H - t V X V 5 . V s a- f JTO 01 K PATRONS AGAIN W e rur oar un-r tkaak to ikuas .oaf agtoijfliaxt who har rw.pouded to ow eetl tor i (i peyaieat af tkr mwi The mW, h itM I aaii mM ; bit A wve .of j .hef laailaen ralid. Am it wouM u .-r'roiarllam nutn that would not fori thankful l fovery asail fevers in4r (he eruelilag srhi fUI)l .MfTOIlT- W. Imp that all whe ' have not yetiejapoodsd to the etll will do v si (Im gerMest possible day. Our ilciler iiavr u in iMf p to relieve im k tJt pay' .f ikejiwif PHM which tbejr owe u reapccMve ,ly . Vm "O"1 ,r to U i n wIAUoiyrcrvicBioMa. If we could oaly mIIm it it would impart elasticity to our spir it, aad, pMMfNnU.r, U to oar elune. If our readers really w our nt, aaA how meh bettor our par would ko if they wr re lieved, . Utllw. Uy would aa aWraoe dlnarv efJbrt to pay us before the end of tin ' year. We belie re thy will do M - we ahall be jgraaUy dapoinled if they tfe not. THE LEGIfcLATCRK. i of An ahare to 4he proceeiliiig of ttiU body, which aregejiarally ao eawwrly aaagh) oAr by a large portion of our raawan. We hare condenaed them from Ui reporta of the Sea W, rvUinlng all that could poaaibiy be of truer! iatarcat to our read era.- It trill be eeh tkat a goodly numUr ot miiaand i liava keen iutroduoed, and that quite l amount of buaineaa in being carped out. i tide we argae a somewhat lengtbenad aa- eion. Some of the biila and rcaolutiooa that hare barn intfoduced are of the flmiaiportaBte loth peopJofta State- Pronvnant among i are thoaa in rrbtt ion to a Convention to tha OawMlwUan-of inatruction to our aaaaban ofCpugre to nae tbair iaflueooa to cure tha paartgr of Hon. A. H. Jonea' bill in aid of th Weatern K. C Kailroad, a a part of the great Sooth Pacific route and an amaml ment to tka Bankrupt law allowing nkomaatead in fee to the value of one tbouaand dollar to all bankrupt who ahall avail themoelrea of the law. Tkh last U a moaawe of the greateot noaaible iatporUace to the people of the 8outh ie, in fact, tka only taaaaure that can relieve our peo pbr ta tbe incvhui oi ili bt that ii now weighing them down, and feature lo them aome degree of proeperity. Whether the Uoueaof Kapreeanta riva will y retard article of impeachment againRt any of the high olEctal of tk State, who have boon ao freely charged with high erlmaa and mi demeanons remain to he eeen. We have po data upon which to baae an ofiinion. u 00SGKKSS -TJIE PRESIDKNT8 MES- SAOE. Congrcw aweail'led, at the Civ4 io Waab ?ngton, on Monday lart. We liavc no proceed inat ia time for tliia week' iaue. We wili i- deavor to keep our readers ai well informed in jta piwceedinga u mir liiailed ajiace will allow. We are .enabled thU week to publish only the telegraphic abstract of tho rreaident'i Meaagc. W wilt lav tho enure utarumeiri Uetwe oui reader next week. We do not think proper to Indulge In any extended comment- uKin it until wa have read it in full. Arid it would not be Itfajithir fair to attempt to jndge of iia roeril roiu a mere telegraphic ynowi of It content, ffanagh. however, apjiear to give u ome rn- ight into its character. From what we can are of it we are led to regard it rather as the mo ot the politician than theatatcman of the a hoad head of a party latlier than th head of the na tion. IK declaration that tine right of the ne grv to vote, in the ixHith, ha been denied, and the verdict of the people thereby reversed, is not on-. without foundation in fact, but could have been uttered for no other purpose than to arouse in the Northern States the old anti-rebel preju dice which has sp oftui served the pnrposes of ,tha Kaaica part,' in national elections. His .commendations in regard to the Alabama claims aeero.tala but little batter. Bat the day to play ii jxjn that string ha forever gone by. The Presiik nt's references (o France and Ger- inany mean anything or nothing, as his friends may wish to construe them. His recommenda tions in regard to the finances, revenue ami civil aeraice.. re forms, sre of much more practical im portance to the country and msy demand furth er attention. For the present we dismiss the message in the hope that it will prove to be a far more statesmanlike paper than the ynopi which we public jrold lead us to suppose. FIGHT IN HA LEIGH. A fight took place in the city of Raleigh on Saturday last between Gen. Thomas L. Ciing rnaji and Hon. Josiah Turner, eilitor of the 5e tintl. They fought with canes and (5en. Ciing man seem to hare gotten the worst of it. Nritii cr party was "knoctxi down," but both bear marks of the conflict upon the face and head. Wa are glad to learn that the editor of the sBJst will pnbUsli a full and -Wartis!" ac ooaraVaf tha affah as aooa aa he rewvers the "proper use of his hand.'' It would I e no slight misfortune to suoceatlinp generation if all the i aflat -' ' Yj ' """ these times not prtBLtTed for the use ofthe fature hi- Making papers wh tiicaiseiv.raiwivUus artaio nawa- who still persist in declaring that there i no evidence that the Ku Klux Klan ever had an existence in North Carolina. The Rural Gabauxiaw roa Dbgxmbm. In natter unsurpassed, in typographical exe .cution unequalled by any other agricultural pe riodical' of tbe day, the Rural Carolinian .de servedly maintains a proud pre-eminence in ag ricultural liaterstor. No department of the wide domain tha:. comas legitimate within its scope Is neglected. Not only so, bat to each is devoted the energy of able pens, and the popu larity of the Rural throughout the South, se cures for it a valuable, corpse a voluntary con tributors who supply it with the most valuable practical information an all points. Equal to the dearest and a cheap aa the meanest ; it is tha atfgjxine of the South Jejr Read the advertisement in this week's paper headed "A Valuable Book." The sever al nun horn we have seen en aide us to say that the New York 06csre.U an able and interest ing paper and the bepk which is offered aa a premium to its subset then moat necessarily be . . .. aiAi one of much rshe aa s. corhpend information. Sr -; S ;jU aTTi important i ii ii im inr-n rf nnr I ... ...vW. ......... .... v..nU r.UAIIVi M- II . 