' ' ' A "'"' , , ... n A t it - r aT . k s ex i ' r i 1."' fl.-t U' I fei.SU Ull!.) MIT J 3 - i't ' . . "- ' t rV;. "1000.01X5 S I - ;u i:.-t " . i , , . ( . if . . . -'i 1 4J ' 4. Ji,.'jiiHH I '4 1 1 ... , t . . I. t 1 , .1 V i? i v r -v hi. rri - ' - ? " awiaaT I 1,9 fcV 1 Jr.' voju vj. .oial'o . ozABXsxoirr staoi lxxtsii ' j -,W-k fpum U'rt,tn In rri(UvltU , it. J s rU Mann, for TT)Ur' T.v!3r.Thui i.r,ThrUjr,i4 KlrJf, tri fh.r -rfrmlpB.---- - - . CUATHAU K- K.T PAYETTKYI1.LE Ai'D UtT Cblhua'Sa JUd after lAJn from KUrfKk. ' ' V . . ten Wttr Rw4 M IohmUn. IUr train from rafHUi 111. dily icM HaAj. E. X. CLEMMONS, Hpei. 10, 1870 tf t'unlnictof rniLi,iPM AnnoTiiLnM, TWO DOOM ABorR THE 0mrt " om'SdUla'tf trV Rm'RXTUKlHE'AlX'i tO.TIf fblt Kir th Tory hlwnU puirwvAfr. q- tr4 4m AwinA tb hope, blr ffbalkftc nd itrtc atltriiWf inrM la mvil contiuaanvt. if 9vt au locrvte oft be am. V n r 7 'i i W will fwMiUnn U Wpon baud m tup fir W rASZXXiT OB.OCS&X22S, 10 cudinir . - , 'J Frefth and Hhlt Fih,- X or TFr TaiirrT HykhleyKBrantiiet, litim, Gin, tte,c. ALSO, BOOTS, SHOES, DOMESTlf?8, PIECE GOODS, YANKEE 'STdTWSs, : In fWt. almtMt .TerrtWiicBHiinlly knpl in a ra rictj Star, all of wblch will tell low for casfc, r vowry jrroonc m ie rag n eat market prit-. rniLUPS BEornEir?.. F.b. 18. 1870. . 7 t f . SlXTT-FirB flUT flIZE lEDJLSlWISDtD, .. . T . . . r. . w nti. . A M ur urrin jSoutliorn Piano ZtZtnnfactory. Wmffeaabe & Co., t!irttii-ii A Oriadu Maoard'ana ' v ptyn piano fortes; BALTIMOHE, M. These IntfromenU liave twen bt-f.ir.- tliciutjlic for a.artT Thirt Yearn, and uon their xrellem-e aloae ttiael aupurcli;lpr i-n.im n e, wliich M-aoaao. ibem uneqnalle.. Tl.i ir r t o x r. combine. ft.t power. .-ectne ari1 line vr.rfnp aaatltv, a. wall a tlie treat purity or lnloi.ntion aod HwaalBeMthrouelinut tlie entire M-ale. 'Ilieir T0 U C 11 t. pliant and laatlc. and r;tire!y frt from the utifT aa.fbaadiaaamaa.fpi.noa. IN W0HKMAX8HIP tkej ara Beql.d anus none t ut li e very 1 t f i eoaad material, the large c-piul employed in pur boine..ahleina to kre)-uritlBu.ll u minima alek rhHntwr. c o hand. VT U of onrKQl'AKK I'lANng have our New lm prored Otenrtrong Ho.le and the A(intrTe 'iivl.le. 4tJ" ' waald call .peeial attention to out lute Improrementa In 0aK Pinob .nd J ahk Ob-. Patented AnnnrtW, I8fi, wbieh l.rmg the l'iano nearer perfuotioa than ha yet been at- Entry Piano Fully Warranted for Fhe Years. Wa ha. toad .rraniremenU for' the Sole Whole al -aaaej for th. nmt celebrated Pai.ob Or ' aaU M-tonBOM. wbit-h w. off, wholesale aad retail, at Met Ptorr J-ttrra. WXKZ. Hit ABB A CO., Baltimore JUd. Sept. a.sat(5m BARBEES HOTEL, "" U IG II roiNT, N. 0. : Opposite RAiLitorrrriKroT. Ten popes from when tlteCars slop. Bart f porter. IM sttendsnee at tl trains ' Mail Stage tor Salem leave till hmie daily. ' Pa-Mnfraia dwnatohedt say point at MertBotie by private eonveyanee. Oratefnl r th liberal patronage of th part we kope by atriet attention to the wants f tir gnet t merit a contiunanee of th same . ... WM. G. BAItBEE. Jaa. J,l70-f t Prirleto.. CAW THE GRAVE tijftl IF rr'CAX, eall onjh gnhaeri- her before tne iM.t trace, oi u nn- disappi'ared. and g4 or.if hi. Cheap,- Ihu-abU - and Matulnume Monament. Tombs, or Hea'liston., atj-on-ees that will dtfy couipvtitutti. All k!nd."if marbl work at redne-nl ptiees. Order. JiciteJ audprouqttly t eiitk-ddto. C'alltf nr.r.f ?-'"-J.l ' wurkjan4Ir bis prices before buying efcwKereT SatisfactjotJ guaranteed. Yard searlr opposite the Market-House. b J.N0. II. BCH, an-3-3tn t ' rl,.l.ury. X- C- Southern Land Agency, PERSOKS WISHISO to purchase POCttKKM 1-ANK8, will da well to call on Mesers. Crwftij! A Daabam, wh sea nrepbred to give all mwof ri tnforwiatk a -ttigarus ireation. pri-t.qaality . A- III letter aititrir- -! at tLi ptare will tsAva iy it attenlioa. . - " : "tAW'Okl4 DUSHAM.'Land Av-U Bvt&iy Salisbury. Ron county. K. C. Reed Organ Companion. A new -olketioo of itormlar Instrumental aiWI Vocal Mtadc. HarclitStJlValUfS, Polias, Operatic r . Gems, SQH$rilhid$, ifr., or VranoW expriessltf for Cabinet " Organ and Melodttm J By WM. li.CORKE. - . ... iatU f "JT Matbod tor Ueed Oiram." -Tr1c4 $2.00. r Sen p-at-pd on receip;.of re- pnc. .. . , - - - t OUwer Zltfoa tit Co.7oaton. . - C- g. Pttaa t Co.tffew Xork. 4 gt ' or ;q - RiTKi.r n iiriimi.il I . 