' . 7' i - . - 4F" 0 1 " " 5) SAIilSHUKV, N. C X FKHUUAKY 24.1871. VOL. VJ. NO. 8. 1 ' cimajaoirz- nxAan rimes : WARSAW MAtS. MerMW'tlir iinvni'imr uii. 1 . .i. l-, :..tii n'm-wirmi .- tU It-Hit 'TVe!.!--. V. r.jnl.--ill- oi l uacti tHke( ff i'i W 'limit . 1 tin Wat- auluttu tu u.iu:-iictl:t. to bum' MV CJ1 JIKAI l Vi .. , 0 u. 1. 1. . . ' . - . via Miiari. fur W'ifkH' Tu -iv, lliai 4.r,nfJhat..Hr Uatf W.l..lH.r..'. d-V, Thr.. ijf.Mj).! 8tf7tiv, aa.ryuu.r, irtlmUtflTTlti. CQATBAV v 1". T1 rli fT'ir.Y 1 1.1. 1. JM', WJ'iKK li K : 1 Iaro lin'.hiuii Kiwi KomlAliir train rrwtn t..T. TT!"rn l.'n:ul r.t Jinf,,,n niter trail from Km.-tte. il .. .till r. oai lll.t .V . . u. I: KiLUl AKD Iliuli ir Sl.l i.-i.. wi laoa Uil. Offlcat Hutrr'li"t'-:. S,,'cm. L. T. I I.I MMUNS. Hjiet. 18, 1870 tf '..i i 1 a- i..r iiiti-nrr n est r n i: r rn.i ! s Vu u a r ii. Thr ircal . fj . fj . Wm. Knabc & Co., ilKi r 11 1 ri;i i f Orand, Square and UpiiLt piano to u ri:s. iJAirnioiii:, .m i. TaM In.tl itmliU Lavr I -.-i; I Marly Thirty Ver. ', ! t ' ,; aloD. atUinr.t n a I,,": I i i-. " I'T. i,' m ll , I ! li pronouiui-s litem iii.jhb t . Il,v r t o n r. OoajbtM (Treat jo rr iei !:. m l f.i ' 'L'i'iv quality, well u. tli'''.ii rmity uf lni,n,i,' u 54 8weetaeiM.tl.r..ii!l..i.i .l.-.it.i.- . aio. 'I :. i t ( i; c ii U pliant and ela.tic. miJ es.t r. 'i fi,-,- fi-m tU llft n.M fused in imv p ,,i,,. IN WOK KM A-NSII I I' they ar. nowpi il.rt uine nne l,ut the mtv 1. i aeaaontd mater.al. the laii'e . ,..la'eiiiil.,. -tmi.r bnrilie. .nl.leu U) kproiitDiii,y m iti inei.-e .loek of lnmtcr. .V .. en !i i-,l. t J J- ill uf on i Sltfi II n.i. ! .-v.- i,rr,- TvJTetitrmic -a:r' jut the ,":'-f' T,-,-. HCfWiwonlJ ,j"';f;;il itt.r.'nn ..i.- ..t improtemcntii lii ( imm, I'm- - am, "i MBiKIM. I'.te.it-l- h-.;h-! 11 I vi,. ,!.. !, I i.. : the l'ian uewrer - ' ' u t.r.m I ' t tuinvil. Evtry Piano FuU-i W.tn-.ihh ,1 t,,r l 'r c ) i .. W lmve ma.lf arr., n tr-u , i t- f"r t' -','.' ! ' ale Aireni'V l"r t' im' .Ii't..i I' , i i . k ' i "iiAwa anil JIki.,ih "I i, I w.iv. I -a e JJ.itti'i.ui x, Mtl. Sept. 9 -3fi fim. DAV)0X Cot'NTV. S To all Whom it ma ft concern. Notice it hereby given that I ahull at tend nt m oQice in Ie.xington, on tin-12 th day of March lt7I. to taUe t. stiin,nv and ascertain w h are the next of kin of Thoiii ns C. Crump deceased, late of DaviiUuli County.- A l9 to tako mi Hceotitit of his estate in the hand l ailiniiiin1rat.tr ; when and where all persons, interested, may at tend with their evidence. I. K. .JOHNSON". ' .J u.lye of Probate for I).i iilfJon r.iinity. Lexington, X. C. Jan. 17, I70. ( prjee $5.) Tim Table Western IT. C B. It. XAKK8 KFEK.CT uTtt .SET. Ip70. . OOIN'G Vi'liST. GOING LAST. Jrn're.. I.rnrr. "u.lJ am aiitiiiuw. . . 6,02 ih li (17 " I liir.l I i'k. 666 " 7.1" " S'tatesvillc. .( " ' 8 07 " ('Htmvijii Sta. 8,68 " 9,(HI " Newton. ,40 f !.4 " 'flick iry, 10,53 " '10,3(1 " lesid. 11.10 ' jll.16 " MorL-mt n. 11,69 18,04 " fhriilireu-atet,. 13 48m! I. Msriiui. Arricv. Lfitrt at) mi 7 2U " 7.2.')' " 6 23 5 3(i 4 d ' 4 0(1 3 I.") ' 2.2ft.' 1 6 2S 6 35 4.60 ' 4 01 3 20 ','2.21 ' lii tTT Bnakfst unit Shpir. at Ktalvilie. 1 ept. 53, WW 38., i. x BARBEC'S H 0 T E L , J PrOSITE It A l LU( )A I) DE POT. Ten wce rout where the Cars sky. Best of porwrs. in attuixtsnco at nil trait s. Mill Mtn lies fuf Hsleia t,-e this I piwr itnily Psssengsrs disthb'lid to any (.oiutst short by private convevsnce. I Grateful fur the lilioral patroosire of the p b UUl past we t-r i. Bierit cpnWnnance of Hi saijie. . HUU. U M IT . . , 1 w w . - O i . l AuttA,t..li ...luikf mip viiut. B 'llBFtr. rrnprictor. 1 HI . . " TTT ITI'AV .m the snl.srii- . her before fllC last traces of it has disappeared, and get onje of bis f'Acii). ilhirtihtc truii- jjiaiii.-iiuir Monnnwita, Twrbs, or llea lrgtoutis. at ir ees that will dejy competition. All kinds of inaSI,. wi,rl at reduced pii. es. Order, solicited and promptly at cmioU to. Civil and examine his work o-ml h.r his prices before buying elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Vard nmirly opuosite the Maiket Iboise. 1 OUiiUflS. 3-3ir Sfil'shtirv. N. (' Soulhern Land Agency, PKitMlXS W IHi.Ntti (o jiuuhase -iii'l I.ANOS. will .'.o well lo rail on M v.;v ( r A Pnnh'am. li re i-rerr-.l t.. i ' '! " -Uforroatiina.it i-.-ritlv'-. -ii I-'" ."i Ail lttm ii,,iitf ,1 to i! . ni. at tin-- )... t t. N lciv prompt att.'t't. nn. CltA VVKMHIl I'I'M! I n'fiTl&ly sati-l-iirr tro."r.-i 1 RemovatT-J. arstocktonr UAH lil.Wn'. I ll ! - 1 o- I. i 1 -'i tl'.(H. iu-t 4i.' 1 ti. k irn -i .TTJ lif. tt. y- ri- ns. . I . alt lii. "iM prtriw .ni th tMsl as4 IttU st Kti av ftislu. t,l,i, .nsr:iiii.i ,1 . n a ea',1. . , At' i-..:. "i ,- m iaui SP'.e p. TV - V" TllflWr I7rar Th.