1 ' y - s s. 7 s, 0 ' y . . , . - : aatpataaat , iMtHoii.; . jwmi- ati T JTv,Si . .I 0 M S XM. VaTJll il at . -dtT b I ft. Ml tH f l I I M - 1 m7 jiLit ,v.. .' ' " -v if . i K. 3 H!i. "! '.'-''.''' ' - - ' " i "r" " 11 -- -- ? -3 -,....,,.. .-aa. .... , i r'- ; . y:, 1 - 1 ,. t ' VMMgtt iLIBURY, N JfQVEMBKR 25. i7 '" ' Nrl? i i i. - -MP. UJ-UtllL . Jl .. . ' 1. . iii w , , II (I. VOL. V. TO PHYSICIANS COMPOUND EXTRACT BCHU. , Hapnr. MdUl ( I M..t.tjri, MODK Or HIKI'.Hl A'l HiN'- YK.O. JuBlMt B.-rri.-. I,v Ji-tilU- Mm, to fcMi tm m, Oababs cxtnrteil by dii- lHt wnk aim obiaiiK'tl from Jmniwi Itei WT IttU urn U umiI. mill mll ptniior- faybtt, JtU Mora plul tttan m m. m iim to M urpari! br DmTlt it oft dark col r. It to alant tbat eiaMs Ha lrirrn r : the ae Uob of fmaM daatruvx Ifcta (Ha aetira irincipl). Jfa(o- .axkaaa yluUtnu dai). liun. Mim i IM rer of llttvdlrbU. The Rarbu In mjr pmpar- awaatar , the malle quantity of Ihf Ato are added. U prevent fermrnta- hHMCtioa. It will be fuuud not to be a ftp lUdf in i'haraiacopoM, nor to it a Py therefore ran be uaed in ram wliere fever exlat. In thia. rouhave the know l- lafredienta andthe inodr of preparation . BA1U Am HOH i. i. , M m. 1 H MlXAttfl I1it.jr,, .,,,, viil- i 4 Ti, MtnKt OnaiT rnai aail aaa rur ju.n.c c. T e ra e f nuih. dadwa.tlr.aell. T. T irmi Hthirul .Hnnif In lie rl I f rN froai i rUr ..f Ko."liern lne , rem i ! Thnw alaeeera. V'nererrft and o rl ar.lt In tu I a. IMilwi'i J 0 lfBT i kl anl liieilli l.iuii. AJditaa (llh ..... .. u II U iivl'h HI .... It H V ' i ' . a akcT tod Im raaaAtoa lai d W) t. FT lea ta! Ham, Pro I a R I. (Jeurre Op- IT A MMKT eared br t' let nltnca 1 trll tlon tdilr at Cln.on a C ., (WU N "d. V. J MMNii M.U INK - Acentt Warned. & of w.r free. Ion Ma liar- t ii.i f Ircultii and a.mi.lei An Ire i Cij ittl f alnt Maea at Co., a Salary on. (Flje lb Nortlj State PUBLIflHRI) WBRBXV T LUW1H MANES. Editor and Proprietor. itHtr mvnvmirtuM Ohm YmAM, .ayb!e ill ii.lvMlir. i.lMI 8lX Minims. " I Mi 5 CoDica to onn addreai 12.50 I UilOi tin of A aver $1000 PER WEEK Ota Be " alr ti partle ka t wldt avakr, alih-ul la tartrU( Mh it. r I Batata, AaMerta U ' 0. WINS LOH.iS.1 .adaay.N.T. ifltj tefllfcTorrt with a trial, and tkat Sao iaapertlon it will meet a Ml JTOfW iipprot.u IMaPaW' - wfth a Mellnir of ronfldrnra. I am veiy reepeetftally, H. T. HKLMHUI.D, aad Drnf giat of 16 Venn' Kirictice. A C A UI), A Certyan, l I e ra1iB( In r. .it. neilra a tela, atoaary, dl.e vtrcd tii'tatidilfcla rtw-.tlj 'orilurrurt of Kerrona Wealinrst Decaj, 44eraa a nl On.' t'rU aary tU reanlnal Ortaat, and Mat CBo't ira'a of dlaor deea broufht u btbattfal aud tel.. at l.aWU. tirtat me berakavt b en ror.-d bv III nublt r.roeilj. Proo . led ky a dealre .. Keneflt I e (Rled aad m, 1 1. nai. , I will tea I Die recti for preperiuf a d a. liar ihla nitrifi- i r. 'n a tealed . I . - ta an' Be l nee.lt H. '.. of eha re A Hrr-a j'aEPH T. IVmAS, Button D, Dibit II' atr. New Tara tilt. C CUeJulBU iu tae.. World.) Norxaiirm 4. IHR4. I am eoqu tinted with Mr. II. T. Helmboid . ha AMY TK' Y Milt... M nutrt' r . i -rt-a'l litilliManl.il I idle, by ana vH ir liulr btr . ..e l..r al e... A 'til real Vra. II Mil. I.m II. i, er I a OBS W AZVTllI) In all .ar a of f rnlii-' Ctalet i Ae H. -ImOII tV I II'. Alujninum Gold Jewelry I At'BIa . e a akiha pi in o !tw pe' wei k ll'nf Hit Al TTI 0n8r(tiar. flrat Innnrtirm !.( For .-Hi'li iidilitional iiumrtlon !H) S ii,t uoticra trill btj cliai -VI pt-r Mai higher tlisa tin- atbtiw ntt. Court i ml Justiee'a Urdera will) puMlah- edat tit $umt rates with othor ad vert - menu. Obituary notirca, ovef alx Huea. chargeil aHilvertiRoinentfi. CONTRACT RATES. 5 H H ! ""'" C bpacb). g K i E , f ! ' ! - i i: too in one fu tn I l'C uroiupt iutrpoal arurcolv atiupreaa etiire clicera. Th hv a loud uuea li.eoui aa oi biiumj All oyea were and all wno at; wonder, fur Ida &b torturo - torture fltm e. liur. w udc, lticb iltf eould illtO.il ll wnuw.d lUtuy tali. (hi alraii(:rr. ami aa il in Mpatiar and aiariltaldy dUUnct aa Jo (ill tin' l.all rn.iu floor.!) ,,'"!"' At lb outset lie dealt ia Hrt lafjae. tVUitl vxtoaf; ajataaawiitiia; the prwwen fri, i ar't Urn wheeje iuna of qifniod aVlWiee WAtfJMlli l4ttwT' FLUMINCj UV BULK. rriaryrV,.. e beni vi-, ili.