Hkte. ... lvl V ' . , ' I UAI. a - - WW: tfTheQDlD jXOrUI Vlult moved to anted by striking olf.ucl, tortric.,orip-.rJ 1K tv L.u-k;ii li. vir iok. eh.llru - or inimuniiiea of aafM VI iuv wm W . w - l - a .bb. I'l m.iNii nil nr.r.Ki.i a a r i mi irrnnni oi rumiH O 1 - WJ OF I i . I -. i s a . I. J PTB1.ISIISI) WEEE-V BY LEWIS H A N E 8 . Editor and Proprietor. 'ratkm or nvm utrrton nm Ima. rastOLle in n.lvatice M IH) .T VlftV I II i. I 'W address 12. .K (l t ..jjjes t.. .me SOS. BP mm ITAOD LIWBI! WARSAW 7o Fnyelteville. TKATK Warsawlbr rayettevUle dally ei J .etndft HoMl' 'I iiBl" koro' via Warsaw, to Keyettevillc.H. Through tiakwo rnm Weldon t. KayclWvills.il0. Through tickets from Wilmington, via war h, tu Faylrovllle.t. CflARLOTTH VIA TTADK-SHOKO. TO jr. and Katnrdav la-avc w ailrsrmro', Tues day, Thursday, nod Saturday, after trian from Wilmington. CHATHAM R. R.TOPATKTTEVII.KKAXI) WKSTKKN U. R : Leave "baliiam Kail Road after train (Voni Raleigh. Leave Western Koad at .fnnesboro' nfler train from Fayette, ilia, daily except Sunday. Salem and iricu Peucr ST.vdE leaves each place daily. Office at Uutuer'd Hotel, Snleui. X. C U. T. CLKMMONS, Hpet. 16, 1S70 f Contractor. 81.000 ukwaudT BeBinr'a Via Tngm -area all Liver, KUaey tad Bleddor Diseases, Organic Weakness. Female AttlirtiD, General De bility and all couip'aiuts of tint Urinary Or gans, in male aud female. 91.0011 will aim paid for any cane of Wind. Blecdiug or licning IM. - that De Ring's File Remedy fails to cure. IMIin's MACK' LINIMKXT eores Rheumatism. Fain. Uroium and 8nelled Joint, im MiM mmd betut. tfbld everywhere. Send fr Pntnphlet. laboratory I4i Krunkliu t.. Halti inore. Md. apr221y TXTq -n ,J MIKKT IW in KM ik.lU'i r U InlruducrthrliKNUIN IMP .OVKD C'OMM.iN HtSi-r INU MAC1IINK. ' Ji ii M 'i'l f li 1 1 ill (ill iiulfl, eord. I,!, brain nd tmlirul.l r iii . . , ,, , , , v .. rtamiinH. Me .ni, KybUMi Dollar I tJniow it.niroiui paieu us uiirn ieauiiir. A bill tor the relief ot the INortu Curo- rtiL. iw AM, lurk a Mi rl ffaHy warm Ird for Bvr yrari W- III m Onr Th. iii id Doll ' 'or any w'ar Inet1! illewa ru gvr. a om Kcaatilul, cr umr- Ik li. - . i,r,. It.' will mak Ik Castle I'-ek 8 l et. " Kra.j c nil (III h ran bv cut. Mai MM I rahii' i I pulled api'l nllh nl trar tagl . We pay airrn rma i I" Kuu r mwiili and ri peMra, fir a tun in "n arkl h laic Oial amouul Ad r n 'arlrraat l aKrnla Ar. J W. Koi. m.- A CO., H Llherly 'rri Phlla'arnhia, Pa. CA UTION Bre of aM Ar- lit Mlt uii Mac fata a ear-, a lea- Hi' y Ban aliow .Crliprati uTailei c g . ad an a, "ealia l not tnld o'l-aelvei ret onalb a f r warnileaa Ma. h n- - aold tty alb r iiartba an abnll u m ale all partlea art ins or nslrg Maeldnea nridir thla name ta tke full est nl of trie lav, t n eta aucb M-ich eaare-b tali'ed fT ki ut . r "ur eiiia. I'M iii-t pa Im nprd i j. u k par'le abn rnpy nur adrertlaeinent and clieulara an4 ffrrvAribleaf laaohinea at a a lee. aa 7 8o- C AKTCSM, TUBXORS, Vlears. II. KI.INK, al. II., at the eiMlalelii.M a ne, r Inall Ml ar. h M. fbiaeluUa. V ., nud E. H. UHkKN. D , C'liarlvOe, S. C, are making moat remarkable euro Cancers Tumors ana Ulcers. ' k peinrl ha - Ua. a r Attala- ' at IK raal Cani-era and Tuiifra willi'inl an nperatli n ailb IfaWka". with nit e uall , ealinii ur I urn'iin lu dlil'tr. I alth bin Utile li In. Na nOter Ireatmeii a ahnnld ever tie n. d One Square, first iiiaertiou (1.00 For each additional inertion 30 Special notice will be charged 50 jier eeut higher than the above rate. Court Htid Justice' Orders wlllbe pnb!lh ed at the $ame ratn with other adtrertie uienta. ' Obituary uotioMi erer six liuns, oharged as advertisements. CONTRACT RATR8. "5" I FACK. 3- 3 If n X i 1 'I Square. ii Sqilavrea. 3 Squnres. 4 Siiua'es. i Column. i Column. 1 Column. $250 937.1 95 00 9H 50 9190 , 4V (125 8ao,L')Q0 22.WI I tiOO 000 1J 00 20 00 :mmi 8 00 11 00 15 00 25 00 37.50 11 INI 10 00 20 00.') 