tTT T : z . i. i , ltd i aVatj tjrw r a a , , I I, SALISimny, ,N. av MARCH 31, 1871. vol. vi. NO. IS.' i 1 -tlal .-. t lli'l l ! . ,.. WACSAW FivjiltctlUe, LKAVK WmvW rri'rUl daily Mil H dir. TkrMibTkAm 0'M fc'TM wr,u r.y inw.o. TiifiHMrb tiakata Waldo u rriiUU 10. TtitMifrk twin-la hMi WilauugUa. via War- CHAKLOTTK YIA WADWUf'KO. TO - ' 1iKAi0. "w".. C it . Kk Lear fkarMtr after trains ftutt dar.aav: 5WtrUJ UrV Wi4fcit , , dr, TuuivLr, and Batanlay, after trias from . TnimlnKtoR. ' CilATUAM It M TO FAYKTTKYII.i.E AS1 Vis WWTKJIX It. K : Leave 'JbalhaJU Kail Uouit aUrr traiu from IUH-I.-B. tawav W !. Itnod at JuM.iXmni'. afl. train Iruut' rartuuill.laily eiceut:jBinkij r. fiAtM il lll.M 1'olMT ST K.K IcallS l'.l l tao daily. Offloe- ai llutnrTTol.T;TCr, in: V. r K. T. I LKMMUNS, ripei. 17 if Contractor. SI'MG AM) Si WEB IlirOSTATIfl.V 1 8 1 . II I II II O ! H , MUlheryand Straw, Goods. r - . 0 " " 1 ' CO Via TbU WtUrn U. 0. S. A. v" TAr rrituPT Mm Si:rr. IH7. OOT50 WrfT. tioixti KAMT. drrit: 1mm, four. i I CM a , .M . , Mil U " 8.00 a, 40 ' H " 10.J5 " IU( " li t - II I - II M IS W -ll.4tfra ID in hnllOiury, Ibiriit nrk, Nf ton. fluk TV, Ir.r.l Ii nlf.trr, M.i Ion. ni.i yon. H M 7 h i3 " B V 4 I" - 4 m a is a va NgHra 7.96 h -JH " b Si ' 4 Ml 4 1 " J 7.31 I 4'i - aamv.mvm aa.' wa ava wf , . laraarvaaa aaaaaa , ! povrrr, Tinrwift mm ti0t It aii Halt. Craa.i, la.aai, Il.vtrt, faatk.ri, 0raaaali, AM' Ladies' Ilats, - a4 1 wiriin .1,-- baker IXaodi, Ac- Z'-'J Jntlttiiiure iiAiniioiu:, Tin. I (1T I lie lafctMl lixk In m- fiMiml in tlii. i mi l)cDl&Nortl)StUc rVaXllHBO WtlltT (T h K.W IS H APfE s. &14ot d Proprietor. . , ATM Of IBCHIPTI! - 0a TBIK, pajalila im JiraBa. ",...t I 8u XIoitii, , ..... IM S u on lJraa,.;V.. 1'. . .... 12.50 10 Cpia to poaadJrvaa, 2.W On Square, flr.t loiwrtlon,.., fl.OU Fur tMtch a.lilili'iual iu.rrtiou 50 Svcial uuIim will b rliaraij 50 Jr ci'lil Liglirr tliao lh above raiea. i'uurt aud Ju.liro'a Unli-ra a lllba iullili rJ al the Mimt ratra ailb olhar ajvartiaa- UMtUUU..,v . - OWrtnary ir, orrr air Itaea, ckarfHi aiailvarliiwinctita. roXTKACT RATES. iiiiiiilrr. and inn inilKI in clxiuo, T.rulr rtiiauvi, iimiiwinx ilia iti Kumpmn nor eliM (tJit 4ii'il-., ami iruuil allvuliuu gitrn. Man-li III, 171. -Jlww. If Br.kfM and iinfr .1 Matfvil. tapt 83. 1170, 3H-lf BARBEE S HOTEL 0 iik;ii point, x. c. rrosrn: iiailuoad dhtot. Ten pacts from where Utc Curs stop. Beat cfportiT. In ttniln( iitall lraln. Mail hlii)(r. for SaU ui Iriiv. tlii. li"U- luilr. Paawnferailiiat'hri) to n) jioiul ut nUort nollcf kf priral. ronvvranre. (ratafal fur Ike lilml ol li e put r aaMbrh' t attpittiim t il"- :il-' f our smLi ta Merit a cuiitiiiiiaiu r of tli mi e. wji. i;. i:.ti.iir::. Jaa. I. IS7U -ir ri...nrtor. CAPJ THE CRAVE r'fc?Vy I IF IT CAN. rnll llic oiilisrri- llr IU'lt'lf 1 1 K lilM i)i ii 1 1 ;i dii,a'''iii'iil, iiinl gr tiIim . f liix ('hull). Ilantlitr uii'l ll'tmhume Muimnifntii. Tmiiliii, r lira l-!i'iK-, at jiri Cri that will il'fy c-oinjit I . , All kinds uf inarbl s work al rojncpd pi U ca. Ordi-ra miiritl mid jirmnpflr nt finloiM tn. Call and t-XHiiiiiiv! Iiis "ih and l .-ir lii price beforr buying Im-wIuti-. Sati-lactiim guaranteed. Yard naarly npiMisite the .Market-lln'ise. JNO. II. III'IS Jan-.1-.1in Saliyhnry. N. C. Removal ! J. A. Stockton HAH KRMOVKtl hi TxilnriHir IVtil.lii. n into taa nfnre in Cii iiu'h l!ri k I mv loi im-rlv i i n. i l by F. II. Sir.iL'ne. wlnie lie will im i1i iimmI Iumt all bia old iirtrnrm nml mh, r. .A I nk 1. 1 m- in the lieat ami lnt-t rfnsoiuil.'e pin h iimU aatl.lartion iiBiiinl.'Ci!. t3Oive Die a call. ' nil ISrfim To the Stockholders of the XV. N. 0. XUillroad, (Eastctn Division.) N(KI 11 I'AKtU.IS.V, ( Y'ahki.i (Vh vtv. I In I'mbate Court. Jot. Wflllnma. Jr. IM.infifT. lUlUHMt. ... John T. NVil liaiim, t'Mlliarine I. Willimni and llll.'ii II. i',:.uii. u Di fviidanln. IVlili.'Li foi ululiii acciiuiil tiled Feb 14. Jn7l. It Hije.iriii ! tin- f "t.iirt, that the almve naml d. r. iii!.uiH. J. T. Wllliittnn nndl. YV i 1 1 i i t ... an- tn.n -riident. of this Stnte. It n theref.'re .inlnriMl '(ml tl e mniiioii in thin imw be i.l!iilii'd t. r aix uli'fi 'Mlf week in " I'lie I ilii .V.itli State," a new ' iaer iib!l.hed in bury. N. l'ar-lii.n. .uiiinioiiiii" tin in ti he n ml a)'enr at the ollioe uf the I'ri.hate .Indue uf Yadkin c ninly. at the ('ulirt llmi.e. in Y'lulkinville within 'JO day af;er the w rvire by thi. iiieiins. uf the .niiiiiiMtix mi tin in. exi'luirire uf the day such -erviiv, and aiihrr nr demur t the .aid I'rtitiuti utherw .ie the re lief ih inandrd in tli r tnji1iii tit herein will be granted. IV iliieim, J. A. Margin. J'ldjfe of l'pibntp of hl'u Cuiirt. Ml ullii'e. al Yiulkinville, Feb. 14th, 171. .I.V.MI.