1 vr' V fc ! .1 ti... .Wft i i iiau .-.I .! ' i V ml tWl Rfrar7 JJU1UIHJUJJUHJP JIU I, , , a . '' 4P M JULi sbssK YuW watnJ '4ln1iifl JBa. ...Mjhau . , , a . ,, l. L 4ijPJtt ..: 'l,ito' t r l. i : ft r.s:.U' !w j , v sws. m'KmL MsiWA VOJU V. SALISBURY, N. cAecEMBKR l'3. 1810, 1wo. "fr III ITA u LIHBll I I. . SWtttlX. T i r-t ni I'TirtKC. Ml n im urn III M MK Lll Ik ... I . .-I .1.1.11 li.. I hamaktlm i i. -i.iii- ! ii k. . j i i i iiniiniv rtoiufii ivii v i . t r w .... . vi 7 FayeiterUle. L VATIC Wamaw for Kavrtd villi, dallr t eat Honda v. Thrnuitli Tirkntnlrnni (iolila bara rta Waraaw. u rarcttarlllaje. Throitfh Uokata rrnm Wrldon 'to ParaMatilla 10 TtmiagH Hrkata from Wllminfton, via VTar- I la. 9n. CHARLOTTE VIA TTADKSH0HO HKAD Of W.. 0.1I.U.K: da, and Haturday Ieavf Wadp-lioro , Tiicn- dar. Thurnday. and Saturday, atVr trian frotu Wilmin(rlon. CHATHAM R R. TO rATKTTKVILI.E AXD wEfJTKRN It R. : Leara Jhatfoaai Rail Ruad aJtor train frotn LaaTa Wootaro Rm.il at Joavsliuro' atW train from. Fayette title, daily except Sunday. DALUf aavUKiu I'oi.xt Stauk learaa eai place daily. Offioa aiHuluar'allob-l. Salem. X. C t T. CLEMMONS, Spet. 16, 1870 tf Contractor. $1,000 RKWAKO. HeBlnfs Via Tvg -nres all Liver. Kidney ami Bladder nixeaae.it, Organic Weakneai. Fetualc AiUictioiiH, Geueral De bility and all ewinp'alut of the Urinary Or gans, in male and female. I. (W0 will also be paid for any ease of Blind. Bleeding or .lolling Piles tbat De King's Pile Heuiedy fails to cure. OeBings MAtHC LINIMKNT ciues RheurnsvrisiM. Pains. Rrui.e hihI Suell.-d Joints, its Sla tmd beast. Sold everywhere, ."end for Pamphlet. La boratpry 1 42 .''rank I in st,. Hjilti more. JMiL aafty. .inrtOl' jts- too to jm jf.irrt .V.Mrtl.r ,i"Mltl, t- Ii H . tl Jii.-ii,. i.HI'I.i, IMf UVfcli IOMM PAMII.. H WiMi MClltN'. tiii M .iNr-il.ll.l, arai, frll, tm k quill, c nl, b'- il, l-rai ' nl rnihi oi l r In . un, v ii', u 'i,, i hi aimruini iii.i r III nd niA 'o. ih, i. . tiierta -IUnw arro . . i or. I.. eat. VnjWsy S'4SSI lOf I Wr l,l AffS r nt ptutn. r VKl I.-...! fr, ullnl M'A lttt nl ir.r- 1 ; i r IS'iOlll l 'X ' Will h lot,- l,t AIUUUM Sd.i aSrS rlerri. m n.'nfii A-- . J w, hihj.h- a o"., MS Ubrily -ir i Bskj MSBS), Pa. CADTIOK HrwArr of all Aenu Mil nr M tnn a. our., u Ite-sntjiw n sbaAT L'trliSraSroC Apnr r Sara. ueitiAl n t olil omii Ire. rn- nn.lK. f t r w.irihUafSfatk m a'S Sate all partir i in - nr uii' l M-irlilit.-. atiiler ilil iitnii-th-iuevel AM Af tn lao. in mli M-rh nan I, Bleed fr m i.i r out tpli. On ii-I Saiand t p n Sr parita who reae nar idSSilliliaiiil ml clrculnr mil orr woUMiAl;hioii t a en 11 lei-. oo 7- CJLKCHLS, IXJmOHO, Ulcera. it. II. KdlNK, M. I., 11 'h ihilH.ir i am-1 r Inni- tut. SSI Sr'-ti Si. PMi.-rtt W. P .. i.-l E. II ii I t N M. O , Obarlet, N. C , arc uiakHnr nimt rtrmarlmlilecurti asAsjBS't Cancers Tumors ana TJTCcers. nl f Bnuvl Iri-l'a c r adiWo'w t nl r mote IV Urreet Oanartwatnl Jnmori altlioat SO wettlli ih thekoi'a, with ni e vatic, eatlnf or aru'nc ai dl jrtt, .d wMh bat ntHr piln. la other trcktaoii thovld evrraau. -t Par parttru'arj, . i.d lor a circular, call ui on cr nd4r 't Ither ol His ao- r. Dr. Kline - 111 be Ith Dr. Green October SS h. oclTSm PHiiaLirs v brothers, TWO nOOHS ABOVE THE Court House, on Main Street, RETURN T1IK1R THANKS TO THE public for the vary liberal patronage en joyedby them during the past year, and hope, by fair dealine and strict attention to buaineeA to merit a coutiunauce. if not au increase of the same. We will cnntlrtne to keep on hand n pood sup ply .f rAHILY OK.0CE2a.IES, in ClUd' Fresh a, ., Fish, OF KVIPRT -rktLlZTY WliiSke&lirHttdies, Rum, Gtn, oc , d . - , . ALSO, BOOTS, SHOES, DOMESTICS, 1'IECK GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, In fact, almost eTeryUiirkg aanally Jrept in a va riety Store, all of which we will sell lew for Cash, ox Country Produce at the high est market price. rOILUPS A BROTHERS. Feb. W.1870 7-tf UXTf-nV K PltST PBIZI! IENU I WARDHD, The Circa I Soutliern Piano Islanufactorv. Wm. Knabe & Co., mM uai HiK or t Or and, Square and s7pright PIA NO FORTES, BALTIMORE, M. i Tbexe Insttumeiit-i hs ve been heibrs tliepubh'c fur nearly Kairty Yearw. snd upon their -scsllence atone atuin4 an iiiipitrchaaedprs-etniBeatC, wliich pronpees iu ""pljcJ, Their cDtSoiaes grent power. aeetneM and flne ninaing usaflty , ss sell as great rmrlty of Intonation sad WsstassStlwoiiiitinnt the entire scsls. Their . l . TOUCH is pliant and elaatie, ana entirely tree from the stir- LN "b!k M A N SHIP they are nheqioUeil ulng dona hut tie very trrt sesaoned niateriiO. t' larfe onpttal enp'pt r d in oar boaineaa emih!.