' 1 'A ... -v t'T,.V;v ; ' . V ;.y..:. i r H fifty" vr-t' . --1 SALISDUUY, N. 0... MAUCI1 3. 1871. NO. S). , 1 I nYI)jt!I.J .. -V " t II ' .-, -ni.li fiirr . . . . . !- . ?T . ... i . . . " " " ETA OD LXHSXl Y-nTl. To KtyrttrtUle. I; bore' vk Wr, l rrlfrui.'.t. "" tlokou rr.n WrlA j11pVT!.totUu,l?:7 rrLirila. tA. CH A KLOTT M VIA ?JIH)R0. TO Mriaitiirtn. . CUATUAkt U.U. TO KAVKTTKVll.LbAM WWTKKN K U : SbUin 1UII Kl aHtr tmin frm nflrr .- i.. j - .. j. Tig it SjmcI ii r 1 ..,.M 4i lliutt IVlTsfA:"lMc VitvTi 8ptt. 17 tf Contrmlor. tlXTI-NTI'riKT PRIZE SEOUUW.IIDKB. Tbr rcl Southern Tiaiio Mannfactorv. Wm. IXnabe & Co., ' nrrtcTvrn 'T Orcd, Sqtiire and Uprlht PI A N 1 H 'V S . i B.UTIM0KE. Mtl. Them In.tnimenU ln ! '""' 1 1,1 1 r f'" ' nearly lain. r- nl -.n H'i x.rlirn.r . ala. ,iuiri..l aaanixir f"' .mn.e.l.ul. v T U N I ". ramhinirrlH... r .-.!. t .l lirr . npnn iaM. a v.. a.t.t.v f ',""''.' ' ." JadSecti.r.tf"" r(."i'' "' - 1 1 l'r t o i; c n la pliant an.leUxt,- .mi i-I rv'j frcr fn.m tLe .tiff- IN VVOUKMAXSHIP thT re uneqinlt'l "" '"'" x,,y ' ' ealiMd mate-ial tl- large oi.:i..i r.l n-.,i:r bulaw.ni.hlMiiUk-l titiuall) '' nioior jork oflumlier limol. til ..f ..in -or ir ii i i i kcriiTr l l.'l i.. i i ute it?- wmi'il ' ii'1 -I1 imiirui tuicnU in Mm Cixnj I' tent' il 1 nit i t l, I'l . v - t 0 - '.I I I I t-t U IS'-fl. "l.!-'li Lr.i it I tlie l'ino ncirer in' t-it on nun n'.1" Leery Piatjo F"i U'trr:it''fr l "f Ynti-t W. I.-.V. m.,tr -.rmnfeiM-i I f-r tl ' ?W Wl are Airenri- fur tlrm-t . f I r' 1 rl ."" '' ami SlrLoPKiN. wl-i ' iio.e,.e Baltimore, Mtl Rept. 9-3f! r,m. SOUTn CAHOUXA. t r.,.(,i,,l.,.',l,rt. Davihron I'oi stv. S To all Whom it may coxrn N..t;c! i 1i.t.-1.V uivi-n t'. it I I'll . t .it:.... 1 1, t ... !i nun. mi 1 1 ill t- IPI1U HV III I dHT of Maid, ld7M- Ink- t.-.l....nya.Ml acertain wh are the m-M -f 'r'" 1 !","" mi C- Criiini' iheaeil. l ite nl I'.n ."" I'.illlitT' Alan t tali.' till liccollllt 'Jl in PatHieinthe hiiml "I ;;,!, in:Mr;tt. T " . j ll ,.n inleli :tfl. Hl'iy her. !lt- aim urirr o.. - cud with their -iJ-,;;-KiJOHNSON.. Ju.lu'e of rn.liiiti' f..r Dilt iil-nli ' ti'inlj. Lexington- X- C. Jan- 1'- prJt&Az . Tim Table Western W- C B. . TAKTK FFFF.CT .:.Tlt SKI T. 1-70. iv'n xevAT. i;im; kaT. irrire. J.t-nve. J i l ire. .' rr ! 5,i i' si H 'JS ' 7 VI " ti 13 - 5 at1 1 in 4 on ' .1 Ii) 03 AM "T 6 55 1 ! 'I'll ir it 'I.-.-K, ' Maiiyville. .. . f.it.iw Iia Sl'a " .'e'i'ii. link .iy. . " IimiiI tlnrirr. uton. , ftfi.' on liter. ! .M.irinit. -iTtt't1"-rnt?' 7 ' fi -2H " b .Ifi " 1 Ml " 4 ir .1 "SI " 1 4 -2 tut t7 I' .0 ' A Ml 9.45 in nn 10 25 It IU (ll 15 11.6 -oil9l4 .i?..fL fJT Ito.afat.nu ."st..-rat Mute.vil e. rt-iia. 1870. 3S-tr BARBELS HOTEL, .mail i'oixt. N.-c. 0 prOS ITE It A 1LR0A D DE POT: -TeWpaces from where the Carsjtop. Beat of porter in attcmUn.- t Mail hW tor Sa'em k-e tin. loe dally. Paier. d..tcl.ed to an y poiut at .liort notlc -hT Private ennvev. ere. tirateful for tl.e lit eral r.tronir. "1 tl.o p kop aTiitrri't;plioa tleant of 5rnet. la Btcrlta eoirttnnanre n'yjr JM. i:Hf( " ' PropHetnr. CAN THE CRAVE IF IT C.X'7eill on the' fni.rri Wr l.ef.ne the la.t traee of il hii llilip'.'.iivil. ninl get one .f hi. Cheap. Jtiirul'le and Hauilume MtiUUIIient. I'.enl.. -r Ilea tle. at prt 1 ee,tbat arrJrf et'litin - - " ' V " A ll kinds .f m-i-V-l ' " "r k r"l"','l I" lr' Or.lera..lieite.l ,ti:.i 7 n .ti..t ly . t e.i.le.U to. Call and exuftiine h' ..ik and bear l.i - n.ta.iHr iM.ft.whMviiitf-olw-'whe'f- atiffarjion I - , KUamoltreu. ; ,f" tf- - Yard ue.-trly opno.it the JNO. 1I.1I. I . ' jao-a-3in sjhl,,lrLi-L Soulhern Land Agency rruM)S' wi-ntx t ptnti..iw m 1 1 ...VJT-:.. H...ill,.Flll,, ll.Ml. l I l' V ilTll- ?.lr: . . . . . r. , M..I tr. c "' 1 1 1"-.-. tiUVon prl-e a-'' - f. JHI rtrrai fjriUwvri-4tt m, t t I are it MltWfnW1 M Vlt t i-V1" Y v,.(-.l,.-rr t'n" r Tr- t . RemovallA, Stocktcn Hitnrjiinn-T-ii-, . . -v . . . 11, ,. I Inrnmrtiuni . I .. rw. .tin 1 1. -,l.. . .i .r 1 ill r I I k, I- tl. f-ariiiiae. l.f' fce-wi.r.P p.-'! 'eJ- aUlii.oUpW..rfeiir. 11 "! .!' Utc bt od tvry.'e t troi.V.f yrict t aatHria rwtr3. - ' TI min of I J ttt MH4lnl ant uiMwinrw UkrM tut itiwMmaiMMH, tkMirli fleer) US if HMUll imd im t ywirinl mirr, imh. limf llrrnliig Willi l. ilk lain, uillL rxvrn. im uf mmmrr. oiKMHlnl wiih iwlhOil rr (l HHl4imMn llli M'dla lo hv Ix-rn dm. Ontu HiilHiiiiig of wrkm. dclMliir, iid t iiilll. . boinniiitr. kn.1 at otliir tiitim vrrr l' nf it hi 'r lnl Ut lirr U irilnrmlljr (l.ff orgin mot lnrolvi-0 Curr the Lirrr with MI.HMM0SS?. - LlVI.lt IM MIMTOR, in-i:iriiii( n of nxit ami Lnlmirrjiittnl luU tii. ilv i i.liil,!