-i A. MAIM IN. Fr.-fee ,J lit I'lubate .Jii.Il'm. R. W. BEST & CO., nMuair, x. c, AUCTION COMMISSION - I e rcl an f s, soli., t roiiKitri.ttii'iiiN oT Corn. Fiottr aadTrodncc Qencrally. oBowan, f kiuttcr,Trj, W4JcH, War. rfi, Vlltc.ldri tod Worib-30." ; JVI G nitty U.rt. 'arnrtt, Battler. Hrllamy, Jlioilm, Qook, Colr, Eppea, KlftDDjInp, Gilmer, llaaklna, Ifman, Kinjf, Iehman, AlcOotl r,' Moore, Nor toriit, OIJi, l'rlco and bj 'fd 19. t "XtU . Tk l faawtll. Ar rrftlnf John Krr and frcntrca otkrr clllietn of that county .- ;'' Vote. , ' ' 7i7afi'r.ra.'A! .1 Hrlrlit. Al-lWUiitra.W. lluIJrtl Vad keen eeuvletr ka,-leaitla,, ilmvh,. iacj. -Cfirrll. fof iiia tlarjea .couLaiuaJ.' Jn".ll" Cl-Ui aPACB. g s s a o r j c- i. p C s f 1 rvaara. 2 Sqnarea. ii Snuare. 4 Sina. i CuluiiiD. i Column. 1 Column. 4 5tl;i75 5 (Ml ri5t$l3(X 4 541 (J'iTi 8. VII.1 INI i.lNJ COO !)U) 12 00 0 00 :I.(XJ "hOOMOO 1500500 CT.Mi 11 00 HiOO "IMMCKIOO 4Y H 00 Jl INI ;WI (HI 4.i (Ml 7.YINI 2 (Ml 40 00 50 (M) ft) (Ml 130,(10 From the hentin!. nsK F 1'nrt'u uhir At! .tuu ( lo A net wit w. II. W. K. .Imi (. W . II. I I lttl-tu TO Vt I t.-ijili Nut I III IIITIIMIV W I I.I U'l. I I IIH.'HS. ' l.ll..l-Urt . 1 1 1 a y -i. M.iti- .V If. . ll.kUiA Cii., l:ltii;li, X nk. Mini 17- .tin YTherea., oi'iordinjr to the jirnviii n ; of an Aet iritifli-d "An Ai t (r the lin.i lit of the YT eaUr'ifSnrttf tiroltrm Kailrnnrt (Vimpnry," pan.ed by thl preeent (ri-iieFal AeiH-mbly , mi y tbree feUickbolilerMif mid Coinj'miv limy pive notice ft thcrol n jtro -i 1 il, i l a nu i liiip ol tlie fitockbaldtTKiUKiiiiJ touij'.'i' .v : Tl.i.-i- there fore to ootily the StwRlmhlej of aul Coiniii ny U meet ia ik town of .irttrrniry, coui'ty of Kawau. uu Tu.uHday.tht-. 4ih day -ol A pril. I -T I , fo the pi)rins(Mif tat;ilipititocoli-iih'latin; t In pro. biiwiK of )tMl Aft , ihI to t raiiKt impor tant busiiiiiKH fur the t-oiiipiiny. ,JIUJJT,.IMTTO.A. JL. Li. ,11 A 1. 1 III . liXU. , K. f. JCK-ilX,- A. M. KW WIN, , r ISO- CARSON, A. C. A VEStY. Feb. 2r., 1H7I !:.t. BROOMS! BROOMS I! mav ai:i:aN(;i.mknt. Iir W l". iii.-uh- Mir iiii iiKtits with Mi -it Mi l 'ubhin., - A ( o.j of S;ili!'Mirv, N. ('., In keep a full -u ly "of niv in:ike of UroouiH C'on-laiilly on hand, and to liil any order at my factory prin i iihi r holiale or ritnil. , I have reihienl the prire of all eln'. of my lirouiim and olR r errnt iiidiieeiiirnt to the whuleale I rude. My Hiwiih have triken the I r 1 1 l u n i al all the I . ill wluic- tiny have hein hIiuwii. .1. I!. U'ATSnN. . Sulinbury.X.CManli .liiTJ. lra ll Disolntion of Partnership. Till! ',irliii rhip heretofore exi-linp helweeii IMPEACHMENT Conrii tiun ( II. W. Jfohlrn on Six oj the jJiftlit Articles. THE JUDGMENT. I'AUDY JUfTICK COMK AT LAST. Yi iterday tlir Trial of Impeachment of (;..v. Y. Y. 11 olden canto (b a cloc. The Court was crowded to lU utino.i ca pacity mid the ruost inlen.e intirect wan m.iiiifi eted in the rreult. (iuod order pre vailed, and the decorum liitli ever cliar actci ii. a North Cnrolina auilii hci a c!mr acirrized tliin, the niot iinporiatit event in North Carolina Lietuiy Tin. Old North Slalt-'fiaa led "iht4 VaifTn tua'iiy nohle ucl; die now lende I tie Atucricuit nation In! hiinioK to junlict- aud ineiiieil punish llirnl the Chlel Kxei-Hlive of it .Stale. The .Senate hi a Court of I mpencliiiient I met al 11 o'clock, Chief Juglicu l'curaon in the chair. (In a tall of the roll forty-iiim- Senator 1 W I ' i I ... ... I weie lou i nl in-cni, .nr. rij-tiu-, (uep.j of Northampton alone beinp ahgent. The following ia a liet of .Senator, a politicully claKcifiid : I -fX SK H V A Tl V E I! A I)IC A i;i.(i a coi;i.i:n. uiiitinl t'oimi nt. March fi, 1S71. hi il.iv diMilvid bv M. lMN'ii, 11. C. ro!.i:S, r."