..-'pj . r ' - K i 1 t 0 - ...--..,...-r '- , ... : t ;. itav V P, . .,.' t " j.. ,- n , :l --, '."-. I'M- ' Mtf " .. . ) ...... . "! - ... , tui Mr si. "j'' lu '"'' -.'. V-,. ... ' -r.MW V- ' '-, ' " N ' - -'rf ' , 4 ... I H V1 ml jpi -'.j km' n ui .'" 1 . k' 4 ( s l1 NO. 2. , Ji w 7" ' -it' -t I u i cLrMMona'MTAorf iiiran i-Ojr" VARSAV r LKA.VB Wrww for Wlf MptBnnday. Through Ticiffti Oultl WrWrmiw.t(iFyutteTiU$tf. Throogh . tJoVnU from WeIlon, U FrWill HO. Tfcroagh 'ik'kaU fntm VUaUugU. Ti Vfir r, U FjuriU . -jij- 0UA.HLOTTB YtA ITADES&ORO. TO -,,U EAl) QKJSVC. 4H.K.II Lmto CUrtotU ftartoraini from Bsleigh Monro, f..r WilJoUor Tnewl.i Thurn- dft.r. Tbr'Uf m4 tltBrdyvrUr trl from CD ITU AU R. n. TO fatettevillk and . w.-W KSTKRM K. B.i : ' : Lf Latham Rati Iloai! ftrlrriB from Halelgh. - - 1 w . Lar TT3rn Rond at JoukKlioro' after train frnre rar'tt!"". aily txtrnt Snndaja. Kalkm arb II ion Pit8to leaTM rath - pla Jily. ' .--.'- - "" OfficlBntner'anot't,pih'm.Ki C. .. m - mv T. CLEIMOX8, pt l, U?0-tf Contractor. . t - rSl;0004tHWAKD. neXJing's Via Tag un? all Liter, ' KMwy u4 f MHdpr iiwf. Oranie Wettkbvtlb Female Afflictions, Geooral De WiVAttJ all eotnp'niiits of th Urinary Or cam. in tnaW ud final. ':'pf -11,000 will aUobo paid for any eaw of . Blind. Winding or Itcnii(t PHeg.tbtf D Birtg'a Pile Remedy fitila to curos 'DeBlni MAGIC LINIMENT caret Rhamatim,J rin, Bruie and Swelled Juiut. in man and beast. . Sold every wbero.. i eud tot Tamphlet. mir M.L at.r221y 4 .ll'l rr v-vr- ..a.NTil IfaO la ."0 ... . . . . .. .,,ntwl. .11... Mil '.I. fcn. Ml,W-tf ftillt, esrt, bind, trnl-1 una tmiiroM r In H ri r m nt-. PfJ "'r K'" ,ir tallr wrr.ua tor jrfrt W - III .y Oot Th .m- lilrrrnytnn tintl t .illMt ro f,r.oT, 1 krwMful. r inorf ltlc " lhn - It k t M" W " e.itlli I. rn b J.ulmiVliii"on, 'pulllpi'tlli '' Inrl . W p.y rn t from I" IN I" r muitili "ini - - - eo W-ton from whi li ilc ilntaiuauut ;. MsvaaMdc. Adlr 'orlrm to irni. s. J WKOOm" C., "r " ' OSMhrty-r-l rMls'irlpkia, Pa. CACTI! f H A(r-nt ifllinic M' ln trwttl'y til h Certiftrtt. of jle.y (( W f a ihail tl"l I'oM out ,,w. r. oi'H e f r vorlhirw Mch n o'd !. oth r .nri. . ih'tt (i iBprOtMnf oTmirf Mai-Mni-. niMrr IliU nm I lb tali vcl-Bt ol tne Jw. utt.m muh M kIi'' Mi.c4 fr at tii T our t:ul. Wu net b imi nr P' U' ''"i'f leitifra"1' and clreul.r" n (I. hUNK, M, 1., U'I I hilUll Ciiawr llf l r. fi Bi.. l'hli'l'M. r., una . n. ".', ..- Hiirlut' , H . 0.,mr iukinf uont rem r liable mr.i-rfi': Tnmor. ana Ulcers. 4..inr I t nt'.lo I t r fo Vtm , Willl-Wllf C UiU'-t IIU w. I W "'"! s dTSmST .'pjiii. r lu"lT pniLI,ir &BROTIIK1SS, . . Tit-'i nno.RS aiivv xi Coort Bonse, A.,. C...r 4lrt inwrtlon. . ....... 00 . . - For4h additional inaertioo. ........ 0U SDec'ml notieea will be enargea aw p eeni nlgfier tlian (U Above rate. - ; " Court ina jumce vmrr m w rt at tha $umt rates with other dvertia- inenta. . , Obituary noticea, o?er lit Unea, euargaa aaadvertiseinenta. . ' CONTRACT ICA Tto "FAC." O o . K H 4 o K 0 K o O 1 Square. 2 So, o area. 3 8iarea. 4 Sqnarea. Column. I Column. 1 Column. 250 $a 7.1! 500 6 50 $1300 14 60i 25; 8 60 13 m 6 00! 9 00 12 00 20 001 30.00 ' 8 00 1 1 00 15 00 25 00. 37,50 1 1 001 18 00 20 00 .'10 00 45.00 i 18 00 24 00' 30 00 45 00, 75.00 !28 00 40 00 50 00,80 00 130,00 For the Old A'ortA Safe. Ho. Lewis Hakes: I in the proceed ings of the LegilHture of the 21rt ult., ihnt the following ameodmeni to the ConTciition Hill wan iiropoxed snil sdojxed: ' "The Con?niion hall incorporate a clause in "aiiid Constitution recogmV.ing and declaring "that the decision made in the Supreme Court "in the cam- of Hnrnh Hill vs. Tobias Kesler "Khali bc,tnktnto be the true nd Coal decimon "of the question." . . .. If the Convention should obey this iiutructton. then this part of the proposed Cowtitutioii would be the work of the legislature.