- ami inn !o no Id I "fir.""f "TiaVfafh iiaftfyyWllitlliiK w-k urlMl.lv, n.tl n no no injnir iu lor Hi la-l VI vrar one 01 me nnm rriiauir, tXwM Hill aiiJ IiaimloM HTwrulioii evrr of lr,.l lo ihv nilInii.K. Jl liiktii n julart and iM i-i-i. mlv. ii i ntr lo cure If IlKriM'twia, . i IjimmluTnotivnie,!) k 'x-ailarlir, olironio iliarr- fijra,a IUm Uwia of i lir U1-li-r, i'aiui l.iilrry, nf- 1 r a u a v r, u XLtfolator. Ui ikiim ol 1 1. 1; kiiiuvv! iiwrvoifiuw, ililll. ill iv m rt'tftp-4im,'-tinornT f iH Wowit, 4rt holy, or ili'irvrioii of iiiriis liinnliiirn, itdU, oi iiain in llit bowiN, I'liiti in the livail, fcrvtr h'iI nttur, ilinv, Uiil, .ii i n in llw Ijirk, l'rvwud only J. II ZDUN & VQ ,. . lrugil-, Mai on, lia. li i.f. SI ; l r mail $!'2.V r or .ulr l v 1. F. K M IT & t . IVli '2 1 1 Siili..ur.y, N. C. ilje lb Xorllj Stole pi'nt.iKiicp wrrKi.v nv l i: w is ii a i : s . llililnr mid I'ropi ii tor. 'iiiTtxir i in in ii fix Osr. Ykii. ii.iy il.lt-i u ail iht -i.'llHi Six Month. " t Jupit-N In i siihlrH () Colli.. to ime kIiI i-.- A'fti of Ah'iin.t I .M 12.50 .'O.IMI ij'liire. ti rt init.'nn.ii.. . ., J I . INI tell nil li'.iiiiiiil iu.-ei ti'iii jO I-',, Sl.'ril H..iL'f ill I"- .'Ii n'm'ii ' n r n III liiyln-r t li.i It tin- iilmve liilr t 'niiil Mini J if li " t lnlei ill J. H 1 1 'If li eil .it -the si:ne late Hlli .iilii'i ailvi'i ti.-v lil'llT. I ) i,ii.iry nntii-es. over six liin-. rlnugiil' '"insTlt.uT liAlr..-. --- IBPACE. V 1 iiiiire. 2 Sipim-i S. :? Siini!f 4 Sijii.t'es. Cnlii'i'ii. j, C.l.in :i. I Column- .".o""-?.-! 75 .-)iHi.4-:.n ijl.-ioo , ; :(i c. 25 n 50 I a -2 iki fill i !im l.'oo'-oon :tiniri H00 II 00 I5 00 25INI ;7..")0 1 1 on k; ti i 20 no :jo oo 45 ro l.- in 21 oo :to on 45 oo 75 oo "-00 40 00 50 00 eooo iuo.imi A rUNKRALSKKSJOX. It i' pa ii! llal oi , ci .1 in hi "f mw'II enn iieriiieiice'iliril, m il ihe lt. v.T. K. I i--flier vv.i u.-ki ii f.Viieiuli 1 In- liiiiiTiiti'i'itlii'li ., mtn who nhlmr the liintling t.f pen- ,,e, either ilw.d r ulive, exc pi m dig"i ii, ,1 iiml pl.ii'i l.u gu.'ie, hii.I ll.enoi.lv Inr nieiiM W hilll lin y iirtMilllv pin-in-M-fil. m ii.-ri( f. im' mi rltit liit-Ii lin y ini-ri l ht tn Imvf pi km H-i (I. The fiiei.tln f :l,e lli ti iiM-il L'i'l tip ll fl it" Iy fall. nil Thi'V innrl hiivi- h inl-a'M niK tlnil Ih- coiii.e ni'ulit "t be pmil niioip e- ititnrh. lor ihev ini p.irifl'i'nme lliiinilMlipt hendini: mid nine in " hit h imthilig ii Tqr.TTrstffir-.?mr-TmpjrPt.,.al n feivjil itiiiigiiiiiiinif ii nil iiii nniiliriilgi j ilictioniiry eollld compile, ui.d rln ?e the liillKletl In the mtnirlfr lie'eT.Tf1Wr Tlu Trtoptr. They w ire merely, intended f r lioni., mid ro the tiietid were tilled with roiifiteriiiiiimi w Inn -the nitni.ter stood up in ihe pulpit ntid pioeeetred t'n rend oil ihe union, odd. ui.d ehd in glni.tly ric- il ..i d in a loud voice ! And their con t.niniioti olilifl('d liKI-eltificiiliotr whemt he piiu.ed at ' ihe (Hd,iiinti-iiil.tted llie iliiiliitiidi: n Heciively, and tlieii mid im pvei-rively : The man would be u fol w Im wjiuld Uy'tii-addjniyijiiiig in i ilmtLei u pi ay Hark Tuuin in the Xuvcuib& Guluxj. ----- - . f ' , ' VKTr'D lUIKXPS. '1 wilt tlwt 1 iejidt' JiiJiL ",1 '' "(joi.il hiiiiil! li.)" have :,-; rt plii d ll.e e .unpliitnei V mnti r. "Fin Miie 1 hitveli't lut!f .'i irt'inv, and lllii.e 1 have are Inn t in help-hip." i 'tlitiii our fii g. i.. my boy." Jjenti'w l.n.Ui A ii'i hi hi i "i- rt i: Imi d. 'Coiini Ibiiltib. ami idj " ' I iiave - iheie ine ten," sTiii'iri.TiitC ' Tin jiTan ty"y.ii bate mil g..l leu iMu.d trTTnt iihb- lo In-lp yon ! nil in life. TlV li ii ll n.e f lel.ll. tl" in- t ..- i .- . i i: .1 I... ii.... I.... ioi e ten in pin i ii ii i ou i j; .i.i I., i .. ... - cnue ult do l.tiF'et "fiTiy" In lp Iioiii- eie." An exi haiis'' '. ilntt .TI bol Inr i up plii d l" I .mi . b'. ii ii! ma! c le ni w a- i ipnaf. L'-l il In I' hot a ill"' liitilif will 1 1 Hr iih" nit t j'ii . i.pli-d witit m .wab and drvi.i-g i ' ttti'liie. '1 hep. ra I11, n in. y le Cj nifd Iwoorilii.e Inn-. . '11 1 iu jj-ihe ii.li 4 ti ec' f.sn) . ! tnke. Ire Mirfiiee ft- lie lea. Inr quilt "hat it." So Hint it wimi' b'i gt r a- w. II ac k. p want- 1.1.1. 1: j r ft' . il j l' lopt..iile 1 Ii in I..i -w4-tIi r .lint g-4nwnn r paie the toll, l.y lairing, a lli'V will .1,.,. Iii r. me lif.ne ll.iV ate will, d to wear M.iUjUVfa--,i-'',,f,cc. aa long tboe unprrpuSed. A UK WANUK.!.0 JKW.