4 '.. ; mf-m avnt- mMk .!- '. - V .hril wlnrV. .-. - I I $l)tUJfortl) State JANETTE7 HUB Ok. bow wood that tou awar, m m tangle hand .TOUr f For the world KMWM daintier slant Thai, rour brown hair veiling your shoulders whit, Aa I tangled a hand In your Uir, my pet, U was brown whh fold" (low, Janet te, li wm finer then silk ufahe low, ay cuf ; Tim beautiful nk ruling down to your wnkw, 'Xwn a thing to bo braidij sad Jewaled and kiased, 'Twaa ths loveliest liair in the world, mt ptt ! My arm wai ibe arm of a clown, Janet te, It ww aincwr, brUled and l my (tat, n... I ti.l w.filv it loved to careas. Your round, white iieck and your wealth of Your beautiful plenty of hair, my pet Your eye had swimming (rlory, Janet, Kevealing the old, dear story, ray net, They ware gray with that chastened ting of the alrw When "the trout leap quickest to map the iy w urn miv va ir- -7T Y , And ilhey matched wkh your gold brown hair, my pst. Tour Host kut I hare n worda. Janette, They were fresh aa the twiuar of bir J, u. pet. Whan the apring i young and the roaea arc wet With dew drope in each red bosom eat, And Sftaf eaitad your gold brown hair my pat. , tou tangled aay Ufa in your Mir, J sortie, 'Twaa silken and gulden nra, my pat ; But so gentle the bondage my eoul did implore Tha right U continue your mare cvrnuoi, Whh my f tmaeabe.1 In your hair, my pet. Thus ere I what yaw www, JaaMa. i your , and your hair, With your Up and awy pet, In the dark-new of desolate rten I moan, And teare mil bitterly over the "tone That earns your Bjaaawa lsir, say pes. THOMAS H BENTON. SOMI BCT ePKC'IMKNS OF HIS TALK . JOQVT HQafWIj Tyler wu trifling mart, and to this character he owed hi preservation itt the banting of tha big gun on board the jSiaiaiaa, Word bad been given out that a song was to ba sung in the cabin, nd ba rushed down to bear it. I was also saved by my characteristic habit of inquiry and investigation. I bad been going; around all day, looking into awerj -thing, and, aa a aompliment to tho inter Mt 1 took in the ship, I was invited to witness the tiring and had just bcforerbeen requested to change my position that the amoke might not prevent my observation, by which 1 was removed from the point of danger. Tyler waa a man of gteat good luck. It was a common saying in Virginia, that whoever stood in his way would die, and so they predicted the ear ly death of Harrison. Ilr. Clay once retorted terribly onja Sooth Carolina man. Mr. Clay bad cen sured aeverely some disunion sentiments recently expressed by a person from that State, when this roan rose and stated that the author of the remark was a relative of hie. Mr. Clay straightened himself to bia full height, his eyes flashed fire, and in a voice of thunder he cried out, "I care not whose relation he is ; he is a traitor who utters such scutiments !" Good God! It sunk him to the earth, sir ; he was nev er heard from afterward. Mr. Cass is very timid, poor man ! a fraid to take a decided stand. Silas j Wria-ht trulv said of him : "He is an ! amiabie man, but-afraid of his own shad- j ow." Though very peaceful in hii.pri- j vate relations, never quarreling with any j one, in tbe senate he is always for a war with England. He tittered so often in ilia speeches, "war is inevitable !" that it became a by-word. I once turned it on him, very much to the amusement of the senate. After one of hts war speeches, I rose, and, speaking of the little danger of " 1 1 - l.l Ll. .1 J. -war, enaeu witn uia worua cuangcu , 'Peace is inevitable." Douglas was driven into the Ktinsas Nebraska bill by Atchinson and others, the fire-eaters of the Smith. They threat ened to drop him if be did not yield to all their demands. To advocate disunion is to gain the fa vor of this administration (that of Pierce). The last foreign appointment waauut ed jtoi from Mobile to Mexico, whose last editorial was in favor of disunion. Those disunion dogs, vulgar fellows, get the ap " pointments. One wrote that nasty, stink ing letter from Turin. As soon aa it was fcnown there, they dropped him, sir; would not notice him at all as a man in rained circle ; paid him only the at ,t rjtioDt dte a representative fro in tbe Uni ted States ( made a, aiMinetKm between . ...... a the tnan and tbe representative ; yon un derstand