, l, .. .. . .- jiA Y ,i r4 . T - .IT, -. -1 i .. . .. L If t. 'I ,' 1 f: t" A i -. i i fV -'.I ( f,T 4M.4 .. . . '' Wfi - -- tJ ft 1 Aja Mi ',. 1 . -v . - r-s , .A .Jail U-. t v irn - .. ' ,- tit 1 ( ' "'';. 1 4 aaj.a f . " 1 i OA BAIiI8BUUYN.X rJAUCJl 17, 1871 NO. 11. 'i ; , - ' ! - ' i . 7--D v I.... , firMkif' t ,.-.';--. ' i4 . .'it !. 9 for ' ''f ,t f -4 k 11 CDAHT.OTTB VIX niT?!TlWRO. TO 4V.Tkrln4lur,'t nf WaM nmnj ; A WKSTERK R K i Lr CbUm Kail RuJ alto traiTron lUlaiflu ' - : ' ' tnt frin rrtuillt, dniljr t fton-itj-. Kalim a Jlio PtPtai Uvm -ch pUrodkil. , J Ofto kt Botner'l ITnM. Ptm. X. r E. T. CXEMMOKS. 0p. 18, !F-tf , Cmitractor. WTT-riTi riurriizs iuuut5, k Southern riano BSaanactoiT :r:1WmMXnabe & Co., MBriCtlftl Oran, Square and Vpjright PIANO FOUTKS,, Th tnntruownto bats botn UfuittUiibklir fl nearly Thirty Vear. and a V-fiX ,'ll,nrt 1 .1... .tii.i.,1 BiiBtmawlir-iiB. ,rli.l4 i -TO N E aibiaei rl iioirrr. rn aai . aatit. aa W aa ra fr f ,hl aa4 HwaatneailWuaiihnaltit w-aia r u i; t; a . la altant and elattic. apd tulirelj free from ta ttiff aaarsandlnaomaaririaaaa. i - IN WOUKMAXSIUI? tUy ara oneqaatod. uaiug aoaa tut tba yrj htrt acawtifil material. tUe Iar4!Cji(iitalHipHfd ln onr bnainmrnlileant6 keiprontiunally auiiuneoM iwk of lumbt-r Ac. on hand. tJr H ' arviruoaliBoiirrI' nrorxHtvemtrnnr Hrala and the Arra"a Trrbla. d" woift pall -parlal aWa-irtn.i to " ' imufOTemenU la UavP Pian"" . J. ilin F. K.d CaivDH. P.tMiU;J n(mi M lsmt, a bk b nnr.B the I'iaao nearar perttauB than liaa jret beau at tained. . i'rt-ry Tihnt Full.f Wurranttd for Five Years. We hare made arrangement for 0 e Pote Wno lale Afteni'T for tl.e taoi-t ce'eMatert Il.o Oa- traaad Art-nMniu. vhkli we offe vkuleaala aad retnil. at l,nl FMtorr f r'. a JLaltraa, (rtitiU DirliNB.) NortljSloIt S II A WES.. : wa ' , 3 aa irtk a ktMrHartfM ' 0x t tAB. fafak!ia (Jrauev. ....5(10 Ai i.ijrTH, . ...... I M 1130 to.oo - - -- - - - I 1 . Mnr41i ! tka frrUltM tT M Afratta4 "il AH tor Ike afvrf!l 4 iHr lmi Nrta Cau.lil a tTa.l'tad ).a-rd bt tfca liwril Orftt-tal A tut MV.Mr .f .aid 1 1 U"l-ai'V aj rU 1 rUw M l a. rvlL t rt.Vrd 4, f Bin I t t ul tba a... LI.J.1.F. luull i aiiwinrt ' Tlii. i than ( . . ' .. . wiif in nr iwim Ma i.i iwwif? -rii.....irre V"'"r; 9 C.,-a hrw.aW-.a.. ....... Kr tiie uiai ui.li ittLlHCoM'teillH rtlw rvnMt'r nl l traa.at I uupu al bairiirilbeTiarir. "" MONT aTTOM. a. ) II J-TnyRTpy m'Tmr;.A;lrrRtT'; fvr...1WI-5r.' rrnaMors zxoxxca. We ofter oor atlrl t!.t M.bJUrra. and viilowa ufavUllrreof Ida war of 1K1S to Uaia lha penloia iirvvitlrd for ! il laia Act of roniim BOYUE-V 4 BAILEY, March S 2na Atiurve.ea. . THE .Mercbantsland Farmers . National Dank, Of Charlotte, N. C. u beritid C.pltl. ' tSOOOOO orrinii . r. rxi i ckoioot. J II U V E V w 1 1. V V. I'euiaiaT, AKCII U. Mcl.KW ('.iiiirn. .. It UOl.l. M. I il,m. aiikcinn. Tlio II. Biera. A. Mai-.ialrr, Jaa. II. Tmaon W.J Yalen. S. r.mk. J.I. Moreliead, R. M.UiKer,' J. H. Wilga, C.l'o.d. TUU Bunk u Bow lullr nrcaniud aad HTnrrd lo ta (.K.N'KIt tl. UA.NhllNU Ul'.-,l.Ls. ufficein Their TT nuiiina-. I Parava wi.bitia to nbcri& fur "lin k la this Rank tn obum (lie necewair inforDntioa unoa apal rlioa lo tke freaident. C'aabicr. or my of the IHractofa. - nwrJ-9 lm . Yth 23. Joint lira aia H.rttfjo n- if' UiatiU at 12 pr d ) .Tib S3. An act i'i ll.-d ,4aii ait n (in i: TrtiM. c ( MU II. iM ft ! UiS In cr in "1'iU W3. An ni l l f Jim ri'jr 'f JJ.ili-v! 0 anftcfrihyi f 1h- Bmaw Ur l-arta, Wmrjctii nj merclrn. ""7 J - W I'M. (AwtX1' i .'" -. ' 4 n net rntl- ikt AlUtOJf, (AHtrtut iIh- i tl fU. rtinrlcr , (l'uMAeJ r..r aa.uttwuai iuerrtrtt. mi . .T.i. . ...J I ;! - t . n . - - I - pi if ejr pw teyfr iMnrrmw iiruiirKiaipwi rnrii(Taaiiu muj mtm l a riling -sMiira J I jV'i t S3. JLli-HlMiii ii rvUtfon in ilv klU-r 4rraa IM aW-rr Valra. Cwn himI Jllatlrr'a (rnlvft r4 al Ui af ratra with otKar Cwn himI Jiiatlrr'a Onlvra ill Ke tmMlah- aJrwrtla- Hirala. . - ' 4 - Obiumry a4lel ervr ail taa. tbarfvJ a ai vartia4-hM.nl.' CONTRACT RATES. rAca. O B . .at il-2 BT,. I! f lYTT 17 IV K i- -r. a s. 1 Moara. 2 foliar.' 3 Sinarea 4 Sqnaee. I (ltimd. T Column. I Coluina. M 4M 0 8 5 13 (. 