M I I. VOL. V. SALISBURY, N. fOVEMBER 4, 1870. NO. 44 0ft TO PHYSICIANS. hr ii ... ax. ' o If tar Yobk, August 16, 1808. anW ast to sail yir slteBtion to my prepsrs COMBO USD EXTRACT BUCHU. I ci,. parts ar Buchu, Long Loaf, Cu- I Uerru.-. MODE OF PKKPABATION. ueplo North, State PUBLISHED WEEKLY BT LEWIS II AN8. Editor and Proprietor. uiTBi or irirniTioN One Year, payable in advance 3.0o Si j Months, L50 8 Copies to on address, - 12. .VI 10 Copiea one address X. . . 20,00 Hates of Advertising One wool blaukct, MnWH LyoU, Raleigh, (llijlout. Toilet tot, lira V R Ohristopbera, Ral eigh, $3. Oue yard of fringe, lira F M Heg e, Fiii dtblirg, dip'on a. One yard cotton fringe, by tbe same, diploma. One croc hot fin tartan, Mrs S Woob ble, Raleigh, diploma. Whet table mala, Miss Mary Atkin son, Raleigh, diploma. st One geutlooaan a skirt, Mias I' Young, Worattd Tidy, Sales Case v, 11 lis ploma Best specimen of C B Deuson, Pitlsboi and diploma. On" erase boqutt, . Cumberland county, 2l Handsome bonnet. csi, Baleigh, 3,00. Host collecliou of fu ny, Greensboro, cert if! One ruse clcty. $2. Raleigh, di- i leaf plants lium 4,00 Jarrie 0 Mai O W Morde S Antbo- Bcst steam fire engine, Bcscae No. 1, Ilaleigh, silver trumpet. Best band fire engine company, No. 8, Raleigh, silver trumpet. Heat tooth hone rake, R Sinclair k J Co., Baltimore, 5,00. liesl grain drill, (guano attachment,) II M Sumli ft: Co., Richmond, diploma. Best cotton preen (made in tbe State,) T II Briggs. Katelgh. 20.00. " Bci power ifMf, (made. Bowles, Agent, Rak'igh Best heating stove, T U Briggs, Ral eigh, diploma. - Best chamber stove, T H Briggs, Ral eigh, diploma. - Dent willow wart, Q A Bego, Forty th, certificate. B-st bee hive, W F Skolu, Forsyth, Hominy mill, C A Howe. Forsyth, di ploma. Allege, For rilh .pint outslned frooi Juniper IU-i- nasi very little u;nr Is used, ml s small proor tiau spirit. It is atort pslstsble than any bow Buoku, as prepared by Draggikta, is of a dark col or. It 1 a plain that eatlta iu f ragraaca : tha ac ttoa of s) toots SSSMsys this (It active principle), lesviag a dark ttd glatiauu decoction. Mine i the color at IftjrrsdieaU. Tiie Hucfan in my prepar- tae saiallest quantity ot the are added, to prevent fermenta- atsaa aranemmi othar lagiodisaai tioa;aiMlajai rtion. it will be found not to be s i la ntaheeoopcrn. nor is it a fly- rap sod therefor rau be used in esse wbercniver or IntUsiaasjamacWt. ta this, you have thekaowl. edge of the lagtodienuaad the niodeol preparation. f that you will favor it with a trial, snd Inspection tt will meet wltli yoiirspproba. With a feeling of conlltlence. 1 am. very respectlully, H. T. IIKLHBOLT), CheaUat aad Drug-gist of 16 Years' Experience. Special uoticea will be ehargod 30 per cent higher thun the above rates Court and Justice's Urders will be uu ed at the same rates witl other aavt ments. lines, charged herte Obituary notioea, over aix na advertisements. CONTRACT RATES Raleigh, diploma. SPACE. r f i W H c I f m' K I t ? FroB tb largest Manufacturing Cbcniists la the World. Xovcmbcb 4. 18S4. "I ass acquainted with Mr. H. T. Helm bold; he occupied the Drng stoic opposite mv residence, snd was suncsssfiil in conducting- th buxines wliers others bad not been equally m befoie liim. 1 have been favorably impreNied with hi character and enterprise." vVIU.U.M Kli.HTMW Firm of Power k Weiglitman. Manufacturing CmtaiisU, Ninth and llrown Streets, Philsdsl- phla. nKi.iinoi ii's FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, For weakness arising from indiscretion. '1 l.e ex hausted powers of Nature which arc accompauicd by so many alarming ymptom., among which will be found. fndipoition to Kxertloa, Loa of Memo ry, Wakefulness. Honor of Olsesse. or Foreboding of Kvil : in fact, Unit eraal Lassitude. Protration, sad laabUisj' eater into the tuim lusotsrbl mutmtf. Th constitution, once affected with Organic Weakness, requiies the aid of Medicine to Htrengtli. en and invigorate the system, which HKI M HOLDS Extrsct Bucbu inrnriably dots. If no tngatn cutis submitted to, ('o:nu nipt: on or. InssDjt ensue. 