- as to keep erintinnsiry an tintnenrr arsek oflHinhi r ,V .. nn hand. rje iUAAaa s,ar ktASAsksve onr New Im prdeed OverwfrnnV cVe and the Agraffe Trehlf . tSiBrerrmellt.MjtTTi 1 Puvm Sqi tt k Obasds. Ptep4n ,P?.vS)sH hi(h brin gftjfj nearer peif-etipa Un h heft Every Piano 1'ulU, Warranted for Five Year. ST. h- mAil. arriBcementi for the BuleXt'l r.'e aate Arern-v for the maef rt rated rAinB l 'r-; cams and JJrLonsoN. which we one. wsoteea.e SSfUU, st l.weat PjujSaryJ'HieA. ' lialtimore, Md. BARBEE S HOTEL ; I 0 PPOSlTEllAlTtrlttfrflT. m htm the Cars stop. . or norti Mall Stare s.r sVw tesv tui houe salty. I aiaajatcBea to amy point auen nutire (rVatefol tor ths liberal patronage of the paat we hope er strict attention to ths wants of oar guests t. ariTAte AnTu nca, to seam a continuance m nr wnr a. nfaUMVSH CaT p i BPrr. rVoprieter. Jast. . te7 -tf PUBLIflUBO WBCKLT T LEWIS HANKS Editor ami Proprietor. rr.u.uuiirir Mr SDBrrow ialrnilnc .he fell.!... heM " the UrtM J.un.rv u '7..- iV 1:" I I .. 1 J ft, ir - -....- rrmuon 10 aiMDifii soiaiorv. unrrrru. 7,. iiur n votioii. luo Dciiiu) ftdiouriiMl ' ' hu u nm wr U.Mi 1 HtJ. JAM' .1L J 1 rri. t . ... k Tata or ai 4-miptiun Onk Ybar. parable in advaaea. ... 3.00 Six MotfTiia, " ' ..... S Opina to oaa addreaa. . 18.30 to coptaa tn onv i 80.00 HaUi qf Advtrtitmq. One Square, first insertion ,..$1,00 For each additional insertion 80 Special notices will be charged 50 per sent tUfiMtr than the above rates. Court and Justice's Orders ill he publish ed at the stisss rates with other advertise ment. Obituary notieaa, over six lines, charged as advertisements. CONTRACT RATES. T r SPACE. 1 Suuare. 2 M) $.1 7 P 00 8 50 13 00 4 50 6 23 8 50 13 00 22.00 00 9 00 I? 00 20 00 "JfMMl 8 0011 00 15 00 25 00 37.50 1 1 00 16 00 20 (10 '(() 00 45.00 18 00 84 00 30 00 45 00 75.00 28 00 40 00 50 00 80 00 130 0J 2 Si nares. 3 Squares 4 Squares. I Column. t Column. 1 Column. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. SENATE. Decemlnr 15. 1870. Senate met at 10 n'cl :k. AT i I some rclioils il slrr-ciai Irlslrf. bring the bill on sslntit's -i. u t.ca . tiilten tip. The tjixth Seellnn provides that the su perinteiuthiit of puhlic iiieliuctiwi shall recti vc S50 per annum. Mr Olds moved to amend by inserting 32,000. Mr Love moved to postpone till lo- mnrroW.aL 10. Air Moore moved its indelimte post ponement j ltd eloquently defeudctl the present school system Mr Troy moved to iimeiid by inseiiiiia 81.500. Sir Unbans, of Rownn, ans in favor of friends Asked for, nn id wittily said, that 4, -la iuily la had not been tnowrl from this even by the speecl ts allien had been made ui de fence of fche system. " Mr E',VS. woiJd go for 50 cents. He wanted to tenr down the otlioas head oi thesjsiem. The object is to drive ibis man from iheStatc of North Carolina.and let him go back lo cold Cape Cod where he came from. A committee from the House of Rep resentatives amiouHcid that the House had instructed a committee to draft arti cles of impeachment against the Clove i -ernor, and that such articles would be drawn. The President inquired of the commit ter if articles of impeachment had Lee.i prepared. The committee informed the Chair that they had not, but would be prepared in due time The President then rend the law and announced that iu his judgment the Set. ate could not properly net until artich-e were drawn and presented. Mr Warren moved that it be announced to the house that the message lias been received, and the 8enaie will consider it and take proper order thereon. The motion prevailed and the cnminil tee withdrew." . -.. The dir-CHSfton on tlicjuxth section of the hill under consideration was then re sumed. The Senate then voted to strike out 50. and insert 81,500. Mr Love moved to reconsider and post pone fetnktr consideration till to irunow at 12 o'clock. Motion prevailed. Mr Graham moved to postponethc consideration of the whole bill to that time. Motion prevailed. Tire bill to provide for a convention "Morgan Said we have been he.e twWTyw days. We haVe repealed the Shofftter bill, and set divers bills upon their lg. We have discussed corpora lions costiiderabh', but we have done al most nothing for the good of the people i f North "Carolina at large. He spoke Mt great It-iagi h. Mr Latham moved to amend the oath Mr Warren moved to conaid r the bill by sections. Moiion prevailed. S. vii.il Hmciidmrnts tt eie digi iissed and .tUns!, Was wesh H publish the whole bill as soon as it ir complete, e Otn t them. Further consideration of the bill wus postponed till 7 p. m Xlr Warren ni" ed that the II. mm tin n sage on impend. ment be leleirtd lo a se lect committee oi five with iusuuetions. -Adopted. Adjourned till 7 p. m. