" ' ' ' . - . I .' - ' ' ' " v - -'- ,- - ' - - ' . :;,v -,.4..,., ; .T. . . . .'' ' : - . ' ' ' " " -r"-- " ..;-.- , -- . ..,,r.. - - ; -7 . jj -.,:. ..; , . .t . . ' s rxAraj:-?:.i:j;t- r -v. rv :, i....;;v;;rf r-'':yT-. - ' -1 ' ' ' ,; tY 1 -- ' - , VOlZvi " ' "" ' . - - - - ix-irlll-' - v i ' .T.-t . sALisiiURY a. APnirTiT, 1871. -:--rr f . . XIII. Ill . . . .... .... -a ozjsivzzaozsra TAQD UXfSftl WARSAW , To Fiwrtlrtilte. vtli.riUi !i'ly ri Uek-to finMM UVUm l K.riu ill. Cnikl.OTTU t;a Tr.l)H;oRa. to' It, K. k i R. V. DEST & CO., f 11ALKKUI, y. C, AUCTION & COMMISSION-. ' ; M orchant.s, Kitir'l ( vi.lri.iiirnla ut Cor. Tltf or ni rrodoc Otaer&ilf. lSrtifuhtr A ttrnhim jxiul to Auction . . .... , " -t. , ,- . iHUtt. 4, e:ljc(OlaNorll)Slntc m : yr i n h a K Editor ami Proprietor. CUATUAM K. K.TKAVKT1I.V1I.M: AXO T- nTRKSi IC. K.i LiT" tTWM lUil ltiikU alirr train Ovre Utn WtMfiia ItoaJ at J.ti (.vUiro' flcr Uia fr't 'afftl' . i! iii ri. t i.l buuja; . KLkM Allll.K J'lr &T. Ur in j UUo. M DvtMi'l Hxlol, Plm. X. V. K. T. t LHUMONX, Id, 170 if ( nlra-Ur. v. I;. AnMin, w y l t.oi.". lllllrl' J 0 U. Wiiuiim. Male " - ' W. H. A H. H. 1t.ni A C'.. RttMch. M. C juivrrr-sur ' " Xlmt lAbl Weitern W. 0 TAKKa LJKW.T COIXO WfT. n. n. i). ' OOIXU K AST. .mr. Lrmrt. i b.IUab aikaar, .M UT - TbtraOwk, 1 M ttl " , " IO.M 1 1 10 HAS ' lt,4Hpn .! in ' i it li i:. jiUtetiiia, lila. In Ha. f'i Intl. III. k I. M ,. ! I it .v r. 9m DM 7 MO 4 i.i iia4.u. M I t tl. I.J" llri'iiklilM MlA M. W1 Kpl. 83, s7n. il Mi tt tl,r. I t.! 6 " S ' 4 M " 4 Ik'. 111 1.44 - Djsolution of Partnership. 4 THE irlnrrli!i In r tt.f..re lUlinjj U lwrrrt lMNli A (1IKI.KNS Dan lliin d.tv aitwilvrJ hr aiulial roiwrtiL M. Ill NO, II. C. Olltl.KNS L. (iOl.liriMITil. Man-liO, 1H71. . JUCi A IUII.I...S a-Minir all lUlnliiira of Uie linn, ainl woul.l r.K-lfiin rail alleu'liou to llit-ir ritiff -l.A, wliit h ib jr arr Uailjr r fiog; Buu atmii, eutu aarl auJ giva um a aJL LKlNO, I'A.mkl r. mm.ENS. I.. noLHSMITH. Mirrl. r., f...v. MATES or Ilbi iiipti. - ' .' ' V "T- - r--- On 8urv, fir ioavrtiiin,. sx 1.00 fin mi h HtliiHuml iiinwrtnn. vr'.'f. .'.'j JX) U Ik. Iat fru, alov t:.i .! tr t tPt'o' Ui.im fur lit imt aJuig Jud. I, J J-Til, .itt baa J,!.! ?! Ui puutlwr of cri.n'itit: niKli rrv. Injr tuniJiiMfH fariw, li 'I k. i.jii l:in in .urin .amiiaa Mauni4ij,i ll. NpW eoinnai ),U f lion and lull; auJ 1h. i- , ! b. t)it wy tinbo-lln,, nt . t Hit Coot irt' on. In tti i l.OOi. Ibi. j j ro. ,1 North 8:ti", n. c."' 1 Jii Smcil uulio. will ttcihargad 50 yvt cvui niDor i"n in aonra ruin, Court nd Juttiro'a OrJin wllllxn nubliih J al lUe wm rale with oiber auvttrtia iiiii I. Oliituarjr nulira, ov.r ix Hum, eliargml aaadvartiariiicuL. )NTItACT KATES. 5 H grACR; li C I 3 T'T sT " I s orf .. a,;j. ' i .nit a lull ailmittcd ,; Virtu. ' 'lltllrtiU t ii :d J IIT .thf ' rf!.vt! II HJll imiI. Jii to ur thai criiii. U OtH uni.h in 5tJrmXarJTarjle irfUioonyoi all tha din rouiauUve that JiiMTc. ia adniiniatrrtd niih acrupuloua 8-(It-lit; in thai Klal.; to that if all th alined oiilrnjK commiijfd br ih. Kxallod Ku Klui, wliioJi Uk majuril of lL Steal eomaaitU av Itmaui at about on. humlrtd, and far whlrh the mj mo ctTioiiio. ha lm had, ar a4- -a- I Hijnara. rm: 2 Himr. II- 4 ), U 23 9 Simr. J (( INI ) mi '.11 !!. ' - 'in IJ !M HOWE SEWING MACHIK i c. .i.ii.ii. It: in ii. It 111 Tl . t'i SI .)75 5IMI f8 5U l.'iOO 8 .V l.'i (Ml, t.(N) l IN) ','IMNI ,'HI.INI I.". IX' J" n;i ; I r . .". ( 'i el) no ihi :;o imi i.", ihi 7.-,. (mi .VI imi -i ini i:iip.(n 1 1 H'l I'i i' I J (Ml J I INI ',' INI (l INI BARBESS HOTEL f HIGH IOINT, N. C. OriX)SITE K AIHoiT) DEPOT. Tern pares from trhrrr tlw Cars stop. teat faarien ia aUcatlanre at all trntr.i. Mall Manga C..r H!tii li-nvn Uiik I iiiim- ilallj-. PaMagera JipU lad to an) iuint nl.l.ort uutice ky arlvalr cvuvvjrauc. (irata-rul fur. Ik. Iilwral ptna(ic of tliu pant hap. lit-atrirt .tirl,ou to il.c k .i.IiuI uui ut'tU tn aierit a e.uliuuauv til 11 - ut.i, 'si. ;. ivvrr rr, Jan. I, l79 t . ltni Mwr. WIHT K I'HIM. '.iiiiy 7,. , -.V.(K, . ir., i'Vi.-ii.. .'. i' , ,.. , ...., Mii.- t( ll.trth n- TiM-IUTY. .i ;r.. ().- TULUuULIl HIlXIiITMLII CMi THE CRAVE 1 IF I I I A. M'i came !.- Iht lf 'f il '- l i-' lr.i--a "f il Iiiik ; ilitapi-iirfil. M' 1 V ( hi in. Jt tnil b' lhii'l"inr Monilineiitn. 'ri-inl.K. r ll; l-.stitu.'!. at (tn wa that nil I '' (inl" til; n. All kind of inarMi wrk hi n-dnrtd ii- Order fiiHcit.'d "d pn.inj'lly nfiid-'d to. Cull and i-xmnin.- li'" '."i'k hihI War lii priwa lii-futv buying t-lf lien-. Sutinfiiotuui gaaranti-ed. Yard ni-Hi-ly iiiii..i1.- tlio Matl.-t llo'ino. JNO. II. ' Jan-n-flm Sal sbnry. X. C Removal ! J. A. Stockton I ll to 1 Ira sEWNii an tin "III. -'t o' ilitinlifil nf nny in tlip wcrl.l . I liy I i r i lt ' ' ' -i i " " l :(i I. in i "( vi i iiiiiiU, ami L.iv.tif I.. 1 . . i. f.i I i . -. i.i, ..,:. ,...,. I lit- Mi i ..i, ..I i. : ;.