- -- -;: : tee 1 ; . i f ? a V&-rSi'- VVJ SLUvVV .. . V : '. I I .. . 7fV M fX Jor V I - E air IT I i ti I I . 1- I V VI.- u. I I- ... t J WARSAW 7 ii.Htir V .. - - ......... Ttro., h tick. w K'1;, lIEAU OF w.. O 1 K. K. Mi itr. TbnfUy. o4 8tardy, 4lWr trUu fhm WllmiDirii.li. - COiTUAUR H.nrATETTKVItLEASD Lrtrt CUaiami IUil RuAl aer Irtin from R!ei,rh. Limt witrn Kd At Joiiffc'ro' Afur UaIb from KrrMitlr, daily rrn SnsdajA. MUM AIDUIOH ruIXT bTAOl 1 plAt daily OfflcAAt Butaer'i n.itl, P.iVm. V. C E. T. CLEMMOX9, 8pt 19, 1870 If , Contractu..., PIIILLIPM inilOTHHRS, TWO DOOnS AHOYL THE Ocart none, oa IMa In Strett, RETURN THE1U THANKS TO TU public the my librrl pn'ioutfr, io Md by ihHii dorinn ilie prt tr. Aiid hop,1 fair draliu And ktrict attention to bmiocit to BiArit a cuutiDiianrc. If Di t tuiurrva.r of the aama. Wa wit! fftntitino ti Veep on t-nnil d np- iit f r Amiiiir akocsnxcs. m cladinr Frrwli mid Salt of r.vnnx VAUiKrv IVhisktyt, Brandies, Hum, (Jin, dtc-, fc. ALSO, HOOTS, 8IIOKS. DOMESTICS, I'IKCK (j'OODS, YANKEK NOTIONS, .in fact, almit evarrftiinf ntiIU Irpt in a ra rity Store, all of wbii-li we will aell low for Oath, or Co an try Prodace at tL- ingb t markat price. rniLLirs i cnoTnEKf.. , reb. Irt.1870. . 7 if Jim FIVE FIRST PRIZE MBALMlo. The Great i Southern riano IVIannfactorv. Wm. KnaDt, & Q0.f B1M-rCTl'Rri:a vT Orav.Bgnare and ITprirht BALTIMOKE. Mil. The In.t. ftn,.nW hare br befti.. tl a.arlT Thirty Veur. al up"" tl - r ' ' ' a?.VtulaJ a. ...purl..d pre-, u. a. a. Ub proaoUDce. them ununl;l. I r r TONE cmblaei trfat voter. ti e r.l mngm? ,t" M'llth. irreat ViiritT r Intone Hi wettAAtl.gnnl II e. He kaIa. Ibeir Upllaat aa4 elAatid. nd t-.tirely fr.e from tbe at iff- vt ur it p U M A N n 1 I 1 ther aroiiMU4lo(1 u.inp none i i u 12!Jod4 material. the la.ac.Mialf nipVedmc,r kii II . - . flr flmnar.AC.. I'll linn.. T:fZVrV rKoa bveonerew m. I 3- Alt of onrMoraaa ;- "' al'V.Ji.u. -n..i1 UeratriiiiA ra ii' l" ' ' i prowflwerwrii k , ntt,mio to ..in lute , art- we ou d call upe.-lal nnention loom lute j in ('fvi. I'mko. axi f lAnro.nmntn i:4pi"'.;r .fecTioa than ba. yet been at- ejt.ea fleer riano I -till ft urrunuuj'" 1 earn Wav. mad. AnanAeA-nl; tor 0 -e W, oV M,V .W.;J..n7hiiV w tit . .botoeal. Md wuil; At Loweji Faj-tnTT l-rj; Witt. BN'ABB & C O., ISalttmotc, jsia. gept. 9 BARBEE S HOTEL, UIGU 1 - l" Opposite railroad detot. Ten paces from wlrere the CarsMop. a ....r. In ttndaflf at all tralro. lull BUKe. for falem leuve tlii. bonne doily. Jp7b7 .Vt;;tionto,.l.e nt,f oar gne.t. . e- f. . .:..n.A f tha amine. meri.v WJ, (, B P.BFE. CAN THE CRAVE TP IT C AN. eaTToo the au Wri iM-r before the lrt trncn 't u n dUApiH'ared. and pet one .,f -hi a, Chtap, Durubte and Jlamhowe AloBaaieota, i oni. a that will dtfj competitum. . "Antlnd. of mrbN Arork A "y0rderA'a..lWtetfrfd1Wtnnr1 Call atvt exaiuino hi w;niU ami hear In price, before buying ele here. 8tiAfolioa AJi'iLfle oniKiite the Market -House. TZ n. ...... I !..! -RtnliS. HI ll I- TatJ nearly opposite ,INOv II- HUi. 8h1 '.Tnirjr. N- C jAn-3-3in Southern Land Agency, iK"i -"U.. " -o- ;ry A rtanbam. wba aw rrtrrmr-d to r1' '''X, i - AH " aet"" SDCen. r - mi i iy t, .. aati.burr K-tw-v- CrrXF-A i CataTV ;ua. j!ng:ii uuu HIGH SCHOOL. ae-rt .F.VF.STU ESI0N " t Monflay of Jan-y In fcmUie. front .M t- un .doilar- vor CbefOtoSoctl) State ri'BLUUCD WSKKLY T L U W I S HAKES. Editor and Proprietor. Om Tbar. pxU i a tjranc. . ...f3 0u 1 Cj.l u oor dJr. ; U.50 ' ' OBHn a fqare. Aral jBamlon tl.00 w "r.JJ!ll,'"1,n-'li.m &u bighr tliAn the ib.,t. r-.-. r OUwr7MieMvwaIs ,iB h . AaaJartiain,.i. ' COXTIUCT BATES. APACE. A 1 Square. 2 quarea. 3 $uara 4 Sqnai. J Column, i Col n inn. 1, Column. 