1 . I - II I I 1.1 .U13LA 1 I Jvr. Ul jimin Aiw..sn. w imiiiyiou imiwiutm u.o iu miit I m ... 1 - ftr I De. S. Senate opened with prayer at 10 o'etoek Mr 1 rati, in aeaea thai a stair. to-m l yeaterdav's Standard be rorrnross JmSt Sauator's bill required vol.r lo be miIiiy or wituraeueu rniava aau vmnr . . . mt . M . - 1 ly "Ni raysvu aa taw reporter Btaiaa rhe diaWaneola very iwuortat. a4 (Ma i.iiblia arkuiMaa(iara of ai i4eMT whict wfea owfag io a v- auaiy r aabatloa we as to ..f (lit- Kill. U tllle to vfe IfejMte r rruwrter.J Tbe fellowlM It la the eection rwfernd tt N. persoa shall be entitled, to vote for itiarur, iuteudai t of tNl!re, OitiiitnlMUioer.al dehoan or oiiiar unetr af aa laoorpuraird (fly or Iowa, or IT auy aUctioa kwM tberrlu for my muaielpal ifinaa. aateaa ha rhalt ! a uatire or naturalised citisra of the Uoi ttd Mtatra, and all liave raided Belt pra etlieor lb war of aWtbm thirty day within the euruoruia aud tea dja wilbtu the ward ia which ha claimi to be a voter. The following oooeurrwot raaolutioaa ware reported from the ilouae 1 A raaolution iuatractiaa; meanhera of Con ereea tar ateV a hill entitled The North Caroliaa Kailway awaMny. Alio a reeol Uou re4tM-atiiiff tn Attorney Ocaaral to giea aa oplaioa on tbe rlgliti and intaratl tka Btate in th Wiliaington. I Chariot Ac Kutherf'.rd Kailroad company. Ou aaution of Mr MK'latDiny the rubra were uertidVd and the latter rt-Yolutl m waa rnsntrr reoOMtedthat the report of the Secretary of State be returned lu that baste. Keenest eomplled with. Tbe following bille were iatrodoeed i Jay Mr Smith, a bill to provide for the pay tent of pensions o disabled Confederate aol diers, their widow aod orpbau. Bill paaa ed its first reading, aud referred to commit tee on military gffalra. By Mr Wl.itesides, a bill t amend and repeal eertalu sections of aa act entitled an act in ralatioa to puniahment. Referred to the jodieiary eoiouiittee. By Mr Troy. bill to amend tka school Uar. Br Mr Bobbina. of Davidson, an act to al Ur t bap. 6, of the reyised code. Tbia act proposes to abolish tbe Board of Direc'ors of the Deaf. Dumb and Blind Asylum, and to create instead a Board of Directors. By Mr Fleming, a lull to empower tha Solicitors of tha several judicial districts to swear witnesses. Beferrad to the judiciary committee. , By Mr Mauney . a resolution expressive of the sense of the people In North Carolina in relation to homestead and suffrage. Concurrent r. s ,1'ition with regard to spe cial taaes on whiskey, brandy and tobacco waa adopted. Concurrent resolution that the usual num ber of rules be priuted with trutrginal refer ences, waa taken up and postponed till to rn on-uw. Tie Sonata adopted a resolution that the committee ou Finance be instructed to report the assets of the State, their source aud market value The h II to repeal the act authorizing the Dan River Coal Fields R R. Co. to extend their road, was road the second time, aad af ter some discission was postponed tilt Wed n aday at 11 o'clock Resolution concerning Leave of absence waa then taken up, aud ou motion of Mr. Allan, referred to commit ec on olaini. A bill repealing an ac regulating the manner of applying for pardons. Read the second tine aud passed. ' A bill fixing the salary of Attorney Gen eral at 12400 waa read the aecond time. The eouiuitttee havinrr reoortid adversely. .! Mr (irahain spoke in favor of the bill. He , did liot behave lu extravagant salaries. nuit did believe in reasonable compensation. Mr Love was opposed to the bill. It wiu tit M trie aeatnKBril oi xne v-ouee-v- auto party in this State. Mr Olds defended the bill. Mr Robbins, of Rowan, waa in favor of a bill regnlat ng ilia salaries of the officer of the Executive department in far aa the Gen eral assembly have the power. Mr laissiter favored the MM, Mo lawyer in good practice ought to take the office for leas thau the sum proposed. 