1 Square. $250$.')75 A5 00 4W 50 $13 00 2 Squares. rf 4 50 0 25 8 50 13 00 22.INI 3 Squares. 6 00 0 00 12 00 20 00, 30.00 4 Squa'ea. 8 00 1 1 00 15 00 25 00 37.50 j Column. 1 L 00 10 00 20 00 30 00 45.00 Column. IS 00 24 00 30 (HI 45 00 75.00 1 Column. 28 00 40 00 50 00 B0 00 130,00 One ailk auilt. Mrs A M Md'hectcrs. BILMBOLD S FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU, In affections necaliar to Females i unequalled by any other preparation, a iu l'hloroi or Retention, Pinfulnes. or rjuppreion of Cutomarv Evacua tions, Ulcerated or Schimis State of the Uterus, and all complaints incident testae season th decline or Lj. .k... riif anwOBOro HEI.MB0I.D S FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU IMPROVED ROSE WASH Will radically exterminate (rum the system diseases arising from the 'habits of dissipation, it little ex pense, little or ix&tiang in diet, no inconvenience or exposure; completely suierwdiug those nupluas aat snd dangerous remedies, Copaiva and Mercury, is all these diseases. sf tSc 'iu : e M 1 cse HELM BO 1.1) 3 FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU la all diseases of these organ, whether existing in male er female, from whatever cans origin. tiug, and no matter of bow long sta nd i ng. It is pleas ant in taste and odor, "immediate" in action, and more strengthening Uiau any of the preparations 61 Bark or Iron. Those nBcring from hi-nken-ilow n or delicate con stitutions, procure the remedy at once,, - . - The reader must be aware thai, however slight ay be the attack of the abovo diseases, it is cer tain to aBsctths b)dily health and meuta poweia. All the boots diseasesi require the aid of a riu retie. HELMUULO'S Extract Buchu is the great Diuretic, ' I Rotdby leverTwher. Price l .95 per bettis, or 6 boUle for 16.50. Uelirered to any sd. dress. Describe .yisptoms la all communications. Premium List of the North Carolina Ag ricultural Society as Visit ibuted at the Late Fair, Oct, 21, 1870 DEPARTMENT I. FLORAL MALL. Best Hour bread, Mrs Kemp P Battle, Rnleitrh. S2. Best specimen rolls, Mrs James F Jor dan, Raleigh, S3. Best fruit cake, Wm Timpson, Raleigh, 82,00. Bet plain c.iko, S O Wilson, Hender son, 82. Best strained honor, W F Slmltz, Sa lem, 82. Best honey in comb, W F Shultz, Sa lt m, 85. Best jelly, Miss Mollie Nixon, Raleigh, 82. Best specimen curumber. pinkies. Mrs 8 G Wilson, Henderson, 82 Best specimen cucumber catsup, by tbo sumo, '99. -"" ' Best cordial, by the same, 82. Best drii d peaches, by the same, 82. Best dried apples, by the same, 82. Best and largest vaiiety of catsups, by the same, s5. Best and largest variety of cordial!1, by the same, 85. Best dried pears, C A Hege, Fiiedburg $2. Best speciman ot plums, C A Hege, Frletfburg, 82. Best dried whortleberries, by the same, $2. Best vaiiety dried fruit, by the same, 84. B"est jar grapes, N. A. -Ramsay, Pitts- $2, Best soft soap, Mrs G W Coover, Ral eigh, 85. Otic mold Quince Jielly, Wm. Brown, Salisbury, diploma. One sample syrup, Thos Bailey, Day ton, diploma. Sample dried apples, E F Crorey, Hills boro, diploma. -One ykt pfeservei-orangejMj A S Justice, Friedsburg, diploma. One jar citron, by the sameV special premium, $2. . Canned fruit, West & Churchill, Ral eigh, certificate. . TJanned fruit, Mrs E E Jackson, Ash boro, special premium, 83. One jar glass. melon citron, Miss Sophia Partridge, Raleigh, special premium, 82. Largest variety jollies, Mrs Wm Simp son, li.ilvigh, 85. An orntuciital cake, by the sime, di ploma. 