ajaajaaSMSSBaaaaaaaiaaaSaaaaaaMa lyTy 1-' fi.V M i . . -?'JI'im'jQi a nrTr J. 'ija.'Tfty mm m IUmb (in islV SSMmis 4.o V ohsssasf 3E 1 BCEMBER 9, 1870. SALISBURY, N. Cj NOtj, A VOL. V. T" WARSAW 7 Fayettctitlt, IT RATI WraJ midkv . T rrtrttsritle uly si 1 1 J e.-pt .inrty. 1 broils TWi'i'fti'H W tw.f' vl w awe toTsj X wi . ... J ' ' to FayHISviUs MI WllulfcRUMU vt War- from W (MM ailLOTYB YIA VTAPBIWO a Monroe. f..r Ara.1, l,..rt, TiBV;Tnni8- . rtfMT-J LsaT WSflesboro', Turk TUfttTr. ami laturfl.y, after trtau from HATUAM I R.TOFAYKTTEV1LLEASD (!" law JlT M W a. : ! Chatham lull Kmd after train from I... Western fknvl nt Joosshoco' i rayetterille.diulv except aay. m BloB FotxvbrAO leaves ok ao daily OIm i Liutner'a Hotel. Kalem. X. C. K. T. ULKMMON8. Htasteti, 1K7 tf Vmrnor. rv ,vla rUK ' '-'vor. auu mauarr iiw-i 'n"uiv 1 II! 11 II . . i IMKM IWeskin. FeuuU Aai:Uoiii. Uur4 A- billty nd all couip'alut" of tli Lriury 0 I pit, in uii 4 f l.mw win i" u iwiu - " Blind, UI"l'Bt( urr'Itrhii) files tht Do Bin rile KvriMof ftiil t. tun. ikLui..'. M.VilIC I.IN'IMKNT cnrw Rhefl5iiiii. VtiM. nraifis, onU Swelled JuinUi in mh aiti "' SoldttverywliT. ."ud forJ'HiiiphJet. Laboratory Wi FruiiLlin st.. Haiti wore. Md. H.r22 ly TXT XiKNTS JW1 t 0 J"U' per VV ODlGU ,r. l,r , nigral. I h MV U lnlrducMli. lirvt'IN. IMPi OVtOCOMN SHiSt$ PAMIL. 8' iM MACIUNi. i bit M cl'tu l llUtrJ Mi,t"A qulllt c rt, hr,,lr..' mi .-K.hn.1.1-r la (Mhii rl r ma in-. Prlo -"if I. rll warm ll J 4v r W- ill pair Cr th' H tnfl 'or tny n, Ir.e ' a lllwni"i) jrr.iror kvauiirul.araRrr U ilr ' uri. It ll miik k. MMli.ink,a.t' " Kil l "1-4 I' lx cl. nJ ill I c tMli caiMU" t' pmUJapni ilh uHfai lag! i Wai'iJ nn T V xue ( r lu.mta au4 nciiara. r a com br ton rV'cai 4TI.1 )i ti.- l.at awaaai caa b uiJi. A J r ortwwo lu rnti Ac. 401 i piia4ii.. Pa. ( j v . m Hi k i a i aaour-. u U..h- c.a . CiU'Waly.lJaafir4' aa or ak4a,akaj n.t. ti-l IWV,"MHaarar Wtlimm Ma. fi ' o it " nil, r rartl.a an ' till p aair all parti, a a. 1 1 r itaa'f JiaM? a)'T tW la tbfull t ul ot Kit law.ta auin Vti raar . b tali .t fr m ua i r "ur nn.ti. Di a I b inn c aul rp n h par-laa alio rapy ur aitvcrtiaW ' "04 circular and aaVr irtblaaa aaehln , at Waa i In-. oe tam QAiVCSKS, TTJMOK3, Ulcers. fTHnliS M. 0., t Timila.lri Caaerr lu'l tata. tl r- liM. pl.Ua. i, i n-i U. UN, Bt D , Cbarlol a. N. 0 , arraaalbf ",t r. n,arkttrurra , 41 I ION bro'W pnu. I lia-ta c r Jimaai-i ai r unr .r laraaxt Cancara and Tunmra althout aa nt ratl. n wfli thr kn'r. allb -n c.uatl', taili.g or tarutag m diil:ia, a ltii b.n miu. p in. No at'iar tTutmin alinillil-i-vrllMi uaf d. lor pacUcu'an, in.d fur lircular. call Upa ' addrm ilthcrllbc '" r. p. Kline ,111 br lib Di. Grttn OctoW V h. Oct 7 : 8m PHILLIPS & nKOTIIEKM, 2'li'O DOOItS ABOVE THE Court Bouse, on XvXain Street, UETDRN" Til EI K T II A X K S TO T U 13 'public for tiie very liberal putroiiau en joyed 4y them duriuj: the puntyeur. and hope, by Mr dealhisr smtl utriet atiention to btiitieiw to merit a cuntlunance, if Dot an increase of the aanie. Ve will enntinne to keep on linnd a jrond snp i.lv of r AMILV GRCCERiaS, in cllKlhrf . Freidh and Salt Fish, OF KVKItr VABIKTT Whiskeys, Brandies, Hum, Gin, Ac, AH. ALSO, i BOOTS, SHpES, DOMESTICS, PIECE GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, In fact, almost overrtliing usually kept in a va rietr Store, all of which we will sell lew for Cash, or Country .Produce at the high cut market pries. PHILLIPS A BROTHERS. Feb. IB. 1870 7 tf SIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRIZE MED.US aWAlttlED, The Circal Southern Tiano Manufactory. Wm. Knabe & Co., AKVPACTUSEKH ii V Or and, Square and Vvrifbt piano &stim& BALTIMORE, Md. Taaaa InatruaMnta .4ve been befure the public for JeariyThirty Yearn, and Uioa tlieir excellence loaa aitainad an asparchaaed pre-eminence, wbich roaenncee them anentialled. Their T ONE combine! great power, sweetneea and fine alnginp; qaalitr, aa Wetl an tfte great purity of Intonation atUhiveetneia throughout 'be entire acale. Their , T 0 U V II i pliant and laet i,'. end entirely tree from tbSatiff nataftMadia ao eianv planoa. IN WOJIKMANSIIIP they are unequaled uuij nolne btrt the very beat aeaaoned material, tlic laige capital employed in our buatneaa ennblentr to keeji continually animreente atock ef lumber, afc.oii hand. - O Allot ourSgCAM! PiAtiosbiveonrXew Im proved Ovaratroua Hcale and the Agrafe Trcbla. If We WoBldeell npeeral atteiithjn to om late itSfftovament in Ksand Tu.,Ai Sotakb Obanm. r itented Xnguat 14. I8fi6. which bring thaiiitt aaaer petiic,tion than has yet been at- Ihery Piano Fully W.u ranUdor Fire V, Tedrn. We have mad arfaaaenaenta for the ple Whole sale Agents the (neat celebrated Paot tTii. Sana aad HSIbso un, which w one, wholeiiale and retail, at Koweat Faetorr Pcicaa. WM. KNADE aft CO., a If l 5 r Baltimore, Md. Sept. 9-oVbSia. 'V BARBEES HOTEL, HIGII POINT, N. C. 0 PPOSITE RAILROAD DEPOT. Tm paces front where the Cars stop. ' Jtsat f porter in attendance at all trains. Vail btapes for Salem leave this house daily. Vaatengeradiapatrhed to any point aT short notice by private conveyance Grateful for the liherai patronage ot tn paat we bone hv atrict' attention to die wants of oar gueaU ta unLa eoatinaauca of tba same A " .. mP. WM. C. BTtltBEE, Jan I. 187d tf Proprietor tTl)cCTlu North State LEW18 HANKS KiMtor and PropHttor. 1TIH Or (UlrTIOM OMtV Tba, Myibtin adefue. . . . Six Months, m ,. sou 0.00 -OMiua t uua addraaa. IP CuaidVto una OneSuaar, Hrt insertiun, $1.00 F.fAfi ndlitioniil inaertioii 50 Hiierial uoticea will be charged SO per oeni hiKher than tin- above ratea. Court and Juatioe' Omlers wlltbe publUh atl at tlie same ratea with other adrertiae mmuu. Obituary notice, over alx liuea. churgl aad-rtisiieiHi. ' CONTRACT KATES if r SPACE. 1 r s 1 Si-iare. 2 8quATea. 3 Suarca. 4 Sqoarei,. i Column, i Colamn. 1 Column. '2.4o;:m 5 0ot8 50 tin oo 150 (i25 b 50 a 00 23.00 , 6 00 flon l 00 20 iKt :).oo 8 00,11 00 15 00 25 00 87.50 II 081 A00 26 60 30 00 45.00 18 00 24 00 30 00 45 00 75.00 2$ 00 40 00 50 00 80 00 130.00 LEGISLATURE OK NORTH CAROLINA. cauTa. Wednesday, Nov. 29, 1870 The Senate met at 10 o'clock. Sir. Love from tbe Committee on Pro positions snd Grievance, recommended the pasag of a bill in relation to the keeper of the? Capitol. ' Mr. HtTtith introduced r'bill to consolt dato the North Carolina iLtilirmd Compa- DT and the North Western N. C the North Western N. C. R. R. Coiiipaiiv. Ueturred to the committee on Internal Improvements. Mr. Love introduced a bill to repeal cer tain sections and umend others in chapter 270, nets of 1868-G9. Referred to Judi ciary Committee. Also a bill to repeal certain parts of chapter 170, acts ot '68-'li9. Referred t tommittee on Judiciary. Mr. Chirk introduced a resolution to retoim. laltl over. Mr Brofrdeti introduced a resolution abolialung lle "gag-law." known as the previous question. tr- Mr Love introduced a resolution abol ishing the present regulations iu regard to pngp'. Mr. Price moved to amend. The a mendmcnt was lost, and lesolutiou udop ted. The bill to abolish the office of Slate Printer and for other parfKuu tJjeW purposes being the authorizing a joint eon; - ml t tee to make, sucb arrangements as tuev think uioper, was taken up Mr King hoped th i Senate Would adopt the Horse bill, and give tbe printing to the lowest bidder. Mr. Graham thought that played out in 1S44, when a man took the job and then run away. The bill passed, yeas 35 uaysG. Mr. Currie from the commituc on En grossed bills reported a bill to provide for n special lerm of the Superior Court in Davidson, and Senate resolution in favor of the Sheriff of Northampton and Wilkes count i -s, correctly engrossed. Mr Cowles from the committee on Fi nance reported tho,bill increasing the sal ary of the tvoiev General, and recom mended that ! lie bill do not pass. The bill waaMmced on the calendar. The bill iiiptation to the keeper of the r f tin- Cupiiof was taken up, reud a second t'me and passed. Mr Graham proposed several verbal amendments which were