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Dee. 15, 1870. The House met at 10 t'elek STANDING COM VI ITTKES Mr Johnston of Buncombe, from the liodicnsry committee, submitted a snbsti- rrM r rr i m v n lute lor nouse out, .o. u, in reiainni to r fieri ngbornt doenmentf. snd recommend it pa see (re- Mr McNeill, from the committee ea propositions and grievances, reported a bill to leptal ebap. 42, of tire laws oil J86S and '69, and recommended the passage of j tbe accompanying snbetitate. ' Calendar. It t 1 i " ! M ? i t...; i i .. .l.... iHYi. ana mam i aaaBBBBVM . i nn nt m i mi i u.: .. . raaaar" I i . mm a . . . -BMssvms . . I f i -w - H.a ' a . iw.fiii i tin i i . i ii- rni I uiai hiit diib viiiiuiii I fi lavasaAii i mmm ndar: -rc.iMB "n1 iM-;'i'irnr or rnuay, ic. jeili, Jf7 ' I Rrolved. Thai a coin mi lire ol llin-r for park rMWjBdgkr town Houw rallril lo onJYr at tlie uiiial lionr I t appoinlftl to w to th ftrwalf. and ai I "'P '" mil?r llllli o..k .ln.ll ( ommanicationi er-rraii fiom thr I the bar thrrrof, in the nnrm of tin Ifouae I of I.i'prrsrtitativeii and nf all (In- propl of the State ol North Carolina, to impearli Williasji W. Hold. u, Wovernor of North CsraliiiN, of high erhue anr) inisdi nn h n art (a office, and acquaint the Seiiatt- ilmi the House of Representatives will, in due linn-, exhibit (HtrticuUr articles ol impeach ment against lum and make good Hie same; and lhat the Senate take order foi the appearance of said William W. Hoi den to answer lo said impeachment Rosolvt-d, Vd, I hat a commiitre of set en he ajn m. il lo prepare and report ar ticles ot impt arhmenl against William W. Holden, (i .M i not ol the State of North Carolina, with potter u send for persans, pan is a. d ti t oids, and lo lake t. riiumnv in. il. i naih. BILL. Mr Mi Ah i iiitriHliiced a bill in appoint a comiuisariui to visit the Univereity. ('alendar. Tin- mortiing hour hat ii g expired, On mntt.Mi ol all pailoa the INieS ttileMir p lid. d ami the r rtilnii.oi in nferei.ee to ItUptai bluet I tt Mr taki-li lip 'I lie teas ami iiMtp w. re railed a Ml the Itejlutioii taes adopted.' Ol. tlinlion if M It LlllMill, i lie in! ii Wen- mi.-in i. i!i ii hi i. II- biil No. 148 to repe.il chap 4. and lot mini puipoMr. . tlimn tf 69 70, taken up. The H pen t the ri tim ( emu in nil in, and i In bill as all.- It il, pAtSSfd lie si t t'lal readings. Meseis.Sliudwiek, Sparrow and Welch a ere appointed as t omiuittee to wait on the Senate and notify that body of ilu pasragtvA)f.a resolution in rtf-rcucw to im e i inn. -ni The coiamiitee perfoim.-d llieir doit and reported ''that the Semite had rert iv i.i ... . . eu tueir message, will cm. -in. t tin- saiu and take proper net ion ilieiem.." On 0mm "I Mi l'lullipa the rules were fOSpended and a bill iu iefeni.ee lo the repeal of the laws of 1869 Mi relntttr to pei ile in and lliili age ti ,i, t.,ki if np ji.kl p.tsffd its set. nil reitdii irs. were Hisiieiultd inn! tSeimie inn in n ia- a .A . .in . i bill in liou to the election lo be held iu the 26th Senatorial District, on ilic 84th oi Decem ber, was taken up, aud passed its second reading. Tbe committee to prepare articles of impeachment, is ns follows : M essis. Dun ham, Scott, Waring, Bioadloot, McAfee, Jordan and Gregory. Mr Phillips presented a piivat letter from the Govern-ir, directed to Messrs. Phillips, Klliron, Morgan aud Young, of Wake, wbicb he requested to be read for informal ion. Mr Sparrow objected to the reading of the letter. The vote was taken and the clerk was ordered to read the letter which is as fol lows i Raleigh, December 15th, 1870. Hon. 8. F. Phdlipt, Stewart Ellison. W. TF. Morgan, T. IF. Young, House of Representatives. (ri: st u: men :--l'6ee by the reports ol j-TiTcHoure proceeding of yesteiday, Unit Mr Sparrow; ot licaulort, stand tin., "tin accredited organ of the ( iot , i nm , puhli-h . d in ibis -city, had demanded of this house that ihe Governor be allowed, at the bar of the Senate, td vindicate his character against what it characterizes as slanders." I desire to say, gentlemen, lhat I he Standard sot my "accredited organ."