(;oi.nsMrni. PENSIOW W0TICE ofter bur ferrieea to tlie Vtildiers i-rior . uurt. YVe ofter bur wrrioea to the V'tildiers and '' wTftoW t)f wittier ortrfe'writ 'of "UV obtain the pen.ion. provided (nr hv ihe late Ai t ol curtgrwa. IlOYDrN A I1A I I.KY, . March 3 2m' Atlornrvn. ' J K0UT1I CAttOIJXA. I In the S.tpi , .MTOOKFHY vCoi;ntv. Cuurl KettfGllui.'Adit.'r. of I Daaiel 1 Coi hra i ( i against ' l'elition to m-ll real Calvin J. Cochnvtl j 1 estate for aoetn. and oilier. r "i x'drtkrof'J'Mblir',,tii,H Id thia ruse it appearing that J. I!. Coeh- u u i ' ' m- . i . i. . i. . rail, Ul uwit i,i ii(oii;i; ,o . voeiiiitn. iii"iien-. . 'of Tarry if inta! ami the heir of p. j. Coehran. ... arc hbira at law of I).1 It. toe In an ileeea-eil, j v .... i. -i KIN'iJ .1 COIJf.KNH (iume all liahiliiios of the linn, and would ruspeet fully fait nttcntion lo thtfir i.prinl tock, which tln-y are daily re wrvinjfNTmMK.ii, "ciiinc"'.carly and ive us ii call. . ' ilANIKL C. (X)I!I.i:..S. L.tioLDSMITII. . ilarch (V, 187J. 12-yt. Messrs. v Adlllli', Albright, Allen. Hallle, Ul'OWII, Cook, Council, Cowh ti, Crowell, ( 'nri i;, I lii rrin, Kdwurdi, FIi-iii luing, (itiner,' fim-bam f -Alum'cr, (iialiutn, of Oiangi-,-. .Join-, Latham, Ledbi tier, 1 Liiincy, , Love, ! Mnuney, I T'JtClauimy, f II M 'fh e firm ptom of Liver leoniplaiut nl-e uiieiDinn mil pain in tlie mile.-- SoineliineH the pain U in I lie ulionlder, mid Ik niis- thu .stoiluieh isnllieled Messrs. Harnett, ISeaeley, liellainy, Itrofrdoii, Kppe, (colored) Ma wkinp, llyinan, (colored) Ku.p, Lehiiian, Mc( 'otter, Moore, nid l'rii-e, ( colored) t'ljThe, tnbi'iit)7 and are ilf.n-reMiletrts of the Mate ot X'ortl Carolina. It in t'lereforn onlereil that pnl.liin- j tion be made in the '-ONI North State" m-n paper for U nreeive ive.-ks v q iiiinir s.'.i l paiflo.Ui appp'af irTtie Tiftli i- of the I'leiK ol i, - c... ..r . . ..... r ... i f l . .. r. Mill OUIICnur I OIll I I ! . i.e I H, : ui .iiim . I -mil- . . . . . I,-,M., l. I -"A .I"-. u un ui, i nun- liti taken lor Vheiiuiuiieiii, with hw of nppelite ami Kicknohx, hoMilic in "eliiTiil eo-iive. soiiK-tinieM iilui'iiiiting with lax. ti tle' tieiiiT i tftliirireiT Fuilh imiu Mlol .lull lien- i v m n.-.ition, euii.idera- jliie In. of memory, c- -llT-lliillu-u Willi NIJIIIlll i li.-ii in,' e ii umluiic- suiiielhiii); wlueh ' e Im ii done. I 1 1 1 1 i 'iiuiii iinini; of ind low Kpirils. Sunn tiims LIVE IT. .lerninon Moichi-ad, MutpLy, Noiinent, Uo jLius of Dflviil'ti. kolibiiiM ot ltowan, Skinner, Speed, Iroy, W uddoll, Warren, Whiieeide, Worth. Carrie, Uarjraa, Kdwarda, Hdraer, Ora Uam, of Alauiance, Qralaim f Oianf, Jonet, Iatham, l-dbttter, Linny, Ioe, Mauuev, McCiaiMMtr, Merriinou, More Iwad, il urphy, Uolbim of of Jtowun, 25kiun r, 8ja-cd, 'J'roy, Watlilttl. Warren, Whiu.idta and Worth y m S f a. . aea--ai1 Xot GttHfi Mraart. Darnett, Ik-aaVy, Rettamy, Ilropdeii, fVnk, ('ole. r'ppen Flrmuiiiiir, llawkina, IlymaiV Kinjr.Lili- man, Mrt'nltrr, Moore, Normcnt, did nd I'ricc 17. Art. j. ( ulawlulir armttnr in the couuly of Oranft. JoaUh Traer, Jr., atxl iuiprieouiog brra. V0TB. Guilty ilrfira. Adam., lltiitkt, Al len, liatlle, Urowo, Cook, Council, Ci'wlen, CrowtU, Cut r k-, Dargau. Uuparda,! Jitu- iiiinjr, (ulinrr, Crahnm, of Alamance, dra ol Oranpe, Joiira, Latham, Lidbet ter," Linticy, Iovc, Mannry, McClatimy, Mcrrituon, Moorr, Monhead Mnrphy, Normenl, Hobbina of Ilnridaon, ItoLbina ol Kowan, Skimirr, Speed, 'J'roy, Wnd doll, Warrto, Whitraidea, Wrlh 37. Xot iiutltg Uraara. JJarut-tl, lWanley, Jlillamy, llropdcn, Kppt. Uawkin, 1 1 v- man, K ti i r, l.cliDi.ui, .Mc(. otter, Old mid I'rice -12. ''Art I. 1'nlawfully nrrettnp aud de taining, in the county of ("aawcJI, Johu Kerr aud three other citizens." V0TK. 0 titty Mer. Adam, Albright, Al len, liatlle, Ilrowii, Council, Cnwill, Curl ie,Iargan,Ld aid, (i iliuer,(irahani, if 'AUnHiuaerCralmm 4 f Irane.onea, Latliani.Leiihetler.lyiiiiit-V, Love,Miiu V, McClannny, Merrimnn, Alnrekead, Mnr- ' phr, Noiinent, HobWtt ff 1 )nvidm, ! Uobbih of Itow.m, Skinner, Spi-rrl.Troy, Waddcll, Wurrtn,, Worth J3. .YU Ieverer-lkf net t, lW-a.lejr lklhiuiyt. lrrvcdi:'JJ-j4owj'wi-.