-n it onrl to be ed irntjnparMot aa i wlik-U tie in 9 r altout aWftlan liiiuitioua aa a aiMiaam, while twa jwora nodded to. euMtMttor atona ref teSorottM l Irade al done bv te. It haa a ajratera in principle and nuirht m liaje In practice. There la a time, a placfWIr a way Mf (nrvtliing eonnectet wtttifTiri bitalncaa aad t nebral nrrewa i to be found in practicing the beat ayffatm. t aiming il like tiooac-keep 11 time f Lnr it a -vaj The Homance of (Me Wen 7imeltyt w i rur. ningraplky bai for a the inoil aa- oalnir hUule WuafiUtutelv, moat three liotrraobicH artTrel I have beart called npoo Uf aaMtfieaartnt and dd 1aaiiVoTtbeI. Litre laWinod. orcunlfui tha firm. ikra nnuuNita niv rrwidiaaor. aad waat-aaueuiaHoi in ronooriinfr ne uuainem w nerarr-x..n rj(,; ra tra(, to alvn a 1,4 rtt ..inert oau 1101 oeen equally ao ueiorc nun. i ua.e been favorably ioipreaaed with hia cliararter and ratal-Mat." WIM-IAM YFKHIHTMAN, FtcM of Pa wara i. VYelirlitman. Manufacturing Cbenilati, Nitilliaml Utuhu MreeU, i'lnjadvl HKLMBOI.IJ S laaittlo atoc t laiw., riy FI.U.ID EXTRACT BUCHU, mWi f Iw WBakneN arialnc from indiavretjoa. The ex - kdtaated paweraof Nature which are accompanied hY-o many alarming lymptoma. among whih will be.th.itrd, taatlakjaitioB to Kxertlon, Kona of Memo ry, Wekefulneae Horror of Ulseane, or Porebodlaga j ofKril; ta fact, I'niveraaJ Latitude. Pniatration, j and inability to enter into the enjoj mentsof nociety. The ronftitntion onre ifferted with Organic j Weakaeaa. reiuirea the aid of Medicine to Htrenirth- I an and invigorate the ayatem, which III: I Mllti.I8 Extract Buehu Invariably dm k. If no treatn ent in submitted to, Consumption or insanity ensue. 01 ,JW,i' Ji' ll haa the exai-l enu r, at.lc it alia. a r CllBS, andtiandt the irata !",.. tcl'la. No on- raa n il i f. eta anal .' ry wa li (No Mi. milium oi l i e It.ar aln nl t-4 Mffl' er. A. P. Kelt'n To. Set' llni tl tl ooda for 1 10 Hit prh-e ri.l-l lewt-lrr a a 1.1 fin . M( n balance . n so. iu tudD'idva. We lend perton". afahi gin tctttageni' a foil an i eomn'.-it taanr mte off. ita. eortiftlnx t lea t, Brare'eta. I."i-a.ia, I adir, and Cent -' l.tln Pina, ia-.Wece B-.iii.rit, A -.."t r lea) dotl-n . di Jan tae 1-aW wbn. ae!wrftaiiTOelvid I o-her T5 deli ait tr aM. AO and an daya Part et tahhic ta nrdrr ennda aaadtat t a-enta a ill a4drena A. (f . MTLHI A CO , 4a a 44 trnadway. W. T, tfts-e Afi I tif " l" BIX MtiNTilf eaa he aurte hj WHM'.I'UU atkrewdanil i iiaka atan to t .are, safe utl eat. An uvea m nl n' it dullsra till re turn k rlrar i lofll r.f .7 il'dt-i a.' 'For par .-ilnra call on v addresa l.t iOBHI AMtU'CAS PIC I'RK Co., !,0. 84 Vaaiail Ftrttt. e York. 1 Hquaxe. 2 Sipnurea. 3 .Sipiarea. 4 Suarea. Column. i Column. 1 Cohima. BuMftttfA M 00 1890 ,; 60 0 25 8 30 i:)0 22.1 Bi ooo ooo 12 00 20 00 .moo 8 00 1 1 (Bl 15 (Ml 25 INI :t7.50 ) I (B) 10 (Bl 20 00 30 00 45.IBI 18 IB) 24 00 :t0 (Ml 45 00 75.IN) 2H 00 40 m 50 00 80 00 130.00 AN INCIDENT IN ARKANSAS LIFE. "'tfTdUDGE ARLIKGT0X. T aluill never fni"ef the fii-l viahin of Willi,.... I ir.,,.,.., 1 waa (n lk ntrrt.Ttoiie ot-Jtlt orilli botlfis at Liulo Rock, Aikanaaf, in the (uramer of lMrj4. Thfj occasion iirielf poa cereed a terrible interHt, we'll calculated to Hx in the memniy aii Ue eirctttnatati cta. A vast cwieotirfo of a'pecUtorn lind jtUfcmbled to witnef ibe trial of a young. . I 1 fft, l-- . J- 'PI.. am- very irn i gin mr iiitiioei . sue Judge waited at tbv mnineni for ibe sher iff to bring in llui prinoiier, and tlus.. cj'es, of1 tin- imiiii'ienl umlliiuih; ;;, rly witch- nection exiat between llir ttppareutl- nidc hunter and that fab Ir giilJtnrwc beantlful than a blnnaoni of aamnn r ijitl in coitfte nance ctdi-e-ii il aa a itarf f Tiie Judge turned to ike pr4oner- 'Kin ma (ireenlenf, the Court' been Intnrtn ed tlntt yonr couiiacl, Oak Linton, ! nick and CAiuiot attend. Hut) yon employ d any other V .. Hia answered in a Yol.'ira aweri as the night insula, and clear a the eong of the fkylark : 'My euciuit hare biibed utl the litwyera, even niybwu tnboaick; but (od v, ili ile feud lliratUioceut.' At this reapniiftv a, tdajutiiing in ita n- lhoj a portion nf tfie uiidUnee buzzed p- Clatief as the real wept. On the inalanl, owever, ihe lejlher-iobe lraiiger,wlne aspect had previotialy oxeiied an.uiin li ut'Trimeut, approached ibe prisoner, and whimpered iemethiiifc in her ear. She bounded lerera inehei from tin- floor, ut tered u wild aktiik, tu d tLeii r 1 pale and trembling, ae if- il. list) preeenee-erf a ghoat from the grave. All now could per ceirt that ihen- tntiar he home nijHterrous entitled jiii.betwcrti tlli; two.iuid llieaci tlO Ht KUtll' d itTeofnUOfJeat iilltrewt (ifageji- uiue mniance. Ihe stmiiger atkhesAed the Cmut in aceetita a aouorotia tis the 'Mnvft nit 18P your Hniior, I will tie fenil the lei; ul i i i I t Jtlri lailv of inli'llect, and ibid, too, niinttip. It waa like the work of a mat ematlcal demonstration, II thcu elated, hu potipie ae aa to sweep the bar w ith his glance, and like a raging liun, luebed upon hit adversaries, tearing and rending their sophistries Into atoms. His sallow, jLce glowed like red hot iron, the forked blue veius swell ed and wieai hti on hia brow, hia eyea re s'uihling lifeceab", and bit voice was like the clangor of 4 trumpet. I haVe never, lirfme or siucea Hsieurd to such appalling denunciation, Jt was like Jore'a eagle charging a Hock of crows. And yet in the higniHit tempi a : of bis Imy he seemed womleirnlly calm. lie erjiployed no gea in're save one the flafh of a long bony fore finger directly at the imUsI facta of Iris legal foes. He painted lste.fr vtnalit y and untnauly baseness in coalescing for money to crash a friendless female, till a full of Mifle.l wrath broa,e fiou ike uiulii luii.