'k Best bakers bread, by tile same 82. Carolina baking powders, J R tt Car mer, Raleigh, diploma. Largest variety pickles, Mrs Wm Simp son, KJleigli, 90. aswwT Mra tVuaa Brown Salisbury, 85 Largest and best variety preserves, Minn Frcslieh, Kenansvillc, 85. One case of caudy, Mr. Jenkins, Salem 8. Orte woolen shawl, Mrs W R Cox, Ral eigtV 82. Oue woolen crvjinterpane, Mrs J W IIni i is, Forestville; 84. One knit cotinterputre, Miss Bell Thom son, Wako county. 810. One cottou quilt, 'R W Best, Raleigh, 85. 7 One silk quilt, Mrs J A Williams, Ox- Iford, 83. v One worsted quilt, Mts Clara O.fiond, Identon, 84. Mrs the Dr AddressH. T. HELM HOLD. Drag sod fhemicr.l Wsrehou, (94 Broadway, V. T. KO!CB ARE OEKUISE TS'LESS DOSE UP IX steel-engraved wrapper, with fac -simile of aiy rjem leal Warehouse, snd signed Janet-la ' . H T HELMBOi J). Forty yards borne mtde carpet, John W Hrris, Forestville, 83. One pair home made iilatikets, by same, 83. Home made hearth rug, by Mra Field, Warrenton, 83. A One rag carpet, Mrs A Thompson, Wake, 83. Counterpane, Mrs Peter Doub, Oreens- J born, special premium, 83. Une cotton quiir, mish diary a opco cer, Hyde couuty, special premium, 83. Ope quilt, by a little girl 7 years, old, special premium, 81. One quilt, M re J MTant, Raleigh, spe cial premium,; 82. Onn pair woolcncooaterpanee, Mrs S G Wilton, Henderson, diploma. , Ou aet table matt, Mrs Duuean Moon , Wilson, special premium S3. One netted tidy, Mrs U B Bobbitt, Raleigh, special p rem HI IB 82. One infant shirt, Mist E E Service, Salem, 83. One child shirt, Mitt Mary Bang, East Hend. dinloma. . One baby quilt. Mitt Bcttie J Litch- ! ford, RsJeigh, diploma. One cottou quilt, Warrick Rhue, Smith field, special premium, 82. Two yards homespun plaid, Mrs B T Strickland, Wakefield, dinloma. Ona quilt, Mra Jatnei Gray, Wintton, diploma. ,. , , i. V Ualeigii, diploma. I'd pier macbie, Mitt T A Welfare, Sa lem, 83. . One yard embroidery, Mra Leo. Spach, Salem, 83. One embroidered table cover, Mra A Thompson, Wake, 3. One afgan, 8 B Zimmerman, Pittsboro, 82. Oue Ottoman cover, second premium, Mrs J R H Carraer, Raleigh, 81.50. Foot ttool cover, Miss Mica'Fcelich, Kenantville, 83. One crochet tidy, Mist Bcttie Evans, Raleigh, 83. One embroidered Ottoman cover, Miss Fannie Gnrrell, Winston, 83. Oue embroidered opera cloak, Mrs M . ry J Lucn Raleigh, 83. One fatten collar, Mis J A Atkinson, Raleigk, 83. One embroidered i.andkerehief, Miss Sophia Partridge, U Weigh, specitl pre mium, 83. ' " One embroidered yoke, Miss S Jones, Salem, second premium 82. Oueard silk embroidery, Miss Mollie Mi-, - 'w' , OTie erabioiderel fltnnel skirt, Mr Mary J Lucas, Ruleigb, S3. Sp cial premium on i mbroidery offered by a gentleman ol Kaleigh, 810 One embroidered skirt, Mrs Lucy I) Bryan, Raleigh, special premium 83 One embroidered skirl, Mrs C Cochran Troy, diploma. "Grandma's, Ui ess," S J Crenshaw, FofWtvtBf'diploma. x Sowing silk, Mies Sallie Butuer, Sulem 84 Colored wool thread, C A Hege, Fiied burg, 83. Infant's shirt in American embroidery, Mrs E C Service, 83. One white silk lace bonnet, Mrs Young & Taylor, Raleigh, 83. One velvet hat, J W Hester, Raleigh, 3,00. Oue white Straw hat, by the same, 3,00. One pink velvet hat, by tbe same, 3,00 One silk bonnet, by tho same, 3,00. Thirty architectural drawings, showing superior skill, G S II Apph gate, Raleigh special notice and diploma. Best specimen wax trult, Mraihhouey,-!