w - 1 gi)t (Pit) Nortl) State TUB SKAl'TlFUL b.NoW. Ok t4t M, tlM bea.Uful W, KiirUf tkm mkj eod the earth fa-iow j Orar A MM! r arsst, I I of lb peofid 70a BMrtt, Dsaalag VMatUa, Bkiiurulng aUng : 1 MOV ! It em 4u not Ling wioof ; : to kba hit lad'a cheek, to Up ia fro I iodine freak, iiful uut frutc the fcajarena abort. Par t aagrl gentle aa Jo t f , Ok I the mi, lb MM w, Ita lis flake galhar and Uuf It M U.ey go Whirlbxg about la tkiir maddening fun. It flan la M f Im with every Ma ass LaufBlnc, Hurrying I,., It Srkki mi tka axes, aad it park lea tha rye, Aad Urn mm. wttk a mi ana a hoaxed, aheap at U cryatal that eddy round Tbe town la alive and It heart ill a gio. Tu lcou tlte coming of beautiful mr. How wildly the crowd goat awaylng along, Hailing rmch other will, humor and aong' Ho laa gar alcdgea lika laataon flaah by Bright for a moment, then loot to tba .' Kinging. Swinging, Dashing they go, Orar the cruet of tba beautiful inow tfcaw m pur aa it fall from the iky, An to make ona regret to jee it Ha To be trampled and tracked by tha thona- aoda of (eat, Till it blaoda with tha filth in tha horrible J lies bond were delivered over to the eoerae, liirowa upon the accused tba bur- omrer 01 the company mostly in maaa dan ol proving tlio ucgtiive, that bo did loaccurny tor im-ir application to eon- not rote ror that office, before any ,v. alrueltoM of tba road, or f.gaards of j deuce liar been offered lij the prnecun.n any kM, b. dag iiitorpoat.il to accuro lite to prove the affirmative that lie did ao r.tte State from l.a and atrango aa it may j Counsel for the pi iaoner argued that .In appear, this waa permitted, if not aben was an invaaion of ilie rights, of the citl luuly aauclioetd, bjr the law auihoiiaiug sen, and again! the maxim ol the law the iue. I that ys a man aball tie preaumed to be Xfiajc was such a law ohtainetl t It if liipoceut of rilme u.xiil that pre. mupti.iu eredibly a.aerted in North CUiulina that I la rebutted by evidence, and tliat, th,-,,-it waa oy the colliieiou ..I Qovrruor Hid- lore, thia aectlnn waa iiicoi,aiitiii.n,i, den with oaaao-eallrd "Ueuerar I,itile-j Mr Valentine argued again! the piai fleldttba tbaaMalu,piinlri, m,o George lion and M favor of the comtitulioualily W. Hwepsou, an aln shouac manager, and I of the law. Metsr. I'oiler and Pi'tlmeh, of tliedrmi Jud"e C.nlwalader held tl.r .ni,. of MtUr it Co., nttr banker a of the city be untoiif tnutional. and a-.ij b-lurti con; ''""Vork. - jvigiiun eon It! be aaataiu. l ihe jwry weaul The fral pUu of operation by ilmae ligva to ray ibut the priaomt Inwl Im . n who Oiiicd hi the awiudle. waa the taking i proved to Iwro voted lor (.itMreemina. ol a room in the capitol at Kaleigh, br 'I't,.. .... 1 .l . T.i. . I ait J a ill. r. viurr 111 taw l.tililn Id miiO Jjwepron, wliti-h mi out ti- , ,, ,, 1 -tl ami iim.n1 on the p. of taiern ! 'W l'r"L"b, l"-y ""eonitttulionnl, b.t .1. . .L .. M t ' '.luilf. Wood.llA' .,f V. V...L I. . . umi, i-jiv-riiiiHK ill 11 an waa rrcr itr t o i - - -v iriu a wan 10 prtaoii, w istiout 11 ti l,tl, wlille Ilia khedule. Change o Ob aad aUr Tb- rdr. Maptoiobar laa- Iff. train, w. II barauurar thia road ia MourdanM with tba folWwttft TIME T1BU-M. C. RAILROAD XOITH 1 5 a.n.ww, .... Pa.atiupa..... K.M.H o.MjkwaA... I aag ol. nnwi. laa'i ,ia taaaa I. r a. a an r a . a n - :M ra tr 1 1.1. a im if waa g.M " a tCt a a ww fhe Qrttt Medical Dl'torcry! Dr. WAXJUB'I CJLLiJTORjria. VINEGAR BITTERS, 31 Bnndredi of Thotiaand J fjf 2 1 Mar MMaaajr to thaur wMdarndl f I lw r - 9 2 The IniraiioeDoniaiiv. 5 CunaJra EMtta WHAT ARK THEY 1 ra rnitx$ aocnii m "" a.n. " Iff aaW,V I J I 11 0 1. n. . 1J ai...Urj. Tiii ' IB" tl aa . MS Ur....lraV'.l " le" II II K,i.r III. " II - aj I lawyer were ennteatiii(f the ennrlltuiioii lily of the act that Judge Cadwalader here breaks lulu. to meoibera ol lb At liihlv. A ulenliful aupply of coatly wlnea, brandy, whiakej, ruin, tie , waa aupplied. Purler, of 8out tor cV Co., it ia aaaerted, (ttpplieii .be funtla. And in thia manner, according; to bwepeon' bnaalg, 24l),000 wna pid out cither in "liquor" or on c.ikIi bribe o c cure the paaaage of the Uw. "It nownp pdar that Litllt lield atill owe about (14. OOO of hi part of pttrcli iae of the wine and litjuor lor thu "bar." The law through, no delay f nued be- . 