i- Li . . - - 1 i.-- eVf aw . K f - JM V . .rr.'i U 'T ,(v .... 0 .. ........ vr..:vf ti lasV J o ;( j toi i M .J CfMM .'' , . , ...... f 1 . . . . . i tVi : :'T; " - . '' -r . --n-.v - J ' - ' " ) . .. V' - ' ' - . ... - VOlv VI. B ALISBURY, : N, C FEBItlTAHY V1D, 1871. I I 9 oxjssxaxoxrs' btaob ixotii p, WARSAW nr&jZfi. :i0 fttytUrriUe. I I ATI Vim fur fynillr IiIt m wtlntlM. Thn.h 341 rtum Um Slu IW W.lrton i retu.rTlU I o. TrMb t4ckt friHi ilmii.rtun. Tit Tk nr fvFTill.t. 0 H A K L OTT I A W AW W (J? j - JJK.ID Of . C K- H.TTI "T-iiT VkiWlU Rr riiii "UtJ Rlffh ilunr.i fc-r W.lKt. Twdr.Thui. dir. 7a "HirtiTOky- -Utvirtritfrrtwnr.-Tnp' dar.TbKMajr. uU iufj-. tr tnn fr. ni Wllaanlon. , . CH ATUAM It R TO KAYKTTKTII.l.f A5I TTISTIRJ-S IW! Iit'CltBirflun iM'fl tfrarh)w tri from Fnf elt. illf . di!y fx.-il Snn(j. 8ALKM Ann HlOB POIXT8TA01 Mih ilMdJlr v. 0-B.U.r-.ny:m.VoC. BpM. 18, 1870 tf ' Q.uw4or Turn nnnnfi a nam THE . U 4 n v v ----- - Cemrt XXoaa, on Main Street, DITCRM THEIR THANKS TO TITT IV Bbliefor th viry lilwml putroiiap ra Vujil Ibrm duriiifr the p-l ymr. mid liip-. fwir A.1Ib i I arfri attt-ntioii to l)Uinm to merit eouiuuKuce, it rt u iix r n-r tain. . -. w wtfl Mmtlnne to Vn on hni1 fx plr of rAnILT OKDCfiAuiii i "'"""Thresh and Salt Fislif OF EVERT VARIETY WkUkfwi, Brandies, Hum, Gin, dc , c. ALSO, BOOTS, SHOES. DOMESTICS, PIECE GOODS, YAlSKKi: NOTION la fact, almost evarrthini auIly kept in v rietr Rtora.all of wWh w. sell low for Cub,' r Country Trodnce iK.. Pm PUILLIPS 4 RROTI1EKS. Fab. 1. 1870. 7-lf ' IIITI-WE PUST PRIZE JlEDUSiWAMED, The rcal r iSontliorn Piano Manufactory. Wm. Biabe & Co., " HAKITAITI-Rtm Of Orand, Square PIANO BALTIMOKE, Ml. Thee Instrumeuts liavc been before iht puUir for nearly Thlrt VMM. and npon tl.rir rMftir aloD atUiord annapuix-haB.! rv -i iinm-Ooe, wblch prooouace Unin unequalled. Tlieir T O X F. cnrnhiBM great power, ttuvibr unJ finf tinguiR quality, an well a the groat purity of Inbiiialinn aod 8iretnethrt.n(rliot trie entire r sir. Tlieir T OUCH iipliaat aai elastic, and entirely free from the tiff." aaw roaaa in eo rnany piano. IN WORKMANSHIP tUj rBMaal4 aaiaf aooa lnt tl.e rery lt aaaaoMd material, tbc larR capital employ e1 in our barinea enable ue to keeprontlnnally an iinmenfe atek of lumbar. Ac. on hand. O" All of orHo.OAKi ruxoahaveour New Im rarad Oraratrang Scale and the A-rmfle Tn-Me. (Wawanld eallepedal attention to mn Ute liapraaaaMiiU in Quavu Piaxok au .-qi auk OaAxaa. Pitented AuprtU. &. win. h bring the Plaao Bearer perfection than ha yet been t Uloedi" t ""L Evtrf Piano fully Warrnnhdfor Five twi " Years ' ' ' " We Iraraaiade arrn(remeiit for the So'eWhoie aala Agaary tor the aioet celebrated Parlor Or. ant and Maxonaona. wlirh wa off . wholesale ad rUil, at l.owert Kec Priree. , wainNABD A CO., - v . : v Jialtimore. Mit. , Sept. a-3ftm. . T. V CI)t(DlDNottjSltitc n , nwiHP.wumir , .J"JU9P i vfrtthe, . . iv.. t ) JO". ' I " " ' -' . ATar pxBcni&fi Oita taaa. aytlaia atraar 3 0u ir MoiTMa. " . ...... I iCiiH&'nrUtt'SX On cjaara. firat Inarrtuia ..tl.00 Pur rurli aj.litioaal IuarVa. . . . ..... 30 r, ismraiad BMiorawiU be rhamd W r l huhtbaWaVvra. " ' ' Court and Jatir'a Order will W ptiMLh ih at th ta rata with other adrertie uivuta. Obitnary aotlc, ovar ata Itaa. charg rA aiadrrt!rinruti. CONTRACT RATES. T 'V, b-"i til m, ie i, 5 a i T . eracO' i XT If THAVoo Aoiitr .-MAIIK TWAIN' KILLING TUM G(K)9B THAT tAlD piS ppLDeV KOa, . , , . 1 mm .11 at - ' ' Ua ae it a) ,fit.aaJdl af, auilJ auneia,.4aati .kara4ia aarwat, wlilal mi) af (be taoat wtalaetMiy awilbre and aneirMU af UVa'!Bf M dlaf;rreable pea, vef die rtaltaf lou wM mbdjfb te r-tir( 'lt'tViIra' .. tat aaitwtr eey l ' imU aid a kyrliaamry , r "loolbalie . lat1te waa too irenquillv ae-lf reltanl le flud J bat iu VGKoVi iia. au4 ao jyf 'jWri"I' tre VW frun bM to kaaaw aa aaatiacloulj ob tniaivt. aad weeNilvitiintialtj 'iftVuWe m thr nw aal or any eibrr mild rpidratlc. He waa a bliudly ihilh-ji orable tarfriof ' w braiiit-ncr iai aaiario ai novim and rnni a rniie or vnjrHtinui ailcooia won la i I iiara- 250 9:17.1 .Hi-a.'!4M. 625 .,1 the , 3 Square flDO'tflW, .lrp- J Ciitttmn. llWHiOO Column. 1H 00 24 00 5nin.vi:i0(i an ijoo oo l i 00 St) Of), Ml 1.00 1UNJ2& 00 37,40 SfllMKalOO 4MNI 30 00 4510 7.YII0 1 Colama. 