- Rnleigh, 3,00. , Bajkel wax flowers, by the same, 3,00 Basket wax Mowers, Miss Bottle Blake, Raleigh, 2d premium, 1,50. Wax cross, Mrs Mamiltoij, Hilleboro', special premium, 2,00. Best bead mats, Missionary Society, Salem, 3,00. Best specimen hair work, Mist Bettie Williams, Raleigh, 3 00. Specimen hair work, Mrs Mahoney, Raleigh, 2nd premium 1,50. One box feather flowers, Miss Kate Mc Pheeters, Raleigh, 2,00. One shell frame, Jennctt Schlois, Ral eigh, premium, 3,00. Best shell work, Mrs M A Bl.k., Ual eigii, 2nd premium, 1,50. One l.nnp slia.le, Miss Leonora Spach, Salem, premium, 3,00. Cat cutlery, Julius Lewis, Raleigh, di ploma. One pencil drawing, Miss Sophia Part ridge, Raleigh, pr mium, ,5,00. One cross and vase, Mrs M 8 Blak'e, Raleigh, premium, 3,00. One painting of Iruit, Miss Sophia Partridge, Raleigh, premium 15,00. Oil painting, Miss S S Fountain, Ral eigh, 5,00 ' Oil painting, head life size, Miss Mollii Nixon, Raleigh, 3,00. One clock case, Paul Lincke, Raleigh, diploma. Willow Basket, Miss Emma Riddle, Pittsboro', premium, 2.00. Oil paintiug, H D Fentress, RaF-igb, premium 3,00. , Oil painting, ny tne same, aipioma. CrayoV drawing, Leonora Siach, Sa lem, premium 5,00. Oilpaiiiting, A M McPhceters, Raleigh premium, 5,00 - - Photograph, Mr Shelburn, Raleigh, premium, 3,00. Photograph, Mr. Watson, Raleigh, di ploma. Wax and most cross, Miss Sue Pcscud Roleigh, special premium; 5,00. .Perfumery, R. Berry, New Berne,' de serve special premium and diploma. Citorio oil, Mr Joseph farmer, Raleigh Cowan, Pittsboro', special Best cob crns Mrs J noma premium, 5,00. One Dunham Piano, boat for parlor, J. E. Nash, Newborn, certificate. One Webber piano, bait for concert, certificate. Oue Carbart bad Needham Church or gan. The beet piano stools. MISCkVAJA i Good specimen ofChafliatn coal exhib ited by Dr fr J Hawkins, Henderson, NC. Wood specimen of surface coal, from Stokes county, exhibited by B Bailey, Walnut Cove, N C. Very good l.igniu; frojlGrativille eo , exhibited by W B Crews?Oiford, N C. ine specimen of Liiupslstue and Lime of same by Deep Gulleyjtfme Company, ewbcine, C, diploma. Good specimen of Limeand Limestone, both for building aud agricultural purpo set, from Catawba eouuvy. by Deep Gul b y Lime Company and F J Meuinger nud Moore, Catawba Station, N C ; di ploma. Small collection of mineral by the tame too late for-.entry. Fine specimen of cooper ore (copper 1 y rites) Irom Chatham L Hainson, Raleigh, Somo from Wako co well, Raleigh. N. O Iron ore Magnetic! lLod specimen by P J Snipes, Snipes' SMrit, Chatham co. The Committee rccoLmiended that a premium of live dollars be awarded to Dr A A Scroggs, for a collection of minerals from Lenoir, which, though too bite for regular entry, show a great sbununt of caie and intelligence in :ht- AattluLr j,. . 'JMie Kxeeniive (OjiKnti awards the Sfl avove resi!tumeii-4 i ame snecimens " 't-v wj r-- ountv, by John C. , Wm Broad- fro Le- vy nol? afTi? TWanWirt loo Ktl Vor' W A BlotL't. Waihineton, N. C Fertilfxert artificial! best collection by Herbert, Haintion k Co., Baltimore, Md Best collection of Ifaiketable plants, G W & S F Harper, Caldwell, N C 810. Second best M V Moore, Caldwell, 5. Best specimen of Ginseng, Snake Root and Angelica, M V Moore, Caldwell, di ploma. t .. - "r "" MECHANICS. " Wrought Dixon Cotton Sweep, exhib ited by J H Thonjpson of Tyro, 5 00. Best Tar HeeLplow (No. 111 P Williamson, Raleigh, Hl00. Best No. 2, i w n horse plow, Wutt Sc Knight, Richmond, Va , 10.00. Best wrought share piow, J ii iliomp son, Tyro, 10,00. Best single plow, Dunn & Riggan, Wake, 10.00. Best hill side plow (No. 77), J II Thompson, Tyro, 10,00 Best steel turning plow, J H Thomp son, Tyro, 10,00. iBt-st wrought rrorrfuT-so Tl plow, J if Thompson, Tyro, 10,00 Beet hill side plow, t F Williamson, Raleigh,. 