-, and some of the a worn panel orii ! '.Shame!' And thus the orator had car ried another point had aroused "a perfect s. rm of indignation against the pro.-ee-t tdiri--and this also in about twenty miu- ut.-a' lit, fUuntrA Itia ll.eina onet irtoi-t' His voice giew mournful as a foneral i ought net to be ; fence corners andascad- dirare". antl his eves filled wifh fears as1i.' Jiajids nre growing ntv with bnars anti Bxa. i. - r-ar - . . " traeM a vivid plctti'e of man's cruelties and. woman's wrongs, with a special up .... -v a t here is a waste MS) 4 at nil ends s corners the-wasto 4 tine fa very great ; thM waste tVaMttfarhll ia ranch j the waate in produce) is not little. li' w many farmers there are who do ever, thing by gueaa or at raiidosan They plow all soils Alike for all cropa; they sow wbeu.tbey happen to get ready, whether the season, ike aeil, or the weather is light or not : they have no idea of the r-ize of their fields, nor the quantity of eu muy inn oil Hie aciv, lliej jUCH it is about right. They have no syetem of rotation of crops ; no plan for saving iinnnres or fertilizing their soil ; no war of draining, or of feeding to iht-it stock the most goor) with the least feed ; the road is their cow-yard and pasture ; the door-yard is their hog-pen ; a rail fence is their only gale: their fowls are every where they ought not to be, destroying and wasling1; their tools, carriages and harness are always out of order, and gen erally exposed to the sun and rain ; their stock is wandering they know not where1; their fences nro fast going down or fast going to rain ; nnruly horses, hogs and cattle arc often breaking in where they brus.li ; orchards untrimmed j gardens arel neglected ; weeds grow ; cropa F. ill ; stock ' aa., ei-"i -f i lne -- . r 'et "-'eT-a ----- -r -h , r , -at jjj.i ' t f ' Wbrrti' exel iiiiH-il thn nslonislied lineal inu in the earn of hia client. Until die : tools break ; family gels Slelt ; DX- nudf ibe sndienco wi pt like children - pensca nuilLipiy i proius Oinumsii ; spirits Uirti it was in the pcrniatinn that he ; nag; komittMHremes imliappy--wiio can a . a . A &' . aja.fl s ' .-11 i - - aaa i,ll .1 . I- C. Jltigi , 'are von a lirfiisnd aiiorney f 'The qnt'stinn is itiituaierial and iriegn lar,' teplnd the shanger with a sneii, fax our statute entitles any person to act as counsel at the n quest of avpntty.' 'Hut dues (he piisoner refines; it ?' ask ed the iudifp. z a ' " a from close observatiott. bur to fietiiiotis animal rmtoftherienths osi Own self consciousness." N iehuhrMi Uught us, in spile of Sir (. Orrnrwail Liwia, no longer to give eredance to the old story rf Livy and the tavly Rotatrti biatoriant, but to regard tire legends of Ronu; jost aa wo should the Old ballade of Kuglaud. We do not believe in Eomulaa and Re mus and their wolf nurse any more than we do of the deeds of 1'ercy at Chc-vy Chase. Did that grand hero of romauct, King A i bur, ever sit with hia chosen knights at that wondrous table round Did Lancelot love Guinevere, and was Guiaevere unfaithful? Or waa the autv ccssion of legenda tbat Sir Thoa. Mai lory tells so well aa much a fable and allegory as the "Fii'iie tjuoen" of Kdtuund 8 pen eei 7 Does any one believe that King Alfred baked pies for the neatherd's wife, or tbat the stiotig Earl of Warwick killed the dun cow with a blow of his fist? Hid the Industrious Matilda William, the Con queror's Queen, execute the Beyeux ta pestry with ber own fair hands, as history tells us, or did she ouly do it by proxy fa the pereou of fifty fair ma'den's or ao 1 ;rt Waa Cleopatra the divinity ale is rep resentedtt.be? And at' that' glorioUl ra J Hn to H.Ni doHan ,r ed the door for ihe fttpected udveut, when euudei.lv u stranger enteuu, whose ie TZrn-a-.4-a-.e1 lilNTS VV ClltCU., nti.,,rrvher ,n,aleti.S f'-mau- I u"v -rr " "' loinu dut-ii.. UKSl IV t.MP ov Kb common SKNSK mark iMe a nneai aueo riveted universal at KAAIII.V S-W.NO MACHI.W. 1h M rl Ineal I al'tcli , II . i, 1,1, J - leiiieei. tJiiir i- in- n,.iatasi, uiiiu ... curately as pen can sketch it. . , adr Bh. - ' . HKXMlOLP'a FttJliyEXTRACT OF BUCHU, " Sat . ; Of) b; la atfccUons "ei uliar to Females Is nnMnalted by aay ether preparation, as in Clilorosie or Kelention, Palattatness. or Muppreasion of I Uftotnarr Krsrwa tteas, OtMBated or Sohirriisi State of the I terns, and all aajtrrlrltT incident to thu sex, or the decline or I' .: r ant " ... OSSBaBBSWI IIBS. iaj rjiodi' 1 Y ..ndgMLMBOi.D'P Ji-' "EXTRACT OF BUCHU Mil,."'