- The Lerflsla Hire in this respert n,nkM itM,f ,l,e s"l,ren,e iKiwur, and inttmett itt rrtaiurr (the Conven tion) to frame and adopt the twtrtttfh mandate. This fx certainTv an unprecedented and unwar ranted usurpation ol auuioni.T. oftice. let lis tae lltinpi eslnity and s.berly J from Hit aad ejtpwiences through which we. have passtd,.and wmUwly and wisely adopt such measures as will advance or jieace, pros peritv and subsUntial happiness. , r ' . CACTtosr. THE E0MAN METHOD OF NUME RATION.. Wc, ai did the ancient Roman, read and w rite froir the left, to tlio right Land In wstoe; the Roman l4l4.w;.4uiui 'd M ittt'Qtagiu wJjJsJltJjLLyjj. VII, VUl Aa all UHiHHia for tlio rawl part, numerate on -Uiiir fingers, they would naturally hi-gin on tlie lelt hand, at having counteti five on tlmt, reprereiifed by V, made by drawing a line down on each tide or the hand and 'meet tog Ht tfu wriet, meaning a whole Imnd outiprend j they would pass to, the tight hand in the tame way, and lhVft ou hat would make anotlwr V, tqnnl jo '"second hand outspread j ilieae apidied to each other, would BHtke X,lhe symbol for both handi,r tent I pressed thirermrtrst way. Because the Arabi read And write tin. op posite way to ours, their niiiuertcncres ing fiotn light'to kft. . Having the csublislicd principle that the addition, and Sumiuiug by thu Uoiuhh letters is in one direction, i. e. to thetighl hand ; and that the putting of sirotller letter on that side of a lurgi r indicated ioi crease of a sum by the vnlne of the siunl ler as every posit! vn iinincdiati ljr ng gcts its ni giitive, putting ilmsumeoii iW oilier side would signify subinu-iion ; tliiis . r- t ft ' lr c : V tii-i. V 1. one udc ill. six : iv.nur Pas on Main Street, - .in - TlKTljEJSr THEIR T UAiN iv " IT NtV-Wte tor The very liberal patron.ge en- If the legislature can both rwnw ana mr. - - - - . r. .r . i'nnvontinn is snIAirdinate e.. one before the sviub of nve, and si . .i I ...-' ' if-I .nirialnturo ran in-I . ciil.iiui ti.il linm the till Struct in one particular, why can it not dwig- bet:iul)se 0p08itu l0 the one, that by I hell nate .eoostitttiioo in all it P". -1'. rale. iraplk-d nddition. LVhXf fb3gV . Ano,WprieiPl..0 bo contra, bv tuo present tegwiauin-. ,AJin IS 1 1 tl wirf KM) thltt ,. ln:ilirr the provwuw "S 1 .YZZrZZlH, from execu stunuoo, mtnura mv. t r -t - - - lion and sv'"fr fPf f '"3t tliC " ' ASpSt or K ,nd 8 ; so ihev do not eei ttt SteConsti- j aoWed any Mttr to b. m.rt from execu- 10 ",c . A. , :. ,nsl ...riul vrui-kiul ok evert few um i - - - m j ...11 . atI...M,.llllltltr aiUHS.UlH. Hill -eoiiipIiui t ,ta-.the-en4i prise n M..ruLi. (Jwinelo his eitnnio la iur lutcrview had tiecesasily to be thouglT st the same time gAersl. ""- 4 ConespondCut Goeror -do tliiuk you will bv admitted the w lieu you make applicalriMil fl..v..nu,r 1 do not knots . I thou I ..i.ld beaduii Ud"i.r 1 wlildi otli asked uiy friends lu the t jjlslaturt vote "f u'e- i.ioom wi n r Congress W liied-4iMMy oIaWaiu nbnoxious me'vb fir Jdo leiiching feci-fSioil ttnil klng "'p t ....tl...rn niiiill. illld .Ul lllK He.. Jb"llllll 1 heart for f eiwrMihin sintL viL'r jfaud. i 1 not see why they shoiild t felu ve oi. 41 1ir fi-'hiiii for hisStnui whtiU forced Jinto it by tli action of others., i . ; ; '. Ourn-spowleot " Usvo-fV ryi afsur- hiico fnuii lending . R ' "44, riHie tlut oh itr la- TiA m tl f ': , ' Oovemoi I hilvc iiiiii-hc(ty ftrong assnrniices fiom fieuuloiimill. Kepii-eei. Uiirea who eeitii xinmiotitf to qni l ih tiotiili and restme li.miioui iiy nets " kiiidiiesa of lhisM.it. Imt vnh it I citn runciubcr I'Sci pi utl hstc. k-.nwM l f.i,vr general uitUM-sty. v . t , . HWtesiHiiisleul hit 4liJhasurl0fr wrtwM be the" IF et irtlioolfy ami h'i i" the" Sjtute of a n liisiil lo si m yu. -( I" UoveriHUfc I cannot thipk 1 hut. r fnsiil