V-: I 4 "'. L V '- ' . 1 i -12 .1 1 . V w I f 4 ' 1 TMM .1) ItUAKY a,:is?l. ; ; t b. la.!. ib I a. S f "- ' a 'si " - BjS " ..... v"v.:)oA3- 1 7; V , .-4-.... avx-J via . fid .fir V.; .VV)V?"'W ' ,T ' " ' t . . .. ..' V. ,.. ' 4 "'' ' in-m-. mt, , . - j " 1 -' ,- : . ... i. ...... .... a'.i.. . , - -A VOU VI. CIS":'"" r lit, to V , . r ... 4. l.iVrf fi.i Wliu ilM'll, I i 1 u .... C II A is 1. 11 t r n 1 1 . !" V, . A U I m'o. ' 1 TO LAllGE SALE OF CHATUXMU K.TO 9AXt TTETILLKaXI) JViTKKX U. t !? ChUim fiat! lUa'J Arr Irniu fium RIk. ' - ..- ..?.. Lt WixtFrn Rnad at Jnnrobom after traia CiimIi .l'ajitailaflyxvp udr . hiLKM AKliaMiSiaTba ki aavh Ur daily, , ' , . 0 Aea at WuerV H.f. Plim. X. C. SpeL 14.T870 tf CViitrn-tor. piiilli p A; murr 11 1: IIS, 2 M ( itOOnS AXrtVK THR - Crt gi iklaui filr ci, RBTUHX TIIBIK.THA V K.S Ti T 11 K public lor. la Very' liberal pRimuago en tol iy l1""'" durioji ihe al y.-nr. uml lu.)-. by Bilr 3aliit and liirtvt tt-rttK.!i to Iiuviiipk tu uirii a ctniuuuancai if tui u iuift- oi Hie Mill., ,. . 1 V will Mtnuiine t ki-fii on linuj a ffimil iup i.w a rAsixx.r okocDniEs, .u cludinr J . . I reah aud .Salt FUli; OF KVKKT VAHIKTT Whiskey, lirtwluv,-lin, ''"', fc, i(e. boots, siroi:, DOMLsncs, rnxK (.oops, YAMvER NOTIONS, la fact,lmiMir(Tl!iujruu.in,) Vopt in a rix riety Store, all .t t I. v u ijl cell low for j Cash, or Country rrpdacs at u ba tl iuarkei erica. . ". , 1 . 7-tr sim five fitisfMizB 1 tuns iwiittcir, a nr ureal Southern Tin no ZVXannfactory. PI A O rFOKTi.-S. niiT!(imi' 11.1 ,f D.YIill.UVm,, .lill. 'STOCKS, tO. ' Wi; WILL PVA.L AT l't'JiUO Aurt n al lUa ti,r II. In talilturyf Kownn (., K. (' , ' Wt Jiii cJ.tjr, of IVLrnnry in-if, 14 r!. ue Fx.t I r I. f k fif , ('jru'.in. , 41 X. c. 1: ..-! 7 " AV. 'I. X l;.. !. : ! -t A. 4 , " s..! 1 t v . : . ' ; i v. koiftla. " i , ' ' 4 jivriai4iU-8.-jM.u.-iua jua 1 Urge lfcrrlnf Firo-ProofiSufc . . Tn l)ck, finalt ainvunt f Hank N'rtlca. ; A large lot at Note, Accoonta and Jm.gf innila. Tt-na made k;nAwn on day of Salt. !. It. IIAURISOX, J.S. MctJL'UUlNS, - ' KtorniAm if- Wm Morpb) , dea'd. S.ili-I.urv, J in. 12, 171-l.ln HICLSBOEO "SREET, RALEIGH, It C. I HAVE 1 lie il'iiure of iuf.iniiii( th tr f II i it a; 1 ul.lio, that I liari' fkfii cli-rgv of th'. iiU.vt. ll.iiix. aiiyalrtl itfpna of tlir most fitliiiiiitl'))- a1rwt in (Iih city. I flnli;r inyslf tli it it w II 11 1 1 re with tin. Ii.-s: 7iic. IhUir 1 1 . ... in il,.- .-utr.'r ..lit nf it Wlic.i y n t arrive Mt tli I -- I. ta fur Kt-lk'h ( linnil.ii liich will iiluav lit- in rHHftiii-. Tiio. null .'ahSfiigfr Mill Uf tri.ii4f ht"t. thu KxcilANtSR wlivre tli- will fimf ji ij ..ml a Hr.-i.Kf;it i.r fiiM'r e ia t'. li f .iikiI .UiV.VvHri- fir On.- D.'lliir. TlmiMrlit HiwJ uillv $ .Vt irr lUy. A. A. IIAIilllX. Pfoprieiur. ilji-iDluirriljOlau L U:Y I : 1 V. Ilkll I f . 11 a f it iTn or OsiB Vl AK, j.jyt.! Sit Mi'NTUii, ' 5 i ' 'TlI. f tl I ' Id I '. , . I.. f- I a 1 1 ii u nil IH ! II 1 ll.r I what hire II not il (!rg and t;ithg t tnr- - . -(i. if ilJ I t l f Your Vi n't. ia mn 1! hV f.rl ( C"-''..l j . , , ....... 11 it .1 ruilut fc!iia. , J( r . ' I'liti i i 1 1 n mjuriirnf, and la hi Inilf.f! U j 11 tint eve ma'am ! 1! l t : ! Si In trr rl.lr. lit f r.. . 1 1 :lt i.. n . tii ttd ! ' ! l 1 l! . t i ro fi-at r0 Va oare"' rk Tnaefttoa. ror each aJJitlonal laaertlo. hlg fpectat otleta wilt t chvred SO pr chef than the akoea ratea. Court and Juatiae'a Order m ill k puMiah- ed al tKe mm rata wUa br Mvartiaa- menu. Obituary notiea, over all liaea, enarjwl aaadvartiaementa. CONTRACT RATES. O : -i 1 H ! 'I SfACt. e K Q I S i a L-l) Jullm iuvu aaI utui-i-i.r lura MTa.'kkrrf lin'l neither turn rr I . a. . .u . . . a. m - r hiintffn;xioTrri wiei Mime. iiiief , 601 u" unJ 1 rniuin wnru men ii joo ajin hll me will Iiiitc lo ttw iLe klej.o,.onirii, afore yau can gel the lff placet and high m)' tliMt'a catin tit tip l Ii taiec ? V" rfin't e my rineband. W jrexnJn' tn uill. and I'll :; r j ?i 1 M sr i-tt.jB.aba4.-.tBW4-a-t 4ay II . . : i ? 1 ... I. 1 !uuara. t-5 t7H tf f!.V 1300 2 Square. 4 50 W 8 50 13 ; JW.OO 3S.iyares ' fl 00 l 00 ? 00 20 00 ,l.00 4 Squa'ea. f 00 11 00 13 00 2S 00' 37.50 tColmna. Il on irtoy sooorwoo 4.1.00 ) Column. 1H Of 21 OO .'W 00 45 00 75.00 1 C. Tinna. -'h 00 40 OO 50 0(H0 00 IHO OO .roiiK crrrs shciiet. 