--I have no organ. There are papers in the State that are friendly to my atlinin intuition, and I am grateful lo them for their aenl in my behalf; the Standard in cluded, but I do not believe in organs ill the sense used, and 1 l ave no organ. The an icli s in the Standard demand ing my inipeadimcnl were uot anthoris 'd by me The only snide in that paper for which 1 am responsible is one (if recent dale (November 28ib) headed "Governor Iloldcn," ill which reference is made In general amnesty, and lathe relation wliich I occupy re the people of the State. 1 have pos'poncd this explanation until after the action of the House oi yester day on impeachment. I was amihius l uiake it but did not think I ought to do ii nl an eai lier mouenl :hau ll.e present. ' Very tinly vnis, W. W. HOLDEN, Cot ernor. Tbe House then adjourned. 1 ' h SKNATS. JttOHT 8BSSI0S. Thursday, Dec. 15, 1870. Senate met at hall past seven. rariMsui.it itrsiKE.-s. Consideration of the bill concerning a Convention of the people. i Mr. Cowles moved tn strike ont section 5 and insert the following, to-wit : It shall be unlawful lor any person to-1 vote in any other than the township in which he resides, and it shall be lawful for any citizen of the Slate to challenge the legality of votes in the. presence of ihe judges nr inspectors of election at the ballot box on the dsy of election : said judges or inspectors shall be the judges ot ine same. Mr. Hohbirrs,- eJt Rowan, offered the fol lowing as a substitute for section 5, to wn tbat tbe inspectors of election mention ed in section 1st of poiutcd by the e.'uiiit i-Aipei:tlt-, to be held on the 1871, and said O the same mretiiir. voters lor pacb tram ship iu sucb maimer aloiw an Hccuiatr vioualy n uin.-.. l in -hip. whoa duty it s auiiujr ot inwiisnip la such ran n t t i b-a-Vs SbAtttl t.tr.,,, m ettf tie electors previorlAlv regieiett d in sorb pve cinct or lownship, and still res ulina tin t e If. wilhnut reuililitiff audi eleeli.ra In I.. r gistrred anew , and audi reg islrars skall also, at all limes after bis ap ointment up to and on the day nf eh , -non afori-ssdd, kiip open said book, and skall bent the polls on said d.iv with said books fur the ngirlralion of any decora residing in such precinct or township and entitled lo - La. -.i I . I ' I M'KiBirai inn, wunae names nave never oe tore teen registered m -mli precinct or township and entitled to registration, a bore names have never In f re been ri g is! r red in such piccii.i t m towurhip, m .io not appear on the revised list. Nn cer titic.it. ot reK is t ratio a abaft be pitch, mid noelecmi shaH be entitled rrsrister or lo vote in anv irttrer writ inct rrr township than the it iu hi. h he s an actual and buliufde H rid-I I on the da! .. . Iiclion A t p IT lii AT to Vole, alliioioh Ins n.imt ma) Ir- uii tin- n uimnuoii b,"db miry he d.alleiinid as to l ie light In vote ii the day i.i 1 1, ciino ; ,,,,, lr question hall be il.-dd.d v the inspectors if lint box and the registrar I the precinct oftt township, before the ballot Is received. Which was adopted fin the substitute of feted by Mr. L..wle add iuetcd iu the bill. Mr. I.nh am mor.1 to amend section 7 line 8. after "twenty ' insert "ont" (wk'a-h L .-I .l -. . a . . . . pinnies mat in.- tiiiiiihfr ol il.legari s shall be 8I), and add al llle end of the Section, 'and tin- coutitv ot Dare shall In i-uiiil.'d to en.