10,00. Best double mould brard plow, R Sin clair & Co., Bultimore, t.00. Hawkeye Sulky plov, II M Smttn k Co., Richmond, Va, 10 W. Best plowman, W W Davidson, Golds boro, 20,00. A special preraitttnof 3,00 was allowed E S Hopton, col., foi a flow, double dag gon, of his owu inyei tioij. Best cotton scrsr r, B P Williamton, Raleigh, 10,00. Best cotton swet a Dunn k Riggan, Wake, 5,00. H u ... ...a, .1 it Xi10mpson, Tyro, 5'00- - Best tooth harrsirXH Thompson, Tyro, 5 00. The committee refomtnend a premium on the horse tooth lnrrow, exhibited by B P Williamson, llaletfh. Best extension ladler, J P Nisson,For tytli,:5a , Beat cotton ha,rro and cultivator, B P Williamson, RalcigJ, 5,00. Greatjst,.toiiiet.V if implemfiits made in the State, B P Witiamaon, Raleigh, 20, 00. Oreatest 'variedjf of implements made out of the State, RlSiWak k Co., Balti more, 10,00. .-ft Open carriage dr phseton, No. 4, A Wrenn, Norfolk, Va , 5,00. Top buggy, No. G, N 8 Sharp, Ral- eign, io,uu 15,00. Best thrashing machine, C A Hege, Foray th, 15,00. Best broadcasting mnehlne for grain or grass, II M Smith icC'o., Richmond, Va, 10.00. Best hay rake, R Sinclair k Co., Bal timore, 10,00. Best mowing machine, J H Thompson ly ro, 10,00. Best reaping machine, B P Williamton, Raleigh, 20,00. Best grain eradle, Plnmmer, Young kk Co., Petersburg, Va., 3,00. Cotton giu, Sam Row laud, Wake, di ploma. Best cotton press (made nut of tbe State,) Tappey k Lnmsden, Petersburg,' Va., 20,00 Best horse power (made in tbe State) J U Thompson, Tyro, 15,00. Best double circular taw mill B J Wray, Raleigh, 15,00. Best straw and bay cutter for hand, J II Thompson, Davidson, certificate. Reem bender, W D Williams, Raleigh, epeeinl attention and special premium recommended Best fan mill, R Sinclair k Co., Haiti- more, 5,00. Best corn s heller, H M Smith efc Co Richmond, Va., (first premium) 5,00. Best straw cutter, J a Thompson, Da vidson, 5,00. Eureka com planters, H M Smith k Co , Richmond, Va., 6,00. M;ll fixture. H M Smith k Co., Rich inond, Va., diploma. Best washiu ' machine, M C Bain, Ran dolpb, diploma. Fertilizer drill, 8 L Allen k Co., (first premium) 5,00 and special attention call Hege, Best force pump, J S Purofoy, Wake, 'iljest wafer ram, DHanKa A iSarrelt, Ilaleigh, certificate. Best sugar cant) cleaner, C A Forsvth, diploma. Best grain cradle, C A Hege, Forsyth, 3,00 N ti ill sra - - y . I urass oiaae, it Biiiciairflc Uo., Haiti- more, diploma. Sansage cutter and ttuffer, R Sinclair k Co., Baltimore, 5,00. Best Jenifer saddle, W B Hutchings k Co., RaJeigh, 10,00. Best single, buggy harness, by the same, 10,00. Best set of (wo horse wagon harness, No. 3, by the same, 5,00. Best set of cart harness, No'. 4, by the same, a, 00. -J M Hnger k Co.'s sewing machine, J Kj 1j Harris, halt -igb, second premium. Secretary made of native wood, Wr F Shultz, Forsyth, 4,00. Enclosed washstand, by the same, 4,00 Invalid chair, by the same G,00. Walnut eradje,..by the Same, 4,00. - Rocking chair, by the same, 6,00. Parlur chair, by tlic itame, 6,00. Centre table, by the same, 5,o0. Toilet table, by the same, 5,00. Ottoman, by the same, 3,00. Foot stool, by the same, 2,00. Best collection of fancy cabinet work, made by one exhibitor, bt' the same, 20, uo. Piano stool, by the same, 2,00. Bureau, J, W Brown, Raleigh, special premium, .0,0(1. Reception chairs, A W Fraps, Raleigh, certificate. ' Best lot of Brogans, J A Leach k Co., Davidson, 3,0o. Best pair of gentleman's boots, D C Murray, Raleigh, 3,00. Jl'Vi" m,s.in,,?otficco h. Jnca k i pair of ladies' gaiter. Deaf, Dumb and blind Institute, Jlaletgli, .l.UU. Best made gentleman's coat, pants and vest, Mrs 8 G Wilson, Granville, 10,00. Best gun, J 8 Armfield & Co., GuiK ford, 