1 F'robate ''mirt- Theae Iiirti uiinu ta Wi4eftHt tin :iillir fo4- Kfrt 1 irt Yrarv atxl ntt tacti XJt.ncf -aliMi4.Uaiii4 aiipitpuTi hun pro-i a.nve, wl.icli prauounce diem unequall. il. '1 1 c r T ON 1: comblnet gre..t poneri taveti i- ot 'l ti r c ; n i 11 (; qnalitr. an well in the k r. .1 1 pir ti of Intuiiat i. 11 Dd Swrftnr"! tl ruinr I 1 nt t! r 11 t r.' cli-. J l. ir I pliant and efHMIe.'aftd eHtfrely free troiu the ntUT nsa foanit in no nntnr pinrn JM WOitKM-AXSJIl.r tJiey ari OBmiunlrd iialnjr nor I nt U trry lit aonintaiiinf the lar caii'affni''oj('dlnoor bnaineiMeiialilejni to kpiintitianall anii..mtiM tork of lumber. c. on liaiuf. tJr H of ouj.SQrAKI. J'UNf.s Imvr.otir Xctv Im proved OveratrntiR Keale ami the Apnifl'' Treble. We wonlil call iim inl ntU'titmli to mn lute Improvement In crami I'mvs m Sri-tiK UaaKMhl' itentei) AiHdiKt 14 I Hi. l.i. '.1 Lr 1 tip tht Piano aearw pel faction iImo tin yet been ul tained. ' i Ecerif Piano Fully Warranhd for Fire Ymrs. W hara maa arranamenta for tke SoTe Whole aale anenny for the moHt celebrated I'ahi.or Oa uiKa ami Mki.hdkin(i. nhii li oflii , whukaule aud reUil, at f.ow-et F.iotnrv I'r're.. WXVt. K1VADB & CO., ' Baltin.oie, Mil. Sept. -3fl:flm.- NORTH CAUOLIN'A. DAViugoN CofNtr. oil XVhtim it way concern XnticVia hereby i(iven that J aliull at teud at rat ollice ii Ue.xinglop, ut)i2ih .lay uf Mjrrh Is71. t take tt-aliuumy and aavvrtuiu hIim him tUa next of km i.f 1 liwin na C. Crump dcH'cuKvd. Ule uf Duviileon eatitfeTn flie liHiiiia oi aduiitiietrator ;when anil where all pi-rimm ii.tert-steil. may Mt tubd with lli.fi r e iuViice. J. E. JOHNSON. Jliili;.' i.f 1'riih.lte fur Dio iiUnii 1 ouuty. I.exinctiin. N. C. J.iu. 17, 170. Mr. Cniu in f 11-ki d (i c'-iitl nun whi.i, liiviiii; kn.ii kel nt the do. r, h in!iitpd 1'V rt woman fifin m; t'( w r .i dun' with, 'W.-ll, what' w.iiitti.' n;nw f Yen, ix-'e iti r hImiiU aoniewhen-, I etij. jjiifie,' rlie rfplii-d j 'liul I'm M 1 . ' '111 1 1 li.'n any liueint'ee ia t In-ilo .1 II V Mr. Cull enlin and diiiikii.: rlttiiio aomeliiDfa.' . 1 W-IU tuy good wDiiu!;eaid lji fi-ti-i 't!IH my the pull on the way lo the 1 . . pnaatei JUH IM volt tlflit. I. . 1 . A I am lie- eainlidale and I don't know Im rnii ar talkinff about, i Ah. thl-n emnt e the man' I Want. And iheattaiiper wi nt Inward Mr. t'nlta.wlMi Kid Jni"f lenji cd a .iir of Lull J1I1I4 Kd liBi the j.ol.i lo IU ixio iliu Una. ami Ivorn.ei la iullnw 1 lit tr, but by the Vim ..he flat to ; In ban liif. mjteriu vi-Uoi and Culta were Itviuj rapidly don n the road. . e . . The atroiiK-toinded womaa ahoalrd f ler her hiirbiind : You betl come burk. I Icll yon; but llie wind wua the ai'M.j; aV, hi) tarfd'd ltf WiH'.l ..! the JMiU lo :ih. - .Sir, aniil the ren'l-nvin in hnneat C'ntfa, I have a very aim i" qn.-efinti tn iiak Tn, l ilt 1 r-J . 1 1 1 I. mi to nek ni i cnti'lrnr. I will pvt.' oii fi ilnllair if M'U il 1 i,r"ine mai.'4 ii'i at my warde ni.1.1 ia 1 111. : I"" . j tt'.lt, t'r, i.J.Th.1 Ci.H .)-!M.M!.!t.,ii;k-: tn iini r na) qitt-ei."!, Iu would, male i lim.bli' .niii'i p lit v jiril.U'iM. 1 imve mt i'H .il" In. I, 1 f in tell you, .i Ivi i-j. 191! .. a tiow ; but 1 htre dime if, ud 11 "wanird" kuuiC Ct-ditrtio-li. ft Llie J CulU,. calmly, wilhonllotiaiug ) j tut) thkrwai-in; II an' arrow had alroak Madaniala'ulia, ha could ba) iiat otataift-ated mora) aur prlaffindaharoe. n.. t I aiu the lanplitnj; auck nf thla Inwn, added Cittt,' and fmm 'JiW rtnn I'torh over a new leaf. , I'm henii-frtk Lead of my family, audunler tlit timia'c la made uime I eball finieli c(Ta mum in the barn h ill ia it. 1 lit and ia will be wi-N 0. Ill' lo eli.n c It Willi tu. II 11 01, I will .vi- ihne wild the boy, and you will liud Ml" civil ntihbor. . JU'ani l'ulia' p-owi wai biuki'ii. 5iiiC lh't tie iaito.iMa-itaam wlWJkt tJHtta' ilae," and kVa tbw kwad ef the hnuae.' ' j ' ? Wh commskd th rtueiVtt peraaalof our jilaniinjr triend the followin; articin frnm " The Paper," a Democratic akeet (Mibliilied In P.ltabnrfr. Pa., new that the a 'iiabii for j.UciiTilg at rla erop la ap pi iMtliiiij; : "A auflkiciit iitiuibcr of Yean have I rlupeed eince the emicluaioo of hoetilitica ibiHi-cii 1I10 iSi.iiea vf tha Xnrih aud Hmitli ii ii i mit of a calm aurti yaf die rfrtieea which conti ibtitfd to the reault. Tbe. C'iti'j'K iois were nM not made ao l.y iVet. f thlr eurtrrinr hrtvi-ry, nor,' a wuiihl'lij iititicnr. Iiom il-rir iiiiu.rr c.il eiipri'.i ity, Millionth the Uitt-r ail.