1.. ..... .!.. . .l . ,....0 ..... no..,, unu 10 eicaie tuc tiwihnt ik t.ta io tr tii D(miu; tlM-y a ere U. Iiu ied to Hie napi x- LtONARU St.OTT live comnaiilea. Litilt field firjt aWon-1 drd with a-v..n milli..M .1... ... yl AISTEHLY W H (1KKKV, Mater of Tranaportatlon. ('oinjmny Pl.op-. A g a. IWO. M-tt Tin; GUF.yy ENGLISH AND SCOTCH QUARTERLIES, 6LkV00D8 mmxL W TO T TBI PUBLISH IXG CO. Vim Table WflBtera XT. O TAJUJf' tX.T iTII 8PT. 1H70 UOIVU W K.-T. G01X0 KAST Arnra. gVwire. KB. Art nr. Ltatr e 1 raj ni v in Amr , 7 a. 9 NBnew a - 1 . fflo Tho Farmer's and Mechanic's Life of NEW YORK lie. WALL STREET. H1 OAS H CAPITAL, $125,090. 0 lOe.Oee epoiited with the Innrance Department of tie Btat. ft,, tlio Protection of the Poller Mold.. U ' r? . .. 'araiaiai j .j MawM.. .x' All tU Offlreraaad Diiwetora (witboat an r xrntton) ae Ktorloolderm. aad .111 i-fc- - uf tl . I'uh. HuUIrn will ba aiada. I tl Bp IS! Tncv AUE NOT A yttji vl v a r aa 1 - ,-udP CY DRINK, Whlakar. Proof Sptr- tba proper reaai mm for tka wopar M0teetioa TMI ''ornpaHj' atakca a Caah DlrtaVad la lu Policy Holaeraof SI 1-1 to M M aaM. mmi in. a br mmim of lU Iww rata of prauiiuae. k ( owpanuw ara obliged by tba Stale to aat aU tka aaa.e, ealenlatod o Uaumt table arMwtoMy . Tba aaWtr oftM polk lagaarMd. All New Yerk CovpaaM r iiui iwiCTir ior eaen tomtiaui m tl coaru,ueatlj all aia 1 tnwrir lor rach Canuan auu ai lue aaiue raia 01 luiereot s in Rallabarj. 6 06 tw no; - Third Cirak, S : U.4U IU.96 " Mo' II f.1 ' 19 48 ra 1 aa Once I wm pore a tba anow, but I fell ; fall like the now-flakea from hearen to lie! 1 Pall to be trampled a 01 th in lb tMt ; Fail to ba acofed, to b apit on and beat, Pleading, Coning, Draintllna tu Ala Selling my aoul to whoever woald buy ; Dealing In a ha ma for morael of bread ; Hating the living, and fearing the dend. Merciful God ! Ilara 1 fallen ao low ? Am! yet-I waa once Jika the beautiful anow ! Oar I WM fair aa tba baautifal anow. With an eye like crraul, a heart like ita glow; One I waa loved for my innocent grace Flatt'rd and (ought fbrihecliarmaofmy face Father, Mother, Sinter, all, r lurid, wlu-re with a portion uf il he puitliai-d a l'.kt 11 down railrnud uf that' 8tte, became Fn anli in ol ii eouipw j ana thn cluilnd with uiuetliini; ojore ! nominal respicutbility erto pruMganfl. toalie . m V J - - Jl' 1 'I' 'II In- llllll ll II- hin Nple .mr I" ew loik, togetlier villi S epa.01 . ao.I Andrew Jaekfuu June, anV.tl, . .1 ibr co-operative railiu.id. preid. - ;ln windle. .-- Entering tlm upon a bro;.tl . f finance, thi-ir friend and cotilju'or, l'oiiu, became their guide, . It nop. aia lie d viaed lti.it llii'V alionld place ihe l.ondt in the hand ol Soulier Ac Co., hi tiiin, uut! that thay would adviiuce money on tin in as wanted, and an tij; the maiket an to cuuae an appiccialiuii in price. TIhm were then rangiiiK at aUmi 60'crnt iui TERMS, the dollar ; hut Porter i iilier did not fair- F"' n"y on" Reviewsl ly et:ui ite the c nie.lv- of bia houe to I Tlio Eninl urgli nv ew, London Qnartorly Perhw N'ortb Brit.sh Ikvlcw W tataobalti lit t law. MONTHLY. HI icku-aod'm Edn burgh Jfrt.art'ne. . - " 1 . . ,1 . . : . Hre - be 1 linn tl.ruiiffh " ulueh ilie iji .-.-. u.iuf not oktv of Gr.-nl III'. tain audi eluud.hut alati of t'pi linen al Euroiw, are eunaUny hrotiglit into uutreor I.- iutiinute euiuiiiiiiiieatiou with Ui world of i..lera. lliatory. Hi..giii liy. -ciencti. Phi l.aH.hy. Art. heligiou. the gn-wt political queatiou of the pan aud ! to-da v. are treat ed iu thair paea m tlio learm-.l alooe can treat ttiein- No one w ho would keep Pace . w ith the time.-, can afford to do without t(iee , periodicala. I Of all the inonthlie BluckicooJ hold the foreiuoat place. T.IO - .--Wteai Ilie 9.40 " , llnik ry, 10 M " 1 41 0 11.13 ' Marui.n.a, - Bridie. iter. . klarloa. ' IH.I V..rt I r ll..-kftt m3 Supper at Mataavill. f-ept M If Ti'. Subocribo at Onool Anoat JH2 m.wu rm ! M - IB " : OIPL IS M- 9ft " 1 at tba j j1 " a Mi ad ro , a 10 a w . 9.98 Ml ' 1 ,4,,' ro M-tr j oor ana I.lnunra. dai url. aafraa. aa I i a n 1 1 11 1 1 n iiiif iliai. aa'lnl TaaM mm , t'. -i in oa to drwakaaaaaa aad rule. Ml ara atlM nu ll tium tbe VaOra Kouia aad mi Ctlilumli. trmm fWan an Alaobolta ttlan U. T.yar. ii..Q HBAf B LOOP T3 o a aarM Banrai r ai.U J..vimn . t . rwamilJ 11 af all wmmom Mm 2a tortug tba I loot to a b. Utl.y onMIMM. k tttn, aaaarMaj to to a a. mm . twi unw U. I for an mrarabln aaaa, pro-u-.t dUni I I.t miaarml atOO wiUbagirea mm p.'