(4Mat Flemminp, Haw kin, ilynian, King, Leh man, McCotter, Moore, ( lid.", " I'lice 1G. "Art. . I!ffiiing to obey the writ of Imliens r h-hu in the c.i -e of Adoljiliu.i (I. Moon-:" VOTK. (ivV.v-t-Mesr. AdaiiiP, Albright, Al len, .Ihiltle, Itiown, ( 'tick, Council, C"k li s', Crowell, t 'mi if, ll.ugan, Ldwardii, l'lem minp, (iilmer, (irahaui of Alamance, (i ra il am of Orange, Hawkinii, .loin .,I,hiIiiiiii, Lcdbetter, L' hiriaii, Linney, Love, Mau ney, McCl.immy, McCotter, Merrimon, lloore, Morchend, ,Mui:hy, Nornienl, Uobbins of 1 lax ideon, Jtobhina of Iluwati, Skinner, Speed, 'I roy, Watldell, Wurit-n, Whilceideg, Worlh 40. Xift (iuiltg-'SU-rtiri. llartie.t, Ili4Mley, ll llainv, ' lii ogdcn, Kppe, King, Olds, l'nei !). "Art. 0. For refiiciug to obey the writ ot hnlicus rnrjiits in the ca?o of John Krrr und eihlt-c-n other citizens of Chhwi-H county." VOTK. - Guilty - Meif. Adams AlbrighT, Al ltojiiariul -4u4vJaw',-JT'''k, t'onti cil, Conh, Crowell, (.'trrric, Ihirgan, Kd warda, . Flemming, (tilmer, (Imliiim of Alamance, (irnhnin of Orange, Haw kin, .lone, Latham, Ledhetter, Lehman, Lin ney, Lovi',Iaiiiit-y,Mi- 'lainmy, .Mi-Cottirj Lata of O rail re. Jaaea. Iibam. Lrdbot Icr, IJiiury, Loe, kUaaay, alcCIauaij, klcrriiBon, AlorclaJ, Marphy, Norturul, lioDblna ol Uavklaan. KaLbiua of Uowan. Skinner, Kpawl, 'J'roy, Waddall, Warren, It' I.I. 1. 1 I t ".I. nn n.iwiHiri .im 1 vriu V. .Vol Gttiltf - Mceara. liame tt, Ijalry, Dellamy, Dropden, F.pea, llawkiua, Uy. nan, Kinr, Lvbaian, McCotter, Moore, OMa und lVlca-13. Tin Chief Jnitlco ilea annonnved that d olilta right articlra of Impeachment, two-third. of the Senators Toting hariog coenrml. TIJK JU1HJMKXT. Mr. Manager Sparrow then roae aoJ ai ! Mr. Cmrr JrrncB ami StATos: .Ia. kaviuK itt4L.AtuMUMcU by Atw vcLaic that tha drfendAnt naa Lorn convicted on .il of the eight artklra of Impearhnient preterm! - again. I hno, Iho Manager, epvukinz throUL-h uie, a their Chairman. in tho unina of the llou.o of lUpreenta live and of all the people of North Caro lina, do demand that the Senator proceed lo judgment against th IUpoud;nt on tin hi conviction. Senator Graham tkertupou offered the following order Tiik State of Xobth Caroika, Tint Scxatb ok North Caholixa, March 82, 1871. j The State t s. )!'. uw W. UMcn. WrERKAs, The Houe of Keprenetita (atirc of the Slate of North Carolina did, on the 20;h day of J)erctuber, 1870, ex hibit to llic iSenntd articles of impeach ment nn,nnt William W. Hnlden, (Jot ernnr ot .North t arolina, and tlie said crate, after a full hearing and i in partial trial hiiH, by the votes of two-third of the member present, this day determined that the said William W. Hnlden ia rilil ty as charged in the 3d, 4lh, 5th, Cth, 7th nnd 8:li of said articles ; Now, therefore, it is adjudged by the Senate of North Carolina, 'tiling as a Court of luiearhmeni, at their chamber, in the citv "f II;ireTgT,-4rtiit the mid Wil liam W. )lol,l en be removed from the of- ice of Governor and be dieoualificd to htild any oilicu of honor, trust or profit under tho Slate of North Carolina. It in further ordered that a ciy of thjs judgment he, eiirollcJ and certified by the ( hit I Juatice, as presitliiip olllccr, and tl l-li-ali"li oul:Ii( lo I Wl .ikln-. ih hilllv 'neiliy. ol ihe al.o'. iii.l ai miier time lii i r is t'i in i ,1! v -;. rnptoni" iittend lli vn v l'V of tht in lire I 1' 111 IllO.-t involved.' arr at tho nMiirt-hin i'n T ai.t duy of April nnd an-ci I In- i.onii!.iiiit ol t tlie Flaiulitl, or Uwi tHwie wiil ho heuiil eKpMrle j as to tlieni, I M'itUP. C. C W'aih-. Clerk of suil-'uiirt at ! ofllce iu Troy im thi the ;t, I ot M in !i l7 I. 4 i.r. M'AI.K.f. . c l MoiifiTouiery Cu'iulyN P. J. PKMr.rtiT"N,.ltirney-l'o)i I'laiiitiil. ' - It tiUp. f.-f H .pii. " ' Southern Land Agency, hi PKKHilKK WIIIIX; In u t:.i,e Sin T I IVi I. AM'S. will itft i- e :" t" . I ' lli-vl". I 'lav. anil A llaaham. who. it- i ri p H,. pUi nil i ry lnrajratN a. it teirar-t n ihw ilitv A.-.- AH 'etleni .'tiln-4,1- lo 11 i in. ul (ii;i p!i iaeive ironi.r nioeTMi. I K A Wt i HI 1 1 A- I'l I M. I.HM-.t BoTtS:lr S.iV-lmrv. a Ii loin'y !(lNS' l it ieFfffi-VTK, a pii ofroou and hi ri., warranted to Ik l r i-l ly veelahlv, and inn do no injury to any one. It ,a 1-tt'UAi.i d hv Imtii'trwfVaittlklHiwii for tin- l i-t u year a one of the iuot reliable, t tiieneitiiiK and KarmhRK on paratiotw ever o( ferwl lo il.i liitli i i(i).'. Il l.ikeii nguhirly and per-Kti ' Iv it iv vii,.,. iu v 1 - pi p-ia, lie a il a c h e, ,'ir.ll' e.nt'i VI in ,ii k !.e:i.hi..i The Court then proceeded to Vofc On t Ik Articl' of-fanwacliBieiit ae-r-Mtentr - - In giving the votes, ao prefix a briif ? ruopei of the ui licle on which ihe volt is given : ' '.'Al.'Tifl.'