-i il.ein vtiy iiMlriu.ly, but btCaute tin- Xwrtit Wift a cvcti'Mitol tturhauir and He From iby. T.'P'.a (Eri.uLMfan.7 ' ' crxvGnANrsxKwjbDon. dp.' Orjnt, liavln,- Ihrowtj tTie Rrj.nb II an jjirty Into eonfurlud ly lie dirare. f.ll Itlitlinc-r lo tvhich be Im preard Ilia S.ID I'i li.'uf a )ol lii'i.ii CoogTee nitil t1" country, r 1 '-u i t Irt t.iatli aLnul fr aooie eihrr pruun J on w ! '.to rail v I. broken oolutikiia. 11 -. 'ocU J f..r !.. j-jrj..iei tlm'i,::. c-J o r. ui r re U .A ':. ! ' : : ( f ) in 'n f 1 .-' . .-- '.. iM ribtj'J.oaa SbTuX ltiUh?lC.t Hi ralaiioa to tba elect ), . ,., 1 j , v. . fr; War vvura tit myAllitm tHiit fcr just cLAi.ts,or a TAur.Nr.i How duly t tha duryvliow tcaut f .1 ttt lva of ii tb.M tn lli ptr.-'ot. t hl.ltf tft lita M.i6'T; ate l!,c th.h.'i t-i .'4" fT tt..n .inj 'ii-rciu i'-'. T! e t v'i-'IU, fl UU lV III, I f CHI !, a In i i, ,' t,t f , tl i..t. nao An J t a Load i I, ; r- vi-H ! ' 'e I. f. VI 1 : f I ' ! 1 . r 1 J c '1 t I ! I tleman, '! think he will be "Mr. i'uiia tW tur hiieinera, too. I .wieh tn eee hint.' , 'What du ymi want of him ?' aeki-d llie ehictr, ihriistiiig her lo ad elill lunh. r uui of ilia window. 'To do aoiitflhii ic f.'i tue? . But 1 muei me hiuiaelt waa iht n-uy. " 'I it rnal baaiiii aa. t.ir par, or only n favor year' want -t I cah-letyour horae j and I waa iliret'led U inquire of vent whew r-ra, J fiHiiiTan fiienif 4'TrV "wnrTdTTa Tlhnw 1 adtreraarvliii.iely nu atrrictiltural rcirioii. lint. an. V"li t!YetJriT'ri nlv 10 luv nna I ii.. 1. unli ea j orj i.tifiiilv .lliOg, aaid ihe HilU'Ci-r v', ara . 1 v.- Aek yiinf'inlaTfufliiiil CU,in6'I ill tint rcjiciit II,; ' ' ', ' W.-ll, Mr. CaiUatJl,m Uy iiif f. utrr'nn Iht- it laley f)lac.',Uat 1 hnre jaal. imnaibt, North Carolina rol'ege, Mt. Plcis'tiit, Cttburrus County, A'. BARBEE'S HOTEL, THK SK ' iVD II !l'Sfnion ortlie prefent Sclio lastir term I'Dtnmetn-en, Jiuiuniy 2d, IB7I. Tiiilion (3J wi-eka) 110 to 420 Hoard. " 1 " - 33 to 45 , IvntOEiT'yonnir men. hivinn the I.ntlierau M-n-istrv fn view, will rereive inoti urtion flee. Tim iiii!" of till prtliotlnx Miiunteri will becUarged h.i f tin- u-'.ial rate-, of tuit't.n. For full 7S 1 1 i 11 ' b r wnd lor eatnloeue. . npi!K riliiF. I.. A. RIKI.E, dee 33 -4t , .. . . . . President. The Slatesvilie SemTiiary. 'PHE next oef.iiyn will bfni" ihmtlay, he 1 . 2SJ intt., ami ciitl i'ii".lrf9lli of June. Expenae of Tuition and lMurd, with I;ihta mid Hoard, $1(0.00 Primary DepnHmenl, , 80.00 M'aliinr cunt 51..10 per rmailh. ( Iioard- cp will furnish their own Sliett, Pillow ('aca ami Toarela. V, T.. ANDKksoN, :nw. J. II. IIII.L. 0 ' " " ' 'at Ttn pacts from where the Cars stop. Beat of porter in atte'ulance atja.il trkina. Mail St;.ipe for ."a !em leave tbia heitreHlalfT. ranfer di)v.iti'tied lo.iiny j-oint at short nptijse bf private rnp ei a.'i-e. . . , tSratefiil for'thetlheral ptttiofltipo of the past we hope bv tri t ahentlon.to tt e wafitt 4)f m (fjientn t Bjerita continuance of tl cf.me. M 1;. 11 irpk:, ?'f','jP l'r..irieh.r. CAM TMEftCRAVE Jan. t. IW f her before thera.,t ,racH of it han diiapi!aftil; afiJ gf one of his Cheip. Jhiruhlc and Hontlfomc Jlonuments, Timilis, nr Ilea I-sUiuc. at i.ri -eea that will defy competition; All kitidm f iiiai 14 wr nt reduced i irt -rf. Ordert milicitt)tl aiitl iiromjilj f;t rmiei'il to. "tKi-Cw Ir ttn A amrwey'"'wvir1t an henir htt' pricea bef nebuyiun lstnvlieii -iSatiif.ictiiiu guaranleed. Yard nearly ippolte fhe Jfaiket fT'ivse. - " j.o. 11 i;ui jan-3 3m- Sl e..:rvt X. V. - -, -J - - 1; -j- - -r Tr- - I 1 , : Southern Land Agency ' PERSONS Wl.il to pTiii'tiVww K0rjv FKX LAMM, will do- veil to ea'hv f-t.j. 1 lanfiju A Oanhaai. wla an: .r.-pred to ar.'al n -cy informatM n sh it reirird-i livition prire qmi lity. Ai Ail etteia addiewt'd 10 tlitm, lit tiii l:i-v mil rtcelve prowrTtnenfion." . tE VW tVllll OlMIAM. I-aoibAttei t, avlftly SaliJ.ner. an eonl. ?t. ". Catawba Ejijrllsli and Classical HIGH SCHOOL. , uioi, ':,.- 'ITE KLKVENTII SK-'SIOX will eemmenee an the tirrt-Wfmilar of Jun'y !H71. rait.in per aevitt'o of -Ai week t'loui 10 tn f.so. :r- - : - B rd in familu- froni eient to ten' dollar per ibonth NORTA CAROLINA. ? - Ia the Supwlr Eowa tJoesTVi- - y wru IlIILIlV. Gray and j ., . Jaine F. Jamiaun I BRHiBiit ' B. W. .MNet'ley.. I . In th'a cjvWo it ia niiide to appear to the :( tufiietloii td tin. Court that the rl.