-delegate," which as ad- opted. ' Sectio,, 8 9 huJ 10 wa ., cousiden d ami p. lie. led. On motioii of .Mi U'.bbtus of Rowan, its furiher consul, ralk'ii was postpone I tiulil lo morrow al hall past ten o'clock. On motion tin Si-it--te a.ij nit,;, d The Senate wa calied lo order at 10 u uuva. IJTASDIItO COaMrrTEM. Mr. Gilmer, from the committee on lite the Judiciary, reported favorably on the bili concerning elections in this .State. On his motion, the rub s w-erd suspend ed for the purpose t'f pulling the bill on iu Severn, readings. - . - Mr. Graliiim moved thrt the bill be en grossediuid sent to the House at once Tim vote was then taken nn the motion of Mr, Graham to transmit the bill at once to the House, which prevailed, by a vote of 34 lo 9. Messrs. Bessie; , Prog den, Kppes, col., Fly t he, Hymau, col., King, Moore, Olds and Price, col., 9 voted in ihe negative. Mr. Graham, from the Committee nn the !.... I- Judiciary, reported favorably on the bill auihorisiiifr private stockholders of rail road cnrpoiaiinna. to puichase ihe State's interest in said corporations, wltli a re- . corameuuaitou to pratl flic same which. . . . . ' W- U.V 1 . ' ... . .I. .' was coucurreil in. sr CUI. OBHEK8. Bill to submit tbe question' of calling a oonvenlinn, to the people, aud tor other purposes. Tin- consideration of section 11 being first iu order, was niu-nih d tmd adopted. BIr. Moore moved to si like out tbe en tire 1 1 1) section. This section restricts the con"eiitioii as to the Homestead pro vision Mr. Jones said be desired to know if there were any Senators present ho. in tended to vote to tu:n the "convention loose on I lie Homestead, and, in order t" ascertain, demanded the yeas and nays, which Were granted, ."nd the motinti waa rejeded. On mot inn of Mr. Rabbin, of Rowan, it was ordered so "be engrossed, printed, and made the special order for to morrow at 11 o'clock. I , f On motion the Senate proceeded to det a 'Committee of Five Senaiois, "to tvbom will be leferred the tnessagu oi the House relating to ihe imp- aclitneut of W. W. Holden, Governor id" NuilbCa'tilina.wlrpr are to consider and report upon the sam, and they are inStriicieil to prepare and re port rules ot practice ana pioceaure so,- the Senate when sitting fr the trial of impeachment. 1 lie election resulted in the selecinii Jof the following Senators, to wit: Messrs. Warren, Graham, Ldi man, Dargan, and Mertimou. On motion of Mr Grab a in, the bill from the House fixing the per diem and mileage of ofBeiTS and mssabi-r of tbe Grrreral As sembly was taken tlk (Th s bill pTttprt poses to allow 85 p-r di. m aud 20 cents mileage to im-mbt rs.) Mr. AlbiighKwidjwti in favor rf;f ?3 psr diem, but a large u'.t.ih. r nf Sena- tors Were in fttnr of 85, but in ortler to eftect a-cempioinise ami settle the qie riion at once he would vote for 84. ami moved to strike out 85 mid insert 84 and 20 cent mileage and insert 15 cents. MrTleming mtrvt-fl an amendment to the amendment by substituting 83 per diem for S4 and 10 Cents luileage for 15 cents. The previous question was called and sustained . p bisjoflS o: The motion to strike out prevailed and S4 p r diem and 15 cents mileage was in- Itft orftfl rlitloi- im . I i.fi Inli-niit-tit ol I'n ir 1 iuo i n,-t I ! hffBjhfc r-i itv I in tlnir rrpaiva offiic. FriJityDaL. J tT iiMtiuvt nruiwn "' Librarian, arlvfuar information about I coaalvr : A bill HtffrTtf!! I i,la.-.-d o.i caWodar. , aWaW im. caH'iiutl. Mr. Brown (by request,) introduced n . ii . . i j ., bill to call a Convention to amend the Constitution nf the State. Tim bill was cad and referred to (lie Committee on Constitutional Reform. On motion of Mr. Bankin, tbe roles were, suspended and the Senate bill direct ing t he governor to issue writ fur an dec lion foatsknatitr in the 86ih Senatorial iltst net oa the 94th of December, was t t i up. , After some diseussioa lb bM Dseeed its i liii d reeding. A communication was received from tbe Superintendent of Public Works and or dered to be printed. On niorron ot Mr. Jones, of Caldwell. t lie rules were suspended and tbe bill to incorporate lite North Carolina Railroad and Manutacliiiing Company, was taken up and ui nte tbe apecial order for 8atur- ...t ...inuaiy , ocioca. .. . ' , . - . ...... . Oo inotion f Mr. McNeill, the rules wen- eusi'i-i.dc.l, snd ihe bill relMviiiar all sbi'i iffa and c x-shenffs iu arrears for taxes for 1888 C9 and '70, Was taken up aud passed it sevevai reading. CALIKDA Dill to repeal chapter 52, laws of 1868 '68, and re enacting cctien 4, chapter 85, of Revised Code iu lieu thereof, was taken up and pawned it third reading. (Docs away -with Governor's systrm of spits ) Kesofuiioii requesting onr Cpugreattben to endeavdr to have there Venn oil lobac kwi and distilled fpirit greatly reduced, was taken up and passed its third read ing. O.i moiion of Mr. Houston, the Senate, resolution directing the Secretary of State to purchase and supply the General As eeiiiM v w ith stationery sufficient