5.00. , Best variety of Mechanical tools. Plum iner. Young & Co., Petersburg, Va,10, 00. " Best hand saw, Phtmmer, Young k Co., Petersburg, Va., cenifieate. Best assortmentnf cutlery, Piummer, Young k Co., Petersburg, Va, certificate. Best lot of smoking tobacco, E W Mor ris, Franklin, 5,00. Best lot of manufactured tobacCo, A Ilobgood, Granville, 10,00. Best specimeTi of brick, W F Shultz, Forsyth, 5,00. Best lot ot It atticr 'soie, nip ana can,; Corn seeder-C - . -. .... w . lei atotive power, Tappy k Hand tpinuins; Meckleuburg, diploma. Patent boa hives, J$ G King, Raleigh, diploma. The Committee called attention to the miniature ttram engines made by two lit tle boys with pocket knives, and rocoat mended that a premium of 4,00 be given, 2,00 to each. I hey also recommend a premium of 6,00 to Messrs Hammil k Co., Raleigh, for three platter center piece!. Beat specimen of axes and hatchets, (made anywhere) Piummer, Young A Co., Petersburg, certificate. Music stand, Lewis V Brown, diploma. Patent counter tcalea, Piummer, Young k Co., Petersburg, diploma. Best grape masher, Dr. Thoa Hill, Du plin, 5,00. Best wooden goblet, Mr Binges, Ral eigh, 1,00. Beit cake of beeswax, J M Taut, Ral eigh, certificate. 1 Patent fan blower, Mr. Dixon, David ton, diploma. Beat display of tewing machine!, Da vid Anderson, New Hanover, diploma. Best knitting machine, C A Hege, for- ylh, diploma. Best cooking stove, Julius Lewis, Ral eigh, diploma. best scythe tnatbe, C A Hege, For- y th, certificate. J3est cotton sheeting, Beaver Creek anufacturing Co., Cumberland, 5,00. Beit yarn, J M Holt, Alamance, 5,00. Beat tow cloth, G A Hege, Forsyth, ,00. Beat cotton licking, J H k M E Holt, Alamance, 3,00. f Rett coitonades, J B k M E Holly Al- OENERAL LEE DURING HIS LA8T MOMENTS. A Lexington correspondent of ibo Alexan dria GtuttU give the following particular ot the last illness of General Lea : General Lea had continued to petAwBB kit duties at President of Washington College until last Wednesday week, the 28th of Sep tember ; on the afternoon of that day be at tended Fatuity meeting, and there being aa extraordinary amount of basinets to trans act, ona or two of the Prntttttrt asked to ba permitted to tiulth bit work for him, ha look i aud wonrjri the same, .-. O.lillSUII, "aaftivce, 5,sMJ. - Beat Alamance plaids, by nair matron, uuu Raleigh, 5,00. The committee on letter press printing and book binding and ruling awarded a diploma to Messrs Nichols k Gorman of Raleigh, for a . large variety of business cards, iu plain and fancy colors, and gave Mr. Dick, Superintendent of tbe Bindery of the Standard, Raleigh a special notice for his exhibition of blank books, ruling &c. V.' '. i J i t. . a ..u 1 uesi lot. oi it V"" i I Open buggy, Morgari & Frazier.Smitb- y G-Norwood & Co., Orauge, 5,00 dipl field. 10:00. i Spring wagon, (special premium) Deaf I and Dumb and the plinji Institution, Ral j eigh. 10,00. J City dray, Thos G Jenkins, Raleigh, ', special premium, iO.00. ' I Best 4 hoite wasjop, J P Nissen, For syth. 20,00'. . " . . i Best 2 horse wagon, oy tne tame tu. 00. Beat 1 horte Wagon, by the satae 8,00. Bool 1 horse cait, (tumble) Thos G Jenkins, Raleigh, 5,00 - Best'p'atent buggy pole, Mitchell, Cabarrus, 3,00. Best dressed buckskin, W t bhultz, Forsyth, 5,00. Best lot of haVriesi leather, W G Nor wood, Orange, 3,0. Best buckets, Hulcbinton k Bishop. Craven, 5,00T Best brooms, J B Watton k Ctu, Row an 00. 1 . Best casks, barrels Arc, Joaeph' Clod ' fUter. Davidson. 