adopted. Mr Pi ice moved to amend by inserting the name of Senator Lehman after that ot Mr Allen. Amendment refit, yeas 12 nays 23. ' "7 " : ' - The lionr of 12 having arrived iheiSen ste adjourned to the halt of the House to hear the ammuucimeojt with reference to the eleciion of I States Senator. Zebolon B Vente hs declared duly elected and the w nate returned to its own ball. ' Mr'Nornient mf ved to mnend by add ing two oilier names lo tbe commission. The amendment was lost, l'eas 13, nayi"25. ' ' Tlie bill passedtssacondxeading. The rules were snsppuded nml bit) passed yens 30 nays 7. " Bill to aloli,h-ilte oflice of keeper of the Capitol was taken up. The rules sos" pended and the hill put upon its passage. Mr RobLinsof Rowan, moved to amend by inserting tfct words "and arsenal," al so by inserting 4he words "General As sembly" in place of "Senate," The bill and 'amendment was referred toM'he Judiciary-committee. ,.Jhtnatc adjourned till 10 o'clock to-morrow. BOTSE OF nxTKESEfTATIVKt. Wednesday, Nov. 30, 1870. House met at 10 o'clock. Mr Phillips was added to the judiciary committee. Iii the Senatorial election on yesterday Messrs Powell and York voted for Mr Vance. Mr Jordan presented a memorial from Jesse Griffith. F A WUey. W B JKSweT and others, of Caswell. It waa read and . , rli,un.,r f jt STAXOINU COMMITTEES. Mr McAfee submitted a' report from - J ' . tbe judiciary committee in referense to en- trT-takers, and recommended its pMg Mr Studs ick aubmilted s report from the tiiiance coin uiilice tW the relief of A Murray, Slur iff of Alamance.1 Mr Pniilmm, from the remmfttee on pririlegce and elections eulmittcd a report of lite judiciary committee on Alamance snd Caswell . Jectiona, ami the aabatnucc of their report waa that the eossssiuee Ifeld that it was s historical faot that Omittes of Alainauci-and I aa 4hi a State rrmftti , Admitting the right of lb Governor to de cUWlRcm in insurrection. SELECT COatatlTTEB. Mr Sparrow preented a report from the special committee submitting rules for the House. OOMMITTK OK XSiUROSSKD BILLS. MrCiawford subisitted a report on a joiitt ii poli.ipm for instructing Represent atives in Congress. ISTRODfCTIOX 07 KE80Lt7TION8 Mr Welch introduced a resolution to provide for the completion of the Western N C Railmad. Placed on tbe calendar. Mi Tom! ii iutioduced a resolutins to sppoiut a committee of tliste to pur chase stationery for tbe sse of tke House. Placed on calendar. " Mr Stiudwick introduced a resolution that so much of 1 tbe Governor's meseage rcpirdiug the insurrection in Alauinuct aud Caswell counties be referred to a pe cial committee ! three. Placed on calen dar. BILLS IKTRODI7CED. Mr Daden introduced a bill to prescrjhe the time lor Sheriffs to settle with th 8tate Treasurer, Referred to committee on Finnuce. Mr Rnbinon introduced a bill to rtppal sec 7, chap 160, oliswa of 1808-89. Re feired t4Jsidsliisry commit tee. Mr Owytoh intrndnced a kill te rgu late tbe per diem of members of the Gen eral Assembly. Referred to committee on salaries and fees. Mr Tucker iiitrodneed a bill to regulate the per dkm snd mileage. Referred to committee on salaries and fees. Mr Joyner, of Johnson introduced s bill to make a failure to work on public rade a misdemeanor. Reerred to com mittee on counties and townships. CALENDAR. 14 st4aarrow miaaxul u auapenaion of the rules to take up a resolution for the adop tion of rules for tbe government of the House. The rnles wefe suspended. 