2200 f fioii1 noa tiiw SoiKv rm.on 8 00 11(10 IS0O2A0O 37..'5fl 1 1 m mi im so no no no 4. oo lA 110 24 00 :0 00 45 00 7A IM) lid 00 4U 00 40 00 HO 00 130.00 Lnlf, K. SOI, A. T. Al. Ineorporattr ffb Jf7. An act la awautl id a l anlU tlci MAn act to iurorporala ibo Wilasbif oa Bitajn f Ira Kayiiio Coaopany. In aaanii aaaiUr of aaaBbera Irooi TJ to .-4T..O - Tin tti An act " lo amraJ tr. S, ol rtari. J2t,i riraii law a 1869 J3d tlViiUi L4m4J lial alottdat ialcJ d9t if. 'a . Krb'S?. Aa t la frtailofi fa lallnf lira lu.ui lifinb MellaAuch ! Ca IV, ant! fiw oilr iuriKar, wraoa) rirr luillri lav .flab arllb ttrta eir e4ara fro in .J wnx, S5 Apa -A -tg.i.a.) UttrVx vjr4 ituJ r , JaUiM0re."jJ. hhi rasr he iiilliiiMl f..r (5 8ept. 9-S:fim. NORTH CAROLINA. ? Prohn Clnrt. Davidsos County. S To a?I IFaow i may eowrrn Notice ia Wn-ltf tfiven tliat I aliall at tend at mv otlice in Le.xiiifi.,n. .n ili 27lh day tif March 1871. to takr tcmiiii.iny ami ajcertaiu whare tba .next f kin ( TIi.mii B( CJ Crump droenaed. Ute if Daviilaon County. Aluo to take an aceount ( his atnteintha hands il adminiatnitor j when and where all pervoun interested, may at tend with their aviileiioe. h E: JOHN'SOX. Juileeuf Probate for DaviiUx.u t'ounty. Lf rnrrrmi K. C. Jau. 17, ld70. , e Tlni Table Wcatcro W. O. B. H. TAKRfll ftfEECT ST!! SkPT. 1?70. G0IX0 WEST. UOIXG LAST. Arri.:.U- ifV " "Mr lekre i a IUM Aalikury, Ma 64 " W9 8.5 a.4 " I0.M " 11.10 11.69 -19,48 ra 8 07 t ro " 8 07 K ' 46 " 10 ." II 18 " 13 ,04 " Tbiraonk, KuteTille. CaUwba !Ma. jX'ewton, (Hickory, l card Moritanton, Hridueaater, Marion. , , . (lid Kort, OWira 28 t io " Hi b 30 4 40 " 4 00 ' 5 IS " 3,26 DWra 7.96 " 6 28 6 3ft " 4 60 " 4 5 -3211 ' .2I ' t,42 ' Cf BrekfAit and .Si.ier at ttekville. Rapt. 93, 1S70. NORTH CAROLINA. Superior Davidson Cot sty. J (.onrt. Heiuleraon AJaina. Adiniuialralor of.th estate of Jubu F. Rod ran deceaed. aaintf man, I hoinaa ItiHlman. I. aura i Kotlmaii. Jrraukliii ImhIiiihii, II n-, liinff. Hliil ' leiii!ii(. the chlMl 'tl of ' and heira l .Minnie lleiuiiug dt-ced l.ile the wife ef William HeiiiiiiiK. Petition to ael lnnd to ny debt. Sic. filed in olbii tlie bth ..f Kebrtmry IP7I. Il in-amiir lu lha court, that tbe alM.ve nauiei ilefeudanla ara non-'eaidenta of ihia tttal. tii 'aUiiHiiulii aurrraaive weeki III ' I lie uld Aorth state, ' a newmper publialieil iu Salihliury N I'nrnlitia, ainii m'niiiiig them to lie and iippeur nt the oftice of the Snperier Court i l.-i k of li v'nlotii, Ht the Cuurt-iloiise in l.exiiitfioii, wilhiji 21 dajg fur the ier ire liy !hii tneann. nf the Miininons on them. eM'lilrive of tlie ilay of aneh nervice. answ er r demur to tu m i.l Pe tition. ntherwiKe the rrlif ileniHiuled in I lie complaint herein, will lie i;riiiiteil. Vitlira. L. E. JoIiiimiii, Clerk of aiil Court at, olfice, at Levinuioii. Feliruiirv 7tli 157I. I.. E. JOHNSON, Clerk., 6w-pr. fee $10. J ..ed of Hie ir titling uffiaer f ravb Hoaea-, "tn e-H.-rii.rj.. j A,nrud in c. 48 of ilia Code j nil(,.rlMki .Hf t-T0a tTPki-f- J'H-ihS (emlrn W t.i-U . V .VIimm kee,ra by I l.e joint il0"wwT. jjlve f -f,re , 3fl-tf BAHBECS HOTEL, . high ro4Nvr,.NXa- - Opfosite railroad depot. Ten paces from wheriHh Cars siop leat rporttr Id attendance at all tralna. '' Mail SUgea for Salem leare thi heoar dairy. . -FaaaenKeradmnatrtied to anjrpain.t at abort aoOca kf aftrate eaareance. -4nitefal tor tke llherel patmnife of the pant we kepabyatrictatlntfontoil'ataf gaeata ta ateri t a continulnc of " 1 ju ' Jaa. 1. lR7t -f X- Proprietor. CAN THE CRAVE VjMlll,. IV 4T CAN, caII on tlieulnfri.J ' i . r . . i .... , . .. . i . "diapiaarel. and, get hia Cktap. Durable and Htindnomt Mouumeot. Tonibp, or llett l-atimea, at pri ce that will deff coinpetitivo. AH kiud of nuiblf w ork at reduced pi ire. X)ryr atldted and priimptly nt endee'dto. Call and examin hia work and bear Ji price befrabujfing clBewhere. BatUfactUm guamatre' Yari Oaarl opposite the Market- FTnoae. SMITH'S SHOE STOKE, Cbarloffe. X. C. threat Inducements for Spring Trade. 1871. CASES BOOTS AND SHOES FOR WHOLESALE, " ' At our "Uo-iton Agency" in Qharlotte. a. P.