. AND- : IMPROVED ROSE WASH me, ll L emioate from the system diseases arttiag frwai the babits of dissipation, at little ex penae, little er aa; change iu diet, no inconvenience erekposnre: eompletrly supsrasdiDg those unplcue a rrt and tleagernns remedies, (.'opkira and .Mercury, la all thea Jlaeasex. tadrTtajpjsjU rottat ;.- aatdaaaestd , , m z tit-a - -- .ju EXTRACT OF BUCHU liem. nil. tm k null!, C" r i, i. 1 11, i-rtl 'and eii.hrol'i r In a ,-! i rl r im lit . rut I. . Vt. .-i. JAtll , r- Sully am- u i il fo. S e yaart W in ry Ota Th adt and Uullaia for any tnt- littUal 111 aria a tiro per. mora i li.'-i-.i. "i i i i , ' ll.ati 'bra. it will malt the ' I '- I. ck S Pol. " I'eerv a- eond allt h ran t,e eat. aad at; II t eclnlheannnrbi pullfl tp.'t with ul tear tiiK I We pay tirtn fr,,m 7' to liisi p r month ami ex pawaea. ar a eim'-B)'hn fmih wld h ttlc 'bat amount can hi- wade. .11 r ta m ierma In acrnta. Ac J W. BOUa.K-t A COH, 402 l ll.i-ii. ire I l'i.tl..viphm, P. CAPTION Utwre of nil At- lit. aellint M ic- iner an our-, u let- liny can ahnw n Certlfleate a;et, cy i'g -el a. if, w e thatl m,l ' l aoitelve. ret, otialh e J r wnrthleta Mach nea 10,'d by oth r paribi an ai.atl p-oae-Diie all Ltii ti, a iHrPtas or aaiov Muchinei uiidt-r this name to i In, full est- at of the law. l. it aaa auck MaeBh ta are b tali ad fr in us er ear agenti. Ila tint he Imt need ip. n b ear, lea who eoriy nar dTrrtlaeuwul od clreulara and oil r worthiest maelthtft al a lets pilea. a t Sm CANCERS, 'iUMORS, Ulcers. K II. KL1NK, M. 1)., at Hit Philadelphia Cnurt-r Inali tute )l r,-htl. I'bllaiell, P., nnd ft U. OHKEN, M I) , Charlotte, K. C, areii.alili.it ai.wt remarkahlecurel of Cancers- Tumors ana Ulcers by n- w priue I - li a -1 ' cr Anttdn-e. t at r more the lareett Cant-ers aftl Tnmors allhoiit an nperath-n with -the kn'fe, witleuit c usti,-, isliiiif or 1 uru-ng m diciLct, a 4 wiih tun Utile pun. No other treaimew thnttld ever be ut'd. tor ptrtleu'ara, aei.tl for it clrculnr, call upon or address til er of the aha' r. II-. Khne will be a ilh Dr. Ortea October h. ecii.Sm , 'Let her stin uger. '1 tin,' :is her 'answer, SB a Ion drawn luuath Aatcaped, that aesaawen tn ren'rt" her reached the zn.iih both of frrtor attB sab- tH. what tinea Wot fallow tbat is miee?a limity. Hie featurta were livid aa tlps.e ',We ? AllhWe-tefty be avoided by systc of a coruse : bis hair annealed to sifHtskeSmatic farrrrfng. Every merchant knowi on end ; his nerves ehookTixTriili a palsvjwbat if bib business is not done in order he tossed his hand wildly (award heaV- nud" in'tline be is the loeer. The tVaier speak for bcrsrlf,' said the en, each finger spread apart, and quivgr. j itig hke the llanie of a candle, as be elds- deceeseg Agricultural Implement a MOWING MACHINES, STRAW CUTTERS, tkc., tfcc A 7itTrnrrXrU ottlle State Ahal Society, held at Itnleijtli ontlicl8th, Ifrtli, autls-arfd 21sfdays of October, rite rol!oVlr) VMIST PRE, UltrMs were awarded to J. tl. THOMPSO.V, ef Ifro, Davidson County, N. f-.. Manufacturer or Agent for the sale of AKriculiural IniplciiieDts, and til the various kinds of labor saving macbisety ft a ' he tiinn. Best Wronjrht Klmre Plow v ajtrstlltll Kir:e Plow, (No. 77)... BestStenl,TnrniiiK jyw ........ Best Wrought Iron Subsoil Piow laaa al I of these orcans. whether existine in male of female, (rom whatever etuse originating, fed bo matter of how long .tending. It is uleas aAfMheteAariedor, "iavHediate" in action, sad axaMillMialig than aay of the prepamtions of Mark ar Mtva . ra broken-down or delicate con- the remedy at once. - - ' x AanwiaftjaaAt be aware thai, however slight may be the attack of the above diseases, it is cer ItljJalM MM bwiBy health and inent:. poweis. All the above diseases require the aid of a Iliii retfc, HEI.MBOLO. Extract .J. - r.eat Tootfl II arro w, Beit iloise-Howt'r(mada in the Stale). Best HtrawUwtber,. , Best. Straw and Hav Cutter for Hand. tjr" 1 or any of the trbove articles, or else in rns line, address J Osvldson Co., X C. , Oct. 28th. I87II gio. on .10.00 10.! r;..;nw .6.00 ..oo ......10.08 15.011 .......6.00 Certiflcntr. anv thing H. Thompson, tyro 43: tt PCLECTIC CATALOGUE V-.