00 45,00 18 00 24 00 30 00 45 IK) 75.00 28 00 40 00 50 00 80 00 130.00 Mr. Hanrrnvr, having fiven notice, moved io amend by trikiug out fo much of the bill aa allows voters to be cballen gi-il i. n tli.' ilny of i lection. Lost Nr. Pair bavin given notice, moved to amend by atiikingnat the 4th section (Amendment substantially the mum us Mr Ilaigrove't.) Loat. Mr. l'billips. bv4n given nothee, motr ed to amend by excluding from the provi sion ot the bill of tin city of Kaleib. M Hi ii in Mil ri"iair- TtT"frtl LEGISLATCRE OF NORTH CAROLINA " BKKATB December 21, 1S70. Senate met at 10 o'clock. The bill concerning the Wilmington V PHILL1 lina Kailmad (.'ompany, pasaod its thirJ readiiig;. Mi. Cook iulioJnced abill io relation to the Library. Thin bill make the Libra rian annually ca lt d by the General As sembly ! Mr Spied, of Fa.sqnotank, called uj the bill concerning duck in Currituck, ibr- bidd'ng such fowl to be killed by cannon pUnted on the bank, or by a gun that any holder cant hold in comfort on his shoul der. The matter was in suite confusion. Two able lawyers .had discussed it, but conM urn come to n eOTrrinsiotri nt least n it such that yu could trust it. The bill was rend again, and rlien'li was read agal and pupped the Senate. " On tnotioii of Mr. (jilmerr w-bilt for tl Ear SSWIIru ar,, aei d, far a circular ealluuon or addrrn ' relief of die SlierifJ' uf Guilford, passed its AtUa. M ha a 1th Dr. Grren OeiaaWe SS k i-..viai I'.i.n. . Mr. tiiluicr lutroduceu a bill to amena section 3d, chapter 182, private laws. Mr. Olds spoke in opposition to the bill and the bill pussed. Sir. Gilmer introduced a bill to amend section 49, chap. 93, laws of 'C8 and '69 Mr. Bellamy a bill to require the Statu 1 reasorer to pay to the County lieasur cr of KdgecomBe die school money of that County. Referred to I otuuiittee on hd ucation. Also, n bfti nutlioiizing the Coanty CouitnisMoiicis to lay a special tax. He ferred. MW Troy introduced a bill to compel President and Directors of Railroads to account to their successor for ail proper ty and ( Sects, on pain of imprisonment m the penilentmy. Referred. Bill concerning debts in municipal cor norntinn. was taken tin and passed it. 3d readings. Ayes 28, nays Mr. Ily man. Hill to prohibit justices of the peace from practicing law in certain cases, pass stand that the citiien of Raleigh do nt desire this. I he Speaker called Mr. Sparrow to or der. Nn discussion allow.itnV nnder call tor tin- prrvroKv quest iio. Mr. Fliiiiipa It leems e.trftrdinry that this city or coumy should have ay speei il repieseutalive in thin liotisi he side my ctillengnea and m elf The ameiidnieiit wh rejected. Mr. SvlpMrkjaimg given noilee, moved la UMtmhv invrttig the words "Provj (led that iioiliintr in hi bill shall apply to the town ul 1 lix.ibeth City or Oxford." L st. The bill then passed it second raad- 'I In- House then adjourned. Wednee-Ja-, Dec 1870 House called to order at the uaunl hMi Mr. Tomliiison introduced a bill to pm vide tor the hetter prnfecliftii nf the wnol gtowiugiaHerewU of Ike Slate fTiX. -each df)g One dollfir. MnneT to be used for 'durational purpose. iCalendar. Mr. Johnston, of Honcombe, bill Tn MUlhoriie the eonstruclion of a turnpike from Malone Is Wilson' store in McDow ell ta Flat Greek in Buncembe county, to be known as the Ssrannannoa Gap Turn pike. Aks no appropriation. Passed second and thiid readings under suspen sion of the rules. 4 Mr. Waring, abill to ascertain and de any other act rights, privilegt , raoii in rtir Slate, , or previous con- meed to Inui, th amend incuts the I tilu d Elates : I ainendtaeut to te which shall nt to the with, modify, rep to i .-strict, or isnpair or immunities i auy on acconnt of racs, lion, which are now by the 18th, J 4 It a to the Constitution nor shall they p the Constitulion .li an V ise pro vide lot. alaeelxildeo of tlte Stat'-, or anr otlr ' ' -" a .a k . Bf slaves; nor shall said ( niiveiilion any ordinance, or islTer any amendment which shall in any wive provide for the infliction of corporeal punishment for criminal ifl-ucHi ; nor said Convention hate power to abolish the present ss stem of public Ishttructi hat to rank, such al t. ratio to said system a said Conven tion may le. m oecess.iry and propar; uoi shall sail. Cnuveiitioii have power to pass any ordinance, to aheHsh, or in any way inierfern mtth the loer-tings or adjourn ments of this General Assembly ; nnr shall said Copveution propoM- any amend ment or alteration, i niuiiing unynrnperty aerting that the Convention shall assemble on the 3d instead ot ''it 1st Monday in April. Adoi Mr. Uarria, or f ranklin, movra to amend thai portipo of ike bill which pre vx uta any one from voting oa aeertittvaie from the registrar 9ff bis own township. Ist. flBt Mr. Waring moved to amend do bill hj incorparailng In the resiriciioiis iui- - il.., ,...l "alio I 'on vent ion shall rate a clause in said Constitution ISk-k lis I I staai. bioii made in the Supreme Court in tbe case of Sarah Hill va Tobias K- sh r shall be tak-n to be the true and final decision otthequestion " Decision of Supreme Court alluded to is retrospeetivc covers old debtee! Adopted. Mr. Aahe moved to ameud the bill by striking out the word "rebellion," refer ring to -tbe late war and inserting ike word "war." The amendment was ad opted. Mr. Anderson moved to amend by pro viding that the convention shall have no power to rescind, modify or in any way interfere with .