- v 1111. anrt Uout. Draneoaia or Indl. ttton Billoua, Itamittant. and Intor- . aad tba vUal IbaTMaalnatHan.oro naif. Tor Inflammatory asaloammto Rheu. mlttanl ra vera, utanaaea or tha Idver. Kldnara, and Bladder oodL thaw Bit as Mr hao bcoa urnti .i.iui. Suoh Die- M MM aea aaoaad br Vitiatod Blood, wlorb L- h ejaarallf pcodiioad 1- dci.ueiucut of laa n' InvbroraU tbo aMaaeb. and atianlab) ti thatoeoldllrandbow.l.. wh..-h r-.irr thrm of uwqualldeffl -arr in rlaanalna Iba Woo-i of all lmpurpi.-. and Uapartiog naw Ufa 1 to ba wh-.l f.te.a. DVapepiia or Fata la tha Hhooltlera, I 1 aad rigor Iadiaeatlon, Biaaiaaka. ra. OataaVa Tihtnr.a of tha Cluat, Dli1r..-.i. dour Ht.,mari.. lt., Taau m tba Mouth, Hidiotta Attacks 1 '.dr.il. .t ion of tba Il.-a.t. ( ipiuua liannar(oa or linna. Pain la tba raatoaeof tbe K'.dueya. and a buudrad oibar walnful aj lapwaM wmc ax tha 1 Dragapata, ara aarad br lb Ctaaaaatba TttlatodBto tl.00 per an The Peoplt't Fmorite Juttrnul. MQS7 1XTE11EST&G STOJUES arlwyato to f. aad la the NEW YORK WEEfMiM AT PItrSEN'!' THKRE AltE SIX toriaa luaalBg tbieagb iu coIi.a; and at Vtuatad BmkI wbanerer too Md lla uaoaritiea Watine fbraah tha akia ia Pla,- wkajk paiilnaa, oe Mr: waaaaa It wben It ia toul, and ronrrWlinaa will til you when. Kaap tba blood pure aad tba baaltli of tba cratam will ia PIN, TArE, and other WORM, lurk In- In tba ayatam of ao man tbouaaads, ara etfactuall- 33 a-H i-3 Mtoorad aad reaovad. Far fall dir.-. roetkjoa. road earafnllr tha rlroakw id each bottle, prtnud ia four laaguagaa . .v . . l I. ..Iu.,.1, Af'.KEl:. at a It Oiaaaai 10a Btiaat. N. T. rroenctor. 11. 11. MoiaN ai.ii m t o.. aroaad Ha God and Mvaelf I have loat by my fall. The 1 - The verlea wretch that roea ahiverine bv. Will mike a wide Woop I eat I wander too nigh; For all that ia on or atov me, I know There' nothing that' pure aa the beau Iiful now. How atranfre it akourd be, that thia beauti ful mow Phottld fill on a ."inner with nowhere tooj ' How strange thould it be, when night come gain, If the aoow and the ice (truck rny deaperate I of tile IffViewr, For lilacitteiHHl and three of the Kevieua, I'm HUekwoud and the four lfeviews, 1 i 7 0(1 10 1)0 leoo 400 7 00 10 00 13 00 15 Oo" num. n,l,n.r. nr tl...t .,t 1..'. f.U.wl. . 7. . . . uy 'I ' KeVleWS, 8.WVCo.k.ato preaaed and MR'J thfii ld, Swepaon, June & Co. amro j F..r IllackwiHHl'a MRaitie. preaalng. 1 hey were nil fond of I lie good j For Ulackwood and imy on tiling of life, and did not atint thetulve j Bto iew, In wine or other enjovint'i.ta of an omen-1 Pur iilaekwieid and anv two five nature wlicli fl sh is given to. Jone bad In 'pecialiiV" in gambling, and il i auid lost, at iuglo kitting, iuius of au,uuo. a -i ii it a. a i J , M,w",iu u"- FinglH iiumher. of ' Review. 1 ; .tiijfW ( and began aecn ily to sell, tints deprecia- 1 numberg of Blackwood, thirty five eeuuf I t"'g bond, until tlev reached down ( postage tiro cento a no in her. to ubont 40, nt or pu-eibly b'-f'on: which i . Mwrvko the other partite began tojhink tbe old . ,. "vn. bood of honor atnopg thtevwA o Ung- ! , "rli Tr W'" . " " j . ,i r . , C . . b lowed to el4 of four or mont person. er sac ed to the fraternity, and tfr the rope I TllUBf f(Mlr tm f-rrraf;h .., or Of cxtl U-atinir the reman. der of the hv- ! lfi-. itl I.. ..... j . . " " w a-wjaav il vm Tf it (,w, I I r i ' . Joineciif iin lfd. guur crtpioa ..f the f-nr Review wnd4todarr an street tnen.ts to bnv y iile t In v hp. liUcitwood or Mr. and ao on. Four eloka etJy sold. Very soon these bond sunk ' en ,,r mor' person, a copy gratis to the a J b) MM ttaiv in. 1. 1.'. imt aaba. nbera aietl.ua aureot Laving Ike com mencement of a new .ontii i.e. 1 atury, no matter J wbeu t.ey nibaciibefur tbe NEW YORK WEEKLY. Each nuntlarof tl New Yoik Waekljr rontaiss aaveraibaavtifol illktratiena,doubiUieamoBnt ol readiLR aiattei of any paper of itaaslast. and tt.a sketch.-", fel.ort fetor. f'oema, etc., are by tbr auitat ar.kiaut .iim.ii ana r.tnoje. i tie Franei-tro. Califnrula. ard Zl aadSl Com mem, POret. If. Y. BaT MILL. UY ALL U2COOIST8 A3D . DIAI.Elm. i NEW YORK WEEKLY. duaa at eoeiAne ita DefQlieis to amurerr.ent. bnt J pnbliabeta mtl-"--"f of rea ly Inatractive mat- I mmmwr -ajaaaPPPVrB, nuts COXpiTIOXS OF POLICY.Thi. Company', potiefea are noa forfeitable. Thia Company impoaea no reatiiclion on travel after one annual payment haa beea made. Thia Company inaure the lived of female. Thia Cntnbariv will iuhnum any legal claim. 