-MITII fc CO., ' CHARLOTTE, K C, AVIiolcHnle and Retail dealeia in . BOOTS SHOES. We riwr.intee lo acll Bootaand Shoe lo Mer ( hunt nt a low Jirieea ns can ba luui either in Baltimore otrNaYrtrkf anl im a pond ler to prompt rMyig-rnomfnfror we will forleii $1U0 in every aac of iailnrc to duplicate their Bilk ' "r We hare mar? arraiRementii with Mnnnfnr turcra by Which we can oiler iheir good at the loweatrWholeMIC prices by the cafe or dou-n. Can and examine price. S.r.SM ITHACA, Marrh 3 Ja. , - Charlotte, Ji. C. - C'APTIOfl TO ACTS AND RI8OLUTI0NS or rat Geaara JuemVy, ftimrd at tkt 5Wi'oa cf 1870-71. COJCTlSCtD Feb 18 - Art act to imrfcl" fr trio payment of tin- neeeaanry np-iiM a. iuj reqiiieiimna of i lie (torrruor for fugiiitea froia jualice in ilwr StaH-a. (AJUoa ilie Uoriior ta pay ibe fipcuaea of null apein aa lie roaj acud afur ilia fugitive fiiiro jntice ) "Prb If I Reanlatirm to pay cainogUainu cra and il.rks liir aerticea in (ininvillc e....l Pciron r..i..-ei. H i l. rlioii. (Paya .V "!"'' -ia of Alamance ami ll.ividoii A All. i. S4, and VV p aaUU $JJ and t ,u jT " 'f d rniihtb-a. S2 inr il l).) I ) "V reviaa hi in-ir nri Fi b i!l. Ueaiilulinn in fr by cleikanud dour 1 reaaurer din-clrti lit pay, mt I he Warrant Feb 4. Aa art ta aoibHiie irte Cool Rilaebiiifia ut I be Iowa of N aalrlnrnu U Oulb cl la xe brteluliaa Veird. Pieaenl c.MiaieahHiNt etapuwert d la cU-cl tbe laat-a levhfl by lLatr predcceaaore.J i-'i Aa! o d"ftiting I la auibortiy 'f 'i ax I olb aiMiaw i'bte laa etUec,lma Uthffui ht eaJkecthaaaod daLiraeraiii nf -atr ptrbiW taxro fa thrjrbfeeT o rtw Mirrrn ranrpfiaow trtertViitir 4w the 4ri ekarge al hi dotiea ladicUble.) - Feb 2t 'Am act to pndiibil J a I ire of (ho'IVaoa trow act g aa Attorney al Imw Ut certain caero, f Prercn them Imat praciieii.g 'a aa Anoraey u any i f lb Judk btl C'wuita iii-IJ lw the coiioly w lot i in he boW lWuSc' of I be Jualice id ll I'eare," nude peualt J( Arc.l Fi b ti An act lo inrnriHirate ilie fe- I rbaiiica' Avauciaii'iii of Wilmington. N C locrpomn i...,n Mi irick. Win 11 bbaw, F li iadcuar, II Hi id, S T l'olta, Jnu llitriin. and IlieiraaaiK-Mtr j areciu-iaeri-il to Tmaud aril any real and par eonul pnp"ti iliey drt'in fit, and to paaa by-lawn, ii-.j F. b V4. Aa act In aoiboriae R M Slaf (aitl, elif i iff nflrjilford co0ilty t collect Hir.iua at laxe. I Authorit'-a biiti locol I eel arreara of tale due f r 187 89 ; pi ix.iia making oath tbat lln-y have paid the: fame, and reprcaeutalivra of deceaaod ptraona not couifh-llrd to pay j auibority ccnri a lai January, 1 S72. F'l b U4 An ai l lo Mii.borite tbe coHiity during tatd lime, and front 8-jlriobcr Jt ta iereoiler let, no pcraou aball obatract iba rivi r by oetting aeinee oi acta acroa tbe cbaanel, ao by rauialng oaoro I boo ouo a-iae or net atone landing Feb (7. An act ifptiiilh oOeera and agvnt pt IUima4 Cuiaiiie, and Other pert ma, for etubexxlraieiil and oilier o( fenoee.. v Every aock peraon fonnd ffoll' , elialt bo impiiaoiicd tio( leea than three nor woro tban tenyr-arf; mndiii"iiot leea tban tl 000. aor mora I baa 110,000. t 97 Aa act to itieornncalo I bo luwa o4 U'aYiieaville. Li llief eountr of lly- arond. Incorporated wllli alf ibo power contained in ibe Ilcviaed Cm1, and tbe acta of 18C8 and 18G9 ; limit lo lo be one Imlf tuUc eaal, weal, naitli and aontb fm the Court llonee t officer, a Mayor, ihree coruraiaaiouera iind a C'oiielable ; citixen io- bare I lie right Ai;Y0io lor or agHiuju) any liceutn io acll liquor; and il ibu tote ia agaiiiet it, coiumiaaiout-ra tan not rranl it j' iMiaer to tax restricted to THE ilATONET ELECTION LAW A BE1UCLICAN VIEW 0V IT. aaajBaaaaaBw Tbbo Cbioago yribm, fa aa able edi torial article, anooaoee lbai il regard i be law fur tba regulation et eleetWa by Federal bayoneia aa Mof dooblul oooail lailooaliiy, oimI. aa a part meaearo, a great tobjuko. , Aflcr aatatvabif tW prareia iuiia of tba act, tba 2reMM aaya I , Tbie a4 reatt ouoa lb aaaaaiptloM that CtMirreaa and I be Helled ritata mar akaLau4 llaalr aVpoi aaa arw aauu a aa a'ai 1 tret lo protect Ibe political libertjeaor Ilie people tban I he ueopla jLemeTe. TPa bit c aU t lecTtnri iu luKT "ttif VverjT loir year, at wbkh Ireai den lial elector, Govrroor and Slate officer, twraty ire wenbera of lha . GeOetal Aaaoaiblf I w only AUermen, and oiber offiret, 8lat and tnanicipal, lo tbe" aggregate number of fifty, are to bechoaen. At tac are clecllou we bare locboooe one BM-mber of Cougrcu Coder iba pretence of reroUting the electioa tbia one member of Coiigreea, tbia act inter pei ta power of, Ui IJul edulcaaiar abala lo lake poeeim of ibo