-c 5, art. 6, of the present or p.iuratinnal qualification fir vottis or constitution, which relates io lending the iitDccn : nor shall said t on vent I' iii e ,IPS V BROTHERS, j.. MOORS ABOVE THE Court Bouse, on Main Street, KETl'KN THEIR T H A X K S TO' T II K public for the vurv liberal patrunaeu en- nyed by tlnmi during the past year, and hope, -Mr dcaline ami strict attention to business i merit a continuance, if nut nu increase of the line. . ..... . We will continue to keen on bond n pood sun- klv of FAMILY GHOCEIES, Jadtn? FrrMii ami Salt FiH, OV KVKKV VARITJTl' eft, Brandies, Ham, Gin, &c , dc. ALSO, VPS, 8HOKS, DOMESTICS, PIECE GOODS, " AISKEK NOTIONS, fact, almost everytliing usiially kept in a va- Bture, all ot wbteh wu will sen low for or Couotrv Produce at the hieh- jutarket prui1. rutifLirs A HHOTHEHIS. feb. 1 8. 1870 7 tf ITT FIVE FIRST PRIZE 'llilMI.SHVlRDi r, ! cd its 3rd reading, aye. 30 Hill lo allow to all the commissioners ot Orange o levy a special tax passed. Ayes 32, nays MessiB. Kppee, Hyman and Priccl Mr. Live rose to a question of priv l.-e The leadit ir ni tide in the Standard of this mornine was a tissue of falsehood from' beginning to end, and totallv in s represented his ..position. Ilia nl jection 1 to Mr. Ashley was not thai he was a Northern man. Mr. PricV asked tbe 8enatn to suspend the rules in order that be wight introduce a bill. 1 lie .Senate refused uuu adjourn ed. . . . , ; . ' j -'ii.: i Tbe Cireat i Southern Piano Manufactory. Wm. Knabe & Co., MAMl'rACTCaCkM OP Grand, Square and Upright I A X) FOHTKS. BALTIMORE, Md. . Instruments have been before tlirmiblio for 1 Thirty Yrura, and upon tlieir excellence i attsineil an unpurchased pre-eminoatetw-ic'tj i Beui uneuuiii. iiieir T 0 -N K lass arenf poaer. SWtVtaass and fine alnjrinjr as nciia iae xrsai tmnty or lntntinii rlnesstfiroiVahnut tbe estde scale.' Their T O D G H lit aad elastic au.i eutirelv fre from Uie atiff- inu in m trttinv pinmis. IN W 0 RJt M A N HIP lire nneajtniletl nssJiK luit tie very best material, tat Jaiyi- c.intul cniined in ous ssMBsaa ta . -f .-tittm na I ly Skimnleiise SlfcSS. V-.Am ltai, 14 aaa If pur Sgc a kk Ti a No have our Near Im ii'ViKiij vie amt the AsTtalfa TiW. woill.1 cTTsieeial attention to mn late amenta in (Ikami I'iavos aki Sgi-asi: I' .tented AutruM 14. IHfiei. whieb brine iao nearer perr.-ctioD than has yet bveu St- Piano Fully Warranted for Fire Years. ve made arrans;erai ts for tbe Sole Win. n. v fur the most re'ebrated Paklob -i ilia oi.kons. liii b vaunt, liolcsle ill, at Lore-eat Furtorv J'ri. ea. cat CO., Jtiiitore, Md. oti tBEES HOTEL, 11 it; II POINT, N. C. KWITfi RAILROAD DEPOT. firt j&ccs front where the Cars $top I laa fur Solera leave this aWMBf laity. Leaver .tKristrtied to say (oint at abort notice aanrivaV eorvevanre. Caa4Sil for the liberal etron?e of tbe raja, e I Aaa1ai t n " "- want of oar guest- ,, "Writ a continuance of th snme. I 'll. li. It k TTF I, r87e -If ''' -I" -la.r. HOI SK OF liKPRESEXTATIVES. Pes. 20, id70. StdttT 8ESIO. Th House met at dock. A Senate bill to provide for the remo val of certaio suits to adjoiniug distritHs, (when the Jinip; is iiiteTestedJkc.,) was taken fiom ike calendar and passed its second and t litre! readings- , On motion of Mr. Gregory, the rules were suspended, and a Senate bill to ex tend the time for collecting and paying over taxes for the county of Martin, was taken up and passed its second and third readings. On motion of Mr. Dunham, the rnles w re suspended, and a .Senate bill in re lation to municipal elections was taken op. Requires a residence of ninety days in the town or city, and ten days in the ward. Fixes the time of election in all loams and cities, except for 1S7I, in Washington,, on the first Monday in Malt (f,rach year. J'oes not affect Fayette- . necessary amendments and alteiations to -ville. ""TTCoTtiitiott of