to Benfmiwill hnvtfriy ell'fH m-rimHy--eri4y-iit -so - i'r - 1 ' jK-riMiiillyoneiri.i-d, thou-i it mv'lii b regHtded'os of ijii"rlnei ioki il upon i . i ) lurl.i i.f anulibior a Sl.iK! fulilv ii. th- IJiiiou. i-i this Stale it! would Imvi hi was nUnluu-Jyv and cruelly lat S-ff)u 1st filial Mini Ik I ell- 1st s j ita si ssai j hiiii ords of uiy aduHtilsiriititin will tes- Orti lt y y enough to kveu any- om voting for mo, auif 'theii winds rging that I be ndiniiillti d I sup. inc shiub reusou uiui no mime nco lecturer take a ' Jrtikeu tnnu s ith huu to serve is a tilhirul . Milltytif the Vloli fii things hi to tue I" Mt-ver itdd.- Much ol WyTlWctinnfepWerillW irtirton tin ir, whs imply snid t -i . J I l. . Ii. .1 :. uesencre utiu miiiKcn.. an ii are Jo hl W try l. fight m s A:jsul eies roitds wee jy av-niHii ilislnicled il he sntiirht comae yen'ed' better let the big ndent-wAYbati your opinion rown, in. Missouri. .. i doHikoow iinytliing of ii lu a tmliouitl Miiiit i.l' vir . ' that .W'nS. glsd to luar .) because ;, f'r ui ute ty lorgjt(t,iifnl poliiu-aUiusVi (lint How du jou regard ( in ui tuoveiin-iil 1 . ' I know. U-es mIhoii iht- icve i As ii gem liil iiile i torui- miit, to inui'li in tin- wiiy ol ii pufiTrc opinion hii been Imsci ho' loi.ir i hui ii can't y longci; one parly n foi ois us not In r. riolody rc uiitiy nut I he id obliged lilt A a Iiift nmstion. i von iir ! in a hurry! how i . .. (, of Ki W link, and nlk tiK the next 1J iepresen.ed more tlrnn three times i,r most if otir hence 111, V J 1 1, JV , contracts." , . 4 , ne lh Cort. will. XXX. LXXX, -&C . A',, ' s conceiien "' 3i " iil.ll.alionof " ' " V, ... .-id.-red as doubled in "that it "VJ:-imn.&iilMt lt nTe.u--. - i sElnst theCon.titution of the Lnttedhtates, , analogy to this way of "and therefore void. . ..!. ...Ji.r bv iskinsr the chnrac- .i i -.. ; . . . . u. wuifii iiii.iiii'.M " i ., . . . it amnnni. MB . -. . . i w u. ........ IIIC t IIIKU " ... . j ' rf,: ii ihi licit Di iniicMilic I tinin.' mi. but 1 1 iik t wu ure taoirlit bv faith. iutl ue..ee -rather; iwu uiu'.n Vinie ii llu ffr x w p.idcncy -and Vice and not by tight. eia-.-ou lite Uepubircaii mi i j 1.. P r stuei w,e1' v. ' ' Again,. there are deaths that come up- stJ ImvyHceptil the nu' of tin rjr-i fcavat-tmjrfriert d flie ou us with lh sense of a completed har- mnih oLtle:iijernc,s (rt-if IK IHhH h.-re bad. ui veil away, and Aero b. 81', ', ht f ,M . ,lc ,,.,,! ,H !,,, t nil day's tjav.T is flntsliwt toinn ... . . . .1 . ..ti.ii.i .i.'i.n. ' 1 II.. .1 1. ...It VI. Ill cr sroou. j imp? i.iie.1 wiib iir.rr miwii. a i'- other coikfrslojt Amid the many cnnfotlois nf this lower world; ari'o'ht-r dljcontentj .t.t. i. I ... L r wim lie eppnn-ni; iiiva in puipupi:. - Sneh ore always the dentin of children and the very young. With no vision of another woihl, wl-re the tr iit God of all a a I.l. oi ids lias wot K and tires, uiese tieaiui seem iitieilyuiireasniialili.- Ami iniiv Hilil It. these, di-aihs in oj aniug n'l .Uim d, just w' l-n Ine lmi d has li'Hini'd its cuooiiig "ind lliSv traiii hit gaiu'ed Iir ittbrtglli; WW'"Wi"tlie-Tmg iiian, wiih pmiiifo f-f unble resalts, and hiub in couture, hi re and tilioritile.dt'iilh ' f -- T p. I I . conns, and ends the Mory In fore the firs I, page 14 wniten, -tuKcs me torus awaj; aiid eiifKliiU the labor, before the $rst blow is clinch. . j ."- 1., And besides these, I lie dtullis. that emnu in middle lite, when tied lo lainily Hitil fiiouds uiui social duties, the ventre .1 iIw.mj.i.iii' ii,l..r itia I I'll tila wiiiL nil "i " 7tai.t. i....r., . w . ..Li...,' Ii"it iiiilli.,Klii.d ii unilr lii, la iTii. If.l.l.lV ,1.1.1 iiiiiiiii-ii.i. . ing Well by nil lueia judgiaeiit, a work ntliicli ' Vi-u iliiiik noiio but he can do' so well, or,'1t may be. do nt all, - death sum mons a man in the midst of nil his high est uses ami most diciiiiiu successes, uun all is broken off in the miilft and lift frag mentary and chaotic. To the deepest sense of lots there is added this further oluili ntion the iutelUcl, to bear A losa that, from this sido seems lived less and irrational.'