-, , A rumor toiw fnu a vilUg Mr Anl wrtf I Lai lU biiMj VaiMU-rit( J' baa LtH-M Hr U ikai M ljl.l'rtlMHl.' 1I U njitnl aa Uvh j i-J rj'dl through ll ntaiki I I-I..C-, a. J an bavii.g In ib iMiirkina '4 iIm w-iliow IJr Mi a f. W Wh Ja l t cbiUrww, w ktf, bwUrf iliarr ibrif tiNlhbMa, Wl fi.lluwttl in bia Mth. 1J waadirw.1 ii worn and aiijf KiiiiKiiH, raitb-4 a Inj tff.ai.d iih lik fuan biaiil rlifaoiii. ia lb m-J, r.t U U P i.-niaori lint lli ! Mll'd illajffta ttuaa lii(;l. Who.i l.r imuaiil and ajM.bc lu ib lliil.ln n In- l.ltl ihriiT t.V ' .MH'k ami ni hil in I'm "m .iJ.Ii-ll.t urw lul. r h.tdaiU i n in Kuii.pi', bu wuiil i biinK Li lnimn, llolhiml ai d o Inr tfi.Mi.lib a m.iKr l.ia '.iv. ibut mai.r rliill W t tcie.ittiiJ.-e- i a,wwkl-t-4t l .....1.1 I... Li ... IIj ImI.,it m ail, .vi v . vi.".hi ' m i . i on. . lion. l ua to hka i.aiuv lie n lli.l, j llic tl.mtll. hmI Mi-lM.ff tin. pron Snk IB.I lo khr. -I lirU.U..ll-V-laJi iuaifl UJm.ii l.ia Uktu a f.ri- in the imrt I liall U- in ili tlni-k.- Una l.i ailal.lt, i.ff.i.d llm :i-k1 lulnr.-. l uiil lU rk.l liM Ull 1 j iU4ii, anil iiurf aiiivu llicy am alumal --Ik tlw irili hmn wilj ' - 'U "fi ""J ."'atUbl)- 14afi1iraNia. ilH.i, iIhii waving it ImkJ iwrawl l.rti, LaU-ljr a frty u( ihrm cmuio vi-r lb tin rLildrvM and ironuittJ iia i.I.kI.I.i g Hwi aul U timbrd I lie ui.tlf. l'aiaMi Jht ii iMiit ol IUU niiinmai.lL- i uiu " ' . . . . I in ' Hiidi iii.j; J. ar Inw caunil glial cil. UK ol i.nio. ill"' Im lii'Vi-r" in lUu Jo-iM-l.it, imd llir liu Ii of tin rloiy i ft Uir ,, ll sl.nul II. Ijitllll. 'III. Ilfc.l.ll ol'I.I.UoW.I I irV"U"' IIilWll lU.IU jlUf. f r . .. i i.t i .i. ..I ".i... t ... .i I .J. i l.i. hull ll ri l ill-., viut.n i , , .i I..... r....l.n...U Hi lit i- V.U" in .Ii i i,or 1 1.- mi i It ui.nl I ! tiutu l liuiniV M.HH.U c. iiiii f. oiitinauil in ih - innliiii- iitfi to. I ran l.u nun il Lack I" lli. I 'liioi.it. I I liu Ablii ) at M. All-in.., H lilt ll Mil. ll pilll HI tl Clll.li.iU) ll ! 21.ll- iln M I'.it Ii. 1 liii thlonill.' hIiiii.iLmI ill lih .1 tell.lii. Alhlilehop if Atuiil.M ,M. j i t nine In Knj.hi...l on a lH lo ci t ti pl.ii'i., mill While l-l j tying ll" boa piml.iy I I I.f AM.ey in Si. A.liiii', mm It iiiln r rtiuiige rimi a n t-itetl thai il.. ie n h iintn i. nun it J..M h litiig in A i im i it l.u I. .nl . i.i.i f,-i il in ii in tlx Inn. 'J hi iiiiii iiiiliniliy i.itli.l I ..II.I- I I llill-. ..." I '"lfl III J'l ! ' I If. . ,1 ll l it. I.I- .IP I 'l jilni; III I.I Ii.. il llli-ii'.l' I lln I in k, -n i r. "t ' rti : mil I..it liu- ; nt k I. in u.i I. b ' I . I i." "ll l. u k "i. I'lin m . Ii i. mil, I ..in l'-. i l.'in i V fii1 Tk i. ' ll M I If t Hi. I. I '' I ' . i'. I.., I ii v i - i . ! ill f inlLrliM I "I , i ' I 1. 1 A -il 1' .it.i ill a an I. i; iUtb ku.i44Utinl tJijil'ltu'Ul -tt--n -f- . ..i .: ... .i ,.. . .. , . 1.. i.'Ai no .in ..... ill. I n't: l ..pMiiin ..: 11 mil lelln ; ,, ,, i i- l.i I" ihe ..! -. II- i itii.rilil ii-.il ii'-- 1 .'III'' w J" A Ii.imh I li. 1 .ii. ll lln.t I-' w.i i" h linlbe; W l.u .n l.i k I...... .... il..- '-..tk hI..I. on ihe .i I.. ; t, Cf"l"i.lh.l III' p.nlll "I'll' peli-i'ti li- ' miiT. il i a Lilt n , ! i.Im. ill lio 'ii nl i.jf.., W illl lung li.i' ling" g " lo li. rlionlil" I, !" ' "tl wiiin g il li.-ii.ge Kirltiiiie. Von.i li g " I 'iillm lii'tirii, - town li.iil.Utt lo lie ki.i i , ili.ll M Im g iniinlle Ih ttli g ib.wn lo ht llfl. 11" .i.-lv- i.nl lll'lll, In ihe -IX-.iii lli.. I. el. In I55 the V.ii.ilei ing J w ,l l. ill. ll ill ihe Xelh. ll.li.il, unit hi tune ntil the Sp n Uh -Uttgttwgi': A lew y. i. iHler ihe Wnnd. i ing .li-w Miilieil nt "5liilt.nnig, ninl going l I' ire- tin V.Mgh- trull i. ll. loiineil lli. lit Mull lit- IniiJ Vlriltfil the ciiy jnl iwo hundietl 5eu1. Ltb.re, which niali-ni. t t. il if a.serii tf a. prov ...I 1.1 he lint bv a I. ten nee l.i ibe tt.wn n einil. lie in XI- a Imldin lln Vel Indie, and again in Fiance, where. In IfiOi he eaiiKid cou.i.leiahle .1 nalinii, In ptt-M'ice In in; iit-foinpMiiieti by de- lii.'ilif liiilllfiii.e. vii "" .. . nil ii.iUviihiitl chiiining l.i be I he Wiii.iler injr.J. tt ii;jMinui in Ui iim 1, unit I," M l J k ... .I -J'J l .I . -7 J liiAJtIQf3!j'.!.tTl c"tntwm people He, now- 1V1T hull fliall".'.! 1 lie iM.iiiii.it ' . I" riTTT . . iVLTi I . i vr '"mrnnr hia h,.racnr anil c.ille.l hiui.eU l.ac Uib.uwTi.M J' g'i',lm!,'''!;,,M.lll!! .ill j.