V - 'i. -t, - '-- iw----WM-Wiaa -.- wum "ifg.t-ii-aniraar il ?'wa',li ,.;: -.,(iJ rr ?.,!, ..fci , , ' , , ki ': i "t t- .i'. " rM ' .)'". i'rrX . v'.riv - !.i- , r, i t ? T- .-p -,-. . ,,, ' . J ..,V V..-, - . -- .-- - ". -.V; ' . "'-' - - TfZ&Jl - - -1 v-k"- ft x W - ' , . .t. 4.1 r. .i I ,4 " .- I u I till . "ff VOL.-VI. V.NO a. .A - 1 ,',- ;' ,-,' . A f ,. - r v.- - . j : f . ' J-.'i r' 't. ; A-.i - . ' I .1 - , ,,. . f -... It.' ffffi la Tmjcltevill. fcoro'iia Warsaw, to Vuj'tfttttrnie.C.,u"Ehroiigh tiokflt from W'ohion tirTS!tqaiin f 10. TtrooK ticVet fmm. Wiliuiiigton, tI TVWr " m v, m Fftf ueritio, ia. ; ? ' " ' ., C tt 4 K r. 0 T T V I A rrl T ESnORO. ' to , : .BKAU Og W.K-C 1 Jl. JC it;.,,.- r I.oavo Cbttrlittia" train-tnm" KaloiKh via iloiiroa, for 4Vilcx!porit Tut'winyJ imii- f'UL.ttlJ'lHHrtiy JU&TiX9wv. OUST j . car. Yburinliif , fcud Siiurda.r, nfter trmn h'oui r CUATXIAXU. B. TOFATETTLvILLK AKI) 1 W KSTEK.N ft. K .: ' - Lr Chatham Knirilou J aft ?r train from Baleirby 'V .? ....... laare Wenni Rond af Joneslioro' sftor train frvn IXvfHeollr. diiil.v excant Sunday. -! Kjllkji and Iiion I'ojst Stage leaven cuih I plaoa daily, y i-r' ,. . . ' OfficaatButner'uIIotel.SAllMii. N". 0 V'"J -J E. T. CLKMMONS. fipt 16,ll870--t( Contractor. a . K FX'DIJSIir.D WKEKI.Y. V ' ' . 5. it K W I 8 HANKS. v.-,-otd! Proprietor, , ---itAffj'iatp-'liltBrliiPTloN ' - On VbaUi i-pajrabla in a4vauo ..p.f.'l.OO Six M'o'NTdH... . "' '-t ....... 1-50 r. . niiui.i.iruL I2..rn 10 Cn)ie io'oue d4rta,. . 20,0 the Mid ccuiiIt, and occupy (tie Mnie by milita ry foir, and (Depend I he civil authority and the Conntitulion and Inw ot (lit 8ite, niui did, af ter (li dav and li nt lat aftreai(i,nnd ktUite tha -time of tits lrtiifilinipnt in tlvU bilmlt,. tliroiijjh and by mrana-of aarh armed, tlrrrnt ami - luwlvoa auii, arrest aiany ixtuwalil and law-li'ljli)t citiafii of aaid ?oanty of Caowvll, tlipntand tliura about (heir JnwfiN tuiuin, and did detain,, hold, iniiriaun, end nhtrwiM nml- Irrat and injure many l il.t-m to wit: John Kerr, tjitniutl 1' Hill", William H. '"?, Nt. M. J!cn. F. A. Wili:?, Jta C .Critllili. J. T. Miu-lirll. T. J. Wnniiifk. A. Ci. Vmut-v, ,li.),n nald rrIt,'ttnleM cnmprlN'd W to do by superior urnit d or lv the sxtfri- order nhd com mnud of tli Hid Jlol(li-n.,Or-oniorJiafrt-eimiil. TliHl niich n fuffil of the fc;iiU(j(-orire w. Kirk to ! ouey the nnlii writ ur'd(luly to npitfar be Ft.t. ... .i .i m .!. .r i .i u nnv iitcwHi vuiii tin"!,,' , r"'tHimit inc fuiii Chief Jimk iiimla eiifjni" of tha aaid II,. Men, Gnrernor, a aforenid, IT Ik- h.id Hi ordered the naiti Khk, tono ti.e ! , 'ii'jind imprixon the Kuid Ailnlphi- O-Mo'""' theaiil Ifohlcn, Uot-unior, n n f Vi :i '., ' ' anxa'cr in Kiilt "imirc tind lo'll ! t l.vrt cimuirr ofnaid ii . i'f di !m1 and Mr V 16,l1870--t( t. e1' lfl . I l.'ITT a 1I ' Deinr Vla Jnca f.ureo all LUr. Kidney ,tUL ltladdcr l)iri-aKf8, t)raul Wakba iViMila AtllivtUii, Uonerai De- tl,(K)0, will alUn pnid f.iraayoasa if Blind. Kidding or Ifdhinjr PiWa that D liina;' I'ilavRotiH'dyofaila tt eure. IBifiaraMAOIO' LI.V1MKXT cim- RhfuiiHitisin, PiMns. TIFiil-ioa and Swelled Jdf nHt,; bNrrifiiS tfatt.? ' ' .. " Sld evry-hi;re.' Send fr Patnplilet. Ltitofflory 13 fniiikUii Halti- BiorH. am., j- . j, ;j m aprt-ly Wanted-: FAMItWW-ao M4MiIf . rt ! !ftr-ti! t, 1 - hem. .fell, t i' V quili, c rji, (' - l, ' ii ;tiulii,inJ r ii j a 4 iii H r laiiti, K cM-trt l-lf i KuHy irarra tfol for fiTff jtr W HI !i phr Tb-u- ( t fjd ! jt i 'or aiiy t.af l p t l' i I t :i ? ra hi th K ei f I t H vc y - jM kdi h rmM cut. ABii ii iifcicl lii,nun-' t-.-it'lt-jijv"i wit-h id Tfr ingl . MSM n.'rn Tt-m 7" T r r nn-i.tl. nrni ex pcncAr a-vn t Mvfnm wM h twin " t a1 amnin can be oi id. Ad r.ii oritn-Qji ta -enit 1,. .1 w. nor: (' i., C!tO!l-MIHii ol nil ntV-U U !n inr Qur, u )- trV y c- n iltxtt I'trh-ftlr uT tuet.ry c -dtf u. Ifiaft oft t-vil d inUt rrs i.t H f r varthlrM Waih n-" to d hy nth r i m nn t;-1; ma aJI paHirasct fu (r u-u ir Unehin-4 j- lht tiii-i-l tbayfoll x4 nr ol inr lar, i n iirh M rh b talM4 in us r r : . U i n t t im d i n n bv par ie wha oj,v "iv Mrertii-tpef't cUt-ulyt njd vttT wrthl Tuaefaluav rt 'riTrify:" ""ft 78 n- .i,,ool OneSonare, firat lnirtin,. or eali audltlunal innrtion. , -- &HM!al inKiwn will W charged SB p r cent: hit!b)5r than the abrtrerntea.' Court HiidJustW Order ill be 4ul)lich ed at the nam; rates with 'other advertise ment, r ' OMtiUry. twidces. over ix lines, charged aiadvartinvinents. CO NT H ACT KATES. ' O SPACE. i. Ii i! ' -3 c "ft- m' s 9 ! 5 !' 3- f - 1 .Square i!jfU.0(.1?f $j MJ,4 50 1300 2 Squares. 4 TiOti 25 8 30 1.1 (H) W.OO 3 Scpiurvs. ; 6 Oil' y 00, .' IM) 20 00 :JIM)0 4 Sqiia-es. '8 00 1 1 00 15 (Ml -J.", 00 ar.50 I Column., II 00 Hi 00 CO 00 .11 00 4."i. iC4mrrn. H (HI 2-1 (HI ;t() (KM") 00 7;,IKl 1 Column. 0 (M) 411 tN ,VI (XI HI 00 :(l.(( AIU'lCLLS 01' l-NJl'E.VUIMtM. .Mi i5aL.,aC&'a J.. T. Fowler, m-W ---- " . - -'1 M. Z. IfooiKT. J. CtVilliimi Yawtoi a. -l-U.4fc'Kwtfitpi'i't. IHmvv. tin!" Hiiiil jif. Chief Ju iif i, ili:it roluhtni.iU A ! Ii he h I WilllnniMin. when in fact and truth there wn "iio wiefi or "anv iiWirreetfon1i7iiio' "cwinTv"oirj Caowelt i and ha, h auid' Wi Ilium V. Hoklen. Governor a aforeaaid, well knew that niM'h ami aid priK-himation wna utlerjy grouudlei and fnlrte, and that there waf no inourrectitm in tiiid loiintv of (,'iu-well, and thtttull the civil utithor itieo, ImiiIi State ,uid wmii;', ip Mini county, a cre peacefully nml regularly in the full, free uixl tinrotriilnrtl xvrcie, 'in all rticls tf lU funotiuiiH of tlieir ofiin , and Jie conn- w re all open, and the due ailiiiinslrntioii of iLv law 'a uniirtpedcd br anv rmNtini-e whatwipvir ; where by thjaid Win. Vf. Jl(ikts,GpYil)f!rp-a mm, ilia tlmi oail there, jinrt the a ay ami mimiiT, and by the mom afort-ffid, 'cnmiiii and was jjuiliy of a higli'i liniu io ,gll a imim the ConatituUon niHlhw ot ail SUUa and Jje peace, interest, andjtiity tlu-rvofi , . aaKX m . .