28 00 40 00 5 f0 W) 00 I ao.OU re and ITprifht FO UTT.S BaRBE&SHOTEL . niGH POINT, lf.C. OpPOSIWRAlLiloAD DErOT -U ' r - I Beat of porters In tt:ndonce tt'f 0 train. Mail 8tagea Ibr Salem Jeave thif lion. flatty . I Paawngeradiiipatchd to any point at abort notice bf prteat eonTeeatic . ''iei tratafal foe the liberal patmRape Of the , pat w aopebyitrtvt attention to the want of onr gnenta t aierit a continuance of thMnc.' WM, 0. BitPBFK. Jan. 1. 1870 -f Proprietor. CAN THElQRaSYE -4 IF IT CANVaall on the aohariri- ber befor th itiat tmoea of it Jiaai dimtpuvitfvd, ttud5:T" wo W CAf ntr. JJuraMe 1 awof1 Handsom Moqumenti, Til".?. ortft,,-t. t pri- ea mat win afjg coiupMmon., . .... '-AlliIada"&fttiAWfVirtffWe'.t' 0rderaolcited and promptly f 'nrleJd'". Call aud exaniiu hi work jiud lit-ar hia price befor buiug elHvhere. Satiafaction guaraateed. ..." , -j . Yard naarly opposite h MatketrlloUM. : ..jxo. n. uci . jan-3 3u Al l"'ry. XC Sbulhern Land Agency, PERSONS WlSrflfcfl to pawhaw will' KKS - LAXHS wOl 4wU tail en ilttut A nifui d, A fVunhant. who at jirrred to a'tCall necwrry - Infnrmaaii a aeltrejraf '! I'atiag pelce " a lit y c Ail iMtere addreewdjo taria, ;at thia place rtt recelre prompt attentions -, , CBAWFOHt) Iirximi I-and Aentii. aeel&ly h.list ury, Koan county. N. C. CENTIKriU.K, Tkxar, .Ian. 20, 1871. f FaiEND II AXKS : Mjf -laef ditteil, I bcltfvr, al Xrw Oilcan ; thie I mi nt pli-i"un( villnp.. in t lie inlr'..i of iln Stale. leaving Ni-w Oi l. mi. r n imu l bv rail eiglny luili'B f" llr.ti -r. ilien take etfanii r for G;ilvfM"in. T ir bv lail i null to Ili'.iii nr, yvQ j. f I; .ll. li I MiBHiaeii.ui Lut ion mill alf v.jiil ilu- w v, and atigar and cotton iUutatMiia an- -' n on every band. Your radrr r- famil iar wild llit iocri dit.lr fTl!li.y thi-e-IhikI. but I Mill ea I if (liil llnil ijnin- one bull i now lying idle for w;mi ol lalior, j atid 1 verily )rlu-ve iImi tlic coumry lon e'rnore in inatrrml w-a!tli every ymr by the nrgloct ol lhrnr fertile IhuH iIihii would jihv iiitin-et on ilie jmiilic di-tj. In fact il ri-i'iualo rnr tlnil fn v jjilior m v- ft c.ui lie iniiili- rr niimeiatitL in lum imr- iicular ai ftinir tin etiiv pliitilaiioo j on Bi t' t- i, I'll Tulilt- liiii- w neti d c m I i 1 1 ! Ik ic t l it., f 1 ivi. coulil r li lit r c- m fortuLl 1 1 t-i I. ir dii ) ;oil, ii ud i Ht li in , bog am' liouiiny. Now lit- livt'i in Hide tnotie-riivfii d Iiovi If, iiioic like liop cln I- ttra titan litimmi Imlm at utii, rti ii.'giiip- out an nnpn.fil jtle, aitvlcfa -iali-l.c. Que-ry-ba In gaiiud by tliu cliaugc in iiie etatual Of the ride acrnee the gulf I need not epealf." Puffier lo any thnt my pxprrii nf el ,4npa afeddownn" to lite umnM ait-d was like ibe expcriei co of any oibt-r laud Inbbi r ou bis first Vtiyagn. ... Wfll, what of Trxau ?, FroM GaJvi-a-inn to Iliutatoii ni.d beyond, tlio eountiy pit-ecnte a niouotoiiou and ntiiii'erfitiii; ap fatanct , lieit g rt half praiife with aiubby, cuaiee prae, It-vi-l, we I and umd dy with 1 1 i ii euil and little liiitbi-r, and "fharecitililiy 1'ont Oak. The climate ir generally mild, but cold nortlxrti winde blow up and the change in o auildeu that it finds a mail wholly unprepared. One hour will be mild ami balmy a an April mom and the next fieiaing "cold. Theae auddeu cbangea are vi rv deeiiuitive to the (lock on tb prairier, and large uniu bera fret-ae or pertch! "Tifur "'"readera enn foi ro no idea of the number or ez- .f Tex. aivcatlle on the pniiiica. Iu tuy iXt I will tive you a minute dceciiution of piy vicwe of a Teina eteer. .Thnuennda of ftit her atou tion or feed auve mich as t lie prairie al fords. The people are universnlly kind and hor-pii.ible, and glad to show a eiran gef all tire points of intereot in the coun try. I ! hav seen :no indication of that rough, rowdy iein for w hich we have given the State credit. ' Here they don'l quar rel, if a diffVierire aie it is a word aud a b oxr," and not An nidlesa flow of abuse H;;d villincation. . Whether, to move, to lYxns or mil will be adviaed in due time twSFanliouM tice 1 can. . ? roura," " !; TAf lixtt. : Reed " Organ Con.panion. A new'collectiiiD oT jKipuIar Inatnimenfal arid Vocal Mo!4. ' . - 2fcrthi5T:W& l'olla$, Ojieratlc N Gtmi, Sfmgs, Jialladt,r , nr . ' Organtjwd Mt lrfrons " Py WM H .C1ARKF. Author of "New .Method for Reed 0gn., , Prioa S2.00. Bent poat-paid on receipt o're tail prtc. 7 .,. f ' . . OliTer Sltion etc Co.. Boston. C n. Ditto k Co.,Nw York. ' 2t net die conceit him any aiore than it woald a luatf r"HiiJ-ti.eHei xaeaaor. 