the.. State, (excepting Mr. Sykes moved to postpone the con- the restrictions herein mentioned,,) not tn- sideration of the bill till the 24th of Jann-: consistent with the Constitution of the arv, termiue the rights and interests of the State in tho Wilmington, Charlotte nud Rutherford Railroad. Referred. On motion of Mr. Dunham, the general municipal bill which passed second read ing on Tuesday night was taken up, un der suspension of the rules. The bill being on its final reading, Mr. Dunham called the previous question. On the call for the previous question, Mr Page culled for the yeas and iiaTT Mr. Sn uilwick insisted that t call for the yeas and nays in such a case was clearly out of order, mid read from Bar clay. Mr. Sykes hoped that. as Mr. Strud wirk was chairman of the committee to 1-h.iilgS the present rsliri net ween t In- pill and pro i.crtj, tax, or provide lor racing theaspoll lax, on " .Love' AvnhtWV' for all f ordinary Slate and comity .) purpos, s; nor dixit said ' omentum be alio Waal to pass any ordinaifC. nr ordinances iegi-la live in the chrtiacter, except such as are ueajraaajk lo submit the (.'oltslUuUon amende, lo lite people ol the fitale for their or rejection, end provide foi tilling such vacancies as tuny occur by reaou of any amendment or amendments m ide by said Convention, to the Cousii tut ion of the State ; and except ordinan ces in relation to the public debt; nor shall said Convention have any power to no i v or repeal, that clause in the pres ent 'oust iiuti'in, which provides for a me chani ' and laborers' li. n law : nor shall said Convention have any power ,to mod ify or repeal those clauses in. the present Constitution, which provide that there is no right to secede, and that every citizen owes paramount allegiance to the Consti tulion and government of the U States. (Article 1, section 4 and 5 ) The bit! also provides that th consti tution, as proposed to Im amended, shall t he suliiniiti d to the people for ratification or rejection. M. Harris, of Franklin, spoke eloquent1 ly and logically in opposition to the pat-' sage of the bill at the present time. If this mode of proceeding was to be contin ued, constitutions would soon cease to be reverenced, and the law would become credit of tho Stale in aid of corporations, tec. Mr Jams oppuaeal lite amendment, and thought that the clause of the constitution which it ia proposed to strike out has been the oause of all oar financial t roubles. Mr. Johnetou, el Buncombe, favored .he amendment. The perversion ef the claun of the con-tit ni n.n alluded to wee tbe causa of the financial evils mentioned. On motion of Mr. Sparrow, the House agreed to bold a night session, beginning at 74 o'clock. Tne House then adjourned. THE INFLUENCE OF A TRUE WOMAN. superintend the printing of the rules, he would have them prepared al soon as pos- i no more than fl rot'e5 of. sand sihle. We have now been in session tM. Harris, dGuilford, was opposed i h li t v niio il.iv.-, and no rules to go by. He would like to know we were to be governed, &c. I he Speaker ruled the call for the yeas and nays in order ; and the vote resulted in a call for tho previous question. Mr Page having given-notice, movid amend the bill by striking nut the provi sion excepting the towns of r ayetteville and Washington from its provisions. lost. Mr. Sparrow, having given notice, moved -to amend as follows : "after the word Washington in the sixth section, insert the words 'and Goi.lsborn,' and at tin- end of the clause insert the following: and all nfiicer who shall be dieted in said towns ot Washington and Goldsborn, tlx election in Jaiitiarv, 1871, shall continue to hold office till the regular election- m May. 18C2; Provided further. ihal in nil cm. s and towns not specially xecpted in this act, all nersou now in office by virtue of an? election, shall eon tmue in ( the. until lire fjrut general dec- lion in Mav, 1871." Adopted. Mr Miihsnn, having given notice, mov ed to amend by sti iking nut the provision allowing voters to be challenged on. tbe ay." election. Lost. Mr. Ashe, having given notice, offered an amendment executing VY ilmiiigloii from the provisions. of the bill. Adopted. Mr Ellison, having given notice, moved o amend by striking out "May" and in serting "Jannary-" Lost. I he bill then passed its final tending l y the following vote: leas 54, naya 33. - i, Mr. Robbius introduced a bill