-: I. Ifaiing nnlawTnl nrtned hof'ii s of troop nnd cnnseVsidy declaring the founly ol Alamance in n ftate of in- iliseiwe. j Kin n etion, imii nffei ward unlawfully ar- blit the i ,,.slit,r? f .TieleiV It f ilrr,i"v -. j , t ei.rl.l r.r.iw. e --" J ' -r--"j other ciiizeint-of A hujiiiiice ami unlawfully rfif aimrg llw m.'wtirTT flierrWiis fiO TtisHr. reclioti .-ind vi hen ihe civil i flieerK of the law were iii t lie lull eercie of ull their functions." The fiit article ln ing- n-ad, the. Clerk j Hcgnlatot4. i Mt.-iTinioi), Moore, Alorthcad, Murphy, X oi m eti t , I udibins of la v Id it, II ' hbin of .ICowau'i SV'll'iCr.S e(l,'ripyt W'ilddtll Warrrii, Whiteeideg.atiit Worth -II. Aof Guilty Messrs. Iteinlny. )i' hnny, Hiogdeiij FprHH vrniir, linjr, Olds and iVice- S. " . " '"' - "Art. 7.'For unlawfully reriuitiiiu a large body of tninpsTnu'tr'lhis Stale and ttie ' State of I nnirsriee and placing iu comnmnd, of 'them one" Kirk mtd other desperadoes from the State of Tt nnessee; for unlawfully arreting and imprisoning John Kerr and many oors ; for hanging by the neck William 1'atton, Lueien II. AJmray and otheTsxfr throsting In a loathsome dungeon Josiah Turner, Jr., nrrrl F. A. Wiley ; and, w ithout lawful atrb-i4yrfr-wfc David A. Jt-ukins, Treasurer of the State, for seventy thoirsand dollars or more to pay hi. said unlawful troops."" Toto. 6'7-TMessr Adtns, Allui"hf, Al len, IhiiTh-, I'iowp,CiokVC'iuiicif,Ciiwle, ( rmaffTf torrfrvrlargnn, FdjvimKfVihni r, (jiahjini-ff- Alam-irii'liiriihain of Orange, .!oui1, Lalhain, Li dbetU-r, Liniiey-Iiove, Jlanney, Met lummy,. MrCotter, Merti- iiu in M i u ejien d, ., Sl urp Lav JSurun-u tr Unb-4 bins of I liivnlfon, ttoMnna of Idrwau, Skitiu. r. Speed, Troy, M'Idel.l, Warren, Whiteside and Worth .'!('. .. Sol f7iry ti-Bsrii.i tariK'tt,' ik-aKler; trmgrteTi, Lpi-, Flc-nnninc.; 1 Haw kiif, King, Ldim.ui, Moore, Olds- .nid l'ri'-i" -LI i . rSreclrmlCWk. lia biate,a tbatl i,rl"c,t' a.. a m a waff 4a ' as j r r , sucii certined copy oe depositt-a in tlie oilier- of the S.icr'elary of State. On the adoption of this order the yen and nays were called, and the following is the vole : Yeas Mescrs. Adams, Albright, Al- I.... t',.,1.. llP..... I'..,. I. IV. f '-.!.. II U, IMIMI , ,111... H,V IWft, VI'WIIOI,V llPj l.iowtU, ( unit-, Jl.irgan, l.d wards, r k-ui tiling, Gilmer, Graham of Alamance, Graham of Orange, Jones, Latham, Led better, Linnev,Lovf,Matiiiey,Mc(.'lHinmy, Meiriinon, Morehead, Murphy. Nnru-t-nt, Ilohbius of I.iviil.on, Ilobbiiis ofKowan, Skinner, speed, 1 ry, W ad del I, Warren, Whiteeidcs, Worth 3(. Nays Mesri. Harnett, IK-ssley-p-ilel-lanij', Urogdeii, Fppes, Hawkins, Ilynian, King, Lcliinun, JlcCotU-r, Moon-, Olds, Frio. 11. 'I he judgment was duly ratified nnd announced by the Chief Justice, and then after the transaction of some routine buei- iicss the Senate, citlinir ns a Court of IinH'acliu:t-nt, adjourm.-d sine die. Front th Ilally Ttlegeaut. Till tUui which Hon. Jos. (1. Abbotl, lata Senator in Congress from tbl State, sell op lo the vacant teat from North Carolina, i based altogether ou false premise. The fentkma reader Lin self painfully, not to say ridiaaloaa In the matter, and few of bis (tl party, we leara, snstala lira, or lepport his preten tlont in the affair. U would have belter become Oeneral AMxtt to have rraeefullr vlrlded LU seal at Ui eoBciuamu wrina lAimm eV'i to bis adoptei home lo pursue lata aiaterl al inleresi among ihe tieople wltk whom lie bat east his fortunes j and while saany of ns thiuk he could have better swryrd the State at homo than In the Senate Chamber, ret in ike faithful and worthy effort of the eitlien to build op thecouu- (ry,Vitf uo'uM'.ouiif forgot tlie tatifalei" and snort coiuuics oi Hie omcij. We observe that Mr. Abbott is advised to return to his native home Mew Hamp shire; and loud the weight of bis presence and influence toward resuscitating the Krpubliean pany In that Stale. We pre sume the ltcpuLlic.u party In New Hampshire ! able to take- care o! itself, and we trust that General Abbotl will do nothing of the sort. We want biut here iu North Carolina ; uot aa a politician, or aaatar, per ha pa, but aa awia of ihaaarwast working men of the country. He lias already done the Slate good service, whatever injury he may bare wrongtit in the estimation of