-c-t of llUllieloli popular uaii.mr 11. nif 4ifi'. ieiil languages' 'f Europe, and alt-o of poem., tale ami novel, 1' .li.lingni.li.'il am Inn It "iaV fnMie bV rina"iktr.rihiir tlii cm ions uil"h M'tui-- to biofii igii'lt ed in that pge of ibe guapel of Si. John, itM-iity lirvt elntpu atidAlueiiiy spenud erXe, her-Jen rays ol john, lf 1 wrll tliai In lrry nil 1 emue, wltat ia I Iwi t l lln e I Ibllnw ijmu me. Then Welti 1 Ilia enjii g abroad among llit-biilh-feTnllUTTlli tiblljilellr.HUL-UiL(liiiJ ' i I V Z-&iy2ilatiAhi Ledger. Tit a 'Adams Familv. Tlie Meinpbi .t pp. al ..iy : r --r" iVihiipa iioliyTrp-TH-rigtlinil Iet.rt4i-Hr I I - t . . ....I.I..- 1. ..1 11 111. in .11. on I lie M he i.i;:i a nl Ain- ..i n-.ill l.-ini t n.ni lh.it ol .joliil Ad iinn-. A1.1I it . 11 luaiKitliie llnil 00111 m boh, L .1. John Q iiocy. and hie griiHtlenii, Ulniilci l-'iMini. ami in gte-'i gnim sou John ..ii.i v. Jr.. me M ry Iml hi inli-ii.ii. - --vir'"'--fi.A:-t;,:'ili---itii..t't"-ni.i.l -l.i' 1 tin gieai niiu' " j lelli final rliiiii-S" winch etince that lu: ia the 1 qiwl, it not lb" e"! l'or, of l.i lather nt ii In giai.dl.illri r. IlMwi-.t r tli.la.ffi till. he ..uib-Uai upluJLinj! ol Jolm (Jnii.i-y AMatun may ham been In Imiiicr 401 1, w" never ' cotrl i ileny ibh.-r In gifai nbiliin."1 thai be sin. it h..lul f.uh .1 1 be cliauipi'.usiuUhe iglitpil lint an .. l' . ...'a.i.if i.l. nr. I.. tt-aaam lil ',...'.,..1.1 of .'...ion- A.nnrwottl.t lint iim.id, . " ell 11. Ill gein iotl. now lo ilenv fillier ibe gnat giiiiiill'allN'r, gianil l .ll.'rt, lalher or .on, lln: tneiil ol Ueiiig 'riat'en.nnp-TKi-- jmU.bc iiiH-iiy.- Thir i id,, tii.rr g'l'liii.g met it ami cbaractvr- ilit: ol liii ln ..li .That, virile wliicli de look lo teciecT alolte. trusted iu a desert. A K10HTINO lYSOX.; Kol rtrv iM htm IntMrr la i littl rJiliv calh-J lk Ovi-r.r ilnlMKl.ai KUctMl Cuarcb, rrr wlmaa eonfrrj. IMai l'rM lifff anutrtmiv .ii.U. VfiintX U a ! 19 frar. I lit lrd, but urvrr land i4 dti ai tif nnt t U wijliljf. Tu (H iorr4 I'liur?!), g.Krrall knoa n Gri llorvr,' aiauil in a K'tt vf rl (t, aiil lu a u. kail Im IVni)Uai.u atol ie-lMll in Ma r) lam) ll.al I. iho t'l '4tuanii Hi, .fti'i line Tin" II I tfl'fM IV'iVr.t U,l LmUiiig qiialljr: liti4.-il L- --r iIm iwii buira. .VlH-nrvtr hie U a re hal tb utigixll fioitt tin Minilifin vitlr ol i Iim Ime (unit nvi-r md an J rIt Cain WMaT jliv fiihlnl. '1 !- tunjirgal' m tout I he d""r ami i'.uu val-rulln, and t l-jr iwrar ami rut tip gi ti fully lik (mrlriitt 1 llirir nUililloiia Miatu lltr tuunc Uilir ol ' 1 1 it In. -i uwn, ami rolling up bit plot.ea, blli pi- biurlt m ..llo. Voting ik-ii ! If ilw tf. mm her dpr- ilnU aoiii.il lioni mining nr ili't. imla. ti u in ., anu III nil" iianio iitv put ll bimljili i.ilj IMiilI.W a Pn ! Oil iJ..irim ur .iin,JW bmiwa, ' "! pi-'V br Utur ujani.ii., tor Li-tier luaniifi.,' or tJ Ja VMHt. b.iyiiig a hicli he prnceided wltli Li t. i itioi , a iiiul a-dify ing dicm.e.. ! t In it lu.iuii'iil the noi.v ngain li-galt.-An autiilile .wear i f the Iiia4auafaua4e h.lnl ihe iin.ih wt.h ti. hatl tulnr,' aid iMtifi tlihir HorliiijH-r to al'lnk '"Within lln inn Ivt with Iniiior , l'ai.nu Giegji lanm dnwii oiilnl. ihft in.li.ir in a aiule i.t nitli-t Mire. lle liHik ll In. i-iii I ninl iiiini: il otn the tlniiiol i t ill. in.. I ili.-ti He., I l-.r tiii.ao wuaiu i i-i-, i.i.lv one i l hum he tu- J ' i I I"1 - Ii '' .. I.. t llMHili.J Ulilllil l lie pill till. I - ci. ll. .li. 1 1 1 ill he li..rl il rUli.-f .c- i 1- .,., it e i li re I. pi n the ll.iil .1, , .,,1.1 ii-, In-cm. i i ji i,n lln inl oHl ii. n I. . ..i In ii . I lln III .ill, oiil J.m l'.ie tllo , t In-Ill ll.' Iiitid Mltliotllil i.i I gl.lff. I'.!!-!.!! U gave li iih" .TigVrfr-rm t.i "fT.':."Tif it mill il lo .. Ill I'll. J nil I loin K hell lie nl limine :- r unu ol' I n.-T.. a, nl !i - i. mi llil'll If Mi! I M to Iii J nlpil ! - i M , lil'iil . I a,,y ui 'ii'- J I c V ill in ll -THE UEST All iti.t.lili rAiDiii:i:iu: - iu si: i him.; uf i ut A h in r f rod) ll.it if t" ibe Xt Yolk Hi milt; d..n 0 h in.l , t-i' A gi iiih niaii lioni U..m:n, wlm arrived Ime i.-dii, I. Iia a teryiham ing aim) nl ihe engagi nt in In.ht of Ana. ihe 111 her day l.eiwe. 11 Faiilbi lbe' army and the i'iii..i.ni. lindt l .Mairtrnffrb- Ileeat'i M I1.1. been Ibmigbl.. llno'iigliout the whole l'in.iau aimy that thu Mobil., km W iiolliing btit lo 1 iVn," "I'd the Frt-tit'll ,iie loo i II avt aie ol ibi current 11 port. Faidheilf look mlvaiitage l the repunl lioii nt l.i .Mi. Ill .011 the .ecnn.l day nl lln tijiht in' I la "ire: lie CHU.ed ihe la ... .. 1..., .1 ,., .1 ,.li 1 1,.. . inii.