-feudaut. - ALL IClbV'N inilebtrd to.R'.ihcrtaIc N'eely C. are requeied tt.'cotne forward arid iiialie payuiuiit. There will be a change lu. the ti.rm very aooti and these accounts must Le pituV 7soHcTrnc&7iiMlr1tt'1eytre-' rd. KoIlEIJT.S. MfXEliLY. 6i Oo. Sali.Hlmry. Ja . 3, lr!7l.-4t TtfjBLB-Trcsh and very CboiceT- ; ""TFUiifnit supply. I 'TIIC great satisfaction given to CoiiDoiseurs, by these etiperior Teas, hiisvcuriipeiled llie stilv ser hv-r lo pioonre a hr.?.' adilional ..supply1 wliu II mn l.t bail lit uiif. evtii lil.lAJW tliose ulwrgfd I'ur tin; riiost iiiilifli-ri nt article. . at' ... iiLI-i) DlitC tT)Ki; (Jai)ti.'2t 1 -. . Sulislairy.. 'u I he al. 01 lest road to Hit- l'otir L on.(j if I -can I-eaii - why; I C.tn ! hi. thmp lo. you tfiiti he - could, and a (inut di-nl inure. 1 take Hit inoniy uinl w iH4- li ce pis, and piv llii lueii, and I lake oil I In- (irni'u e. I'm as i.) a jude ol f m k as be is, and 1 4'ii.''l bo beat mi horee flol..' 'Dill aaid the gentli man, i:tiig down hi iaco solemnly, 'you tan't lake In place now; hud bun lor nie at once. The sinew was bafflt-d. 'Look a here, mister, myhe you do not know the ctr cuuistance ol the case. This here faun is mine, aud il was my fallier'ts ufmc tut ; aad Culls, he ' h.iiut 110 more claim to it than that hen down there has. And beside, I'm seven years older than hois, a foot higher, and we job twenty ioandn more! V hut your business on my place, if I may make so hold !' To tee and talk with your husband,' replied llie gentleman, gelling out of hi chaise and hiuhiu' hii hotse to a pom, as I ..- ... . T - . 1 f 1 ' 1 - t 11 ne mi'ittii 10 etay iiiii.ti no uiu see nun. 'Be you a doctor I Caui-e: there niut n living thing the matter w ith Gutta. He's tlio w t'lleiit man in town.'nnd so bv I,' said this 'woman for the times.' Summon for Relief. , For pan iejiTura ahi . ctti1ot ad Jrea Tielortk ' . -:r REV 3. C. CI. A PP. M. ITV.KJ' A pro v.. M Jl. W. ItNeeley. in thid proceeilii lias re nniM il frtn the .laje. it ts ..r.lnretl that jf ihi.l. -i.atu,iHt uw4e.iu..ih ld,krtk iiU."i newspaper pi.li'i in the Town i.r Sulis ImrV, North ('aio.ina. f,.r ix succesive we ks. siin.iniviiiujr fle SH;. tl. fenilant. In l ai.-d'appear at "Ihe 1 ext teiin of the Superior Cjnil t, tn he held htr Xlie e.Mihjtyiafiireiiaid in The ton 11 o' -;alifhi:r-, un the pntrrth iltju. .ay Hdei the tliiio Moiulay ill March next, and then and there answer -.r deuiuto .aid ciiin plaint. ' ' . . Wi n'rs. A. Jrtd"n )f atr, -P Wk .f ! nud Court at Ofliee in Salishiiry, on the 4th Moiiday after lh 4d Monday "in SeteinWr. 10. A.-Jt-PSON M.VSOX. Cirri of IlounH SujH-rior CcurU- 4 Reed Organ Companion. A liewer.ilet.iitm of jw.pular Iri'tlimuiital nd V.-t-til Music..' -' ' . .. Mot t lien, "WljlUe. 1'iJlas. d-nrutic fieitt, 'S'Wfis, Jliliid-i, -fr ir ra-hird rr.i fZr Cidntiei Orffurta atwtj'-itftoirer.w-w--' Py V M-U. CLALK. - T- Anther of N Method lor Reed Orena." Price 0O,.Stni.xtt-p.l pvcncfAt of re: flit Jrtce. Olivr Srtann At Cm.. Cotton. I C. II. ita oa A Ci..Wewrerk, 4 5t ,Jt,..my. go wm tor. Da you think your Iitito.itid wui be in soon ? Send that boy to find him !'- .laid the .granger. 1 ' . 1 lie boy -looked up -tn Ins mother s fice! btft he knew hia ow n interest too well in, start w itliout oidi is. '"J hH you area miuiitt'tyl-aujijinstliy your Hack coat. I may as wi II tell you and save time, thntrwc don'f gi to meei .iii!. Biid4on't want lo. It ftinl 110 itiie lor you to li'ftvi no tracks for iioiIhiiit-I for I've got a big dairy, -md IiaK"t no lim- to idle away reiniu, ami I k.-ep hiiu u bout so eai ly and'rH.lH that w hen lie's dout work be' ghtd to go lo Jcd iid rest .' , 'Vva no minister, mad im ; I wish 1 waa rtmrgtnrfarTTOr man siorc snlil : t.. nil can tell u j W Hi let liim ; Dili elie Wi'li f lli-U MlSlel i n ti 11. 1 .g i n l.iTi-elf. nnd pei Imps rffei to dtive ton wherever yan 1o wriler tin 111. 1 H'ld tin in I nuiiltl ki e you ai.d tn-k; you only ; ftl'd ihelellww lit-t On tt." 