10 Cir( to vu aJJrwa,. ..... t.lJ Hate of 4 fpvrl i nf. Ou Sqtiar. flrt laMtlo. rorcfr1i.nuofiini.wrTrur."rr;': 8uil uoliM trill U eluul AU tr put kiiher tUnu tli abom ratra. Court and Ju.tirc't Ordm will bf puUl.h d at th mim ratv with otUar aJvmiw menu. Obituary notWt, orr tlx foe, charge J aeaurertiKuni-nl.. COXTKACX RATES O O c o m' c i 3 PACE. l-f- -ST' B I' 1 Sqnar. 2 54) 3 7S f5 (M 8 54 I :) 00 2 Square. 4 .V) fi 25 8 50 13 (K 2t.fl0 3fyure. I00 U 00 1J 00 liO (N) :l.00 4 8iua'. 8 0011 00 15 0033 UD .17.50 i Col (linn. 1 1 (MMti 00 20 (M) .) 00 45.00 i Column. 18 00 24 00 ,'K) 00 45 00 75.00 1 Col urn a. 28 00 4U 00 50 00.00 00 130,00 From tbe Ka!eigh Telegrnm. Bion corRT or 1-prAriiMexT. TrtsDAT, Feb. 7; 1871. i Tbo hour of 11 having arrived, the Chief J up lice ortxard and took the Chair. . Roll of Senator, wa. called, 46 pre sent. a a. Mr. r iuimgan oruir tliat tbt. court adopt the .finite rale, so far a. thexaa applj. Mr (Jmliani of Orange, as rub atitute, tlmt every Senator, who is in the bnr iiftie Iloure or comis in before, the. purthig of the qiifothiii, .hall' be com pelled to vote". ' 1 Mr. June moved in atuend by in.ert- lug "unlce excused by a vote of tlie Cotirt ' Ciini.'ii. ' '1'Jvc .uls!itute ns amended, was tln ii adopted. J . JML.jrejid SU.ittjl fLJ "fir Waa Mm' .ni with. 1 pen. t Chief Justice announced his readiness to proceed with tin: uiifininlied Liieint aa of VeHleianv, it lielnir me oifciifnion a. to what eoliMHute ."it ineii.iiection. Mr. CnniY'hrnd. lor tlie defence, .'lid liov. Ul'iilialli oht t'lecl . to tlie q ueM um aked the wituei- VuiiiiV, a lit tlie t X iti lice of tin "White 111 (' hel hood,' "Conftiuuiomil Union Giiiim!," mid the "Invisible Liuijiie." Governor (liahain gives hi dtfinilittn "t infill recline, lit sa . iiiHiu I'l clioii in ti'i-HMiii. JudgiMer riinon .:i). il i not. Tbey (life r tnltllr (tie lure piiiiKttl fur an pi.) Judge .Men imoii dated that hi re murks Inid Lieu niifUiideirHood, ihdl he did' not tiike. ftiicli ground. Mr. Conif;laiid find, bow -re we to nn gwer you ? How are we to ifply T Which one shall I reply to? Oov. Uraliiiiu having bei n answered by my associate counsel, 1 uliail notice the other. We propose to ii.tiudnce the acts and objects of Ibese secret societies. It IDe overt act be proved we may prove the existence r ...... r M-i... i.f I,J III (lie III grtlll III lull. L lie (jiir-eiiuii urmu the witness was objected to because it wus then out of. it Older. "Ve propose to carry thin exiiinaioution througti all itt ramificMiioiin. The manager shake, over our head .Ik Mis.achusetfs school teach ers ferule of Wthjleis' lower-definition. The conrse ef the aiguHtti4a seeking lor be convUl d upon betcrsf ffefinTtTbn. They fijec' the legilaftidern1ttoTr?a What I higher authorkj than onrowu Snpreme Court 1 These decisions are as much binding upon this Court aa upon you or trie in our privatu capacity. You may bring high decisions of New York and other States, but you will find bur decisions will over-rule them all. lie alluded to the' passage of the Con vention bill, which some seem to donht the Coii.'U Jlionaliiy of. Suppose the Governor refuse. o call the delegates to gether, as ordered. Will yota impeach a Governor who obeys - the law! ft he' ftjhe 1 1 is" blKiiloiier bill ) it i" outrageous spectacle without precedent, to convict a mini for obeying the law. You can find nowhf r a limn convicted for obeying the Lw. We propose to prove that in Ala mance and Caswell Counties three or ganizations under the general . nanic of the Ku Klux Klaii, all of which were for the purpose of .tibvmlng the laws, Ac, Mpeetling the reconstruction acta, depriv ing negioca of their lights, etc. The piosention say that these bands of mur derer, scourges and niuiilateia is not in surrection. We eay it is. He reads, to slujw from tbe acts ol the hriirsli Parlia ment that their difinition of the word 'insurrection" is not ireltwnt. Speaks in glowing leims of, the groili d Woika of ; tlie Coiistituiiou of ibe Bikish subiecls L..;....tlr .,.. n.ft.,.1. ut m P.aftl-rt (I... ,T . .J. . . .. . r : bwtli.) lie reads fiom llioiy V U'L'ooii'-ll) about midnight ..., ..i I- v- u.. Ar i llin. hiif.a ti I aopresa these socrcths ; they were d.eJ i.omiuaua insuriectuiiiarj vers, aii'i nil ia a parallel casef 13 Alamance" and Cas well. Refer, to the ,eoerciou bill passed in 1833. Heads Lorn Parliamentary tie bate. Eail GrijrV remaikf fin this suh ject ; "unolhejr parallel case. . Ui ad. fmm ... .. . . i.i- inm the same H ij-t'.ijr the act of the llj;:. l. r..