to last lor the net thirty days, was taken up and passed its several readings. i .j.i.Mi.".ft' hud on ihe table. O i moiion ot Mr. Settle, the rules were suspended aud ihe Senate bill concerning eVtloti" in ibis t'tate was taken up, and on moiion nf Mr. Sparrow, was relet red to tin-( ommittee on Privileges and Elec tim a Bill to amend the charter of the West ern Division oi the Western V C. R K-. was taken op The biil provides tbat the Western Division ni the Western N. C. R. R- be empowered to issue bonds with coupons attached, running for such terms of years ss tbey may deem expe dient, and bearing interest at a rate not greater than 8 per cent per annum, and to make and deliver a deed or mortgage conveying tbe whole or a part of the right, title aud interest of the company In tiny or all the estate both real and personal belonging to it, to the purchasers of the bonds of the company, conditioned for seem lug I he payment if i he bonds at tua luii't ,aud also to pledge the prunlsof tnc c .inpany 10 the payment of ills interest On the bonds. I' he bill also provides that not more than 8100.000 of bonds shall be issued and sold al any one time. The company shall have the right to issue said bonds from time to time unlill the rosd is completed lo its Western termini .at or liear the Ducktown Copper Mines. That to mdeuiuify the Slate for all mon eys wliich have been or may hereafter be expended, io this road, a bonus or tax shall be paid by the company, of one tenth of one per cent on all moneys col lected from passengers. Messrs. Welch and Justice mad re mark of length in advocacy of the imme diate pnssage of the bill. Mr ttfrawlbrd said thiC'he wnold be compel led tO u record his vote against the the 24ili o January. Mr Brysaiii opposed the motion and urged the passage of ihe bill. x Mr L uke v Im pod Mr Wariug's motion woOld prevuit. Mi .iehiiston ef BniTcnbibe argued .In favor of fbf passage of the bill, but was wilHiig that gentleman should have ample time to consider ihe matter. He moved to amend the moiion to postpone by mak- . , , . . n r ( tmg tbe bill special order tor 1 uesday next at 11a. in. Mr Harris of Guilford, favored Mr. WuringU motion. - J Mr .'ohnston s amendment to Mr War iug's moiion wss put to a vote sod adop- tea. .. si . Adjourned. I If Ml 'tsSMtfii if la tJlil..l.jlA... . True love i a natural sac rem en t ; and tvn y""8 m"n thank God for ba ing saved wliai i good and aaibi in bis' soul, it is when he thinks of offering it to the woman he love. t I . Y J tetlV.X-s !.' II'' a i A child defines gossip- ''It's when no body don't do nethiug sad somebodyr goes and tell it." d' V) krM ' .c .ianyito a ;' " h v It is reparted tbat Kiug Victor Em manuel a a ad that taw taafority obtain edforkii son in Ihe 8tan is h Cortes does not represent the majority df the 8pinish nation, and that hs will not tltvretore. au thorlie tbe Duke of Aosts U sccrpt the Spanish crown. I n .. I . . . i I Tins is not a very el.-gant term, bat it I expressive. . It implies ewwrgy, enter arise, and lb go-ahead spirit. Tbe pas ions enttr into 'push,' and when wisely directed by the Intelligent and aseral seni (here Is sn elvgasxystemited language timenl, give i fflcicucy. On with tbe re- he can just as w ell use But don't yosi al pusb iu him never sava 'I can't.' nor I do it. Ton can have ho Idea how it annnrla will he be fonnd 'loafing around' en store counters, street corners, tavern steps, dunking saloons. I'usli always has sojh tuing to on. -m makss work. If sometimes becomes restless, and snows a tendency to boil over or explode, it Is be cause tie needs to work off surplus steam Be patient with him. Do not try to hot tie film tip, but give bim room lor oier cise, and he will come out all right. Take a wide awake child from four to six years oiu, mil or not blood, and overflowing with I I l a i . - . vital energy, bow can he keep sti!l f Such little 'hurrahs' Kmt something to do It is the duty of their parents to direct ana not restrain them. To require per' feet quiet ol sack a nature ia cruelty. a ... a 1 Tbe little human engine is simply a 'per- psinsi motion, every It or is alive from top to toe. All the engineer bas to do, is to keep lum on tbe track, and give -bits enough to do. Send bim oo an errand ; let bim briog wood, coal, water, or go to tnc post -office to deposi: or bring a letter. A sensible parent will lay oat bis work or ol. IV - Hi . 