'I'lki y uie 10 c'vo you ten rjollai!1, and o two or lli it f w i!oivj'"in tow n a cord of wood each, if 1 succeed in ark. tig ym "iliia queslioii nloiie, and making sure ymir wile tinea not know my business itutil al ter breakfast Ip-biorrow morning Cu'l knew his. wile 'standii'.g too well lo iccl very sensitive, and taking the bill from the el ranger ueeuiihd nm said : I'll go with yon to look out cedar posts, and keep duik, lor the joke' sake; but I don't know a she'll lit uie slay in the house, to-night ; 1 don't own il, replied th" good 1 111 lined I utts. 'Suppose you go lo the place nnd sec to setiitigllie post. . I will send a boy to tell her yon had to go offsitdd;iily on a little business, and will le back in the morniiig said the ktianger, "" 1 I'll do tiiat, replied Cut in, for I never ijiiaml wiih her, but let her have In town way. 1 uoii t want to worry niyseli "Ii w as not a contest of mucle against innetle bu of brain and iuvriiiive gcui u in opposition U prrsona) courage. The South found a fow staples so pioJuclive of wealth that it confined -itself 10 the CtiKivation of these, arid allowed evwy oilier iiiteresi tn lauguish. In cities be. - 1 . ...... oaoie only gical wareliouses tor tue More uration will uot afford inatrrial tT re storing tha wauuiug. suortUKiy t ;f their parly in that acliou of the country Can djd men at tho North, while . ready to ad mit that Bociely below the. Potomac and the Ohio may not(be at all times, ayid tin der all ciicumataiicc, and in all jijaces a fieaceful aud litw.aliiding as In New tug and, atistjt ct that lh; plcturo ' ia ovrr-d-aw,aud ilia', loo, f.r p trttano purposes; andin view of the erentf ol the past leu years, they are rather 'aurprieI thut ocieiv in th at scciion of the I'nion Is o finM miTt ofitenyalfTr lC At all irenfs, the great intijority f thae who firmly stood wrtn Hi tovernneiit thtoouh all the late eonvnlidowa, are decidedly oppos ed lo the paaaageof auy more recrmtlt me-' lion art by Congress, and think the time na tuny aoroe w nen me control 01 t lie Soul lie rti biataa should be confided 10 ibeir own) citim-na, without any exception al ialerieiouce ou the part of the Federal Government. lli now five jfv and. eight motiili since the rebel armies v ere disb.uidc 1 ; a. id after vexatious and seemingly need Iei delay, the hist of the Confederate' oialci ia about to be admitted topfull rrp itst ntati.in in Congress. 7It nt liiui tint llie Soutln ru people were left un trammelled to 1 1 v their hand al irovprti- ing themselves 1 Ought' not then-suits ol ihe elections ol th ptiat nntntno to teach the- lfermblir-rrr tfrat-n rmiie-Tcnnflr.fiart policy of coercion will finally recoil rtpon It nuthors 1 Do they fielievo that lhv C$11 forever pin the people of the HoniK down tit obrdiekce to the laws with Fed eral hayoneta f I it not better to put Uiem upon their good behavior, and, as in oid'oary cases, let pains aud penalties follow ratlr-4hau pmctde-,tba cosumis t ' 11 ! r ! tV" jt.'iC.t it fVnj bii.h.--w hj" iii ..nof ed In bis sorrow, and rj'.lcel th his baa'. i.T:.-4-.-v'.i"efslMt.1"Ti V ' pun tin- 1 a in r, w aiciiliii I DO iu ttient rrtitn wbiehtbe soul flrsl rst pr- tute of wakt fuliiei fading his youth ful steps to tread the pilhs of vlilna an religbu careful to auard him from I be ril propensities of youth, su4,wT him of the cntjtrquuncc da aot tkeaf claim his dut ful arfecthui fihooM iw4 each nerve be strained to slrw his pra ittiue; by fellow ing in his mHtnrer Tfaii the precepts lin y inculcated T Ana, la idvatiri. g age, ahotild "forUlpe rondW ' In in d.-pi'iitioal 011 their offuruig, what joyjat j x Jpuriv w kai iiapisiusa smwos plete, than to minister 10 their wants, and iiimiIi the passage el their declining year T mil nil iiiu. i U'l Wlieif r I ... .. . I noil, or hv luv in osier of mi'lLare inrena. tirnpnituiu us they hi Iieltl the shipiiing , ' ' , , ' , ' r. .r. 11 . .1 11 1 iliev cifu preserve to Ihemsclves tlto en- i t ihe world Ml their ciowdeil whaives,' . ' . . ,. . , , u . .1 .. . j tiro-negro vole of the Suuiu, and then hv eaer to cnv i tt, evc:i In the ttiiuio;l , , , . , . . ciuy uie oiu si.it q loiiiiug cui. jj lor ' ' ORLAT MISTAKE. " ' - ... j int v"W It is a great mla'ake t let in bur siwn landard of light and wrongs arrrl 'jtldge people accordingly. It i a great tuts -take to njeasnro ibe ci jnymcnt of oibers by our own ; tu expect uniformity of opinion in l!ii woild; to look fir judg ment and experience in youth f to en deavor I" no d. a'l dispt sitlons stlrkej ml to v i!l in immaterial tulle j to look fur peif.ii.iiu. i" onr