-.tin..i..iii.. ill iter mi. lii.rnMi.. .uii in iIk .1. """ ir. ll,.- Imiiii 1. I.- .! I.l. r .. I i. k.ub umniiMi Ilir 1. .iluv.i I -lil, a-V l.' m,.! .ickuM, lr,.r I I U hi. iin. aii. 11 .in,; nli Wi. Mil... Ii-'l ,"" 1,-,: r'",.i;i"ri: ii.ii- l- tl umm'rv, .miMiiUa iili iiati.fid , 1 1 I M-i.fcU mi, ol in, 1. 11 Kii.ii. lie Ai.nu Lil.L' 11. - - . . . r . - , n,lIK ,,., m,i nriu. i i nn ,. f ,K- e!n- .vn.H-.in. n.-i.d thr di--f. 4,-4 tii, Vfry f.-i pf tl.ow tl, 1 liver i y m rallv il.c nri;-iii nnt lnvi!vf. Oh tl.o I ivr iili nil.NlMMON Livi:re i:i:-i ia roir, h r ..irii..n 1.1 rt ai.u iH-rlt, narnrntwt ir.. !! 1 : , 'lil 1 . iri.d t mi ilil lui ll.UH In Mliy Ilk t t-i-u i;t-(t hv Jiinuril, nii-1 kntiji li ,.,..J.. ,,... one. U I lie l.e-1 I.I..U. - 1.11 iuu in,.! I,.uiiiiei I ri paratioii. evi r itll'i.1' ii.iiK nil,' I, .11 lilies. Iri 1 r . 1 . ., 1, t , . 1 ...i..iu iir.dHiiiie Mil;. 1 ill'. 11 utkeii i.eiiinin m,,, '1M- l-l-f.liliv. it i lle lo liny lir-in-ii.i.1, lieailnelie, ,ijtili,i',e.lirene;.ii'k 1 Regulator. iii.11 I.e. tl.rwiiie .liarr- t -II. ,. l H.l.ln.t. E , . rx ' - f l,.f 1 -nrT) It il VWIlftTV (if. innilti' tu ruin nie "I ....... .v nr....... b- 1 r ' . 1 . SOUlIin-n PianO U.U11,. , ,he ki.,,Hi; ,;t,....i..;. el.ilK '.l I and then we have committed, have not a alorcaid in furthcranc. of tbe wicked j cannot rent, and which e.tct.d .1. U . . .,f it,.. Kliin iu.l.i.iiiv .f iti LUnrft in. Ian- , ,i.. v.,iw.. I.. l .il..,l m iv ... .In., and unlawful decia-tii of the laid (1. . ' ""If inllueoco beyond lliu lontiunof tin. Iraenterr nf- ,.t w '.m ,'"r ' -'. r! - v 7 ... ... j . 11' ,1 ' . ' M ,,.Ji" i',t .'1 . j M 1 .. iirntiuiuii, ...in, 1 .11 in in ill.' Ix'K. N, 'niii in tin- U ikI, Itv. i iil'.I . ,1., I ' . t 1!-. l,:.'li in llir I' t, k, A r. 1. .1.. ... .1 : r I....... I'. j jl, ,1 . 1 1 . v I.v J II. ZMI.IN A (., I li i:uiA-, Mam 11, tin. mail I '.' ' T. I l',,r -il,- l,v Cel. '-'!- KI.I TT A- (11., Sali- irv, N. (' ii!)ciiXorti)5Uitc I't IlI.lslll'.U WKKKI.y 11 V i, i: w is n a i: s . Kih'.ur unit l'l 'iju ii Ivr. it v n of m in iiirniiN (Ink Yi:ii:. pai "tl.Ie iji a,U an.-.-. ... Six MumiiA, ' 5 ( ',.,i, I., one a,l,lress 10 t 'i t" ite l.l rei... . ...... ...'I.(MI I'J.."(1 .'.( h'rtrx nr A,,',: 1 1 Slh il. $1 (SI . "( ! ."id per ei 1,1 , .1.1. i., 1 1 . r.tt,--( H.l.-I . vi iiit il., 1'' .s'i.' late I'lli. r adverti-e Ol, i. r.wi Nsadyvrtisi iiients. ( its ti:a;t hatks SI'Al K. i 1 $r)ihr. ?2 ."( :t 75! ' (M) TiO $ lit 00 2 SmaJ-ca. ,i-4 50 G 25; ti 50 !.') 00 li'J.OO 3SiuareBHt , li 0!) I) 00 12 00 20 00 :(I.OO 4 8q wea. 8 00 1 1 00 1.") 00 25 00 M7.50 t Column, i 1 1 00 IG 00 20 00 :U1 (Ml, 45.00 I Column. 18 00 24 00 ; (Ml 45 (HI 7.( 1 Column. 2S Oft 40 00 50 IK t-0 00 130,00 From the N. Y. Tribune, Nov. Oth. ' iJETTEIt FHOM GOV. VANCE A WELCOMB rot! yORl Hi -TtX SKTTtERS. To Editor the 'lrihvnr, Sfp.: A genlh man of yum city some time ng wrote me ibal .1 consid. ral.b nttmbei' of persona fioin the vlaie of New Turk contemplated buying a lurgeTTriicl" of lundJf in Wct-ti iii North Caiolina, Cuu I cliire'doing so wmld be glad to have my opinion aa tn win ilfe-r a colony of Noitk ern settles would be welcome nod entin ly safe in4hat. region. If Is fuoi'tifyiiig" "in tlltrcxTn-rne trr have s h ijuistitma Ufk rd. H llo-v vei v eiflen are, liv inuUigeiit. tolV.lft"rif-Thp'f 'tifrrrl Static. -;-TjLi:o pad. t-ommofitaVy, either upon the flleof law lessness which it t).i'eptiPU)B.t".i-.-l.ft....'Xlt-f' VrxTor jtiioil .the uiicci tipulcnis rejireseii tations of partisan ik wsjiapeis, which gives fifse iipiessions to strmtgerS. I earnestly ejeeire,- on the I elnilf of the real inti rests of my Slate to address a few woids through your columns to those w ho mk pitch (jireswrtst' -i-HMiWimaeiy-ae-' (iMainted, socially and politically with tbo U-elings and disposition of the people of North ( 'aioliinv aiid bavo been for many years. tfTbefcbas tow a sfrf'gfeinFtiinre of resislalice to legal proeegs since the i enveri.meiir ot tlie I iiileii Mates lestitniM I iiileii .States i.estltlKKK imiiliiiiiiv i.vi-r limn I hve ni ver bra id o I it. If any judge, sheriff or olber.i fH- ler haTbooiViiil ri od iToui oxocinTng. tlii-'" l.:w by four of h sistance, I have novel heaid'of it. If anv mitrii"e, or oven in- suit, such us one n an would nfler to no j oihi r on iii'inl ti rtns, lias ever heen oiler- ..I to a oolol title, settler from llie North. : wl o r, nie to live nnd be. a settler "among ( - lis, 1 ha v .