy.eVwl" fc eamti to cop, nee. CeSers np of ( lubsean af.r. .aa " UrVT. eehj osiccupivaa.v3.ev. STREET SMITH, oct ?-tVZ No- 861 FalU" T- 1 , OTOBE J- P. COATS' BIST SIX-CORD 18 NOW THE OILY n Thread put np for the American market whi-h Is SIX-CORD IN ALL NUMBERS. I.' ....... v . r. . ...wr. . , . 1 10111 .to. o to io. iou ineimnve. , Knpwn almost universally to be a eotsd rem edy for burns, and other pains of the body and is valuable, not only for colds i 11 winter Inn for various summer complaints. Christaiu Ad vocate. There is no medicine I value so highly as the J'ain Killer have used it for years, and 111 even- instance it haa proved a Rorer. ign remedy. .uewfsjrr, turn tails, JV. Y. , Wnntor1AGK,TS-Hie. to t " ttitLvJU. m nth, every wherf, 1 see, 11., liars nr ...... ... ' I.. In. s lo liilr.iituciithelitNUlNi. I.MPVlV.'il titi.it. hiui KAMILV g.WINO MACIIINK. 1 hi. M.cllne vl'l rtit. h ha, frll, tji-k iiilli, cnnl, I. nd, braid and , i. I-, ,,i,i. r in tan .,- -ray .1 r nta-.e-. ITIC nni B(M , Q Doll. r. rtilly varrnrtrd for five yesr. W. . ill n. On. Thn,... rsl Dollar, for any uia.- las ihalTTfl mm a stse (er.irorr hn.tniful, or sure ilattic .cm than oars. It vill awk the E'sntlc l ck I i'th " Erery a. cen.l itll h r.n be cut. add .1111 1 erlotheanaet I., i ,' .:.., i .u, !.,. inif I . W p.y Ssni . trotu 75 to l oi r niunth and ex Imniie., f.r a com; lion from whi It tvlo. Uial antoual i-au be aiaife. Adiy M 'orlrrnt. In .prnl.. Bt- j w. Konras a co., 104 Ubety sirc.t Pliitar-I.hia. Pa. C. t TIOSI Beware of alt AgriU .elline Mael.htcs a. oar, u lr Iliry e.n -' u a Crrtiaeatt of arncy . .- -eVoyu. v e .bail not hold eaiastvas reSseNi e f-r vorltilta. Mach nisi .o!d by oUKr tartlr., ap .h.ll proie vulf all i artir. Ml ins er.ulnK M.etilnr. ut.drr fl,U flkin-. lo the i. II eat i,i or tlie lav, on 'ess .taeh UlacMrrssre ob tained In m n. or.oOr .cents. Po not bt- Imrnat-d onon by i-ifM . vho ropy our Bilverti.!irnt mid clir.lar. and oaVr v.rthleaj machine, at s less p- leo. oc 1Sm POR HAND & MACHINE. $10 A PAY KOH ALb-flancll Tool mux trr . A. '. ruUsni, 645 Br S'laar. N. Q.lfj A 1 V ! o , , w ancV. for AgvakJ. V" " sr. ii o. rum, Alireil, at. iy swiied Roval Havana nttsrw r mrw . ..im-u anu ini rmatioti mi nmi va ay Ham, I'royldynce, K. I. 50 Lenta to 5 per Evening, nt Horn! Wk arc prepared tu turn! h p-iSfabl. erap'baeat So '. n ami Wi iik n at 'heir honiia. On person ia rash as csllty t!.rouph..ut the tTnlted ' tale., ean meare la tats bu.lne.. at in ett vane. . We .end. rails, full ..... Snd a yatuabtemnf hvvh'ch - ii da lo coatawses work on. At y uon noting this notice, vfo want. prvSaab., pr. fliub.u merit, .hou'd send u. Ihelr addnst vUkoat do gZj : 0- Al,l," a on., Sora-la, Mai... 1 void Qnarlfsr. A victim of early indiscretion, eanalnv norm.. debility, prematore deray. c.. rmrinrtrWniTalB every advertised ivnie.l v, has discovered a aim ate means of self-cure, which he will send free to his leiiow-suiiercrs. Address J. II. TL'TTLK. 78 Nassaa 8t., M. Y. ISo Choir honld be WtioaititT" The AiUfrican Tune Boek. THIRIJ EDITION' 1IL.VMY. A collection of all the widely popular Church Tunes. -Anthems and Set Pieces, which have formed tlie foundation of our American Church .Music for the past fifty years. Containing l.Ots!) choice pieces se lected ley 5(10 Teachers and Choir Leaders. Prie. !.. e I 1.50- per dorcn. Aaee imeu copy will he ecl.t bj mail to an ad dress, post-paid on receipt of price. Oliver Sitson V Oe.. Bo a tarn, c jar. Bitsoo cv. cb..Wew aTorlt, ajhst r v i 1