partisans. He has in vested, aud caused to Ic invested, money iu ihe industrial adrauct moot and uiateri al improvement of North Carolina. He has interests wc learn iu lilauen county, and by attention to these may make him self a public benefactor to all the interests of that section, and he ha il in his power to influence other capital to the State, and divers men Of means, ingenuity, median- ... . ... icy I skill una enterprise. o nope lie will do so. The material interest of the South overriJc all the political iutercits of mere partinans, aud we wuut good winking men of means, brain and muscle, let their party pirferrnce or pnlitieal predilections bu w hat they may. To all such wc ai!ure u hearty and cordial wel come from at! whose welcome and opin ions really amount to anything, We have had a great deal of this outcry against men for political effect, aud for party sake, which realty amount to nothing in UKCJttJON OF THE HUlltJvMB CO CUT IN KKflABD TU TJK81I OF OFFK'K OF 80KI.IITJI.I' . . . 0 a SUlt on fA JichtHtm ncif Xtf'". JitaA A. humr$. k .j, , l'BAltsojr, C. J. Tkerw are ia otfre , at this trim, called 4 'J'be 6hriff Oaaea." The main ooestloa in all mf theaa la, the a aaW - a-, a .am a a, "... I era or onico oi tbe tberiff elected at tha first election ander tbe present .Contlta eLbut jn fact ha wrougkt serious e Will I kl.l- ri; i i o. il'tfflltllV v-'Oli ul r-piril I-. V, I.. tin- l.loutl, Welnli hearlliiini. eolie, pioi, In Ihe head, fever ; '''"i lh'.'le I'M h-eHrri; ul tl i ea-- ul ll -l- L'ent. 1 eboly-. or Trf'r. .1-1 nil in II I' i'-l ri'j'if , it 1 1 "I v . ' ' ' :-. I ;:in ii' lln ". CrgOnat." A in 'imi'l ni-rti'Tn ot The-prfetT T tTiFtrr.r ,T' T-V .1 : tTTZfT't.' wMriainii. ot Mr. .1.11. h-I, Ca-'i f'l ';.--;i-l-, Al'xri, ". literl dhj rHisimn in thi eii.n uf the iji-aj - ;riee, -1 : t-v ttrf-! -Vi'i. . -'rn.r.a;n T.e 't1l:M,';f:'i?Iy i,'..7 ;,i tl.iv i 'f-; rtfaTJaHhy ' i t - K I.I 'I TZ ,V ( O , See. '-IT U 1 - 'ii i -liurv, ...(.'. called the roll. As etich. Senator Was aiiiif-UMcei 'ihe Sejiator rose to his feet and Ikllanryr the Chief Justice ivaid : ' Sei ator how pav von. in Wil liam ;W- Holden guiit-y or not guilty of "Ai t. S For inciling-nnd procuring th, hrume ,li:irr' '-lie t liaipe an ronUiui U Yn tins article ol i saia .-iait- jumi-ihw ui u,Mi-gini inu in ,.. Til ct ii ,i of ilu. hluil- iinin at huicrit ?" i , I juiicti ni to rentraiu turn lnm pA itijr the s f-smp lyKii-ryt f-1 J'he Aoteou nrjielc fust -wat aa -foi-! eislUy .Unnainl hdlrtror . . i.:ii . i , ir .. . ' r in , nun-., hi- , . v - owl fj iF.e: niiiiii--- i f-fii"irv lor rire nn 1 1 U,Ui A L; fill l.Ullioet-or pa V 111 IT U aa a ui i, a A certain clergyman' from the nnithrrii section ol Vt'T'iiTonT" Ft-ventl years since visited New Yoik, and was invited to fill a city ptilptL.. He had never had the privilege of listening to a chinch organ, and was totally uuui-iinaiuted with the fashion of hiring a few vocalists lo do the singing (or the congregation. Giving out his first, hymn, the organist played a fan y :.Tendej and in the highest style of the ai t the choir rendered the four verses. Addressing ihe Throne of Grace in a fervent it i vocation,, which siampeil htm as a ui.iii of intellect and power with hi nil ifteiitsv-1 .sy book, and, turning to a page, exclaimed : " 1 he audience will now join with me 111 singing a gnmTliTJ'Melhndist hymn, and, those persons rnntiing that bag of wind iu the gallery will please not Interrupt. "Where ihe thee pinches" is attribnted to Plutarch, who relates ,n story of a Uo niart who' was divorced from his wife, and who being. LlarjitdhyliU.fiaeMlr who demanded "Was she not chaste I whs mIir not fair?" held out hi shoe and ask ed them whether it was not new and well inaifo; "yet," he added, "none of yon can tell whert- il pinches me." What splendid lives would most of ns lend if we could only perm-vrre ru nnr good resolution.' 