allowing oiiiity commissioners to fill vacancies in their own bodies. Calendar. A Senate resolution providing ior a re cess from' the ?2d of December to the 1 I th if January 187 L was taken up. Mi. nrne motvert toapiend hy sinking "22 !" and inserting "26: h," and by strikii g out '11th" and inserting "16il." Adopted v. Tbe resolution, as amended, was liken dopted. J 1 he Senate bill to call a Convention as taken up as special order. The bill proridea for an election for a Conveutjoti on the lGihday ot February, 1871 ; and for the meeting of the Convention, if call ed, on the 1st Monday in April, 1871. The restrictions of power proposed by tbe bill arc as follows: "Site. in. That said Convention shall have power to cum-idi r Even in the busit t tiTwu end amid ihe most absorbing pursuits, the hearts of men turn with an instinctive homage toward those who have brought down and illos il in' their lives the purest precepts of our faith. The man who carries them with him wherever be goes, in meekness and simplicity, bears also with him a weight of authority which silently disarms tbe shallow reasoning of Sadduceau eel 1 fi.-llllCeS and unlieli. f. i Ik III. ol a tun woman reveals lo us sources of influence which t e world ran never give. She may be endowed with a charm of persona! loveliness which adds ! io me ainHciivrufsK oi ner virtues ; sue may have m! . .ini.i.-s of wealth and posi- tiou which give her an opportunity that j all cannot have to show her disinterested regard for others; she may lise qualities of mind and heart which "peculiarly fit. her to be the pride and joy of her friends But these are not the secrets of the pow er which goes from her. throuirh which Some close sleafvcr of our social rela tione, having liMikes about among his ajar ried female acquaintances, ventuiei to give tbe following list, with an attempt ta indicate the real rsous which inflikaoee too many to isarryw MAJtltTlV 1.0a A BOMI Nuvabar one baf married for a borne. She got tired of walking in a factory, or Mtchlng fljjJj,t mrr rifles, new bonnets, and nothing to do. Well, she has got her home ; whether or not abe is tired of the incumbrance this deponent saith not, inasmuch ae ibis de ponent dcei not positively know. costacLTixu raiiiLr ntriinn. Number two married because she had seven young sisters, and a papa with a narrow income. 8be consulted the inter ests of ber family. Perhaps aha would better have consulted her own interests by taking in light washing or by going out by the day to work- SUK USED TUB SOUND OV MB. Number three married because Mn. sounded so mack better than Miss. Site was twenty-nine yean and eleven months old, and another month would have trans formed her into a regular old maid. Think how awful that would have been. WANTED HflMrnODT TO PAT BBB BILL. . Nt: tuber four married because ahe wan ted somebody to pay her bills. Her bus band married for precisely the same rea son, so they are both repenting at lei ire. KOT GOING TO BE LKKT BEUIND THE TRIALS OF CfH RTSHIP- TWO GALLANTS IN A PECU LIAR FIX -THEY ARE RES CL'ED Br STRATEGY. rmsa the Erie (Pa.) Ifianakck, Nov. tl. Discreditable so the following story may be to the parties concerned, we kaVf I lliose engigra in n, a railroad facts t Twofriends- and Dick went a few nights! on a uuape pi aanmefff who their mother In a southern portion of the city. The old lady is slightly deaf and tbe giila somewhat roguish. Tbe two gentlemen were graciously received by tSe old lady who formed a fifth in tho so cial circle. Ordinary bed time came, end tbe gentlemen professed to leave, tho maids showing them to the door. Bat this was only a ruse to get the old Jady to bed The front door was onened and shut, and the girls returned to tbe dining room, the two beaux having been slipped into the front parlor and left there in the dark. It was supposed, of course, that the slightly deaf old lady would soon be in the land of Ned, but sbe took a sudden whim to go and ait ia the parlor fcr a while, and, taking no a fight, started sW 'hat place. Dick and Tom had been aow I is li to if and watchers, and now aaw the old lady approaching with a lamp. As sbe passed into tbe hall of course their only means of escape was cot off. Dick made a dive behind a lounge that stood out a few inches from the wall the frame work was too low f ir him to crawl nnder and Tom, finding no other place, wed ed himself in on top of D'ck. The o! White bad a nice new husband, and sbe wasn't going to be left behind. Pity if she couUu t get married as well as other folks. MA hi: Vi Mi FOB MONEY Number six married because sbe was poor and wanted riches ! Sbe never count ed ou all the other things that were insep arable from those coveted riches. o the bill at present. He knew that the bill contained certain reslriclions, but such restriction would not he regarded i .,. i e -i . ......'