- nV-'vor l.eii Vil of It;"'' 1 f ibero Is a'.i p'oition of tin State -tihiw such persons i would not t,! (aceily unit gladly uelcom- ; oil, w tieir tin v came lo tiny our vacant , . i . my la anils find cast m atid lor evil, their lot n iih us for .JOOll w iV I -know not which r ' . it is. On the" rtintrai v I know that i'lfe liTTvT ' .'. 1 de Ti of o u r T' otile is I I,, s. clue ti e h ig up el' the land with imm-graiils. Nortlioin, luropo.ni, or ;rny '.:'l..i -ll'.t! cell liii e.ipilf.l, lliril'l ami e....d fi.'i--i-sb', with them. A. .id I know : i .; ail mi li ':', 1 i- Wileoimd - gladly. ru rt, ail sin U- iii l.e as sale as ll.ey can I i i,i, w hen- i ii i iu '.h. I'',? trfe wyl.av.e no love Air u class of .' ilvi n tut i I" .call, d ''oa i p t bagtreis," by. ill iVTiTi We :i;i a;i iI.om n Ik I III W e lit. Itl li.osl wild COUlOToT il i I. i!s (".. ; lot tho.-e wbocotile :'. ii,L l Uiil:, bu.ld ilie.Ui'ir, lo Js j. lli ,b. -.'!.. ..: f-.irn'. : to t j5,.! c. Jll.ii y et t;ie ! .-ft i act. .1 t as to rci.ik r tht-ttr-joi-il v t,iio!ia to our people, and CNif l Us. ill living ci n ili Irt tjiat L.. .. 1.. ........ .,1 ,(, i.-iiillliink - () xiihcrn tomi is cfia)lr. I rli.t Ill . . , ....;...!!;.,.... i. "i '"'I'l'"" ' ' Innirrrrl. It i trur llml ltnvt oiiur .In ! iticoHfiilriair i.n.i.li nil g n ' cul ' r ,,,, ,,. wio Holilicr In : i4Vf. ,., ,v,inril 1.. i.fr.i.i from I lie km t.n,..i.-u, , . N-.r j.i i i If ml to deny tint lliirr art' aome 01 tin ! l,iu. rnr of the war Hill runklinjc In . li ! I., i- ttf but can not ai-iiaiblc ittr iiiiiiif i , , I . r f , I'liarv, naka .1.1.10 .llowanr f..r tbial- ,Ca bT nh vkioiitiua flqnjnim. ' ilv, rmieidi r tbf blllifea and fi-.trrinff woui.ilii uf defeat t And on tlii" whole, u-k von ir u enndid, petieroim matt IM afon-Mid, wrll knew tbut tbo ciilifl lle w liiclt joii 1iiiv frued aiiionr thu j cite lumle tirM -Hoatd of Internal 1 111 khtt l -l", l"f tl";rr t 1 i n Imi of lliii rne'ii. bm of vtol.i. ... . .11 1 , , , ., ,m ,.v,.r fr.,.(.jM , , .- .. t loll III III W. Ifl 111 KK'lMl ai.litlUlt' MUIKIL' I enniif liave lint - 1 - - 1,1 nave Unix .1. in ineip it 1 1 iianre III ll If tot V 1)1 N nilllC llllIOII;il HUIiiniKill M, ,. Vrnt. iind a iuirp n iiid I ri nrn from it. He i.t lilnedy anil clniotlc UiMHiler lo n tl.ile nt l.w mid ijliiel labor 1 In Jiivinp . . 1 . 1. . 1. I retiiike to Mien neta ol vintcncc a now 1 wiw - vi mi. a m 1' v" v. t to credit fur the pr-'preM e Imve really made Inwaid the .,1,1 channels of industry in, .f ji-'ce Mo anvil i ml!i, ii uilv th. H. k (ii'd lor the fiifety which him a!!eli li il our r,",tvrin u liiniiii"' ibroitli the (ll 111 lalizi ll null, tin, ol.li i;i iu led iirmi.A, t Iii- LIT tor liatre.i anu iiinoity nn inoiie. ol civil war ? I'olilicitl In at uliou 1.1 not , Iind our even to then- things, fir they Mill fin in a loiioim j'.'j;e in our an naN Therefore, sir, I appeal to all who de sire to live in Ninth ('aiolina lo conic on in prelect coiifideiice, both as to welcome and protection, 1 he lieliN of iinlusti v that open to hi In re ate unbounded, the soil rich, cheap and piodiicin'' nt, mi I ... I , 1.1 1. ll. Hilly almost ivi-ry article known to) Nmlli 'J' mperate Zone. 'J'he i limate is , III surp. Ion tlie .niei lean I. iii.iuiciii. : Zi i'.i I ii". H V.im i:. TlUNtJS THAT I. AST. I.i I .!. imw look that " ill never w, at s, Hie '..fill SI thii i ar out. i have ollen lieaid a poor blind gill gwci llv.i-iiii:. 'Ki' d woids w iU Tjiii'..' Oh 1 we belti'vii i Ii.i', time artf among the things that 'will never wear nut.' And we nre tld in Gd's own bunk to be 'kind oue t ftiKither, leudur-hcurtt'd, for givirig one another." Tim word ilil llie Lord w ill never wenr out. Though the grafs shall wither, titul the fl.i'wer fall, as', tbo word of the LoTd etidnroih foreror. 1 Peter, i, 24. 25. , The Ffmif the rightVous ill never w oaf out. I hey w ill live in the joi Id to come as God shall live; but the death of the wicked shall Instf forVvcl'. J'he j ,vs of the kii'tidom of Heaven will iteVrr wear out. The phasnies ol lhisw(iild will soon die; but the ei joy. monls id that v oilij a ill never i ud. The crow iMifgbiry w ill nevef wear' nut. The ciujni of iliiviniier ju ihe Olympic gaUK H soon i 73ded ; the t-rowns ol kind's nlHcear out ; but I he ci n of 'glmy will novii fuie away. 1 P.-ti r v 4. Tin- cw soi.e ' i i l li x er wenr out. - o In at soilii't':. , - 1 ! i some nt i,inr Inn. s are woin tlireuutiii' ;iA,ut I but will never be said of the new -ong. W hich ill o.i eiooset The lasting, or that which wasti s away ? 'I he ihmgs of. time, or f (leiiiity J Will you choose ivenl b honor, fame, or ilie jny-a of hcuv. en, eternal lite, tin- crown ot gmry tttin 'iioV song V Miiy God euitl le us to make - wis fboice fittdtimk'dhu.liajLSJL choose to servi'.ihe Iud. A NEW AUTICLE OF IMPEACH ,;-.