4. Mr Dargan would go sharply into the su perintendent of common schools and the pub lic buildings, but wouldn't put the Attorney General in the same category. Mr Ldnoey desired economy and wonid vote agftinst the bil-. M- Me: union thought it not the besteeon- otny to get a cheap article at a low pricoand thought ft tbe duty of the Legislature to in crease the salary- Mr Kobbins reiterated his hostility to tne bill, and thought that partisan motive led to it introduction. Mr Olds came here under the control of conscientious scruples sanctified by hie oath. Party obligation with him ware not ao pow erful as to overrule hi aenae of duty. He thought the Attorney General ought to have the aulary named in the Sill. Mr Smith thought the people were not op posed to giving all the officer of the State a deceat support . Mr. Robbins, ol Davidson, was in farorof a general bill. Mr Troy also favored a general bill, and moved to lay jon the table. Mr Graham moved th previous question. These motions were both withdrawn, and Mr Robbius moved to postpone till Monday at eleven o'clock. Mr Graham moved to indefinitely poet pone, and was in ,favor of immediate action, lie waa ia favor of economy ol time here, that was, in hi opiuion, the true way to save money. No action wa taken on this mo tion. Motiou to postpone till Thursday, lost 15 to 21. Matiou to adjourn lost. Mr Worth mov-nl to Jajr on the teble. Mr Graham mnvvd the previoua question Carried aye 22. naya 15. Tha yeas and naya wre then taken an the mam question and the hill was loot, ayes 10, Bays. 27. Sir Graham having voted with the affirm ative changed hie vote to tha negative, rn order 'to move a reconsideration and gave no tice that he should make such motions to morrow. The Sanato than adjourned till to-aorrow. . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Dee. 2. 1870. Tito House met at 10 o'clock- INTaODUCTrOWJDF BMOI.UT10"h Mr Johna intrriceJa rearlntJoa ohwrr'- . 1 mwxA jtlBllHAfl j vug internal revenue on ww ' spirits. IMaced on the calendar. ! Mr Marler introduced a resolution tro- ting the judiciary cotnmittoe to report a bill for the relief of sheriffii. Placed on th cal endar. ... , Mr Wilcox introduced a reeolntron in rela tion to par diem. Placed on th calendar. Mr Dickey introduced a raaolution in fa vor of the sheriff oi Cherokee. Referred to the committee oB proposition and gricvsn-ces- J WTFODUCrrbat r bills - Mt Grayson introdueed a bill in relation to per diem . Referred to th committee oa sal aries aod fees. 1 i Mr Yonng, of Yaneey, introduced a Mil to aid in the completion of tha Back Creek and Indian Grave Turnnike. Referred to the cowimittee on internal improvements Ms Hampton iutrojoeed a bill to enlarge Of Hlllstaj .sMaMBlsalouers. it I red to the eommiUee a wuutiea aad Uiwu .loo. Mr Ouifirk iutr.nl.ioe.1 a bill to aboliah the orb re ol Btota Geologist. Beferred lv the euuiiiiitiee. i hi agricultu e and iiiiuiag. Mr Wehdi Introdueed a bill to sutead an art la relation to tbe Western N ('. Bail ruajd. Pkterd on the nalendar. Mr Bryena Introduced a bill to amaud lbs rharter of the Weatera 1) vision of the. W. N. C. KaUniad Koftured to the eowtuiltfae oa internal linpniVeineuta. Mr Morris Introdueed a bit' ameod ehp. gf7, see. Aft. lawa of IritW- li also a bill to ameaJ ehao. IM. see. 5S. hyrl of IHtbJ W. Befvrrvd to the eoiinnitte u aabaftes aad fe.-. Mr Joyner. of Johnston. Introduced a bill to repeal sect Issfj 14, autiaeruiuK eleetions, of the laws at IWW 'uV. Ue (erred to (ha eosa ii. nice on privileges and elections. A waaaage wa rxaeived froia tha Sauato transiuittiag the f. llo inn bill aad reaolu tions and asked the aoueurreneeof the Ilouae: fat ate bill. No. 1. entitled aa art to ap p.. ml a oomiuisaioiMsr to take rertain deposi tions. Beferre I to the judiciary color Jttlee. Senate retolutisa, No. 4 i. in regard to page. Referred to the eounui tee ou prop ositiooa and grievaurea. Semite bill, No. It. as a ubstitote for Hon e bill, No. 4. entitled "a bill lo abolish the office of State Printat. Beferred to tbe committee on finance. . Tha speaker announced the following com - initteva t i jj, -ftjffr- " " T" '" 1 ' ""' - -Messrs. McV.ill. Baokin. Maxwell. Oal ck. Luckey. Wlliiatnawn, Willie, (soodwyn. Gray sol. Armstronf and Marler. JUoum oraaaA o Joint Committee on Dtof, Dumb and Blind Intfitntion. Measr. Mills. Toralineuu, KeUey. Duck wort k aad Niehol sou. CALENDAR. Ilouae bill to repeal certain railroad an pmptiations was ma.de a special orJr for 12 m. to-m or ow. House bill to consent to tbe parehaaa by the Uuited States a site for a light house near Bodie's Island, the report of the committee v. a concurred in and tb bill passed its se cond leading, and under a suspension of the rules, third reading. Wa ordered to be en grossed and transmitted to tha Senate. House bill to establish the legal rate of In terest at 8 per cent and that all sums orar that amount ahall nut be recovered by law. Laid on tha labia. Leave of absane was granted Messrs. Brown. Hargrove aad Lyoa- The House then sdjourned. nsTsv Saturday, Dee 3, 1370. The Senate was called to order at 10 a. in . Introduction of Biill. By Mr Lehman, bill in relation to the lien of mechanics and other iaborerra. and mate rial mar., upon buitdiugs, lands and articles of personal property aud to repeal certain afcta ; referred to the committee aa the Judi- Ity Mr I. .ve. bill reulatiag the sularies and fees of State officers ; referred to a spe rial eoiiiinitteeof five. The President desig nated Mesar. Grahatn. Ihman, Brogden, Love a 11 I Bohbiu. of Davidson, a the com mittee. On motion of sir Graham, the vote by which, the bill to fix the salary of the Attor ney General w a rejected on yesterday, was reconsidered, and the bill was referred to the select committee on salaries and foes. .Bess fiisi m. By tr 3feClammy. lesolutlon proposina; to raise a joint committee, composed ol two. oa the part of tbe Senate and three oa la part of the House, to asrertani and ngiort tBe facts falatinc to the sale of the Mate inter ests