-l i v i I r I I it- . Jit..--n n-ww trtimt'iffin. Ir. t-f. a imn ' : . ii n i I'ii iiiijiiiu" nit .! i-.l-- 1 .ur :viN(; machines, KKMAKKS OK no.. r. i;. siioi.li:, In the llu , V.'.yi ; i, -it if.ir.t in n't i Ifii I'.i.r i7 .Vo.,' (.in, ..'..'i.i, .V-ltirt.ii, Jy.riV l.,t. Tlic il tv hiring l.yii ,.t np.irt fi r tiio ilit,-tiv ion crii '' K': KIhx liill, Mu. Siii.ir.i:i: a'd : .Mr. , il.. r. I li.ivc no ariiriti'iit In ninlvC as til lilt " .ti i.i" I iltlLTtt" 111 ..1 lliir. illil. Til.' ai i ii fit; Mtaivini nt ol iiiririvi-ioii liirot-it the cou vicuonit ukii uijr mind,ai wiUi axiomatic truth, that it viiilattw tlio jilaiiitt iriiicijilw of the t-'uimtitutiun. It in, in fact, Imt ono of a noi iea of nicaKurm wliioli thv "arly nf pr.ii.Ttwi vt iile an" liaK f m i ll iipun i lie t'tiiiiilrv, anil wl.ich are r I iii.M'i'iiy i:.t-tu ...:.:, i. i jh in .lull lia;,.: ,t ,, i lu ( . in i. I f ni.t,, il.ilii.n ,,.' tri.( -m. r. '.i;.'.7.'"tfH- ii,.. rr fj4-ri:.'ip; m t in. nt- liaiii.mt in iln itili( UJM.J4-4lit- f.iii.litnu i.. I.il law Hi tn ilu! eiil'iireenieiit at't. Tliat ir--i . '. with the p"WtT tif thu hayt.nH, to tlireet an. I ci.nir.il ti.f ri' i 'i n in ih! t t rri-e til m hiu'n -t jrivil-,'e. 'I UU iii.iki.-s it p,..Mlik- f..-r ihelVta idt nt 1 1 pinli:.:l tli. ir ext-rt iw fii:irt-ly. Hut KIJAS l.'o'.Vj; ; in .t : "Lm.ii ul j!1 Xal.otnt.T.on inn v aii-iiiiiiiK-il i i.i' (. J Ur Inl.-r: vil .I..),. I-.J it t.'il') M...l:: link '.ile I'lt.l IV. ' . . ! - I m .1.-1-1 I.i' .'Um ol li.mnr, toi:i,a l!ti.'. Jr.. Hi HAS UKMlVI-:i hi TailoiilU' ltnl n ' M 1t tk.offloe inl nwaii H linn 1 o i"ii' " I,. V. II. Slirili!llil. tt lu li: la all hi old itrtnw nml otlii-m the bfitt atitrlntt-tt styles ut n aatinlat tion guaiiiiilttJ. . if lilrr me aua'.l. n it ltf.m t I.i- jin .i U III All wink ilnni' rrnMiintiiif jirirt - in iiinl Iii tliu Supt ritir Court. ;i ill. hi In e.-tate for ell rt'iil NOKTIf CAKOLINA, ) MONTHOMKUY Col N'l V. S Neill Gillis A'dm'r. f Duuit'l . Coiliian attain at Calrin J- Cticlin.ii and oihi-rs. (Order of FuTilicalion.) ' In thta cksh it appearing that J.. IV C't-li-ranr thf Mtt y.Om-.liTaiu ttii: In-uv ofiefiy Mnnrno nnt1 th. hiriif 1'. J- luiui, rbeir at law of H. K- -''i-hrau it.-, eiooal, and mn uw-idiiU.U. ... .s;i.''t:I..Nrth 'CmoHm. itlathMvXoni oiderid. MMOl,'li';: tlon be mada In the ' Old Xrth 8tatw m-w paper ftrix sunt-eMHivu ni-ki ivcpiim' aid (iaitieato ftppw nt thn offiri- nl the ( leik ol the Superior Cnntt for tho eounty t.f Moiil ..ui errat the conrt-hmH" in Troy on l-'inlav tin liltday of April and aunvt er the coinpluint ol the PJuiutiff.or th case will be hoard exparto Wltaml" C. C. TTode, Clrk of Haiti Court at office in Troy ou thin the :d of fart-li 17J. , i . . Maul utnn'rL'.ittiity. 8, J. PUMnKUToX. Att.niiey for I'hiintiir. ' tQ4t.pix4pd. x Southern Land Agency, PEHSON8 WI6fllKikrrehaHe SOl'TtEBR LAX I'M, will do wiU to j-"" jftffi; AHIetteinatlilrtiKsidJiitlitni, Tit l!.i tare will taeeiT. prompt nrtentlcn. -J I "ISA WKlU!l A M;XII AM, T.an.l Axt-ntn. HOT lly SalUrary, I.'owan ciunt.v. X. V. t :roit ..I 1 1 .is i.i - ,1 . . : . t ii,. u .-L.il-' ; Nutr Y..rl; -Nun Hi ii i ' 1 j"ll .in lit I.-: -t ,'.,llil U.'in lf It'i .1". IN.S. It.- I .it. tiS. iv -t.il. Pair. 11 i i'i I I in ' 'V : Tim: l.. k In fm Mr. Il '-v vt it- 1 1 . dtd to Ih. criminal aialUica of North Carolina (and ihtt outrage run Ihroorb period oaar- wl yaara) it ill not cfaan ih rraulL Hut it iinnUil UiattheMoiilraf. biT.ht-cn cominitled in North Carolina and that th. ih o- ple Sfnernlly arc rponib!i for thnn. I ahall ' nnt attonifit Vt aaalyM Liu volutuinoua Imliaia. oy tak.n by th. Hnat ooiumitlc apoa Uiia auhjacc- That haa baea thoroughly ad ably dona ia th. Kaaata by a aohl. oa of LNilavara, lo whom y pMpla will (urvrw b. grateful for hi. d.rolioo i ih. oanao of lnth and thair via dicalioa. About fifty witnaaM vtrt .xamined br (hit cinuiiittr. Thiw. -"for th pmatntion" i u-i-:. .!, in I.-uijtuaite cf the inln.irity rr- jnl- 'i :' editor.- of i:aiiit al atnnjujitrM, Statt ( ffi cer, jinlj.'t, pn!ii. iiori, plo t if!, conotahlt ail appniicli-ivitif a n.ntit:iiii,nil rorivri.tion whirli Hhall deprive them of their nalaricd .!H (1" or l'urty hpoiU, eaeh nun M-tkir.(,' more ir Iomi vt liciiit ntly in hi own intere!, but hot one to-tifvine, lhf ilhin 1 i w-fi knowledge, ten.i- inj In reve Nnrtli 'art.litis tn lie lem M'e, a a pi tre . I' reit!ine-, than .hit p rtiiih of ih. Cll- i n J vitia; hi rili ut f t r linuil.i.u it t." On tlir ot'irr 0 mil, t.nie of .W-th 'nmlitia'ii ' 1.1 t I.ii'k t'i! hum I, iilitl i i iir iii fel.w; Mime i f iln-m I. dt pin: r,r., t.,ni? '.f tln ir. '!p'.,,r:, n ul tlio print-lit A,JiiiiiiMati-n all ol ill. in With out prejudice or pulsion, and if any candid in quirer afler (he truth will read , their tilinony he will liiTt4.it. llan a ninj;i' stJiitieuiau ou" lli. othir side ixarnined that ttniiiut uy earvf,illy and without pr.'judieu? If., I septal to him to r.ii h;- v.iii i- re;v.r !. t of "k:lif!v pr-..ea. ... j I - AN . . - - v Vtak rum VKVl If k. , m m i ,v sw iuna r m . m a v . v ... o wiaiMtaio himi. of tha ,w rnl.Viihai . ? i Sr,u,,- Allow. U pro-1 . 