1'bnt Bruiiuak atarud In bf aa a pedUr of salve, and dtecetided, by raav grada- tiona ibmiHtb live 4ove-daoiper, window 1 . i . i .i -j i . i . i . e ) Ti, wa.ntt'g-miio, miu fieiicu puiinn, i thai J.vmi. f the downward career of ) bh at iiiitevmii tenders. Those nursull : we e, it. ul tl.ee, ewjii.ently calculated 'to brii f h liteiaiy taste to a high Stat oil tnli'-H ' ; lui Unliappliy lie Had tutie I. tz e.' '.. j.iiSl I) his iirorluillie. Jl e i. i. a. ii ... lite, .led ignorance nf lit eraiuie i h i.i xliy eupgeeltd the epleudirt (oril.il. lew thai awaited li tu in the book Maile ; ro wh'-n he foond the stencil bus ine.ri.ton be w ildei n ir Ui hi intellect, he ' caluify aud con fidenlly dropped into book ' canVM.eing. j He waa not a fiist rate judtze ol authors, and bin literary dteciiiiiiimtioii eeldom eiiavi d luyoi.d the pieiiirie and binding , wiihimi lieu.g ingloiMinolt eWMitMd. A Hjvm of ilie old valve ai.d waehing fluid WaSnlMavs peicepilt'li Hi lue UlecUSSIon ol book i and mii'Ii i-. Kneed o eXperi Mice a on lai eln t , 1. .-ure in persuading nito to di rtaiit on the uierits of Shakes- peare's lilack Crook, or Mancbaosen'a'l Dit'tionury, or Dickerta on IyngarilhnS, or II. . E.nereon's "N'arterj 1 alea. He conhl expatiate on those woika pr any label thai I recklersly eiigjrested, jast aa hicidly ai.d del igh; fully as he could oh those fw which h; Wns canvassing more so, Indit d, for he li lt more "fancy free" where there wen- no books around. He often declared that when Shakes r pr. , w. ii ,..(,, i a.Hr' -yfoold rr ii nd get tht apeney, lIiiTiib lie "1iaiT an idea that Sliakeepeaie 'wasu'i tj'iite a innti li for IJi hiIIi y or Smuckei ." He ihou'ht thai cllildieu Mi if lit I'ke Kim-r-miii, he wb e plain and stmph ; but glow ii folk i- ;enerlly like solid I'feiatllie. i like 'New 1 oik by (jiielighl, or 'A Ihou- eand '1 liings Worth Knowing.' 1 suppose it was his invincible and .re i mm cel. ee aesidnity that eiinbled him to ebldue bis vielitn-. He had a wav bf pouring liiuieelt our, in ceuseleea wbitt wadi ol pi i pared pl.itttudes and canoed tw addle capaUle, 1 vei ily believe, of wea rying a bninse statute of William Pin into tbilinrcha-ii- ot 'Abbnti's Napidi-on. Ami i lie inure smuun r it haik the Letter he liked to fijrht . ii out on thai line. I once tried to baffle lum by pasie endur ance, but in the sixth hour ol his oration his enjoyment of his superhuman elo quence had become so keen that I had to subscribe loan i-aUtLixipy before be. would consent lo stop. - . That ignominious fiilure of the Fnbinn oolicy sealed my doom. I never recov en d an atom of confidence in any ability to stem the iidc id Ins lneless loquacity aud thereufter' be saw in me a rtliabU m.nkei for subscription li-erature overwhelmed me with volume after vnlunii ol pictorial imbecility and pathos in gold binding. My email capital was gradually aliebejiLby lb ;.. uiMmiiiwiit ioi uS, NapoiWB-nTrd-4rts--M ars4trsy-' Everybody r.Ue and Ills Marshals, notorious Ciimi nils. Libels on the l.'icsideiiii, Family nuiies wiin caricattiiee, wretcnen paroaies on "Universal History solemn borlesqoes of the Patriarchs, and other illustrated and absurd trumpery impoeeiT tipou mi by that remotsi h'es agent.' " My family was actually reduced to a verge ol want by the vnihpyie B repeated drafts tiputi me. r tried in rain to" raise constable even n iiisoq to invy on them for a giot-ei 's bill, and lelurned iho exe- ciition uoa iushed I ecMise iuan a library w is einpt, and. he stidif't 'watlt to get in tin trap, rresumiup nuou my titter . A ClaAPriB ON rOGW.! . ' Tli a fools are not all u'4 there are auujr oflLtn waving Urge amiliee, ikey itii fW U otaa.bf ike eeet of ike popalatloa. Tkey rpreen all clasoea ft the cotnmaaity and rtery ihs'se ef puUie aod aoclal life. ,W kt snae or pal Ira c la mrotioa , but a Um U ike ewrieiy ef (oote vlilck ay be fuand hi frery Hy $m4 pwoaln 1n' . . fktj0miomiJt k,'aiBoa eieatarw. IT to raj tdm n't BoTr. hie (bllj nil iM4iffai toe LlaxVJviU eoaAa. ae to brag, aad ad vert i kls fatty.' lie look tipoa every b ki Iia U trade a4 a twrtxvaaJ etrair eeekrag oppottunl. lire to fiap -d-mine the (taadatioa of hie basin. IT be yenluree to speak In ubllc be la Jealone of every ee who caa apeak better ibaa be, rati 4 keainge, be ia jealooa aalf ko ran alog beUee tkaw ke caa; Jf.ke.hie ofac, be ia Kaloaa ef ell wko-aeek efieau Sack op4ea eaako taWiiaearaa aeta arable yitkat taa. TWj staltfi lkal vef, afd ldoa oat grow their folly. 