5037A 300 501300 I 4 50 6 25' 8 50 13 Off 22.00 I fiOO; 9 0(i 12 00 0 00 yo.oo 8 0011 00 Mi 00 25 00 37.60 I I 00 Id 00 "0 (Ml :l OO A fal ! Id Oil 24 00 IV) 00 45 00 75.00 I 28 00 46 00 50 00 60 00 130i I A CARD. To (he Editor of (he Sentinel, Sir. : In your pjpi r of the 16ili inat ., appi-Hia an iiiiioii.il in rt-jraid li tin-Lunatic Ayluui. Licit ditee me a inutli in. jiMtiie tbat I cHiiuot uppoe it oiberwiat I linn Uhii.ti nli.iiml. You ay K'iIihI l)r Criaom finaiolrr tt d lrunkenni' in hi r ulxii (iiiiMtr dur ing bi whole adiuii.iilr!ioii." Tbe on ly pi isone i-iuini rtt d with the. Aylinn, iiite my Siipriihtcndeiiry, addiviril in intt-mpt r.uice were entiii-ly iniU-jM-iidi'iitnf mi-, lioih in tli.tr appiiiiiliin-iit mi. (J comiu iini.ee in nflire. Y"0 are nlo ontirrly niitnkon in any. i' lliit "Mie o!i Caipi nil r nf ilie Ii.i tu. inn, Mr. fjiiiulu in, nan (lif liitce(l Im bi- i..,hii.. a. i ;rn,., m m,..,-. . .. In, i UUtu.Uili ll , - r... i I v.. ,i, , tTe ill" ".I i.lloiTliin 1 CM.H-. lie IAI .ol In en orrai'liMiHily llii '."" .r . i .i i. . I.. d.,i-ei'iir f,,r tin- i x. r n ' M'" J""' hi. d li I t' "' l.v im . I In- Inim. il if i oir fr -in fr -in l.i ii i X'i"'" " I I. ...l.v rt'illH lini 1 viii ii'il nil' ,i.BiiI..rf-i-ii'-r"' im !'"" '.' I,,!", . odin-i ) Mi.pl..v.'d ; ,.,, L-fnre and i...fr !' Oi. A "'- ' ininiAiHAtHiiS ""'I ilo fllu-i. M .. . . i . l It i in l uf bfen ui.iroi inly Kmn. KlITM (It K. Jl. U00DWIN. .DuW .Ibe r,vM ol 1SG8 I jmt ... (linciixfinii on one n o - K.q I., f5.-Mii.il H...I Dr. n--" n- . I... UnVul. i.tiul e - . In J hliMoii. omn; -. . " " , ,.,. ,. rt nnlniinl -l.'l-ll..n, . l nil. . . - i it in imv iinetmai wluilewr. ' fuy nn i " I ", ' ' I ' i :. 1 1. ...in t lint Ima eer been lurinci on oy in. any min ' - - - - - - - . J . i i:.:. .. I ,...t mi. nl. mid nil iiccolllit ol III pniniiiii II 111 at A JiieA to itUMgilie tlie ei.j;u.r,. Clion for Atteh a charge. 1 .-v,-r eiirjuur nrmn- l,,r i.t-p..I.iuot o.r i. ... J.-. M..d only nk ll.at .Ley fai.lifnlly dmd.argi- ,li,' clillif. If I nave Heeu lin.u.u.... fur .lie 4 Coining UniivintKiii" by taZ" of any kind, 1 am not aware ... ... " 1 t . . it. a mv 1141 ifiiiun on that fuljfCt : TUlcidr. Dec. S6. 1870 J cr.u. Clut-iHiiM! - '-Tins enquiry Dll.iun.'" . - . ... . i ...ilv mude vl me, liv- IlflTltlir uev.i ti--" j . - - ..i.;,,.... .,( tl.ia count J, aa to w.beilier you . .J In lie a CMlldidate tor III i"..L..n. euae one eliould be cilled, I lake tl.e Hbeiy of usking the qtn aiion, and At the auto limb ex preying my bo i .e .t .1.,. rnnfidmee of lb pnblKTill III., ua - - . ... vour fiim.A and Eft.tr ilncceptabjHy, particu'a ly At .bi ine,wUciievr.y....ug h. in roiumntion. And we neeu vet u.o w i i wi.nnd moderate men to .leer tbe ship oi owl , . k..r..M JJiajJiaJUlUWJI. . . ... . ...v conclnaion. nd then Ail iwer me in Any w.y your good jndgiotnt may direct. YourA wil.li reap, v., (Signed,) CtrwJ,UoOFKS. lNSAVKjUTt of N. C, I . lUb-iclu Dec. 27, lb?0. J igb. 0. J. Roor.RS. Eaq r . n it -l , a m rcccipL0 r I I vr of yea.eidav, And beg leave iiurei iy . ..... li.at A.B I.n. na 1 mil count cltd witl.'thi liulitutiou I ebonld not feel At ..;..i.., oirrurnataitC 8. t" c liberty, uiu.--. v . : J . i- ..r n .itieimite c. tit anv o.ner -oajn", r r ' i ...... omiit wbutever. t .11 IWIII.IVn. oi .-upeiiiiiendent are not only al and veapoiiaiLle, requiring for llu tr 1 ,'i-pha-rsrc-inv whole lime and -n- -4 u lie ft llfllt 8A Mil l ie w- 1 I I Aa-AtWllllli tai.l.lul diacbiH-ge ...V wlmlP .Uie - rey, I nt I am il.-. ply ulrpM-r-eil w.tn in. I p,t. nieJV of keeping the Public C liai Hie lir a. toAAible. reui'.v. d Ivom Uie eryr H.PH - .r. even rf V?" lordelio pn-veiiv corapju.-- ;i.v" ' t due "And Accrpt.1.1 rtf ;4 tue punH. txxevX init,inn .o;..n ibiaTnalUniinP. "E . . 1 u d well me tiled rlmraciTr in every V X"I u;.....l EtCI Kt'G'EXB G"IBW at ill 1 .1 tw lf all tbeA.- 1 r K-rU )"' rented And. Orrpmvokrd "?.ns ridtnjly rrbmtteii onmemed - I f L ? L.;..;Mi idiacbA.Ke- wy dute-. ,,11(I1lil 'alifkri ftflHtHu, Aiilt J .Ji 1 mf mttfrinrt daa met thn nnnlMftri) apimal of wnt olllHrvrl And Ix-jr l. ar offi-r 14 li e iiillia amI oim .f ib im irrona iMiimmiUta le iliia iffct f'eni ah rspt-rt of lillnpuilin rriiltiin t JUlRlOB, N. C, .tan 14, 1870. TO ElOEMt GklAAOat. M. U , Sup'trthe Uu$pi M far lUt Cart t u& Curt V (he I$une uf Xorlh r jSlRJ . txAAAot 1 ava Im Jtlcli fl.