- ', .4i1iCe deaths may como suddenly, by l t- l .i ..... -..II siow ueeay or oy me ucciueni, ub c chii it. oi H ', FroaKlisSentinsk'J rt'BOO MEETING IN CaYff- " ' At a puljlc meeting of tba cithcemi oif Caswell county, lidd In the Coort Hou In Yaneevvilh- V f? n il,. in, l. r v. eemUr, 1870, 6a motion ol Col. 32. U. ' v ti lien, illiiiov Long, Esq., was called III lIlH rlialr li.t 1.. .Aff Wl.. ...... w 11 w,,ri,iip vl'ViUil, f UUII Kerr. L)r? Il M. Ttnan iA jr. U T.n. jrm rcqiieatcfl it) act siixrAtarb Itnn T.,l. 1.'... Aj mnnialMl in nice io re pon reMiaitons wr toe cobsum I'lallnu gt llu mmitln akiLlAal SavllrlnSK . " . W V. , m. V. ... K , WWW WW.W ""ee Trrr.i.ia1 l .L.i i - - ll pi latriuiu iniuna-Tiwir twaiii ay ijpep. John Kerr, the following ' ;. Tim people of Caswell aro called tq mourn tlio loss of their honored and fp vered fellow eitixen, Col. Bedford Brpws, lie died snddenly, in bis own chamber, ! thn course of (he night of the 6th e( P; ccmber, at tho advance ags of seventy six. He has thus fallen asleep and been laid wiili his failu-rlCafier having servci his generation with distinguished fidelity. pTi1)ttni and ability. His neighbors ancf !... -':r" ".-.:' -.:.'..... t:V.-. - tJfVM.I.' ctiiiniy men, now osseinyica 111 iuuiw tnectiug, iippteciatiiig his great iitoraf wonh and his matured wisdom and fhor ough devotion to the interests of jils cona' try, euuiiot witliliold the eiprssion of their deep sense of the pobiie loialaiU4 occuiiciice of his death at a crises in pub lic nfV.iin so momentous as the pre sent. , Useful in council at all timer, lis advica and lead in the pi scut emergency are felt to he iitdispensal le. , A long and faithful 1,1 It atfi-' ) (iif.'f' 1,1111 vmitrnlllnir InHu. ence over the mitt is of a large number oij the intelligent nod virtuous citizens ilirnitglioiii die Stale, and in this, his na tive county, his suggestions were hcardV with the prefoand deference doe to Ven erable age and the most fully tested in-1 - togrity. As a ueigbborno man was more beloved, and in Ins domestic relations r wa A model nf rectitude." illn4 ' ' While bov. lug with meek submission ttiA TTivini. ni1! aa ..ni.il.ll In liia ealt.' from time to eternity, they neyertheles experience tlio sorrow wiucn is namras ihmI frlil imni. Art ni.i.nrranra BA flfel Aticliolv : aud fromJhe deep fountains of. their liearts they oiler ibis small tribute, to-his memory. ."-n$t I?rO(il r lt Tliat Sn tnlrnn nf nnr irrMt, resoectand veneration for the character of. or late lamented fullow-eitiarn,- Itedin-4. Brown, wc will wear the usual badge 01, , i i a mi i a s v von i UAlstllfJIlCO IU1IUW W11IUII I a t - . . uiomenu bufr (hev are tmeiH-ird inevitnblr unon an orrunenct amel'-. - ' '6-:t .1 1. 1 r...l t 1. A- 1 . i A a. ire if iur icustMi u Mititfc, itnu u trtpiiua- dictioii lo our it L-1 1 10 oi ii iKr. We call ilu iu ''uiitttuHv Uifiillif. unreHoiiable ui i . . i . ... 1. 1 i. r nothh.U bit to quarrel ....llt, ' our ....i f .l rellliitf loffeiner. I ww riv ...' q n t " a i ...i .c 1.. I. ..mi l ist jiiunmi-r wan ii.nir iiiiiii. - ...... nurelv loca r j lr....il.liria break up the corrupt rings Hint were ean, . ((ice i.ijrusup. Scarcely a word of i'M'"tOJW0 0f i:.:. .,11.1i.d. U was. aouiewlm I Y .. . I. .L . T ....i.lt.n,. ..li l t? ... ti.id iiii'iiuff mat liii; Aj,-iii(-n - , ,,, getting f'gelher. In !', 'I ( ight hero Lnt iumtiier i iuU-i view liicli ?viig ex- local issues, and thousand, 'L(.Ml!)ia d often quite unius :aiis in the West helped " t,. di,.u to the Senator elect . tho corrupt ring's that were eafT. Ilultili; lo ob- for lUleiub; HlllK'Uchlllt-llt. 5' .i,.iinn nf that clause in iii vuiii... ,, enntiirii iroiu m - ;,, ,i,u ri.eliiilr tnal me wfiieiniw , toyed brtnem ";&0tiJ.nsineM ltl.e United Mute, which prohiwu. '- rellired amount, as iVT nvo mums : Bimr Il0. j,, d.