-,3,-..IKXT'"'-V!",,"""','"'" Thes House bus preferred a new article of . imponchiuenf against Guv. Hidden, which will bring'' to I'rglit some of thr mysteries of railroad management under bis administration. Tbo people may, now got some insight into the mode by wbich llie fcTate"w'as swindled" out of nilioiiiy' a few men wlio? wer" appintcfl by, and In tbe confidence of, the Governor. TlieJollowtMg l-lh f'fc"8"JJ2iai'? . AItTI.CI.-B IX. That ihfi "said "Wi'liinm V. Htdden ifiovertior of lh; Stale of Nmth Llluiolinn. unmiiiilful of the dmies of bis: . Asie-mVelii- neitt i.f ibi. Si-ite, did j ! oil or about tlie. 9th day of Jniie, A. 1)., '. ! isf.il, wilfully! corruptly, unlawfully, j and tn violation of I, is until ol ollice. and i i , i ; : V . i ,i- i i mni'-r co or-. ill Ills Said (dhce, and con- siiirillir Viilll Ouo (ieoige W. Swepsun and .l lwr evil 'disposed per.-ons to !e- fraud the1 Strtte.' tif : North CafnlitiS, TgTi f 'disposed ier.-itis and issue; as -1 remlent tx ojfiao, ot the ' lioarn oi .iiiTeiu.u i inp.nveiueiiis, an, or- . ii i : . . : . .. dor u,iecnn(j in Freasiiier of the Stftf: I to sifbsciibo, on behalf of the State, the i eniii of two millions six hundred and si- ', tvsi thousand iloilas, and lo issue bonds -of-nrw' ftiale that 'innniiiir tn thi' W.esM'ni I lisyision oi. iue tt i stem . on u t. a: olma Kail road CoAipatt , tiltfiong !i the said. W W. Ho'ileii, (iiivi n or ,".s a foresaid , wy II Uiiew that the Pn .-ieetit jf'said If i 1 li. ad had not, as ;:s 1 1 (j nil i ,1 by I no; yeiiili.dto said l'matd if iietau-al lni piovi lui'tit thai "roji inl ii.iiivii.als, cr- , atious, ccjiiaiin s or ool.t I actio s, hail to the oa pital stock i I s i'd ..Jiiflieii lit anioiiHt lo "''!, f t ie ,f H-hf Slim of t.w "'Iniil'ons t-' t l.ii:..!r, d ami sistyix tlii us.ii.fi did bus, ai d That five perci l.t tin reel b id bi on no d in e-uh.-- as wis nouinil bv l.w . 1 Irfil siib.eribi il ff'ritli l,y, il t If An J ihe id Willium W, lfohlep, Governor a 1 foresaid, 'fa further dlfrrti 1 jrtrJ ft said oath oft tiTicr'and the In - Irrrill i.f lIlC lMitl 4f Jtie Klilc ml - . . . 1. .. ' c iijiin;.r wiiii n .owfp.nn tna t . f . 1 f ' a - oIIht 1 vil diajma.a iiUi to wronf and 1I1 liaml tlir Male w ,orib Catnlina, di., at lWJcut, M (itfiv. vf the li..aid ; iutpi0vtio.-tti4,.j!j;u a,.d i 1 mc rarr in un 1 inwnr ui in. rnn . altri rling liiui to mbae'lb', ou Ukalf oi . m m .it i ib Mute, thr mm of fmr milllnn of dol l.r, and to iaano buuda of llin Mate 10 llmt aaionitt, nd 1-Jivfr ibrm tit tbo J'reulcu of iho Wrtf. pfjiaioo of llio "Nort Carolina Knifroaa Cifipanr, -wliin 1 , tbf" mhI iIImio . HoMcti, dovinior .p'yr'P'T1 tr Meorgr nwiixiti , 1 riei-nlein i.t aatit K.md' "t&at onn y.ii. 1: . : 1 1 I 1 . 1... ... ,!... L,l JulUl. had bee.l 'aubrlbid by ml !....: 1 : 1.. 1 t ,. llll, l IlllllUieu BI1U llllll I " II I IIOIIW 1 . . . ... f, ,, , , - " in niuiw.tu.ii., iin,u.n, to w. enui rum vui- n tmnv, aiU "iliat live per cent IIiimcI Imi been ixii iu rutli," rtquiu.l by Inw . wim tuliie and fruml ilei.t. and wit mule hv iniil ll V. Swetnuii. I're.idenl . . ' . o Sw I, urn. . A . IIuTiIeii. TTOV(Vl!nT- iiIom raid, iiiid other to wtotig and de-! For w bu aball say ihfct it 'u not a iii fiauil liie ptoil people of thi State, wlo ie- vim r ft In rule the bent than to coti by the said William W. Jloldi n, (iov- 1 viuce the mind f Who shall say that the i riot a. nCireSHid, has hrrmht bis odioe smile of beauty, the "htavinly ihctinic of t.'oveinor into coi.lemot. nnd Wasthea i of the rv ," and the P(,f voice of unlit- ami th, i,-, in manner unit form as nfore sai,I ,'Miili v ot mii-ciui.liict in olTicc, and if li ,!, riiini s and uiisil, tin un, in of In,- against the C'oiistii ul;.ii and law. ol mi id Male mil H"aiiiet '.he peace, di''niiv .ii.i I init n st then i f. tiii: ( A or ItKI'KAL OF -THE TEST- ! II A LAW Tit K MK.SSAfiK un; i'iti:.-iii:.T. A'.st!iNU lo.wlYb. jt J',,.0i,,M,t'H U The follow lnes.le lo t V.i Z r" :it the. bill re-,.- 1., e. uie a la : tn (f-iv iiiiii.-.ni.rir tl test ...I til 1, ,i. .s'. 1,'i't it il lfiie J Jitj'i'iM ii 1 h.-iv, this day Iran-iiii: f i d to the S.-ii. ile the announcement I tint Senate bill No 21b, "An act pit scriliing mii OHlb of ollice lo be taken by poisons wh.particl- Ju.led i.i ili IjIm r..L.-1'u..., buL.Jli not disqiialiiifd from holding ohije by :be lfth ane-iidmetit to tW .