0. IUilroid Ktire. imi-l a. a iuU trra' fc-.l..,,.!-' iJ I ' J T -r I-. er ISCS-U Fnvtntt luorl.lnnl.aln ' '.T.Z .7" " and, been., of th fa.u-1 ..Jjt.lVYf.' . - T-Uia CUrlliea from .V. a H..iT.i :i7v.rAT,""ua w. f '0t4 , , I a . - -w - aaa ar viia ' . mi w.iin itiMoiira ,l -..,. , J I n, Bheria of ilaeoa ennnlv C, Imnm..... j .i - "" la ul . . '" mining . TbV m lrM that lk tamiw' k Ih Iwmil kaaaatifatiag. 'hit firr itt ai aal rl baaonmad af rkkl la thaaa. a U Ku lua outrajr there agrwea thai thra whit arUocraU bum! bWa out or to country and their land, divided Irnakin, Li. tUem.nl .hh th. cointr C.rt!iB. Ji l??.0,..of - . J I I'miUa' 111 Mt IlMtHAaml Bap ilk a f, - a I f IT . av riunf all their Ud fmio U I ii i ir" " i i i rf ir Ti conalJcf Jt andluaL -TWvamlAMili.1 , w.t o a . . VT M "iHr VaiW JL.Ant t t- I her Ver datrkcr kin fa nf mAM lMaii ir..'i i. I nt. aach reuilinr nnder MinaJtr ol fine I dom of rriilir. anaatnr.oin.. ..J Ai . i v w -j af m "4 "ivM IUK awllfat f IlilPl 1 laurt tAliallnrF fmwnmm Iimim aAlA I U1. a. 1 Alld ItttltrlaAtilitamkl I . a 1. 1 I ... J t . S-Ji :: " V'V-" ii37"7". . . . . n .iomoerf irmur, n. -w.a nun mi roH 1 ilirainTI UUTD X. All alr IA InHniirtMM a 1 1, am I lMiAVn.il ivtni Aia.nl.. , 1. t .a. on aJt T Th roea. in a Ian d r.w...ni- TJ- i7"L " ZTJi T V ""' '"ft . of ""'"C . Ulen-t, and depmded upon theft fM7- ' "eoT7a 0HW"nI P; 1 Pr0T'uS 'IIB J capital .$300,000,, ' labor for their aupport, and lo many IB nd 8. 8. Arery, Jr., mat- with power lo lucrcaaa to 1500.000: mar ." mfii.l ll,n.b.Lu Ini I m A- Iiera Af I TiM finmAHlUn II tAnJ. 1 I '1 1 r. - cam virab countrr In I ltM4ail or labor for thrlr .i i .. . . ' . ... 1 1 .i . - - ' i , - , . . .z 1-" retiun. prganiteo inemauivw into bantf turtii "m oi iuo corporation, Clempl from poll I iiiuo Uondl nd buiitt eunala cur rail luTiMiimiii.,, .t mJm. k -.. .1 . i e.. I J - . i I . Ka aaua-. I-; l .v,. ., aiwn, aim i murair. oir, i mi bou If 11 Ilia OUIT. I rOHf f . i. it nun miratu inai anarev a,a not Via tta I ir I. o a . . . I ir..i- a . . ; territl front l that devoted old (Stale? And ... " cl V c? l:"T,n ,rr:Pn- "reu J- act. 0 "Pnd lee I, eliap. ' rui aiiutt peavmtt it f Th parienr wndft" f"'"'""'!' juauc4o oa Ul I a (U liai'.li AiiUH.a4a . braranv of tbo very people whom ynu ar oun" Bpctaj rocerdioga Froride. j trie, of laud in Jack too Countr Rati aBawiwMviaiiwiia oiiur orauncialkNi. 1 1 in. an aona wronriT lntUatd auaJI not I ue. rutrtea nravioaalY mifa mmA .rL.. - . .. " - l ... j -f wivvi onui lit Janoarj, 1873, for eluloia; ' Ja aaetion of lb Htat where out rare I b diamiaaawl ""T,0::;,1"?,:.?,.,? . M"f- . Ao t 1b rerard ,o Roderick lowed, and om hot-beaded, imi nlaiv men or. MiUn, Sheriff of Bobeaon Countr. eaniiod tnmnarlvr into aocietir. (br thia pur-1 "er. Dim irom an amereement. -e anti otijcet cf the Ku Klux Man ni.nle I Jiiareti z. Ke.oluttou tn favor of Alex- M.n. inat iiiev ronimiiiM vreil wmnsK, no anrler 31. l urner. I'nva In... '.o . .1 1: I ' u i;l. ir ' t,.r.il - . tn ii'i U-, i.i In ran; SPBIXG A 1-S 7 1 . on ;.un li.t.-e. t i , uui Inteti- I i ir M t 'uui-. m l -r it e yeiira ol lm l.lv ,k ifi... Ma. l.iui- ... of work thU Machine e.ninot be eipialetl. Will ylk eipi.uly wo.i.n Unck urj tliin good, friiiu Kaiue lo lieaviel beaver coal- I injr, i,r even l.allier, wilhoiit change ol' llee-lli', ; ti.iii.iuii or thread. We will w.ili'anl tlieni iotlo lliiy. Our line wttrk i equal m iny, and our heavy work ".xcol.s ihut of any olht r niat liinu in the world. Thin in.ti liine .lu ikf the ct It tir ilt il I.i.t k Slilrh, the si mil iifveiilcd by Mr. Howe, alike on IhiiIi side'. What we claim, in niiblnnoe, in, ihut lliiJ i nn luinett niaeliine, an. I, il put in your lamilv, will do any and all of your work ierfeellv, will lat n life time, w a willing nn4 rea!y ti vaiil, n ud is not snlijeet to pit-. I'crwoiiri who have tried nil tnueliine an? un unimoiiii in tleelariug lliiit lo be ihe ea-iw-t learn ed ot any in the market. In the majority of e:v- nos our customers li nn iioiu loo iiihiructuni book wiiiout ful l her aid. ACCESSORIES rCRNISHED. Each family machine in AiriiTicd wi'h a hem nier, briiider, JfUaKc, 1- neetlles, ii bobbiiw, 2 norewfdriycm, nil liiu, belt anl 2 w rent lien, and an jiMtructioii book, for ii:.Iii th iiiiicftinc; (I'AfJ'J'Y. .