-eil lli rli ol I iiiii lie p"- -.i he paii.ii d black, niid the lnl.iiid an Tuict-8 .The ihe Mi. bill lo M.ibili a lo he 1 r giil.ir .nliliei of ilrir tarebf-Mi the con tiiiiyt were l.l.gn,li ll a. .iliioil.'., anu iim Uftiernl, niter ptniing -tlii J'eisc upu hi cu uiiiinid, im tin tl Iii Ime nf buttle w iiiiibn Mi.bile ter.ilulle in the front, a iih ihe ImiTni serve tn .itpin.i t thu .-xigencies of any euiMgtipsy -The bal lie jlroi-frtleil, (be Trur 'shiri ur wii,n reeking ihu Mobil?., iu- thliwip . r it,.. li itiuni.l U .lie li. tiiiiHtiir a wniul leceplioii, and Ciirelully iiviiltliug the .pin inu Mobiles dirguieU.us Tur:,",i who are very iiiho.pilable to lh inruderif. 'I 'In emiHi niit iiee was that the ffiMieucy af the ntuiy wna greatly augatei.ted -the b.ree npreHepd-pMlling iine eupinyi mi.H a inure C eVftmise Wa ellt'iloy I'll in .liijltuowil if labriu boue, in the f i4tin,u ab-ge bf Tfoy, , . .. .,4 i " v - ''-.'t . .aw- fe.'-e15- - SEI.F!StISi S8.-Live lor some purpose in ihe world. Alway net iHirpail well. tH mpbo inaure t.i dty tL 1 !..,.'.J.n.'i t nni s,.ve s.i. Viiti .ball b: ini.sed tv ill, .tirrow w Fit 11 ) oil are g.ne. MTtTTT imle. nt our specif re living in such a , llih ma.iu.-rlbnbi:y arr i,l bkely In he 11 im inleri il alter lb. ir tiiiipeiliance. TheV leave U bind lhlni rvitrcely any tra ce, of iheir existence, and are f.rgolteii aluwrt as bruSU ibvy, bad Wyerlivea,- Tbey aie, while lli"- I've, YA.n stmir peb ble lying iinobj-citcd unmng. a inillion on the sjioie j and wlieit t uey uio :ney are like thai Miiebbl' IliiHwn iiuo lliesea, iTtrfcirjttst'fibub i inigol leu, wi.l.uiit being ..,i.ed li ami from tnebeich. Tiny re ml l.ei regtetlrtl Dy a ' a I lie itch, wanl.ii i-y 1 in- poor, nor ct leor- led I.V the learliiil. no lias Off 11 tup - 4k.Uerf.r tlr.tr Jiii-i iiif 'Ucai have .Ihev diinl ll I ln.su wains im.jurj ...ppli.d t W hose .tnispry iiave iney in ai , Who" wotdd unbar the gate of life. I re-i.iltutl tli- n to exb.iei.ee ? AVretrb vAf H4tpnlneiie u'M,,r f - risl'eiiee J bt iti.-tms. Slis urreae ; ,it Lcasiitm i,.-:, itft--I UtU lUS uia aio goiiu . , fRrtMU-JL:T'-T -v : i. V d U uol be L, n po,UonKib: stuuteaifi.b, , . .itti.craUlc.Lru. ... T11K RtU COLO II OK TUB AURO- KA pOKKALIS. j XI r. Daniel K. WiwJtr vtitr to rdirnr ol t La Taraulo Olota a appnaiiion an ilia eaiua of the A?p ltd tolor of tLe rrtcnt t)ilijt In llmt tciLa of ilia aa rora. lie tai l t - ' ' I fiud iiMj.cat!oii thai tha tti liclil U du to tl.aa tMit.ii go of ilia polar UgLl I lira a airaimn of nnnuti ly ulvil-tl tuctroiie inittii-r, ju.t aa tha rv. ol .nnlieht ai i-.if rtjl IiitiJ-t?li.Jf ",ll?titi iiimfj.!ii liMili-tt Yttu aronkp. J hla coiieluaimi la iiartUlly confiiiuid l.jr eipi riiuful iiwde by mjrat-ll an ilia crming 4 WcloU-r 21 . Ott I Li ocrawkiu tba brijrhl red light waa aiiccM-di-d hy lliM Itauat graj mUl nf fit. Brit rajMir, wbiih inrrra.i'd in den.tijf to t tetr ttiui.ttalf itfit. Fi l ling auru lliat tlii. di-iiae mailer tuit.f b lallm to the iarFi, I at once itoiouI.ljr rU-ai.cd a .la lya.and 1 1 poped U in au tlt-vaivd poi Lni. AlUTntie boar I t-xu wined tbet-i-Mfpt-d uit'ac with a powrrlul aiitroacnr. ml wa 4i lighted tr 6nd thai tha slide bad reerivid ttld'rtTaitied tiundrrdt of mII bodiel Nniforai in aiaa wnd appear hhcp, and cayy' t?if lhigi-jh'dj from the dual and mhir oliji-clp uanallr foand in jltw' atrmwpln ta.. -'i'lwjr MtM IpbeiicAbJUd,?. I.t, ftrmfjr aftachetl to thelar, and about 1 6000 h i.r ail Inch Tn tliameter, or about iH -ball ihtT tlxe of tba human led blood git. bull-. What are there little Indie t Where and how du I hey migiuain 1 - 1 think we inny be able, puitiall at least, 10 all" war tlii-iHj l lit rtiuii. Spate, in i h n giom ' fnrorl current. ctilaily i. tilled If our own atmorphere ill a ruiihid condliiou. Now, owing lo ii i.ou.iiy, th oxygen ol air will leiaiu a tangible loiin to a greater altitude than oilier gate, and beiiix (perhaps iu ao al Inirapiit fnim) l. the ml-dinm acted lipon l.y the d.tfi-n nt fht trie curn m,' prndnc ing while Mitroi.il light. ThU i ala'aya aiiccffdid by a grey appt-uMiico ol l la rk , fiiUiH'd ly (ho productlun and con- Ueti.4iii.iu -ol Kuueon. vaoor, in iuc loruioi ihe tumuli rihoirnl bndiee which Icll np- im tl) J1LM Mill.