'lW)Speaker announced that the House would" ictetveTlnr-Senite at-12 m, fbr the purpose of counting the ballots cast for U S Senator, and requested that tile seats on his right be vacated lor the purpose ol giving seats to that body, an 1 furthar ac tion on i he rules would be suspended. Plie joint assembly of the two Hou.e who announced tbe afijhsjAat the conven tion. The cleks of the Senate and House and their respective proceedings touching the Senatorial election and ou comparing the ballots the result stood as heretofore reported and tbe President of the Senate announced that Hon Z B Vance was duly cleciffe to represent the State of North Carolina in the Congress of United States for six years commencing the 4th of March 1871. ... --7" The Senate having retired, the reading of the rules for the House was resumed. The rules were separately read, amended and adopted. A message was received from the Sen ate notifying tbe House of the passage of Senate resolutions, No. 31, for tho reliel of- Sheriffs of Northampton and ilkes, and Senate Bill, No. 22, to provide for a special term of the Superior Court of Da vidson county. " Mr "Brown moved tor tt -suspension of the rules to pnt the Senate Bill on its s veral readings. The rules were suspend ed. Mr Sparrow offered an amendment to the bill which was adopted. The bill, wi sateitde1, than passed .its second and third readings. Mr Justice moved that the vote by which the bill passed its third reading be reconsidered. Carried. , Mr McAfee moved that '.he bill bejno perly engrossed and transmitted to the Senate Adopted. On motion of Mr Settle the rnles were suspended Bad the resolution its reported by the committee of Privileges nnd elec tions in regard to the late election in Ala Stance and Caswell counties was taken up. Mr Justice moved tn ttrike out the county of Alamance and refer it back to the comrrtittpe nn the Judiciary. A&ee a lengthy discussion Mr Dunham called t lie previous question. The call was sustained and the yeas and nays were called and the motion iff Mi Justice was lost by the following vote t yeas 27, nays, 67. The question then recurred on the reso lution as it came from the committee. The yeas and nays were called and the reso lution was adopted by the f Hawing vote: yeas, 76, nays, 27. A message was received from the Gov ernor announcing the death of Mr Wood ward, member from Nash. t The following committees were announ ced: Committee on Claims. Messrs Settle, Jones, of Caldwell, Atkinson, Gore, Vonng ot Wake, Carson, Jones of Northampton, Ldtsstter, Atwater, tsnxton and Wilcox. Vommittee on Penal Institutions. Messrs Jordan, Harris of Guilford, French, 1 Ionian i. Womack.Jelly f Moore. Banu, Mabson, Martin, Stewart and Shall. Committe on Corporations. Broad- frot, HriifJerten, foot, HniMTion, Iti-fc Wiirif, Joyner of Jehnssi', I'nrrie, Johnson of Edgseom snd Parr. Committee on McAfee. If ill Toniliiiaan. Jcott Muson. Dtica- C'aw'iborns, .Im sf,, 6tUwJla PsrroM Ellison, snd Harris, saaaiirst4. . On motion, tbe Ilouss) siljourned Grievance reported back the memorial of Robert Ilea h, and were discharged from its further consideration. t Mr Lehman iniroduced a bill to consol idato the A i Untie and i. G R. Ji. Ce and i In- N i : U U. Relenul to com mil tee on internal improvements. Mr MeTrininti introduced a bill m ap point a commission to investigate and a certain what disposition has eem made of the Stale bunds isaucd'.lo ntHsoad com nauies siucc tbe lir.-t Jay of January, 1866, and for utiier pursosa atteferred to the comiuiltc,. on isiaipal jmprove Jtli Whiu'side uit4odaAUs1 lo reg ulate per draw of nesjbens. aiung th President of the Senate and lliatpeaker of the House five dollars per Icy, and each metrreet three dullsfs per dsyof se- tiirl service, arid ten cenll a mHe. Refer red to cnhitnlitfce on clahii. Mr Albright introduced a bill to regu late the per diem and mileage of members, giving 86 per tlav to ItW presiding offi cere, and S4 per tlay to members, and 10 cents a mile. Referred UsamnmiUee on Claims. , i Mr Merrimoti intmduesHr a bill Is abol ish the common law right rtf rrower. Re ferred to the committee nn the1 Judiciary. Mr Ofds introduced a bfll to amend the inspection law. Referred te. the commit tee on Grievances . - Mr Worth culled 'tip for first reading a bill authorising tho commissioners of tbe several counties of the Stat to appoint a finance eemmttree. Referred to the com mittee oti Finance. Mr Whiteside iutrodnceff VQ-lo J)e entitled an act to amend an act concern ing tbe settlement of the estates of decca ed persons Red-ned to (lie