it. sir. I- Iljajoyri. last sunjiper, wbco I was stumpiujg tie fctate, ts'0 ant i Bm ton men wished po get a look! at me for tbe first time, but .ouJd not eome into the room, .And so peeped ,n at tltn door. I was standing up, engaged in an imitated eon- -TttI BAI.ll.lll aim auuji: uioiur, aim -iw-. X looked more vigorous than usual, and ma turned to the other and said : Good iGod J we shall have to fight bira tbeae twenty years,," J keep my health by horseback riding J might be taken by a foreigner for General , JYlissier, on my black horse. But few tide ad, wejl as I ride. I was once, wbeu ruling on my black horse, with my little grandson on his white pony, taken for a riding master. Pew public men have kept horses to ride, V. 0 1 .. I . . 1 , . mJ. tm.ay.k nn tinraA. Jaack, waa an exception. Contrary io the general opinion, Mr. .Randolph was a very industrious man. and labored much in the committee-room. My seal was given me by him, after bis duel wi Gray. v You will see all about la ; v TjiirtAYeara' View' He or- j - dered it for me in London, searching out tha coat-of-arnia of the Beuton family. He said the motto should be Factis at verbis instead uf Factis non verbis. John Quincy Adams was the most in dustrious man I ever knew. I have often been compared with him in this reapect, though I cannot compliment myself so highly. I am now engaged on my "A bridgemeiit uf tba Debates of Congress," in about sixteen volumes, w hich will oc cupy mexabout two years. I hope to live till 1860, and the remaining two years I in tend to rfevo're to a history of rierees administration. I bve no favors, how- to ask of this administration; none. air. Mr. Pierce had tbe high honor to J In almost .'iiicletiftit umiveiHiog lie- did urn know that Douglas bad illtdrwn, and Wat presented in the pitiable condition of hold ing of u tha last for u nnmutetipq, alter bis chances had beeom litpelwa, 1 am much 'yonogof fliau Cast, Van Buren, st fiber statesmen ol luy 0 n own age ; much more vigorous than Bu chanan. J act summer, in my election eering campaign in Missouii, I m ado forty addresses, of two or three hours each, to acre of people, under a solstitial sua, sue-c.--ive J)s, and traveled l,SM mile over ruugb roads, inach unlike yeurs in Nw KngUnd. 1 have btuu Uuipeiale aud cerelul ul my health. Silas Wright and Mr. Webster were very unlike. Mr Webster was mure la bored and rhetorical I ho argument nl Mr. Wright always seemed to be evolved uaturally from the f uhject. He was very simple in Ms manner und habits, aud waa a very aiinauic n. in. 1 remember rending a letter of Timothy Pickering's where ha spoke of his fond ness for baked apples, the apples tnkeu from trees planted by himself. I know he must be a man of simple ta-te, for no one who has pampered bis stomach by rich food could relish so plain a dish aa baked apples. I I had alwaya consulted others, I should never have done auythiug. There are sosae ever timid to hold one back. My fetliugs in 1830 were all Southern, and I did not believe Southerners enter tained disunion sentiments. 1 supposed they merely meant nullification in the Virginia sense, which was simply remon strance. I do not think that Hayne was a disuuionist at the lime, though he I come so a few daya after; but Calhoun waa. Webster saw through (heir disun ion schemes before 1 did. Douglas is now further from the Presi dency than ever. The South will ruin him. The abolition of the Missouri compro mise killed poor Cass. Mr Clayton was a very indolent man. He was accustomed to take off his clothes and go to bed at 3 o'clock in the after noon. His soft looking flesh indicated his habit. IT STINGS. ''How pretty !" cried little Sam, as bis little fat band gretrxr a bench of white lilac which grew near the gate of his fa ther's mansion. The next moment, the child's face crew red with terror, and he dashed the lilac to the ground, "It stings, it stings (G What made it sting t It was a bright, beautiful, and sweet-smelling flower. How cotild it hurt the child's hand. I wilt tell you. A jolly liltlo bee, in search of a dinner, had just pushed his nose in among the lilac-blossoms, and was sucking neoear from it moat heartily when Sammy 'a fat hand disturbed him So; being vexed with the child, he stung him That's how