-li.....t I... I, i.rnilili f..r . xj 1 1 1 ir . i.i i 1. 1 . " . , ...... . , . - , .i,-,-' Mr. ' v r in.; TbU.narrm. lkiiBajettli I th Coo.iiiMtton jt tb U n rni mii ha kopr lhj' will rrrlionarj power I iuiix I aai'i tlienj Yhvn ihttm accrrl tncWtka f ut II rloia and rr J1 lova; tiUtrd it, th. ItruUfc l'iluwent all af ib-ra from aailoiitlt I A Mma-A m M A I . .i . . .... 1. . . I - . 1 I f I i ... I I -ma BnwiniKin, . L - ii i. . i . . . . P f aiir mar . - l-r OlVaritaXl ! ItbvMI Ik !. . i 11 iUTi rf ITttt I Phi In d.1.I..a Ik- ., ..... . - r- v, -.a I ij.i- CiiHuiaii, 4'c. v. . TLu Slii ffi.ir ri f.Tii.' 'vbriitrtr Iii. ju fmfiit." lie now call liruilnri la m afttirur la lb aHf t b nf MaitHbfr 1pa ran-pf-a h clr firtrfw rwr prwd freak If lie rariiia out lh law bu don't car hL-I Cnvrruor din-, he I. not Ira-(ii-Ncliatla. 1 he FJi.iffiu r act (v flof. lliiMcii M( pawir. lie a. ibe aole joilge of bia conduct and cannot be called to uecoiiut bj any oilier of Ibe Ooverti-nn-nt. Tlie Trearcutiou quoted tbe drclaioa of tbe C'bii f Ju.iic. 'I'li.t dt-ci.ion eualaiu. ibe very autboriiv wbiib I haveaaated. (Jltadi the deci.ion of lb Chief J u. I ice which LUIdm T."-bstantliny ' tu- lain, him.") Tbey cannot convict 11 ol den if they bare any re.pect for ibe deciaion of tbe courts nnleae they ar lawli.s fiitmaeiTit. 1 Another que.tioii is tlie auction of intrntion, ilia l cannot convict the Ilerpnn- tent unlets I here was a erupt motire. When we wirli to prtive tbo intention they refuse to allow u. to exculpate our selves, by refusing us an answer r the witness. J'uiiii-an paper, and stump .peiikers throughout l lie Nni alleged all kiofi. of corrupt iicm and wickedness on the pait of Gov. Ilolden, stid be repelled then), lhey allege what they w ish and 7 to pYevea t him from proving bia sids tbe question He is prepared to prove all that he has alleged, aye more than he has alleged. lie rloeed in strong words lof the adroiec-iou of this" langiuice, say ing, if thiii evidence was not admitted, W'm. W Hidden would walk from this floor acquitted, while the manager, would to condemned. Mr. Iliugg faid this diecui:nn had as sumed i ret wide latitude, and be hoped ib ntirt would extend bna tbe same courtesy to icply- I lie n.ponUenp m his anwwerf denies tbe doctiiue advanced, mit lo.nrli you have'butwi despot, and it is good bye te civil liberty. lie quoted cases upon the abuse of power. If he is not ante liable to anybody be i a despot. "Every otliciT shall be liable forrorrup lioo md oilier iii'Sfon.liiei in hi' official CipacilV. ' Why M tliis? I.i cause the Legislature gives li i in llii.- discieiimuiiy power; tins is uncoisniuiionai, nui nny say, ibat like l li- Ku gol r.i.l.ni'l, the King of Ei . ghfod figi coniinii (in wrong." Ueplie. lit Mi C's filing ' f hisloiy, lends a little llion-lb in iifiii id Mi.. C. reads, in which it is shown tl'iit .retinue left is lutiou on ibis au.lje ( i. known "beie, as ii was Keie, Alien ibe recent legisla tion took place ibe historian stating that Ireland was tin ii subjected to a biirbaria ing tyrranny, jui ies packed, government despotic. Declares no p- rallt I 'n the situ ation ol l he two" couiitiiis. He would not have j:oiie into this discussion, but for the inipa.-sioned appeal of the gentle man on the other side. Wo are now diseussing ihe question of law; what is the question-. of insureclion 1 I say the Constitution dc fine's' and limits tlie power of the h gislatuic a Well as lh power d the GoVenior." We are lint Hying under a government of nnlimited powers.',. Our State-i.jone of d( fined mid limited potv eri'ieuiing wi'li the pe p!e. It is so ex pressly provided in the (institution itself. (Reads .Jfrom jht:JJ.illif.Jtig-liir.j.iIe say's t'irtlwrthitt nM her tlie Ga vrPrior p iJi Legialaturi; can chatigo the iffcct of the Constitution,' can add to it or take any thing from it. .."The , -a&cag cortf shall not be suspended." Does any one ihipk the Governor. or 'Legislature can (hitl All courts shall be open ju.ticrTor all. Can the Governor or the! Legisl.nnre do away with these I II insnrrectioii exists tin. Goveriior mav Call out the militia i bnt if no MisurirctiofriiiHSi-lte i amen able to ihia Court fur its violations. The Legislature hrfS ho'right to confer npon the Governor the right ta sny what is insurrection. .