..: zt uy uie lie in nerd ni in it fuouvtiinoii, u - ... , , - , .. , ,, she creates around her an atmosphere of tin. to s ion I.I bo one e-llled It Won I le . . . ... a Convention of the people, and ihey would net regardless of dictation. Mr. Wilcox said 'hat became here pledg ed against a convention, that is, a con vention ordered by the Geueial Assem bly. As this hill submitted the question to the people he was in favor of its imme diate passage Mr. Mc.ffee wanted it understood tbat he was in favor of a convention, no matter SUE LIKED TO TUAVEL. Number seven married because she thought sbe should like to travel. But Mr. Number seven changed his mind sf- lerwards, and all the traveling she has done has been between the well anal' the back kitchen door. M A It I; VI M i OCT Or SPITE. Number eight married out of spite be cause her first love had taken to himself a second love! This piece of retaliation might have done her good at the time, hut in the long run N umber eight found it did not pay. WANTED STMPATHY. Number nine married because she had read novels and "wanted sympathy." Sympathy is a fiue thing, but it cools down at a rapid rate if the domestic ket tle is not kept boiling, and the domestic turkey is undone. Novels and house- genlle, benignant affections, while she fills each day the perhaps unacknowledged and unrecognized offices of kindness that j keeping don't run very wdl together in mike her borne a centre of Christian char- harness, to use a snortine phrase, and ities and graces. Her life while it is with number niue's supply of sympathy didn't us is a perpetual ueiiison ; anil wnen she in, d out verv on.' s. r . - ... . t - o- is not, it is still, in ever-wideuine and deepening circles, diffusing itself through the hearts of those she loved and through the community in which she lived. There lcl ... l.. ...... j.A : , i - i II . I .a ail urin uinii 01 uuanilll I II II III ' lice how authorized, and he would vote lor:., ., , . , , Ilia II tllft llVlllie iiro-O'lifi. nr u on (hot ia ----- IS y . . ...... i. one. Mr. Martin moved to amend the first section of the bill-by inserting a proviso that no device shall be used on the tick ets in voting for or against a convention. b tt bseq ti en t ly w 1 1 h d in w u . Mr. Settle moved that further cnusid eraiion of the bill be postponed till 7.1 o' clock, P. M. Lost. Mr. Harris. ofGuilford, moveilo amend by requiring l he election for a convention on the lfitli of March instead of 16tb of February. Mi. John.-ioii, of Buncombe, w. op- pecd to the amendment. Ho was glad to see IhafUcpunlicitus on this floor were not disposed to offer captious objec ions to tbe bill under consideration. Tbe peo ple want it lit f. and demand it at our bauds. He took Hio gronnd, before Ins constituents, that he would oppose the calling of a convention by the Lcgisle Legislattire This bill allows the peoplu lo cull a convention. II r. Lyon thought lite people, especial, ly l'ie representatives now and heretofore, of Buncombe, were like the climate and l.nnperature of that county - very pecu liar.' He was opposed to the amendment Mr. Johnston courteously rebuked the remarks of Mr. Lyon In relaiiorr-to' the temperature, dec. Mr. Nicholson opposed the amendment offered In the spring-rime all the farm ers of the eon tily Xoujd 4e bnsily enga ged. In February1 they would generally be idle. - Mr. Harris, ot Guilford, thought that withdrawn, the silent memory of those who are thus the dearest exemplars that we have known of the spirit and the reli gion of Jesus. ATender Hkaktkd Engineer - lo comotive engineers are a peculiar class of people. Some of them are very supersti tious, and feel almost as bad about run ning over a roan and killing him by ac cident as though they bad run over bim purposely. Others look Upon it only as one of the incident of the profession. n.v 'ina iuuii a re Killed, said Jack 8tnlih, gl.swufly, after tbe cor oner hssd "sat" on ihe victim. Jack was