commillee on Judiciary. Mr Bellamy iny;m!iMd W res dation (.incl ining leave ot saarssjre, pryivirnng ease of absence, except when absence is caused by eicknesi. i The reus and nays were called for and granted. , , The vote still pending Mr Noraeat ofH fered a further proviso that leave of ab sence shall not extend beyond six days. The chair thought the resolution. must be concurrent, as it affected the nay of I he members and must therefore lie over for one day. Mr Love appealed fruni tbe decision of the chair. The Senate suetaiuedjtbe chair and the resolution lies over one day. Mr Cook mtroduced a joint resolution in regard to the special tax on whiskey, brandy and tobacco. Mr Battle introduced a resolution that the committee ou ti e Judiciary be in structed to report a bill for more effectual ly enforcing labor on public Roads. Adopted.-- . - Mr Warren introdnced a resolution con cerning the sab- of wnmp lands in. the comities of Hyde, Tyrrell and Washing ton. Lies over one flay. Mr Graham asked" leave for the com mittee on Judiciary to make certain re ports. There heipg objection Mr Gra ham reported a bill hi relation to munici pal corporations, providing that no man shall vote or hold nfficeVno is not a na-j live born cUisen of the Uiiilrd States,niid recommended its pnssnge. By Mr Olds a bill tl extend the sus pension of the Code of civil proceedings in certain cases. Passage recommended. Also a bill to allow the "transfer oCcer-,. tain eases pending m the late courts of equity. Passage .recommended. By Mr Dargan, a bill for the removal of certn in cases Troni one judicial district to another. Passage recommended. rassage recommenoca. ill, to repeal' act regulating of applying tor pardon. Pas mended. M. Also a bill the manner sage reconimen By Mr Love, a bill to repeal certain parts of an ordinance ratified March 1868. (Repealing the law authorising the Code Commission to contract for printing.) A message was received from the House announcing that 'Senate bill concerning a social term of the Superior Court of Da ( i Ison county had passed amended, and asked concurrence. Senate concurred. Tint joint resolution to raise a commit tee on constitutional reVoi'iii was taken up. Mr Conk said the conservative party was'in favor of a Convention. Mr Graham was unqualifiedly in favor j of an unrestricted Convention. Mr Worth and Mr Robbins, of Rowan, were in favor ot a restricted Convention. Mr Moore and Mr Olds thought there could be no such thing as a restricted Convention. Mr Merrimon was in favor of a restrict ed Convention. Mr Mauney was in favor of a restricted Convention if possible, bujVdor a Conven tion at any rate. Mr Speed was in favor ofa convention of almost any sort, provided the home stead be not interfered with. .Mr Latham and Mr Whitesides spoke in favor of a restricted convention. Mr Norraent doubled lhe'poftcy of call ing a convention, and should vote against the resolution. Mr Robbins of Rowan, moved to amend Basra. it at wk. bSaJohn.aitisou ai wen were. -na aa i mmh ra 1 m-i J . lu. l iaaIax LL mm i - iivii. ' ' i i.4a mms - - - - i wmi Ml. MM mf mWli.AJjJM. .JP PI . J A JAL1" 1 , ry making tbe committee a joint commit tee, composed of three en tbe part of tbe Senate and fivs on tbe part of the House. Adapted. Mr Price moved to postpone further eonsiderstion of the resolution till Thars day next at 11 o'clock Lost The resolution vat thsn adopted, and the Senate adjourn! until to-tuorrow at 10 0 clocE. Mr Sparrow, from the judiciary commit tee reported and recommended tbe pas sage o a bill for the purchase of s site lor a light honse near Bodie's Island ; al-mJk-Ml in reference to the city of Wil mington. Mr Crawford from the committee on engrossed bills reported that the resolu tion request'ng the opinion of tbe Attor ney Geiiersl iu refereuce to the W. (J. tfc R. R. R., wss properly engrossed. iNTRonrcnox or resolctioxs. Mr McNeill introduced a resolution re questing tbe finance committee to report a bill concerning tbe special tax. Placed on the calendar. Mr