1 tow full wouTtl the world tie tf nnrde arbieremenls if .every good undertaking were carried cut to the end. ' , - consequences on our material prosperity, Wc huve our opinions of governments, as every man is supposed to have. A Southerners, native, to tho soil, we have our share iu tlie past glory of the South, and we also recognize our duty to our section in the present emergency. Wears as jealous as any of the rights and honor of our section, and as true in all respects to North Carolina, as a son may ever be to the mother that bore him. These pac ificators iu tiuie of war, aud warriors in time of peace, do not represent the senti ment, or liy their conduct promote the welfare of the country. They establish nothing but their own folly, and the peo ple so finding have ceased (o pay atten tion to their mill itiurx, their curses, nr the denunciations they indulge in the madness of their bullied rage ; bullied in that they cannot lead, mad when the fight it over, and their "noble rage" unrepressed by that fear of bodily harm incident to the bloody conflict of the tented field. Such men, we repeat, have little influ enc" with the masses. They represent no i leiiii ti. of healthy public sentiment ; they are bu'.partisaus ol an impracticable sort, dangerous only to their fiiends, and ought not to be regarded ns the spokesmen of the Southern country, or even the masters of oiir political, commercial or domestic situation YVe then fore utk Mr. Abbott lo return to his North Carolina. hntne, ; Jlelp its to build up I he country, now that bis politi cal and official career is at an end, and. we auk him to let whatever infloencc. lit- may exiTJTTn New TTarupslifro turn in the di- Ucctinu ...of inducing awe ofi the capital, industry aud mechanical skill ot tlie gran ite State to the shores of our own Cape-Fear. A sermon in four word on the vanity of rartlily possesions shrouds have no pockets."" ' f. Iiilftf - Me.srgTA da ins, I'.rown, Council, t'rowill. II n I iw t 'nnie, I ar?an,' 1 Idwards, Graham, of ATamance, Graham, of Irs nee. .lone.. L ithane' Ijt dbetter, LinnrjTf nve, Mu- ni y, Mel 'hiiuiny, Merrimon, ' Morehead, j Murphy, Held. it.? of llavidaon, Uobbins i paying uis troop. " . 1 vol v.. Irn, llitll'', 'Hrowii,! ook, 'oune jLCow tes, ( lowelt. t iirrie, lirgai., l.'Jw-judi, I An - Aikmis.-is paper says : "Four Ken tucky hor-M- thieves in our jail had a surprise, party last nizht from about two hundred 'of our uioKt prominent citizens, i They had tin last words ready, nnd fnort- t wouldn't have had tim to mj 'em if they j nhtM" kL.-tNohi: Jif ( Hi left f.miiliejiv'.' TuT , i aham (J" A! nuance, t iii- 'TH- A railway engineer in Maine wn rr eently fin d at, the bullet imbedding itsIf in a ti staim-irt he had tn4tt-iii. kof, fhtf WHAT GIIILS SIIOULU DIIINIC Dr. I)io Lewis; in hit book, "Our Girls," snyt : I am astonished ' that a young woman who is ambitious of a clear, Jluu skin should drink tea: It it a great erremy to fair complexions. Wine, coff'e and coca maybe used without tinging the skin, but hs soon as tea di inking becomes a regular habit the eye of the discriminating observer detects it in tho skin. Tea com promises tins complexion, probably, by deranpinc the liver. Weak tea or coffee maj .bljised.jjefdujjorjMlly, in- Tnoderet i iiuaiitity, wuhoivt harm ; and those w ho live much in the open air nnd are occupied witii workriiiiy drink i-itbrr, in cniutul.vr' able ijiiantitics, without noliceiible harm; hut I advise nil young young women w ho would preserve, a a soft, clear skin and quiet,jo aviid nil thinks but cold waterr It F an excellent plan to drink one or two glasses of rohl water on lyinp il-',w n at iii;ht irtrd iu rising iu tin; tunrn in)f. 1 1 you have good teeth and can help the food intv your stomach without usiiigany fluid, except the sulivie, it will, in the rung run. contribute mucil to youi i.eaiih, .. - .Vtav eumstances, making It neotsaary .Lfaal each case i boa Id La referred to eepasataly. Each ease differs iu regard to the mad of lutitttiing tbe proceeding,' Too porpoaa iu all however, it to gel decision non the main h or lion, and opon tha tlTstt of the pecia) ciicamstauce, a ltboat regard Ttf rtje'foVLr brrTc- irocedur-ot ihsi matter aril be passed apon with thare. mark, that the f rci adopted In iLI ctss., leetns lo as to be the proper oaa. u Art. 4, see. 32 of the Constitution pro vides "The officers elected - at tbe f rat election beld Diider thlt Conttltntlon, shall hold tha officca for the terms pro scribed for theta respectively., next ensu ing (frr Ihe fieri regular eleetion Jar mem bers qf the General Assembly.'' " The next regular election fur memoera of the General. Aaaauibiy, ia ta baLeU .. on the first Thursday in Aueast, 1870. (art. 2, s( e. 