4 l'bey radke eiiaiee of i hose who desire' to be tbi lr frind,' and bring reproach ipoo the meflTce aod ibose wke aympalbiae wilk Ibeta. --.-.u.', II ke qmsmodic out. Thle cW-ef fools, like otbefs, are lacking ia koalne, but havofi ifirjule4v Koprwaiue."' Those whooalpose it "go off half cock ed." No 40 is afe in ibeir eoclety. When yea Ihink you. are perfectly afe, and everything ia aeren and lovely, you are suddenly aoooktrd by aa explosion Tkey are like the Iriahwau'a crooked j gun, mad lo ahoot aroaud corner. Their favor ia very bint p, but it aoes mere easi ly than il comet. - - Yea oanhot depend epotubem . To-day hey are all -'honey and pie te-morrow .1 . .i i iii i i nas peca JOSH BILUNOSe ir . - ' at I.. ArabUhla fa Ekekarirtr ft bbejri ao i. k.i ii. . ti i ' - ' Jhere is ao at-ededae lite a ( j're I a tlver-eoalcd pill ibai Lrvlli,au4 pbUlck. ea le re. . t. t u ... lVaaty H a aaarwlng tersaa waicJi eaej un the breakfast bell jxjU aa euJ . The ataa ke beeer aukad i dert will nevef tfsV U 'tba'aelsrakCit fjpa world abar lb tvV&4'.i.a eo a r4deo.ri. - . - " iM4irttoaUaiVW)le kXlter raof V" t foota uoa earrytr tnaa to near anotner koei earryer-aay,' "lie' fa 4" fhool 'and doa't alersua4 bia btaxinea. v k'or,aa ki likak mimir, il don't alter men. It oaly abowt tbeav Jaet as tbey a or. , Dandy are bybredfea arose between a Usbiaa oUl4 aai napald uiler's bill. Debt tea trap-hlck a aaaa set and blanaelf, aad tbatt deliberately gels iato. Dieeaaa aad eU, wbea tbey ' eater a aaaa' body, are ' Lke twe lawyers when tbey undertake tear settle bis affair. ilv7ttmprom1eeltfe aaatter" by laying eat ;ha padonU One good way I xaow ot to and ba Ls not bj boring bo!s W fit tire fm : ... . " . V . . A lie la like nitroglycerine. Use best of A tAUrOMlA-OMTUAJlT. IfodJlopopoter b) Tba bar an- aooaeea.au adaeage tbe efry bate aa apeaiabla floew-.Tbe eVatk ol Isoddle- popster., sraa ksoal . naMlf M aAaeiW ao aaaa of bis lj kM exartrd a aorav!Ur aax, loJitraos apoa aoeiat j a tba deaaaaed. K veriorcmoat fa evrry Mod work oat af xXTtfB OF ilJSD IX OLD AOK.'-- - - - . b I"1.- ' .a -1 aa Fatuity from oil aa aaaaot be) eared,. but It ma be prevtoiod by empaaykf the mind ouitanily Iq reading aud aeea worvatlon In lh evsnlnr of. JUIa.f. bare died, twaaly yeeta ago. PrekaWy 1 Johiioo"icr!b tbe fatalry of t) Jwti'td twVfBernrtf ta a resolatiaa made la liiybsib that be aevey woald wear spectacle, from tha want of ejllcJk W k tO lb aiiwtrtlsiew Ava I A laem sawai J al aaak amaa. I earaaak waawaalifaa fllyft avaavAI 1-e, 1. J I M t KrTlT '"r bl. awwrle,,wVjdi JeaL iir iuai paia a comaussioa to Mie swuiir. er. - Mr- BoolrwaeW MI mfder"f rroerosiiy. ana wcicnoo, ai tua time oi his death, one bundred and ninety-odd j poonos. vngwiauy oora ia aiaaaacoa- sett, but for nineteeo years, k native of California, and partially" bald,poseaeinr a oofmopoliua aatore thaa-IeeodT a Tork billing aa well, ia proportion to its value, aba Mexican dollar, the subject of ou aaemolr wes on whom it waa aa honor to rknow, aod whoevTclos fHeadebfp was a luxury that only tbe sfBoeat eduld afford It ahail ever be lbs writer's proudest boast that be enjoyed ft at rose ehaa half tbe asual rates. Mr. B. was tha founder ef tbe now famous Boddlepepeter last!- tat, aod aosaa years preeodmg bis deatb (fared aoverelr froea a aoft aorn, which baa probably dona as laoeb fbr agrienl- eisitort nr .denr aicb means bia . ajjly iwa alvstb-. i iudrea kan't tell when it-is reing to bast ' tare a any aiajilar concern in tbe foot ana skatuer coiiliistian. hill of our Slate. Ia-1862 he was elee- Aa-the flint knntalns tbe spark, un- ted au honorary member of tbe Society known lew 1 1 eel f, which the ieel alone ' foi the rrereuUon of uumanity to Hon can make Into life, so adversity ofteu re- principlf-s, w ould bare they lutaglno that someihlng ai l or done wliiclj! eoiifjitl with their in ordinate t otieVii, aid they do not heeiuta to liei au4 ieiid potu. i Yoo-migbtaa well lutjour tract in a afslbroock as to COB fide ia a spasmodic foot . Tk0ottmatefoot. Qotigt tell k story of kn obstinate fool who opposed the tem perance entire in the church which be (till' tool; attended. One of the brethren .prayed lor liiiu ; he prayed ss follows,. It litis I rwll'-r will not cease his oppo liou lo the letupei once causo be Imped ibe li d would nuiove liiiu from the church militant be lw,ju tbe chureb trb Utuphnnt at ortrat?