(.'mstil'titin yf the Lnitiil Stales," has Im-ioiiic a hi if, iii the mauiii r fTi scribed by llie Constilu lion, without 1 lie- sigtiiituie of the Presi dent. If ibis wore a bill repealing the frst onth roqttireil of persons appointed or elected in ollice of profit r honor, it would jneet my Approval. Tho t fleet of the law, however, is to relieve treru Taking n iresi'iibed oath ujl those pi i suns whom it was iiiton.led lo exclude from such -off. fires, and to require it from nil others. By this law the soldier who fought and bled for bis country is to swear his loyulty, while the general who led annus to oVcr- . . . 3 . . 1 iiimiw tlie itoverumeni .-is aomnwu witbivut it, I cannot affix my ntirnc to a law nbich disciimmatis against tlie iinbolders of tlie (lovernmont. 1 believe, that ins to exclude those by an.nath of i, nice who are nut excluded by the Voli- stitutiou, and who are the choice nf 'my al voters. Hut whilst relieving t hem "from an oath, I recommend the releasw olso of those lo wbrrm the oattt ba noappJjeauuii. - G. S. Gsakt. . . :SEA' AND QUEEN ELJzi- i BETIPS ItlNG. 1 - & " T3 vpfy Imd k nows-tbe; S t of yf ling bating been sent b V t he V.ari of Es sex.'wTifiT' uiidcr' coiid'eitiaTtoTi'fis-' j he Countess of btineniifn, wliUetjuiied it till she was on hej own death-bed, w hen the token was' dit'jHitched, with coTifessiori, Jo the Queen. Mrs! Wary Anne Everett Green, who has jus etrjted mid Publit-hiid in London the "Ctilftidar oi- &tat pappy s I'mta lfi 42.J'4:.J5fi3 thinks this stoiris confirnit.'d by- the document given, in her volume. Jlniroof Of this. sb citt'O the fiillowiiipUextracrs firm two letteTi-wkfiinjiiJr !HfiP by Authony Hivers to Italian corespon dents at Venice:- ...;.,:.....,;....:..,. " Tho Countess of Xotinghnm is desd, and her husband, llie Admiral, kerp bis eloin.ber, nn.uriiiiiy in lArnest. The Quc( n loved the ouutoss well,, and liath much lamented 'her dVnth, remtihnng eTer sfiioe ill a deep melancholy that she uiVjiiI i. i ii- j ...: i. L.1....1. ,.r (lies .lieisetl, airi eo.noiain.iiii iiiiit . , i null y inlii rntties wiioiowiin sue soovieui suiftleoly I'o lie overtaken, as linpimlliuiim- fiofl- in Iter Trend, relies m br boiH'S,;ind eonimoal ool.t its tier tigs, lu skies a iminuit; m ui; ... Jv... ....... i.nu .... insomuch us she cannot abide discouisi s of G (vori.ni( nt and State, but deliglitetl to hi ar obi Canteibiiiy tabs, to w htcli she is .veiyKjtttentive ; -at utliei I lilies imp'tin nt -aitd-ft4y- poiie if Com. til, tut Societiiiy, dare 4ome in her.J p,o.re. o. -Ail .no in a .inii,, at Court ; s"iuctf.r pi'seiit (i.iimer, nt ut rs don i't it-r Whl no; e.ij lino. ' past the month ol Mnv, I oi '-l ii rally- nn of opinion thai -whe c.,: : i.-t n ei p.u-s anoi hi r Winter.'" - Tl.- pa Va ''-' fioin .jJu seeyHid lotlory ti iii fen nn li.e an." day, runs tliils : ' J lie Illinois ol Alabl-Hoi ni ill II afflict lit.- .J',oei, ; slip li.!s i'jbjetr ike. I oi,jtesrt .Tf ill at I. ' lit. loll ."ttii gli.iai's d.-ath, rests us to u-e the air in tire il IV. anil-ieb'JaiiiS I her moat, n sij-'liug le-ilmn-- usual Inmi livsii. aod sustii-. cio'is .,roi!ie atnmi ljer 'as jll -affected." J WOMAN'S KliriVK. 1 .. Man m's? tie dominion of itif Bill d. It I U iimiii' i.nn.nlii' It rnt ll.- I , r i f - " - 1 . I ! . " .'' " "' ana iiinra induiinr ro.pirt of t!ip lirart. 1 It li lii r 10 rule wan Wmm If, Iv lb. Iiearl; tint ImnH. fnilnrfrir him JiiJi llertual pre fruiiirnto i mt the Ciratf! biMin w hirh hrarr-w Ka br.toaf.l mi winjiiil.. Wc rfmrn.U r tbat, in man'. , ni wi"i. n e rrmrn.vtr tai, ill man j hialnrr, vat intfllrrtuai ondo 1 a a a 1 a m have i llea leen niiiil allied wi ll ;ri at moral lmfin a baaeura all tin Mora dcaplcahl. and amialr keeaa.e it hal uot tbo veil of Ifnnranre to palliate on i cue It. AVi iall what haa bft-n m of, peilmj,., tin- wi'm.I man in nil hi lory, by one to hi re ttj ililii,j;uitluil in j .,ly iban be liimaelf wa,a in pbilutoiliy and aenrtiii'g : "If t-ii( Tlu i!m. f.wT..cua .!.:. .V " II. ficilf.t ,! n ii ii'tT ,r n.ui.Vncl." l.e! niiiHii, ( lin n, I liuli not fr any .Inline "lien it t will llmt rite i not the i qmil ef in 11 11 iu intellectual nrliie 1 luent. '1 lu re i im-rved fur lu r a higher and u-ore vucreil pn ropHl i r. Thru rruiain. fur her a nolil. r and more cniliii ini; tii- I Utiilib which man cannot achieve and ntnMt tt. , , WTnltlc love, have not a luelur mill holier jiowi r ill. in all the n-asom', and learninp, a in! . l,ii;ri.ce ot man lloW .lien woni'ii. ot always good, alas ! but ul- ways pownfu! stood in veiled mail sty i lit-It I it 'I till- lliroli f kiiiL- and i iih d i i kii ''s uud p. i.i.le alike by the mai'ic o hit' mulchl. s ii.llueiice ? And how of ten .ii n i. is it tiiie w itli each one of us men, that, uns. en and in known t,y me won.:, per- I Imps, one gi ti I it- uud In loved i ye i- evi r H I on us, n-pioviiig our sins rewinding our t virtue ilb its silent, rimgtielit glance 1 j l.' l arii n.