regiatra tion book and. of tba koilot-bojtea, witb power lo niclojoan otW pereaee; whk abaolote power to arraat any roter M aay other person objecting to their proceeding, and with power to arret! lb ieapecloraof election appjiinied under the stale or mn nicipal law or judicial procei wUkb rrji(rht real rain them. Tboueb, uominally, tlii it lo bo done with reaped to the diction of ibo mem-ln-r of Conerea, it n iitaff. ct equilly the election of all tbe oilier officer, .State and local, voted fr nt tlieaatue lime. Ha 1I0W TO FATTEIT A fQW,, uoRflt V; Many goad koraea der ear targef o tie of grala or key. a! atill aootiaaa ta ba poor, tba (m4 eat ia tvai ptoparl aaa imllated. , If lha aaaai IW4 Uaboaa arigrouiid gralo and bay, aotbirig Lai cbanga tfoct aay cle4rrak artentoi la tba apfataraoee of iVo aoraaaJ la taao ail aaeal caao ho obtained m 'r, m gla a latbe! al fat torA with a b") I of bailey, otii af M' and ana t l !.!' , to tig proportioa of ta I. D.i vrt.'ia ,tj"aj attUl,eja. of ta AO cent Ml ibu iv.ll and 25 CCD!! 0U the ,11(rrM. ,h ribl. or ha vine- tba tecbnl .OLH DES I RUiTIVB TEXE3- - FUNDING THE DEBT. in fuvnr.if iinploy- j "'fling ill .he mould i.f April. 1S71. ikit'iH'ia. (Public i " t I - An acl in rela ion to Ututla In ' I 1... ... I Z . .... I in- iii-ii iijt iiuuiii.iriritia a, xi t: u i i e and to lor fi'o-3 awV a:bnry. N. C. Southern Land Agency, PEn-'O'Ts tl ISUIVO to pmebaae HOVT Kit - LASJ1. will ilaaaHtaijfa.l raea.- rawftiid a fhrnham. Via aie prea.ldiag:e all necewrj JanVmath aaItie(rwdloation prire ttaalfty 4r A irettem adrtreawn ta ifai. at t).i place- III jeijLprawp attee t jaa I - The ayihptbln of Liver compiaim are uneainneKa land paiu in the aid. ISoruetioreab poio ia-io line nhoukler, and la nux- tuken lor, rheuuiMiiMii, the atnmach i a fleeted with hwa of aiiitjte -and ficknews bowel in gettcHt cwtiv, aowietinieg alurnating with lax. Hhe aeail trviilden ith iiuin, and dull, lies frf aeintaiion, orMiaider. hie IosA tf memorv. nc- CBtWKilHH A rUH M Land Agent aav Iftl? - Piwirr. jiawei. eearte C. ' Hemoval fJ. A. Stockton . H V EEWOTEP Irfu fatter Br Fftrll l Mi ll the aeVa tw.iww'aJrV taw wnmi'i mrffri br P. Jl. Saraeae,- where be wif eo e'aaaa taaae a'l kh) aid prtmB and otbera' AU . vara aaae fw the m- tad lateat afr'ae at iMeauabie jrct aad atlafactloa raaraiiteed.1 - ' gj (live aw a n. vt IftSa t-oniimnied with inliifu1 fiuiialion "I having itU u fKi,I1illrrt which oughl lo have l'en dune. Often conipliiiinr of weaairo, uiiniiiv, una low apiril. - tvmwtimea many of the nhove aynipttini nf lend ihe diitne. and at other liitiea ery kw ofilwni; lmt the liver Sa penrrallv the orgnn moat involved. Cure tlie Liver with DR. SIMMONS' ; I.IVi:it REGULATOR. a prermralinn of roota and herla, warranted lo be airivtly vrgelabl-, and an do no injury lo kny one. It ha been ii'.l bv huiidieda, and knowii for the last 40 yearn a one 'ofihe ihil reliable elBi' looa ana iiarniiem . pr paratiinn, eir of. trtdo-tfie-arrftefiligr If laktii itularly and MT-tvientlv, it la mrre to Hire LJyprau. B.cgoIator. be ad ache. ljtmHr-e,cortiv. new,M k lieadut he, clnonic diarr ho?a,af!i.vli(iiwotilie WthI- Ivciioua ol .jnjt Bffftnyt., twrir.MMieMi. rliitla, tt li en of lb akin, iniptiriry of iTie Llaal, nielau cfioly. or ieiire'-i.in of.iri heartburn, colic, oi liaina in tlie ImweU, mut iitha h,nd, V vtr apl acre, duiv. botla, ain in the Wit, Ao-1 . l'reisMcd ftir Ly J. IL ZEILIN & 10, - - Dng(iSa7"JIa(TTJn'i"(ia. - Price, tl ; ht mail $125.- - . For .i!e by T. FJCLf TTZ A CO., w fcb24 if " " -oaliaburr, S. C lullleit uipOI nl i-il lor I lia I pmp'iae, ill' u ii i a l eiioi p-d nt coin pi i, mi ion tin ir m i vici-i4.") Fib 21. An net to authorize ilie Public Ticn-uri'i lo p. IV llmhrV lo init lln P. ii lentiai y. ( l'ii-aur i ili. -1 - i ! pa lo i In- c in ini-.-i S 15,000 I "i U l in in Hi Im-i i- ) . Fib 21. An Vct (icclarnlnry f lln un .mil. (; ol me. 24, ch ip. 22f. I.imi of ISGD'70. (Proviilre that I In- juilgmint iiuihol iscd hy I lmt clion, elin.ilil be aniiicl .