lu the Cape Fear Hivr Navigation Co.. Ilea over. ' By Mr TTraham. resolnfa.io authorising the printing of 330 eopiee of the Treasurer' re port for the use ui the Senate, which waa a looted. The following resolutions being laid over under the rules, were takeu up aud dispoaed of aa follows, to wit t Resolution authorizing the printing ol the usual number of rules for the Senate aud j iut rules of both Houses, waa adopted. House resolution of instruction to the Rep reeeutatives of this State in Congress to use their intlueuee to aecure the passage of a bill, introduced by ihe Hon A H Jones of this Slate, entitled the North Carolina Extenaiou Ra lroad Company ; adopted Resolution declaratory of the sense of tbe people of North Carolina upon the subject of the Homestead, personal prope.iy exemption and the ritcht of suffrage. lU$ohtd. That the people of North Caro Una are unalterably opposed to ally amend ment of tbe eauititutiou whereby the Home stead and personal property exemption, sac red by virtue of article 10, may be suspend d and that the constitutionality of aaid article, as expounded by the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and should be regard-d as the $et- tied law of Ihe land Remlved, That the riirht of suffrage as a cured by the constitution of th State ought for all time to remahi inviolable, thereby gtantii g to every class of our male popula tion, regardless of race, color or previous condition, the inalienable privilege of vot'nc f,,r every office and place of trust confer 1 ed by. the constitution, and that any effort to a bridge the right of suffrage ia contrary to the geuius of oar government and incompatible with the security and rights belonging to the neonle of North Carolina Ou motion of Mr Graham the elanse in tbe 1st reaolution "meet the approval of tha Deonlc of North Carolina" waa stricken out alia tne resolution as amenueu .uru ftgmoil. -I.J A From the House. ' A message wa received from the Ilouae informing the Senate of its concurrence, in (ApVvWl In DUUaay nuiauiiaaK'UVI. HID' red to i. oouiroiuwe u xMialtoa wad uwu I the sohetitate a.ht foe the Itoaise WH A4Artawcafcs paeiedTta 'third reading, ayes abolish the !he of State Printer Third Uemhng of Bill. i Rill to repeal an act to regulate the man ner of applying for pardona- After some discussion, on motion of Mr Lehman, th bill waa reeommittod- Bill to authorise the transfer of certain ea ses from the Ddhket of the Court of Equity to the trial Iha-ket of the Superior Court. On motion of Mr Robb n of Rowan, it further consideration wa postponed until Tuesday next. Bill to continue in ferae an act snspendlng the Code of Civil Procedure in certain casea. except sections 7. 8 and 9 of said act ; past ed. . Bill to repeal section 8 of chapter 41 of an ordinance ratified March 13th 1868. fixing the salary of the Code Commission and ao much of section 6 aa authorise aaidCommia sion to contract for printing- x Mr Damn urged th adoption of th bill in an able and eloquent argument. M,ra. Robbins of Row sn and 8mith endorsed the position taken by the Senator from A-son. at tha close of which the bill passed. Bili.10 provide for the removal of certain suits, actions or causa from one judicial dis trict to another. Mr Lathain moved to amend tha bill aa follows : ProaidW further. That if tha Judge be in terested aa a party defendant ia aar inch snit. action or cause, ha shall npoa the ap plication of th plaintiff, order ik transfer aud removal of inch suit, action or case to to0Lconaty ia an adjoining Pkrtrict where ... - -- Mi- tha JudicUl lull, sflba leJam order, waa gieptadikaWirraa-T Isssiai a JPaH 111 I la ratal ou la mini to municipal i.awe Mawaraoa skall b- ti- iled io vata aaiLsaa aa be a native tr aalaral led ui vote waUaa ke I aad citiaea oi laUi ited Klilea aad shell have resided Beat fBsVsl the day ef a4aa liua thirty data wtaV the r.aTM.rwlira aad tow daya within th arard ia whUfc ha Ulm Ui be a voasr." ' Mr Botbius of Rowan moved to amend ky iesertiag after tb4lrd -rullad Statee." 'aad an elector of the male ol Notlli larollmi. a hieh waa adopt. .! and lbs bill paaaed. Bill reaalrlng sbat.if. and euroaers to give notiee to parties la' whoaa savor they may have process for collecting money ; passed. Oa asatioa tha B aate aljourued uutil Maaday at 10 o'aloak. otas ua4aaaajsjsrjrranraa. L Saluulay. Dee. A, IH70 a called to oid.r at tka usual Uooae hoar. By Mr Colli, a Joint rrsolulioa that th General Asaeuibly take a rtcees from t he KM h of December, lo70. to January Uth, It)71 olareil on caleudar. By Mr Anderson, a bill to regulate the salaries of lb Code Commissioners ; re' r red. By Mr Jaetlee. resolution Instructing the committee on the Deaf, Dumb and Blind A for the relief of that lu- m T sW""mrurfw were siwpendeil aud the bill abolishing the office of Public Printer was token up aud tbe Senate substitute for the House bill waa a- dopted. 0a motion of Mr Justice tha rule were suspended and his flint resolution in regard to the Deaf. Dumb aud llliud Asylum, waa taken up and e'ontcd. A niesMige i.; ' from tke Govar nor. trauaiuitUusi o .pa.if Jaavh ttiler, Agent of tlie Stole foi the C llection of Cher okee bonds and of the different officers of the Deaf. Dumb and IVi:id Asylum The meaaage with the cc'imianyi dy referred. tng doc- uts were apptian-oilely fifol Order. Bill declaratory f tbe meaning of tka act entitled "A act to repeal certain acta paaaed at th session at IHsW W. makiag appropn ations lo Railroad companies, ratified )th or March. 