- . I ' aa taaasta ' ' STEKL ENGRAVINGS. Portrait; Historic E gratings, Battle Scenes Heal Pictures, fc:.- , . ' OVER 200 lhTKI.KNT SC1IJECTS. aJwrxOwi geldhvtVaWKlstt everywhere. Priee-( .36 per battle, or S bottles tar to. HI. Delivered to any ad-dreaa- Describe svinptowa in all communications. ' JatrjrraaVyYl" "t- " ,v TX....-jl. .A mm - - ...e -a.. 0t a, ...rt ttamO Lasa t i it- ' ; .rs . ' 1 IB- ... i .layBt hi e-c - a tweaoaaa. aan atxvd ! D. Drag aiidOhemicc.1 6e4 Broadway. N. V. ... m ia XjH eu' ii mit kA, MOVE ARE C.ENCtXE UNLESS DOME VP IX ateel-etktoevd wrapper, with fac-simile'o?my ? icrn-ieal g. T HEI.MBO. K. These Engraunas nave aiipeareiriu the EcLKCTro MAflAZIKE thmng the past 25 years. Trie eu bjects have been seleeted wi,h great care on rSdh sides of the AtUutic They are px Luted on UiitetiJiit sisaui l"ler, ehhAfr Mii-l si'iT"r7 by ID, "or quarto size, 10 by 12 PRICE 4 Small size, 10 ceuts ; quarto size, 15 A speitoau of each sizn and catalogue sen on reeelpr of 25 cents ; and, on receipt of f , five of each size will he sent. Catalogues srnt frre to any Address. E. R. PKLTQX ruhlislier. 1 41;2t. 10S Fult mi St , New York. Fimit Trees, Sm 11 FruiU, Ornamental Trees and Plants, CHOICE GA' i EViSFIELI) SEEDS, AC. A ! ,-U'i-!' "i th' choicest raMeties. Send for descriiiiie cutahguet and Priced A figure, tall, lean and sinewy, and straight njs an arrow, a brow maBsiive, soaring, and smooth as polished marble, intersected by a large blue vein forked like the to.iguc of a senn u t , eyes redisli yellow, resembling a wr.i liiul eagle's eyes as brilliant anil as fearfully piercing; and iiually a mouth slight, cold and sneer ing ihe living embodiment f tinbreath- ed curses ! He was helmed In leal her, ornamented . after the fashion of Indian coslume, with beads of every color in the rainbow Kllm wing bin way proudly and slowly through die throng, and "seemingly uncon scious that be was regarded as a phenom enon tbat needed explanation, the singu lar being advanced, and with the haugh ty air of a king takTrrg 'tiis throne, seated himself within the bar, crowded a Jt,W8,8 with the disciples of Coke and BlatjUsione, several ofw7ioin,li--wjB,,known) esteemed themselves far superior to those old ami famous masters. , The contrast between the disdainful countenance and outlandish -garb of the stranger excited especially the visibility of the lawyers, ntid the junior members begatr a suppressed titter, which soon grew louder and swept u round the circle. Tbey doubtless supposed the intruder to be some wild hunter of the mountains, wb bad never before stien the interior of a hall of justice. Instantly the canse and obiect of the titer pet ceivn, 1 urtuiig Jim li eatii gradually, so to give each laugher u look of Infinite scorn, he eja.cJllulSd-lhi; single word 'savage.' No pen can describe the unspeakable malice, the defiant force which he threw into that term ; no language can express the infernal furore of bis utterance, al though it hardly exceeded a whisper. But he accented every letter that eeorcl ed hie- qwircrtng lips raying a horrible em phasis on the S, boih at the beginning and end of trie word. It was a mixed growl, intermediate, betwixt the growl of a red tiger and ihe bis of a rattlesnake -'sabftgciiP ft cured everybody of the disposition to Ijtngb. - - ',- The general gaze, however, was then diverted by the advent of the- fair prison er, who came in Burmundcd by her guard. The apparition was enough to drive even a cynic mad, for her's was a style of beau ty try bewilder the lamest imagiimiion and mett Ahe, cotdi et teftrt, Teavini' in boiii im agiiiation and heart a gleaming pttTrtrff-; i enameled with fire and faxed in a frame of Id from the Stars. It v a the spell ol an auchantment to befult as well at seen We JBkigbt feel il in the Bashes o ber cVnteit4i)ce, clear as sunlight, brilliant as theiris ; itfsihe classic contoTtr of her fea tureS, symmetrical as if Cijiyijib an ar- i very In ui i aliiug 4a. 