Sammy's band cams to be slang. . Sammy's mother washed the wuund with hnrtshorn ; and, when the pain viis gone, she said, "Sibimy, my dear, let this teach you tout mmig pretty things have very sharp stings." Let evnrv child take note of this, Ma ny pretty things have very sharp stings. It may save them from being slung if they keen this truth in mind Siu often makes itself appear very pretty. A boy oi.ee went to a circus be- cause the nurses wero nretty anil tneir rt- the lioiHi'S wero nretty and t Jers gay ; but he learned to swear there ; and thua that pretty thing, the circus, etuiig him. Another boy once thought wine a pret ty thing. He drank it, and learned lo lie a drunkard. Thus wine stung him A girl once took a luscious jreat from a basket; and ate it. "Have you eaten one ?" asked her mo ther. Fearing that slut should not get anoth er if ihe said-,' Yes,' she said 'N, got an other pear, nnd then f.-lt so etung, that she could not sleep that night. Thus you see that wi, however pretty it looks, slings. It stings sharply too It stings fatally. The Bible says, "The sting of death is sin." If you le'. sin sting you, nothing can heal th'e wonnd but the blood of Jesus If you feel the smart of the sting, go to Jcbus with it, and he will ciire it. After that, never forget '.hat many pretty things have ve-y sharp stings ; aud bo carelul not to touch, taste, or handle such things. Powir of-Passion. You have seen the itivigorating inflnenaa of a human pas sion. You have observed how love will make a timid woman eourageona ; how it gives rush and flow to a desultory, pui poselesa mau, to have within himself the consciousness of .a virtuous affection, for the sake of which it is worth while to be brave, and necessary to be pure. You have said sometimes, of one aud another among your friends, "I cau scat eel y n c oguizH in him the same man," and youj have 'found tha explanation afterwards in aome secret kindling op the altar of his soul of a fire of human devotion. So is it in that one higher region still that hid den life, that death to the world, of which St. Paul tells. If you wish toi move hearts, if you wish to influence mind if you wish to be a statesman where before you have been a politician, an orator '''where before you ware a rhetorician if you wish to warm where before you shone, to kin dle where before you dazzled learn to live tbe life unseen, to eome forth from God's presence into the communion and contact of man. The heart ia the workshop in which are forged secret Slanders, and all manner of evil speaking. The mouth is only tlie outer shop or salesroom, wheie all the goods that are made within are sold. The tongue is the salesman. 'Dick,' said a certain lawyer to a coun tryman wlio was considered more fool than knave, 'what would' you call the two greatest enriosities in the world ?' 'Why,' replied Dick, 'an boneat lawyer, and a river on fire ' A young lady went into a music store, and asked the clerk if ha bad 'Loving Eyes,' Hhe song). He replied, 'I'm told so by tbe girls.' A, temperance man wouldn't ro to a camp meeting because tl waa held in Mar- tbu's Vineyard On and arturThnrr.uar, c pi. nil er lt. IP70, trains will be run over this loajd lu accordant. i: with tto feilewin TIMS TABLE M. C. RAILROAD raafs sokriii n eaiieai. tllu e iea Cfc.rT..aa. s .n.Miry, . urrntb.r r.-Sfcuaa... It ilrljfh, . . . . IS.b '. -J. I -3fca:' - rr v -- r WpaCTs? Sit it an I Irin. . a 11 ' iiniu WW; j t .41 4 401 i a ; T.e n r.iw llO.frtl TtAI.NB SOUTH: runaj. "1'''l?'IyjL "wg ciisVi.ti.. - .I..I.UM, .taMiSPAa Taj. ,u i a.'. ? IS 4A f ia ... i '. Ml a r m On Sliom, , i n no t n H . I . I K n 'M- I Its ! s ou 5 U ll -M vV. II GKEKV. Master of TransiMinatlnn Cuinwwir Shops. Aug. 1870, 3S - Time Table Wcstrm ST C TAKES KFEKC'T 5tU SEPT 1870 nnivij vtkst. HOI NO R ART. Jrrh. Lent I B.9) f a rt 98 HSBra 7 : " 7 -M fi 9S " ! 6 98 " I I SO 6.36 " 0 4 6 a 4O0 0 4.08 " I 8 16 8.98 -9 28 9.91 -I 49 - 6,10 am ilm.ury. A 09 am 6 07 Hiiro Creek, 65 " 8 0S " 8.68 " 40 ie 96 ii to a 11.69 ' IS 48 i i 7.10 " 8.07 Slntesvllle. CatAaba.8ta. Xrwton, Hick .rr, 'leard. Morranton. HridKewater, Mai. on. OM Fort. 9.00 !l fj toso 11.18 " 19,0 tf wreak rt ana Supper ai btutuarltle. 8ept. 93. 1870. 