1'hi Comuany will pay claiuia a aoou a tbe proof thereof i ful ly MUbliaked. Tbo rale area are lower than tboae of any other Company organised under the law of New York, not responsible to ihe Ins ma net- Department for ltd lately. The Farmers' and Mechauic' will grant insurance to suit op the followifir aUat t ORDINARY LIKE. r ENDOWMENT, - CHILDREN ENDOWMENT, JOINT ENDOWMKXT. JOINT LIFE. COMPOUND INTEREST, ,., INCOME PRODUCING, TERM LIKE, RETURN PREMIUM, AMNU1T1E8 and iu addition to the oUw plat will iaue policies on tbe "Tontine Mutual," or Cheap Plan for Working Men, Tontine Mutual id a combination of Insurance and Endowment, and fa fngulrly adapted lo tl.e want of a class ol people who have hillierlo been debarred from fl.. j benefit of Life Inetirance by' ita heavy expense. (See explanation below.) I o insure yoor lire on tbe I iMiiine Mutual Plan yon pajr 15 once, only. Too pay 92 annually. You pay 81.10 wbeuever a death reenra In y our Olu. You are certaiu to receive tl. 000. And if y our Lias ia full 5.000. Cladaet are rerttlated by age. BOTH SEXES ADMITTED IN THE SAME CLASS. ALL HAVE TO PASS A MEDICAL EXAMINATION. Lliiaseaarc limited ta o.OOO Member, full. The Coaptwy guarantee lliat In ce your death should occur, within a wear, although- there are not one thousand Mem herd in your Clasa, yet will yeur family receive 11,00 ; but in case your Class had more than 1.000 Membera then won n..l,l receive a many dollars a there are M nibci iu your t'lu at the lime ol vour r ive ihouaaud Members, then $5,000. a m ' -.1 - d .ag -1 Wbeuever a Cla is once full ft ia alwayg death. aU Freexing, Wm. t. Dying gjog. , 4 Too wicked for prayer, too weak for a mom To be baud in the streets of the craty town, Gone road in the joy of the anow coming down; To be and to die in my terrible woa, With a bed and shroud of the beautiful mow. dfcer. OX tl5 entire 817,000,000, less than ihve per cent of (be amount ha teaehed North Carolina, and not one hundred thotttnnd dollars ha$ been expended on the Western North -Carolina Road, fur which the seven mill ions were issned. . A more barefaced act of thieving vif; lainy lias never been perpetrated, and all the Oartieg engaged in it should be fully 1-1 1 no ..it t. Halolea and foul a the tr.mt.letl snow. pouisiieu. xuey are sntl at large, al Sinner, despair not ! Chrirt .loopeth low, th" ""T' .8on, JJk'a ,S wef wf ToiMCue the soul that is loat in its sin. a". 1 an" l'"lc,' u"- - And raise it to lifo and Moment .gain, TT' rm I " va taiiu luum tUI'tl XI V f I t III)" Gr0n,n' it Ola lika.f m...,.. I- . T..F..... B,ced,nK. Citv Dank. Dying for thee, Littleficld went to r..rna U. ti j. Tha crucified humr on the aeeurail tree. .... i.J ...:u i. .. f o "ft ' ' e"pp"i!i:u no win nave to i'u;urur keen Hu accenUofmercy fell soft on thine ear- ju hiding ,,e, Swepson iiies the old la there merer for me? Will He heed mv rn -. ,.f I - t.'i, -r .. i .. uJ. i . . "w " mmmm Luriui a nuitti ; prayer? but even this, is is asserted, cannot hold O God ! in the strum that for sinner did I him in safety for a much Innarerl n.-rind It will bo remembered that Jafne T. less than a fourth offhoir nr rnte n,,d K'tt.;r-np of ihe jilub, in aidition to tbe a- titircly out of the reaAof the fiist awin- discount. . gM ritbaiUMS IV XW SUDS' IIUER.S. ler. In ILe anfat eomtviiaed form. Tl.e iVctP Yuik Weekly Departments, kaee attained a high rtpntal.oa truu their bietfty, lei e . i aadcoriec 1Im. Tl.e p a isant Parayrtplis are maJe tip of the co centialed ii and l.uraor of many minds. Tka i, i. .:.'. . U"X iacnt!i.d to UMful inforroi. tton nn a. I u.anneruf aabje. ta. Tka Na Itcina civ la il.aleweat wordtthe rao-t iiotai. e diiira all orar the world. Ilie tfp w.W'. Ou raapondetitacuntaiua ants era ftl? Wah me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Soulier was formerly President of the Bank of thu Republic ; but being a "Southern sympathizer," he fled to Eu rope dining ibo rebellion, and engaged iu SOUTHERN FRAUDS. CAfcPTT BAOQSM' OFEiaTlOX IX NOKIH CAROLlK. - : . Assistance, ma and Uomjort to them from a Nw Banker and Brokers' Firm in New YorkMessrs. Soutlerdr Co As Well as Much Discomfort and Loss From the Same Sources. The history of fraud and corruption in T i . ' J- ! .1 1 Legislative Domes in tins country uaspro qably no paralTef to thai ' per pet rati d in North Carolina. Ita "General Aembly," elected for 168-9, aat