- cat-! 1 f ilie BiAtr And il fait UiuIIjr, J lie re aprnl o Arty Atyt in uerivinA; lue rouaiM-i 1 1 hij ilia ui wltirli effci I bp Mut of ilie tmliritl riiruaiiiiiO lo j our caic, and not 'ijr-i'i my great ratirlMi-linM. it oi.lj do I di.d n i-ariHel and active in pnniitiitg lilt-couifult nl I lie Jiiaaiif and a li) lug all ill) mean at jour rnnimiiMl fur lln ir iveloiaiHiii, Lot I ververywlicre rvidi-ncr I vlgunxiA uiiAri'A fur Improving tin building ai d bringing jnur ground And tt. jntc Licjtr..cuLiAiJaM...fl.4l d VAnlngv of die Iniuatea, lii. j-nu, at tliv tame lime, Kerp in rlew jot regard for tbe iiili-rt-tta ol tlie Slate, i,f iuh juii Are an i.ffict r in trutt. yr irnit of da- IT bAA Ueil ioined villi A diarriminalin-r judgroent in tb ctmice of ofBcrtA and en.p oj er., mhn work in concert and liAr inouion.ljr in afl , depanraent .f ilia LJ Aim Abriiqd. I iiipr- mi.j c"i.traioi.irw in , htf Mr,.pt and coneianl d. votmu t ilia wHr.iri. ,f v.iur Ai"-ii found Iii vir ftiet.il .tA Ai.r. hiii Pr. tulli-r 1 ilitr affi:ii..ii ,,, Hn-rl aIiuIi All uianiArt fur bim i. tlx- anreM i nli i.ee i.f liia merit. ur encc a. Sir. under the vi ly . uibarra,ing and difiU-ult tiicuwMance urti iUinyin-ymr fiiot mii.in in fhf Siali- Ilin-pilnl, i. a ri iljnr kable na it ia gtiiiil'yii.g, ami i au aupuiy ol cniiiinueil and imri -a;ug rofiperity. W it ia eteeu and jual alinii i ijitinn, Arksnf p irdnn f..r taxing ynnr kiud iicm mikI ibe inJulcnco l jnur readei In nu ll nu eleul. J n rjiteM .ie publicA li ni ol i liia card in the Sentinel. lterpt-t-llullv Yniira, LUU1XK GKIS-OM. A ( AUD. Hon Joiih ! in m i . Jr Editor of tin 1 - MIMII... ...... - - - , . .1 1 . Tl.. n.. I ..i It. .ml liuve noi i" i'.i . : . . . ....... I. i.il l.in. I p.iv ill tin. bond . "I"' Cmpany hnv- been l, ma... id -if HI , ' I'") 1 'I- i..li!Mlie .' lln-OiiipaiO. ' 1 t. ini:'..! ib- ' "pplnil i it"' ,m,i,-,.i l. "f pivmeiil ol del. la . ,1,,,'i.i.l 1 ,i in tin i!ent mid not answ er ,l,ia pniiim. ol Mr. Tninei'a dimrial it might C.iwu ! credit of I he Cmupaiiy lo be ilnninged, and put ilie, D.r. tl..i ol Ihi Ct.inpuny " Pii"" 1 wiiniu r fore jn oci . d to itmke it .tntr- nun; ril'l f nt the nntni'i r oi uuuua .r.-... ibe ton meiiceim nt ot my boiii'iih--. . . i j, .it d hitioii. Aim " i oi immiu j...... - .. i . ..l ..l.l jh.l.la n4lii aiicellxl. 1 lie mui'iiiih in " x' ., lhat were not on ine noon. . ." I,. f,.ie. I to';k control of lite road, and tin- niuinii.t'ot caeh paid to the lruj.it lyOoy.. Graham.1 . . , ' . . r Tbe total ailloitnt or MHyta ,lue.i ny tl.;. C..mp ...y Aii.ce .l.L- begiuu.l of my adllHt.allHti.H-W.lM:l.'U 40(S,000 8240,000 Iheae. l.m!A wh lau ti u ,v ilie bCKIP DlV.DKSD declared by the ;,lmiui..ra.io.,ont,e; Hoii -VwwlrW , Jr, linn l'ield.-.. ol Ilie v. u Co. Take the S210 000 iued .fJlriixtJLM!?. r . ......--.. .1 :. I.:..!...., u,nt i- lie t ,, amount i.u.-u, .....v.. ' .' ,'l ...a J468.000 . .1 in rinn r...,t ..-....V ijfw.ywvf A...1 lirleaven X 8228,000 The iiuinunt of Bond bought a fid can- .llJkii n.ia I nm nan V 8lilC l.io com . if rf ... in. nw.ut.... - v , nnn nn ..I niv in. linoleum inn " The amount of old (lent . paid' by me that waajluirtjy ...'!..: ni.ili.ialrfllion. and - " :..,haWk,.wa. 8167,493 07 aie , , . Tl,-.mtonnt .it rrtull nulu IU n firaham. T.uatee. 37,300 II -r 1. 1.. I yv KSaJK-'. - - tt.Vlna.ib. amount 1530.993 07 paid during my Hidminntra- lion towiirdu the debt d the Coruivuiy. . S .f r ial, n-iid etock- ...ri' ln.t f.aeal veur. 240 000 OA Amount of cfeh ot, hand, 150 000 00 M .i;.lB. n rrand total - f $920,993 07 l'."n,,,6 o - ol raali aid oiii Jor debt, dl vid.ltd "'! " "W be.Miii- paying all CXtuiiaea f the--- i i .. ....l.li.- M'ill aee bv tlii Btatenient t III- IM.'I,IV ' . .1.4 t i. ... fiS-n (lOO ol tbe d. blot lliai i im..- ,e Unmpanv, end al tlie mo n.c y - .id ai...k i..i. r ta-i" vvv ... lend-- an" b ' M ,I,ne " Wu l iu c.b;l,,.d Ii navj aae.1 $228 Q00 in Jh.i da a'.oc.