-A U'laiWilnaa am fifiiittiiyjtfi J .eqital I v well mule. Thdirteriee in lriwi thientdtdy lo ornaineiitation of Ihe machine, style and finish of ciiitesj INSTHUCTION. Every purchaser will be thoroughly instruc ted in The tisrof the machine, and is at all times entitled to and will will receive prompt atlen tion and ail the information required. N. N.SHi:i'.l!l, Ual'Hh, (icneral A Rent (or N. C, L..aiI.VNP, Ajien!, Eexin;,'lon, X. O; Ife?" Act-nla wanted in every county in Ihe State. fcb2l-ly t . , c i r i r'. i':, : ro tht rrt-Trn r.-tr-T. " -: ' fT ' frrf"tl , ilrwn ; in -I:.: !,,,,.. ;;M, .j ,i;s. t n, j I ' ne i.i' ;l e Inr-i -t J-ei;.-. if i'-.n'ly iti ihe I'n j iu'J, imi env o-.'t;- i ' f v. i) co. ri. , io i .,ii ! i'i . oi:tiii7, i pi, h i ''. have I'.'eii c.nn iiii'ied extn-pt in .i or ciyil t f tins o.-n li.-s. j and liitwj imt raetiiX'y, htrl nrLvt- or .;;.h:i n fH,WV-- 4-i,Ai'.".i'il..K'ii li'irnlMa'l "i" I'n lim hhe'v were !t j . ndent for ttuj lyniint iMel i-i.s- tetiinrt : am! tV- or;-:ii::.'.:ii.iu cftu I.e.ip'!tt in North ' 'an lira was thv iir.iUUp tow.nd the: e tiiror.lcit. . Sir. an a ii:'ni of that Stale, and (! ply in- of the one niaii power, i A great le t b i' 't ' tl-.e Kt publican party a few davs a'". in hi-, jil.t, e in the Senate, denoiiiu ttl the I'rtsiileiit in vonl of l.iirning t loipn nee for his usurpation ofthe "kinalv premgaiivi ." Thev t..!.. i I.i i .. ..( .i... v...i' WlTe WOrtl llliv im:ii, aim w.uoi.. u, oi. wvi- , . , o- tt 1 i t .. . . i i : .j. ..ii . i t i,tl-iii in In r welfare. 1 have been a elosi- oo- tlHVlMlie Itei'lliuiv , wortiB mil oi xtuciiui im- , . .1 ttl ' nine as to the danger of intrtistin- laruo .lis. re- j -TV. r of . v,ls here an. I I Mhm. ft. r..Y .: .. . ,1... 1 .lo ..t ii..p 1.'. .. KU 1 mi nts iM.cti '.In i:.ji-t a cand:,! c .iisi'lcra- UU1I.I1I IW,I I" 111, lilliiim V, in, ..i... I 1 ..J.l .,..,,. I, n.ln.r.noi.i.'i t.nt. r..if.i..H ilmt ii I I ton. My conviction 1- i Ml. ... u , j . . , lirilin 11, iii.it tin ii' ,.ii wan given lor Uie liejieiil ol mono wno are so ea ger lo impose Kum.iv prerogative upon an niell iul' lui li Ji.o;.iTTTr with loii 'of iippetrif: and g'Oef :! 1 I'Osl ve. 'i, - .li' i ill it : The ay mptonM of Liver .iom plaint are uneaniness and pain in tne aiae. Homeliuiea the pain ia in ho ahoultk-r, nml m ml--rrywi,.,.!. i.t,fli.l. i.J. IiIVEB. Helisail'ili ol Iru nfig!: iti ii.Au tri-nL'tr.'-s. ih lil kmaUV of I he ! .1,1 I h 1 en lion..' f, aitil l K't knc Ih wcIs in lu riiit,':!.': wiih hrx. ittiid 'is iM.Mihled !v ii!.i pain, .'fed dull, hea vy, si nsa1 io:i,' coi)iilera jle loss of memory, ai'i-i;uui,iai..it.xl- wiih. painful 1 il ah -ia -ijineihinic which 1 1. 1 C'ollll'!:liiliti" of id at ;i,i ii - a in 1 i I. w t.i il' : ol L..UI luosl . n I liver 1.. ge:i,vr.iiiy. t ..0 olj,.ui In of MillkerM.i3traw Jjoojcuri,ei.;i: , " o "V - ' ill.. f'-l'.fSJi )775T 1 I.i' il Xt.t-e. in'; but the invol ed. A.ISTR01VO( CATOa. . mroRTiK-i trn jowikks o- tOmr, TalUMIKG TIVET EIBB0NS ' Bimnct Silks, Satins and Vi trei Blondl. rTati, frape'. B'iahi. Flowara, Taathcra. Oroa;.,i.ti. - - Ladles' Hats, Triinh.it d and trinu.it d. Sh3!ter lltfe&fn &c- , 2-J7 2-.'J lliltimurt SK, .alti ?Ioi:.;, -"-niz'r !.. ': .! 1 f.i. thc fiuid-tn roiinlrv. and .'iiialSe.! in choice. mriWy aJio1.;.. -iJuaiM mm fiei h i. lln. late t ,Eut l .i n li'.v- ' eiii-. . : .' ' . ' . - - ' : Clr4i""'?7-T;t""-'''l prpf MJer' n f M4V.J1 I". tw... - livi:i: iti -i 1. v 1 01;, 1 prc:iralion ofroo's mid herlrf, warranleti to lie slrictiv veciyi.i'.'.-.iHiil caii-tki io-itijuiy to any one It has hetii.iiVd I v hiliiili!i iilld k uown Execiilive who has proved himself w) ready to j usurp tliciu. Mr, 1 am tin- irienti oi law ami order, antlT'wiTI jjo us fax an he who goes far- theft to enforce their observance; Imt tills bill will 'not do tint, lor l.v i-s iisirres ivc anil rt vo; lulioiiarv ciiaia ter it will but increase discord anil tin verv ivils it liroftuses to remedy. Admitting the power of CongreM over the subjett, do the alleged 'disorders in the South de mand any legislation from us? Have theitoiiih ern State failed lo apply the proper remedy, or are thev unable to enforce it ? Not at all. Ev ery one of tho-e State, ami ii trtit'iilai lv North Carolina, haa siriiiift-nt ami special enactinenta for the iiliiiishnieiit of orani.ed crime. The Exocioive of North ( aroliiia. in his ilieswige of last Novt m lit r, dechirew : "The power of the State government to pro tect, maintain, and erpp;uatc itself has been tentooj and demonstrated." And airuln : "l'eace 'and good order have been reatoredtn a! I pa rts of 4 he-KlwH".