187a After some debate apon the amendments reported by tbe iudieiary rommlMfA the bill waa, on motion of Mr Sparh.w, rrcommltled to that committee. Adjourned. SKHATK. Monday. Dee. 5, 1870. The Senate met t 10 o'clock. Hons- bill for the parchaseof light house at or near Bodie's Isiaad wa referred to com mittee on intern I improvements. Mr Robbins of lfowau, reported from the coin u. it tee on internal improvements a bill to consolidate the X C Railroad Co., and the N.W.N. C B. R., aad recommended its paaaage. Tbe bill waa placed on the caleu- oarv , Mr Grahaaa introduced hill authorising lb N C R R Co. to transfer ou million dol lars of stiask. to the A & X C Railroad Co Referred to commitiee oa claims. Also a kill aotkoriiing railroads or other oorporationa to purchase Ihe stock of the State in thisfjii verol companies by returning to the State aajnivalet,! bonds. RCfeVred committee on claims. Resolu t ioue were adopted i nt met I ng mem -hers of Congies to vote for remission of the Cuitou S.uie a ' rffut on real -Hiate: also tie the uuui . -tW mm ar. I niah ila?Tatk-I'i T mllitarv mov. n ,eni : al- so" to raise a committee of infinity in refer - - - 1 ence to the State's iutersat in fhe Cape Fear VJarlarmf jfin fat V all lar SB T iuu X XT rs torment, naaarcy auu vsn appointed a the Senate branch of the ioiot oi.iiniitee to leaoTt a bill relating to j .. rv n n-.l per diem, and ?lesr . aiurpny, .roweii mm Bellamy, on a cotnmittee on I'ublic Koads. Ac j Mr Graham' birlelating to suffrage mu nicipalities taken up. Mr Moore saw no reason for sdecifying native and naturs!ied citiaeu.'' Some might consider it diajbtfnl whethei fresdmen would be rewarded as either native or natn raliand citixens. awd Jhey might be excluded nndar this bill 1 aad he moved .o amend by inserting the worda' ' itixen of the United States." instead. Mr Graham stigfeeted that the word "elector of the State, id North Carolina would be suffiefout. aud tka Mil waa ao a mended. Mr Grahafn moved to strike out thirty days nd iusert ninety. The amendment wa lost ayes 1 The hill was amend.-.! hv making the ime U regular ioeHileipjl elect i na hereafter the rat Monday in May ; ami the Semite ear to reconsider th amendment cnangimr in.... thirty days to ninety, and to postpone till riday inM. The hill alamt Code Commission printing aased Ita third readiug. yeas W, uays uone. A hill ki allow sjruutcmality to buy lauu r a cemetery, passed thtce readings by on- 11 nous vote. Bill to remove certain suit from one judi- I district alsoahill for there ief oi tax c. den : a'ro a bill for i f Wit.. eounty, I ositioti. 1 and coroner to give a relief ot tTw.ioT were paaaed without . Bill requiring there otiae in eertaiu -ase vrus amended by in ertina a uroviso that sll fosts resultiug from such notice ahall he pa I by the plaintiff.and waa tlien CoWiiiltled t ' ie uuiciary eouiuo. Bill to emtinnt r t menfly in force an art to ri-hj-ej-" the f .-ivi( procedure in -Wrr -r- cwf7. .:.! ...i;..!. a.-.. 3t. nayJ. The bill to consolidate the N. C Railroad Co,, and the North Western N. C Railroad Co., paaaed thaecond reading. ard the Sen ate voted to print it aod make it the special order for Thursday at 12 at- Report of the peeial eoininftteeon election in Guilford and Alamance was received, and laid upon tha table till, to-morrow at II. The Senate adjourned till 10 o'clock to morrow. 1 1 HocsE or kefbwentatjveb. Monday. Gee. 5th. The House met at 10 o'clock. Report of Standing Committee. Mr Dunham from the eoirfmittee on privi leges and aleetioas, reported on the lale election in Hertford county, and recommend that Mr Neweotu by allowtdto take hiaseat. Placed on tha calendar. Introduction of Resolution. Mr Strndwick introduced resolution in reference to the seat of Mr Fisher, member from Bladen, and instructing the committee on Privileges and elections to enquire into the matter. Placed on tke calendar. Mr McAfee introduced a resolution reques ting Ihe judiciary committee to report a bill to reduce the clerical force employed by-the different State officers at the seat of goern ment. Placed on tka calendar. BILLS IXTROlXtCH). Mr Hill introduced a bill to amend an act to lay off homestead and personal property ajeouption. Bcfexzed. to the judiciary eom- ylum to rport a bill! r ..ion. . am i. r.i.... ... Ike eJ-elloa ul Judges of the .-epermr Court or atker amramaa. Blerd lo ike unileeou Judiela y. Mr Yob iulrtMiueed a bill lo abolish tbe Code Cam MuatoB. lafcrfld to Ike Jadu ia- ry C'rtninittaa. Mr Joiiuou of Johosloa. 