-liaueoM't "'SACl KLUU JCUUH. LTShtonU 'JS? ffiSCa'con, one; xlv, ten plJWf W f,w ich made me in. ligii, . who is rather given to Sf lleoitinWtokeeponhanoagosn ,cn, plus ten minus one i.Xt fifty, nr.uus )f (, ntlhe(Mo ,W$2&OCmw V t. conntiiit wonid read Inthe letters wLuiSZ Gi 3 'S25fiZ rt-lffl SAiSf iut andth. ouebeloreyou J.te do; so, it L at deal of lUtatijsj IVve,, , 7,50, wtherV;as a forcible dissenting opinion from f 0tu0 ,0 two lull hands counted over Uie mach of that bitieroess, ai d 1 1 ff "bout tliat tune wrwvP J SHOES, DOMESTICS, -So able and learned Chief Justice. , Second time.- . . cause our people to despair of ever beti.g p- ea-y matter to ob ,n a B00rSr B' . The decision hM been freely and severely v T,e anai4(gy we ipcftk of is in the way J . Congu, ,y the mun ol ay I was . snmmo..ed to act CB'w,r T The Court of Appeal. 1 V.rc.ni. hw made I.ted ol say ng " ,iePllieFpel,niI,lCy of reco.is.ri.ction than Ulicrelprc not qual fied tq J?llumL BK0THEB6. similar decision to the ifomestead law In in (eigh.een) as we do. n.ne .,,e ,at C.mgress could do ex J , , L-ijist "' . -- a'- ma t a I I1T B 11 li H ' J-UB J-S . J : r ..S ITif. a ' S? ..ai H SS I IITltt 1 nI lOU. ' i . m- J -V. iLliiL' la i ,f . . ji. mnasji in irir at i ii l i u iniiibu. a . . : a si.naiaiein-isi (ti f nir innn't a " i ..iniiiiii rw un iir a i-w. v l . v ....... - - ik ii:ii. nil i iiu i si - lUU'lio umi Ulnnufactory. irtlU-i'Vjjlgagmfiir'"g' "Wxai Knaoe x Co., 4 ., KAMJVACTCKra or arand, Sqnare and Upright PIANO" -V OUT KB, a- . . ithc" hotel," 1 presume P 'o . i .m,i.ai.."j'" n .... . j. ..:.. ..i...... i iiilv no mrwiiiu w w - -. i ;n I The Leeislsture was aware oi me n " ana RnrimtH e)(lp mi"" "; .1 ..i..,..nd. orduF rieiiiIe. and -...i..,i;. ot1 the next-decimal pfnmMTV,.?.--.. A.7..I Wb.ir A i axr nm niitHLimi tu iuwo"" - m .- r riimuii. . i i nii rr uuiiui m , . . ..... ; r ... i.t-- MPtnill rmCIMHIB I , a...-..I ts.lnaws if M lilOUtl V I . . f..Mn I ii WhArn PfailO 8 fJL'"!L,!!!I- ioht to i,f tbcase of 28, 89, -"--:' - '-. ' . : a :iw not read the rcimrts ' .lA-.'frH uvDMivia i r.tt-n on. new -- ... i --- . , . .:n... tiui i v --. c . , ..I ..tii tr, witless wha e of putnic Keimg, ""l--k We- a- hhswi--. -..v,s., - twith a fii.n wiiiannaa six liik: uuiii vuiv" --- - - .a . . a. . atai :S iiian n - ....... . Hirownr ; v r i? - ,7l. b,..,. rmirt. 'K " U"J - . 7.. nnnn-TTaT""1 " ' '"' . . . J . . ner r .f v oust the present jun TJZ th- , divided into three maW part-j.- ' ! like B-ttier'. WUu4 se . - ' .h.i Mh.rmni mar hav tnroinces, anu xuw n, i ,., ia ihe Hist of L'""T. ..N , .. ... i, ,.,...,. 1 ..nibs'' V . . . a a. - tA iim i ininmiiMii. lit i w rs . w- - - aalll IM V al.s-7tvil UIW . .1 ' rr K),000 Ualy ; f worst . ' &0er laser attfee ' Jt,- i. K. 0 I -'. I OLD . - liberal asaew"- w aad - hr " 3rlek. TttT.TIMOUE. Md. 0M atuine a. j;,,,..,,. ' m!r i proaoaaeesn ''' . F . . wrsetnr'W ssd n stnglflg aonbiees r'.' tmrlt, of Intonation ' u .liaat .a sl..e. sorely h U. stiff- ' I -.v.oVK-?in pop. J. very it -rSesW .wOrerwg Soa tdonr lata ""--- . c...i iitonMi is not i .i.- .......ili , tin. itovt "V?7"x-aT - lei Ft h, alM neces- -....,, . .!, y, : . ,lX.cnritvof the Hometed. . 4l. ,,, i. fi,,t day "wii.w . . I nMl. . nn H (Ilia Ol . ,r. I.- . PiTi-'Contmkm.- calends; t hey Wgai. -to recao . the wnpromuw. au -- . Sa, ..... ,.