owiiaclionsV to wor ry oui.lvi j m,l other"-wfiir what can- iit'i Lu 11 nu died ; not to alleviate lf that n ttl.t ariiiin, us far as'Tls' in oar powt r; 1101 to iDake" allowances , for ihe llifit tliil lea t 0' hsii l A')Ci(tldatJtXttfr . thing impossible which we canndt per form ; to believe only' what our finite ' mindi can grasp ; to expect to be a'Je f miderstaod rveiything. The greatest pf all jii'sialwi's i. to live for time, when 6r moment uiiy l iuncli u into tfU1j 11k Col li. n't do it for Mokbt- e..iis if the eailh, ihe Iniit of linn fer nlefi.iiN. " l'i 0111 th; was begotten the 'ia.n4t."Vdea I hat C"!t(jll W as kifi)T, aii( ihul his teenier not 011 1 v fiwuscd iho ties- . t' : 1..; .1.. : s i.-.. lileoet; llllll. Ill .lUlllltH, tllli IllUb waiIIU4f wiihoiii fm ce on the other side of ihe An hiiiiic. This was very Haltering to the vanity of a growing people, still young in the family of States, aud was sufficient to dazzle their eye with a splendor alto geiher inei iiritious. The domination of cotton should have been a source of pride to every Aneiic.au That pride, howev cver, sin aid never have -even remotely approached idolatry. . Tho fact that it did ;wsKai!taWJtisftMS& 1 worry niyselt u- (Jood tran, said the sirangcrj-thtre are no trine in Una hfe.' The smallest net ii. ' ,n 1 ' a " Lt.a Hi! JllJLllili Xt.ZilL US VUHLS f youtitiwiH ruin your family, linfllu tlnit spirit' In-day, nd next vunday take yoiir bnj'g and go 10 tire houau.ef God, what ever shesaya, and be, are"t tnan-at the head of your house and family.. ' It is rather late to begin, sad Ciitls. .-hakii g hia lit ad in a way that would become so; 110 person will deny, and to this we assign'! lie subsequent ovcitlnow of ii 'worshiper. "When the war broke out it 'found tho SCluleu ol the V.ilitli i'leh in i.iillnn in men und it money, with uu culhusiuaui amounting almost lo insanity, und a de iciininatiou to achieve victory by the powers of their arm's. The North went into (he conflict with an earnestness a terfiLle, tut w itli evrrj'tliing th e."55dutlr lacked. We. Lad a divereitietl industry to back us i we had iron and coal aud steel lor llio mannfagture of arms and munlim'tia '; ' "WfTtiucI corn and oata for the cavalry, wheat and rye for the soldiers, and nulla -fof the utuiiufucture of cotton and wollen fabrics wiih which to furnish raiment to' our men In the field." -The South had none of these,, 'l is true thpre were iron works in irgiuia anl .iu Mis ': : i."...'.i. ilj .' .1.. . thtir Preeitieufial tick.ei in lb72. couue ( Jen. Grant, if he tliotiglit lliiit Lv so doing he coul.l restore his tar- preslige wiih the! "TleptihlV.it) par- ly, and revive his blighted prospects for a lenomiiiation, would not lusit't'e lo laifc false issues in regard to tho condition of affairs in the South, and plunge that sec tion of the Union into renewed confu sion. But it will not prove "to be n, win nitig gnme for him, while it may tender it impossible for "he party t elect-any one to the Presidency next year. Intel ligent Republicans had better take (lie maungement of the party into their own hands, and not leave it arty longer lo u man whose narrow vision dors not allow him to contemplate anything beyond the promotion of his own selfish etins. 'Send for yoiir husband '! I eanhot wait inch longer.' 'Piiiiist see him t ritiee.' IS fei i eye; much longer. I Tlie'lioy started to his fei I aifin," and looked in iits mo' iters eye; inn it gave ho 'inii'chmg orler 'Look In re, nii-ler," rtow appearing at titASc&MUaJLlid toil'rtf .1 eehool in., sit r I111n.il. rp a dis t. ie! itli -ol : and i 011 :bii k le-V. a coin luiffeeiti in. Lilt lna'lit ibis yc.il, M t'am Cut's, a the. neighnors eaHnl In r, drojiped her hands -at hei side ien( gave a gioan. She bail found .1 mn sin couldn't .manage. ' '-, ' " I ;l 1 w .ee Here., now, nnsier, sanr Stic. I r.in reatl a ImIv gbt-lhro.ughfc.iuuL.I kuew. what y.u was the blessed inimite I clap ped-eyes tin you. I can tell bv jonr ev- erajtiii a'rguia th.-f j'Oii are a'l wyer. . We ha it got no qu.-irn Is ; doii'l wairj.o deeds diawedjior wilis mad.-, so if yini'iV nniiltn a joo ni my. i:n-iiai .1. vnu may as "W 'II onl'ilch yo-i 1 orse auid drU ow. We know enough 1 : k,, a little nnneyx and -I know enough u, hold on f. it. My good wontan, voit eulinly misan- r'""'' n,v ""',d- ' 1 wtell;9 person Iijiijurnseir w hat it is, aiwl muni tell him in etinlldeiiee) aloue. 