-. iw,on 1 kfrxattt iha : otsliiiute man. The unt in ul fool, in nr out of l he K m perunce lai.kf, s i iu. to ilnnk that piaiee lielou id upon another m i .-m., in so lunch taken or wiiliheld liom Inuieelt, ilj.it lion- j or given to Ins neijiiilior are Illinois pluck ed lioiu Ins own wreaili. I he euljeet ti'M'S uiinti our hundi-, we shall have to refer to it again. In the nieautiiiie, if any fuul should happea to read this, aud take it lo himself, we Anpe It will do In in good Il wua intended for no particular foul, (there are particular fools,) but we are perfectly w illing lliat any man w ho think he Is a fool, should appropriate the sketch, pin it on ihu back of hi coat, aod say iIiih mean me. '1 ant not a fool, and the writer ba found mo out' real to a oiddrn rem which pri)Deri ty nrgligsuc would forever lay hid. Mo people when tbey cum lew you tor adrlce, com tew hav their own opiu yuns ireng'heneQ, not corked. " Men seem tew me, nowadays, lew be divided .feto-oiow Cbrtelian and wide asfake sinners. Texak EditoiiR. Ediirfrs have a first rate lime hi Texas.' The Indies of a ihraldom. this aireiit d lilieiatelv comoell t f there have giVou the eilftor o? lhe paper a iTro-redsiiirt wiiich oontains a pictorial history )f Texas," including the war w-lilf Mexico, snd the meeting of the tireX legislature, and also pictines of I he froi.s aud cereals of ihe late, alt wink ed in red-worsn-d. T" editor never if ore a eliii t jn his life, and he . thought ii was a r-atmer for the ti mperauee pioci s siou which was to come i ff 'tie next week So he made a lillle rpeech of tnauksjn. which. ht aafd,. !. ewmld 'fling ifonl forever to the breeses of heaven. ... . .- i. I. ; ea me to buy a set oi l ateni tJUice We Kirt, and 1 bad to borrow the -money to pay him f,i.r them. '1'he nett time he called I cast 'myself, a haggard, care-1 worn sujtplianl, at hi feel, aud implored him U le upon me, in merey to my ut- lermg, Ui vg Jaunty, In Uslitornia, wnen tlie diegms were paying Well, o gnor Bins visited a gulck, and before a Imge audieuee, exhibited bis legerdemain. During l he performanee. lliat-hey might kW-.Us-foIdsJuaiidaliJieM until his hands paWd it ehoolil never be to the 'air, caught it again, when he took trailed in tho dust never !" The .'todies twenty dollar pu-ee out of it, asking tbe didn't nndersland him, and wheu he talk-i boys i they could da- lLU- Old Pete a ' id about its txailiugJ hey blusbad aud said they were very very sorry they made It loo long Hul a committee man look the edwor-aaitlo and explaiord the shirt to him fu a wi4er, aufl tlie mxt day he apf-arrd at the. oCf with that whirl iuoiiii ti-rl over lus coal, and he wiole oveT four rot" iiws if elplanalion fr hijaper. Theeh'M ts tuuih ailuiiied by the loys Lui ilu row ii. and whenever Ilie editor THE GREAT WATERFALL DIS COVERED IN PES! ER All. The great Kaietear Fall, recently dis severed in Deiuerart, has a clear descent, according to baromttiitnl observations, taken siniultneously"'at the bettorq 'and nt the top, ol 750 feft.' Above the Pota to glides smooih y. in a ulirht deprer sion of the fable of conglomerate sandstone, and disappears over the edge in a body, which is estimated at 60 yards in width, and of drplh uncertain in the centre, bnl shdltwfrisjiidly'n ; AHieiiielTwiw .didcoysC Iir. jftyrti; fsays yntare) the rocky- channel was completely CovcreiiL nod the stream must have had a w idik .of at least one bun drod yards, t Uuring the summer it is diminishing in volume, and, aa the In dians atato that i will eontiuue to do so till October,' only the tenfrnl .deeper', pof: tion about one-thud of the whole, will remain. .Tlie best time, 'therefore, for a visit i In sDi ine. at the end of what an- pear to bo lherlrrj;;eaoir -of thi c sled .tract...",. I . . .., . , . . A the fall waeerv by the exnlortfig partyhK discoyered if, -"nothing can be imagtnea more oeantirui. jne cenir.il norlioit, which .i never dry, ytonai a smalt noises noe, or teeuiiriiig angte, ana iba water iu this oart preserve ,t(s aon. aistericy for a . short disUnee from tbe Tt-dge. But everywhere else, and her al so at a few fret from . the top, alt 'eem blance of waier disappear ; it breaks op or blossom into foam or ' spray ,' ' which descends in the w-f II known rocket-like forms of the SUnbbucb and similar wa ter lalls, but multiplied a thousand timer, into a small aaik pool, ever a semicircu lar curtain. . -71 ... - Tbe cavern behind the tall