(Cites the act to prove tris- poMtott-) The r3'feuc--iya. inimr-1 rejCtlOn I. Wlllll till- vi uwftrnj. n ici 111- surrection. He denies ! hat liere is any authority in the Constitution ftt ing thip Jjegislatore power to declare a county In insurrection. If they; have "no power can they confer the power upon the Gor-, efhof to "dofit t- -W Uen4varthejr"wndeT 1 take U confer such powers they arc null and void, l nc oovcnior ciauuea inui all civil power was at an end in these Counties, lie denied it. vt. He asks if it is proposed to give the Governor the authority to go abend and 1 1 a arrest, try and siinot.as tie declared lie would, anybody his Military Coir mission should see fit to convict. Thank God tlie people of North C-nndin i li-id rise'ii up and put their be t upon i;. Hnpif that tTie remarks of Mr. C , thai unless this ;.!.. ,- ul.riitt..l .l.d t.-ri..... . , "..... i.v. will beaccquiled, would tint- weirn a fRtttleT-if il II I hrr-cour lie Whs ' ."' prent the accused Jiav lug a tair trial )lejoljcted, not so much to his partic ular evidence, but it is to prevent the h fence going iutra other matter which have no bearing, and of w hich biaifliHl--s-Iay they are. ns: at tTiTjee;iiming. Mr. Smith -in reply ig. said iu aub .Ijiicq that the ques;on referred l-r waa the gronndwork rf tbcdjenceT ' Tlat . SALISBUKY, iV. C, 1 niUAHY 17. 1871. r dU lMlil n.y LLa i ana pitttira bu DOatlMM al I .. . I - 1 i dfrrrlton at. rl" vriicr i bt iuf n, ing ir oa hhm tbai..al lia i.r..;.U.. i. . I Nit.!' praviakHi. It rantmi I " '" 'J. ' 1 fc-ar. If la 8-u.l- lelirvr. lint runli i lli!." "Hall tow," Ai-Trfnrti-.u .ta4jyikrl-X IIL!" In I biliiy u doju.iice to it. at lb ilita I lr a nerra of ruod cLaracL'r TmiTvTTj "Mil. rati ilt I of lb. ntlirr (t iilli-rorn.) , Mr. lUJ.er aroa and ftated it wwrrrrjr eriderrr tharirTrrrArif fihl quoin in ol Nniator prearnt and aal It waa not fair forth Senator to tiat tbe rrepondi'iit'. counsel in ibti ttyUJ . Air. Edward n plied and tidj (bat, while the Court d d not wib to rorive a lecture frm Sir. Buder or anotbrr couu.el bi would be obllgrd to e to adjourn, wblch be did and lb Coirt ad- I jiiurncd till 11 a. m., to-norrow. I The Kenala re-a.rmbled. but iiatedi I alely adjoiinied. Thuibdat, Feb. 9, JS71. The hour of 11 having arriwd, tbe Chief Justice appeared and tk Ue chair. i Sergrant at-Anns made tbe osial proc lamation. ' ' Koll called. 48 Senators prt iit. The leinliiig of the Journal wa. di.- pcn.ed with. The Cbii I Justice, afu advanced by argument on eiijuf fact, bup aide, reading from hi, mannrcript at length, c-ided that tlie evidence of theeti.ie nee ut nu rviux in tiamatice I. atpiis.ibie j that it is relevant and material The coun.il for Ituspoudcnt 'then pro ceeded with cross examination of J. 1. I-, '! .1 ! Murray. i . In answer to questions : j ' lion t Know ot any ivu KIX nrgan lation ill Alamance: cannot itell what days 1 was in Graham ; reaclngl GAiin I fr(llw Grahuni; seventy fiva years old; Sunday morning ut 8 o'clock j th Sher j relathxis between whites and blacks, in iff, my brother, went to Grbatn upon January, 1870, very peaceable and hearing oMhe murder of Outlaw; Inui ; f,i( ndly ; i.o black man refus.-d employ company at my house; did not lliink j met on account of politics ; no terms there wad necessity for my going a. he exacted of blacks not accorded to whites; could get all necessary assistance ; I ui no black in distress ever refused charities nf member nor -ver ba Le-n of the 'V?oi $ryi laty.ailti n an ... -...,'IL .JiiU--l-Xt.-.-l challenged by the 'SoKJiSfj lUrt was .ome inegularily in drawing it; don t know thai any nf lln in bt longi d to Ibis -eonnl of color or politics; no resistance organ!