(. That i he, nail) William W. iMuldcu, GovtruoT of the Slat of Nona Curulin.t, the lil'ih ila,v of Aiiru in iheyejir of our Ijjrdc-iit thou'atul eiht iuindrtd and in the cui.tv Ol Or- ni;e, iu .ii,l State, did tlien and iboie iii'liiw filllv and wiftiouf s'hiv l.iwful nvirf.oii "ii,t7iii-- thorftv. and in di liain e and onliver-oif oi il.c ! an oil P II Wilhamon, before him tlier-aid Chief Jna tiea, at tl: Cbnmlrof the KiiprenieCourt in the rity of linleij:h, In. aald State that the laid Kirk, wa on the Grat day of Aitfrnat, ia the year ofeiirl.ord, one thotautnd, eight hundred and aerway, in he county of CaaweJI, duly aetved wbhenid writ vtMbmt tcrpxn. - Dut Jnnttad of wkin(f dire rttnrn to the aaid writ, atiited, 'that '"I hold the aaid" prisoner under order frotn "W. W. f loldeii, Governor and Comihiind er-in-Chlef of Militia" and refiwed to produce the bodim of themid JKerr.S V Hill. J C Grif fith, hmtik A. W Oey, J.T. MinhMI. Thomas J. ',nn,t. . (; Ynner. J,,,n M.-Kce. A. A. WlR!i.TTprbi.'-vj.i,vi, J. tt,"'wl," Wtliij'im 11. Howe, Bnrallul Grave, jiathatilel M. Itoaiie Roliert Itoane. Jaruc R. Fowler. M. 7. frooie. non (he ( hit-f JtWirtHinidtiejaiMyrri iy aojuiten in mitwrance anfl e.nect thai helore tne Mia enter Justice according to Ine exiirrnce oftlie aid writ; and ihereanrr tha raid Gw.rje W. Kirk continued to holt! and de tain and deprive of tbeir liberty 4he,caid Jtihn M. Modreiand that nt)i n-lture ithii detention wm nindel bv IiIh order and crinmnnd : where- - .1.. I.. : i - liooi Hotifl according to the C'nnalftnfiun md Inwa of raid Ante the privilege of ttte wrinf habn$ tdrptut wn not tipendcd and thbt tlffe nid Kirk and theaid Holdtn,-GnTemor,a jtTornid, wcroin duty hound to britiR nd prodm- the hnrfv.f the wid A'. U. Mmre,4tm-e h'rththe Vald t'ldef Justice accordinjr !(o tit YxietfTicJ- ti the n'ld writ, W themid l1oldiiGoreriitir aCnfnretiid ujejnitidtiil nf hi nirwl itemninth iif office find K? liiah dink n (he fexi-dHitci'f fttid Ptirtc, and comrlvimr and theti'aiid thVre ihtendlnrTo dttir-efheVrirf .'T.Ioore of hfVrltitrfV aA , K'nvtt Trrncminrr ifriT Kerr, Samuel P. Hill, Jcwe-C GrilTith, Frank A. Wiley, J..T. Mitchell, nncv Juneii, J M. Xeal, William B. Howe, Harrilftii Grave, Na thanii'T fRnanoliiihert Roane, Janiea R. Faiwh-r, M. Z. Hooper, Janiea C. W'illiamnoii and 1'iier H. Williaiiinnn, for a Ion? time to-wil: for fhi-Vpace of one calendar., month, the wiid Feirrtre fcid detention of the wid John Kerr, .iSlrLJ-' HW.J'3CJ3liW. Ffik A. Wt- lev J. 1 . Mitchell, Tlmma G. Womack, A. q. rfcitrd "llmt fcaa7Sa-re Vnr?rln JifflcV JC JT.-'NArwniniiii R. Rwe. nr.irrn'f order, .mid 'tMniUdSfinel tliv "i&3KSfCjVt to"' Oravea, KatfmnM "Kf. Roatie, ' Robert Koane, ulJ 5iid WTitW tnHUerfby til taW tlifcP3p .Janiea K KnwT-r, SI. y.. H.Ktper, Jainw C. -n il tice n1lr"(lw'ill1.ewelldf,Wfl'e-Vlrld, liatnon, niSd Peter H. V'ililanrit;rt;' 1 the mid Chief Jbt!.-e thirt he tht'id rhiidr'GnverfloF Htfx'1rl Rtrk, and the 'wllitrtrv force under a atorcwM, woitlrf ta.t b.Mliif'MM writtir the' ;Kh 'rtthiMiHnd a aforeaid, by the order of the command of ihewaM aieV Julcc In' that wild w.-l 11 olden, Gnvernor of theftate bfore-li.-ilf, and that he wrwlfl 4oi ttlloStr lheVaid K'rrk" trid,'he'tlie aM W. W. Holdin, Governor a outlet the :ime rtnd.J,drar-t-he tiMv c;f thci jiforettid,V.el! kiipwin that the' rrivilCetn of raid ..K Mr-ore- tie ftirhrf' frid f 'Idef .f i mt ici-; the'Vi it flf ktthras eu7ix ww not u.iefided. and 'iUL' u tfrc X'- titl wrJtltt.fil Mtch tti, Jtr Jiir. Aii,'i i a. II. HI.IKK. M. !., l It i I, ln.lri... , . , lii-li- lut. rJi kai. i r ..ii,.. f. ii (. n . M II , Clirlut', K. C, llrt tt';,Jtiu Ufuit r I.-, I l-t-ur, f at ''.' Cancers, ITumoric una Ulcers, ay n-ir p p. 1 u--I ., c .'.ijo.io r $i it 4u..i; -lar.c.t Vryrrrt ttl 'f,mtrji Hhi mi -j cruMin' - I? Ui vh ut e wli phUiik' t.i ei,,!,1!! m ,1, 1- ,' a 4 tih bin tittle p1i . N ytltt' tr.llllt-n . llM M l-vrr tir t:, ,l. For purllco k, I d fr ft i-Irculttr -r i:l rn or a,tdr rt iliiur ( ' o . ' , D'. Klma -. IU b O , i. Ori,.hcr h. aei7:8in two noons Mioi i; tiiiT" . Court House, ou ain Street, RITrttH TH KIK T II A N K S TO. T U li public for the eery Ji n'Cai ji.tl , oi.airc en joyed, ljy llim l urine; il'.e pt yeur. and hope, uy faij dalini! ''anil atricl ut!-ei iinii to buijif- to merit il cohtinffhtice. il Dot i.u increase nfjbc ArticUt txJtibited by (,' 1 lunge oj J,-pre:enUttii of the Xlutt it) Atiii!. Cn"K n .. ( ,!.. e fVWr'roi,oif ul' fir r.ertttlf ttl lh - .S'(n(,- nf .'rtli ( orfprou, ncoiBil ll. Il . ltoln SSot lh Cjcouonn, ii Ml'ic4ut.c ni.a fttijktitj iWr ii.jiMc..'e.ii((i;-ii,.; A. u,t.;oi(.f,iaao, m ,i. iuj Alt l Ii, I K I. Timt by . Cotifeliiuliuir of the State of North Car!ftw, tire Om t mor of Kilid ttaie'1iu j ,er to tail out .the militia thcrool, to txect.li- tl.e lars, siij pn vs riot or insurn ction, and repel invasion wherever the law shall be rei.-teil, or there shall exist anv riot, in.nurrecUort or inva i,,n, but not otherwise; that "William W. Hub j di-iifGovcrruirnfuaiil State, mnnindfnl ol the clu , tie of his office, the .ol lijaiji ii of his folcnu: i uatb jitutlu a4 iiHi4Httfrin atrd ts'ft-s of j miid State and inten'diiifj to Vtir up civil wr and Huhvi-rt personal and juiblic liherty and the Coii:itutiou ;:nd law CTit;l Stale, and of the I'ldted Slates, and c i.Jiivir.j; and jnrtiidii.g to hiniiiliate ai d degrade (he t.iid Sl.ite and the oeotilc thi rtoli aiiil e-leei:iliv tin- r-coolp ol li-.e tyxuity of A,lanntnee, and lo 6vjke the ploplej laajiiliy uud (Vnotitution and hew ol'ud-Stale; arfd in vf I nnrti jrt i.ia"ffTMrentiririt' Riti;nillTrtia,Vroier l ifi.m ot his oath rt' office and under -e.lor H -" to do, Thai a -hili tK.dd ifoldtn, .ovcrn- in.