29,) so the officers wboaa of fices are provided for by article 4, elected at the first election held under tho 'Con stitution, are to hold their offices for the terms prescribed for them respectively, utit uuuiiiy nttrlhut date. 1 beta words are plain and positive, of no oilier construction. There it no other section which conflicts with, or can control this construction, and it will be observed the wording dilF-rs very materially from that In respect to members of the (lencral'Aa- ( uibly. Tbit conclusion, although, no reason for an extension of tha term of officer elected at the first election appears (in the face of the Constitution, la forced njion the Court, because if t so trriltet. .Our duty u, to administer the law at It it, and hot according to our nation at to how it ought to be. (Sec opinion of Chief Jn.tice and Jutiro I itk on the question of "tui u re of cilice." alv Ibe reqaett of the General Assembly, C4th N. C. Hep., appendix.) -The special clrenmstancM Tetled -on, do not, in our' opinion, amount to ft resig nation, rr to an abandonment, "oHd ft for. filure of hit ofllce on the part of the de fendant, upon the fuels proved before Hit Honor, in the Superior Court, aud for tho reasons given by him. This case is easily distinguiahabla from Williams vs. Somers, Art. JJ, 61. In that case, the Court put no strcst up on the fact that Mr. Williams was a can didate before the people, and the decision is put upon un implied abandonmoat of the office, by reason of certain acts after the election. That decision did not meet with full concurrences on the part of tho profession, because the abanUonmcut of the office by Mr. Williams was uot con sidered to have been voluntary, but ought to have been ascribed to the- pressure of circumstances induced by unconstitution al action on the part of tho Legislature, which the presiding Judge was ready to enforce. Bu', however this may be, our case in no wise comes up to that, see Ad erholt vs. Mckee, nt this term. - TlIK IIoi'EOF T11E Coi'XTUT. DoXV I'iatt says : , . "It is hard to make the peoplej from the interior believe it, but any man can verify the fact by coming to Washington, that there is not an honest prominent Kepnbli cim but what looks to the Democtjltic party for relief. This man, General Grant, has brought us to look to the . opposition for help." ..-. - t.t A It at Catcher. For some '3ayt finst a comfortably-dressed rn.-tfT,"! porting lis watch .a. gold, chuui,Iuis been teen on, the slreets, whose ostensible oeenpitioii is the catching of rats. He carrieawith him a ferret confined in a box, iand tt ac companied by a pair ot regular rat-iarrier dogs. For the turn ot fiv dollar lie will gnaran'ca to clear any premise cf .... r..7j.-...... -c. "The Democratt have ninety lireo voted in the House, and on all (jut-stions nit purely political, a clear majorfty, bo that there is something of Tl' checklifthat direction, for which we must" thank 'God and lake courage." ' : -- i saving his lib The FnyeHerille A' two V'.Tlorr'ITieli.rie, i'l; ftlr nn 4liat one, if not ill -mitt-be -built in thai Tie Also (fie (r tnii tol-aieu f i- irtrie. ii-ii(i? ijtlUiisWswill he eiten-ivty .ruTn- uoman is like color oijluj; teil"in loore, hathain, and other .nljoiiiiiip MiideSty in cIk- k'-r-decide illy becoiningir not puToii The Ilalieigh Tdeijram learns lhat Gen. R. I!. Yiiiicc declities-thi: position nsl'riu-t-jpal tif the I leaf and lliimb Institution, lit- ItsrU iglu rtceutly ollered hiui. ;: .. ,S.A atftarubtit ia being coustrncled at at Point Cuswill, New Hanover county, fur the trade on the NnrthenSttspe Fear, to run between llatlsvitle, Iliipllil oun. ty, and Wilmington) - '' The W;iliing,,,n Hsjire ' learna that n. attempt was made lat week uyx an ni- r . r CeiKllaiy, vllppo.vell to IKIVi ll.llll' "1 H'o.l'lnv, to lire the liven a uepro kill Im-ii l.f Mis Ja. AV. Kei that tiiwn. Thff .'Jt'iliesmihiH says the trial Of Toui Lowcrv has h'-cii postponed until iho-nexl term" of tin- court, ft i thought lliere'is! evtdeitee siiTfii-ietit trtrnuiiertiThi of the ninriler of Sander a well as of ll.ivia. '4jik'i ll'ni of -I1 p je-ii i ' n tn t i ha va ailopud a resolution not to allow jm i-iIkm " to iiii-mbrrs who do not answer tof their names at rliJJvl-ye.ty mnrniiig, so as to1 frKfi I every one to be at his post. 1- Vj Jl"r liT-" ' I