(leliiiqui'iit Slut iff" and llit-ir sun lira mi lhei official hiihil ; unci lna lie taken at tiny luinn iifnj lln- liii-l ti-nu ufli r the lime the laXca alunild be paid into I be trvaaury ) fell Si J. Hinnlut tn in tu for ol t m Finiib. (Onvei nor"" directed loirafte in tv warrant No. 321, which ia ibclarid voiil ) 1 Frb 21. Joint Itraolutioii appointing apt-toil i-omuiiltee lo Hci'lluiii Ilie, debt the Stale. l i'n irmn :ii- rtemiie ami tin ce Ii oni tlio lloii-c apHiint -.1 i.i invia ti'Mle Ilie ile'jt, anil n noil a bill lor it ailjlitilm lit ) Feb 21. leioliilion in n punl In print ing. (No priming to be pukl for unli ei done i, OUte I'lmli ) " , Feb . 22. ,Aimct- tw ee.fi itr the aJev:-,f loia iu i he low u of Sparta, Alb ithaiiv c (L- gal zc all aaleavi H-ieof,ire made, ainl 'Htr-rTrrrVtitMceua4t by -J he CoUnly coui inipsiniieia ) : . Feb An act in relation to inwn loia in the lowua of Franklin and JJoo'ii, N G. (Chairman ol'tlie cotiiityiciiiuiUUaiou era aulbnriaed to make title, alien A ui.i jority of the liourd.) ten 22. An act to amend an act enti lied Au act in n laiioa tothe: Wealern 'h..-....iL. I j: al.....:ii 1 iirnviae iiaati. "Mint toini liin-vui Weal a ai d. , ( A menda aec; 8 of lite act oi 18COvdtUNgUUai..'0(l -".waitly and other, particular. ).' ,. Feb 22 . Anart 'O r' lore and re iuatale record ol the acveiai cnurl liniiaea iii ihe; State, ' di troyctl;ltW: fit an'olfiera iee. liirinir Jlio .lal war. ('Jaiite evhleurf nlloaet! at to record loot a liitt lai u al jowed ly eveial act in rvlmion tu pa raie cOiiniMa, t ,Fcrr 22 ; Au -act aniMidHie the act in- corporniiug H ickty TareniA Valitrater trie election lierel-tore lield : make the boiiiidaiic two mile aqiiaie, the centre being 3io VareiIonPe of the Weatcrji N.. 0. liailiuad, and aniimiia the comiuia iiirtneiii to jay fint w-w.tiitn.) rib 23. Ki ixilillioii infriicliii Scna- liirs auu n-qiieiine K'pn-t-ntaiivea in Ctitign-a io urge, lite: paaange of an act general nmi.eety. (Urgea an act for iJ&l-'A " pci aoiia dit Llcd frwin 1111(1 IIIIT tilllce. I , Feb 23. lifsulutiunjiqiieaijni; mi'in licit of C'onaieaa to tollcit anprainiaiimi lo ui'iir, iliaiinclioii fioni him- Fear" bar i.l- llu ailmiuiiirator and a bonil payable In mil oi ii,,. per- , w 1(dl M1-.Jj;,UIH(.re policy import up- nl to llillllt.llly ! .,, .., :,.. Vfiance. A utiiin, ami f ery i iHitir inui ijivi. Millie, I l llillll' till' it III ill 1 1 1 hii.nil piopei'ty, coiitliiioui il iii (aiidfiilly i X' i nil- tn tiii'i,anl ohi v all la ful or li i " i I i In- Pi..l..iii- .liuii ; if , n i ,iiiie l lo be ml. I, a m paiaic boi.d ii In be i ll I r thai i F eb 24. All act to cil.il,i-li a new ('n. ' by the inline of tivi'ani llabli.-h' owain, out oi put: ol JaiLfou and Ma con cmiuiii'v.j Fi b ii. Ah net In fbctirpiir'ale ide Roa noke.' aiid'lar River R iilioad vomiMii v , Fin the puiKeu ol buHdii g 'a railroad lioui iine 'inl at or nrar Slaipar-ent-villc, by l'aiborn,Mo Kii.alnu or G'dda bor .i capiial aiock $1,500 000 ; compa ny oi jiaiiix.l h Bonn aa $50,000 rhuil be Hubaciibetl, and ahull edct live director, bo aball eleel one of tlieir own number Pieeidepl ' ; , Feb 25 An lift lo repeal arc. 5, flinp. 86, laa.,f l5&-&7. jlitpcala ibeecc I on mid allow co, i t coiuiuiitioiiei of Polk eoi.n.y in at U tbe town bit iiimI oth ct leal pn.pi riy.ifntl pay di lit.-, &cJ ' Fi b 25. Aiiaci to ei.iabli-'li lite Wliitea villc M-oii.til i Tuiipiki','jii Macon and Jacknil '. liicnmiir.itea .fnar ),h AV l),ih. tint, Y 11 Uiouatl. J aioea W Mgki'o. ibe pni oi ol buiitllug Turn)nke 'coihI Imlii aoiiie jtoini on )he Mcoil Turnpike near Dnliiiii'a Mill, by or iiearll.e bouae "1. J a tiiiMt Wrn jir, j be.il,; ,hcrj8. Co wi. Moiiiitiiin, io the Ken nee and Tia-kaaw- gi-e'TurnpikV, wiih ijn arm of eiiitrmidto the lo . I ol hileriile Moiintuin ; graVle 1 foot nt lt alien received bv coininia- liouera ol Macon countytho county tuay cliwrge tolli.J . sif. n' a red 25. An act in relation to the a.tle of apiriiiioiia liquor in the town of At ie- viiic. i Airowa an ticcmiw.JO I oeia ou ibe lt Thy ibereafier, at which tba legal vat era ah all tote for or rfgaiuat licente ii aotl Ikurif if a inijoiify vote n Jicenae,'! hc cotinly ciiminiauner are fi bidden to rruiiV li conac to any one; under penalty. , Feb 25. An act ro aotrrorrtwer-cTfm- init.i'liier) of YancfY conmy- to levy, a According ta Mr. lloulwell, ''the large revenue of the Government have been the chief m ana by which the public cred it brta been improved, and our pain-r cur rency appr tiatt d materinfly ttr valaoTi contM