- my adiui-i- i!,e r-.riP DiviDkXH te.iea ) ' ... t .1...: .lai.iara iniou U I B-ral al MIlIIll. (." c2 40.000. Tie MUl O.ll il W11 admiatraiio... an,.Mi..t.ng tbe tMO.COO-; The amou .t . f ciab Ht t,be 1 rrau.y at ibe ri d of 1 .T.W r i -Un.I wi -at Tweuty-TtW..lT r di ll... ,:d and lif.y-ib.ee crn'- ei n.irti To" Im A dibt of ""-v ; SALISBUItY? N. C.;, JANUAIIY.27. 1871. bAva not p.ild delita ot of fund Itft tii ilie I rearnrj l.jr Mr. Turner. , Tlie divUUiid' declared iy (h Dlrrtlorf f iliia GMUPAuy bate bets, aa ibie AlAe tuciil Irvtu Ike book i the Uaanj ill liner, Uj, fearrlr, AQA InMiAell .Ade,M 'Uoa. Ju UK Turner Jr..' fy ao tbr rmitrarj notvhlolandinp. - ' Blioiil l any b indl.old r, clcklioIJrr or u mber jif.Hie LccIaUniiue or ilr. Tur -r iftmla thla auiriarHi, tie 1mm ki f nmea t Atttieir ib-AAt m Ibg. trib or fitUitv of iIim aiaieux m. Uat 1 aaar be mUtakeir in wbat Mr. Tuimr mean bjr, m.ikiig ditllrruU Wtllr, rqnaielv, And liMi,eily.n II iMid Ma divb'A ida In KdlrT cuVert.tb. lut" bonja alii. Ii iiirnavt'd lLt dvbt l l!io CoiniiAny t.'40.00. Um i lie oMiil- ir I bin i be y lu iwv dividend, "fulilr. aqnan ly and boiirily." - . Jf be de I M-iuiit accoidinir to Ida eon.i ruction of ' fa rly, jnarelr, and lioiienlytbal wt baW'ltot kd.i'pii d Iil"j.lri. Wbile 1 do not cnn.mit myai-lf to Any policy not iJictAif J to me by ilie Mm k uoldera of I liia Company, I miii ratlrfii d llul Wiib I lie aAai-KA and dividend nf I be N. C. It. It. Co . I could fiuLli t be Xotlb VV. Ateru N. '. U. It. or ibe Wi-.teru N C. It II in tbreu ycAra. wbicb would. when finii-faed, add greatly to Mie income of l he N. (J. Kl It. C'omjiNiiy, and at the tame time give unto d va lie to the laud of . aieiu nrih Carnliun, and ail nut let In nii'lloii w.irlli of her jnoducl now locked up tor want id Kail ltio.id Iran pfirtaiii.u. Tb only way, in my bumble judg ment, In c"iianmmateihr giel deaigu of trrr people i.r W eareiir Auiib 1 ainlloa, la lor In-r iiii uibera of ibe Legialalure and Her leai. in); ami public apiriu .i men. Iiol to liaien in i lie tiuViklnga of men who are ulwaya aaii g "we ronnot finiah thia, mim! U ia iuiMeaible lo do lhat," but put llieir liould-if lo ilie w lie. r, and ay by the "eternal we can nd a e, will do it." ltiap. ct fully, W. A. SMITH, Preaident N.C. U It. Co. V.'e certify tint ll.e f.icl Aud fiuie nl ll.e nl !. lii hi cihI r-inti nn iit wi if ta ken linm iIL. l.ouk ot tin Company ui.d art t'oiitct. . O. M. LEA, Treai, -u u n UEVIION )E 'HIE LAWS A MOW AND OXVEMENT CODE Till: 'LAN 'S MS-vU.LY C0N60LI , D il ED AT LAST. rCorrcM ondmee of the Journal of Commerce. V asuixcxu.v D. cenibcr 24- Ihe Old Commission - Its Failure in Re suits. Tin- CommiK-i revise, coiiaoliditte, aiui,.lilre-.irn.iiSea..d in.l.ty in convt ni. l't fum the lawe d ill" V ntd b'rtte., -a ...finally c.cat.u by Coi.gr. 8, June 27 18GG, continued lor anme three e'ia. It coueiated ill. u ol Hon. Cab b Cuahiug, -fudge William Jo.no.. u..d lutl".; C. 1 J uni-f. ltu: memoeio i liiile till Ih'. ir time expired, prouuecu a.me-ivJ condei.eutioll ol law a r.ia...., to 8pecial 8t.bj.-cia, apeut $40,000 for .he .v rn.ne.,1 nnd duAolveit the coiuuna- io.i, having p.aelieally dl.- nothing . - A? ' .: A iVCW UO!lHov y iii-jijbjrji". ,:rv!j:tt.!.i!fJ!''! nc Mar 4r JS70, pvtuei . tuo ui- uiul.b uiiiiii ill iriwr im ia i.i .i i .mil 1i..Ie tune iini aii. n- .i.... ... il... win k. There-year tame ...u. " . - . - .in iiriaiiou wa io,uvv ... ;. . bo eelima.ea f..,; next year lire tl-r Mie a i o .nn . .i- ti.i trvr. uuu $1,000 to rt.nl.le it toeinploy atia-.u i ... 