Justice introduced a resolution rela tive to the printing of the Treasurer's re port. Placed OR the calendar Mr McAfee introduced a resolution in relation to salaries and fees of all Slate officials. Referred to the committee ou Salaries and Fees. " Mi Harris, of Guilford, introduced a resolution instructing our Representatives iu Congress to use their influence to have the C'ongresa create a Literary Fund for Educational purposes. Referred to com mittee on Education. INTKOOCCTIOM or tiilis. Mr HitfsSnM introduced a bill to amend an act r.tulird no ihc i4ih of December, 1869, amendatory of an act inciMporaiiug the town of Hickory Tavern. Referred to judiciary committee. Mr Johnstbn, of Buncombe, introduced a bill to render valid and binding the acts of certain ofaeer of the State-and for oth er purposes. Refined lo the judiciary commit tee, Mr Jones, of Caldwell, introduced a bill to incorporate the N. C. R. R. tc Manf. Co. Referred to tho committee on internal improvements Mr Mailer introduced a bill requiring that all State, county and municipal ofll- cers shall be voted for on separate bal lots. Referred to the! judiciary commit tee. Mr Sykes Introduced a bill concerning cleiks for ihajrml.J&il'S ofljees. He ti i red to committee on salaries and fees. Mr Sparrow introduced a bill to repeal an act to provide for holding municipal elections iu North Carolina. Referred to the judiciary committee. Mr Anderson introduced a bill to pro vide a salary for the Governor arid i reas urer of the State Refeired to committee I on salaries and fees. Mr Dickey introduced a bill to author ize tbe lawful voters of tbe State to elect their Judges of ibe Superior Court. Re ferred to the iudiciarv committee. Mr Justice asked a suspension of the rafes to take up a resolution to have the import of the State Treasurer printed, f The rules were suspended and the res- holutiou was adopted. CALENDAR. House bill requiring the Supreme court o examine applicants to practice in the Several courts of the State was referred to femmittce ou judiciary. IfHonso bill to restore the original char ter of the Western Railroad was relened to the committe on corporations House 'resolution lo investigate the 'of ficial conduct of Certain Mate officers in reference to State bonds was referred te the finance commillee. House bill making 10 hours a day's ork was referred to the committee on gticultiire. ' . .... ... . St. 1 House bill in relation to per diem and ileagc, was referred lo tho commillee ou ilaries and fees. - - House resolution requesting the public Treasurer to furnish the bouse with a statement of tbe expenses incurred in tbe late military movements iu this Stats, passed its second reading. House resolution in relation to printing was- referred to committee ou priming. He use resolution in regard to station ery warlald on the table. House resolution to fix the per diem was referred to the committee ou salaries and fees. , House resolution iu relation to station ery for the use of the House was laid n the table. House resolution requesting our Rep resentatives iu Congress to urge the pas sage of a gspeial amnesty bill, was refer red to the judiciary committee. House resolution in regard to the prin ting of certain reports was lid on the ta ble. . a. A message was received from the Sen ate transmitting tbe following bills, and asked the concurrence of the House : Senate bill No. 4, entitled an act to in corporate tho Independent Hook and Lad der Company, No. of Charlotte. Re ferred to the committee on corporations. Senate bill No. tf,4n relation to the pur chase of stationery. Heferred to tbe com mitte on printing. Senate bill No 2, to ameud the char ter of the town ot Washington. Referred to the committee on corporations. ,v8enfile bill No. 84Kto repeal chapter 58, laws of lbC '6J. Referred to the iiiitfMrtrv r.ammittce. Seoste bill No. 27, to extend the r .. j-d- lire a Ar ail nnvisv iw nmcar i ri es laa, snd paying over tbe sftas for county par pose for the conn ties of Alamance ad Caswell. Referred