3tf Subscribe roa at Once I NcwYorkWeekly The People's Favorite Journal. M0S1 IN TERES TING STORIES an al a ays to be found ia tbe NEW YORK WEEKLY. AT PRESENT THERE ARE SIX IVeatatonei runnlnp tlirouph Ita colun.i.i ; and at least one story m bcinin erery mouth New aubiM ribera areliius aureol having the rone I uteuueiaeiit af a saw l oniiuueU saury, bo waller when they eubecribefor the NEW YORK WEEKLY. Each number of the New Yoik Weekly contaiaa aeveral tx-autuiil illnatratione. doable tbe a mount of readinif aiaMei ol any paper of tta class, aad the .Sketches, bhort btortea. Poena, etc., are by tbe ableel arriteraof Amerwa and Uotope. Tbe NEW YORK WEEKLY. does n ;t rfintine- ita useful i.ers to amiiaenient, but publiahesa great quantity of really instructive mat ter, in the most condensed form. Tbe New York Weekly Departments, bare attained a hirh reputation from their brerfty, exeel!ene anil correutueea. a The pleaaant i'Aragrapha are made up of Die coa- eentiuteil wit and hiliuur of many minila. ' The Knowledge li'jX iscontined to ueeful informa An ..i -,.i.i... i- y The Xevia lleniaal-vo iu ihe fewest worda tbe mOit'.1 notable doiacs nil over the world. The Uossip with Co reapnndentacontsln answers to enquirers uioii all imitfiinable subject. An Unrivalled literary Paper is the NEW YORK WEEKLY! Each issue contains f mm eifiht to ten short sto ries and ske'ehea, und half a dozen i'oenis. in addi tion to the aijL aerial stories and the varied depart ments SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE ! r. The Terms io Subscribers I ne Yesr ins'et'opr 3. On itt. 00 (1.00 all sent it . Cetters- One Year rrnir i opies (a . cuj . Ins Tear Kiffht t'opics TTiose senilinp 0ti for a Club of Eipht one time, wilt be entitled to a ropy free up of Clubs car. afterward add single copies at 3. DO each. . FXREKT & SMITH, Proprietors, No. 65, Fulton Street. X. Y. oot 7 I0:in - YfAIER WHEEL, earinShafitinPuireys 0 a. FOB A CIRCULAR. S I M POET A NT NOTICE TO drl)RY GOODS. All n c tail Orders amounting to 920 mad Over Delivered ia any Part Ol the Country FREE OF EXRRESS CHARGES llaiiiii ion Eautcr A Son i, - OF BALTIMORE, MD.. tn order tbe better t meet tbe wants of their Ketail Coatomvra at a distance bare establish ed a " r IA M P LE FUREAU, and rill, unon aplicatlbu, promptly send by mail full lines of Saniplua of i he Newest and inorit Fasbiomiblc Uouuh, of Frkncu. E.rutrsB and Domestic Manufaeture, guaranteeing at all tunes to sell a foio if not at less prites, than ary house in the country bu.t i.'mt iiui 'jriHu.s from tbe largest and most ceH!brated manufacturers -In tbe different parts of Europe, and importing the'eaiue by steamers dircet to lialtimore. our eUick ia at all times promptly supplied with tbe novelties of tbe Loudon and Paris market. As we buy and sail only for cask, and make no hurt debts, wo are ahterand willing to sell our floods at PROM TKK TO HKTFKX PB CSST, tKSS Profit than if we gave credit. In ncndiug for samples specify the kind of goods detired. We keeptfie best grades of ev ery class of goods, from the lowest to the most oostly. Iir Orders accompanied by the cash will be aaat 0. 0. D. Prompt-paring WHOLESALE BDYERS are invited to'lnapeet tbe Stock in our Jobbing and Package Department. Address nAiiJLTON EASTEK SONS, J77, 109. Sfffl aud SJi3 West Baltimore SL, Oct.Sl&ly. Baltimore, Md. Yadkin Valley Nursery. 'iNiiE proprietor of this Nursery offers to the I trade, this Baas' n. a large and efffenAid assortment of Fruit Trees, consisting of Apple., Peaeb, Pear. Plum. Cherry and Apricot. Aaso a line lot of Grapa Vines. Strawberry aad Rasp berry Plants of the most approved kinds. , Send for catalogue and learn prices. ' Addreas, A. E. CONRAD, Vienna, Fwyth Co , N. C. Nov 4. 1970-3a MSBi i g : agwD SonflJern Tiano Mnnttfactorv. Wm. Knabe ft Co , t. naacrAprtfaaaa er Orand, gajnaire and Upright PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, Md. Tbeae (Datruir.vDff aavs been before tbe public r nerly Thin Vrr, and non their xcel!en.e tlou attained au uiuiurr lowed prr-ealmaie, wLU L piuuum4 Umiu unequilled. Ibeir TOU reratirne great power, in-fetneaa snd ire slnelnr. q.iAlltr. sswellMtfa- areat purity of Intonar n aod MwavtaaM tliroubot tbe entire scale- Tbrlr TOUCH i. pliant andelaitic. and entirely Owe f.o a the at rT oc. fuuml In so many piauoe. tsi IS WORKMANSHIP they am unequnltd nting none t ut tbe rry bet H -noiwd waierinl. tbr large capital emplosed in our oiluiih. fnaoinin io ksrpci.ntinuall) an linmtiiM- i luck ol I'ihiIk.. ,v, . ,, hmd. r 'r All of squakk PiAsoshareanr New !n I proved I Ive'Hrnn, S.