1 1 he choose he miy break it to you in tUe best y ie can. ''"! . , O, my goodne SHkcjtjjHfe! rjiotl, have warned others Irora a trap-in -which siesipp'i, tna.tU.be wao crippled carl)',!" lllS leel V it last. ' KJ. Itprvo. V. iti. uiuvsgui null You see 'If..' purse is hers, he ''added I hai.icai povelty of, llm buuth, , JJ- ana tint has Drtcn a cinrh'r rertertiian her will to mev". Bu I. will try lo begin anew: fur her good wtrfrwtd ihe chilreu's. iitne (Jutt't discovered the wherchbntiiii nf her lonl, latklerl up, 111.1L wt-iit nftorTirtn. All the way hoiie qnfl tar Into the night she used her efogMenccl both in pU'adingt iiud tliiealeiilnga, to find Ant the njysie fi'uis entwid of thai llatefal lowu nabob 1 ha f bad wma Wa th tt cnuutry to. ))wairat. happy fimilies. - - , ' ' ,: '" " ' li i'f CJiftfa yielded litmselfrip fn a drtmb spint lor ihe iiiglfTftnd no measuieeould inrlnc': hint' 10 inlk'on any "suljevl jest she should pty the mighty secret out -of liltnr ,- r - ' - . ' About midnight fche wore lieiself" out and went tt sleep but, M tak of -day t ire ncg v't- "Kili il '.'1 .li!"'.. v!iiturcd .id say: As soon as breakfiil is oirer I wili 1 roak the news t "yon. .You'll never eut a morsel hi ray honse, I can till yoil,'Ciied Xanlippe, 1 1 TI you hive lold'iiie what lh.it, man wai, ted ol 1 - "u- ' - Ittm you'll wait go4 wk4 tn heal; il. said Cults,, for I've vowed I'd 'never K II ii nrtThad first eaten Toy breakfast, ai.d w ith lliese Words went oij". .r- ' aamuy - entti4 Ui ioriureas Uug a4MMibb T nd-ldei.got Ireakfast. She call.d lo tiu door tar on one in par-ut-nlai , 'come.' " t . . ' . - - - 1 , Hut Cn'ne dUnTcrimc: "Af:er a while- ehvwer.7 out tatheTbrni,a,nd found bim tiiiy liiinisliea.-tio rdillions f people termiued have'ln 1 11 subjugated instance where' th-hl eiuul'y uiiiiadandde- Had the iTTofMn-wi. tent wnTriuonTc'iiiMTrwmn rWOTTW and lostereu, innniiiaciurcB, it wouia nave !bve1T a moieijrtoiuiiiJablQiitagonfsand doubtless, ;wruild have protiacted , the struggle iudviuitcly,. even if wq admit ibai,under these ciicamstanes, victory was in its reach. ' The lesson w e deduce from iljjlurcof;4be.t?ouih,bep Wiiliouijjjeitding of.hiustries, no State 01 country can, ever atlaiit true greatness. When-a cjooutiy cou ve with in itself, it is independent, and not until tbeu, The people of the South are rapidly re-- ulizing ibis, and from all parts we hear of uew manufacturing enterprises. Georgia seems to nave the lead as yet, but pehne A rising yeung lawyer of St. Louis re cently received a call in his ollice from a handsome dressed lady, who warited a d i.vuxce. X 4e years Jsefore -Irer-wwt-lter had rnarrted ber,"' whew bift- a-ehild, fo a man twice as "old, and she could standr no longer. "A man of your sge, tin," she said, "would suit mc Sher said" W was:Mrf wealthy merchant, and when the hfwyer told her his fee ought to be $1,000, he thought of her flattery .and coimontcd to take $100 as a retainer, nnd SiOQ more ii successful Uuforiuutttcl) she had no change except a $200, check her husband had given her to go a shopping would the law yer .take it out of that I lie had just received that aiho'unt from Ids father, and as fl was afi'er banking bijurs hegave the money, for thefchcckf'oiilj to find that Itie . laltur waVwohhless. Xo r but , could do k fr ChHsl.-'Tbs) kl'nmA M k. I b r-l ' TA .... - A rerl-'u Jvartn, from tii uumnUim. lien of llii; mail, n hud learned to love Ilia . Bib!? iiinih. Cut there were soma k-bi- .laj ji' is M'ltl dag eatiTS, culled Hgbaff, v. 1m v. .:. in-1, 1 v al ig n .rant us the dogs thf y .Mo. . Ami ilic inissionnry wanted to si fiTT " In;, an 1 1 leach tltem the gospel to he was t.tfen ,! fnir rnp rs a month if be woul4, go.' Shapau took his Testament, and weni out to cniifjdj'r. On hisreturp, his face show 11 teith unearthly radiance. "Well, S'lajiau,'.' said the missionary, "can yon go to the Bliais for four rupees 11 monlli ?" ' ( .- .i' i ' , "X'', tencher," ycir Solemly said be-; "1 con!.! in, 1 go for four rupees tho month, bin I iwi th i! for Cluist." . Tin ie w.-im a -deep meaning iu that eye, ami in thai gr.ip of tiie hand, when be said" I can do it (oivChrist."v. '.Sh lie wen! and-.cs ablished about forty ( "In i.