-il ion ; don't r member liny par- to law within the last three or four y ears. I col.ir peisoo I saw nu tiuti.nl iy nibtat , Cross examination : I knew one man my house; saw nobody Sot day but' the who left for political opinion; knows no -sseutrer b" c unt lioin tinthaiii ; saw j uswell Holt ; lives on my land, one a disguised pitity one night; don't know j fourth of a mile from my house; the w hat ill' v were ; it was several months inorning after he w as whipped, went to I Hole the hangii'g ol Onihiw; there w as t fee him ; never raw any one else whip. .12 or 13; wire while gowns; f ic s hid ; j pid ; knowjuf no Ku Klux ; nter w ..Hie few had horns; ihey i re stauding J any disguised persons; nobody been to at my door on fool ; .did mi know- any of ( n)y houve in that fix ; near-sighted; can't tlu m; t skedinoH b w quest nms ; didii I iecognie the voice of any ol tlieui; lhey went down the hill toward. Jiliti ry Ac Hro's factory ; my brother was Jt home at this time ; don't know that they went to his house ; never saw Ku Klux hut ibis one lime; and this whi several months before tho hanging of Outlaw ; they ask ed for water only. Redirect: Judge arrived Tuesday; Solicitor cbalh ngd thejorot euafc-uni of informality; Court adjourned over to m et on Wednesday; n.a'ttr deehh'd by him that no lawful jury could Ik- had ; relations l etwicn hi:ts bm! black, are of a fiieutfly character; fjiacks employed throughout the couniyf' some worked on heir owu hoi'k; no- duuger to any body on account of ppiititttl sentiment i had no idea of evading duty'm not going to G fa ha li the Sunday" nwra abating. pe-soua-l cause U wms ueiore oeiore ine iiasssgo oi me -Sh.ffiier Act. (Outlaw hung February r 'p. 2C, 1870 ) CiiJ Jeeot-e Gant called : I. citizen of Alamance ; lived there all' bis life; not in public life for 40 year ; knew everybody almost iu Alamance . and Or ange; us a- general thlpg there wa no unsafely :or black on of count nf political teutiincni ; livta . in, X-Ui ,5-"cl'11'" tow nshifi; blacks engaged fti transattions with wl.ilra (feneiii'lv ! -all lieacu and quiet ill my iieigliboViimMlX Am 68, years . u . T . l IT ;.. . uld f-4--w. k men ; . some were wlities, some oiacKR, h whs near my' liousie ;" it wart just .after I bad received a serion, itcciiteiit ; I was very Weak but got (tired staying home ; went to the factory ; was silling in the store there when the soldiers p'issed I asked tfcWif tlt7n''wm'fn1tit'4C-awtIL- they said they thought they were they hadjjeen to7ny house : w as going home when 1 mtt these roeu one said Halt," asked my uauie ; I said Gant they said "that's our man;'' said I would have to gtj to ramp with them ; told tbem 1 was sick and weuk ; lhey : went to my home with me aud kept peeping ronndjhe house while I waa getting ready to go o camp .wuhjhenv; : lhey pni me on a young horse ; lliey showed mo a nsi ot person they had' to arrest; these soldier wife the Ki-undest set of vagabouds I ever Saw; lln v were III unnori- , us i.ir ill j TewTiTK waalTcT AlamaM!f-:uVl'j J-ftI1l,'- "" - canJe. arrested u' process. i the courts are regu larly held ; no resistance to" the oliectiii ooatrol tbe po) i! ic of:iietoe- by intimj dalitin, - - - - ' . . Cross, cm mind: He bad Bolnowkdge of the Kil Klii-j never. Ha( seen nny disguised pereotis; live 4 mih s from Gia- lum ; did not seenjsiTaw after he at borgj after getting to camp, the officers treated m well and ceraed the soldiers fur their bangling, V. lloU called. Ueshlrs la AlaaiaiMO, AlbHgbt, Towo .hip, Na. Tj 70 ye ara eld v ensny year Constat!, and depatjr Jirt!Tf.r 14 or VO year a' so a Vlagietrtta alirr lb .urrsii'der, foe second lime, a liill LUai ill rt-lalioa of black t and bilr IjrM.aiploy ynienii aom employ ad braid ownerai o'ber. rent Itndt no want of -r.-fetynrr itwpt.rT'wrtnTort tf"pf"p!