-r ii.ji uu.i ucen oncu luniiieu I . 1. .1 1. . . 1 1 1 I iy tire notii tlie altar ol woman s lovi 1, t oacll heait tl.H, has ones m, III d b. foi'e a smile, a t. ar, u loiuli, or a tone of mor tal I ciiuly, un.-wcr itref-nnii ay where the palm of power, or honor, uud i f true glory, belong to Man, who governs Un tile physical world by lbs forcotf iwULi lect. or to irouiiiH. who rules the empire f tk hrartr-wntV-tlm aewtrw ot ICfVC ; 10 man, who betrayed bis Divine Master, i. JI...I i it: c. il .1 ti: r... who fleil from Him, or.A)lhwed Ilimfar .IT .. 11!. I t. ! -1. ..I . .. off to IlisJgtiooilnious death, or to woni an, who wiped Ilia fee t with the hairs of her , head w ho w as I.at a) fiia crow, an.l esrlictt at the crave'" Halifax ( Va J Jkcortl. Titom as'ille, lUviiisox Co., N. C, lVbiuaty Cth, 1871. Editor yorolk Journal ;, The "Thnm asville Female College" opened the spring session tbe 1st iiistuttt wirh tKit teritig prosprets About fifteen years ago, John W. Thomas, Esq., of this place, built this institution, and carried it on for several years will great success; under the name of '"Glen Anna Female Seminary," hav ing as many as 150 pupils nt once. It has been receirrfj changed fwira a setoinary to a eolh-ge, 1 and is now under the charge of Prof. C. C .Aiulrewrs, of Georgia, who is a finished scholar and a Christian gentleman. He is asristcd iu the "litetary dtnartment" byTiis exci lleiit wife-, iind llte-have eee'ured lhe6W'v4ee of one of the best music teachers iu the State. ' The charges for tuition are from $10 to $20 per session of twenty weeks, and the language Slid ornamental branches equal ly Jow. As an inducement, no charge js made ToTniser of Tiamrsv wbiKf pst month only 4 ebargied -for board--..-; 1 have taken esnetiiil caro to exaciiiie ana inquire lino llie morns ol tins insti tution, and" run recommend it as being unexcelled, North or Sonth. The faculty is worthy the highest consideration, each being experienced aud apoinjilitheil teach er. Iu u word, I know of.no school fiat will grade. Persons7 rJeslrTiig to ooiinnuiiTeate, w ith a view of availing tbomselveof the advantages hero offered, w HI address C. C. Andrews,' President. Mere anon.' REMEDY FOR HOG CllLERA. Editors Country Gentlemen .- 8ome time since I concluded to w rile to you conVrniing hog choleru. I lliinls I have dsscovered a specific for that liirewje. KBolievine it to be a blood disease, (from my otjservnl ion ol it, wunu lias been considerable, laud very similar to li.ptliena in The hutwnn sprei- J.I..1IL. :.. .. -:-.-l it- i A . ' very tuccesVlully in a similar -KififUr to my tieatiuetit ot diptlieriti tn iiHaniil. Cldvritc qf Fohmh is the great roEedy Ibjtoiitains a great "deal of oxygen, and ntowee iinpr'oves tbe impovetislted coudj lion. of the Mood. I give it w:ith turiron Uie-Lme rcinkdl'd aoluble bv rubbiitgna wiUiil gumaiabic, and, themadding .water, and; giving it to lite hogs. With. bran. None , have not given my formula. Wh. re the j muciVns uiembiniicos have beeu involved 1 . . . . , , ' ,1 - " - - - - m any disease, turpentine has h-e n jrsed erscsjaid tGod do ,n,t make make j arfi-anlalTMllItt l liu-l I hn (rrMt mm,., B .... , . . . . ..I i l. I... . .... .. T-i..K. :. .. i: .:. 1 ii CO ,1.-..., ".i. " to. . . i"il w-ei-ll lllipilfll condeiice, is ehlorale of piitasli. I cured-7 a lot of about .one hundred "bogs of mv i own raising' ty-' th useof tbi -r'iuedy, 1 jmd prevented the disease fiom sprea-d- j j.ing on my farnr. J. D. 8,, M. It. i.ji I'HIKF JU8TICK l'KAHSUN The ruIumbU, (., Sun, r.lited l (J. .11 1 r r.in.. J Sfillrr Ej., formetly rditer of a.p.piT --- ---'I'i ' til I . , , , . ir - . r , . ,'. ', 1 . itiia jtiuci', ii it an arucm 011 ma priuu .u.,.. ail.mont lilal from nl.tl. " , br fiillowin'jr extract 1 1 Tbo ttianaflng eunel w tbi- beat llml 1 could bare lireii cured, ll conai.ta of twoex-fiuveriiors, two el Stntt.rs of tho (I'liiti d Stales, olio ex Secretary f (lie l'liiled Slate. Nay, one X tenalor f ibe l'iifci)errtc.f!Ml, and one ci-Atlorney Ofncral Confederals Stain, and out ex .Ta.lv - - Ihn euitiinl for fiorrrttor Ifolden i ii.l i.iris two t x-metiibcis of Congresa . . .... 31" f sis. Hoyden utul Smith .w ho asso-i five hundred ihousand square tnWes, and ciated w ith ilessrs. Conif laud. ilcC'oikU , is one of lie most lertilo regiona of ibo miirjfi'roTsuTut r q u aT T T '7JIoTre"r ""' UJ tbeahiliiyrfthepiosecuti.nl. The prcatest city parkin the world U " Pre-euiineiii aiuonfr' thi. orry t)fifl Hi I'liibuK Ipbiit. It contain! OTer tw " talent, sits the ( 'hii f . Justice rbe tSts- thousand actes. prenie Court nf North C'ari.liim, llich-( 'J'lie gicatrst grain port fcl the world lo moiid M. 1'earson. With ail of Jude I'bieajro. 