-le and tbr AeraflV Treble. I tf" We would ralhrpeiinl ntt-i.tion loom lute Imprnvewrnt la hami PiANoa AMD Hucaki! (iBAxns, Pttented A Beast 14. I sin; wliiih the I'iaue Bearer ptrnietioa than baa yet been at-1 lainru. - I Kvtry Piano Fully Warranttdor Fire lean. We hare ma darraawe tat n t for the Fo'c Wl.o'e- eale Arenrr forwie stoat critbratfil I'ahioii Ok- I a a as and MaLonavna. waJih we one , wholenale and reta.l, at LowmI rartory Priiaa. WlaT. SNABE all CO., Baltimore, Md. s. ,.t. 9 r.m. aBBBBBaa MONTHLY MAGAZINE. TVo DttUmv pair Annum. 64 PAGES READING MATTER. 30 PAGESADVERTISEMENTS. WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL, D. WYATT AIKEN, CHABimroir, s, a FALL & WINTER IMPORTATION 18 7 O-. RIBBONS, MILLINf RY Straw Goods. Armstrong, Cator & Co., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Boanst. Trimminf and Velret Bibbens Tonnat Bilks Satins and V Ivets. Blonds, Belts Crapes Bashes Blowers, Psath-rs. Orn Beats, Btr w Bonnets, LAVtSehM ATS, (trimmed anil unlrimraed,) SHAKER ROODS, Jcc., tc 237 and 239 baittmoiie street;'"'"- "' BALTIMORE, MD. - Offer the larjres ftorlt to be fmrnttin this Conn try. aud unequalled In eho'ce variety and cheap ness, comprising IheTiiieat Parisian noveltieer Orders selicited and prompt attention givei. mil 19 33:8m:pd CIEMMOKS STAQ C LI3IES! WARSAW To I'ftyeltcriUe. IE AVE Warxairflir Fayetteville daily ex j eiMit Sunday. Throti(rb Ticket nfrom Golds linro via Warsaw, to Fayette vile4t Through tieketii from Weldon to Fayetteville 10. Tl rnuph tickets from 'Wilmicgtoii, ia War saw, tn rayetteriiie, so. CHA KLOTTE VIA UADESBORO TO lhEABOF W . i; 4 It. R. K: Leave Charlotte after trains from Kaleigh via Monroe, wr Silesjioro' Tuciiday , Tliiiis-; dar. and Sntunlar Leave tTaffeT)nriiT, Tiles- I dav.Thuriiday, and Saunday, after trian fr m Wilmington. CII A Til Ail R.R. TO FAYETTEVILLE AND I WESTERN K. K. : Leave 'Jbatharu Rail Road afier train front Raleigh. Leuv-o Western Road at Jonesboro' after train from Fayetteville, daily except Sundays. S.VLBM a np Iltcn Point Staui leaves eaeli plat o daily. Office at Butncr's Hotel, Salem. N. 0. E. T. CLEMM0N8, Spet.l, 13?0 tf- - Contractor. RStlBLlSfiED 1811.) Cushings & Bailey, Booksellers and Staiioncrs, t&i HaUvr.ore SL Baltimore, . Hare the x LARGEST A'D CEST Af SORTED STOCK luthenitytrf SCHOOL MEDICAL and LAW and DENTAL, CLASSICAL" and MISnF.LLAXEOUS BOOKS. An immense supply of GENERAL BANK & COUNTING HOUSE Kali QSJBI Blank Bixillf wHdeto order in any style of Binding add Ruling. The same careful Attention given to 1 O R D E R . S . as to -Personal Purchases INSIDE FIGURES ALWAYS. Send f..r Catalogues. &e. sept. 23-4m $1,000 REWARD. SeBlnr's Via Tug cures all Liver, KMnev aud Bladder Diseases, Organic Weakness. Female Afflictions, GenerariDe bility and all eompiaiuts of the Urinary 0l gatiH. 111 male and tetnaie. fl.000 will also be paid fur any ease of Illind. Bleeding or Itching Piles that De Bing's Pile Kerned y fails to eure. DeBhig's MAUIC LIXIMEXT cures Rheumatism,, Pains. Bruises aud Swelled Joints, in man and beast. Sold everywhere. Send for Pamphlet. Laboratory 142 Franklin St.. Balti more. Md. spr22-ly BARBElHOTEL, high point, v. c. Opposite railroad depot. Ten pace from tchere the Cars slop. ' Beat otorten la atteadaere at all trains. Mall saairee aw Haleat btarr this house daily. I'aaaeoeeradiapatohed ta any porat at aaart notice by private converance. f.rateful tbr the literal patronage of tbe paat.we bope br strict attention to the weata af ear gaatfi to merit a cocUrrtiiDr ofih' name. M. 0.BaRBEE. Jan. 1, It7t-Hf Proprietor. ! Medical DUcorery! wajjuurs OaXrroRNUt. VINEGAR BITTERS, ill Curative lcU IJj 'j uk v Aitr. NOT A VXUt AP'CY DRINK M tladaaf Proof tea, and Hafuaa aadeWMteaoawuii M . , O M U uetaate,ealM asea timUi W iliwaaeaaeai aajua. bat faaanaa rtl JKSTSae, aude toa thev. Koo. aad CnPEn. a perbet Beaoratoe and Inrlforatoe T . taelSrataai. earryioaoSt ell r iliea o ... raaAUr, and ratorbraaWae? U kWIJ iAltioy. . m. t.Va IhMi Ittn in aaiiillaa ! ' airaeUeaa. 