- . , To the same eflect are declarations of a recent date from the Uoveriiont of the notithern SlitteK. Where" the hi-ce-wty, then, for.our interferenc ? Sir, Longreaa itwlt eleclareil but a tew (lava since that there was :io neees-sity for thia legisla tion lt solemnly declared that before under taking lo do thw thing an investigation must firnt la had . that before casting about for au thority to tlo it, it must first be ascertained whe ther auflicitnt reasons existed to dcrnanhita ex-ercb-e. And accordingly it w;as resolved by joint resolution of the two Jtouses to appoint a cora mitlce for Unit pnrjxirc J'ut when the 1 'resi dent, who seemed by hia silence to he in entire accord with our action ou this subject, Mint in a siiecial meaaage demanding immediate legisla tion, without even cominunicatinf, any addition al reasons therefor, Ida "faithful cam moo a" mak. haste to reapond by reporting thia hilL Th gentlemen on the other aid cannot eaeajw lb conclusion which these rennrkabl. facts fore Ujion tvery-i iiiditl mind, that it i not ao nnichN ti e iaee oj !l,e ...i.u ry v.ii:, b ti n.tnss l uiu A the exigency of p r; ly, w b'tih, as. a f iriorn hojie.ari t ks' to inflame the public mind by Kit Eluxfiorror and to touch t tepoMtilar hearrby the cry of protection to loyal citucnv " iJut thtne are kiUI furth.r reason, ngninat thia proposed lcgiKkliun. - Awd-firn', the evil com-, niaiiied of, wheb subjected !o an tioni.-t and tan tlid st rn;i:i', pi.'jniy anjH'nr lo have lieen for bas piirsrrwi'y viw!HBiwiMtMjiv trn meaiiios an.1 .-i.-iiiii.'.iiice shnnn f ;i!y penreeMt." Es, fifV IS til. a e, at. I .i-.ihjet t of invest S'"rat". 'As. a si T ie a-t to iiii h i.avt j.i i. tu l. ; of .Nor", a H'liii l,s in iny oXiy bien" the .1. i;- e of it tie ' ii::t, ii.'votcii lo ml the evidence con in these six or riant otmties in North Carolina did not iirow out of hostility to negro siillr.tge, the reeoiHtructioii acts, or to the national (overnnient The true solu'ion of their cause is to be found in a sup ved neitiwity, in the mimla of some, that or ganization was nt-ce-osarv for the protection of life and property, which ere menaced hy a hostile organit ttion, anil which were not ade quately protected by a weak' and corrupt State government. This is ihe key to the whole mya terv. . . i repeat, therefore, that the exercise of the snfli aL'e by the negro was not in itself the cause of trouble, il is true that, in the exercise of a just discretion we opposed the whole aeheme of reoonst rue! ion, and that we regarded the con ferring of milage upon the negro with great disfavor. IJut the Htmocratic parly long since in North Carolina acquiesced in both, and by resolutions, plaWirms, and olBcial addresses, it haa accepted them -a a finality. That party would not to-day deprive the negro ofthe bal lot if it had the' power to da it, not because of hia fill i can for its exercise, but because of the great danger to. .the peace of .society in reopen-; i.nli .HI.S.1,111 . " , Aa to his free exercise of this high privilege, I assert that he nVw it witnrrt let tr htmleraweo in my Slate,and dcnif 'tliat "1HS tft tleharfcd there from by any ayslem of iiitiinid tlion through the agency of the IX-mocratic party there. 1 know this charge, ia freely' and "persistently made, but the evidence of it truth is wanting. It is aaid that iif our late election there ws a largo falling off ihe colored vote as register ed, and fhert foie intimidation must .have been reso' ied .o. .The answer ia that no general re gistiation took place iu Xorlh Carolina last year, uud ihut since the proceeding registration thousands of these iioople have left the Stale to aeek the coiton-lickU of ih South ; and, furth er, that thoitaanda, bulb white and, black, dis trusting their party Jeadera.in their deaperata eiroria to wainUui power by th aid of Kirk'a ba.vonela ihe league. bcWg no- longer able to exercise compelling force-r-nbaented themselvea from I h,t oolls.lt ' EI .' f .! line-"il m1 . " oi.e cm d. pr; hut it unuii-takably appears thnt iu ma ly every instance the outrajtn they ctim mitted wero bv war of punishnient for crimes or It the inat ijr.-ii ion of crimes ng.dnst aoe'lety. 1'his w hull aul jeet waa thoroughly examined but union r by the Jutlgca of our supreme court, flic ti-s imony !: the jurjx)ca of the Ku K l,i x o'i.iiiixiiion waa suljec'.cd foariid arm-li-iv, but il completely failed to civ itaiioliti- evl 'iiilic.iqci-. I lie tuii-iiieiit. Hint tint organization prevail 1 C i o : -ho.it iho S:a'e u aimnlv false. I have i an i- .v.. s seqnuintance there, and hare en- I f'n ;..i ni u in p .li i.-s for Hunt' ears past. If I ! this Or -i'.iw ion we.'e Bo etleuaivc, iictratiiu? ' inio ev.ry couiitv ol Hi. Mat. and operating in the i-itrret of the party to which I belong, it it reasonable to aujntose that 1 would know aomelbiiiir of It or of ita menllicra personally; and yet 1 have no anch knowledge. My IVino ii itv it.!.', ,1-tns in ll.is House will ot'it l:-re .!' l!.L.i;a'.;i i.'i, niid wc riprint ninre than one l..tjf , f !.c ) ..-..pie of the S'.n'.e. iKics thissig i.ify i. , '.'n' T Sir, it vind'u atca her people Ir :.i . oitii.iiy ami the iK-niocra'.ie party from t: c f,, il in-ii.it-ttion that it is in league with clime. lit !.i-t rtisoii I offer r-Tali-at il.'s riotxled lei-lat.t.n i-, that these tronblc aierat itllT HUI'.'H It 'i.M'iiir'rwiai-. V iira,it:f:-eii I I, IH menl ol eleetioiia in ray neirro lut .inn: a voter as eilian I noleiuidv dtvla in vvli't4i hi" ii nuil that 1 kjri5"of no -hmk-ti d' or niolesi't uu ; Min e- I lie Utile, and instance oil in the her p ,.'