1". a i ton's political fWis (and for which j The lone-est lake in tbo war Id if Lk we make t o apolo;if) be is admitted to upeiior, which it truly on inland art, possets one nf the ablest b(;l minds thai , being tour hundred and thirty UtileO louf, ever adorned a fjeucli. lie was our legal . and one thousatid feel deep. t i tutor, and w were closely associated w ith j 'J'be largest railroad, ia the I'aeiio hiui I'T years. Asa memhur of the I rnilroa.l, over lime thousand niloo it I-cj:ilaliiii) wo nouiliiuti J hiiu for lie j lrngtlt. 71 TTT5" exalted position be now occupies. - . , M Judge I'laisoii was laistd, educated Jaw. Ott I.ATi.v. Ill iew ctjht AM-.J and MMcriiicd n geiitletnan until bis sup- , meious ilrug-uiurdeis through tho Oli. , jiom d connection with llohlctv .Since i, ikes Hindu from uiiinli ligiblo pr'cripv, then, his reputation, truly or faltely, has t ion i,i litiu scraw lt d careleasly uy PJ"-j sitfl', red badly. For twenty-five yeai s I Hi-ians, and gin s sod al by igncraul shop his keen eye hrs hern on the ltench of I b, s who put tip the prescriptions, tho , United Stales Suptcaie Court, ntid we i ,U1 rti,,M humi! whether it would liOt believe that Hold. -n, with the cunning ofTb. iuT to sacrifice u little style, (fur tho i low and mti i tor Inleiieet, tins piiiveii uiion and used, for s Irish tiurnosr s. that ...... . . .!... ii:lintiitv o I noble minds, the .1 udei; s ambition. 'c sne.ik it mute in sorrow t,(1 i.-iti in Hither, and w ith nil the ufl'cction id gratitude of a ton to a father and bt tiel.icior in the law - ol one who, having 1 uvuipui hised with him in the assaults on ... . V , ... i (n. tliaiacler IUJ V We liopo tUc.JUUgC W ill j not Ion. wise heiealiir over lo poiunt his n line to be associated with Radicalism. M.iv our pi ! t i'il Georgia Lawyers and Jmlgis possessed of a too pruiicant urn bilioti, take wiiiiiing fiota h"n cxumple, iVites ,(H Jik Ibieoit, ttilleil witlt- baso and liain tins lesson, tluu IL, Judge men and has fallen, tbero be . -r-vTT have the ability like Pearson XriTTrvf to spring from earth Villi r cue wed life Lul,4 vicor. I . ' A cot respondent of the Wilmington eounial, writing from Ilaleigh, says No man ever stood on trial bofoic a Jmlge and Juty more impartial and eager for justice oven justice than tho tribu nal beloro which Wni. ". Holdeit to-dny slands charged w ith high crime and mis demauors. And this you may tell your readers in the I ingungo of one whe has no sympathy with, part or parcel in, the Conservative parly of NortU. tlavaliuaf and it nuy doubt it, lot him to the re cord. The Chief Justice probities, as only UichmonjLJItL Pearson can preside. Close in his reasoning, elear iii his de cisions, and correct in his ruliiis, as you may infer from the fact that Senate sus-J tuius him in every instance.- I prefer lo forget llie political record of this Judge for the last three years, and 1 do lose sight of the fact that lie became a parUxun, in my pride and ndmirntion for his great leBrnifigliTlhe law, and if a ruined chnr acter con be retrieved, I am sure that the Chief Justice w ill so conduct thin trial as to cast tbo mantle of oblivion over bis I . 1 1 11 i .--v ' .1 late imsctecus. l nop! so, ,ior ioriu ijaro; lina never suitained a greater loss thtfu i when her great Chief Juslico sunk be neath the waves of the mod political stornjuthat so recently swept o'er our The many admirers of V on Molite in America will doubtless be gralifierLby reading the bJlowing accounts of. litfr p procia'iui of our late war. The story is given ima-Vcrsaillee letter: "General Von. Moltkerff'appealcd to by some gentle men injiAVyJlhe other .evening to, set liersome. dispufedjiomt in connection" with tho history of ibe American civil wat. 'I know nothing about the Ameri can eivil war,' wastio quiet reply, at Iwrrrine fSf the Minn vx presi ed Burprise.Nnsal tlid jgreat strate gist, I bavo" piirposoIy'Tcept rUyseirTri ignorance tvp.nt the subject, because there was nothing to be learned from it. War scraml'liuS ol two armed mulu e ... i produce confusio; in the muni." in inly We believe the soil loves to eat as well as the owner, and ouirht then fore lo be, a We should take a prudent care for the future, leit as to 'enjoy the present. It is no part nf wisdom to be miserable to-dav because we lear we happen to be so to- morrow. 1 rt iv;,h nf' Ihn IIaL A t;l t, f j dirnili trii I was once asked bv a who wrote the question on a shite : i f ''What is prayef t ; i i The little giil took then pencir.ahd -j , write the reply : t.vr,(r , )i,f ,cj,l, , the h hehrf So It is; -Fine words and beautiful ".' "V,1 ' without the sincere whili of i ol - . - T. I t. p,..