1 1... ai'im-srut. aalarle al urn,'" . , " ?,. i will be: 3 iOinmiAwi"vr.re,vv. . ckika, 84,000 ' 7 The Method. Tl.n .'ommiloti baalield, regular il.n numoeeof cxiniining, I In ... ...... bePiiminir witb tie lateal, the """"" i i lfiib Tolumr, and making eivnavHuiu r acction under tbe proper dfvi.mn or line . r .I.. ...urre adnntea 8rArfot or uct.k- iii ..vv - - r , glniPpe."0 M . -. ...... I...V. ulreatlv miss..,... - - i ,,e giLnuig oi - ne -r. V - " " end, ,'' ''i J e" rX71- .: : . . . nn d in convenientM- tail, on w hich all a- atfre. drju.UYei j 0. IA delib -r.i.Iv..ia.ketti-.prP,rKa' f ' - w- i . ' . Court DecisiCKslo he Cited. t,;t .bia MrrniTL'en ut' aa bikig car- ui-ouoTofntie.OonsiiwinTribo mlclr exarained ihe S..pi rue, D.atnct and I'ierfiTf Court report, and Hl.ereyer cie . f..i.!.d wbkn cite B conatrucd i '. . - ...li.rt'iin wa liittcn iu Ul' .ViLn Ciiiuiuij'Aiuiiea'xTtpyof the w.k bcl-re llu-m. Tbi t.rA lo have bee,, well done. ARd comment Jadfca, aay ibe Uinntiwwi in. - eveiy d. rUn.u of litipnriaB.-e upmi " r ry ecli. !n ' ,Hf T';, '"r land law ye. i, iay- ' ' , I a (jr.. i." ................ ... riaT..oei. copy alt lb" i A cletk ba tranafcrUM.! fm lb t-ro . . . r- 1 . . tks Inilou nn oue copy, tl-LcUTTTT" t' rirt:i'-T. itina ct'i"" l.vebiru cut a.U me arcuoi e or Vian. . r '.. 1. nx eial.ilr. aan-d u.in a. p liould enm Into nr rtA dif itoo of tbe wot I, aitd a full iudei lo all t am ti poo iliem io he Lulled StAtei Uoun. llilA wa( reraroVd AA tbo fire! clle waik. . Il baa beta t Igormitly proaecntrd Ana a the (vomoilaaion M-gaii work orp Irmix-r lflih, It ha avrrarrd making i ridauiA a wrek, till lit bole la row mim blcte. And It i tetiotAU-d ibet all iba traiicrillur, eiitiinc. eVo., will b comid I ted beforo tlie fii.t day of February hril. urtuj( an una nine woiia uie imiaiu uiu not brien to be i iliulr 4Ha:Aa, A oU irihttiiwN Y ludividnal labor baa rreatlr (4Cii(alMl baaiueeA. . JIuk ttnj Work Progrtsses, It Ia eatimaied ibat by February lit. ibe wi rk will pare arrived at an Important alage ot pregreea - A lull cUlncal.oa,OMe that tau be relied n,i. r'ouror five of ibe oiaiu diviaiou will Iiavo been entirely completed. Tbe vai iwu provlalou of tbe autule are to form Ibe kaai of each di- eieieo barfnr Alrrlldy beeh brepared. w'H im.w be fiirniabed lo whichever meoilerof I he coiiifnia.ii.ii tball luidcrtaka to drAft the Kit of that divi.ion. Safeguards in case of Death or Lapse of Commission' $ Time. If Congte.8 Iionld fail to Appropriate mean for carrying lie intention to a nb atamial result by allowing tbe roroni..inn, lo carry out all it plana, ibt-u I be diviaiou w ill be found oui inct and ray of com :r. bfii.ioir, aud Competent lawyeis out aide cMild eady complete the work, if it i. niilj. c d in revuiou by the; boord iu eij le and method. y Seventy Fire Kinds oj Late, Tl.e work il divided Into about Aeventy- hve HileA or tiiviatoni, varying in length ti.d dilHcuhy. 8ome twenty-live of ibeae can be done iu a week, but I he balance will require lu complete A much longer tieriod, bnt the eatiiuate n.iw ia lhat the wlmle can be done ii. 193 week fminlhe lime of i t commeiicenien:, September 15, 1870 Result of Uie Siting rrocesj. Permanent lawa are retained either in original or reviaed hape. Obcolele, not pel niaiient. or i;ep .ile l laa. are .tcickeu nut. 1 he prix-ni bulk of eixteen volume nl etatiile will pmbaVly In- aifted down to two, )r poaail.ly one It I attoiii.hiug Imw gn at the hulk of uL.oleteor repealed m.i 1 ii ' i.n im- CUI t lirary. I o". "i1" la-eii reeillBrly dep.wi.ed purifnlio have in the vault of the Sale Uepoau voiup i.y w I. en not iu liae. it'id the Commissioners are. Chaile Valljjhn Abbott, Victor C.Bar- 1 f 1'. Jam. , oil well known I mfcv i -.- - ' , i al.u a.a-...fn l-afttlrlll There l.l Mil 1)111 1't ar' ',""" I jm anew 1 II .11 1 1 1 1 1 ahe-iit ibeir ability, and It I ..i i.t...7i at firl aisalit that they bavo do voted tin ir whole tune and energtet io the tfljk before lliem. The former com- miasl n already u.eiiliot.eu, accom pli ekt-d practically nothing, -ml the canne wain prcOwuiy iip vi iw-im ...i! ... ..nil tlltlMlt. The tircacnt comm.- " . . i ...A ..n. u itli a met hod. w niKL-u 81. .11 Plant" ' ' . fi.r a purpose ttlid to an pitject, anu ai. r...i nLnnturbinia the result aitijea t. "i t ? . ' :tt -S.I.. l liiTe i no doubt now, t nai to in two yea.B naye ..or, . rr..