ed wiih coin." He alo "think 'that ill change wiirlivha taken place in ihe financial yeteia of the eonntry da ring the luet ten yeart renders ibe prctcr vaiiorfnl the public credit a doty of the bideet importance, Inasmuch aa every busiuet eiiterpriaa and every financial n et finally nnon lb public tome truth in ihe fiiat propo- a . . " . uioii; iit il it were entirely true, it i would not justify the eiiormon laxe cal pow er, ought it thus to attempt to take the management, control, and regu lation of election for Stale and local of ficers out of the band of the people of Stale, and from under the laws of the 8latet ButtheelTcc of this Iegitlation npnn I he public mind is odions. the spirit nf tbe sedition This will b baxlry.oa.il stay first b prooared, a4 oa-firUs part of oil cake ieJofhi wU U akca'tla . OMial rpHnkJed o cut feed. ' ' Fred two or tkre j aarU'f ll iiii ' tar tv or tkro I baa ' daUy, an&feti a lib a peck of cat iaj aod straw. -1 he Imrae will rat tbat greedily, M (a qeantlty be gradually laaraaaed ao:0 W , will at four or ait quarts at each feedlnf thre time a day. 8 long a las) abi ma I will eat tbia allovaac, th QtlfctRv rajA bo iucrtaasd a Irttl Wery day. rBl avoid lb pracfi ' ml aDartisig bomt . ataod al a rack trail filled wit) kaTr I order to fallen a aors that aa ra ilrt ia Beth, ibe grooaa s boo Id k wary paatis alar to reed the animal no taor Ibaa bar will eat up clean aad lick hi maagor tor . , , - SOWING OKAS3 SEED. under the firi-t Adams, and intended to perietute ihe power nf the old Federal party. It ba a reaclinnary eflect, end though the I iw may not be retittcd hy violence, the popular feeliitg inclines ngaintt that party which adopts it. Un der this law FVderal troopt may be em ployed to aid the marshal in enforcing absolute control at the polls, and thous ands or sjeabme and earnest Republican, in all part of the country, will not hesi tate to denounce such unnccrrs iry and wanton interference with the freedom ol elections. Five voters in each precnicl with such ineicile perts lha proteating njruinat such legialatinn t la i iit v nation it a better 1 would revoluiinniae the politirul organiza- Opinlons are rarioaa at to Ui t! tor towing seeds. Ther ar record iim k nccea at all times, from lb last bl Febi nary to first of Jan. - 8BM rely upon tbe moon, bnl opiwioa TinrHti to tbe old or aew, thai nothing tkfinit a to tbia theory caa be reached j aad ft advantage could b ftioed, if ther should be. .". In my opinion the whole taattar lie ia sowing the seed at aacb a' time, and with care, that the rounr rooileu ret a firsa It partakes ol dold upon the soil before tbe dry artataer law cnaeiea 0r fu aimer coiues on. giiaraiilee at I be Value of i'a seciiriliet Iiuin one taxed to bankruptcy. The so ber 1 1 u ih ia thiii the country cannnt bear t ) io excei-e taxation two ycaM longer And when the taxes cannot be collected, how will the public credit slant! then f 5 Mr. RiintweJl jMttwst'ki tbink" that to pav the national debt ia only neccacary io levy laxe. Dit U eve -occur in him ihut toihi body Jnu to pay them, nnd that thu capacity to dp tbia js limited J If he does not 8uaprct ft, now, he will presently be c'tmviuced lliat he hat gone fai beyond the pmyt to which, be , can go end. h ave the buines of ibe country in a living condition. What with m tionai, State and mnuicipnl taxes, Vnd, the i-x-ctiohs of bunk, lailunid, and'irrher mwiiopolies, the I. mil ia nlrc.uly licicetPbare In the I. n't year moie petipb barn borrowed-the mouey In pay their laxe lhati erer belore iiit-e the Oni oil States have exited j, and we tell the Secretary that h ia nlaMtt at the end 'of hit tether, by a. higher law tbuii Ctirlffreait ca"iii enact. : j----A tor M r.'- liinrt weiUa- second pTOpoai tion that the public credit l the bard of all transactions the pyramid stands ex aciiy oif he-otheT-rd.WHhur-pTrvate credit thert; can bo no publrc credit. - Ev ery bi nker knows tiiut paper ia only in jnied by adding bud endoitert. Public credit in a coinmunwy of bankrupt may Be someriilng liiielltgililv lb Mr. llolUWell, bat we confess H it beyond otir powers ol uirdertandinr.- . v, . 