(, Huch a condition of tmnga may m - The liothestrad is snrronnaeu w... . whTbaVoTlim they would - T)1U. ,l,ey and ?. i JlsT.li l. i..in lose the lffiftA Mo U,e n V j . I. .. t waiwrla all l ho lime. fortunate dei.tors. w.flhnl ..u i" .. dav before the calends ol wroinu u - j - ' . ... . . . . - J ".?' . Ii.. I?, be a L iTiii odiom that some times when they would express 1 ,. - ni.int iieUrllicra tonne lnmeDFs Thrira are ten thousana crwiiior in i iiio uio-".v -- --- . , fnr,,. rliu;. w4-hgi "lllu orMitlv benefitted, and in ttonveti.1 , i aril. r-ekfiied as:wtM :-rr" "iT ,.V have an inflnemtt. aiy. rlu. lUl I v w , Klatfl r ! not rcnii nm n-p"i- .4,-w. . - n ! I'nm not, posted oi ..'bjchotoi's-halli" ; nerl-i4ty. -Of -rr ftbu Hed in that man- he first, is the fit st of pbyteiian said to Ins anfago- WB (in some months wl( j,,,. vrili .,. ., on the hfteew. h n),liluur ltwt sinneis taught born y ,rf the mouth, the T - or ...t i,. Tl' 1 ir old debts. If Homeatcads "7 l.'1.""" IT.-b- ...wwiv will he ' n forcea utoo in iww.. ,...-r.--. . . !Se cheap, and the colored voter rany be able to obtain a uoino.."". . A'.c,... hr mi "thousand years yeais or , "it w i .. ..i ..fcil.to'ir As an ini tcation UCIUT tllll'l ,' 1 . ot change of opinion N.h andAf turn f B'""l 'Blli"tf t"M,1 U "Ti . gra.il, tr .m rii i tier .i cas ew L...L.1I .!, hearts of many of ourpe.r. pie. Qualified." eravely i...,',Ml "tor t tmve never '.. el l achelor's hall the (Url t u.l ame who had not i-.... l.,,'l0ia to m.iku him a .use M.lfl' does not ca m f Aj at V""""; r be iravellVM'Hid happened to A.....nent-?f von arnot Admit. ted at an . -j -,,- ,A "w., .11.-. ii.i. i 'iriaiuiu ,-wv 1 . vour siteci ssof liniilcd i e 11 rred. J' tnsiou bet SND SQI'altB hi.-h brine bs yet' on at- ttspr'.t. JSU Mawst - y ' tratny accotu- ii collision Off led a severe con- time to nl ow tuts w."-- -S-j.uywnrtlliJor i.icn tn rour successor 1 - 7 ; t T rftcr the ioia. ..Ortme time lltWeruorH not admitted soorr, a,nd ,1 t,a;il(iff;i lLu.d from the find the sense of Congress :Iecideaiy tUmJjt "ttgnarded con- posed to me, ..-- ,,--rT1 . . . i : ........ pri ii.tii (I lor t lie wurs in ui-ui... j" " lic.'hool"; tnaiiliood did the umt HKe u masu r. 1'aileiitly, as the years passed, -T nut -t .. , . the HPtininied duty was imuiu'o, in pi-- icribed burden borne. And now, at last. alt finished, death comes to summon the laborer to bis rest. . 'ri... 1..-I. il. nili in thank Uod lor, Obese are deaths thn. fnd long nnd lrnit- ful life with a perteel close, i uey cow -.:.i. il. ..J....1.I1 nf an miner sunsets, that Willi .UC . II '.'".- - . end the day," with the dreamy regret of tho Indian summer tirni emis tne jcar. They seem to belong to the diviuer har monies of the other world, to be visita tions of God's eternal. order? here among the uncertaiulaiulics and confusions ol time. ' """' . Tm Most Powerful Force One day at dinner, a seientifie lady asked the latoGergoe Stephenson lint do you conlsder the most poweinu ii"f . Hue 1" on' ..lit .. 1m in-an.illaiit spirit mefT SA list aV I H: uat hat otiestion : it is A III awvu WW "- ilia eve &t hitman for mai vvlio I "1. - ... .!. a I. II..- l.Uw.i .ar- fnr If Jl mail. 100 K Willi iiui- Ln Aia a vs-iniiiT ivnmfln. kind Ii ftlirtuld ffo : mi .l al.-a.. lo-thetmost'euctarUjiiUSi.s.j Miii, . a .u 'tl 1 l.;a ..,.ll...i nn of ibat looK Will urmir mm bock. There is no other forco iu nature could do that." : . ' sense of his deserts, a"eouiniiTree ofJ tbreo ( rlo appointed ty th -Ohairmanrf Mms - nieeting to select some sniiuuic repine and deliver a lunerar oration -? w lUi. mid rlmmr-ier and trnblic servieei , to be delivered at such time and placo M " l.a.a.navft.t. IIIOV hi. fl..iinted. TV hich t solutions were utuiiimously adopted. On motion it was unanimously uuk' that the-proceedings of this meeting W furnished lo the Raleigh Sentinel With re' quest to publish, and that the HillBbore f JletorcwCr.aiux aiioiner papcre m um be requested to copy. ! The chair appointed as the committee, under the second resolution Dr. BJiII loan.. Col. E. B. Withers d lancey Jones, .:-.,. 