-, UI.U WIIICII npoil IViip- muling Intel, ft ihe liieleinic luiiiinil linllir lin y nilililllll (I, to n coid in mini liii iii lln ir tluipi-una Fomething of llit-li hirlniy, i.t il pi. inl II lo tin: pniLiiLle litiirt' t. ihe nd colnr of our lute di.puy ol .nimi.t boieuli xnA ruitrmtWcf-iT i ui 'uaVw 'vjW lion ol twenty degree. SYXOPIS OF THE COXVEXTIOX HILL) ThttllaVigH Sentinel give the f.Ib.vrinrr iniiniiiitry nf the Cnveliliiitl lli I us it filial ly pitted both HotiM- of the tieiierkl As sembly : , . Thf art provide for lin election n. i hurt- day; 13 of Aptil. On the 4th of May the Omerimr i. n eomj.nre the vote f..r ami auaiiUlheoonveutioii ! mid if a anaj.uity be I. mini to In IU tarwr t tile eoiivepn u, tneu finvetunr into eoiivelie the delegate vlret on the fomih Monday ta May. The 10tj SPCtlon iletiue tlie getirritl poW- ., . .1 .1... ... -i.lj tl.u rrs ol the couveuiimi, ttuu mm - " - . f..ll wing retriclioiiS . -r It hliiill Hot tntertere w tn tlie .ninwmu. Ko court hi to be allowed to wwibfy eliatiK- i.r reverse llie decision of thirriit Su preme enurt nn the homestead. . j ( No person in the State shall be discrimin ated agaii'.t on account ef rai-e, color i.r pre vioii coiiililion. but shall ba secured in all the riirht now guitrnnteed by the libit. 14th and I5lh auieuilmetit to tha custituliou of the United States. Tuvineiit l..r loss snptained by reason of Uba MiiituipatUin of slave shall not be pro vided for. ... Payment of debts contracted in ia of tba i . .... ... ..ft.....m ltp war ia I not dp lirovtueu ter. -s. if V 'I'm PMIiS",M CIIHIIII.IVIHIIW't Shall Uol Of prot lutti i.t. The nreseut system of public schools shall tint be nholihf d. : - - - ; ' - -,. ""Ir..perfq shall not he required. . . The present ratio beta-pen the poll and prota-i'ty tax sball not bt changed. Tht mill 1ax for ordinarv Stale and coootr purposes shall not be raised above two dol- K No ordwance shall be passed of a general legUUtiWjcharacter, wtth lit atxceptioa 1,MMin naind.' "' '.p...--' 1 The eonstitntmn, when amended, shall b submitted to a vote of the people forratiB- fi..n ..r r. ifttoo-i"--iir - -- - is-lla c.aivett'ivn shall nnt irttferp with the . . , .1 :.....f -t..nllltMit r.l.h provision 1" 111. pin-rut t.u. ...... r..r a inH-hauics snd Inborers' lien. I .... . .1. . . ,iv 1 f f lie clause in u pi-.v T,mniim.," iraiiist )V -4sjit tif fS!iiiiuaiul.ff:hlcli ilil- dare that ev-ry ciuaen us- pwraniotiut ai--i letfiant-e ic in ,-t. 1ihH ant be interfered With. 4 'P.. .-.'lire the olajpnranre ot tae . an .. l,.r rrfiieliine. atiibtn. secure th faitbfiil porforiiHttice of the duties imposed upon the delegate, the twelfth tecliuU - prescribe a atriugent oath of nthce.' -; - '" f Some frw weeksagri, ymtng maa k t! .'. . tf .lH.kll .llaJ .r . I. A from tut? intiTinrM niij m.u ...v y .Wivuilinir etrt Jf 1 nfc'iftXt'w Orlean. Hbfl brother went' on tp .cpMfey the, remains hnmcbtM4aLilJ?lii.i ihe samVtTnM-asplitlitid-aHiro'y'iind then ihe father nf the two went io biing their boilie home, and Iip,i too, was stricken with the lever and died. "A funny ibiiig bttpeprd a Presby terian Cbuich ihejnbe r day.' .Tins new .team br"i''ig appatatu. wa in use lot ihe Hist-ttniP, wnaiaixpa eprvice uie lanj .-:. .. !.!.. I. tlM ar.1,. aahl i 'Thai t:.rlrfe'wiA-r.M.arat.l...ll V r:-'--- i ... - . . -, ., 1 ... 1 . rr.m Well if ll bftiwa xTi. wc shall pel til o pa-v JlOt-ltss I WJP M.UlifWW lumtiitoa of tin- i ibe reply. . ClRI0t'8 FACrS AD0UT 1871. PTULot!y liaf been H)i3rlnf it kt manae and di.eorered tba following r inatkable ftett i 1871 . ia in baa fiftj tbrea niiitaT, "bul anlf fiAy-lwa wrtk.''. Jlmover, now here timing tba (rear doea Pundaj eowta oftener tbaaonra a een day., and the ftrtt weik of the year begin a lib Sunday, and, ' da all ihe oihf r w-et-kt. Leal wa aLoald b lort In a mat tat llita, ba ciplaiut matiera by Mylnc ihat Ibe rab-udara .Cir 1871 anu i372 baw ibal ibo Ut wekit lb. 1 begin aiik Sunday, and baa a Handay following il. Now, it Would beaguiutl ail precfdenl to have two Suiiuryr come in together, tha year I67i coiiaidefulely onein on MuikI iv. and. inee il i. leap year, "Jonrlaya will oreer once in ecn daya ibt-reafter, an arrangement which, I Ii I mange bi an ay, will place 8 andar at Ihe end of ilia week" !ntejTiTat ibe begining, and thua be a complelt tlieo logical Iriuntpli for "8ertiilh Day Dap liat " ll aevuia tbat thia complication of ibe cateudar U "aiippoatd lu bate bei-n blanned by I ha Jo a a, swho, on account If tbf ir auoertor educaiion. were enlrMat- W wiih thia revhriou." Thia i what poioci of devoting Olio' giaul iutellect to hjs" at ud of aJauinac. A Life tSin Atoned for by a Life of Prayer and Ctwntif. ll i very aeldorn thai ihoac who lead a life el gilded ahame, not u HtmbUet du txne, but a the keep- pi iif-aMawaorta tie jii, ever deaceud lioui i heir gilded pedevul to et k in a life ol tx-mU-iil ntoneruent for the errora of ftlie paai. Among tho ruoat noted and fuah-1 loimlle lion.e. freuucnied by ihe fnt me n ' ana women 01 tne perioa, was 111c one . . ?i .1 . kept by Jane McCord, iu a street not a mile from Fifth Avrnue, which was fur nished in a palatial style, with furniture injporled expressly from Paris, at a cost ol nearly If 100,000. Tlie carpels, mir rots, ilrc, weru the mn.t costly thai mon ey could pioctite. Iu '.hi house Jane In Id high cari.iviil. 