1 ; Willie the business L the. country, fa ruined by absuid aud , nunracticable tax wreo that 1wrediirT nwy sn.iko aV fie- tuiowa abow i order to hwlptbo Svcreury io norrow money at a 'wer rate, tlie pub Uabed details ol the Xundidg acuero tfiat has been devised a rej worthy, of such i preposterous and funaticnl policy. - -There are already some hUeen or, twniiy jiffi-r- nl ti P!awlH-o ltYIViZlCl.iiin tif thitriifiiii 1t.wifution in f.tvt oI;.F-Jopeufe. .eUjtf aiac lS3t. That at iaia produced a iheti w-rk tai tUCCM- Fear, iiiea.-.etl to j till of 'FyreU county. Iteiieves hiiufiom T polii'eal revolution which., swept the De j ibe at leu i ion of Congrme, ReercnU-1 ihe Ihit-a. nnacrotint nl Iii failure to wocracy out of sight "Vl dea Mr. lives requested tomcilr-c an upi.r..ptiatioii for Pamlico liver. " Ft-li ,23, An act to b gilixr- the act rf lite J ul itt ol tlit-lnce t.f Id iio it k (unit. I tlie acta ibej'ielire diilv apeciiil lax of '3?.pfat4 on jjhn IIOO, and 81 tni ilie'pollbi pay debi or, in lieu ibi'ieoi, iii ue bond to the amount uf 15 00(1 payabtft.lu lU yeiri " Fib 25. An act conceruiug debt con traded by 'miiiiiciptIciporalion. Debt I uc by corporal ton a are lo lie paid alune y taxatiou upon sul jectt properly taxa- , Feb 25. An act snrrfbinenfary to an act in r(ialinit4o tbe rnwling hitrrea's in the water of Currituck Hound, ratified Di e. 23. 1870. ITIie aetalull not ap ply to ihne uoii-reaidejai who may shoot on I lief r own land, or over the. laud they may hve oDiakcd owner couscut to liuirt, Arc. . ent classes and denominations of he plib Iu debt, and it is proposed fto add to them Txkrnv Y DlOkllS. John jtfe ftotk sayt tTtam tfdota cometo a chri' tian wim gt-tearptarmn, or wun tt mptatiun to commit a great tin. . Ton bi tng a, green Jog aud a candle" together, aii3 tbey are very tafo neighbor put bring a few shavings and set them alight, and then bring a few bII stick and let kTHf)W-;i and 'new that the " wholeHnheihraiid yoii wdl mi get rid ofyoar . . w . . - la ... atkJit- iih Ibo 1'utilNS i reaanrrr in time. Ted 25. An at to feeble Tt r ti e Lv. world is' borrow lug, aud money it dear. the Secretary ex petit lo-sell bund bear ing four pr r cent and four and a half per cent Interest 7 And In order to sell ihem he mixes thtm up, with five per cent biids, as' medicii)e is mixed; with inolas tea. bat caiLxome of it 1 Nothing Int confusion worse confonr.ded. Wiib the nxtnia for high taxes ibis passbin for nruliislying ibedenowinatbins of our national aecuiilies ia not uconeitl ent. Meanwhilu businesa ia-tlrcUning, in diiatry of every kiud ia strangled, and the farmere botivw I lie money ta- jtay their taxes. Tbe country is rapidly approach- big inch a p-tialjsis as it ba not dream- yhipot-w -aperfal las io the couwy l Id-iliA. C.nuiiiiViiHier alloaed In JeVy asWiaf tnx T 6.0:0.'toayUbi. it let led leiidir.itwful.t'l.iiiii'iliev tn.iv J iJ. ..iiti. d '.' o.tra uirrt V 10 "' . . .. . . - I . Baye laik'tl .loaaiify'i An set o incorporate Clay Uoatwell expect will happen to him and Ii'u party in 1$72 f .V. Y. Sum, , Grief knits two beartnKeToer bonds than hippfuesa - ever -can j and crwitinon sufl riug aj aUairliJwTtu evintuu joys ',. lion oi ihe Government iu a single elec tion. But, snppnse there should be a change iu the ainenrleiicy of parties, and that the United States marshals; aud their 1.. it., m n . , 1 1 n. ...(.... .1 ukMlnn . i. f, aii'iutuirpritii. vi th t-wiir and the military coruinanden', and thsi en tire mat kitcry of this bill,' should bo placed in -the hands ol a Democratic administration, whaMhen f Huw would tlii e arbrtrary attd'extiaordinary powera be exercised in thou districts where col ored persons vote t 'How would it be in Chicago f Imagine the entire election in tins city, thu registration, and . the polls, and the ballot boxes, and the counting of flic void, delegated to two invincible Democrats," with power to arrest any person questioning their proceeding, ami having a nl hot Ity to dp tier the Ffdfial 'soldiers lo clear the pre cinct of the "naygurs" or other Republi can x voter! D, tli ' Repnblieans , of flncago or aiiy other "part ofihe Wetter out b' want to tin render their right to hold ihi-ir elections nnder State law And local officers to irresponsible deputy mar-J sbai. clntlied with the tnnst arbtrary and MU9.'rdittty.4Mta:xl Yet that' Is Ihe law which 4ngreM wiiicit npnn a cbange oi admiiiistration would confer these immense