-ite. piomiie mder 'ami ...m. I or a afrtrcMM; Mlriee,lHeM def.fliHM IihTiiis- oticn ai.,1 ucpiiTcn oi hi? nettv, rnn A. i. Inn naid o(!ic niand one John 1 luniiieiitt ami other t-rit d I omf oc.siin to uswnili, n-iw, ile;;,in and ini- pciscu and d J-rii'e ol In JilTly nml; iir,. iliKt'tHenaW JobirKerr. Samuel I'. Hill. Jee C.'rirIiifi,Fnink .V vilei', J. T. Mitchell, Tliotpna J. womirk; A. G. Yancev, John k tCi; A,'. Mitchell, Ytihccv J6nea, J. M'.XeJl, w1llfmB.'Howe. R-mrilla! Graven, Nnth:itiiel MR,i?iric, Roberf RonVie, 'Jumcn R. Kowh r, M'. K. Hvr, Janien 0. wi!Hnmon, and Feter Iciirrtrd alow, ami mi reflated v4.b rtWisid writ, arid to ci'mmind the ,iHI Krfk, P( 8 16, lind koVc- Gcirntii- oj a-a tinman Mia! i.ilit -n id nil ijiair. Jw-i.ih s'-.ie" a law jinn me ijw ini anrnoniy ct the 11. v iMiiiuwn were o cietntned without author- 1 111 in. r, Jr , C.lirM anil li si,K lil Ol lot; lOUIiiy I ' ' " " "l Z.:. ' ' ine Mm oiniTini e . ifDraive in ihe Siiiie aTuri-Jid ; and iTi 11,11. nrivt.i fdiT"atlit rn nrtn i nl ! ,' i 1 pi rtr d Itt t h tic; Hiddew. Ttnertmr ! Areid, did then and ance, of .tid ijicU-n.vut,..fraLii euiew, yrilvr n.d j ' ' iri)it-nrw(t-nT.f siTtrrnrrt m.fiTVW 1 oiiiiiiai.tl 1 lie- sjul Jol.n 1 f 1 1 fit.it 'ill aint tli vi ; "n""" " -f ninit-i sniimni, nnu i .li-l -o-ed i-usns nR.'rw'iid did aw.ill. mizc. "de-1 V:rtt id' Tfr.WTriWVWtn-ifrf fl.r-y?ii!!; iflif ."in l.-liis. Ittijli-(.il"iitid dci.-MYc.ui J.iVlii.i.rtv ..i.d ! tV)'-iy '"Hi'iier il by the mciy-1vrbViit piivilcies iu a l'rttiunn and 1 Ifizt u ciT Vald V.'t.u--! i'"''-",' "rdef il!rf cWnwrVnd ft hWU'vM; n tv and Plate torn Ion- tic.e, to wit f For -I..-1 ' 3i.ir--.-iI by !(, wHt'oi" -fiiVi a),yi;i trfrffi time of, tin dnvs and rii'.ve tUi aaid Josbili Tnr j I" mate due rfirrl'nf f ildtheuflirirv,f:iito''pT. i.er, Jr., wlierel.y the 'id Wn. M . I lol.h 11. i dm c the hqdy of theiil H f .nVte. before the (rovenmr n alc.ietuiid, did (hen and there com- I i!d (lil. f .lu-tfcc, accoriflmr u (lie exltfenry of mit a liiuh illicit ni. auor in nliii-e again die i 1 !'-' "id lviit, 'arid rurci the.smeniTd the law- t'lMiMiKilioii and law of MaL'.aat.-, ud -liw 1 ! i!tl."i-ity i the rairl w. tuel Jnmce, SUA did and tli ere, Id die Way frrf -fimnncr ifHTrwn'iii:'1ii(rli riine and miiwlenipanors in Tlfnml'7l:ttrwi it. fenjiltt'tKU .,..( Is. ..f.n:,l I J - -- . ,,, iir,, . ltrtterhnd'tiCMct eliiml : r' nr!,l interest thereof, i ., (. ...,. . jl. , That tl.c rbi(i tiltyjsiin. W."1Id1Jen,' Govuntr of .North CVri 1Ju.-i,,uimiiiidrni of the high duty to uphold and protect the Constiiuthm and lawn of .ii,l Slate, and the good name, li-nity, and lumor of the people thereof,, and unmindful of be oblieatioiid' liiamjlenirl path of ofb'co, under i-olor ofhU'aaid bllioe.'ind.in the month of ue, jmiv, nnu .aiijium, m ine year 01 our it ru Kaid ollicc, on the sevi ntirJ.-t of march, in the year ol otir I.ni d, one ihoUs.ind, t lit hundred ill id Kcvuity, in Kaid Stati, ol bis own lalc, cor rupt and wicked blind and pnrpif. proclaini and declare the county ol A!:iiuui.U', in iid State in insurrection ; i;ml did, sifter the days and liuus, last alorcM.id, .-end .t.odic. of armed, desperate and lawless men, oiai.i.v,' and iel 011 toot, without vutboi it of law, into sai-1 cutiuty, and oc, 01 i.ic.-aine by mi.iiaiy force and mispeiid c! i.lmritv and the t'on- stittilion anil la w.s ol il.e ."-iate : the days and ti;i.e-, last alon.s.id, and belore ( the time .ol impeachment" in li i- behalf, lintiiili aiiil- try, nuans 01 kiicIi anneii.'ilispi lute anil la w-Ic-s men, arreft iiimiiv piaci .ihle .ii.d law-ahidii.i; cilizinv ot said cent v id' A l.iinam ', t lieu run livmi-. inlet.ii.iH anil di -niiv iheiiof. I bun-' If. lh . . ... . . ... .. ..... 1 .... ..... ... . . . akvk i.t: -kvi . '""J j '': ..- ...r, ,i.,,.M,i M.ii-. imwiiiwi-aiin enfiir, nnnnrun ntm aeteniv, w. rn .1 . , ., ... ., 1, , , t ci.ili.n ot the anl-wnl, tiiij) ;lienwfl:l authority uiid State wiluint anv.ntilhorlre of live .l",t ;,. 1 hat . he hkI U m, . Hohlerr Go.verr,oV ,.f , (!u. r!, , , , -,a,( .,... &tf, (IM , h,,, ftn j , hf Zttr vZ the St.rtt ok Norlh taroliiiu, on tb'e livniav I4 , , ,,, . ,,,, ,.,.,,. fi I ,',., i.... ,( ton,r,vnt"',,MI "uooiami V' l(tVotUilt.n Auis, .nthevearoi'.,rMid,,w,e.ho-Jnd1' ' 1 eiehi bundle- .n.d tov.nit. in .1.. -u.in.il ' . . V.'"." . T".V ' T" aniiuiupi, w provoaa ami auc(iu aviMtnle tWJI in .,idi,,.le.d.d;e,. .ad ZJLTu ;n'a 1 1 . ' . 1 -- .... 1 ,,,r t., ,cl,, one in itrtar i: :i:i.. alter tin- 1 ei.-iiio. ion. 1.,; ,:.- ol kiiii .-1. He .11111 in vml:i- , t :t j ( j.j, ( ,J n.-. i i-t- had ( ,11 ot 1 1- . i.ne and nnm r ciior 01 I '1 in ti WVwill crtritinrto t-n lef-n or hni d n food sun. pir of rAivxiXilr GaccnKiSs, cludinir Frr1.I1 ami Malt 8 f.h, OF KVKRT V HtFTV Whiskeys, limndifs. Hum, Gin, de , if c. AT. SO, B0OT3, SHOKS, ' DOMKSTICS, nilCE GOODS, yankl:: NOTIONS, In Tii,r uTinisT Ttrierp-t-lteilff Il-s44ittv lffnl m n rft. . i ... - . i u.Tii,-.. mi i... i'..,.i...,i rietr Sthrjl, all ol which we will sell 10W for ' -'"-. . v-i-" .,.v... Cash; r Cfinntry Produce at the hiph-: 'ten le.ir, Jo-.-l i, ii.oii,p:ii, Jlenry Cook, et ujttrket pric. , , j Wai. .Viidrcu, M. N.Mmw, Jvlm Lonj:, JjIh. Tffyniw oct,..i. . -j-ii uiiin,.,iwi J- ijeeui.ru, Jo.eph Nefi-oiii .iMiien II. Murphy, .1 r , Wm. Kiripalb k, -1 boriiHii ira Jdiei-)f Younger, j rrnnk M-ebnne, Clcmeiit eonis, .loim W . .lc- .(dams, Win. Moore, Win. t leiiiU iHit, L.-W. i hcidcrt. iaiiiil .Miigiis, P. 'l'hotiii.soii, Uavr1!.! ! said oll.e, . ... iiu enie. order .-.nd command I. oiw ( ieo.-e , ii'n li, and one I',. I . Ilur-cii nml j other evil ilij u-ol persons to ,-i-an!t1 seize, di ' lain and iniin iM n mid deprive of tluir lil '-r'v i and privileges as t n tin l, and i iu.ei.. ol v;:m I Mute, Jolin.Kcir, Samuel 1'. Hill, William 1'.. ; Howe mid Nalii-:ni"l M. loT.me. -it i z n. and re-I I MiL-ntx of the comity of C'li-weli in (he .-t'K 1 ; .ilore-aid; and in piir-nani e ol paid n eiieiin I t i and did alter I pioeiin nieiit, order and cotniiid Hie said G. . Knk and tne said Ji. (i. lhirni and tlnsta.it disposed persons aforesaid, did nsanii, m i.e, ib- ; t un, l.npnson nml ib-pnve ol their Itin iiy and ni inlep'T as Iree nu n lii'ur ciii-h ii- o said co in- 1 I I ty and id Mo I by I pci ion nd He, de I'o -.tatc for a Ion;: time to wit: for the tliere about their lawful bn-imss; and old ile I...H, lio.lil, iniprioii, ball);, lual and oiiiel:ni-e in.iiiniu and injure many id tlupi, to wit : l.u t iii lb .Mnilay, (.ii, t-e S. Ia firs, Wni. I'.ii.g haln, Ale.xand, r Wibcn. Waltt r Tin rnlon, n . Kbildiiii:, 1 hoiiia. M.. Hell, deorfje Andrew s, John Andrews, t n d .lihtiu hard, Ailolphun (. Moole, John lioberrin, James N. Holt, Wni, Ab-js. l'iiiiou, J csm' t ' nml, Lcm. U hitsett, Jo niah 'i'liompi ti, Sidney Steel, Gtoijte Johnson Win. 1'idton, Jo-rrh riitrht, ; T-fcn.