4.. .Tviwi" On motion, the meeting adjourned, t - WILLIAM JONES, Gh'n..j W. M. Roa", Uecretnriei. 4 .' L. h. M. Toi'TEK, I i Ml wra'a fironcht to the Tioriresta tion charged with stealing horse, When askH.wbat he Had to say, no-repneu,-n'l'i H.u.'iit It - was t. T '. wns sroin --aula iq -- - - i , , . I down the alley. I tried lo. pass behind hifo, and somebody, t;allid,.l'I)oM't try that he'll kick yon I". - SoJ tried to. ,pab fi-.nt .'nl hioi. and aoincbodv else ealleil out, "Don't try ,! t ho'li ite ; y !" So my only way was to pass over luni. pat-one tot ratte-BttpaifLaiuL . I nf motion nri"i, , .. I iwised lo tue, ' ""' ' . . TdWICu, V nra iiuiitito nau' larce '! .. ' .... nreiinsltions r w L.;. ...-. and there fl"lul - ft - f. erTf-rfrh. reswrrHh. "eatrer.r.l'ar.Mru.H.,, - - . . want y " . . .. r K hve I but wneii A g3rn ti ..najoruy o '-;"-;, , . debts. sndiaab. e, e t very V'f" "7 u . i i i . ....... iifp.. wiipn iiirii bt i among us in cr "the wmd s w I. retail, ' . - . fiwiiniorc 3f(i. "rav. Xwderful r-rwgrolling ili aetior. of a Convention. - : "Uo wnm F " The Jlome.ie.id -nan who otea fo, t Conven- . ,hc Norlh , tiarr wiliyote?or hi. wn.MnT n hf.f A" provide-rt for Z, on wbc "of his own bouse; ne i w.- ...- -- Jri'L t. n a nrotHwition before Citgrss to ."j:i"riunkr,otlaws.ioasto.llowtodebt- wa the benefit of tate'llomesteaoV and1 other rio- Can we reasonably- peci a Ke- BABBErfSflWEL! JIIGH point, . c. -- -t r tfT (ri sfop 'r-rv-s"" '-.--j:---; ' . - --xv .- "v . ,L.ra in attendasce at sit tralrS. Best"' I . -1,'., i-kts tUlH"U; px.int.t.aertaotiee wanuof oor garstt i fhe work of ' ' JK2E rd aec.toa.1 natreo ag. ws steprtvs "-.w t M ..-s fi.iT7a.tWhr ooetroo' to UieriBtand topr dijered h made the AJnS Iliiana wilt have control f th gorertterent as &Vm.U raahseomvselsof.thS opposruoa ...mnWii lite, w ten uim BT VViinu"-, ----- t - lt AVW,'lut III-y mean .. i .. !.....' they "tell upr wii.-u .... tin. ice the house . j .. kon it bOrned -ttowu. iDurucu up, -- . .. Th crop got inW tho grass who if got . r " ..J f . I liu Willi. into the crop t in ....,-" v-- . .hen tho i.ds work the firm. - n ...:i.i .uv inn aisiauce iioiii . SO we mift"..-" - , iddsotU:lIegelt Charlotte, w. fm Ohai lotto tq UrtVloson V". . .. pened to bo at the latwr place Wo coaM speak of a river 1 . - .' -Jv . ..n,.rv,?i- who nave nm ii v nrs ri ----- ... . . . .u'relievcd. -1 slmll be ; fiuw.-a .y c,r cutnsliuices, oi c.i o- ,Jk f..ltnas in out,' 'Eh, lad, I saw a lot One sings head cut ig tor this. instances, m w.....--- ti open: i ii , ... tvii.i no vou iiitM. i . I'nlwanoiiociii --- . I I ueniv oeoa iboul the impeachment of Governor Ul- tI$ mUtlier, ; l'se den. and how do yoa .ili.nk it l f(J WhliaVo .I-T-, yon. 1 - . ,,t.dHiitievir4i--contin I'.overnor I "" , " I o www... ,ujPoi tt.t,.. .t.--"f rlf.ri.r. I . i.' u , , io sav about the impencnuir-..., " my beati ngni , "ipiia aruv .inrllolderi. 1 Hvo r -VV;' ,; .- I Wtt re gcuiu . uiwj , ana nor '" , i i ...I " Gl u a, . tvgard-io-lt. W5,V " ' fc - Jltstice and o .--- .1 tf.";' COUtllcT. Ir.e "V' ' m- ..SrU l.v-o BlUR It i ' WbOl .. t. no rntrirru wip.. i . i - .. .. . . - ' i toward ioe to climb over, when he takes the bit i.. iai IdAt III IIIO I' VIM cud. You call that stealing hoi so? .il should say ihat the Horse stoic tm. i . . , . l .- -. mnft W? Jin losttis wife, hnd n in i, i. i.