for six teen mouths oat of the twenty-four month for which it was elected, and during tbe entire aea ton little else than scbemesof State plun der treTe discussed or entered upon. , i The bulk of ita fraud was covered np ia bill for the issue of "special tar bonds," to the amount of about $17,000, O00. These bonds were ostensibly for aiding the railroad improvement of the State. Some of these roads are not worth finishing or keeping in order, owing to bad location, au.l defective construction. Other are of utilityy aud in honest hands would give prosperity of the Deorde. - Tba entire railroad system ol the State J United States District Court, was on Fri fd embraced by tbe following companies : , day engaged whh the trial of Patrick Mc The North Carolina Railroad Compa Faddeo, charged with illegal voting a- "Charlotte, Colombia and AugusU Rail-'!!'8 ,a8t e,C!,!f ' f"" ff of road company. Corxgres. of .Vl-y Slat, 1870. TBe Phils. Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford ! delpnia North American say: Railroad company ' . The faeta a proved by the eovernment vr esteru orttx Carolina xiailroad com-! , that .t i. .. -i ..T . , 1 .J'rn .i ir vyunjiT-FB au hiicii iuf at ine tweititi dw Ni1 subscriber to any ti.ofth'e abov periodicals f r f 871 , will be enticed to re ceive otie of the Reviews for 1870. New sub scribers to all ib.. lit - may' receive any two ol tli Roviens for 1670; Xeithee premiums to subseribers, nor dis count to clubs rati ba aUowea). uolesa the money is remitted direct to the Publisher. No Premiums c;.n be given to clubs. Circulars with further particular may be had on application. THE LEO.YABD SCOTT FIB. CO.. 140 Fulton Street, New York. Postmasters and others disposed to can vass, liberally dealt with. fhe Leonard Scott Pitb. CO., also runxisn THE FARMER'S GUIDE To Scientific and Practical Agriculture. By Henry Stephens, F. R. 8.. Edinburgh, and the late J P. Norton. Professor of Sci entific Agriculture iu Yale College. New An Unr mailed Literary Paper is the NEW YORK WEEKLY ! Each Ma tnntaina lioni e-j.! t to ten ai.ort alo ne and Kectie. and kaif a ilnxeti I'wma, in addi tion to tl.e six aerial atorica aad tic var.ed depart aiepts. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE ! . i ,r ' The Terms lo Subscribers I . I One Tear sink's ropy .....'S,, 3.C0 One Vesr-Konr ( 'op:eaf3.n 1 1(1.00 im Jfear Kirht-r.aao. 90. 0 Thoae aendiiifi SiO lor a Club of Kip lit all sent at one time will he entitled to n eoy tr. Cetters ap of Oluhscan afterward add aiuyle copies at (3.60 each. STREET AMITIf, Proprietor. So. 66, Fulton Street. V. Y, Oct 7 I0:ni Clash A. Admits all bt-tween the ages of 15 and 86. CLaSS li. Admits all between the age of 35 and 45. CLASS . Admit nil between the nee of 45 and BO. I TONTINE FUND. At the same time you become insured, voa also become a ; Mkvbkk ok a Toniimk Fcsd, which may girtr td yourself, whilst living, a large I sum of money. Tbts i ibe onlt Company in the United State doing business on a sound basis i. e., that had a Cash Capital ol 125,00O, mid has a deposit with the State fir the security of tbt Policy Holder that issue policies of this kind. Bend for Book of Hates. All Directors ure Stockholder. All Officer are Stockholder. E. McMl'RDY. Pmksidknt. I M.MAwrti'iitti i Have Just bj a iu Ortob-r and November, ISB9. I K. IT ARTIKI1AI-K. Vine Paiainrwr- Wtl Hl'Vni-tifinv a . f." OR LAN DA II. STEWART, Counsel, LUCIUS JUcADAM, Conralting Acl'mtrr Medical EijteaujER M. Ji. TAYLOR, SI. D., Salisbury, N. C. 'GlfeN. ROBT. B. VANCi Ashevill- U n MANAGING AGENT for N. CAROLINA. Aujf.10-33.ly PIANOS. SIX COLD MEDALS I Haven ' Two vols. Royal octavo. 1600 page and t uiiierons engraving. Price. $7 ; by mail, post-paid, $8. ' dov.18 46 If Superior Court. aiding the Confederate cause, his love for the South being po great that he trie his hand at a new i'onu of Southern expan sion. It is evident the State of 'North Caro lina will adopt one of two courses, either th entire repudiation of this fratidh issue or the arrest, and uiiuislime nt f p.u-h pat ty engaged in thu frauds, and thereby I dav,t tnal "'' diligent search the defendant possibly recoveiiiiguch portion of ihe "anDot ,h? fo',ud, w!'h,u ,he 1,ml,s ,,f tllia stolen securities as will enable it toescane V J?? TM P"Wcatiou j. I oe maae in tne "UlU iNUrtn Mate, ' NORTH CAROLINA, ''Af.DWaLL County, s Mary L. Stafford, Pl'tff , 1 aataiust V Divorce. ,t i Julius A. Stafford. Deft. S Iu this case it is made to annear ttnon affi- ward:u u cnm. .ti. stkiff, Fortl. beat Pisnoa t.uw made, i rer Baltimore 1'Sltu le .!il. ami Kw Y6r' Piaji-m. -Vo. 9, iVerta Lii. r.'y iicail, atur Baltihtort Street i. STRUT'S PI A XOS hntv all the latest im provejnenu. Ifaladiag the Agrolle Treble. "Ivory KrontH und the iinprovcJ 1'reii -h itfaavfuily war ranted tar five years, -,tli p.ifllege of rxi kaon within la.