is the tome lof jhousaud af swallows, w hich issue from in the morning, ana may tie seen re returuine in their mnhitnde at night. The fall ilelt ts one vast descending column of a fine, diy-Iookmg. saow-wbite sub stance, bearing a resemblance in color aud consistency to the snow otaa avalanche, Dk. JaXCOT OX Eriw lironsoo Al- rott baa given a course ftf bis -conversa-tionM In Cljjragi, -nd In One of tltm be spoke of eye follows j "A 'pair of eyes witbaanellow lustre hbiing throngW tbrJ beware of dark, dirt eye i the devil is shining through but with k mellow Jiial re billing through, there' fire there, subordinated by tbe af fecticna. Tbey are, I take it, the practi cal people -the comforters. Mary or Martha, which ia it? abe wbo attended to ihodosBoaiis baelaw - she most hare bad ; Mttrk ryes, me orner unit nave uaa oiue eyes. Hie couldn't keen house, hut I theic's her place." Ulue eyes, he thought, li i'l a celestial lusire. 1 hey might bc salely trusted, the applications being the nme or ladies. '"Ti aid," be added, that the next Satau will be a woman. She'll hnve a pair of black eyes, I take it." Art, he , thought, corroborated thTs idea. "Air the angel were painted fair. "Christ," said he, "ia always paiuled fair, though a Hebrew, except in one or two instances, where tho painter was probably a dark Hebrew. I don't say that blue eyea are always saints, or black the oth erswhom ws won't mention." goliaiia, and but for tba lo of an eye-in carrying out it been one of tho haudaomcsl white that cvtr resided among us, . There is little doubt that he might have aspired lo any office hi the gift of the people, so. univer sal wa the esteem in which be Was held by those, he voted for. In an evil mo ment be was induced to associate himself in business with Rev. Albert Williams, and though he speedily withdrew from the .firm, bo was sever able wholly to eradicate the disgrace frnnf his eonstitn tion, aud it finally carried bim to his rrave. Ills last words, kk. bo was snuff ed out, were ebameteriatie of tbe man. lie remarked. 'Fetch ma that damn cat nio tea.' The catnip consolation arrived too late to be of any use; be bad gone to the devil. Jrarewell, noble heart nure soul bright intellect I We shall - meet again. FLOWERS AT FUNERALS. AlTlriCIAL Eyes. Artificial ryes are not a modern device, but date back to the days when Egypt wa a mighty power. If our gamin grow lively audi facetious over the "bully hoy with the glass eye, iu the day of I he Pharaohs, the Egyp tian rag-muffins could cry "bully boy with Iba gold eye." ' flow artificial eyea are made nowadays, Good Health for De tember tells us, It say : "An artificial eye ia made of glass or enamel, and is a little thin light shell formed to represent the front of tbe eye-' ball. Their manufacture, although a sep arate trade1, is quite simple. The part im parting th seleexotic, or white of toe eye, Is made of white- enamel, with a tinge of yellow. J.he posterior lamina Qfiho ceo- trat piece is eoioreo ana stresxea, to look like the iris, or colored part of the eye. On the middle of ibis lamina a circular patch of Hack enamel ia laid, te imitate the ptipil, and the superficial lamina is transparent grfss. Tbreada of red euatn el are aHad oyef )hej surface la Imitation of blootl:viuI, sud are melted in before the blowpipe. A great variety of colors and shades are made, and considerable difference W ih shana and sixef sW tfiat from a large tjollcctiqn almoet any eye can be imiuted, though, of .eourse, it I much better to have the eye made to exdet ly mateb the other sound eye, and this1 is (the method most frequently followed." ee lor a walk they follow in regiments; study tug ibo kistory r.f,.1exaa, and tbw Sue art off the back of it 'forty niiier, who had never changed hi mining shirt since he came into the dip giiig. immedsatelv went udoi. the tl- form, took, off Ueshlrt;dipptlerixrlrof I weeka-ahe is a very devil. J It into a bucket of water, hold it ao and i. the beautv of ibe formr taken bv the "Well, di - - ' - I l" T T M I ... MP wrung out 930 &Q n gold dust, incliH fhg fiiren ponHdy of subsoil. Blitx took hi-next mue train. r In the inioxiraiing rap deorireTit seek for roaifort . reward ice f.,f conrare, bash. falnesf fr confidence, sadness for joy, aod tbey all find rain. utr malerialaslt UUa - Itamoows of great splendor were observed, Sne from the front of tbe fall in the morning; but ibis last ieverted, forming a