1 rammin lonf uawea. a 100 will b-lrn for n incnrmbln mh, pro- r vldlng Uie ooaea are no Mnijmm i uted rwrnad the noiat of rrnatr. matiem, and Oout. Dy spepala, or Tor Ionammniory ana unruuio aeition. BUloua, Ueuuttent. aad Inter- Liver, KlSneya, and Bladder, t h ters liave been moat aucraaarul. Boeh Die- T1 eaaea oud br ViUafced BlooU. i.h EaaaeralrrBrodnoed by aeBUfeaMat af Iks fJ the tarvid llm aad bovak. which readjrtliaaa ' araaanaaUedeaVaer ia eUnataa tbe bleed at all iBtratlrliit s-f f g atsj ',f " rkrar ' to ae whole eyeteaa. . Cheat, Diuincaa. Sour etonaeh,Bad Taala in 33 thu Mouth, BLUon. Attacks, TalUooef the rZ Bnart, OofSoua Utaoaaisea of Uitoa, Pain la tha Miooa of tho KJdnera, and a hundred uUii painful arroptoma which i are tha oCaprinaa ot . - Um&mm are earea br taeae wtuera. ' ' Ctaaaae th Vitiated Blood wli ocm yoa Sad ino aajn in na- ken It la mm when. Keep r win rn ,,ii,, era tips i WORV1 lmblne la fee fait dawctioaa, ad aaaaSaUf the eircelae around each bottle, printed ia tour laafuaaaa , KpeUak, Oenoaa, Prch, and Spanish. J.' w A1.KKK, 31 St 34 Commerce Htieet , N. T. . Proprietor. K. H. MaDONALI) ft CO., J..I , i . n .I anil maTM. 8aa FranHaro, California, and SS aodTT C bold BT all DauoaiaTB AXO. Plantation Bitters. This wondcrfal Tegetable restoratiye is the sheet anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for languid it the aged and has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nerrons weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the m . . 1 !)()( llv Strength flllU DleallS I , . - . flOWIl tllC Ullllllll SJUI IlS. Whereyei it is intro duced it becomes a stand ard article a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world be sure and get the genuine. Soli by all Druggists, Gro cers and Country Stores. SIX COLD MEDALS Hare just ben in October and November, 1869, awarded to CHA9. HI. STEIFF, For tl.e best Pianos now made, over Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New.Xork Piana. - - orrica sn waaaanem: No. 9, North Liberty 5rrWCr Raltimort Strtet BALTIMORE, Mu. STEIFF'S PIANOS have all the latest im provements, including the AgroSe Tretrt. inory Fronta and ihe improved French Action, fully war ranted for Br years, with prirllejre of exchange within twelve montba if not entirely satisfactory to purchasers. Second hand Pianos and Parlor Organs always on hand, from 860 to 8300. Kefereoces, who hare oar Pianos In use lien. B- K. Lee, Lexington, Va. H. II. Helper, P. X. Heilig. Salisbury. N. C. (en. Robert Ransom, WUmlngtoa. K. C. (or. John Letcher, Lexington, Va. ateaars. R. Harwell St Son. Charlotte, X. C. fteaf. Dumb aud Blind Institute. Raleigh, S. C. MtaaaaXaah and Kollock. Hitlaboro, N. C. Tcrmx. Liberal.- A call b solicited. t r BrWn BeiBhardt are agents for the sale of the above celebrated Pfanoa. Pianos sold at Factory prices. jnly lb ly ALEXANDER DUVAL UPHOLSTERER AND Matress Maker, OX Jenkins Corner, Jost bask of the Cloth-f iug Store of Ring & Coblens, is now pre pared to do everything in his line at snort notice aud on the most reasonable terms. All kinds of furniture renovated and repeal red and made to look as well as new. Speetal at tention given to the .making and repairing SOFA8.ffETTEES, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, &c , iVc Give huu a call, exauiiaa Lis work, and will go away pleased 16-tf gjfi wnsr nun ii tta anuaarltiea Duratlne t nrouta alta, fcruptioee, or Boraei eleaaaalt foul, and your fealinira will toU yea w the blood pure and we health of tha LrlB PIANOS. ' I ha Inaiinaviir. t im-i-. saw The Farmer ' and Mechanic'. Life of NEW YORK lfo. 49, WALL STREET. CASH CAPITAL, . , . iv-n. i n 100.000 Deposited with the Znaurance the Pi otectlon ol All tbe uffl -ere aad Directors (witboat aa eaceM'.oB) ass Merkbalder. and ul tabs good cass that lite i fvpei retervea fur the n r piutet lion vl tLePuiny lluldert will las made. Tina i-oaipany makea a Caab i,,dcnd to Nb Poiley llolderaot 33 1-3 to 68 per aeat. aacb year la ad van. e In iu. au- of ita lav rale, ol ueuluiHa. The safely of Ike MMS ie auarded. A II New tlu aamr reaerve. Il.e llseerre lor eaca t earpaa) and al me aauie i ate or inn ui , vuiiaxfueuny au nONDIT!