-r.i in churches, and baptised nearly a thousand of llie Bghais, whose souls God gave. L it it for his litre. t- - " .-"'. "r,.:. '. '" " t xt- Tbk Di'sir .Hoom. A young girl was sweeping a room one day, when she went to the window-shade and hastily ' drew it down. 'It uiitk.es "fberro'fi" ; ifiisTj'1;' gb'c' Viuu,"'';ioTiayo"t coming' in jr .'"-. ,v ' The atoms, of dust w hich shone golden i?i!;.il':.L-Jiu,,lu naiuinK a l:J(.r glt.. 1 1. uutauirh: srirl iniasriuedlt was the sunshhte w hich made the dnlt. ' Now, nijiny poisons imagihe themseltVa very good ' pi o'phy f)ne poor old man, who had lived all bis life without a h6't of love to God, nnd he wa already to dici He didn't owe any mail a cent'.' fib'e Spiiit of God shonhl shine biigntly Into such' a ' heart-, how do you suppose it wotihi look 1 It world show them amJ enough to crush tbeiri h ' I This light of the spirit iff like tReaiH shin,iB ju the daafy .oom 1 It rereals what was "be f o ro h i d d etT When we begla o foef -unhtvpy -femrt--tmrutf ,-trt w iryt' put away our feeling, pon'i let us put down the curtain, and fancy there 1 ho dust It is tho Holy SpirlfaMfeft in our hearts. Tie Is showin'ae onr srlves; and better eii I, be will shoW'i the tuo way of hapriiuess.' fffp"" La. ' V " Two cTiTna7nTi7oTr inea!lowilo7Call' fornia recei.tlV. asked thalJ-heV miebt uloeive kieti, and if ha- says ht! Las, i ,.Vh thu narm'e of ihe witnesses w bo bad tUvy Ull bin.to put up for "thiu a gallon , ap.,,t.art., itg4ist ihem in Cimri written "on ... 1 l?l - t. ., . -. . a piece ul upr. fo insit they-oId take llicui wiiu them TJerst BHUngr it of ;ibe-?onlHrtr liion and laa)l) mayj possifily' socio Iitne Jie, do'wn together in this yorld lor a few Uiiuites, but whet thli' lioil ' Aoine to' get up the Iamb will bp"mfetW. " v rrt; -117 -Tt- f-;;, if '- II,'' The people of Elmu never have kero sene explosions and this is the reason wfcy rWlieit "JbeyTg6rt iheyp.ask'hjadealcr ,if he , has the 11011- vxploeive kioi, S e w.iih her rich mineral deposisls, is he tries a -ase tho jury is niosflr com- ' I'1 ' pitting on The armor of Vulcan, and aUiddiTig rapidly to the front, while Loui- aianu seem to luive mtrtle up lu mind to-, si ud us its cotton ' in webs, instead of bales, at formerly Phe met hanie is in vited In go South and co-operate w.itb the pUtitcr. 1 tris invSation is being heeded, inn, and a "Unison of intrusts is be'np formed that w ill eVentoally give binh t great social . changes ibere, and which cauuot fail to ba producllv ' cf mucb ood to tbwwbob cownlry I There is said to be a .Tusli.r of the u . . .. 1 tv- lile . ten flvire. fn Pence in vPerrv, " IVxhiiA, who keeps the 1 , . - " business coiinncd to Uie laniHV. " lie,i 1 , 7 . by the Ch on the ioagjmrney, begin. "The natnes, af- os) small pieces ofpa- nt se u ituessea, wt!ffl need- a:,il, f:er being earefiilly 4 biheerl, were puf away itj) their 'arket to j be n.d on the great d;fy of uoafacee-eets : against llo-ir eecrsiMS, to coTiVic' tbetD of 1 let ij h v :i .i Uiee aw e-iii., , M stir 'i K.v;,.-j bct'it. sl4iracrcn " to THjiir -m ihe cotut ar re f' dress. Me rent; 1 wnli true widr- 1 ;x; uiy g.MHineaa SrtXCS-jAjlVtj; lilOtlrt'I lit!,w t-r.1 OUl laiicHarH.niMi lollna litm ) jtt jhis i LiTt blowed j. in tbs;.Miasisaipfubo,-iLirtcdn an cpfurucd'lbalf but bvl treat- God." The ojitlLt3eajionfor merciftifDcsiJl tlic oidy one which it to be reward. .1 in kind; in.ihis tLercfort.we mut r.eail xtcu.i!e . i , . i . .- j . ..'i.. ... .. posed ol 111 uroini'is ami eon-, tie- too. slalle is a Sou-iu-law, aud all fun are divided. .' -' A good conscience is to the sonlwbat he'alth is to the body; it preserves a eou-1 .i...te.e nod s.'i-Miilv within nssved u. than eonntei vails all'lhe calamities ; was advi. ..J fifictiona which can DOialbTy bt. fall dress. I ' . ' shall,-fevej-rue anybody for slander: 1 ":'IV. . - .-" . , '.. .cu go to invfiinp and wk out abetter TLe Dominique Powl. have I ft- their t4,aftt,r,iu tlAa j - taly point ,C. ii.-tuiaii.ii, ,fa,ioca by s . " " ,- . brace of .blackbird,. . r' t aiEci-nc ;f my rerit la to kaov 4 fiajtmy nt is not auia ent. t - l lie i e- : . v 'Time say Iluacc FinJtS, 'is hi'clo tbt ctrret everyt trnj.'- -A-xnta t"-i.it;.p"iel f(.r a divorce, fa fieM- a.i .strarTas. wTJKTsLf.eproarkaa sjitpo;. ..- ( .. ..... - - -.;v ';;."' - v.-

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