ottwers btion ilie Di;ui(cralie. pariysakAVo protett against tin law, chimW au is of being abused to such a niopttroHS extent, and we think . . j i i- i . . '-" i reaw, w uaiever ngnv umay oe regarea. Us enactmeut. will prove t grave mistake. I hem take fire, and. the logbe in th bitdst lfg. And so it Iwkh1il--KTjii will be startled with the Idea of commit ting a great sin. ami so the deril bring you a Utile Itmptation, and leaves you o indulge youreclf. i'Tber is no great haiin in tlii i" "no great peril 1n that and So by these little chip we are first lighted op, and at last tbe green log is l urncd. Watch aud pray tbat ye .enter not iuto temptation. ood, kind, true, holy words, dropped in converaaiior., may be little thought of. but they are like aeed of flowers or fruit ful tree (ailing by the wayside, borue by some bird atar, nappny xiiereauer to In seeding clover, upon wheat, tba last of ihe pieseut month, or tbe early parlaf Jlarcli, bat proven, with ine to bo th most certain period for success, and siib fly because the action of frost upon th soil tends lo cover the teed, and thus aid its germination. Seed sown with spring crops, or rye, oats, wheat, barley, fo, tlionkl always- be lightly harrowed Or brushed lu ; brushing I beiicre to beat eti clay soil. The best mode of gettidg a good mead ow, is to sow tbe grast seed al ine, either iu fall or spring. 1 made good mowing by soaing seed upon a light snow In March, this was,, however, upon land which bad been .lowed tbe fall before. and not put to any grain crop. Spring Seeding is preferred by me, aa a general thiujf, ,fcMJ oJ -foil. Western Jtyjalitt. . COLONOJT1 'FOIl AimYrJl. TJie XewwYork;Co!Miizatfotf clety tLippi iL'.by i iaa bark Thomas', "ope, winch sailed on Tuetday for Liberja, a luge ameuat' of goods, tools', to found an institution to be eaTled the "Ar thipgton Manual Labor JnsitMe.tlM' Iti object will be to educate yonng tiUrs for, mistionary tervfce. Among tke paa sengera on the i lliomal Pop was th Rey. Mr. HerndoT a colored missionary knd formerly n slave, t After. beipg.Lber ated, he went to Africa fd ,foundad a successful toissfon." After spending sev eral year tbero he returned, bnt . now goes put again with his "Wife and chlldrent to ettabUae a lif w tnlsiim'ra 4Im the Juitk or Fartdiugtou rivtr.--rrtf York Tt)wn. rt sq ai-i, f An necailonaT corresDondemt aeefibi a party of settlers, the oiler jday ia Texas, iiiqrtired of thf co ia (he first wagon .were iq tended fQrJNs clear tW forestr Wen.a'd te,nd . what ar ' ihoi in' the tecofid for l'; ' build th hat., s ihi .reply.' 'Aud Ut old white beaded man'iti the. UyVd wagoii, wkatw be hrVOlt t'Tbat ia, mjtfath eriare ybail opett oof nW cemetery wiik TW4raCtytiItntt' aayllf'trl,' -. one heard there wait a man io, Tnn sej who had mutton tniU. .Yo afi driraa floct a sheep Int ll.antj Try fir: muintea there - Wst , .landed, a lb basement four qaartert of mnaaopel. to order. threV wool hate, a leather aprort several combs and some time "other artkr clet. Great eotrbtry for milla MTcone lyiiaiwawyiiaf4paflBiaroiiwi3 A Canada DaDer Ui Other day mad' King William aspire to, Xh restoration o the ancfent sprpeuderaof -h Father land." ThBext issue it Mid It neaai spfcndort'.1 T: - -t, tJsae3ir.J. A citiieu of Georria writes thai ha'haa applied for a Pottmastership and kall 'tiraiaa it tarlfk tt. :s - i " 3V Wetnan V a delusion, ' madam e," ex- claiiot-d a c usty old bachelor to a witty votit.g lady. "And ijaalwaya hug ting siuTe" Jt'luiu ox other, was the qo.ck reply. - ," preit it with rigger.' A Western editor representa sooney a "close, bat not clo enough to reach." - Alexander Hamilitiav otic itidt tt" intimate fried i "Men fir rae om credj h for'geniusAH jbe geniUa I bara lie," , jutt in this : When 1 have a aubject ta , hand. I atudv it neofiMindTv.1 'DmV and firms with Ireaot v torn barren taouuUiaJ nit-Kt k ia beor m I -r,W it ht' ail J ide, or to make glada torn louly w3-1 i. beatings. My mind becotsea pervaded derucM; - V I, , J wiib hi The th effort wMcb I toaU tb pwpl are pleased t call k it fctJl . of geriTus, Ji ia th fruit af Iabaa-04 tbeughL -" -- i0 4- -7 It j aait that laTaeke Va aU the point of death wlittWd it off wiiaa . jack knif aad got wclL -

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