'What is your- frame, as it must In I pliired on record ?' inteirogated the judge 'William Di'iiton, said ihe strung, 'r. The ease iiiimeilialt ! V progressed. Wi r will hrielly epilnnrize the sulrstnnce of the1 feet evidence; About twelve mortllis pr vfo'flB ; ly, the defmidant arrived iu town and i nueiieu a millinery establishment. Resi- d,iig iu a small room back of her shop, and all alone, she BrejMfed"'varioos arti cles of ber trade with unwearied toil and consummate taste. Her hahits were se eluded, modest and retiiinir, mid hence eu wiiii Hie list words ot tne Hiram Short :rejl my mother that l am dead and gupejq hell!' His emphasis bntlu; Word lull .embodied tbr t b ments of all IfrTrrot:. It was tie wail of immeas urable despair -a wild bowl of infinite torture. No language can depict ibe el- on all those who heard it. Men- groaned, women shrieked, and one poor mother was carried awv in convulsions. The entire speech occupi 'd but an hour . . . . . t a . .a ought to Know it. in no Dusiness is sys tem more requisite than in farming. Th farmer has to do with fixed laws thoy must be obeyed or he or his crops suffer. Order is heaven's first law ao it should be the farmer's. HASTY WORDS. An. English lady writes i:i ihe London Christian World : The evil that is in the world, I hat rushes down our streets, de vastating homes, ruining happiness, and ;F4ry' returned a verdict of orhaying waste the pleasant places has many guilty," without leaving the lu x. and three tremendous cheers, like successive claps ot thumb r, shook the courthouse fmm dom? to corner stone, testifying the she might have hoped to escape notoriety, j joy of the people. At the saiqe moment but for the perilous gift of that extraonU j ihe beautiful niillinijr bounded to her feet i.it ill. r. . . i . , i. . ' i ..I... i. . i ,:....! .. ,i . 1. : nary ueatliy, which mo uueu, anil iu iur innu tiafjitu Mir uaMuiiuiaoi, uoaoerte u friendless, proves a ctuse. She was soon j h'r prms exelaimirrg : sought iifiei by those gay fireflies of fash- i 'Oh, my husband ! my dear husband !' ion. the business of whose lire everywhere ! lieu ton smiled, seized ber band, wbis is seduction and ititii. Hut ihe beautiful , pered a word injier ear, and tbe two left stranger rejected them all alike with un utterable .-em ii and C"iii i -nipt. Among those disappointed admirers was one of a character from whielnrhe fair milliner bad 'everything, to fear. Hi ram Shore belonged to a nituily at once opulent, iuitueiiti.il and dissipated, lie was bitivseli lieentions, brave 'and revenge ful, aud a duelist of esjwblishcd terrible fitme.; H waa- -tscneiMilv known ih.lt lie had made advances to win "the favor of tin lovely Eium.1, mid be shared the fate of all the other wooers a disdainful repulse. " At nine o'clock, on Christines night, 13ti3, the pjuopk- of ,,Littt KocV were star tled by a loud scream, us if of some one-, in mortal terror; wlitie following T!iatj with an interval, came successive reports of fire-arms one, two three a dozen deafening expfnitioiis. I'hey fluw to tlie shop of the milliner, whence the soul.d emanated,, nd 'pushed buck the unfasten ed door. A dreadful scene - was present ed. There she steed in the centre of the room, with a revolver iu each hand, every. the bar together, proceeded to he land ing, and embarked in a steamboat, bound for New Orleans. It seems llmt I hey hud previously parted on account of bis cause less jealousy, after which she bad itssum ed a false name, and came to Little Rock How be learned her danger I could never ascertain. They returned to Texas. The husband was a I olonel in the revolution, and ,es Caped its perils only to fall the next year in a Urnhle fight with Ihe Catnanehes . ' . . .. : .-. a A new cotiutry in the cross-timbers, a country of wild woods, romantic as hi fountains. Sin does its deadly Ifork in many ways and sorrow cornea from a va riety of sources. And hasty words have much to answer for among the rest. We are apt to ihink that a word or two does not mutter; that we need not trouble our selres to be over particular what we say, But this is onlyetieof our many mistakes. Words live There is so much v itality in them that they take root even upon very unlikely soil. Hasty words are al most sure to have little sense and less kindness in tbetn. They are not the off spring of meek and quiet spirits, but of hot, passionate tempers. "AH men are liars!" Who but a man in a- passiaK would have said that ? The assertion is so sweeping and unjust, that if David had Kiot prefaced it by bis profession, '! said in my haste," we should not have under stood it. I'ei haps the reason why. such words are spoken is, that tbe speaker ftiels himself aggrieved. We often do in this life of ours we cannot have dill we .wish own eloquence, and sunbright prairies beautiful as his ow.n Emma'a, sweet face, cVimramohitea (i iiKine--uie name "iff a our broi Iters and sisters, and so we , , ... i. ... a u.1 low ouraeivea to grow ireittuana angry. 3fe f? Jtyyea h, to j uppoge franscendetit star that set too soon, which I else, had noW necii Ihe first luminary in the poiittcaf sky of VT0gBa if not in the circles of ihe whole ihaion, for he-WMSti-1 fare's Dczuosthenee of the western woods. barrel discharged, her 1urea pale, hei eyes Hashed wildly, and her lips parted' with an awful smile I And thereat her feet, weltering in his w uini bfoodhj, bo som lilei ally .