.p;e aiTii ' uieiT' iiifcrtSTsvamr jnrhTtjr-o J IT 1 IIC l.ll-I I" .-V -ilS US OIIC tl :e lll'i-l IVl'lllliC, . etlit-.i. it'.us :.l.! ! . .! '.. . ol.'I'.i .1 l(y.O'f f. iv.! .1 ..vwf", ...': L trrS" !.,'.;-'ir' i' iy " i IM-a-i-i.-ni! v. :! i 1 . ' ,o t li e ' j i 1 1 Scg-ulaisr.-4f.-'i.i. hn, tiic oa-- j Iv i'-m.- .i e i- ,o. s. i v,.'t n '.fi.iMi . i eieses of ihe -k'li. i'ii IT'!' ir 'tte i'-sl, m. 1 ., .: " ehf-lf. ' i' tti f"-. i"'i f , .' : -. h iilivir.. cr.lic, -1 .. . .i . .. . . :. . i ........ I.I i'.lll - .' .' !' ii i'i ,,: t iti. I." i' It I . t . :. 1 I . ... . . I rtTI -i.f.t.' . J--,J-i . I.. , IM -.1. . f. i'i, i ,i. o i i.i. t.( mt. rt;:.iN i'Tri i - --Ml..!., ti I rrrt- -t .V. l.v . ')' f . K (.1 1 TV. ,v '.; ,. M ' , - .t; i.t::v, N. I ', I mv voice in their vindicatuifi. Sir, F reel the slanders wbicli have been ut- i It red h-re or elsewhere a-famst tlieni. I tier levvc s.l!erel much ; they havfr he-n llmsiileti otlT their honor und fair fume, 1 Maud Ircrti! ajiJiaiseA(ti 'etl ihe ci t -.enship of the nesio l fj.t: e.-;ei'cig of -Ilia privilege, except thy those o h's ownlcolorwlieri he- voted again ilium -t and ilic-reTs nniiiiftrld evtilemjo--th.it m -tvuu on- in'.iucej ou. i-.se and bi!,.l! vSoleuce have bewtteri'4rW'4em fgiUik.Mmmt'.i.JJtt the co-i-fjiv-, he-j'S ! i.'ieYp '.i without licjti i .-.ion o It-o, i.-.r-; d t4 5 i coiiimiodifva where l.is pn,.ie .l ie ;.i;.eJt. in lbV3 mMM'ity. N .'W. ;: -," (! i ,1,'iii... 'i.i cp.ii'iy hi mv Slit'r, sn.l in .1 ha il. um .h.itii the N'Hth, liav't-ig iiy -fl tmiiiiii nml nilii'i. 1 1 ace-la i a. ion reto; . , - i r ' slort tl wit.lin her honfera, that the State gov inbuilt r.Ueto able to protect, maintain, und pt, pt : ti.it e i'..e!f. From all thcolher aouth rrn Stales come (ho aamo assurance. In my own State neither Ecaguc nor Ku Kllnx KJan any longer Cutis abiding-place. The old feeling of kindness and good will between the races in the South ia re-established. The whit, citi zens, generally not so much" incensed against t be poor, deluded .African ngainFt those who duped anil miaicd him, now that his better na lure haa re umed it away, give him on every hand substantial token of their sympathy for him and of their dcsiie to aul him in his efihrt to improve hit coniiion and to fet on in the world. , And although gentlemen may prate about the negro and hia wrongs from the white mm of the South, he will tell them to-day that his best friends are to b. found among those against whom he voted. And I tell him thnt so long as ho performs the duties of good citizen-hip these-friends will protect him in voting for whomsoever cr whatsoever he may. V It scenia lo be clcr. therefore, that in no as pect of this question are we called upon to in terfere, but that it is the wrt of wisdom and witllid statesmanship to leave its solution tothe soothing influences which are now xrcl8it1g their potent charm in quieting and pacifying all ehisocs of the southern people. Let us not, by further irritating legislation, disturb lht hopcfiiT promises, by, wordi of :pcac and chari ty, hasten the day of tirrlr "complete and happy conRumniatronir4nd to ytwr southern brethren word of lore instead of hate. -Giv them amnesty instead of menaces. Jiv them am nesty and vou will a-ive them peace. Give March 2. li'csoJutiun to inquire into the aalu of the .State 'a alock nf tlio Cape Tear Navipatia Company, and other matter. Provides for a joint committee to investi gate the sale, eVc , and see whjr a certain auit was diLuiscel. Marc!) 2-. An act concerning immigra tion into North Carolina, and to increaitc the rapit il of the State. Appoints (co Littl'-. Prcsitic lit of the North ("'..rnlina Land Company, Comoiis?!oiicr of Immi gration, to nerve without fllary, with powers to Appoint Assistant Coiuiuisaion missioner without sa'ary. March 2. An net to repeal certain sec tion, and parts of lections and to amend other, in chapter270, Laws of 1SGS 'Ci). Amends tho net concerning tho powers and duties cf State office rs in several de partmentj, March 3. Ar. net to 'repeal chapter 70, Private Ijiws, lfsGD '70, KepYiils ihe act preventing re-tailing apiritiioua liquors within 3 rmka-ttnr "LTn'dia v MTiTe" Iii own ol' JuiXiiiloti I'u.