-e n...nt! a'if not untl ptrcl.tiv.rs. rjeeond hand Pianos aid I'urlor Crpaoa alwxy on hand Inor Wtl to f t at. Itci-n ii..-. . r. in!re mifpte, ;n usi -(Jen. It. L'. Le". f.exliiyUin, Va. H. U. tUiaer, V. S. liaiaW. SaiteMry. .V. C. 0ti. n.il.crt fisnforri, WMmlnjtan X. C. Gov. John Ijite.i.o., LaiiijftM, Va. Mraara. It. lim a ell & run. lyifiotte. X. t'. Deaf, I'aiiiMxiosI' ii.il Ititnt. ItaleiRh, SC ai.aM-aaawanu i :...-a.t i I ini . GENERAL J. K. BURKE, Dist. Aulm, Salisbury, N. C. PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON LIFE INSURANCE COT., Ter:errb'Jf if.' .tViill iaao;icitp.l t3" lirowii A ltemhaiiltiire ncei.tf fjr the of tl e aliove colel. 'iited Pianos. I ianos sj!d at 1'ui.tory piicea oio, X. C. a jtiiv 14 ly $ 1 ,.100,000 .100,000 8, 00 VrTERHEEL Mi!! Gearint.ShaftinPuifeya d tHOHi'alM0BE5 x .BEND FCR A CIRCUL B. XI 60 IMPORTANT NpTICE TO ' COSSniEBS of WtTOOOBJSr BBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBV. SSM . 'VAdBBBBBBBBBm.'Wal I Baa Jail the disgrace of "repudiation 'I hi latter would seem to be tjje honest fend true otie., and Newr York sheuld lend ihe most, efficient aid thereto. It ia full titue she did Miioi'thiug to drive from her business place either those wboome from abroad or ihoae who live -here, to practice snch swindle and' villainies as this North1 Carolina transaction holds up to the world for its acorn and condemna tion. Woodhull it Clajiin's (New York J IVcekly. a news paper published in Salisbury, N. C-, for.su weeks, notifying the defendant to auoear at tha next Terra of the Superior Court, for the! county of CaMw.-H. at the Court lloufe fnl lnolr. on the 8th Monday after the 3d Hun day in March next, then aud there t auswer the cinuplaUit f the l'laliitiff, which is filed iu the i.tflce of said CoOft 1 A Witness, li. R. . WnlveiielrU. clerk of oil r sa:d Court, this the 22.I day of Oetobei,. 1870. B- R. VVAKKFlELD.'c.B c. 43 6w:(pr fee f S ) All E.eta;l Orders amoanting to 920 ar.i 0..-..1 delivered in any Part i i. the Country Flii.E OF EXBRESS CHARGES MONTHLT MAGAZINE,- Tfro JOotltrrJt prr Annum. 64 PAGES REWNGMATTER. 30 tAGES AWEItTISEMENTS. WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL, D. WYATT AIKEN, CUAJ-.I.ICSTOJr, a, c. ALEX A NDER jO UV IL irROLTGRER Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, pany. Chathem Railroad company Northwetern Railioad comnanr. The Weatern Railroad company. Of these companies the '' Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford" received 94 -000,000 of the "special tax hoods." The "Western North Carolina" receiv ed $7,000,000 "The Western" compa ny, $1,500,000 the remainder being di vided out to the Chat ham Railroad and the Northwestern Railroad, and other compr.i s Tjj Fkukral Election f:iw Im " rr--: Ornamental Trees and Plants: DEI) IN PART CNCONSTttUTIONAE.- '7frx, j,,dge citdxaiader.of pfciiadtipbh, iu the ! CHOICE G.RDEI4FIELD SEEDS. M: X splendid stock of the chuioeit variolic-. Senior descripiire'TTifdlogues and Priced f All Trees well packed so a to earn- safely to auv tiart of the Cited States. Small FrMitu and Small l'lantf of all kinds, sent hv mail, pmt see paid, to any Tost Office in the United Matey , Edward J. Swans fc Co , yurterf ami Senlinen, ept 3m - TOKK, PA. vision of the second ward, and that in that division the prisoner voted under the name Of f rerterirk ' Kamsdcn. There was no proof, however, that lie did or did not vote for Congressman, aud npon this point arose a very warm argument. The sect on of the act under which thia case was. tried sy that where a member of Congress U to. be voted for a man votes aa ta ' .1 - d . u. en...!!, me tact or frr having vo ted at all (ball be prima facie evidence I hat he voted for Congreaamaa. Tils, of 'MANSION HOUSE, CHARLOTTE, Mi C. This wefl known House having beefi sewlt rVRM-urt- and refitted in everr depart i now open for the accommodation of TSTE " I TRAVELUWO PfBLlC. caTOmnihi at Depot on arrival ofTrinx.