-TfJHty know lt-igc ; no resistance to law sine i lie surrender, taxes, Slate aud Uuited States, enlleUed without trouble j no attempt to control, by violence, any rote black or white. Cross Examination t Knows of no secret organiaationi seen no one disguised, either riding or walking; didn't see the hotly of Outlaw ; did not hear of hi. banging till after bis burial ; certainly uol before - Uaaday Udoug to the on. rrv.tive "party j .aw a man Mimed Ilenderaon Coble, col., wbo had been whipped; no one there when he came to my Iioum ( be appeared to be in a hurry ; it wa. nearly a year ago ; It wa. February or March lasti bare seen no other one that has been maltreated; the cut I saw on Coble'a-arm looked like it was inflicted with a club; did not see the body of Wm. Puryear, (col ) Ke direct. Coble was a man of good character; men were arrested and brought to. conrt and afterward, tried for this ; they were colored men. Mr. Boyden objected to witness an swering whether these colored men were iu the Penitentiary now fr this. outrage. Mr. Graham staled that he would not press it, but would produce records to show that sorb was the case. Col. Jerellolt: Kesides iu Alamance, . Graham Townabiu. two and a half miles I w,en tj, k : jio resistance to law : no re- bfacks rent land ; also 'crop il" with the whites ; no refusing employment on sc- tell w hite from I link fifty yards lioin bun. It dirrct: Cup well Holt auid. he be4l longed lo the League; character very bdi This last answer objected to by defence and argument as to its admissi bility was then entered if, to betweeiSIes srs. Hoyden, Graham, Smith, Merriuioii and Couighiiid. Tlie Cljef Justice de cided the question admissible. fU. Holt icsuiiiid: Casw ell Holt was a roguish man; had a thieving character. All the men arrested! for ? whipping him discharged after hearing evidence ; Mr. Radliam appeared for Caswell Holt. Re Cross Exasiined : Caswell said he knew one of the men -.arrested; that man pinved that he was at home. Mr. Battle called : Resides in Ala mance ; faimer, 58 years old -Reprrsen- tative titThir Lc'giefuSiiie iu former reartJ tkuvm wtww--'bwlil"n "Macka byr whites. some renting lands ; au aTgeneral thing bikini -8 transactions as usual ; those who wanted employment could get it ; Was MagistruV'er many years; know no attempt to influence by violence the votes of the blacks ; been foreman of Grand Jury ; was such in June, 1865) ; no at tempt was made to intimidate in the per formance of my duties; no resistance to law ; knows of no one applying for war rant, properly supported by affidavits, and lelused; constables could execute any rocesn , x iiiu vonsei am i tiiius i ,-atit e I thinks .1 .- i . i l secret organization : seen no person ui. : . l guised ; seen tio one that had been whip ped . seen no one that was hun$. Question by,1 Sir." Boyden Had you not heftr. of jiiiinerous whippings when you were foreman of -the Grand J ury I Did you. believe lhey had taken place ; and what investigation did you make of the same I - Answer TThere were some. I heard of one case ; it w as investigated, and no true bill found ; thinks he hud heard of mtifV. "" -1 , Re-direct The Solicitor '-and Judge were at Court the time I apeak' of, case alluded to Was that of Joe Harvey ; So licitor Bula scut the bill not sustained liy proper evidence,; nothing political tan. iu tlie jury room; meu of both parties on the luries:' no neroes. but there wevre He -a a t publicans on the jury ; none of the Re- piihlicnns'pToposed To selidfor'any wit- uesscs J udge. aud opJiciw cans ; lhey sent no bill bat the Joe Har vey bill I 'Clt ik of Superior Court aud a ni"ji" iry . of ihe Codi'iy 0""is-1niiera are Republicans ; in 1669 there' were 3 Conservatives aud 2 Republican Commit-j aitmeis, , Earauel White called : Resides in Ala- mance, No. 10, Me!t'UleTewohtp ;' am a'farnien relations between wbitcaud A- black rry good ) wbTtet napluyed lh blacks known tf DO lefa.'al U tfcks cl employ meat en account ' ef julitlei knows nf (ia attempt, by latlmhiaiiou or violence, to toatrol tb.lr vote la tick . r distrcM, avr kw f a favor being rrfuMKi know Paryear, who was drowned be wag of a vry bad eharae tef j beluuged to my fahr-ln-law r Vad In ajmoat every reapect was a rogae, a liar, and a rf"ieVnrd i Poryesr bad n . t C x- .