-ely In" aTaiitf MVi end might have been ottaiued under the penerel law, ivitli A few sections. Here we li.ivo a Liil of IG pages, costing about S'OO. . March 3. An act concerning -elections in this State Voters can only vote in the townehip wherein they reitle. Vo ters may he challenged at any time. March 4. An act to amend an net for the better government and regulation of th town of Iiortford. Entirely local, and of no interest to those out of -the town. March 4. An act to cliirtT the Citi eens' Bank. Located iu GieensLoio,' with a capital of 500,000, -with the usual provisions ; minors, appeenttces and femes covert can deposit and contract the de posits. March 4. I'n act to revise and amend an act, incorpoiting Bladen Manufactur ing Company. Adds to Joseph C. Ab bott and Ueorgp Z. Picnch, the names of John D. Currie, Benjainiu Williams, S. vAVooten, James Cash well aud Henry S. Shervofg, as incorporators. March 4. An act-to repeal an act authorizing- the Commissioners of Jonce county to levy a special tax. Repeals the acts of April, 1SC8 and of March 1S70. March 4. An act iu relation to copying th 8 Uwa.for.tiie Public Printer. Provide. I . ... ! m Mill nii niira tlinrrl afrfcrth Cive tnem amtiesty ttnd thd people ' wtl wyf that the Clerk of the Secretary t-f State Amen." Giv them amnesty, "Ami all the clouds that lower' d upon oar hou' Will ho "Iu the tloep boson, of flie ocean burled." From the Telegram. CAPTIONS OF ' ACTS AMD RESOLUTIONS cr THI General Assembly, passed at the Session 'V . (liftiiliiiiieiLj- 'ri-i rs; ih, of ihe'r n'.''t'f tl r-gti'a by j,...'i r;-.'!l. ; !":W"i'i"l. rri.!-- l..tKi:r'-t t mru ..) : oX.j ' fNlhjjr own rht-inr A i.v.t l by I. me; thryji ev.' ,.t t.ut- i-Varg.! lh.it lh.it party gives counteiiauce. to any a'Templ io.o.jsiruei iii l"" " - -er, Mifthc iKi.ioeratic patty iu my Stale has TTTI'lC III" t sOo.'lilll .IllilUtU'l, " "o1"""!!: 1' ''' r vi l.tn t.i. ir l.ooi. s honor; they hive i riurtTirTan.T tlifTTt in tiieir priH-iiV, m ili.-ir .t,t l.v lire hinds cf 1rrt TlSTTTe?' of tri.i!" iini i.iv.i J iv .;i;t r Moii! 'i he; i:e i .. Trice, - I-.r snl -r. :. :4 h,..;sa.s Wolo I nave i.iv l any tmn-r i io p .- o ih-ih r- ation. . And yet, si", they mixe in id ljir sent Ta pi'icnee th.-'.-ug-i it all, and with ,-t heri.tti Ix-vondall 'pr.ii.se have niiiously kept tu. l-a--. .'i her i n -t to .l.tr a more orderly ami i Uw.wh4Hr futile a.:y wher :ha the peopie of , i:. 'f.. , North i .trtii na.' - . ; 1' - th '!.-' ' ! i..t a-it yoti to tuke rrr frc-.3i.m4d .i,,it-,f, it . . st.t. mrit for rt.jliiirl prottue tte rrtrntrl, 'l he - -tr---t-'t. ii i riac iu. . rMi ' aeofina, jix.r.!te. J riiv!vi.-rl Ijf e 44is ' ' . ' ' "' Ve 1 ..f '.in- ' ' .c.''! '..". ' ' ',''''!," 't.oti.s of iis I.-: . i i s. . . i t 1 1 ..:; -Vi. i "e ' iiot. .oti-! tioiiif; '.'..: :. "'.:.. ' 'Hf''!'-'' a. id 'I it 'r .,,!.- -,; , ('.iv ?'!- wh'i u :.:,.. -re .. . , ,, " ' i ' v " f'inrte i a .It: . tU4t'-.e i I.-I.. ''' .Li' ''- ii-.l- ''"xJ. 'i L. ' Ttt! cKrrU'r and ri thi-t. 'liv" 'M''1 "' T"-"u .. V .- "TTrTT Feb 27 An. act in relation to taking fish from the N. E. Branch of Cape Fear River, and for .other purposes. Provides that during t he months of February, March and April, no neine, drift net, set nit, or po j "n el or mire shall be used h the river irom its moutji to where,i.lhe Ooejien empties, frou VVednesday morning sunrise nntil Thiiffday. morning Fimiisre aim no ciise tliall be si;t ocrosa the channel from Nepttttiilicr till Irceiubcr. Feb 27. An act to puuiali olliccrs and T tar to ageflfs JUilroa-. persons 'for embezzlement and otnejr ot-fe-uces. IVovide-s that if any person Siiall ueo tho fund, or prnptfrty of any company for their, own b.-nefii, tliey shall be ini: i its jpriioncd. at 'hard labor for,. net lea ihan " -ycar'.,,no.rmor.' than 10 years, and lined hot h sa than S. 1,000, nor more than 610,1 OtiO. ...-rr- '!' i, h pro is to copy the Acts to the exclusion of every other business for the printer. March 4. An act to incorporate tho Perquimans Savings. Bank. Incorporates William K, bliannonhonse, Lt. l'. JMngii try, James Newbold, Thomas II. Gilliam and James C. Skinuer, witb the power, usualjy conferred upon Sating. Bank Commissioners. : March 4. An act to incorporate th. town of Wilkesboro'. Provide, for the election- of five commissioner., one of whom .hall be Magistrate of Police, with the usual power, and duties. March 4. An act to amend tho ordi- ajia5UiLtijjx.JUai rraot. March 9. An aet. t inenrrwirafa Petereburg and' Greensboro Railm..! Company To buihl a railtoael between the two iioints. a romnanv with . ..-u.i . 1 J " " v.L.IMa of 5,000,000, is authorired. March 9. An act, to amend sec. 18. chap- 22'J. Laws of lfir..'7n n.. . act-Provides for a license tax on Tobac co warehouse men instead of the specific tix. r March 10. An aet, to anthorix. the Commissioners of Guilford Co. to issue Bonds Authorized to issue $30,000 of ' coupon bond, payable in 10-year.. March 11. -An aetr concerning Attor neys at Law Repeals the aet. of 1S68 '0 and 1869-70, and re-enact, chan. f. r LRevised Code. r ' March 11. An act, to incroporato the Trustee, of Ang.hburg Malo aud Female Academy Purely locul, and of no gene- ai interest v . ,, MarclrTlTAn act, to amend section. 