-. A N n w ioh (( ',1:111. 1 w.nnni ho run a n.M.'.ite in her left foot a 'yenr n, by ac- eidei. tally stepping on it, recently hid It, tiled out. from b':ie,t?li her Vlj ntlders. t AMKKll'AN WOMIKU8. 'J'o jrrnlrii. cataiarl in 1I10 wnrldfal . ( .il ..I Vi..,..- i .1 r.. r ..- Jfr""1 "I'l" Jr fornn ritif ul iLrtf , j '"kt uf ttiiln in width, and lUrn, U- . ! iK ..iilJ, ,, rcu.c,.,), plut.Kti ovrriL j torka, In t column, to ibo il- illt of j feet. ( ' ! Tie crolett care tin the worlj U ti " Mammotb Cavi re of Kentucky, wbcro njr yovniro on tno watetl or - i one can niako . a aitbieiautan xitt, anj caleb ftak ritU out eye. ..... .1 'J ): Krcafett rirer In tbo known v-.YU tbo 3liiiilppl, f(V0 rollea lonr, i H tl, M I..;.. tnnl i r " .r.,,,-.-..-.:r.. I Tbe larrsi valley In tho world la I Valley i,f the Mississippi. It tbnlaiiia. i sake of lniie.an lire, and write prescrtn- I ii,,. ;,. i,l,mi iministnknhln Enirlish. l if,, or Latin, that Is the (lUt'Stion. hero i ' . . 7 ' iri R reriain fitness, if one must be lent pren'iiption, that that proscription ibotild j bo in a tlriit Iniigungr, but thil la abont nil that can bo said in behalf of classical' drug-nitu dcrs. T'lK (jEMI.tirY-S It is no very com mon tiling iu the world to meet with men of pt-obi'y; there are, likewise, a great many nu n of honor to be found. Men 6f couiagi , men of soysc, and mcu of letters are frequent ; but a trae gentleman Is w hat one seldom sops; Jte is properly a touiiuiutta t toe w.ri.tue euui nuinia that cmbeluh mankind. As the great po et tuiiinates all tbe different parti of learn-, , lug by t4ie force of his genius, and irradi-, eattiall the c mpais of his knowledge b(. the lustre and brightness of his imagina tion, so all the great and solid perfection! ; of life appear in the finished gentleman , everything he says or does is nccompa. nied with a man net, or rather a charm, that elic'ts the admiration and good will , of eyery beholder. Ilontce Greeley's little by who attends aii up-fowii si Tio6t,"wttr tett'the truth any way yon can fix him. 'J'he other day tho teacher spelled out the word "g r a C e," and asked the young mm tn prononneo it. He gave it up, when the teacher, t, refresh bis memory, asked him : What did vour father sny this morning before enting breakfast 1" The boy thought a minute, and finally said : "Pa sad d m these eggs,. they're rotten." ' '( The wii,id U unseen, but it cools tho brow of tbe fevered one, sweetens the sutnmei atmosphere, and ripples tbo sur face of the lake into Bilver spangles of ' beautyT So, goodness "of hcaft; though ; invisible to the material eye, makes Iti presence. fcltj anil from its effects upon surrounding ebects we are assured of its existence. .'.... . A learned 4jhyaictdt announces tbat the lobe will stu.pnrt life 20.000.000 yeara TofiWf itrirtiT. mtno- r . ... -. would support life only 25;999,00O yeara andll BJO.fths longer. , Like i morning -dtvain, lifo becOmea more bright too lonfffrtwe live; and tho reason of it everything becomes more fcW;.W hat poaaUd us 4)t)(1trtsffoensg less mysterious,, and tlie crooned pains look straighier as wo approach the end.. Sponge paper, a 'Frenclr noreltrTta snld ! have ttlf tbo peculiarities of sponge t . . . j-. . . t , a dressing for woiinds with' cone,iderabl ailvaiitage. For its fabrication evenly otid" -frttely dividod-epongfr ttdded-t-oordi nut v paper pnlo. and this ii worked", as t- , ' ' . i in tin coiiiuioii pauerriiiuKiug apparatus, into shoots of different thickness. A ton cent dog with'it fift' dollar em broidered cover is an essential item in the outfit of a New York dandy uow. A candidate f.ir the position of school teacher in Alabama recently replied t a (iin stioii bv one-of the examiner. I'TDo U-ou think-lho World is round or flat ,bjr Lsa ring, ' Well, some t.eople tbhik"one war " ''""' fnm0 n"0,'"'r I ""d PI' teach round m 'iSln "Tf'M'T'ia- ' A .A Fierichma,, who bad l.nrd.aaed at eoium v -l w as c-uiiplaiiiilig of the Want nf birds in iii- ' minti 'tet som traps,' said an i.hi otiic i. 'ami ibey'H come. I was once in Afi Fi'p, and there was not supposed to he a Woman within two hun ,n tu'iriy in i'- ri ... ,,,.. ",..., . w v null dn - diuiles. I TVilng a pa',,- ..f , ng. ... . " ' ' . . . ie. - l v tj.racej.'t on a l:, e one niglit, and lii-nejt nn.rniiij ' "found two women fan- der--tle5 branchei.' Josh fl;I!ii.g ftyslwo old ruaid kjss iiig puts him in iitTiid of t wo old flints try ing to ttrike fire. " i ' i - , . aDsoi mnjf watsr reaaiiry wnflHrfomaininjf .. , molTfti lougmeIt has beetj used a( Nt

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