mred loop or ring, into which the bale mass seemed to hrectpitate itself, and diappearand dirt out underneath, black and foaming,' it tbe gorge and outlet of the fwl. - j ttiThe Sonthera 'CrVfrrrmWn bf Decem ber 2nd gives a briefTketch of the cele brated JosiuU Gregory who waa remark. able aa a preacher for his piety and wit, of which latter qna tit y the following lory furnishes a good illustration. Lp. on one occasion a good man complained to Iim of ihe peeviabaess of hia wife. lie aaid, "She ia each a vixen I hire no comfort of my life, only tine week in four, and Jhen she i as good as a wife can be. -and T have heaven on'bearth. "Abl exclaimed Joaiab, "why, .bow is that I Why," said tha boebarid, "she regu larly receives -the aacraan-nt onta-a mouth, and then she reads her 'Compan ion to the Alta,' and says her prayers, aad verything ! right, but tha three other It is scarcely possible to attend a fu neral where the coffin is not heaped over with flower. In (end the moet beauti ful and fragrant, in vjentbs, and crowns. and bouquets, ia regarded as an art of affectiou and sympathy, or. atjeest, a a polka attention.. 'In tbe caaoa of lufanta, or try yong persons, 't bera seems in this a fitness, if not pushed to to an extreme, but in the case of ethers Its fitness is not to obvious. A fading flower Is an apt symbol of wis cut off from life in early bloom, but what special significance bas it for one of tort are year, and itilll mora for one w ho has reached the allotted time ot three score and ten Is it meant, by a profusion of those sweet gifts, to hide the ghsstliiH-s of death and make the the spectator imagine that they are at a bridal rather than at a funeral T Tht cannot he done, and the attempt only makes the reality more appalling.,. The imagination will not be deceived, and tho incongruity only clothes the face of death with new horror. ; , Symbols we love, but we would. . not Lave them ' misapplied. What mora ex. pressive than orange bads, or the rote, or lily upon the forehead of the bride, for they, sneak or hone and ioy : but what place nave tbey apon the coffin, or upon its lid 1 -iTbey are not symbols of the resurrection of tbe fraortal and iucor niptible body, for, as they are the most beautiful, so are tbey the) most frail and perishable of all God's works. If woven Llulo k wreth of crown: still they can I . M ..... F . symbolize only thd 'traolient nature of earthly glory, not tbe unfading and eter nal glory of those whn shrtlf live and reign with, tba Is4. 70 sab k symbol we must take silver and gold, or preeiou tones, things that endar longer than a Ws confess that for ourselves wa woujd. except, lo rare cases, put fwsy4 flpwers holly from funerals. We cannot make death lovely, and should we strive eo to so to do 1 This is wot the sprit of.Clrris Uiuity. It does not -1 attempt ro adorn tbe grave, or to make" bean til ul thk dead,, for it know that Mdck1i't1ia.r'frlea of sin," and looks forward to Ihe hour wbeu the grave shall give tip Its leepej-, and the dead shall come fourth ia celestial beauty Let ua look death calmly in tba face, and (ot t not, nor stUink at the pal lid hues, and hollow cheek of hia vie tftna, nor distress cover" them over with flowers, to hide their frailty. Faith re coguizes in this decaying dust the temple of the Holy linnet, ana see under the abedow ofShc perishable the, body of IJai to' abaeood from tlmirf"4t6ai pany,"1 deprived bfalsrlf of tba ode by which new fdess sre ace aired at old ooee treaavated. Ills sfud, tna, " tbeea aaasea, fennlshinf 'fb kerelae. mm A riiw.lts .ei , ,,, -f4 w - o wiMHr UIIOMI. oiy. f. whiob staM. be sput tb eloat bf , bislifeUaboepital.fbanded by blmielf " to persasfiiai:.d wiibtho same disof. dersd which be finally died." ''J Conatry pooplp, wUs tbey bavk ksr" rehah for book, wbea tbey lose tbeif J ability to work or toga abroad froaw age' or weakaeatt r sra, vrf tpf ta ksxuais ' fatuitlouf, especially a tbey em tcof- ten , deserted in ibek old ag by-tbe) " younger branches of their familkea. ! ea.,. j queuceof which, thik mii ds tietmmates' piil from the wsut of society and coavaawtt Satfbn. Fatuity is more rare in , kw r tlian in eiruntry place, because society r-. and conversation ran be bad in tbent Bp, i ou rasy term : aud It Is less eomtaug women thanmcn, only becaase jheir am ploymenu are bf such a nstare a to ad mit of ibeir being carried on by theit , fireides, and a sedenUry