1 1 appi-nis ufler lead ing this life tiiiiil a vt-iy Jut -j day, J 'lie, Hi. ii r llie ililniiiiili.l'.ion of a tvt 11 know 11 Catholic clergyman, whose eloqttent Ap peals and solemn warnings had at length the ir desiitd effect, determined to abandon her career of sh.iiue. Wo now lind the giddy wniuan 01 ihc woilj and ibe leader ol the demi-nwhdc leat ing her splendid home, and ptiucely income for two small uwnaig.rA , f il'. ail m. iml selling litr liotis.', furniture, jetrel and ni her adornments, valued at upward ol Sl'JOO'J, .mil diBtiibuting U'C eniiie lii" e'eed, in tegular installment, to I lie d;f It 1 mi a.plutns and otUw.IusiitiUions of meicv. linder the (Juurdi.tn.liin of the titers ol Ch.ii ity, who are her nlmoners in this poble oi"k. The former inmates of her house have also been pensioners 011 her bounty to the extent of thousand oj dollars enough, in fact, to enable them M b ad nit honest and rcpMable life in the Int lire, which number of ihent through her exainplo and uuvicv are nlrcady do ing. As ebarity Covers n railiitnde tif sins, it i to be hoped that the lilo of penitence and prayer tlir.t this modern Magdalen ha laid "down fot lieisi ll will not only rc cctvt.' if due reward, buK-will aUo-havr the elTect of turning many from tlielu'oad road to destruction to the straight and narrow path that lead to eternal liappi iiess. A'. 1'. Commeifhl Adiertiscr, Uth instuht. The aunerinteiident asked mo lo take , ill iV I charge ot Sunday schoo. class. lou d find Vm rather n huid lot, said he They all went fishing last biniduy Uttt little Johnny Hand. He is really a good a 111 I !. si. -IV V.t a- l,oy, ami 1 nope ui f ...ur- ...v .le-m-tbe-jOlbcilL I wish you d lallc em re .lertu-tbe-jOlbctlL 1 wish you'd lallc em a liitle." I told him I would. 1 liey were rather a bard-looking set., I don't ihiiik T ever w itnessed a ;morepgn ae sortment of black eyes in my life. Little Johnny Rand, the good boy, was iu hi place, and 1 smillcd 011 him approvingly. At soou as the lesson were over, 1 aid : "Boys, yournppriutendent If 11 me yon went fishing last Sunday. ' All but little .Inhniir. berc. V "No, sir." That was " j w , - , ' right 'llipugh tbii tbia boy, i the youngest .? ... j 11 :it among you. 1 coniinueu, you now k-arqfrom hi flwu lips word of good, enunsel. which I" hope you will pi out feyVi I liAedJilri on ibe eat beside me, atid smoothed bis auburn rmgleti. "Now, loliuny, I want yon to tell your teacher, ttdUbt-Be wicktd hoys, why you didn't iuii k n fishing with litem last Buinlay.peaK Aid loud, uow.t wa uccausv it was wicked, and you nuu ratner com. i 1.. Sunday schtK.I, wasn't ill" ,rNo, ir it wa co 1 couldn'l find no worms for bail." Somehow or other, ibee boy al ways tttru out bambngs. ABOUT KUilXG. The New York Tribune says : , Ouc of oar municipal Solon has fined -.-, Aft .nd anniiiired him lo atuoinhrIITupi)Orf 1 1 ,1 liini' - iinDiisoiimeui ror kissing a wrnan tnitbe .... ? Ir .1 - street against Her w 1:1. 11 inn were don- iu the inlet est Vf delicacy and pro piiety, the judge me.ft be commended ; f..r tlie ttrcct is ceruinly no place for lecubtlory greetings, and. "iuoicover, they should never be bestowed any w here, tmk-.e n.atuully atisfactiry. On tin whole, the pniiiehmetit was tnild ; for wV ll.ave ktmwii niany.tsltm.ll4e genii, toeli 1 wlm t kt..iirgladiesln iI,-ibni'vTi7and j - -.1. .. r . aeiit. liaVO Leeil eolu i. .-- - than t J.OOy to ege,uT-f privilege ei, lasprau'-tice. REM1XI8CEXCK OF THE REIGN OK TERROR " Tba Frmmei mention tht death Id I'ai I, at tha aga taf uipety-flvty tf a to a ' wh playpd a part la the lUIgn ol Ter-' rx. Ilia noma aa I-tnbert, and be b4 been Becrrtary to tba fublbj rroaaeaiwr. Foutjuier-Tluvllle, and Retorder la tb' Uevwluiioutry Tribunal. Tboagb bard- 1 twenty yar age, ba bald ibaa'l office lor ibrcw year. I'uraaed Ta..awail,y ll. a , . aaliaw nf Tit ' Ii.. b earapeJ aud look ' rt fg In Loudoa. where be became ace-'Unlant in the ban , Lob A; .Sic in, breweif. li returned I Fiance on lln? entrance of ika AUiea Im . 