-v - 1 ... .... ItilAdlllJ V 1 W II olume. coiitaliiing nil the op.'auv e law a film United Suite, wiib a ; convenient efert nee to nl.l deciaiotis oi unite., o O.iuriion every lubject .tie voiumn ... volume. conlaiuear A- U.e eonimwnon only aakl.an flddilioual clelk, At a 8alarf of 81.000 p.-r anntun.oi.gre i. m u...t bound to grant tn reqneei, n n.e inisaioii has pi he work. Death oj a Miser-He makes a Mistake of Four JIunlred and Ninety lite Dollars and Drops Dead. I . .... ll.l....n rill 1 A correspoinaeni oi mo iiun.ji.".. v"- Democrat, writing from nniville, tbu r. b.lP ihe i.tculnir death ot a m er re- sidine U the latter place, who was repnt worth 820.000. "He hade WMibew." aay a 'the cmrespondedt. very wortby young man, who waa going u..r.. i. waa readv to leave nn wen m .f...i.l ...w .. taiAeH.tniu some noie oi i...., wl.irU bn held t Ihe oil m.eer wou.d nt touch them, but soid 'You have aN va baen a c.wd. rood boy, only a lit- rlotooes.ravngant. I will make yoa a little present bifore you leave." -'lie drew a cheek on' tl a la'k for 15, aarftfrdn-wfBW I bad eye ai.'ht and worse peniliaii.hip i; j rored to UJJSOO. Tliis urn co ifuMttl lo act t Ie iiervlencc soon bevm noised - about to wn, nnd, yf-xnmnxTBOUt therarf i of flie hiiaer. He rnbed to tbe Ank, Ahd Under tnucb exciteiuenr'Aeki d one of the bank otBcUla what the amount of ibe check he h-td given bia nenew was. 'Fhre hundred dollars,' said ' the cierK, pcMlnciug the clieik. j After reading, end ircUHHing r.i every muacic, no it..i long d.Awii Aigh, Wud exelAiicaJ, 'My Clod I 1 in. a ruined mun.thcu 8i down and died I" The orartire ernd About JAcksonrille, iod f.r some distArjceibare ou the 5t. J.di..,river, lloridA, were toto.iy de- -.A l llu. n.-Mf cold . weather, do fays ihfjj-irnrf JeUgrp the fat wa frwaea Bol id, Tbe. .treef, :. .1. .. warn Vinli' killed, thonrb ra L h.inred- Alt ib-tthr-tro?ical nfniii i l I. .... I i I Hi It-- a I1....I rt ef the wuits vert let t .,' I Cditarial t'ofrepowdeHce of ike Robtaoataa. ' Fatittitilli. Dee. tUX.. 1970. CatiLAA bAvinr Aalled aa here, wa Are muck grattifled to tee tbe proeperlty of thla (Mtrtotle Iowa. W bra wo were bert oaa reAr ago, the cbiAona wure bar faeeA and the placa A . a. a .aoa. ermed to be lu a rapid dellua. Ia proportion to popahuioa, wa tblok FAyrttevilU la mere proa per oaj , to-day lUA.Aowri.to,.KCArttUuaAXUe fannrrA of bl aeatiua. bai tbitjAar, wen blened Alth abundant crop, aud are fact lelievlnr ibemielvei of Ibo rl burden tf "old debu" roit upon tlcm bv ib WAr, Aod Are arcumulaiiug bjaut of Ibe eorofort of which I bey bevt long been deprived. Hitherto, but little attention baa been paid to the cult! VAtion of cotton j bultbl year, the farmer bare tried the experi ment, And the yield hj not leaA thao two tboniand bale of eietllcnt Qtulitf. -- TbA mercliant aeem to bo in rood piritA. A leading deeler io dry good Informed ua tbAt hi .ale bare been heavier thi aeaaon tliAn At any lime ilnce the war. He advertises Idtenltjt in the Iwbesouta. Aa a further erklanee of llio financial prosperity of the place wo leern lhat the (JamtAl Htoek of tbo lit National Bank of Fayctteville wai recently paid in, and the bauk w ill commence . opperation a oon a tbe bill can be procured. 1 wo large Cotton r actor. e are in ne- eelu!l operation in the County. No County in tbii or Any other Southern Slate t an boaat of water power equal to Cuml erland Xnmeroui mill site are af forded by never.iling atreama, aod tbore ia witbiii tbu county luhcent water pow. er to drive all ilia machinery of aIaaa- cliu.ett nd Rhode Iiland. Fayetterille ia au old town, its first settlement dating back long previous to tbe Rrvolut our) WAr. The place was a city of refuse to many of the Highland Scutch Ailer the. Great Rebellion in 1745, Who hoped to tind Among tbe pine-clad bills of Cum berland that freedom from oppression liich wis dented Among tl.e beavli clad till of Scollarid. Tire old town on the river was called Campbcllion in honor of a popular Scotchman of that day who lived iu Cumberland