- daatb of Outlaw did aut ooo Lui nr tbe death of Oailawj waa mi.siog two tirnretf fohtTJ"reroraTinr-Tkdy- w found ) was a Magistrate, and Coagt-bl in ki township t know of no warrant being refused anon affidavit. Cross elimination : Did not sea Oat- law's body after bis death; I never saw Outlaw alive t Puryear disappeared three or lour d.ys alter Uutlaw s deatu; did not see bis body t lives four miles from me; knows nothing of his death; knows of of no ens Ixi g hipped; don t know of any secret orji.iAation ; seen no disgoised persons ; don't know any of the caaiet attending Puryear'. d alb. tm. J. Murray recalled t iwocw Par- year while confined as a lunatic a few days in jail, in 1&G9 ; remained in jail a few day., and then taken to tbe poor house ; no mittimus when brought to jail ; was tied when carried to tbe poor bouse ; actions that of a crazy man. Col. Holt re-called : Saw Puryear once, and beard he was iu a distracted condition; cried out, while passing, to Dr. Freeman, who was talk ing lo me, that wc all .honldre.pecthim ; bis action, were altogether those of a era sy person; always voted with the old Whig ticket; (Laughter) have roted lately the Conservative ticket. Mr. Gilliam examined : Resides in Moulten Township, Ala mance county ; Farmer; 51 years old ; testifies as the others, to peace aud quiet between the whites and blacks ; is on of the School committee of .the Township; general State of safety for both colors ; knows of no intimidation of yolers. Cross Examined : Never saw any one with marks of vio lence ; don't know of any secret organ!- nvivu uv i ill J ' . as J avvaa w guise; I vote with the Democratic party; piati-iii tiavAv at a a n nnv nnraAti in nil. Lt TKTJTrTJV I tailtu ! Res'des Iii Township fo. 10; am a farmer, and 61 years old; testifies to the same an above regarding friendly relations existing between the whites and blacks; Magistrates mid f onstables in my town ship an; Republicans; knows ol no re fusal of warrant, tec. Crots examined : v No acts of violence in my part of the county; seen uo person lhat,rhad Jieen whipped; knows nolhing of these secret organizations ; seen no disguised person; Am a Conservative. , Re-difect : I wus a Magistrate for . or 6 years from 1861 ; was a cundiate for the Senate in 1868. Nathan Newlin called Resides in Nelin.Township, Alamance; manufac turing, milling and farming is my occu pation ; relations between whites and blacks good; know of no employment refused on account of their voting; blacks safe us whius; no attempt to control iheir rotes; no resistance to law. Cross examined Know of no such politip.l organization ; ctfi no one who has been whipped, mntilated or scourged; MrvShoffner lived 12 miles west of me"; know not why he left the county ; nev er seen men disguised ; I am a Conser vative; feeling towards the blacks al ways been good. - 51tla4hVeiarom burn n lamp all through the night, unusn- poorest people would rather retrench a part of their foHd than dispense with ft- The lamps are vefy simple usually only a small fiat dish with oil in it.aud a bit ofcloih for a wick. The expression, 'The candle of the wicked shall be put out,' is equiva lent to predicting the total destruction of the house. 8o too, when God 'promisee to give David a light always In Jerusa lem (Kings rl 36), it is the same as an as surance tha. his house should never be come desolate, , . . , , now Iu I or comion are inc worue, chanee lierftt below, the precious Jesus - x lie CTrilUBUIIg - BHiri. i..v .. ...y.f,- our Friend, is the same yesterday, and to-day and forever. ' VV hat He was, mil lions of years since, He is now. What He w as, w hen He walked through JudV. Samaria, and Galilee, He ialiow. His heart full of tenderness, of pity, of com passion. Oh, how patient, how loving, how gracious I Oh 1 what a lorly being Jesns is. R BBITS.--A farmer near London,(3an ada West, has two thousand rabbit in a warren five acre fn extent. ,The cost of and attention to be paid to these animals involve an expense of twenty-five cent for each rabbitand the pet Lprnfitsoo the w hole wrren amount to f 5000 a year. - The annual average increase ia Iwenty- five rabbits for each pir. 1 he males, when a year old ate .killed and sut in barrels to market at Montreal. Faith which works by fear only leads to a selfish, dishonest repentauce, if to any. ' : ' A Chicago bather has demonstrated that. he (Trtnuot- successfully shave a cus tomer and look at passing ladies at once rln -the attempt the customer's ear became a tHal Wetk, ; JilBU: ARITIIMEUC . ' ; i . 