27, chap. fa. Laws of 1868 and I8G9 Forbids referees to decide ou suits on di verce. March 11. An act. to rmnnwim tl.. 5 jurisdiction of the courts of the State Amends the section relaling to Banks and to units brought by and agaibst th. banks. , March 7. An-ac.t to incorporate the To- V . . . - ... t matto Iron company j neorporates jx. King.'ey. Jl. II. Col- and Vr'Pr CuTTln A. Campbell, Jas. K lins. Ii. A. Vf PosV with a cajtital of voOOO, with power to do anything. , Marcli 7. An act, to ineorpoiate Slates vifle Scmitiury purely 'local. Marcli. 7.' -Resolution "i favor of Ed. F. irnderhith " Pay- W-ItU!.etTLce.as, stcuographer. March 7. An act authorizing the Com iriis.tioiies of Chaiham county 'to ineuu bonds. May i.'iite Sia,f)00 of coupon bonds t-o -pay cdtl ..debts ; coiijioM rcceiva 14u in pay iiient of Coti trty taxea. !W-iY"h7. I'eaoT'ttiii.-i in favor of W. 15. K 1 n net f a innrnnml that Inwti V.xti In I"r. -4 'at 8 .him -'7 as el.'ik to the -4 vj'jMjhyji-i I'ProVldei tj.it the rwn slaTl be Ineorpo- j Maieli.7. 1! solulion in fuvor of JefT. r iid under tJ,o provh-w.iiri.of tic 1 1 liteisoti 111:; ton. PayVhiii! &4 W, for servi- Marcli II.' An aet, providicff for the support of the Insane Asyluyti Author izes 640,000 fo be paid during 1871 ; if the n umber of patients exceeds 1C0, there may be drawn 3000 for each additional patient. March 11. An act, to authorize tax collectors to collect taxes which shall be be due and unpaid. Allows arrearage.jof taxes to bo collected.. 1 March 1 1. Resolution in favorof Jarae. If. Moore, Public Printer Pays him f 700 weekly ,-on account. March 13. Resolution for the relief of B. A. IIowel, late Sheriff of Robeson County Relieve, hiiu from the penalty of not settling the taxes, providing be settles by 1st March, 1S71. March 15. Resolution in favor of J. B. GAiJy, Sheriff of Harnett Co. Release, him from the judgment obtained against him, and allows him till the 15th March, 1871. ' " - - - March 15. An act, in relation to con victs sentenced to two year, must be re ceived in tqo i'ctii ternary ; those for a. leB term" than two years, the' "Commi.- sioner. arc allowed to exercise their dis cretion ai to the reception of such con- - victs until further action by the Legi.Ia i tnre4f..nV received,. Couuty. Commi.-. f loner may tnploT tbem at wwkJBn ,,.., public road., &c ; if not received, Coon ty Commissioner, may employ them at work on public roads, dee.; State not lia- ble to pay fer maintenance of convict.. Mvrch 16. An act, to change the line between the conntie. of Wilke. aud AN leghony Iycal, and of no intemtexeept to tae citir-eu. aoout Jiui. lxnoo.-o1-- March 16. An act, to prevent tbeePr ling of tree, in Little Rriver Prevent.: felling trees; in the river from R. D. Whit ley'. Milt, io Jehnston oouuty, to the. montn,- ;.. ,v v' ".'i March 16. An act, to ' Incorporate the iliwaeseeand Cheoch Turnpike Company . turnpike roacT from the Iliwassee turnpike ; to the Cheoch turnpike, with the usual privilege.. March 16." An act, to amend the char ter o the Cheoch turnpike Company Authorizes a branch road to.be built, and estahliuh the tolls. , ' """ - " March 1C. An act, to annex "part of Rutherford to BurkeConnty Local ia its application altogeter. MiirfdT16. An act, to provide for the appointment of Commissioners of Wreck for Hyde County Comity Commission rrsmapppoint a Commissioner of Wreck if3eerocd expedrent, f March 1C. Resolution in favor W. J. A. Strange, of Cherokee Allows him to enter and Like up tract No. 128 of "Chero kee IuihW Iit. 3, -at State "pffer to wit: 1 21 cenm per arir. ""' -Maich 17. An art, requiring ''hcrifT. -arid C.ui.in-rs tr five iioiice to parties in faYfr they liiar have process for money. ;H In ti nijulrea; if: collection Slieri!l are t ru.iifj- n'l pU'inlifl. inany cxicution of the- tliu.--, and planr-nt Ml, . S I -' .(nt ViV , . .i : .. 1n .1.. 1 .1. . k. i.i t, Sntuiii. I InirtTrtrr: VT i cunpicx Ol u- neviitvei vuue. aii.t uic sojt ----- i . . , . r -J - "l I " i t. ... . ' . T m tlSt.T.. t, i. li.l .,,,1 a tniif Ills l;l Vlll" . ,.Mt ltCS- rfTicrra rlnll be Mayor, threiTVomo r3Trjr r.-'----w-9 - - ji r4. , A .,.i!,kk.; v,4,h.sv : Vaj-iilv, Ka.iville arj Coaln-ld Rvad rrnal'y, mlernvwi". ' . , - . - . - - , . , t. .... ,.. . . . - .. . , . ...-irer-s-.vr ? L. I L. , Ij r,.la UK -l i.i.i:.. tl:.( tt c H't'.' to. Ill run I '11 W I i'Mimi-. - ii.Tii u- ski -i. i. - , ...... .. r.r. r c c ... '-. - i . .i - fi tn sere.e txiilit '.it the Vrgivf i"- I", cuap. .i art ri..i',v:. in n it't'T?et-l witliThw-J r JlvrtJuiuJ ii fourth Page. anv I : t : t j( retailt r A-..." . , -' or tvV, 'F'XiT-ir7 ' rcTe I - V f ,-J. iu. itL.iv aiuvuw. i-.i-... ' . J; 1- .ac Tl.i U,cthrr theV.. i s w.; a l!T-f. ;-;. ' . , - y jinmrstealrp rarti'I rm9 roatl . ! I r'ift

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