()N OF POLICY H,i Company's ..lt U-s are nonforfeitable, 'l'his Ompnny imj oa s no reslrit'iiuu on iiavi I ..Ii. i one animal payment has been made. This Company Insure ibe lives of f. uiutYe. Tkia Cuarpany ill aaat oontest any iciral claim. I'his Coniininy will pat claims as suou as the pi oof I hereof is ful ly established. Tbe rates ares are lower ibsn those of any niher Company organised under tbe laws of New York, aot responsible to the Insurance Department for Its safely. The Farmers' and Mechauica' will grant insurance to sail on tbe fullowine- plana i ORDINARY LIFE, ENDOWMENT. CHILDREN ENDOWMENT, JOINT ENDOWMENT, !' 1 f TERM LIFE, RETURN lllll HI IUUIHVII WW MW WW.w pr.M..w w ... J I. ...I.I lk. . Kw. Mill "Tontine Mutual," or Cheap Plan for Working Men. i Tontine Mutual is a combination of Insurance and Endowment, and is singularly sditpted to the wants of a class of people who have hitherto been debarred from tha' bein fits of Life Insurance by its heavy eipeiist-s. (Su: explanation below.) To insure your life on the 'IViiiiiie Mutual Plan Vou pay tl6 once, only. Ton pay S2 unuuailly. You pay SI. 10 wbasiever a death eeenrs in rnnr Class. You are ci i tain to reci iva 11.000. Aud if your Class is full W :000. Classes are regulated by ag-s. HOI'H SEXEfl ADMITTED IN THE &AME 0LA68. ALL HAVE TO PASS A MEDICAL EXAMINATION. Classes are limited ta 0.000 Members. Whenever a Class is once foil it is always f.ll. The Company guarantees that in case your death should oeeur, within sv-yenr, although there are not one thousand Members in your Clues, yet will your family receive 81,00 ; but in case your Class had mora than 1.000 Members then yoa would receive as many dollars as there aa Merobets in your Class at tha time af your death. Five thousand Members, then $5,000. Class A. Admits all between the ages of 16 and 35. Class I). Admits all between the ages of 35 and 45. Claw '. Admit all between the ages of 45 and 60. TONTINE FUND. At the same time you become insured, you also became a Mkvbkb OF a TontiKK FtJXD, which may give to yourself, whilst lhriog, a Urge sum of money. This is the only Company in the United States doing business on a sound basis i. e.. that has a Cash Capital of $125,000, and has a deposit with the Slate for tbe security of the Policy Holders that issues Kates. All Directors are stock holders. K. McMUKDY. Prmidbnt. E. MARTIN DALE, Vie PresiDkict, ORLANDA H. HTEW ART, C-unae), Medical Examiner M. B. TAYLOR, GEN RCBT B. GENERAL MAN J. K. BURKE, DlST. AOKKT, PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON LIFi) INSURANCE COT., O F RICHMOND Aftsets OTer -1.. -:; vt surplus over Policies issued in two years Showing a success beyond precedent. Issues policies on Mutual, Non-Forfeiting and all the most desirable plans. Dividends paid out on Life Policies, 40 per cent., which proves the economy of its management and ita careful selection of lieks. - o V. C CARRINGTON, Prmidmit. JOHN E. E U WARDS, Vicb Pbibimjit. D. J HARTSOOK, Secbktart. .1. J. HOPKINS, ..AssiST-asT Secxxtast. J. E. WOLFF,... - .oupbrikiksdimt op agencies. THE CONSOLIDATION ol the two most popular Southern Companies is fall of advantages to the policy holders of both Companies, ita ex penditurrs will baless, and wilh less relaive riak. The future dividends. will be more certain, and probably greater iu attount, and a better reser vod fund created. .,, , . Ho Bight of old roliey holders will be effrcted ; they will continue to pay the same rale as be fore j to bold the same policies as before ; to have the tame rights, benefits and privileges as be fore, and have equal present security with greater future benefits than before. All reucwals of old policies will be in name of new company. Ths Com pun v has (net with a success beyond all parallel in Life Insurance, and now effort to the Southern public a Bene Enterprise equal to any aud surpassed by none. It advises the payment of all cash premiums, because then dlviderdswill continually decrease each next pay merit", until nothing will be required, and the policy may be a source of income ; bnt it will allow one third loan on participating policies. It requires no notes for loana. It has no restrictions on residence or travel, all policies are Non-Forfeitable, and tha rights of parties guaranteed