-j P . ..na wptd over her ?rAVT. He IIKII . '--:'.,,,G. ', married second wile, and wbenMre'dted he had tlie graVestone spli,t. Ho propos ed to the third and the , lady quiet ly ie inaiked: "I do not believe that stone will split again," . . ail toot mm w-' - - I .. l . .l.i nniui - 11111 i'iuh. - - . - w - SlrTw h-Lhiill. from ifaebounnVM "V"f!,rsdno to effect my nd ibs r" "rd ,n V"' tttiiW T7 i(iimt ,nmy,rsno w e 7 onei wTll civijhetn, W ' 7 1 mitSion , to the neoaie, . . I . n lh, , death. tn.o i t' -.v - .tlAii.leMerS to the 00 &d o. .riinst ibem i a court of justice to op agaiiia. .Knold nso Tiole breacU Ol pruiui v - i-t. ' .. u ia sure to fade ml.tlftfl "'-- ' ' '., , '" 1-1 ',1'" Congress :looKS ani... ar - - - -v XJ c- F t desire to sit k or 1 poison tnera io own.mn ' . . --t . I il.nnvidl ait tlliwthnw swtmcn y owu .loa1 anu knowkirielt III llli-iu .,f mr OVll IIU Willi"" - - " s., . .rtofjasticoi- tWayewrt-n ahonldnse Tioh,t a.Ummt. tlotOioftUga U ont ti toothitf ont-Toa kavaTodenbt VlUGiye m, Liberty, or . iiWilli. Jnar " innuiriwl e kind and In -....liaHW!'....,. 1 tTulffeot mother f lier .young Iropcinl, Who had preceded her in arising one mofning"Willie, dear, what have you dona witu mamma a stocaiugi i . Put 'cm iu the stweetmcat pot," cried l it-.. HiiIb rri aTnrer ." T.. "Rless his irrectous . littlo heart i the child is sosfull of Jiis iouocent pranks.' ' When we are in simplicity before ITim, 12:tlin 1 ia tu lil in aov wiv. e-e mi WW 1 1 1 1 1 1 . - J J . J IL- in rnnndeneethat iba oath iielor us to flia dlvioo ordr,. Je will surely arrest ns if aboat to make a-ms-etei!tai we 1 f attfti In the rieht or I heir ft wo shall iieatU- a voice bel i walk tti a ft .ivranliat jiitnuifer. troub- imi i wj "ww - - i led with dyeuepsia, usually1' found relief , by th't fioo use of cayenne popper tablo condiment.. Travelling West, and i io( ihat he micht not find -the article there, he took a supply with him. A - , ... L . .. 2. ii W estern mnu, onserving uiui uu "Stranger I'm kinder curna aboot that ) 'ere red suit of yoHXiw . I'd l:ke to try it.JV '"Hi ai told that 4re -iwaa wekorae, ,fcu:lSJ,.. .1. .. i.a ..i.i.i Vm itni'iiful If he was not a- . i ilill. iiu iiiu. -v..;"' ' - . " K.....in,nni inJe'ialt. whs very powerful---- i Vni-. he J.could j wallow, chain lightning, A r some oilier wesicni1imp"rs.'u""Jrr-"MM , , J 1,:.. r..,A ..r.r...1v that he i . 110 t'cppcri'll III, limu nvv.j , j tialt strangicu, aim eeir " ; assistaiico. As. Soon as he was able to. snenk, he (timed lo the minister ana saw; , r . , ,. ...... .l.. ..II m '' "Ctranger,, um i you- ua. v.. - Versaliitf The minister said ie belonged lo that denomtnation. . ' V t , .'. HAiJ Ait think ft. FOnelstCllt Wltk your siikred callin' to go abortt with IicU lie in yoiiFbVe'rclTefoctcrJ' r" rx,... i n TI,n J. Ml vnu climb is high V-W" AI.V " " ' . .. " and precipiloue,! and it is fearful toil to rise U, bat press on I i ue su.nuin, -gained, aud then the sense of victory ia : exquisite; - f a ' nward I Yon battle wiua a tlmnsana tots whomaUcioiisly-halo-. your andnbe-. cause of this press on i oj rrmuipu - bo obtaHied, and among the finite of vic toryis a crown iu Heaven. -, Onward I God says walk and Agontis, 4 that vou may win the prize and enlei in to the strait gait. , v. V. , . Onward ! ;rho 4its on Jiigh, iooklng , down from ttieirreist and glory, are shout- . .. ,, e i f .nma tin tug tniir cans ot v.ii - r iiigher to fherthroltc I , ' .. . Onward! The rich men who hae not rjiVsrcaWTrM ingVyoa stopping, dallying giving tip,,, ciy toyoo "aim attttrtitternetsdoain, ; ''Onward.! - , pr.. ... . I 1 - .. . . mien Henry the Great ofrranctJ wae died io proceed with rigor against soma ; . 1 I : V 1. . J .1t. t n tja ;..a)1a.ar4l towns wnicn, vmu w:.. is lianSs, Lo replied, "Iho ratintwi i'!.k-a,.l K. rfw4vad from revenro Is '. be ngut or tuejru we euan iiwuiku u.y - - -- - - . . hind U. saying, "this is tko w.yTjbat memenUryJ wbde the pi.a.aro of for-' in iv" - c - Igtvooest is evcsJaitu g. ' T: X I 3 V 1 ' ' ; .- - .'.. ... a.-wc. ' V ..A.... !1B. HO , 1 case. i-" Dressers it a eel) r.rst'"' ;ati0B tot. . tu.ee bv Jtnr r rtia lasaeit., ' I iWi"0,B" - Jla,;..!-' ' pnri.1.-ir. U tf J,.

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