1 vie.. l,im ..........I. ..I i TV. I ' r"V "- s...KU va .. u3 and obedience may be more easily s.-v-aireo. i ue ciiiiii an cntidreii tbat a A '., .-Ii , , , , , ... mount to anything are so it full of path, ana must work it off in one wsy or anotb er. It is not of this natural love for action that thore familiar words "For Satan finds some mischief still For idle hands lo do," bavs sprang. Then do not try to repress ine spirit ot pus, but encourage and di rect it. Wuhea, it little or notinnc can be accomplished : with it. canals asav be dug, railways may be built, telegraphs put up, mountains tunneled, cities built, na tions established, and defended loo. Abe Scriptures justify the spirit of tusn, as tor example we are commanded thus : Whatsoever thy hand fiudetb to do, do it with thy might.' 'Be yo not afraid of thetn; remember the Lord who is treat a r a and terrible, and fight for your brethren, -mnT-nMt W.OT ned to flight the armies of the aliens.' 'Qi.it yourselves like men and fight.' But enough. When on the side ot the Lord we may safely ptmh on lo the end of life, and receive the sure n ward : 'Well done thou good and faithful ser vant' joh billing's. Msnkin lore misteries, a hole in the ground excites more wonder than a star up in heaven. Don't mistake vivacity for wit, there ix about as much difference as ilia re is be tween lightning and lightning bugs. Nature never makes any blunders ; when she makes a phool, she means it. - Thare is somepholks in this world who spend their whole lives in hunting after righteousness, aud kant find eiiny lime to praktice it. A kicking cow never let drive until just ss the pail gets nbull ; it is just so with some men's blunders. Tbe man who won't believe enny thing- lie kant see, suit so wise as a mule, for they will kick at a thing in the dark. Every time a man uffs he takes a kink out of the chain of life and thus length ens it. 'A poor, but dishonest euss !' this iz about az low dow.i st enny man kau get, unless be driuks whiskee. Living on hope iz like living on eind, a good way tew get phull, but a poor way lew. get phatt. It il human tew err, 'but devilish tew brag op it. 'J lie man who aiut got sn enemy iz re ally poor. Advice is like kaster ile. easy en off to giv, but dreadful uneasy to take. A cheerful old man or old woman iz like the south side of a wood shed, io the last of winter. Pity kosts nothing and aint worth no thing, A dog iz the only thing on this earth that lttvs yu more than lie luvs himself. What men kant do thev are apt to ad mire they dont kriticisc a mountain be cause they kant make one. Sekrels" are cussed poor property, en nt how ; if yn cirkulate them, yn loose them ; and if yu keep them yu loose the interest on the investment. Revenge is just az natural tew flow az milk yu will see little boys club fhe post tbat they bump their heads against. , Good axd Evil. He w ho has observ ed how throughout history, while man is continually nuau.-ing good, and turning it into evil, the ovcrrulinf; sway of God's providence ottl M evil is ever bringing forth good, will , never be cast down, or led to dispond, ur to slacken hi efforts, however untoward the immediate aspect or thing may appear. For he will kuow lhat whenever is laboring in the cause of Heaven, tbe power ol Heaven are work ing with him ; that, though ihe good be ia astning at may net be attainable in tbe very form be bss in view, the ultimate re sak will assuredly be good ; that, were man diligent in fulfilling hi part, this re sult would be immediate; and that no one who is thus diligent shall lose bis precious reward, oi seeing tbat every good deed is a part of the wot Id. DONT CSE SLANG WORDfl. Oirls, don't talk slsng ! I sary that any one should t!o t your big brother, though we wobTd ad via htm not to adopt 'elsreon Ensrllah' when I . f 7 . "I . to ears unused to or adverse to it, bear m or young lady, when she is asked to do I a - 1 thing h dee notarial, to, 'can't see k t' Me 1 who is educated and in speaking ot a young tended o go for bim I' and when hep i ter asked her assistance at some i answered 'Not for Joe. Now, young ladies of aezaeplinnshl. character and really good strUcauosj 141 into this habit, thinking it shews -rft-oess to snswer in slang phrases ; andthov eoon slip flippantly from their tonguea with a saucy