--MrArtTiiHS, ol one inoniii I'. Hill, Wm. wiierebv --i-fw-l'-ItWI'ft. it JHfIIhr. sinr- five- FiMrrKtzifftw is wou .Vhc Great and more tjt,--s.tid Jolin Kerr, S. 1;. lioHe, ii. d N.i'naniel , Ibi.me the hiid Wm. W. Iioleen, (ioverni-r as aforei.iij, I . I , (bi n ami ontinii iiiid'wasouil ty ol a fiiuli mi-,Jeuieanor in otl:ci. a'ain-t ilic i on-tilnti',in and laws of said Male, and the peace, iniensl and diemiiy theriof, AUTICI.-K v. That the said VVn. W. Holdin, Govt-rlior of the St: t of Nuiili liroiii:.i hcniofore lo wit : iu the m iiilliM of June, Julv and Augii-t, iu tl.e i ami t im I .lu.-.u-e had a'(,lh!i;i i.iicv il, did iontii.iic to. bold i -attse to In- held and I'e' iin. d said A C i aliid did, ill the way ami Inai ni r am J means nl,,r ..lid. iin.l.e the uiiiilaiy .-; d I ri nj i.u I' Ik l.-iuf I'll-. i , ,u i r , .1 i , ite. ai. which ac!s, i.i::ttc-s and !t,i: i'-i l the s dd 1 1 "id i u, Gf.iYMi.or a a lor, -aid. did a- ah re 1 -aid, ill i'daln l, id - si,!. l-,i. , nth ,1 ( ii,. v, and wl,tr, ;yl- tin -anl I in,,-, n. I , n i.i a-a''-rc-said, i'i.1. th"ii ami 'i , , imiii. bich crinus I and mi-iieineaiioi- in ollic ;(; iinl'tl.i ( ,i)Hilu ! lion and lattsoi-aiu M ii, ami lie peine, Jini i ly uud interests thereof. ' Aitin i l. vi. . That the Mid 4lolih'n, .Governor of the Suite ! I., M.no 1. aroiinv, licrelitloir, to wii: In ihe I nionliis o! J i, ire, July and Anpu-t in lite yt ar ol i'oiii l.oi d, one thousand, iie.h hnndiul ami -e-, vi my. under color in bis s.u I oliice unlaw ti.liy i re'i-rniied, armed iiii-i L)iii'id a soldiers l.irpe miiuher oi nun, town: like biiudivd and more and i.taniziii ti). Ill iisTtfr'rrfuy"Vljd fipi'oTntcil o;!;i ,.r- to comimnt,riird ir Imeh -armed men as he the aaid Hidden, U -Heritor, a alore-aid, lilidtr color of Ids said cilice,.. miht ifrom-time j Io4ihi, tTrrter and (liru t ; ibat cluruij; the -aid. month i of June, Jul and Am.Misr, he thefahl iiiitearTiTtiiij ijtg of TciyievJlare uiuubttl f M uti Ti-n-il a i if," Xi-,i--fMaw---BY f rverti T" j ' o: uieiu oi ihu mosi rccKless, desperate, riilvanly and lew less character, and did I bur nid there organi.c, arm and ctjuip them tin rn . army of noidiei t, anl pliii-tj (be same Waller the chief command ol a luitorioun dcsptiailo, from tl.e- Hsale ol T.iniHsepf by the name jof Gcorjj-e u . Kill:, Jiavin falsely proclaimed ihe coiijilicn ol I Alam one and ( iiswel!, in said State, in stati i t in-i.i reel ion, and did w ml larre nuiiibers ol i s '., U ai ii,';!.'ii.'-;H rale men into '-aid counties, under trie un mediate ci uuinind of 'ihe said lirutpt w. Kirk, and t'.vo othwr 'deaprradoca Iroin the .Stnte of Tennc-vc, to-wil; ono 15. G. Hun-nil and oue II. C. Yates, uud did then nml there;, . without any warrantor authority, eize, UiM, imprison, and deprive of tlieir lilrerty, for a lonx time, to-wit : for the time of twenty day and more, iuaiiy of the, peaceajde and (law-bi-i.x eili.ens of said eoiintics, U.-it: Joi n Kerr, Samuel 1. Hill, Scott, John. Ii. relauil, ami many others, and .euc, bold, iui-pri-on, and deprive ot the! libeity, and hung by the- lack Yvilliaiu I'atleui, l.ucicn II. Murrnv. iind ollicf s, and did tlirn-i into a los.lhsgrne dun .. i ..: .1 .t l . . i i , . i . i.eiii jijsimi iiiiiiei, o iinior, mni i . liiev. obedience tt inch order and for ancli pUrpoaea, and alao retainiiig the aaid ltatrid A Jenkina, aa aiieh payitwater or In any other reapect or ea puuity from diabnraina; or dispowng of aaid Mini of money, no Jn lii anitl hand o.-any part there of lor the pur pone thereof. . That Ni Hofiora blrAnderaon Mitchell, JVidge of aald fluperlor Court, then and there jrranted (he writ of In Junction ao prayed for enjoinitiK and forbidding the aaid iiaviii. A Jenkina, 'ireaatarer aa afore aid from' delivering any money from aaid Trc anry in obedience to n auch warrant or order, no made by the an Id William W Holden, Oner nor aforesaid, and etdoinina and forblddinu .' ty JcliUnit u aU i.?.iin.C4 ur a gent from tiaiiig or dibiiming tlie an id money or ant part of it aoin hi lian. d.-rfVKr armed- to&rettliiftrKr posea aforeanld. ' That the aaid David A Jeukina. .Treaaurer, and (he raid A D Jcukiiia were each duly aerT ed wi(U-Vid writ of 4njtjncion but "never (heieaa, the aaid William W Holdeii, Gorenior a aforeaaiil, wickwlly intending to apaprnd and aubvert the aw of aaid State, and Jo defy and diareirard the lawful authority of raid Cotirfylid afterwards to-wit: after the month last aforesaid pnranade, incite, ertle, Mire and eoi inuind the aaid A I) Jeukina to defy andyliarcsard (he aaid writ of iniuucnuciid iu. liiiliKLi the itd -monejr o fn lira nitHMlr (a anot her a"en pf the aaid William w' lfoldcriyinivf t-nirraihl-Md, to be itwed fnr theMfTilaaM'ul riWf,Mre That ihuMtti ADJenaiiiybeoftaiirsaiicli. bn-l . !"-iU(licd or.Wivtwa W'TWMf!- lll(.nf Of lliff aaid U-illim., TV tl.1M,t, r:r.. rtW: aa aforesaid, and in disi'eard ofafri ff writ fif-is-' junction and tha lawful eirthnritv of aaid Jurfe-th did deliver the said wwiey ao-in hiwhauda to. aiiothi-r agent of the said W'iUiam W Iloldcn. Grtvetnoraa aforesaid, to-wit ; . io, one Eii hard T Uerry, lo be naed far thetnlawfnl rMir-jvoac at-reraiii, and the aaid William W Hablen, (iovemor aa nfuresnid, did ihep aoj (here, ia the way and manner, tui by the Jiiaajia and for ojtc ptirpoae wforeaid. procure, cpfcriiVd com ni:Mid the aaid A I). Jeukina ao to disregard and disoU-y Ibe said writ f injunetic ii, and (lie (aw ful authority ufnaid Jg(te, ,inj did then and iiierje, nnu iu the way :and: manner, mid by (he means -,nd for the unlawful purpose aforesaid, defv, flisreenrd, ifitore, conrraveiie, ansr nd and didimt the laiYtiiX purpusea and. etiect of (be a ril ' f jc.d.iiction m, granted and -sued by ihe aaid .Tni!i:e. Atul thereupon and thereafter the said Hol leP. G ei ;iior aa nfore-aid. the said auin (rf pnt'ie. auntie, thin fwa-S-ned aa nbrenid to tiie hiinds ol tli.isJ. ilkJivJT Bi rrvj did or der und , .nie to I.t; paid on', and Uislurged by him, the miid Richard X lVrry, lo, for and a boiit the lllcpaf prt'ttoacfi' aforeiaid, to-wit ! the payment of (be expenae in keeping on fuoi, Min(airijiig add maintainiufr ihesaid iilepnl mil itary force' us nforcxajd. W hereby tiie. said 1161 dicn. Governor aa aforesaid, wa then and there I jjniltv of a high niNdpnicnnof in iiis'iiaM rifllco, It . .1 .. .VI,. . i . -iu .. Tr-i i' in viniaiion oi ins oa:u oi oince rmii rn aiiover ion ol the lnwa of aaid State, and the peace, in-tere-bt ami dignity tbereof. v TUGS. J. JAlsYlS, Speaker of Hfiuse of Repreent;tives. Attest : . Ji-rtr. t ,1 apace atit mo botb forbid I tut we w! Jo eonld preaent to our reader, lit jraud ortraitiirs hf St. 1W, the lierolc loldirri of the C'roia, wbnse tfret Jiearl l li robbed '. for all humanity, aud , wbo knew o ere t ; nor deed In his tulnjatratloiii and intghtjr . -love whose ebarity waaa bottndleia ae tho aulrerse, bud wbn fitt' was aa tcad fait at lbs atai t . of heavt f. As word delineation, it stands ouilvalled. , , , ,; ,. The b-cmre was ta full- of pasaagfe., spci Minir wun, I UfV .iu tit, and., !.-)..,., (nam h uuucnit to- eHoct 0110 ss a eijecN da to or.f...ghtW- 'IW Wiy of ftid jptir-j Iibwcver, upou ine evils 6f.wrt wiIlonf. From the Stilem Preei. LECTUEE CT HON. K013ERT P. DICK. On tlte ni-lit of the 1st. of Dec, fusic Hull was fillctj by mi inieliiciit niKiicuee ,i Im hail collected to- hear the second lec ture of the white? course, from lion. Ro liert 1'. Dick, ot Urrennboro; Judge Dick needed no herald to sound hit) priiifcB in julvancc, but t lie simple announcement that he would occupy the stand would have ctisurt'd him a cordial rerrption. Ho in known throughout North Carolina uiena HtcJl to our readers J .. . "The Cbritianaof ibe poetojie Aja "7 would not tuke a part fn warr-eliber ag- . , gresaive or defenaivo. Thev regarded war as tinnecfeaarr. cruel, barbarous and violation of the divine. Ia'j ,'Jtr'fi Inejv-' il affiiira, "On enrlh peace, good -a iirjo a ard men," was one of their' eardinel teia'- eta, and mo fei-liug of ambition 'or patriot 4 ieui could induce them to disregard tho angiliciohg Vf pra the announcement of tho birth jot lis Prince of Pcace ,., , 0 ,.. c-ucand has its teachings, Areasuiea jti Lis heart, can find fault" hh' the pHiuJr, live Christians for 'their opinions upon, this Subject War ta he greatest eurs-y that has ever afliicteeT the human race It hns made history a dark record of suf fer! n;r and rrime. It boaated glories are1 pnrclinaed with blood and tears, and It. ' patltw.iy is KtrcWn with graves, broketf hearts and' ruined homes. In this,' oBr heaven bleat land, the' noire of the battle tcarc.ely is hushed. "' ' Amoiifr our once happjr, prosperous and united people, angry pnsiions and preju dicea liavuliot aubfided. Tho graes has hardly grown green above the resting . places of our noble dead. Aged eyes are yet dim with, .weeping, and widow's hea'rls mill are bleeding for loved .pucsi gone. Thousand of 01 plums, in igoor auce and poverty, are struggling alsojs life's dark and uiifijcitdJy pathways, and feel not tho fostering care of a father's love. EvcnVhile I am speaking, Europo trembles beneath the tread of hostile ar mies Tha. dtk waxcluud. is JLasrIiig from the Hebrides to (he Hellespont; from' Gibraltar to tllp frozen seas. A tempij8 of fire and blood iweer s over the vinc-f tbul liills and valley a of La KelleTi'att'."' w" -ejT.-gnuie-ranie and eiotncu" thp earth in vernal beauty, - there were thousands of hearts full of happiness and love, which now throb no more, or are throbbing iii agony. There were thoos. ands ot homes full ot light and joy, which are now. shrouded in gloom and runui'iiiii"; ; or are prostrate in ruins tlieii -iicui ili-nioiics broken and their al- tais defiled with innocent blood, but all ,11ns is tlie result of man a crimiual amb lion. .-'',' . ,, There can be no cWistiaolty in war, for it is wicked and barbarous, and the oSVpring of hell. I sincerely believe ' 1 hat there never lias been year ol o'ir ijoril, one thon-and eielti hindred ' llenden,. I jovernor, i ntoroanl, under color ot nhd seventy, under color ol his s.ud otiiev, 1111- ' Ids , tii.-,l, ilact d a lare nmither ol -aid aimed hi wildly recruited. .11 mud and equipped as d-1 no n nndi r the iiumeili,itecoi,miiiud ..ml i , ntiol dierapt tar'rr number men, tiiwr-r lin?f'nn(trft iTone ICirt", as (ohinel, alJiaTriy-'ciiitf 15 G' Riir-' men mid more," and orifiihired them a mi , army, j etcn,' ui Lieuten ant Colonel, ttn'e 11 t Yatvana and iipiirrnTtedTTtttrers't'rcoTiVfiViuiij, aiiitiw-T-fich ;p.ijt r7ihtfuTi.lily'b,iTU-i' pl'Nt.,ii'''-tMtiiii! 11ml ariiieu 'men as lie the said Vim. . llw.ueii, l.n tinnints. anil sent such Instunentioneil armed I (.ioyei nor; under color of hwjaiiJollu'.vVJijiJd ..meA.uuUL-rlW'iiniuediateoiiuiuaii-.x-'idKLrk. I ' IS -s'.A.sta.Hh 1. - -1 ')r--r'JLl'i"S;''n-r M t S-'.r' ,.tll. .-U-.-ai . . . . . I .. .. ' , I'. . . . C 1 11.. I V 1 1 , 1 . ' . . . '. . , . . ... . . . . . - - : ., .fc I Jl "Sajr-v-S-Yiil 1 a I at- Governor us alortsai I Ki. -tt I VV , T 5 " .V.''"'.. Alljl.Jt nay, J. t., Muorc, Jitcph , -.Vtw.-W. Holden, tlorejirvrr as aforesaid, finder ( ,iu and iett(enant, in the'voni.iv. of C.-iawetl, purposea aW-dil, I 9 Mm It7l i -.TW. . 1 W'tM-airielc. aiontgiaiitry, John 1 rol- I ,.olor ,- ilis .rtTcr,i.l.':rtd :t lar-'C immbi r of and bv the iiroenrenicnt.Vrdi-r aud eoiiinnuui ol i Hob'U u, Govurnor I -7 , l ii,(ter, Jerry U lu(sni, r alvm Giiooii. ilohn G. I s.diUrntcd meii under the immediirte command I hun ijie said Holden. Governor a- aforesaid, un- 1 ibere. snd.bv the I - TKTm ' TTn-i?ia Jtr Cn I , '''P'"' Robt Hanuali, m. Johnson, lien- j cuu0' ofene Georce V, Kirk, as Ciilone:, der c.ilor .tf bis said ofifi'., ihe- -aid armed" m. n feouimit a high 111 ''a"" at -w , iiers,,n in 1 , i n . .UH-K.iru. James jJictsMin. .. ,w K .k, 11 11 n .... I .. 1.. 11 u. ..-.... ...