1815, ami inlubiu-d I lie little bottjtiatb' Itae V,l4 IVpi.iM.ia, fu wLItbLudjLTb houae hud a lilllo gitrdrn, and 31. Lam bert, w ho wa very loud ofiUnwer, cul.i, when, in cunc(iicnce of the traii.iorou tion ol that aiicient .ireet, hi. garden gve place to new building, Since ibeu '. he livell very retired : two or tbree per eon iu the neighborhood alone bad ti'', privilege of viniug him. The atroclrl.f committed in the Terror eontaiitlj'rp-! ' aurrcd to hi mind, and il w only wkB ' lear and heaitation that be wonld reUlv' owe epiaode of tlut time... TJia tend'! tion of IM8 threw him into a ute uf glnoiuy aduc from which ha could ai recover till the period of ihe Exhibition of 1&C7, which he iiled. The invert- uiftit ol l'.ni, ihe iuva.ion rf Fiance, and the horror, of the present war. again pluiig.-d him into an apathy o conijilet. that it nluio.t ainounlcd to imbecility . He died repealing Ihc word thai wer Kver on hi. in "Mav God aavv Frauce ! A SWEET ADIEU. If iliere is a more eloquent and touch ing argument againal war, than may b drawn from the following little episode of the Franco-Prnssian struggle, we hav. I yet lo seo it : j . A corpnral of tljc Second regiment t 1 liitriiigtvii infantry, was ordered to s .i.i iu burying the dead after the batll nt Wciiiu. lie described ihc scence r. his father in Gn many, and sent with bl ow n, a Idler which ducov.-rnl in th hand of a Fn-rrii capinin, whom be biuini dead on the ii Id. J'he letter a follow t wpev-rrrrcTi tit-niiim 01 you. Jtu t -: hard that I can't see you aud errtirace yon every inntninjr, 1 hopo that God will pre .ii ve your ln-alth t tat you 10 iy aoou ti liiru ji:nl ki.your rhild. J Leliftva vert well in i.i'iei to make ruamaTfcel yourab sencn less. "Adieu," dear pa j I kiss joe tenderly. Your Utile daughter, who loves yon. M AHGCEblTB. The brave soldier was evidently com fnrted iu bis last hour of trial by thcdciu words of love from his darling, whom lu was never more see in this lib'. lie closed hil eyes for lite lust lime ot the field nf honor, with her sweet litlb letter iu bis baud. KEEPIXG TO ONE THIXO- We earnestly entreat every yonng man, after lie has chosen his vocation, to stick to it. Dmi'i leat'e it be cause bard blffw are to be struck, or di.agrfeable work pel formed. Those who h ive worked then way up to wealth and uefiilni'es, do tt"i " 1...I .1 I. :l. .. .1 I- lau , " . , , ,.i. , iiiity uo irt'ini'i .tti.uii rutii (fp tjM.ir co:t( luIe. up iheir BlceveV c0 ca-, , M.jr pri.jli;ct., ng.iiutt labor; ,-4.,, U)r, ,,. icat nild btirdnFr-. ' , , U l.etlter upon the olJ larn.,- 1 r. wi,t.le llr f,,,!,,. t(,ir,j Uilligentlys aln ) . , , n...wi,ln,i-an. , ui i"n '.'v'l . . . . r 1 111 lua. macliino fip or iacioryV-ts 11.' inachiim. I iliouaiid other business place Uiatlntttf'- none si 1011 anu ikiii, - lei uio motto nvr be: Perseverancu and Industry, viS'W-'V tQ.etie lhiug boy t and you will have, am. cess. , 1 TIIE LOCATION OF SOLOMOO'ir TEMPLE. . - , . There ia a beautiful tradition In tegr- to the laeaAMM, t? 6t'it T-napU, -w.. , spot wo owued by two brothers, onp,t'l' wbora bitd a ttmily ao-l the , M.ttr.ji.tu4. The gftoitnd wa sowed witli wheat.---One evenin; in harvest time, when lb--wlwal-was bnund iti -bandlea-.andJli-.-L- two beapSj the elder brotfier ai4 to b wife; "My ypurtjcr brothet ia' not ab. 10 bear tlie- buideit and heat of tba tl" j . I will arise and take nop sheaves, am., without his knowing it, lay them beVni.., .-: T-'rj-JtM'-lW Ihc vouncex brother, moved, moved l ihc same benevolent iropulfSra4d"wtthV . ' 1 1 ....."J" t t -- himself: "Jy eioer uroiuer nas a warn; , , biul irtTSoi. I wilt conirimiie to support' 1 lil anse anu, wiuiout kmwb-dgyla.y :.-jny ,ll:ar.ej,b?JLi Wb--eirtrcrtiict4ve their tDttiaTationi.l mem wlieti. the f-ili-wing inortibit. each of ti.. m bnind lh.ir sheavpa agai- -it : - 1 4 as 1 if thev had in t been r. lu'ived. J I. WHS s reiieatetl revent-l nigb't in sn?eesai.. the both resolved to watch, that lit! aeeret mieht be nnraveHed. Si said, llit tbinr. ' Tho net night .they iripf lw wr. each with hi? uitii btll .f 0c "On thTr.rsnetiried by. aJi af-i- tian Sotomen Tettt?b? waa enscled- .. 1 . .. .. . ,-. 1 .ti... UaildHig bo spleuuiu p.ua wagnuwaas iiriecii ar-puc -of tba wt-iu-fa-LiiQiiji lwrd. --i?M- .- r i"r -

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