pertiness, that is net lady like or becoming, Young men who talk, in tbat way do not ear to hear il from tbe lips they love or admire. Il sounds much coarser tben. . . , , . I be:.' or 'yon bet ' Is well enouwh be tween men who trade horses or lands ; hoi' the contrast Is startling and positively" shocking when a young mail is holding tbe hand of his lady lore, to bear those words issue from her lips. They seem it once to surround her with the rougher aM soci. tmns of his daily life and bring Wi dow n from tbe pedestal of purity, wl on he bad placed her, to bis own level. - ia Inst Mtua ,d) vol And really, slang does net save timw io the use of language, as aa abbreviation No ? is shorter aud moie decided than uot much I' and '1 know,' or 'I'll bet-'-nrt More than oi e promised wi'ddlne has been iudtfluiicly postponed by such means: far however remiss young men may ha themselves, they look for better things In he girls ot their choice : aud it does net help them mend a bad habil le adopt it liestfles, two wronifs never make a right. We know the bright-eyed girl who leads this will think the matter over snd say wc are right. r ,. a". . '.I!?' ... . ntu il .oic '. 1 lie California ac Scua ward bill. tots have done well in bringing forws at the very beginning of the session bti to aboiish the income tax. They propose lH V gWt. K WMi.frWVbf.-vWrrrrrl Republicans engaged in this good work. When the income tax was first enacted as a war measure, the representatives of both parties voted for it; and now that it is to be repealed, the measure should uot have anything of a partisan character. The income tax is clearly unconstitu tional. It ia most odious because of its inquisitorial character,. Jt is uftjajtbe cause it is not levied on nil in cornea alike, and because it does not bear equally on all psrts of the country. It should be re pealed it once. That is the true revenue reform, and there ought not to be any op position to it, in Congress or elsewhere. N. Y. Sum. Generation: A generation is the in terval of time that elapse between the birth of a father and the birth of his son, -and wss generally used in computing con siderable periods of time, both in sacred and profdiiu history. The interval of a general ion is consequently of uncertain length, depends on the standard of hu man life, and whether the generations are reckoned by eldest, middle or youngest sons. Thirty-three years have usually been allowed ns the mean length of gen- ciation, or three generations for ever, hundred years. In compiling pedigree, great attention is necessary to the number of generations in sny given period, is tbey form a guide to lira probability of persons having sptung from any particu lar individual. '' ssp -' T.ik Biblk Revision in Engl vnd -Tbe Revisers of the New Testament In England have just finished their 'fourth session. The PmU Mall Qtoette says : "Wease assured tbat the iniestat In ihe work is increasing with each meeling,and the progress such that theie io tiojp every reason to believe it will be completed within a reasonable time. There is, how ever, a dear intention on the put of the revisers to do their work thoroughly, md to subject it; when done, to a careful re consideration. No attention, tneietore, ought to be paid to reports of 'what may have been understood to have been deci ded on. Nothing will be really settled till the second aud final revision. The attendance of member it good," , i ...... I, Lin. We bring into tbe world with us I poor, needy, uncertain life, short at tbe longest, and unquiet at the best; all the imaginations ol tlic. w illy and the wise have been perpetually busied to find ont tbe way how lo revive it with pleasures, or &feeve it with diversksa, bursa te com pose it with ease aud settle it with safety. To some of these ends haste been employ ed the institutions of lawgivers, the rasa oniugs of philosophers, the iu vent ion of poeis, the pains of laboring, and the ex travagances of voluptuous men. All the w oi Id is perpetually at work about noth ing else, but only that our poor mortal lives should pass ibe ier aad happier for lhat little lime we poacas lbei er4a and the belter when ee lose iheiu. .as .. - A Welch Provxkb. If woman waa as quick with her feet as with hep tarn gee, she'd catch lightning enough to kindle tbe fire in tbe morning. Wot lensr ago we beard a vn. aft . . r p v ...