-.,1 i. .1 ,1.....: 1 ...A 1 imn nl lh. fVim .John Kerr, S P ud to maintain, support and aid tl.e lawle-s Hiined, mut. sp oritiiriizul, m nu d nr.d iqnippcd, did. under color of his said oilii aJx from time to i lime, during the said months of June, July r.nd August, witbnut any la.wtul authority, make bra warrant upon Hnvid A Jenkjua, Treasurer of the Suite,.. k.r birae .suma of money, lo-wil : for TT11- kIiiii f,F aiptt-t-fttv tT,itti,iot ih.f , . ru ,iti,l tr,r.r.. Iiuu causo aiiu procure tue saiu vavia lB, kinf the-TimatirfMP -d' lbt Siatiy 4ur.vniiiti; such unlawful - warrant, and par out of the Treu 3v S'W h aii largo aums of money Ltu the apent fS",a! vlXrACT0KEB or Otnd, Sqnaro aad XTprlght UfFlM01iE, 31(1. - - Tne tnstr"nmeiita bate'Cec.n before ihe public; for pearty Tafit.r Teats, Sbd npoa their xrclle'nce loo attalaii aa anpurahaaed preeminence, which Droaeasce.) hm anoaallerl; Their - 'I' 1 v If "-'ii''.fifa jn s I I eorablnea great power, aweatnea and fina ainpioR a wall tli gveut pnrity of liitonatiaa - a ad 8 weetBcss rotict.ont the etnttre scale. Tlieh- -....y......uj.-piO-"D C II lapIlanSaatl-tlaatic. 'anit entirel'y-jfrse from the atiO ners found in ao many planoa. - 1 V AUil 1K XI AXSI! I P . they are oneipialed fti,iiij"ror.p"biit tre .cry IVft 1 ministration. ol the Inw, was imiinpedeel hy any aeeaoned material. the larije tfauitiii erap'oV rrl moi-.r I rcsistafice whntaoevcr. whtfrcbT-the flid -Vim: bnainea enable u to kep.Cnr!fXmialiy animnieuse W. Hohten, Cvvernur,- aa.aforcsaid, 'did, then ae lllua. r .. . f -1 I ,.ri i1w i,n,.l in th. v untt fmu.nt.r no.l hi K. A. Alhiiehl, Thomas' I.tilhtT. i b. J. Grunt JanirVFnusr, John Curtis, A. Tboinpfnn, Robf 'tStoekaid, J. A. Moore, J. Ti Hunter, JaniptW. Seotl, John Sniilb, Georgt' Audr, wa, ' Milloiv , Pickaril, Heiiiy HoLcnson, J; 14. .toul.'rd, J. Curtis and Joseph Sloel.uid, wliK-K ill fact anil truth, there w.-.s no anchor any ili.-rnvretttbli ill said county orAhimanoe'1' ! . " ' ' ' Ahil be, (lie anid William W. Hnidcn, Gov ernor as aforesaid, well knew that an, h ai d said -pt-U.i,'ui,,i, mm. mt..rtii.'riHinillitif tiil filtjf, and that (here was no imurreedcu iit sa'uh coun ty, and tHaf aiTcivibiihoritie; both State and county! in.aaid county, were peacefully and reg ularly iu the Ciil, free anuVunn.-train J exeiTia ita-all re-uccU, ot the fuiii-iiiuts of their iilhcei-i arid the, Courts were all open, and the duo ml- ,,t Ofli- fiAft.f.r fif lh.. fijti.r tvifii-.m .1 ,--." 11M i,r siet5..jieti,. :..iiu.n.. d, lor the unlawlul umaand wherebv the said M illiam w as Aforesaid. cHd then and means and manner aforesaid. isdeimarior in office, in viola'- titution and the laws of the as a trcnilciiinii ol aistneitc tastes, scbol aTly iiccoinpltslinienti und tiiiisdicd cultun ; ami, lis a public ppoaki r, his aliihtu-s tboiiyli often and sivetVly tested, have ticvci tailt;d to leavu tlien iniptets (upon (lie minds ol bis. listi-iiers. Jin- subject selected by thil hotioiable gentleman- "The J'l.it.iii g of Ctii ioliaiiily and 1 lie Apnslolic I l.tiicli'1 was one Will ud.ipt i d lo the tastes und comprehensions ot a moral cooiimiiii! y, and the tnastcrlv nan- i uer'iu rthich it was treated 'was sufiicient iu -itaclf to command llie att,euti7jix and . challenge the ndniitation of iIiosb even "wtfo'eoie t y o acnptuial subjects outside or the tlwilijaiicltiaryi The lecturer began witat a bripl history of tin.! great events wliich rech-d the jjiiith its songs nf whistling winds., 'and C. Yates, as Mi jor. iihij annd'ry other persnnsas Captains ,f nil idetileiititits, and sunt kuc-Ii last mentiiiiKii armed men, under the ittimviiiule in uaiil iiiiuitv of Uaswed f ..l .f t 1 t u a nuvent oi me -icsstuti, mho SvoKe ,tti Hie wonderful cnitjor i f the 3Iaeedonmn luou nrch,tle great general tidvttUesmaii -f a war which. might not have been averted, if a christi an spinl had controlled the council, of the antitgonisiic nations. I have often heard w ar characterised as "an appeal to the god ol battles." SucU an expression is wicked and blasphemous. Christianity knows no, such god ; , but tenches ns to -hopc and pray for the time whi n ''our God shall make warn 1 0 cease' unto the ends of the earth' when He shall, break the bow, aud cut the BpeSf In suuder and burn the chariot in the fire." Tut' 8okgs 1 or -the Sii7--IfTtheT rtirth haa-fta song? tif irbHng bfrfsand1 mstlirig leaves, and whisnerinsr wfnds"! a iid.iuf miuiu all, voices of the heart, 'thft teii,' sd-toi-' ohiuisih! of Gwrge AV. Huh, Col., li. If. j Milebell, Yancey Jotiea, .1 M N111I, wl'Buwc, 'ttitc, nhd the peace, and intcreata, and diKnityl ,. who. while, unmimuilv fnllo.imr. mi 1 1 1 :..: i:,i. i." i ..-:!.... i t M:,.,i.n -r il,..,..f - 4 9. i . ' , l . leu,. v- eiiiiiitu,, i , ihiiii. . ..nieiii-n, . 1 is-. , ,',. . , . -t" , (I Vn'n,,' J, .h.". " Afctvurt A-l ABTtil.WVIlt ! Burden aXt. Coi., H. C. Yutes as M.ij n, jicl aaiu'auiidry other pcpolisajiCUiWia-fiird I.i-. ii- t Hants into the county ol Alamaine uinl by il lbu-aiilia Graves, N'JM Utaine, .RolierJ RkiiUUiv 4 K J-oyvier, 117, tiiK'per, J t v, liitaiiison and i II YViliiiiuisijrU pe.'ieeable' nh'f law 'ai-iding' diti- it i.itiiir i,.,v i.iv ttiunt oj nil. i.iiivt oi,t io. , i iv 11 llioiistui ,frin en ,'itr uni l.its i,.i,..ii tin procurement, order "and cbnimand. of him 'ffiei't.-na tf aaisl eoontr rhn and there .ntniirt'il at tlieir lawful business: ihat llie s.itil John lvfr, said Wm. W. Holdf il, Gifrcrho'r'aa afofcatdd un der color of bi sald nfflce, the Vabl 'tincl nu-n afi.nailT. t iamb bold, ib niimd and iioca ei iiuiiiiv " AIi nrolirQtT-AriK i n tW-dOsS1l MSB t''""'' .' rJTrolAcSll-Sc,ial JltS-ntien to mti lnt "t-n iii nnu iu oiiie nga nsj. tne v,eus,Umn.ii Imnrnvomftnta-tin (iNI I'l A vos MI ,GaMD. If ietWKtwt vaanei j mj .-,jiif m on-, the Uww&fcf p-i'T-'CfTort-Hhan has Jct 'tf'n i,t I t 1 , n ,...,.,.. I a biLth .a line in oliice. a i , , ... .-- - i .i. mji-ai i: I imn laws or sain aiate nnu uie and li"tiifv tTTercof.. 'AMK U .11. peace, interests. of N. . tained- r- X;i V i ; li That bv the Coratifntiori of the ?trile - JtoerWW " ' rrannuntr.ru, , Car(,:i,mf lh, ;0T(;ro) saij State has p, .