to ta eommiltae on Conn I ics and Townships. Hons resolatioa in rfrnes to arint- ... .a . ,1 ling was laid on taa aaaas h House rasolsAioa ia sasjaed to Hsssto li brary. Passed seeood twaiksf. House resolntjoii to laetraet ear Sena tort in Congress In exercise their utmost endeavors to bat remitted the itiiMas of e Units Stolss dirasa tax on real re, asaaaaapsaai m ,, a i.. iiug resolution la isfsHBtaaS to tke completion of the Western Division of the W. N. C. Railroad. Passed its second reading. House resolution In regard to statione ry wss referred to the committee on Pro positions and Grievances. House resolution in regard to certain parts of the Governor's message referring to the counties of Alamance aad Caswell, wss, oa motion of Mr Robinson, postpon ed until to-morrow. Honse bill to be entitled sn act to cre ate a mechanics lien law, wss referred to tbe J udiciary committee. House bill to repeal an act for the bet ter protection of life and property was ta ken up on its third reading. The yeas and nsys were called and the bill passed by be following vote: 'Those voting in the affirmative are Messrs. Anderson, Armstrong, Ashe, At waii i , Brooks, Broadfoot, Brown, Bryan, of Jones, Bryson, Buxton, Cawlborn.Car son, Chamberlain, Cliuard, Copeland, Crawford, Currie, Dickey. Duckworth, Dunham, Fare, Gambrel, Garrison, Gat ling, Gore, Grayson, Gregory, Hampton, Harris of Franklin, Harris of Guilford, Hardy, Henderson, Houston, Hill, John ston of Buncombe. Johns, Jones of Nor thampton, Jones of Caldwell, Joyner of Johnston, Jordan, Kelly, of Davie, Kelly of Moore, Kelscy, Kiocadc, Lucas, Luck ey, Mai tin, Msrler, Maxwell, McAfee, McCauley, McNeill, Morris, Mills, Mitch ell, Nicholson, Parrott, Phillips, Powell, Rankin. Reid. Rcean. Robinson. Scott, Settle, -hull, Smith of Anson, Smith of Wayne, Sparrow, Stanford, 8tewarlyl om liuson, Waring, Welch, Wilcox, Womack, Young of Ymcey, and York 79. - Those who voted iu the negative were Messrs. Bryant of Halifax, Bunn, Gollis, Dudley, Ellison, Faulkner, Fisher, Good wyn, Harerove, Justice, Lyon, Mabson, Korean, of Montuomerv. Morgan, f Wake, Nisson, Page, Reavis, Robbins, Smith of Halifax, Sykes, Tqcker, Wil lis and Williamson 23. The House then adjourned. CONFERENCE APPOINTMENTS!. Tbe Nt C. Conference of the M. E. Church, foath, which met in Greensbor ough on the 23d alt., bad a very harmo nious session, and got through a good deal of work pertaining to tbe good of tbe Church in the bounds of the Conference. The Conference adjourned oh Tuesday night at 11 o'clock, after reading out the list of appointments ior tbe ensuing year, aa follows : RaleicH District N F Reid, P E. Raleigh Station L S Bnrkhead. Wesiey Chapel S R Trawick. Wake Circuit J T Harris. Roles ville J J Uenn. Smithfield - J EJ'bsropson. Tar Rfw-lwJ Caraway. Louisburg O J Brent. Granville A D Betts. Henderson II H Gibbons. Nssh Z Rash. -Reek Spring Mission M J Hunt. Wilson Mission, to be snpplied ,1 II li ibbitt, editor Christian Adeoeate. J Reid and 8 Leard, Agents Sundsy Schools. Greensboro Distbict W H Bobbin, P E. Greensborn--J A Cunningham. Guilford Circuit C H Phillips, N II D Wilson Trinity Coliegs and High Point, to bs supplied. ThomastiHe C M Pepper. Davidson R G Barrett. Ashboro D C Johnston. Forsyth E H Helsebee. Winston W w ATDea Stokes To be supplied by T J Gibbs. Madison F 1 Rid. Wentworth J W Lewis. YanceyvilleL Shell. Uwharric Mission J F Keerans. B Craven, President Trinity College. I T Wyche, Agent Bible Society: Hillsboro' District W Barriager, P E. Hillsborey L W Crawford. Alamance -T.J Gattis. Chapel Hill and Haw River J B Mar tin. Dnrhams Jolin Tillet. Eittsboro' W H Moore. Franklinsville E A Howland. Leesburg J H Wheeler. Person M CP Thomas. South Guilford S C Bynm. - - ... High Rock Mission A Norman. Salisbury Distbict M L WoodP E. Salisbury J W Wheeler Rowan and Union C Plyler and T C Triplett. .' Mocks ville J S Nelson. Jonesville To be supplied by Milts burry V Ji Maynard. Mount Airy 8 D. iVler. a a ! vr a Alexander J N Artmon. Iredell J P Si ear? Wilkes Geo E Wychc. -V Shelby Drstmirr-E W ThiWajiiii, P K Skalby drat-J i Irwfta. Lsaeolaton W D Lea. t-J W Al Rock Sfwksjr T P Riea Dallas J T Mcllheoy. Laenoir rb BSSSBMa Newton t) It. SW HoaS M Davbx, aiatsBMiacr u w ivi A M Long ah4 Rutberfoid V A Sharp. CBj. MmMMUmWmWmUammJmmmmJmmmmwmtmmmWm Columbus Mission To be supplied by D C Stinson. Cherry Mountain G B England. South Mountain To be sspplisd by L O Whit. ,J' W M Robey, President Dsvenport IV male College. ! Charlotte Distbict W 0 Blsck, P. E .'