5.00. Best lot of edge tools, W F Shultz, Forsyth; (no premium given on book.) Best lot axe helvce, O A Hege, For tyth, 5,00. A LEAP FOR LIFE COURAGE OUS ACT OF A YOUNG LADY OF GEORGIA. The Sumter Republican, of the 17th in ttant, after giving an account of a de structive lire in that town, goes on to say: "There it one act connected with this calamity deserving particular mention, which caused a display of bravery and courage never sui passed and but seldom equalled, and which marks its author as a perfect heroine. Mist Sallie Maxwell, In her efforts to save everything of Value in the house that she could, was delayed iu the second storv of the building until the fire had destroyed the lower story so much that there was danger of the walls falling in every minute. Seeing her dan ger, .-he gathered a few articles for the purpose of taking a final b-avc of tho houte. On entering the hall from the room she was in, to her horror and dis may she saw that the stabs, was in a sol id sheet of flame. There was only oue way of escape now, and that wan through the upper windowt, where the fiery ele ment had not communicated itself. Go ing out on the top of thccolonadc her aw ful 'situation was immediately realized by I h M'tt' tl judnw .and thai mU'n.! feeling that stirred the tool of every one. A laddtirwat brought, but it was too short to reach the roof, and was of no a vail. Jnttli the crackling flames behind and around, and making the most rapid headway imaginable, every moment was precious beyond computation. Tbconly chance for life now was to jump from the high place on which she was standing. A mattress was brought,, and bciug firm ly held Ly strong men, with a spirit rn daxnicd and intrepid, she made tbe leap from the point she occupied, embracing in its curve at least sixty feet, reaching the ground with comparative safety, and, with the exception of the shock and con cussion of to high a jump, entirely unhurt." grand old soldier, hero of a hundred batth fields, spent tbe last few precious hours of hit life propar in God's terviee, at a vestr'mau of a villtge church. Can the annala of the world exhibit a nobler instance of true great neat than this T After the meeting ha want homo, and upon entering tha room abaft Mt family were at tea, Mra. Lao tpaka ta Mat. He did not ansaer bar. bat taking aat kit) watcb, teamed to ba trying to find eat tbo time. Again the spoke to hiui. bat again received no reply. General Cutris Lee then rose from the table and went to hit found that he was apparently incapable of motion. At there were no cisive Indications of paralysis, or of appo plexy, it waa hoped that the attack waa mo to nervous prostration only and would toon pass off, and until last Monday all Indka- tiftn. UVIIImI funtrlKlu alt trn.t.v.l .k. km would toon ba at hit pott again ; bat all thle time be himself seems to havo heoa nUviiW- pressed with the idea that hit and aM m .JJJS proactimg. When his son, General CosUs) IjjF Lee, would speak of what he must do whom. he recovered be would thake bit head slow ly and polrt upwards, ns if to say that tha i lungs or this world were no longer for him, but that his borne waa there above; and when on Monday his physician , Dr. Maditoa, entered hit room, aud noticing bow tnuok brighter aud beitar he looked, accosted him with "How do yon feel this morning. Gen eral ? after a moments pause he said tlow ly, but distinctly, -I feel better" the Doc tor then said to him "yon matt make haste and vet well. Traveler MiWn standing ha his stable so long that he needs exerutei the General shook his head slowlv, ba ktstta"- " that ha should never ride hit steed again. From that time be became worse, and grad ually sunk until yesterday morning (October 12) at half-past nine o'clock without aitrusT- gle,like an infant falling asleep, he breathed hit last at the age of 3 yean, 6 moo f Wand M daya. Aa illustrative of hit character, aa incident that