-Tea. fek ,-5tf H. C. ECCLES, PrtfK naiiiilton Lasior A. Sons, ah? Baltimore, up..' In ordeftE HVfl'cr to meet the wants of tTWr Itetuil Custonler at a distance have establish- " sample bureau, and will, upon application, promptly send by inail lull liuex, of Samples of the Newest and most FashMiMe Goods, of I'll !..'; .1. l-.Xoi.tdll and Domestic Manufacture. gnai Hnteeiunt nil times to i ll a low U not Mlcei prices, thati anr hoiiiic lo tM country Buying onr cHods from the larearWWllo-t celebrated ii nnulactuiers in the different parts of fclurope, and importiup the amehy steamers uiri'i i ui it.1 1 i niioi c. our i u'i'A i.-. tu nn nines . . " promptly supplied wilh the novelties of thejNOKTH CABfLINA, ( Iu the Superior Louitim -anu-iims markets. . , . , nuaax coi-wtt. v, Court As we bur and sail only for cub, and nmm -aty. Petition for Dower. no bait atLtx,ve are aoieauu wniaia to ttlluur,tfciiralieth Manluns, IKKHls at FKoi' TK T" SI FTI..X . K CEXT, LE6n raortr tbanxif wo gave credit. Matrass Maker, ON f.-:ikiri!' Comer, Juki back of the Cloth ing .-"o.r- or nuig' cc omens, is now pre pared to do every trtTmz in his line at snort notice and .m the in'of 'feiisoaaofe terms. AH kinds of furniture reaovated and ceneaired and tnitde to look as well as new. Sieclal at tention given to the making and repairing SOFAS, SETTEES, LOUNGES, CHAinS,-CTrrr: vr Ghe hhri a fill, aaamlue bia trork. and will go away pleaswfe- ttfrtf t. OF RICHMOND, VA ANsetsi over Act SurnluM over 1'ollciea laitucd in two yearn over 0 - ). Showing a success beyond precedent. Issues policies on Mutual, Non-Forfeiting and all the most desirable plans. Dividend paid out on Life Policies, 40 per eent which proves the economy of it management and its careful selection of rules. W. U L'AKKl.NUTOX, -. -. . PBKSIDINT. JOHN E. EDWARDS, Vica PM,Bni. D. J. HARTapOK, Skcretam. X J. UOPKINV, AssMftAJrr S.ciairT J. E. WOLFF, . SPPKRIXTICXDIST 0 AgISCIIi THE C0XS0LIDATI0X of the tiro most popular" Southern Companies i full of ftdvantaces to the policy holders of both Companies Its expenditures will be lex, and wilb less relative risk The future dividends will be uiofe certain, and -probably greater in amount, aud a better reaer ved fund created. So Kigbt of old rolicy holders will be effected ; they will continue to pay the same rule as be fore; to hold the same policies as before ; to have the same rights, benefits and privileges a be fore, and have equal present security with greater future benefit than before. All renewals ot old policies will no in name ol new company. - ----- This Company has met with a success beyond all parallel in .Life Insurance, and now tffers to the Southern public a Some Enterprise equal to any andVurpassed by none. It advises the payment of all. cash premiums, becacsethen dividends will continually decrease each uext payment, until nothing will be required, and the policy may bea source of income- but it, will allow one third loan on participating policies. ' It requires no notes for loana. - , It ha- no restrictions on residence or travel, all policies are Kon-Forfeitable, and tbe ricbts of parties guaranteed on the face of the Policy as a prt of the cortract. ' . . It bps the following valuable features which no other company give : The lata - war taseht inuuv Southern . men, insured iu Northern companies, the penalty nf being srparatid IVi ni the Uome Office, by having all their past payments forfeited. Thi company gnaid rgainit this in ..... j-"... M -, .....I iu im- d.cp. wi a Dvi'aiaiiuu iiuui jia uu.ee any iutvenon, guarantees to such all the right of Non-Forfeiture, paid up policy, surrender value and reiuaUten.eitt at tboneb there bad la-en no such intervening canse. ' Its permaueut investment of funds (as required by the Charter) I in mortgages or iein aa Unencumbered Keal Kstate Worth Double the Amount Loaned, thus offering to the Southern people a Safe. Suraand PtufiiaUe lnitmei!t of tbe 10,iD00,t)C0, which are annnallr sent North for Life Insurance, taking o much from our strength, thereby giving additional power to our on pressors. - '-h w I appeal to.every man and woman iM Vrfiatern lforth Carolina, desiring to secure to their fami lie the blessed boon of Life Insurance to look well to their interest by examining fully into the superior merit of the -PiedmonVand' Arlfngton Life Insurance Conipny" before hey insure Correspondence