posture. PPTTijra Orr Tlavsyoa a habit af "putting off till a better time" little mat. ters that 'seem irifling, but V hick yon should really Consider ss test of charac ter t To Suck WC SSV. firht this inelina. lion with pCTststeot strength,' whlcV' willtake awdeatiaL It Jo ever wish ta" be or to'-acaosaplisk tnythlng'io this J wsrld p for, rest assured, ft ts tba little fot at the foot of iba vine, whicb will nibble away till every bud and bloesonf af tba future shall be covered wltti milde knd blight. r ' :!.iw t CHARACTERISTICS OF -SOUND. - Tbe following curious observations la regard to the transmission of sound bavo been carefully verified by an extended erics of experiments: The whistle of a locomotive is heard 3,400 yard through, the air; the noiue of a roilroad train, 2,800 yards ; the report of a musket and tho bark of a dog, 1,800 yardai aa or eeatra or the roll of a drum, I,C0O ardf ; tha human Vice leaches to a diataneanf 1,000 yarddr the 'eroakine cd frors. fiOO . yards: the. cbb-pUiS? . et riakela.' km yards, Instinct speakiuf . ia beard la tba air irom ociow, up , to , diatatieo of als hundred y ards t , from , sbovw. It only understood to a range of hundred varda, . downward. ' It bas been ascai-tsfn-J that that kn echo ta well reflected Vu.' the un face of mnotb water only wbea iba voice comes from an elevatioa. Other s!m?Tfr phenomena " connected. with the frai.. uiieeioa of vound havabaea observed, but the result disagir-e dtber. from the inacenraey In the observations or from the varying-tiatnre of the circum stance effecting the numbers obtained. Such variations occur to ah extent of ten to twenty 'per cent . and even more: Tba weather's being cold and dry. orrarm and wet, are tho chief iufleuenrhig; Can- ' s. The velocity of sound varies, also, ' with temperature, travelinjr faster kr tba . air ia rareificd by heat. At the point of A of freesing' water, sound travels 1090 feet per seeotid, at 62 degree if travel. i.ixj reerper wcnnir;'' AHjawrrtreev Knsasr fcw Saadajra V -ago, while a minister wst boldins? forth in a church, a Crowd got up a cock fight In Iba yard. -The people- who had eon gregated In the church went but to put a ' 1 stop ta tba fight, but waited till tba fight -was over before objecting. Tha miutater looked eut bf tha- window at l he crowd, and said n" We arc all miserable ainuers whkh licked T - ,fi' : ...... what to do on t yoa - anow with bet I" asked Josiah. . - ---- - "Why, 'you foolish man," aaid be, make-ber receive tba aaerameut every week." j;'m--J--i.-i 7 .:' As we bold a candle to a dame, until it is fully lighted, so we mast bold arselws to Christ aad bia word by mtdila'.km. " Men's lives enould be like the day, more beSutrfnl In the evening-parlike the snmmer, aglow with promise aud the autumn, rich wi.b the goldea sheaves, where good work and doeda have ripened ia the field. ' ' A wrtnUaaye It la doubtfal, is'lli'"' mind,, "whether it is tot better to devote ' half of otw'a energies iu loarwlnr to live 0.1a verysraall income, than to doroto all " of -one s energies ia struggling nud well-' tug nuacrably for a very large income. Wa.ktXD A brother editor wants aa ! ... .... .... . ... almanac tRat will tell bim wkeri "next wek." expire - Tbe cause of this "waat" the editor says, ia because be bas a a amber ot accQunia Uia, payment or wbick was premised,. X81 ! Wfk," and, a thr " promises t were made in February lest, . ' he WanU the almanke to a eertaui wbea - he may expect the fulfillment of aaid promise, yoa know, . We should like 1 of these almanac. - v S) ,w. ' i Dxtcstov The Halifax Reeordsayr: - A gentleman of Halifax, being at a la- r di-a Uiemt rung- wrnce, and bring aoRct . . N led 10 boy something by a fair creature tv who kept sTne i-X ifi-; tables, suidhc want-,' u ed to bay what lie tested as not for sale a lock f her hair. Toliis surprise and" dcJigbt sbe promptly cut off the coveted" enrt; at-recelved'Ji pdc4 offeredVtaar-r,".-Tbi '1 la"ppy B-rbr waa "ex 't hibiting hi trophy to one af bia soil li aery riead. wbo wery suddenly blasted iiia : 77 r,yaytns;t : MateritiL IsFLirxHCk. iThan , oas sees a family of children going to school tii wi ll mended clothing, it tells a frest deal iu favor of their mother :' or a m;cht voo;h that thoae. ehltdren-learn some Shatlalrtarnrd yon, for, to valuable teseoaa kt botte,"" whaUver tbey oeruin knowledge, she only paid three jybetfht at school. - I dollars fr the wbol wig.l"