1 nt I nilsif esl a bill Aa he entitled an act eoawarajlag a con vsjktioa r in people, placed oa tbe ealeu tar. Uu motion of Mr Sua. row, the iul. were uuded to take up Senate bill ssnwBawaf lo the noateetrd Setialorial electiua lu Gran ville aud Person roumlee. and the bill d its second aud third readiug Oa ana loo as Mr Dunham the rales waraaaa fiadid la lake en ike rroort of the eeaaas on the lUniord county electi.Mi, and tha report of I he committee waa woimrrrd in aad Mr New- m came forward, was qualited sad saah has On in. .lion of Mr J one., of t aldwrll. the rules wem uiHiideil aud IIoiim nm.luii. 1. risiutst- ing our keiirMsetitaiivia and 8enalor In Coa- gre lo urge ike donation of fund by lhl body lo be nard as a llli-ntrv fund lor the c.l uaiiou ol Ike destitute children, black and white of list Stole, was taken up and adopted. J loose bill lo rwtore burnl record- lo IBe sev eral court of the Slate. I'asacd third- saading aud wa larJered to be engrossed. A ineesage Was received I'rosa itieScnale Iran milling Senate reilulion, No. 4H, In regard lo I i-clal sax on whiskey, brandy and tobacco, not living fhe House of its passage and asked the concurrence of the Ibaise. Adjobtaed. evarr- ... . m bwa luvaoay, Lr. o, 1010. A mennril waa presented from ihe executors of Gov. Worth, asking the (state In assume cat tain claim now held by them against ike Cal led Stale, for occupancy of tbe KgeeuliveMaa- aioa. Referred to Ci nnuiilee on Judiciary. Mr. Old presented a memorial from R. S. Tucker in reference to certain Stale indebted ness lo him, ami asking payment out of the treasury. Mr. Allen, from the committee on militsrv affair, reported hack ihe bill to repeal the act for the lielter securing or life and property, and recommended iu taage. l'laced on Ike cal endar. Also a bill to provide pernio!.- for disabled Coiifodrrale soldiers. The coniiuitlce recom mended that the bill do not paa. Placed on tke calendar. Mr. Old, from Committee on Judiciary, re ported back ihe bill transferring the jnri-diction of he tardy -trials, aad rccoinuH-nded that it do mil paa. Calendar. Mr l.-tham from Committee on Finance, re- poru.l lan k the bill for the relief of sherifls and lax colleilors, snd recommended its paseage. .Mr. 1.0. v irom couimuice 00 o.iiaricw son Fees, being unable lo reort, asked t hit their re port may be made the pcc'al onler lor to-morrow at 12 o'chH-k. Tlenate o ordered. By Mr. KrlUmv, a bill lo repeal aectiona 1.1, U and chap. 2 revised code. Referred to committee on Judiciary. Hv Mr. Linney, lo amend chap. 160, laws of 68 and till, lteferred lo committee on Judieia- By Mr Bobbin, of Davidson, a reaolution asking member of congress to use their influ ence to secure such sn amendment of the bank rupt law, ao that bankrupts may hereafter have the benefit of homestead seal personal property exemption allowed by the laws of Katth Caro lina. Adopted. The bill allowing the transfer nf certain casea pending in the late Court of Knotty, passed its second reading. The following bille passed their second read ing: To amend the inspeclhm law ; The in.orporate the Wilmington and Onslow rsilroad conlaay ; A Ilouae nieasage announcing the passage of a reaolution to ask members of Congress lo use their inHuence to secure an appropriation of the proceeds of public lands for educational purpo- in ? o-tl. t saolina A lan a im .lotion lli.lt the the A-vhim ir the Deaf Dw anil the liimu, be instructed to report at an early day, some ; means for the support of that institution. Both I resolutions laid over. I ; Mr. Lehman, from the jitdioisr eeatasiltee, reported back tke bill for the repeal of tbe act 1 regulating the manner of applying for pardon. recommended that it do not pa; and proposed as a suhHlitute therefor, a bill that the act be o amended hat every uch application shall con tain the grounds and reason of the application, and be accompanied by a certificate of tka in dictment and the judgment of the court The substitute was adopted and the bill passed its sec.mil reading. Leave of absence Waa granted lo the President and to Senator Moeehead, and the Senate ad journed till to-morrow at 10 A. M. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tuesday. Dec. wth. 1870. BMAI'IBU O...H 1 r.r-.-o Mr. Spam.w, from the judiciary committee, reported a substitute for the resolution in refer ence to the general amnesty bill and recommen ded ita passage. I VI KOIH I I IIIS Of lClNOl.f T IONS Mr. York introduced a bill reonestlng Ihe .. head of the depart incuts to furnish certain in formation. Placed on the calendar. Mr. Jordan introduced a resolution concern ing the alleged improper expenditure of public funds for the last two years. Placed on the cal endar. Mr. Marler introduced a reaolution raising a joint committee of twelve to report amendments to the const nut ion. Placed on the calendar. Mr. Houston introduced a reaolution instruct ing the principal clerk of the House to have 800 copies of the Treasurer' report printed. Refer red to tha judiciary committee. Mr. Wilcox introduced a reaolution in refer ence to public land. Referred to the commit tee on federal relations. Mr. Carson intrtidttced a reaolution In refer ence to homestead. Referred to the judiciary committee. ITTRODCCTtON OF BILLS. Mr. Jiwtice introduced a MR to fix the mile age of mfaibers and officers . I .he General As sembly at fifteen cents per mite. Placed on tke calendar. Mr. Waring introduced a bill in regard to election. Placed on the calendar. Mi -V-k ya.ul.sM a sail foe the y'. cJcw' of the distillers of North Carolina, lteferred to the judiciary committee. Mr. Tomliuaon introduced a bill to repeal an act in relation to per diem and mileage. Placed on the calendar. -- , ' Mr. L.icaa introduced a bill to change the time for settling with the Public Treasurer. Re ferred to the committee on Judiciary. CALENDAR. House bill to incorporate tha M. K. Singing School Society was faken, up, and Ihe report of the commitiee tkat it do not pass, was concurred