solicited, and information cheerfully given. LEWIS C. 11 A. NFS ' Address. Canvassing Ageat, Iexinirton. X. 0. I.r.vi.ii? ID. IF. COURTS. Ota I. Aotntfor ITeafern K. C. Rutin. K. d. ' I I vain a. rfnl BEYOND DOUBT The Connecticut Mutual IS THE STRONGEST LIFE Jusurance Camp'g X3NT Till against- ' ... Utah Seott. JtSSJdVCritehfiejd and wife Ma ry. Joel M.itikin. Jackson MaAkius and William J. Mnnkln. It appearing to the latJfddlon of the Court that Jackson lUikin, Joel Jlankin and Willi n I r..i.:Nl if... ... . .... ... u. .....iui ii. i.' .'in ra it. ti... f.a.. f st h(i7 for tamplm mtotftl the kind oj gotntx deeirt (f. We keep the beat grade of ev ery ctaee of goods, from the lowest to the most Costly. Vm" Orders acoorr.panied by the cash vcill be eni tr n t. Prompt-paying W110LE5ALE BUYERS : wide beyond thu limits of this State It i re iuvited to uifpect the Stock in our Jobbing therefore order. ,! that o1,l;-.: v.. i- .nd PackngsWcjment. AddreM . i fr ,,x ,.t. , ' '. un,"T "'"'T 177, 199. anl aud !403 West Baltimore St.. . ,-., TZT" P""'"Be ,n " town OcU2l lAJv- Baltimore, lid. I"' ansuurv, . notitvitigaid nonresi- 5 Hi. (it iluf..nl.i . ... 1 1 .. r . Court at the Curt J s j,, Dobson on the 2Hth day of December, W0. then and there I., j.' ..... i nwer ordeuinrto the petition and complaint filed in the (iftiee of "he Clerk of said Court iju tie 15th day of November. Ie70. otherwise it will be hard cxparteastu them. Snd j idgmer.t rend red accordingly. Witness. A. fl. Fr-e.i an. Clerk of said Court at Office, this the 15th of November, 1870. A. II. FREEMAN', c. . c. dtc2;I8 6w-or. fee $10J Yadkin Valley Nursery. THE proprietor of tbia Nureryoffer? to the trade, th'ut .i- ... a large and splendid assortment of Fruit Tree,con--iting of Apples, Peacb, Pear. Plum. Cherry and apricot. Also a fine lot of Grape Vines. Strawberry and Rasp berry Plants of the most apiwored kiud. -r Send for ca alogue and learn prices. Addrec. At E. COSRAD. " Tlsnns, Forarth Co., !f. C- Sot. 4. 1S70-3BL Advantages of Life In-1 t surance. The North America Insurance Company navart Trtwiuiunja promptly without chaige, , w. if, MUl.UtK.M.S?. Ageot, North America ETfelna. Co. I ' TipM xsvtux, V.C. Dear Sir .You will please accept my sin cere thanks for your prompt' payment! I'lAoa eAaire, of the amoorrt of the policy of Inur auc on my Husband's Life, amounting to the snm of three thou .and dollars. At your ear nest and repeated solicitation be w as' induced to insure in your Company , and now we aretho recipeuU jjf it benefits. lo you aud tne ortb America Life InMir- anee Company we shall feel under obligations, ' such as only the widow and fatherless cau feci ; imll a t nr..- 1 Mar von have sncces in induckn-1 other to "!K C upon strictly equitable terms insure in your most liberal company, and may the Lord of thowidow and orphai's ble you and prosper you iu your good work. M AUOXBET C. BAaaS, of Rowan Mills. N. C. Mrr Holderneas is also agent for the Liver pool, Lopdon and Globe Fibs Insuraacc Com pany, which inaaresall kiiidn of public and pri vate buildings. Railroad Depots. Bridaea- Fac tories, Fonnderies, Mill and MercbaMliae and pays all i' a loae.a promply. . All letter addressed to Mr. HoldCrnes. at Thoinaeville, N. C will receive prompt atten- " . dec 3 tf Acquired Capital over ' $-,000,040 Ratio of expense to total receipts ha 1009. onlv - at9 per cent. - ' It- r4io of Assets to LiahffiHea. aa measnred by Ihe New York IgIStalirard. is lloS.Wl nr tnm. .. A la i - .11 j 1 1 . . 7 1 . anu iv cmnir an uepirnine lorms ol Insnr atice upon strictly equitable terms, and at tha cheapest attainable mte ol ewt. 8- D. WAIT, On. Agent, Aprl ly Office. Ralerrt. X. C JXO. A. Bit A DSN A H'. AmtmL SIMr Mrs. Henry W. Miller's Boarding House, COR. NEWBERN & PERSON 8T8. RALE16H, IV. C. febll tf - orexrn xoTEirasai jgd2 WILLIAM VALENTINE, THE BARBER. TVETt'HN'S HIS THANKS to hi OLD It. Fl! I RX Its mhA thai PnMie for th.. ttKaral f "patronage heretofore sitanded to him. "lie nrnr I informs t bom that he has fitted np a new and comiu.Miious Shop, la Dr. Henderson s Brick- Building Room Wo- 2. where he wnnM be pleased to see them. B guarantee ta give satiiafaction ia every rase He baa in bis employ of the best Hair Pre art in Weatam North Carolina. Ue requests a call from all. Jafixeary. W. C . Dec IT. I v.n -tf - ' ' '"' '' -r.

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