engineer on the" Cleveland-Toledo Rail road, and one of the best tbnt ran into Cleveland some two rear'. Hundreds of people made it their habit to walk on the track for a mile or two out ; and as there were several tracks with train passing and repassing con stantly, careless ar oVrdrpWople (and deaf people always seem to prder a railroad to walk on, ) in stepping off the track lo get out of the way, frequently get rigltt in the way of on spprnaehrrig nnobsei v in another direc?ini. In such cases, how ever careful an engineer may be, he can not prevent a collision. "Yes, said Jack, after brooding over it in a very melancholy way, '"hat's the eighth man I've killed just in that way walking on the track, ud then stopping right in front of my locomotive 'thou't once seeing me. Hot rot is the wust case Number five married beeanse Fanny I Wl ,be N ke borean, took op . - ... . . I L . . I - i. L. .1 Jaa . i ... i i uot.a, nnu uenncraieiy setting nerscii on tke lounge, began to read. The feelings of tbe two nice young tnen behind too lounge may be better imagined than do Scribed. Tom was in dread of immediate detection, while Dick dreaded smothering. Ha wal so frlghtfnlly cramped tbat ba was getting reckless as to consequences, and in a mulled voice that only the old la dy's deafness prevented her from noticing, mumbled to Tom, "Kick the lounge over,' blow tbe lamp out. and let's jump t h rough the window As Dick was squirming in a way that boded a sudden expose for Tom. it is probable that the latter would have taken his advice to the letter, but tor the interposition of the quick-witted girls. At first, expecting tbe cut was out ot the bag, they had kept back, ready fb lake tbe storm of reproach they could not a vaid ; but bearing no noise after tire aid lady t nu ml, tbey went to see uliat bad become of the two gallants. Two pair of boots and a font or so of pantaloons were visible from tbe door, and the rirle. making some common-place reoiarka ta tneir mother, went away laughing loudly. "Pliancy the Phelinks" of the chaps be hind the lounge. But in a lew seconds there came a shout from the wood abed where tbe girls then were, saying their lamp had blown out, and asking mother to come with her's. The boys heard them plainly, and even smnthf riug, Dick stop ped his muttering and threatening. Tko good old lady arose, wiped her specs and folded them away, and bidding the girls not to be frightened, went off with the lamp to their aid. It would be superflu ous to say that the lonngiug1 boys didn't lounge just there any anger. Tbey on locked the front door as quietly as they could, and Slid out without oven bidding the young ladies good night. It waa well for them tbat tbey did, for in leee than three minutes the old lady was seated on the lounge again perusing ber book. MARRYING 1 OR LOVE. Number ten married because she loved her husband with all ber heart and all her snul. And she loves bim still, and will probably continue to love him, and ia the happiest wife in the world so she says. c have all the right motive at last one which, when sanctified by a desire and resolution lo improve and elevate each oilier, and to live titte and holy lives before God, cannot fail to call down tke blessing of Heaveu. Bui sad is tbe fate of those1 who marry from wrong motives to escape their share of life's work, or to get something for which they have no thing to give in return. A colored mail carrier in Virginia, hav ing -been well shaken by a man for kick ing bis dog, turned upon bim and gravely expostulated: "Leook-.t-liere massa, you'd le tter be keerful how yon shakes dis chile I cos, when you snakes me, you shakes de whole ob dc United States. I carries de mail 1" m A. San Francisco undertaker claims to ha ve discovered a new method of preserv ing the dead human body. By this pro cess he petrifies R He exhibits a body that he petrified in July. 18G8. and it ex hibits no signs of decay. When struck, sayvthe editor of the Morning Call it gives out "a ringing metal ic sound." The color of th flesh is not changed. Ar- -SAW Itfk Thejllre making at Colt's factory a new (latent lock for the U. S. mail bugs. When fastened, a numbered plate of glass, covers be keyhole, and tbis glass has to be broken before the bag can be unlocked or the lock tampered with. It ia said to the people ought to have ample ftme toJ" ,T continued Jack, producing iitsV- " ""tV" 7"T TV".2 ' I . ' . a. . I , l.. I j r:e a ,. t Five thousand ot them have been nrdee..,! OI calling a Wll- T11" imiiincn.mi'i aim UUJwing ill ikmsc - - great injastieeo a very considerable uum tier ol our leitow vote on the 26th day of March. He thought a convention ought to be bad, nnd propose all but he was opposed In springing this ques tion on the peoide precipitately. MrcAfoe was opposed to the amend meut, at4 spoke at length. Mr. Jarvis moved to amend the ameud- 1871. Ihe bilL.if pnased, would do Lmtcd States, nut said Convention shall meut by requiring tne election lor a von- nave no power or auiuomy wnaiever, io ; veution on tne nrsi iinrnii. Kniiiiilar the (iiieslion of c.illinif venlion. A vote ob the I6:h day of FebX'10 muci Ming; "wnst ease of all, and would not call a convention sooner than N'I uredlul about it. His voice trem bled, and a tear trickled down his bronz ed check. tN "How worst of all. Jack ?" I inquired "Why, you see," said Jack, "ho was a big fat man, and he mussed my engine all up " by the posl-office department. 'Mamma," said an intelligent little girl, "what is tbe meaning of a book be ing printed in 13mo ?" "Why, my dear, it means that the book will be printed In twelve months." Josh Billings is willing to "bet a pint of peanuts tbat there aiist a Milleritn now living, nor ever agoing tew lir, whom y ' cood git lew take 87 cents in change for a dollar greenback, or would give dubbio price for a breakfast on tne morning o the day that is soil for the world's ie- struckshun. Wliv arat Minlre art-la' I , :L - -. j - - -- . i.a viicvaa nae m good print dress 1 Because they are woe, ranted to wash and retain their oalor. -W V r t ' - ' . V - f W s 9 sgny sB To cure a bachelor's aches -Carry to bim 11 yuids of silk with a woman in it. The following coroner's verdict waa re turned last week in Calhoun coanty, Illi nois t "We, the jury 's find the desecsed dead man knm to bis dead in tbe bans of sum unbek now n person, with an unlaufal iron weeping - namid an ax with a Lick. -ry handle : which unlanftil weepin wca mfed with deadly mtent to kilt the afore said Ded Man. 8Ml 1. 8. We I be aforesaid undei cismeil jnrys hopefully beiieve tbat the Ded MLaa was Beheaded by the said Ax." "Ton have only yourself to please, said a Benedict to an old Bachelor. "IW," replied be, "but you cannot tall what a difficult task I find it." A southern paper asks how women eaa rri! 1 1 fSax. orpro"pose any amendment or allei- of March, 1871. AdoptcOV Mr. J irvis moved to am -nd section 3d bv instnicling the Governor and counsel I looiiniiuns sre eminently inWarrantcd aud decidedly aiion of, or in any wise interfere with, re- wrnn". Lost. . i peal, or modify tbe Homestead and per The bill boinp oil its 2nd reading, Mr. sonal property exemptions, as provided for j to compare votes.'ctt;., on the 24th instead Dorham calbd Use preyioasqueltioti, and in A'de 10 of the Constitution of the I bf the lOtb of March. Adopted. I the call was sustained. '. State, nor .-h ill tbey in any way interfere j Mr. Dunham moved to amend by m- Mark L'wain has this advice for yoang J no longer move, die dock stands still men with literary aspirations, "Write, without pay until somebody offers pay. Sloth makes all things difficult, bat in Drudgery. The every day cares and duties, which men call uudgvry, are the we-ghts and counterpoises l tin- clock of uurp positions as post masters without nine, giving ns poiMjatum a true vibrn- robbing tne males J lion, and its hands a regular motion ; and j It is mcutianed as a touching co-inci-when tbey ct ase to hang upon the wheels, ! dence that a man in Nnah iile wss shot the pendulum no longer swings, the hands 4uhe oilier day wit the very pi-t.d at wnoso muzzle his brotticr-jnJa died ; twdve yearavago. t'k ..C.k- C?.-... T -e ecrrniti .i iaae i. -jrsiaiure oi fe Li aa .... 1. . . I ii nooMiy oners pay wilbin ibree yiars, dustry, a.l easy : and -lie that ruxea late t.eoriHa in ISll.i rnat S7n nna i.. V.n,.A. the candidate may look upon this ctrcum- ; must trot all day, and shall scarce ovei- etate money I lie late session of one hun stance with the most implicit confidence take his business at r.tghf, while laziness deed and twelve day cost $330,000, of as the sign that sawing wood is what be ; travels so slowly tbat poverty soon over- wlsiej. W2.000 was for clerk biro. Tho was intended for. I takes h tm . number irf ta.ika.afaa sixty-six.