-riddled with eli'ol, lay iWa"lf tlreaded duelist, Hiram Shore, gasping iu ihe last.ngony. He artaicuiait d but a sin gle senlenci -'Tel my mother that I am dead and gone to Or--f,1 jjtj biatailtlT ex- pirea. - In God's name, who did-tbta f "ei t lainied'Htn appalled spertjtlors. 'I did itT saitl the beaatiful rniliner,itL her sweet, i!vry acceuiB. 41 did jit to save my hoitor V Such Is a hiSi f abstract of ihe essential eiictiiuslauces, developed in the exailliTi l liou of wvnesses. Hie testimony closed, and ihe pleading began. . First ol all, Flower. 1'ike and Ashler- in warmed wiili labor or rapid walk, go (all famous btwyersat "ihat time bi tbe , iug loo suldenly from a close, heated room sowthweet) spike in snecrssi'nilojr (he j into the cold uir,epecia!ly after spealT nrost cntion. They abmti equally uarti- .inc. and sudden depressed news operat- flowing without braitl. softer th in silk, fi- I ti..nizt-d lb ir eloquwice betwixt the pris ing .oil The tofrmd. The causes of stiddru nor man gossamer ; litsher eyt s, blue as the hiuiveii ttf - I - - 1 ' ' ' ' i. i-trt liquid and dreamy ; im W I (iodalTa.Miaijii ful, swimming, like the gentle itrftnre of a bird's wing in "r? e r sunny airVitV ?frr figi re, slight, ttberial a lytptfi orNer- apn ; and mure lhanall, in the eveilasi ing smile ot the rosy lips, so frank, sruie CAUSES OP SUDDEN DKATH. Very few of the sadden deaths which are said to arise from "diseases of the. heart," do really arise from that cause- To ascertain (he real origin of sudden rjeaihs, experiments have been triedti Europe and reported to a seietliific con gress held at Strasbourg Sixty Six ca ses rif sudden death were i made the sub- jr-ci of a thorough post mortem examiua Tioir; in these cases only two wen' fonnd who had died fiom disease of the heart. Nine of sixty-six bad died from appo plexy, while there were forty-six cases of -congestion of the lungs that is, the lungs were so full of blood they could not woik, tberetjgt being room enough for a suffi cient anaiitiiy of air to enter tosnppori life The causes that proittice1 (fongestion of the lungs nre cold feet, light clottiiug, i '! coative bowels, sitting nil. chilled ulier be that all things should be ours, and wherrf fajtbna dcscritied : we fittd-oiiIy -few - share, then we become discontented and peevish, and sneak hasty words. Then we say veryTiurd things off each ., other, am! most sinfully say, in our hearts if hot v. itbonr tongues, hard things of oar wise and' loving' rather. Seeing that hasty words are so unkind, unjust and untrue, how can we prevent ourselves from uttering them, and so es cape the need of after n penloj4aeaJKhieh ."lie Ihat believed) shall not make haste." Is not (he secret of our impatience to he found In our lack iifHaith in God ? If Our hearts were stay ed upon "him, if we were like children1 res ting In our father's arms, would every lit tle tthrg that occurred around us have , - Vr . such power over us I it -we Know so as to realize the fact, that noting happens to us without bis permission, hat what seems so prOvokit'jr in those who are about us would not be allowed to trouble us unless Ho willed it so, if we saw that words,' trials, inconToiiii ueea. pad even kindness onlyieonio to us according to Ilise jileasnre, surely thcu we should cease to he nasty banquet when the "mailed AuthonV" sat by ber frith the concentrated jay that aeea troabto near at hand, how did abe drop and suddenly dissolve a pearl with -vinegar, when we have scarcely an aoidatjaong enough to effect that result in many days? Was not Gleopatrn's pearl a sham one, like the bullet of Robert Iloudin or Prof. Andcieon? Wag Lucretla chaste A Roman author tries to prove that she waa not so. Did Messalina indulge iu tbat enormous vice for which Juvenal lashed her bo terribly ? On the French stage have seen Messalina played with a double, like the Gorsican Brothers of Mr. Fletch er, and the author has ingeniously thrown all the vice on the double and has made the Empress a chaste martyr. "' Did Joan of Arc really exist ? They say not, now-,i days. Her tomb has been dis covered, if wo may credit report, at Rou en, and surely her calcined bones would not yield a skeleton. Gtesar, whose ex hortation to the pilot, "Thou oarriest Cmearandhis fortunes" Ccesarem vchis et fortunas ejus tbat has given Lord Ba con one of his golden sentences in his es says, makes no mention of the cireum stance and speech both of which have been severely questioned and denied. So all the crying out that "the die is cast, and the thoughtful night spent on horseback on i he banks of the Rubicon, which have furnished