happened duringjtba hut ar days of bis life may be mention. Whoa ma eon or oaugnter would bring to nlm tbe the Doctor would bring it he would take it immediately, ahowing. although apparently unconscious, the soldier to the last, obeying the proper authority aud none other. I know somebody who alwayt appears to be miserable, and this it the way the contrivet to be to : Thinking alwayt about herself ; constantly wishing for that she bat not got ; idling away her time ; fretting and grumbling. I know somebody who it much happier and thit ituhe way she Contrivet to be to: Thinking If others ; satisfied, with what her heavenly Father boa judged beat for ber ; working, caring for somebody else besides herself, and thinking how the can make others happy. The Baptist of Virginia have 787 church or- i'igtlipe tst of irginia nave 7 snd lbs Dndplat 73. VINEGAR IN T WENT Y-FO UB HOURS. The wholo philosophy of the manufac ture id vinegar Is included in the- word oxydathn, the alcohol contained in elder, beer, or wine, combining with tha ay gen of the atmosphere, becomes acetic ac id, which, in a diluted state, is vinegar. x iic uiemoas usually pursued tn tbe do mestic manufacture of tbit article are, to to say the least of them, tusceptable ol improvement. The colversion of cider into good vinegar, by exposure to the air in casks, requires weeks, and cved months to accomplish, because only a small sur facnls exposed at one time to the oxydiz ing action of the atmosphere. By expos ing a larger surface ot the liquor to tbo aimospherc, oxydation takes place with corresponding rapidity, and the process may be completed in from twenty-four to fnj ty-eigh t hoars. The method of accom plishing this rapid acetification, which baa long been known to acientific men and manufacturers, may be pursued, without difficulty, in private houses, at follows : Take a clean flour barrel, and bore auger boles all around the sides, and in the bot tom ; set it over a flat tub or cask, and fill it light with beech shavings, which have been soaked In vinecar. On th top of this barrel, which it open, lay two strips of wood, and retting on these a pail filled with cider, beer, or tho like. - Procure twelve or fifteen lengths of cotton wicking, about thirty inches long j which, after dipping in the liquid, nrranfr wuJ sv ...t oiic-enu oi earn wlcx will Be nang- ing in the cider, and the other one hang ing down outside, and below tbe bottom of the 'pail. By means of these wicks, the pail will gradually ba emptied of ila contents, which, trickling over the shav ings, will be exposed "to the air. absorb oxygen, and finally be received in tha tub benoath. By returning tbo liquor in to tbe pail above, and suffering thit trick ling process to be repeated two or three timet, a splendid vinegar will be obtain ed. The whole secret of the process lies in the mechanical increase of surface ac complished by the shaving. Scientific American. A Quaker maiden of sixty in Indiana accept i d an offer fiom a Presbyterian deacon, and on being remonstrated with by a delegation of friends appionted to wait upon her for marrying oat of tks meeting replied : "Look here ! I've been wa ting just sixty years for the meeting to marry me, and if tbe meeting don't want me, to marry out of it, why don't the meeting bring along its boys 1" Tbo delegation departed in silence. A refined way of chronicling ordinary a vents is exhibited by a Cincinnati reporter, who says that "a quadruped, genus Capri corn, denominated Billy, took umbrage at 0 Bluegrass behVa greclaa bend, and went far it. , The impact of the goat 's head accelera ted the lady V Andalusiao glide considerably" M '. i ,

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