We liiake this statement on the ooihority of a letter in poeion er rrihes LfOSS two thouaand bouse and doing ai iug trade with back country in wagon Tbe merchant, of Cro. Creek tu the olden time did business principally along Old and Bow stteets, and their dooki testify that they traded directly w.iu Liverpool, London and other IJruiau port. From these streets in 1813, cotton was hauled in w aggons to-Pirladelp!:ia. TbS ereat lire of 1831' destroyed the tores and theee once busy t Succt are now quiet as Churchyards:-- At tbo j.i.icUon of Old and Green streets, on Cross Creek onco stood "P.c cWa'Mill," this spot "i hallowed t the memory of all old tiiaens of .1 ayetteville. Iniiuediately castw Ard of the mill on the 4 .. I. ( llia ll.lltll IA the snot where once res'ded the Scoitich heroine t lory McDonald. When wc hrst saw itiispn. manr veat A Ago, A AtnoH thistle ihe "ym. bol dear" of Sdland, was growinglimong , l. - fiH.m!r- Atones tlia V w eiw-a- 1IIU ..j.i.tw.. tprnl around. On the rislit. ol JJoW Street as wc p.. there onco stood A Store Kepi oy met " w - - - - ..- s?eVbliaAVlKa-veji I'om .1. th ware of ihe 1st Napoleon. He remained here many ; y-, a..-. j ...i..-...o ii Irfiuiaiana. Ono ot I . ....... n (l ur. I.;. .....a bom here afterward became a United Stales Senator from "'""s"""': b rss....- that Stult, atteiwarus oeciemiy -" i .1.,. Qni.ibf.rn ConHderacy and now Queen's Counsel in England -J udab P. Bo:ij train. . " ' . -Near by tbo last mentioned spot is the ni u a.l.Va eneo ministered. Father VHUIVU " ..... w - Rvaii. said to be the author- of tbe "Con LJa Hani.es." The "Reply to th. Mn Enrlish Baro.iet, at wntUen Dy .. L.tv rvT fhifl town. J . - .. T -a. ..... A..aa a nnfpfl A I Libert V nlace called "Shepherd's Tavern." T I'Uini W ft s" 1 lie proprietor was old Daddy She pherd, as he waA Affectionately called. In. an Pp ....!.. Mmnf ibia tavern the Comtnta- siorreraof tl bob! lbi meeting. Tbeo meetings were veiy Imrmouious and the of Spirits jprefiaded -rt.. !'.... Unwl was reiruUirlV ptaceu ou .Weable-witb tbo towu record!: ll'el renerablo Mr. Ilay was then M. 1. ana from him the bowi was passed irora one th tbe other till it came to th town cle. k Tbo rights and Ubert.es ot an uie e... aeiis were protested! and life nnd prop i.. ...- . lw.va snfe.VAs an aged em- IW litis .1'";., , . . - . . ..-..I . ,,a I l.ltl sen remarKeii, -ino.e , timea-ijre' shall ueyer look upon their like Again." . ' -1 P iddy Shepherd bad been a BW' tionary aoH'ier and was a man of Uriel rrtcerity and nnbonndcdf benevolence.--For a long time prior to tba wjtfXpM he bad boarded the jroftriderr and bora a Of CoT Forsyth who bad several mail envHrACia leeding from FyetteriHer At the begjoning' ot tbe wa Cofc Forsyth lft without navin? hie tavern biJI. ,Af- fc rwarda be became -diAttijgwe.l eofc ""11 . I'oii.j-a. - i-c- I. ,7.1... 1 t T. IflWllll i ' . i . o iiriv- 4k r, and wbea be Acbiy red AorhrJjjalUiit NO. I.e bi accoant as follows i ' W By gallant conduct at Laa!' Laaaa 825 nOO - -- - --By brAVArj at Cblnpeway tWO. Finally be cleaed tbe Account, ' " By balance In fall killed la aetata. - Ea.tw.rd of Libert Point UAb. Cee4 i Spring a faverlle resort of tbo etiwAAat siuce Colonial I bate A. Ilera bll770oat enrred tbo 'gatberinr af tba lAoa" aa v !rJ.!L"iafdiapjJal tlkVLL. lLa Fcolc uwJerOeTierAl marched to word Wilmington. At A point io - wIiaI ia knows oa tba "Lotif Iano" the aommai waa krleflr addiea." ed by Flory iJcDonald who urged apoa ' then to be faithful lo their aatba of Alia glenee to their Kins;. It la Mid aha ro maiuded ihen of ibo anciant lorahr f ibo 8coiiib race, aud concluded ber AdV- dreAl by eiieouraginf then to ba aa falta-. ful to Ibo Uouae of Hanover ai ibav kadlT been lo ibat of ib fctuarti W a paid a harried risit to Ctoaa Creek cemetery. It Ia certainly a beaatiful Spot t though uffering some from neglect Amoog ibe mot striking objects ieAha . monumeut to tbe Confederate deed. Tba baft ia of pure white marble And (un mounted by