1 ' .ri'.Ui '". ... ADDITXOJt. ,..,- ' Jlrtdf lo yoar fakh virtu i and to v irtue kaovhg! ani fo knewlcd.? t- -r ancaf and to teran ptien and ta patience godliuest f anl t t'''. ie brotherly kindness j and to I . aJj klndneas lovo. (J Peter 1, iVttV Add In your own tear! tl.'a j..feft nam her of levea graces together,' aud If t .e 1 1 r )9 yoa, and abiamf, ley r i - 1-4 IU U ko... a vi ChrWt. . tr i . j . f'!i . " -" "" ",r" k triii rii a (-riii- . H that lacketh tb thbr W-lW, aad eaanot so afar- aff, aaai hath forpt. lea that ha a as pqrged JroM hiad.aIoa. ' (9 Pour I, .) t!i-s-. U ULTITUCATIOV. I m. JU Ho that,mfiiistereth seed ta tha unr doth minister bread -for your twos', multiply your seed sowa. and iacreaaa th fruit of your righteousness. . (f Cor, U. . ia DITMIAir. Come out from amonr them. auTba ra" separate, sailh tbo Lord, aad touchy aoi the unclean thinri and I will reeeire yoa, and will bo a Father onto you" aad ye shall be my tons and daughters.' aaitk tbe Lord Almighty, (f Oof. rj. 17JI8.) Tour husband has been utmrorsLe--. said a doctor to a wonua, whote husband ne was visiting aud prescrlliuf for. 'Doctor, you are a witch,' replied' tha woman. " A stadentliad accompanied tha pSyal cian, and asked him on tha way oat soar no Bsceriaiiiea mis tact of tha patient: 'I looked nnder tha bed,' said tha doe tor, iind there lay the shells.' A day or two after, tbe student rial tad the patieut alone, and making bia ttrport to hi master, declared tho aationt hey aad medical skill. ' 'II has eaten a horse,' said ha. . 'Impossible.' ,j Hut ft Is c-Ttainly true. r .'Wt How do you make that ant T ' '1 looked under the bed, as yoa did.' pleaded tbe student, 'and there lay aoad- 4 UOW laug. To everything- beneath u I the sun there come a last day and of " i ii u i . anci v iiiiamviy predicted. Let the sanguine then take warning, and the disheartened take coar age, for to every joy and to every hope and to every fear, there will come a last day, and the man ought so to live by flora sight, that while he Teams in every duta to be content, ho shall in each be prepar ed for another, whatever that other may be. The greatest luxury of wealtXta one the rich little avail tbemselres ofthe pleasure of making the poor happy. ' Re dilligent and careful to improrft tha smallest shreds aud broken end of time. Have you learned to know'yna art ig norant f This is God's way of making wine ; He bids you nek wisdom and Pro mises to give. :.' Dignity of character !n man Ia ttia to ken of his initiati.o Into Wisdom, 'and tha seal of his consecration 16 excellebee The guileless are usually wilboat fus picion, but the diabooeaLnuut always gua. pects others. ; ; The great in soul hare air intimate communion with each other, and a lan guage, peculiar to themselves. Reputation is what men and "women think of ue. Character is what God aud auge,la;kiti,u,w, of .'.ri'4ir-- Help otheiis, and you relievo yourself. Gq out . aud drive, away lb cJxma-IWm that distressed friend's brow, aud yoa will return with a lighter heart. Character lg like stock In trade ( tha more W it a mm poiaesses, the greater hi faculties for adding to5 It.) Qhaxactar is power, is influence; it makes friends, create, funds, draws patronage and San port, and open a sure and Oa way t wealth, houor, aud bappJn.. '- Beware rf 1 evil thoughts. They liara done great mischief In (7h world7 41d word follow, and bad deed fiulsh tha : progress. Watclrgitinntheitt"mlri" against thejc, pray against tliemj ,iThy prepare tbe way tor the enemy of soals. No one loves to tell a tala r scandal but to him who loves to hear it. Leara, then, to rebuke and silence the detracting tongue, byrefusing to lit ar. .Never mak your riyfnr grave of another's good name. 1 ' ' ' ,. - i. it A guilty conscience is like a whirlpool drawing in all to itself which would oth erwise pass by. ' "; '.rt Envy, if surrounded on all side by tha brightness of auother's prosperity,. like the scorpion confined within a circle ef fire, will sting itself to death. ' r Growth j. a safer means ofprodnclritTt bu-iuony in character than repn-asioa. . Au - rxcilh-iit old deacon, who- having won an old tm key t a cliarity raffle, didn't like to tell hi. .ever artbedox wif how be came by iiqaietly remarked as he handed her tbo fowl, that tha Sha- - erS bad sirs It In I.Iim - Somebody aays 'deril; is a,axaa.wocd any way it may bwrittn SUmmrt tha d and it T."evil, traaspeea the a aad hi viTajMirrejber wedlt la iltetaor the Land l remain, which has the api rate souut. of 'hell.' " .v ' v

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