many an eloquent "tag" to a Bpet-eb, carry somewhat ot discredit with them. He himself has not related a'ther incident, though Seiitonins and Plutarch make a point out of each of them, i Thug wo have shown that a 'certain mixture of fables exist in all history ; and that, to quote Lord Bacon, "a certain mix ture of untruth doth ever add zest." I Jut the arm of this "ze-t" is, that, it gives tho leader an unnatural appetite for marvels, and allows the partisan room to disfigure the finest character English jpajter. Divorce Day. The 8th of November was a memorable day in the Cincinnati courts - it waa "Divorce day. Ihc aceau oner and hor aiv"e-al', tovertng the latter I death being known, nn avoidance of theirr w-M sucTi ratcsetic wit. raib-rv and ridi-' mty serve lo lengthen many valuable . . - . - . a . I . . a . a . 'a cule, as mnrieit a matter ot doubt whetu- hvt s, winch woun otnerwise pe lost Mo or he or bis client was tM party then on I dor ibe veidict of "heart compUiiit." trial. A l Deutou, however, he seemed : Tbat disease is supposed fo be inevitable o iav not the sfiglMest attamtion to his and iiiciirable; hence, many may not take ' . - - I -.1 I .1. Jai : J :jj J a. : .1 nnrwinelit out rcmameo niotioiness, wiin tne pains 10 atom lauticn ueaiu u luey w ' ' . . 1 . , a .1 . I I I ! 1.1 . 1 t " ireheitd bowed on nit iiauns, iikc one Knew u lay in im-ir power. Endeavor, if possible, to keep a clear conscience, and two or tliree clean shirts. Rise with the lark, but avoid larks iii tbe evening. Be above ground iu ail dwel lings, and above board in all your dea ings. Love your neighbors as yourself, but don't have too many ef them iu same house with you. In the Common Picas Court on Tues day die divorce docket, comprising up wards of sixty casea waa callod. At nine o'clock the court room was nearly filled with women of various degrees of social position, of all ages, and all nations, ex cepting the 'heathen Chinee,' soliciting ju dicial relief for their many grievances neglect, desertion, cruelty, and infidelity being among the principal charges made by the 'better halves against their lords. The number preet n' was swelled euor- ! mouslv by the f?rct ihat every woman who , bad fifed a petition brought, on an aver age, three of ber sex along aa witnesses. Many, too. trough (heir babes along, fur nishing the musk fur tbe occasion i gratis. In a few cases the husbands were plain tiff. It appeared tojbe n geiieral reckon ing day all round for the violators of tho matrimonial contract. The only cases culled were those in which, no answers bad beep filed to the peiiiious, leaving the im mense majority of cases to bo hereafter disposed of ' IT- fjajtrv ..jQ-; 31k. lktLixus on Alcohol. What it was, tbat invented alcohol, l ain anablo tew tell without licing ; but it would bar bin u fitstklass blessing for the rest' ov us if he snd the lickoV had never been bom. A grale meuny, with dyspeptick morals, All Trers-wplbparked ao as to carry, safely to toy partjrtf the t'nited MfAtew. Slunll HfUtx mill .MlcW - I'u'ae of nil kinrln 1 sent bv mail, postage paid, to any PojitVlfBee in the Hilled tali Sdward J. "Evans V Co Bl -' i ; lIMtl Ar ' X srpt 5- 3m YOMJv. J'a. bar of her judge, a murmur of admiration ed in a whisper, but iu a whisper t j wild, I dy, "them's ile paintings, rene, so lie starlight; and yet thiilTTngmed In d.en tbought or slumber. tbe soul as a shock of electricity. VherKhis lime came, however, he sud- I "Are those pictures which you brotglrt As the onfortuiiate j, yJ (astefullv 'denly sprang trr hi-4e(, cmaaed the tT. 1 home from Europe all landscapes ?" pi ii dfested, so inco i parable a? to personal and took a iwisition almost louctrirrg-tbe Ian artist to Mr. Snobby one day. "Lord n in-, i .1, alv look her f'ace before ihe f,uemai. of ihe jury. He then commepc- bless yon, no," replied tbe indignant la- Fight hard againt a hasty temper. Auger will come, but resist it stoutly. A spaik will set a .house on fire. A tit of passion may give you cause to mourn all tbe -days of your lite. Never revenge ah injury. ,. . a e f -1 1 a.- orgy that tickor is iiiuispeiisiote mr matt ii! t log ana dockfor purposes, and 1 .. i .a also for mekanjkal uses, and they hold that yon. kouldn't raize a barn that would jjjl stand without any good old Jaraakarmn, ana sum say mat piuiu,iug-ass, without enny sperits in it, iz no healthier than common goose grease. But awl ov these are furnished free ov cost by the. devil himself; end enny man who advances them iz telling (without knowing it perhaps) lies that will weigh, at a ruff estimate, at least a pound a Piece. . ,f

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