-vnrarr 4s- t- . -. ' to tall wit tlw utiluia MJereul Mt-xvcuiv ii We bavamnfCfjarr-npamems iori..-ww iHI,ia jr m-urr etm:,, w r.er.. (t . anrf flri cn-'oVa. w 1 i. li v. nfTe . w Ii!a e I ftH, af: ' .owi-at ra.-t'trt rpcs. , ""V , ' Wli, JLl'iAUjLi ot vu., . iW m tf . jrltt(imr(. Jlrf. - , - .,. j. ... U. ' Sept. B-af.fim. , u ' , ' , .1 ee'itioit of the sbrfl f:M ar. b'f noi oiin i-f ; ii i on roixr, N. Ci . OrrdsiTr r.AiuioAD. depot: law -hail beiesi-(M, i v tI-.I, 'iniiiTrer?i.n, or Jt n .' Vll.ll nr: th ii law e X : re it." prisoned, in aald county of Alanianc-e aaiil Aihil pliua U, flwore, apcaeeablfj Snrt luw-alii(ini5 citiien of wirmiin.tyf (hen ilntl 'there enyiiRcd about liia lawful IniKineaa. Tliat.thn said Adnl. plinaG. Moore, lKin so atiied, liell, dfUa-ned itud-'intriaonAd mid dyvrivtd.iit Last Jifjerty. waa then and there inthv vusltxlj, tri-e aitjil ti W Kirk a-iing na i ohuu-l mi l .e.iiu.iii.-iinKng die 'rimed brtdy of invii, l.isl ?fi,t, said, ,by (fie oidu iiiiiniand ami procim un in ot tue-uit .ni. . ritrnwr aa alojes. J.l.AU(.WiiJli'iJ'.sr,.-fc,.S' in. set seized, hehl and imprisoned and deprited I V , Womack,1 A G Yancev, Jotm McKee, A A' l liberty niadj. due) iipiiticttmil to llie Ho l. R. I Yamvt J M Neal. W U Bowe. HiriUinGrave... Af. Pe ..i-eon, ChiH" JiKl, c of the Suptvtm- fctiyt f , M tirane.K1iteftK0.111c. J U Fowler, iii fsaid Siitt, nt bv -law he mLd.t-ib., for the win I I oooer, J C Williamson and P -Willlauisiin, of hii'jrm m ptii 'to the , , id, that bo lift- said i !, ;ii1 1, and imprisoned ' ttnd de- l.ief.l oat ire -iniglir-d-rrbj- rrtq lire thrr -rmr-t-'ol t j r.vcl oi tlieir li;., r y, mule elue. iipplieation lo -jid tvi :r , d-dt oiiai! and 'impii -i.iu.i. nt .u, I , .... ib.i.or.iole Rieiiiuond M, -4nt-on, C4,tief ,1,-liver 'liin Jrvjii lie: snunv- are.,t .Iii.;,' iw jaw." . . :i. ,if :., fSnj-.eme CotiH 'of said Stn'.e, as Thar' tiie said tlib l JiMit-e i-Mi ti jlic will oi . .,..v :!t.v mlit'ii". f..r'll'e w rit-nf J!i6sri.r,ir." ) '.'"at thii lu-lanee e,i tl.i .'said iuoi e nitclielt, Yancev Jones, j m Xeal, -ll Howe, Ihtrsitlia Graves m Kuaue, Robert Itoiine, J' U Jowler, N 'L Hooper, J C Williamson, ami I H Wilfinmaon being 6 aeiied," hcliT, detained, and imprisniu-d amj di-privcd of their IHa-rly, were then and there in, the ou.-Iodyof said Kirk, lU iln;; as Cobinei lul l liinfihfi'iiiriiip tlie 'armt (I iMdy il nun hist tiforijsttid by'ihe order' coin iiiand and pn ciirciiicnl of lite said iloidi-n, Go-' ml, iiiar-lhe-Miiu Jolm Kyir, S feU-itfi-'.lAfWiyfJ, sU.-AIi1hi11, l.t'OS fin,.- If. .Ylnuic, dirtxleil lolln-.saiU Oe i;..- kuk ci.d.id.iiuiiii him iorll.w th to pio'.niee i.oilv ol the -aid .do!i"l,iis t.. JJiiore '.et.iiv.lHiii 1' -?. K. the LU. , t ij-.i.v eStinire the ho I and tnii rioinniei:t m ilt liv'ef .thcni frrnj tl-.e ac.-OFiiii to .'la sr. Inal (he sa:U Clnei r t I Thattiic said willuunw Holden. Governor of (lie a dd State, unmindful of the high duties ol,ht said tijRefS, and the oblioafiohs of bii-aol-iiun oath of wtHee.-iiiwt waitrivirg and inUnding and with a view ami tbr the pnl-ioe of support ing and maintaining ad irhled military fcret in aaid ISlate which -ft toad 1 Hen and there reernit- ed, Ofwiaed wild liiaiaed fiiUigat-pttV-poiiea witnoni vm Mttcti.ni -ier-the eonatitutiou and lawa of the aaid tnt0 hnt Iff Ciintravenlinn of the same did iVotii lime to titlie In Ihe nlontha of June, j-tdy and Augiiat, in the year of our Iird one Itiimaand eiebt hundred and seventy, under color fH hia said Otliee, irt said Slate without Ibe snnelion : of "the eoiisnrution and lawa nf snid State, and in violation of the sam-, make hta wurrrniaii suelr Governor npa kej'reawirer of the said btate lor larpe anma of mpiiev, lo il.; ior Uift-tum ol' uidajuisbiuM . uteiTtas and More, to "be used lor the uniaw-ful iii'rpxwt atoreaaid. - That the said trtltiarnTV Hr'ldVn; Gorernor as a!oesaid,""lindcr .inlnr of hi anid-ofjice l.heri and there, prtrsliided, coininanded, incited and 1 tirnfiirt-iJ tivitl A Jenkins. Trensurev of a.rid Slate to reeopriize Mich and said unlawful .war- i cruel und fiendish spirit ofIigiiHia intol rinin on the Treasury nf said State, and to de-' eiiinre It.ts slain its kens r.l tlroitsaiuls. liver ich and sir. atmis (ifrooncv to anch a Tippling waves, aud ronring billowsYon; aie awakened . iu 1 he niorninc ' br the- sound of surges : you are. lulled 14 sleep7 in the evening by the hj rah of the biff ; biws; and in ihe dead of the nlgbtyoM start, up from your dream, feeling sure that you have heard the dear sweet voiem I bfthe Joved ones far away, but it is ony lck.""-is u mo . uierniaiea reiurniug ((. their conil Jiomesi 'Ihe waves have, their' wild laugh- w-bep they play with jlliespurfc, UiO impulses ot uri uubnUUfl pmbuiou, was btit un lust) nincti'. oecouiiilisling ili'u g,ra!id. and insci iilal le pitrpoes ef Omjip ulence. EuipiiVsHaj-. iijs? v4 Wl.' Voii quciofs may blot- out the lauduiarkf -of the pest otjly to have their owp mpitu men is displaced in (urn,' but I ho history Inf llir lin-niiin racc.'ttirohirli adlayes and MuVfthe deep "and. aurelT tnar' 'jla-tU . I! vicissitudes,. ie but the history of the thunder of the billow's : wben old ocean -I-..I.. ....r.il..Hl. J ..: f. i . ..I . . .! .1 . 1 .:..' .-:-'.. wirsi ies ii u i ite (emprFTv- OUTrwaPpytj, erit be in the -st;ill small voiVe of khiI( wave lets, or in the louder singing of ihe t large waes, or i)i the niighly thnnder of the luouniaiu -diillows the ocean" ''resU ' not, ilny nor night, -for1; crj ieg," wirfi.fui thousand voice, "Holy,"- holy, !' holy, t ih'Velbiiment of the uiifalliofnitue desr-rn ofOod. " :: ('yVns the (Jreat, lo pass further on, dia'placra the idol wore hip? of i!s ances liVrs by iTfc subMnup mmiotbeism nnd-thV ii fouiing, elevating and momF p-finiMpli-s of Ziio.ister. He extended rt prrtertirig hand ' lo the Jew's, iie.d' estabTiabetl reli giojia toleration iu iiiS'-widdoiainlen!,iu"(1' from his accession to llin ti.tue of the Mae ctTbies- nenrly 400 yea r--(here- was seareely.any olood shf-tisiir rellg;inii.