on the face of the Policy as a partof the contract. It has the following valuable features which no other company gives : The lata war taught many Southern men, insured in Northern companies, the penalty of being separated from ths HVm Offif, by having all their pant pay men! a forfeited, lhis company guards sgsinct this In her .policies, and In. the ovent of a separation from its office by any intervention, guarantees to such all the right of Non-Forfeiture, paid up policy, surrender value and reinstatement, as though there had been nn such intervening cause. Its permanent in vest men t of funds (as required by the Charter) is tn mortgages or leins aa Unencumbered Real Estate Worth Double tbe Amount Loaned, thus offering to the Southern people a Safe. Sure and Profitable Investment of tbe $10,000,000, which are annually sent NorU for Life Insurance, taking so much from our strength, thereby giving additional power to ear op proMort I appeal to every man and woman in Western North Carolina, desiring to secure to their fami Hem the blessed boon of Life Insurance to look well to their iLterest by examining fully Into the superior merits of the -Piedmont and Arlington Life Insurance Oompanv" before hey insure. Correspondence solicited, and information cheerfully given. LEWIS C. HAN ES, Address. - . "'"f f"t- Islington. N. 0. M Jan5I-Iy T) W. COURTS. Oen'l. Aaenl for Western if. C, RuMn, N, C Advantages of Life In surance. The North America Insurance1 Company pays Ita premiums promptly without charge. W. H, HOLObBNESH, Agent, North America Life Ins. Co. TAOaflSVILLB, N.l . Dear Sir: Toti Witt preaswaeeejH my sin eere thanks for your prompt payment, without charge, of the amount of tlf policy of Insur ance on my Husband's Life, amounting to tha sum of three thousand dollars. At your ear nest and repeated solicitation be was induced to insure in vour Company, and now we are the reeipents ot its benefits. To you and the North America Life Insur ance Company we shall feel under obligations, such as only the widow and fatherless can feel and express. May yon have success in inducing others to insure in your most liberal company, and may the Lord of tbe widow and orphais bless you and prosper jiu in your good work. Margaret C. Bakbeb, of Kowan MilM. N. C. Mr. Holdernes is also agent for tbe Liver pool, London and Globe Fire 'Insurance Com pany, which insures all kinds of public and pri vate building? , Railroad Depots, Bridges Fac tories, Founderies, Mills and Merchandise and pays all its losses prom ply All letters addressed to' Mr. Holdemess, at Thomasville, N. C will receive prompt atten tion. , dec 3 tf Mrs. Henry W. Miller's Boarding Herae, COR. NEWBERN 4 PERSON ST6. If I I H. II .V . febl I tf o rarer r xovxxbex 183 $ 125,000. of the State for the follev dets Vork roaipsatos are obliged by tbe Stale I l) tl.r uie le est aside i. II i aie eaat. JOINT L1FK, COMPOUND INTEREST, INCOME PRODUCING, Pit KM l U M, ANNUITIES. Un. w.l;.,.. n lkw ..' a VM .wv !- aa policies ol this kind Send for Book of All (JUieers an citorklinldrrs. I LEANDEIt ftTAIItt, Secrktakt. WM HENDERSON, Asst. &ct. LUCIUS M cA 1 A M . Cunt ul ting Aeiuary. M. D., Salbbury, N. C. VA CE, As hcville. N. O. N ,G1N0 AGENT lot N. CARUL1N CAROLINA. Salisbury, N. C. Aug 19 33. ly V A $1, .100.000 500.000 ,000 over. BEYOND DOUBT ,tsj The Connecticut Mutual IS TEE STRONGEST - LIFE insurance iCompn X3KT Acquired Capital over f20.000,000 Ratio of expenses to totalreceipts in.669, only ft9 per cent. Its ratio of Assets to Liabilities, as measured by the New York Legal Standard. is.f 155,50 per flOO; and it grants all desirable forms of Insur ance npon strictly equitable terms, and at the cheapest attainable rates of cost. - S. D. WAIT, Gen. Agent, Aprl Iy , Office. Raleigh, N. 0 JNd.A. BRA PSHAW, Agent, Salisbury WILLIAM VALENTINE, THE BAKBHR, RETURNS HIS THANES to bis OLD , FRIESDS and tho Public for the liberal catronage neretoiore eiiennea t aun- ne I informs them that he has fitted af a commodious Shop, ia Dr. Henderson's Building Hoom No. a, where he would be pleased to see them. Ha fuarantees to give satisfaction in every case. le has in his employ of the beat Hair Dressers In Western North Carolina. He requests a call from all. 7 - SaHtbmry, X C , IS.J7, 1869