in. House bill to repeal chap. 86, sec. 5, of the laws of 1855-'o6 was taken op. The call for the previous question was sustain ed arid the amendment was lost. The original bill passed. House bill to authorise the late Sheriff of Yadkin county to collect arrears of taxes was taken up. Mr. Hampton amended by inserting the name of Mr. Hay more, Sheriff of Surry. The bill as amended passed. House bill to be entitled an act to restore Ba the Western Railroad Company its original char ter privileges to regulate the appointment of State directors, and to define the State's interest in the general meetings of the tockhoIker of said company, taken np and passed it sev- eral readings. Honae bill to pi riba the time for Sheriff to nettle county and State taxes was taken up snd passed its several House bill to d sec 7, chap. 169, laws 01 1868-'6, up and passed its second York, tke rules were sos- reading. On motion of pended and Senal bill to anooint a ioint corn- mittee to take int consideration the question of constitutional ran. was is ken up Mr Dueler mo-erf to make ihe bill M'l aid as aar aeai "' 'mnliy stUsu .. Mr.Toknsoa, of Wgccotobe, asorarf to poaV pone indefinitelT Mr. Justice said that k did act wUh to coti ausae tie lisae of ihe Hnnee lu dlacusaing ibe ipmtion, and would therefore call for tha yeas and nays on Iks motion to iitrfetnitety slpone The vole owing taken the mutton to indefinitely MMpone waToal by the following vote: Yeas M : nav aft. Tka nn,if Mn.n.t aa iha akoilaa to aoaV pone to Wadnc-day week aad make it a special ardor for that day at It as., and waa lost by tk follewlag tote Ay, 37 ; nays 61. Mr I'aae moved lo amend by .uikiaaowt the word d "ouswlitiilional." Loaf. avaasssa Th. origin Dm Speak A lae strike out the word cam rarttce. aa then adopted. aai reaolutiiHi her Die following mil lees: Cusamllto oa Issaw braaah Messrs. Luck Aavlum The II r, Henderson, Young of Wake, Wilcox snd ll 1. Commitiee 00 Kalarie and Fees M Hankln, Itoailh of Wayne, Mills, Harris of Franklin. Dudley, Rcavi, Colli, MaxweU, Stewart, Woatark, Klchsrdwn and Atkinson. Committee on Public Hoi tilings and liroiinu. Honae bran, b i,r tistling. Shull, At water, Brvann and Bryant. a. t oninutlee on Library House iirancnsfjaa. srs. Hill, Hargrove, Joyner of Johnston, Lucas and Fisher. Committee a Penal Intilutiona. House branch Meaera. Smith of Anaon, Reld, Fletch er, 1-aesitrr and Ly on. The Hones then adjourned. niKHii Ia this City, on the 7th instant, bv Obadlah Woodon, Ksq., Mr. WUftam J. Ilartman to Mis Charlotte A. Goodman, both of Providence Township. , BIKB In Psrls, Texas, on tha let inst, of Measle, Mr. Wm. M. woodman, eldest son of Col. A. M. Goodman, formerly of N . C, in the 24ht year of hi. age. T . SALISBURY MARKCTaS DBG. 9, 1870. aaroBTBO st j. a. aecosceaxv. aaocaa. Baron, peipwaud, ....... per pound 17 to I'ollee, 99 to 06 to eft to into 90to 9S to 13 to ttorn. aer buab. ol I Do I U . , ...... Me. eal.buah. 4b " Copperas. per pound, Candles tallow, " Adamantine. Cotton . par pound " Yara, per knack, Bgg. ier doien, Peatkera, per paead. 1. 40 to 1 16 to tOte Ploar, peraack. 2 (AI t.. 3 j r"isk. Mackerel, 1. 1. - M f 191.00 90 to n to a to 9 to 9 to to 69 to 30 to 6 to 8 to 6 to Prnlt . dried, spplet pesled. 4 nnpio, " " Pea v lies, peale'!, " " " aapsaled. Leather, npper, per pound. " sols, Iron, bar, " " oastings, !falls. cat. " Molaaaes. sorghum, psrga West India, " " Syrup. " Onions, per bnshel, Pork. per pound . Potatoes, Triah. per bnshel, Rweet, ' Raear. Brown, war pound . " Clsnaed. . Crashed Pnlverised 3 10 0 7ft 3H 7 14 0 '5 60 to 76 I .1.0 to 1.97 60 to fO 19 to 18 75 to 1.00 60 to 00 t to 10 16 to 18 90 to 9i 9. CO to 9. IB 9.96 to 9.96 5.60 to 6.06 H to 10 SO to 1.60 auto 1.O6 Rslt.reast; par aaek o Liverpool. ' Table. I. Tobacco. T.esf. per ponnd, ....... stsancwed ' KmokfBg. . NEir AD V EftTlSEMkNTJL, Dancing Academy ! JOHX WORD prtitenU hi compliments to IM- Youna iMilie and Oentfemm of Salt -j,', , iirr rr, i'i r.r nr u M commence hi ItASCISG LE&'SOJfS at the Boiiden flimse on Saturtlau the 10A nsf.. precisely at 7 o'chct. in the evening. He refers to the Jlon. Jl. Cratgt, and ilaj. Jat. E. Kerr. December 9. 1870. Catawba English and Classical HIGH SCHOOL. Vi m Ion, V C. THE ELEVENTH SJiSION will commence on the first Mond'sv of Jan'y 1871. Tniti n per session of 20 weeks from $10 to fftiiJbU. -kJ Board in families from eight to ten dollars per mouth. For particulars and catalogue address pro prietor. REV. J. C. CLAPP. A. B. v " S. M. FINGER, A. M Per . 170 3m A (Talnable THE ' c 1 or I Ohpcrvi'r YlAK BfcOK AND ALM To be Issued Junutt One of the moat compl port mt information whicl piled in this conntrv. It pend of im ever neen -atl . com- d be in every L:brary, as a book of Rcfei It contain an interesting ry of Alman- aca : Civil. Commercial, and llnral lnfor- mation concerning all the Go eat in Ike World; a General summary of all the Benevo lent Institutions and Religious Denominations in the World, with a complete Ministerial 1 rectory of nearly eywy lieligion body in 11 United Ktatea, a complete Jiat or all the t olfc" cs, Theological Seminaries, Medical and Liu Schools in the United Mate?. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. All persons subscribing and paying for the Nkw Yuhk Obsehvek for one year $8 will receive a copy of this valuable work GRATf) 1TOUSLY. Sample copies of the Observer sent free. ' W17NE E. MORSE; Jh., A Co., Park Row, New York. Mailed to any address, post-paid, on receipt of price. dec 0-1 m The "Blees Patent" Noiseless, Link Motion, IsOck Stitch SEWING MACHINE. Challenge the World in Perfection of Work, Strength and beauty of stitch. Durability of Construction and Kapidity of Motion. Call and evamine. and for Agencies and Circulars, apply AT PRINCIPAL OFFICK. dc 9 3m 083 Broadway, N. T. GREAT SUCCESS ! The New Sabbath f chool Book GLAD TIDINGS I By L. 0. Emerson Sc L. B- Starkweather. Fresh Music and Word. Price, in paper 30 eeatai boards 35 cent. Pample copies sent post-paid on receipt of retail price. Oliver Bit son V Co.. Boston. C H. Ditson A Co.,New TTork. 45:2t Iffotice of AigHO. The undersign ed hereby gives notice of his appointment aa Aasiirneeof John R. Alexander, of the County of jdeckienbiirg snd 8tate of North Carolina, who has been adiurtaea a oenampi upon tne ntition of his creditor, by the District Court of the United States for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina. P W. P. LITTLIL O. Box Na il, P 46 St- Charlctu, N C AcriBu 1 r'CTvWi eUBTit. tw 1 m- VALUABLE BKAL ESTATE AA PKHS0NAL PR0PESTT Joktktpemmim llwlflo. "W. Cj, Mmm slay, e. ! ISyis 10.000 Neat. Put 1 run WaMi, 110 Altar bmrmt Whole UrtifiemkmTut HmVM (Jnartert, 1 SV WHAT THK CITY SAY: at the Theatre y arfetw r noon, to witness to t i rand OrawVwg eflb North Garolina llwneff elal AasothiHia. Thar war laf 0Hi as all, and little rolls of paper ffiaM "T'.VT placed in a wheel oa 00 side, whifo Ihe u shall were In a wheel opposite lo tka frfr- Be tween the two was a table, at which eat tha Judge aad Ms. John London, ( ommlsaloaer. The wheats wee atadc witk glaaa sMca, so mat evervtklag witkio ibem could latsaaa awwv locked, aaill uu graua ' W" 1 bv mesne ef two MtMe naya,. waa werw blindfolded, orre drawing a number f th. wheels aad the othV the hris "y nn. 1 to correspond with ik There ia ao fB sat lea tag that tbe drawing wu dons in a perfectly fairsud. LI- Wndueem Vaiff Jrmi, Vet, Thk Gramd Dbaw iko hat. Tha grand single number distribution of Ihe 2. U, Benefii iai Association, which took place at the Theatre yesterday, at 1 o'clock, was ike aUa sorbing tlierae during tk day. Tbe drawisajr took place in public, a comaiitiee having baast s. : aim the audience to act with theCcaa-mi-Moner in keeping an aeaount of the same andi to aae that it waa conducted fairly. Otjito a re spectable crowd was present to willinalh flaaai ing, The following a umbers drew the ptssahaak prises: No, af 10, 15,000; 5a. il0o6, XWfpx No. 5770, $2,500; No. 2841L 4000; No. 1Q, $3,000; No. 4412, $1,000; No. 1486ltm 1th Certificate No. 1 407 was sold to a citixen of WV mington, N. C riowiwetoa Jsferaraa Star, Dm. ind. IT THIS, OCR SECOND GRAND DISTRI BUTION, , j' r 110 AWARDS MUST BE DRAWN t One Award, valuation, $5,000 Two " " sack, ifiOO Two " " t.000 Two " k " 1,06 Two "500 and 101 otkei awards, ranging in raid from $250 to $20 JOHN LONDON, Commissioner. tttf" Description of tbe property on file at our office. njr Send money by Post Oak Orator or Registered Letter i gaaT For information and orders address W. H. GERKEN, (iaorrsl Agent, Principal Office No. 11, South Second St.; P.O., Box.iP, dactkftt WILMINGTON, N.C Nashville Life Ins. Comp'y, JOHN- M. BARS, Freaident. WM. HENBT BMITH, Sec. Mwiwaw lasarss lira aecrding t a 1 Ue m.thods knows in modern coreysnits I. U ....r. y J ol -1 r ak at oo ooo ; aad kas depsaitad $100 000 vrl'h tka Ceara treUar ef tka I late af TI NN rssEE Atttt are more than three times it f.-a.-f.-j . t? saasnsafaa. The Company has never refused to pat) its death claims. It has no restrictions on , I . ,'V aij km- It chat (ics uo extra premium on female risks. f- Its policy restridUms are few and rea sonable. V a ftaatcekholderf and msnagtrs are m . ng 1 most solid 1 in Tenneaaee- r Thos. B. Bailey, Hi Stsaf Agent for North Carolina Dxs JtXK.s k. Cai.pw r:i.i., ' . Median.! Examiner. 4 MAJ JOHN BEARD, AqfXJfT at Saliburr. octtB-tat I RST1BLI8HK0 Wit. Cushings & Bailey, Baltimore St. Baltimore, lav I l.o LARGEST AND BEST A. SORTED STOCK In the city of 1 SCHOOL MT.. ' and LAW and DENTAL. CLASSICAL j4j V and MlSffELLANEOUS BOOKS An immense supply of GENERAL BANK & COUNTING HOUSE STATIONERY Blank Books made to order in any atyle of Binding and Ruling. The same careful Attention given to V 0 R D , E R S . as to Personal Pnrchaaaa. INSIDE 1 FIGURES AL WA TS. Send for Catalogues. Sco. sept. w. r. aaavas. r. a, s'eno, vaj.r. law. (6a)e, tt)or cljouse DANVILLE, VA.. FOR TBE 81 LB OF Leaf Tobacco. Pale room tee by 70 feet, wlttl Licnta. e Prompt Attention to fse Interest and Comfcrt af Planter aud tlie;r Tessas. Oraves' Warehbawe kas now the T. arrest Ralea Room la Tva. Waaoa locked wa to aa to waraawase Oast aad ass aa. atafrlrt. Drv Bulls far Ho oct 38 ly. 1 Southern Land Agency, PERSONS WISHING to perehase KOUTF sTsTJI LANIas, will ao well to cal on Messrs. Osw wawa & Pnnham. wan are prej.k rert to give all luneatry toforniatM a as it otesrds icratioa. prtoe.qaslity. e. ail letters addressed to them, at this plsee will leesaveprompt stteetion. CRAW FOB D ft DrNHAM. Land 4 seat ' lt-ly "ailskary, rowaa ccnaty, X- C 1 V ray -at I ,.iaa ii I a

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