- Am bition lias slain it a tlioiisaiiilsi. Lot the v.idc y ,.,.:i.i l,l--tl tins: i.f -ai l feiihre, detention a ime. .I.i tire is-uid the writ of talus. cocp,'4 at the Prt of purtsra in attendafico at a!! trnirs. u.u isfC.r S.'tm h-are tliif hiin-.e lisilv '-. Pa-ietieeilpi.4J1.rnrt,.'c j n.f ii lid. m' W. lli id.d tx.vemr of anid rltnle, onnnndtiil of the hih diili.i s oehisi lli.-e, the ohliiiathina id l(i- soli iuTi fintli of i fiice, and thf 1 'Wtsthiition and liiw-'f, tl.-.s-aiiijj, ''d"'' J'i-t:'v. at the ( 'liainbt r of tl -ealfTT'tiitit and mtcnftinR f -Hr up ci tl war, ; Sttitreiue C, uit lir lh eily of.halei.ii in sain : W .. ., It,,, .!.,;, , r.ftauiiifsl-P II iH Mibvej(fjw rcotu-l and -uMi- liboriv.'ai d tl.i S5t.de tl.al si.id itii.f.t- W. Kick nrnjyi (he', .- t-;.GrifiiK F A Wih-. J T MiiHell, T O n i-.lu!.., ii "iir.d laws of aaid Si tr- 1 1 d ,.: il,. , , vcrnc, i.ih day of '.!';; 'in the year of ofir iTor.i J. Wooi-n k. -A (.! Y:itcv J' Im .MiK'ee, a' A I'l-iWilf-lal.-S ai(! i i-.;i i ii rid urn luiii to one tl-ioii--aed. tiirbt hmvlreiF and seveii'vi, i-c ijiL ; M ;k,,vv,-f Jones J M Neat Willijni I hun.i!:;t,' and drieii the aid St: )T, an, ihe. - ii.ii,M.ot' Alamamv. duly s-rved with t(li saiJ'rp" p r;;j:a (y N'tl'ianic'l M Roane ptcde tli.ern f, .-. i-'l eapei t d!y ti e "', !ifif.tbe I writ of hi'i-as doif", tie, I be I arte 'iioTi tt'rn of p . . i:,,,, ,Jn'nii-U.'Fi3'l-r, 5f Z Ibo e courfy of f.Vw. II it! nid State. ,i.1 p provoke .t nt tn tire-tennr,- a -n'luimrjja w. ji tid f -tu-eil i J -C AVutiaiiiion-atid PTi V. illi'ain-on, ori. (he lll!UH-lw;r!h "'--j h:t... .lM. nrtrler (lie. , t'i predin u, Ine body oi; li-.e said .-Adolpir:,.. (j. t.lwtiil--sixtb dav otjtilv in t iie veiir ' f.f our ct'firfil fiissaiu oniia-R,, i u nit' ciutii il.ay. oi , .uooic in iuri iiie t iiitt j jjsiire Trryrrr. trirr'rfT-Tisv-M1 JiiTy, in the J'xar t f olir l ord ih . ilmu-iiid-, exi.;i.cy ot. s.i.d wni, aiwuiii. aud tetdariuit . direet ei.hl hunitriil anil ;i r.i v.. in sanj N;.!caoI lies r tl.uit he i:iul maov s'-cn anzure and ntnrtTiic-niTiT''f .Tr.niif e1eiM!-.!r;r ami tiureosei i iiiiin-e-oi-c'f tl.c s tut ,ilu!l'l.U:- Fusii.f. r. 1 1 ihrolir-h ibi. irrmul tl.tr ..f giij of i ho aaid tviniam W- Hnidv-n, tlnvermu . ... ... - n . i L .r.,iJ.';i .. , k . .5.1 'wHi .. , hi iITTTlC1''' ctvlinaaTTni niitn aiiuu. tho tri- I .... .j .!..,. :u i . -,:. Jd iimiibs ol renuliliiii and imnvii.l I vnivfi jioia uiiiir-mii iiif,ni iti'i'i iii.it? iu lime ! f I V I ------ - , , i di-sipiato nd'ppoii'; that in pursiinnce of I and tho general ubin;sioii to Caj.uiaB ! Don't F-fT. '1 dare -no more fref,"" seid -Johfr-Vei?1-v, "than to enrse aiid swear." One' who knew hint well said, that he never saw him lowspirited or fretful in his life.. He coul,d not endure the society of people w ho were of thia , -i rt "pi 2nd by pruute eVwiveyance. ' rrof-laim aiid,iec!nre (be ( Vuniv of Caswcl,'1 in j, i i.'ratefnl for the trbersl fatroMce o ' past we ' : j--Slant .lir'inmiri-n-tMrir. ''ii.l di-b after' it.f- and m- Vepe V -rteatlta U wanla OjHoer. gnests ; 3ll ,;UM J,., af.,re.aii,:scnd Usli. vf ': of as . -te aierita e.eal.lioaice--we. . i armed, dcsivrmrrnr.d la w!e- ie. o-'l r-oih J4S . liij.80 Uf - ' f ' ... rr' pnttrr. -7s! ar;,d set m -toot whligut,' authority at law, into s.iJ 'i'l-.iefke aecci(.:i"g to ,tht cs-;v ij. aJjOulU; Jttt4. .'iiiil liy-iiTe 7r.tK-iiliini.iit, coM;in,-ti,,r - -irrrsitid. J.ll."1, W7 HnWeTT Qm.tl l'l !l alia uaud tiot-prpaliii-e Ihe'fmdv id Aduiphu0. Mpcre. hffiirr f'.'c Tnii isanit. etunt to Ihe aaid i with . iu:ii'..i K rr, S-u-.i-ud P lEll.-'MvWC-Gr iVi lev, J T Mttehct!-, Thoma .f Woni.-i. k. A G d.jyrtiOn'!'bdia. him i-1 hebodT, iiXiliii-Ktid J.ohn liltb. IYuik A LALaU, itliaiii ' .JKWi.i.iiarxyi Nativnih nt iiBniTc ...of1 K FaTltT, ;.I .Z.II-r,p..-.r..J,c JvVi:i;lmAaa.; jQd mureftiiiTt (hereafter, twi(; In (he month of Aiisn-t in tlie year ot our lynl. one tlion.and eight hundred and seventy, one Richard M Al lison, ajcitieawt' the Comity 'of Iredell, in said "Slate lire "Ihia suit mtlii? Siqieridr Court of the laat .ed couji in his own behall and in the bell an of all tl. t.-x pivemo aaid State. (here l9 granted, and i-ssui7t-? -'jrdm. (e law. 1 an ; v.: Job ii MeKee.-'-A A 'Jl t UWigi: rmKsSuaiug mrnttinma .t .ieiiKin, ireasu- JuritiiLiti', Wjibaiii S' H' w.-, Irarzillia i ta ve, aiifk wsrranta and order of iHe-said William w '-mli tl, lecutrer dwelt up 'ti'xhu period Hobb'u-Goyernor i.f ai.rrc.ijd; (he. said Divid j w0i, ,,., je of jaj T)(lj , .- , A Jehkins, I reaanrer ns aforeseid for such put-! , . . . r ,n joaeaUrge mini of money from said Trcasuri-. ! 3n'! hT, -W0 l0'e ar thi'MiebetU U-wit: the aunrr tbitr thonand dollar or ' ' -l'di . J rw.ee cf i'l-ace wa boVu huliif. 'ILsays of theni; "To have per soiia a(, my-i-nva murniurinnd fretting ; at every .thing ia 1 ke tearing Jhe flesh . Tioin my boucs.J By the grace of God, I j am diiEcnnteiiled at nothing I see God ' Fitting on his throne, and rnlitig all ' diiiigs," ; if -yiryi. eue, was of JoLn . 1 Wesley's spii it. ii would Jatolulionfie" - Ihe wurld. Chi:ii?y'iiiia loiie ali ififir war, - side comforts andi dishonor; (he Xfeetef"" It was al ii liuie of great religious degejij.'.' aj-ynnd even tiitn bad lieen Io?t-ui Hie aheirftrgiTitsp though llicir woi ship was ' comnfattdfil by tho ruling rwthoritv as a part of tlia state. pohiy;T lie G?pil of ! bv t lie ir jmf tri tji is s c v (tiJiitUtroftbli's, i ho C bnet Was a rt at. -rel.trim; ft f rmsi- : Homo KA warn bet"r I In fr real sorrow a of ' praying ihat a writof injur.. t.;oifi(:htttnBfifti',,n aiid ifot ITie'eMal.TIshlr.eii t of a new i 1 f.rvith a man ,'s f.itl. Rod patience sre." - ATIiiurch There never hns hrrii, aadbeviitjeily veilbrowirly the ifaking of W ilTbe bnt one Church ef ('ed. i vase'; 'Tho tempi t is an iriruly steed . . . . --. . s r r - hich iut be kepi lhuiu'-h all .hwji.iiiark.fcj' meat. " "'' rer as atftrea.iidfrom delivc rint? anv sum nr "iiiirflcof fliyni'tttViirtt:"wi;iiai. w. Hlden-i "J t-i-, :tdnrsetitanosjiit)If. Joy fs to f ol7 jjrerJior aj-ajOH tent iu. band ever I -

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