a beautiful ctoaa. Tba. grave of the soldiers are near by aa ' each grave has a Beet Burble slab at lLa bead. We were atrack with tba in crip-' lion on ihe monument of a respected Scotch merchant who died few years' Ago. lie bad beeu in airly Bfe.' captain of a Driti.h resAel. Tba Inscription la aa . follows : ' - "I have crossed the seas till I'm tirad,' . I, Some ploce of reAt Pre loor dealred. From rocks and sboals this place seemed - dear, So I in pcaca have anchored hero. Here sleep by ibo "murmuring atream" J of Croas Creek, Dobbin, Shepherd, Eo , cle, Ilybart aud scoies of other, whom Cumbei land, iu day past, baa delightAw r to honor. ., . Hundreds of incidents enn be AlLerc4 in this place and tbe surrounding country ' that d should not willioglj let die. Jt .i Fotidly hoping pro.perity may abower its bk-rings on tbi war stricken towa -we take our departure. f In the February number of tbe Galaxy ' Mr. Tliuilow Weed givea an interesting-' cmnm oi me appointment . ot Air. JLilQ. ii nu mm 1.411Mb at ait yianKiiif jaw in vuicajo. . yimeTTtii r iwjiu jt.M ,e hii tj. ild be secretary of Stare) . t. now practicing law In Chicago. read should fiman f eeretarv of the Treasury , and that Mr. Gideon Welles should be In tba Cabinet as the representAtire of New Eng. land. Mr. Weed objected to Mr. Welles, and proposed Gov. Banks or Got. Boat well as men who would be more accepta Me but this suggestion was not enter tained. Mr. Lincoln also slated th At Judge Montgomery Ulan- had been snggeatea. Tw tl.ia namo iMr. Weed strenuously oa iected. and proposed instead either Wtt J ,' . r tt i...j T.k. ir liara Cost jonnson oi j.uiy ...j, . Bolt of Virginia, John A. Uiimer OI North Carolina, or Uaillie 1'eyton or A en ucssec. ' ' Mr. Line in aIao mentioned the nArao of Gen. Cameron of Peaii8ylTa.nlA, to 'a t tua. whom Mr W eed maae ine oojeciron met , the General had many eneiniat, and ibst, while he himself would be pleased bj his n tioin t mcu I. e doubted w belliet II would givelreng W hen tbo president eiect menwoneu n name of Edward Bates of Missouri, the answer was thai no object Ion . could bo roAdt) -XSrlXM? FinaUr WwisJioU- a letter to Mr. Gilmer, iuforming bit that in tho event of war coercion would be apr plied, and inviting hito into bis Cabinet, provided he could take office on that plat form. Mr. Weed says tbAt he, waAOba bear er of the le' ter to MlJ. dluter, wliom he found in Washington, and who entire. ' ly approved of the views of Mr," Lincoln, ' and was gratified by the proposal, Sooa afterward, however, tbo so-called Border State propoeiiioii waa rejected hj tba House of Representative, and not being willing to brld the office aft-r North Car ilHeWuU-Ad the ofler of a aeat hi the CabiueW 'i , Mr. .Weed also states a fact not bituer- to known, that at this InteryleW Mr. Lin coln 'told him thet be bad resolved to ap point Hiram Baruey Collec'or of the Port of New York. " Thia appointment has hithertoeen Attributed to tbe influence ,.r (r. ilhaaa t but it apneArti tbAt H was the "-reiuirof a favorable fff prmion 'owda n nun Mr. Lincoln liy Mr. Barney during a j .nrney down the : Mississippi... Mr. Weed alo says that the Appointment of MrVrijrtrrtbaOwbhiet waa due exclu. s.veiv to ine influence ut . .wa .wni Hamlin. N. T. Sun. ; One of. tbo ediiorA of the Baltimor imercaa'goeA w'ub)8 8"n Douiingo . couiiulasioii. .IIiv proaiira to tcUv,iba truth, wbethrr it aball make for agaioel aiH..Nulio4 a '. be Iatand tin eUrae tr .tHf.jieopl.'. it fo:l,';;elinjt,.pr3--diietwn. ""?oid-, Aiyer, And col tolaeff, taa terial reAcca.au4 ceiauierie. . v , 'Jrha PetutsjlrAniA Snpiewa Conrt kaa decided tbAt if a. mart patA hu bead or axiaibrorikAU:r:lwya" i lojared reaciiea close So ibo window, bccaonotlt- -eoi-f fr the nijitrylba act, bemf wrf. tj.:.. sidVred negligeneer oa tba" part, af .tba, . " atsefrr"' eii --iaMrwWWAt;: jiLAf ua a'. rielora. kev jejLArr, a. F 10 i F:7i,,.,;,eiiTri bJg-& B0gAr-4na.-:.uX- IrnT.. I betilre,, win w . vr -r ' tav lz.- mm ' 9 ' ' I