- a Charlotte W A Mangum. T' Charlotte col. Miss'n To bs sspplisd. North Charlotte M H Hoyts. Pfneville W 8 Haltoas. Booth Charlotte R M Brown. -f f Monroe E F Dixon. Monroe sir. To be supplied. t 14s Pleasant Hill C E Laaxb. rt . Concord D R Brulon. : .atat ' Mt. Pleasant T A Boon. ' . Albemarle J C HartselL sW Ansonville-J W Pewett. Wades boro-W V Sberrill aad McCJellan. Fayettevili.e Distbict J P PE. Fayettevillo J E Mann. Cumberland H P Cola. Robeson W M Jordan. Rockingham T W Guthrie. Montgomery B C Phillips. Uwharrie -J B Alford. Troy Mission F C Moses atrril " sv." Y TSa oa mn i nmrti . atrh Deep River - L II Gibbous. Jonesboro' B Culbrcth, Gaston Far rar, sup. ' Buckhorn J W Avsnt. Lauriuburg, to bo supplied. Wilmington District W CIoss, P E. Wilmington R S Moran. Fifth Street F H Wood. Topsail-R 8 Webb. Kenans ville J B Bailey. Magnolia A A Boshammer. ' Clinton JC Thomas. Bladen C M Anderson. Elizabeth A K Mnrehison. Whitesville, to be snpplied. 8uiiihville-F H Wiley W R son. Onslow R T N Stephenson. r.J,fliSrt Cokeibury John D Bute. C F Deems Church of tbe Strangers, New York City. Nxwbxbx Distbict E A Yates, P E. Newbern L L Hendren. Beaufort J W Jenkins. Straits W M D Moore. Trent W F Clegg, John Jones, sap. Kinston W D Meacbam. Jones J J Carden. Snow Hill W 8 Chaffin. Newbern Circuit to be supplied by W D Porter. Swift 'reck Mission-N A Hooker. Lenoir D Culbrcth. GoMsboro' J R Griffith. Wilson C C Dodson. '-kiar l i nattn I H rrf Everetuville J R Brooks. Wayne Jno N Andrews. Washington District S D PR, , at J J i a Y : r1I net An an A " aaiaBjwas RHU VlWVUf tli 44 Call. -i'1 V Neuse-T B Reeks. -Wswnton -H T Hudson. ' Warren Circuit R A Willis. Roanoke W C Gannon. Tarboro Joseph Wheeler. Williams ton-- J Mahoney. Plymouth J P Heitmon. , Columbia To be snpplied by F A Aa drew. . Mattamnskeet A R Raven. iMt' Portsmouth, Oeraeoke and Hatters) ft C W King. Bath R H Bibb. . Snperiu'endent of the Mission to the colored people ia Virginia and North Carolina, R O Burton. Transferred to South Carolina Confer ence, R P Franks, A P A vent, J Finger, F M Kennedy. R R Pegncs, R R Dag nafl aud E J Meynardie. Transferred to White River Conference t-J J P rather. The next session of tbe Conference will be held in Charlotte. Snittfe States fnlmtal grttmie. Coi.lbctor's Office, 8th Dist., N. C. Salisbury, Nov. 38, 1870. The property described in the following list has been seised ss liable to forfeiture for viola tions of the Internal Revenue laws of the Uni ted States. Any person or persons claiming said preperty or any portion thereof are hereby notified to appear and make such claim within thirty days from the first publication of t his no tie. , One Still and Fixtures, seised 6th Sept, 1870, st the Stilt House of Juhr. R. Jordan, in Davis County; the said John R. Jordan being the os tensible owner. Oa Still snd Fixtnrea, seised 6th 8ept. 1870, at the Distillery of Eno Etchiaon, in Davis County, the owner thereof being unknown. Also, Three Barrels of Brandy, seised in OtaJ lotte, N. ('.. oo or about tit 88th of Oct. 1870, owner unknown. S A MI. H. W1LKY, 48:3t Collector 6th Dial. X. C Remor?J ! J. A. Stockton HAM RKWOVKP jI Tailorins EMiMiassaeat to tbr afllre inCowai.'a Brick Fw Sai sisrti erir nrpaii by f. II. Stwagao. tram a will e pleassd tosss all bia old patrora and others. U work doac ia tbe beat and late, t atykaa at rsaaoaable price aad aatlataetion gnariiattsd. l- Civa sat s tali. sot IS Sat is 51 7

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