' ' - - r ' - J . . . - . . ... . ' ' r .... VOL. VI " S&" I SALISnUUY, N. C, APIUL 28. 1871. ' 7 ' NO. 17. - . ' ' r-r r- s- - - . . Disohtion of Partnership. THE nrlrn r4.li hrretodr rii-iiig Ur(rrn K1M1A HI.I.NS mm il.i. d i J1HFi.Uktl tj MntUI coiwrf I. M. i;in. It. r. (t.m.l NS, J. IHUMITII. itrxo a coRLrxs nil luimurt of tli Bmi, n.l won! lrjrtfuMT call ntlmlioa thWrapcinir mi, wl'l -h r ' mi.(j, cuius toou, n,tu tntlj w.itylr u. a - Ki)LlSMini Mirrlifi, 1W 1.-12 U ! c?rA WARSAW 7 Fmjrtlrrille. LEAVU Wurottw fur K.u tir i!lr ilaHr ex rrpl Snndny. Tlir'Uf,')i TicKi'lK fruin (nHilit lMirt'tiVsixiw,tii Ka-ftivill.'.tB- Tliri.iili tick-iU frooi V ll.m ti K:n 'Itrx illr, lit. Tlrounb tirVr-tt fr. in UHniiitoii, via War- Mtrto KnjTtTiW., - CHAKLOTTK VIA VTAPirSIIOKO. TO HKAIXM- VT.. C A It. It. li: LrT 1irlctto nfXvr Irniim Irom lUlrigh r1 Monrco, fur Wmli-clHwi Tui'mIhv, TIhiii' At nl smunlay U-hvo Wmli-nlioni', Tn -day. Tlmriwlny, tt'nil Stunly, after trian friui Wilrainjrton. CHATHAM It H. To l'A YKTTKV I I.l.K A XI) KSTKli.V K. K. : Lravo Chatham l.'.iil lfoml afti r train from Kalelirh. I'RVo WiMtorn KoaJ at Juiiotiiirii' nflor train frnm Kj I'ltr i ill-, ilaily cit rjit SimdayH. 8ALKM AM) Jl Kill I'ol.NT 6TA(iK icaVfi fUl ll pl4' daily. Otliio at llutuor'n Iloti'l, Siilom. X. (.'. K. T. C I.KMMUNS, Spet. 16, 1870 tf rmitraytor. (EI)cl&Nocll) Slate PCkl.ltUCD WEEKLY BT . L li Y IN HANKS Editor and Proprtttoft.., RA.TF.S or ! BmirTMN On Teak. alUin iItadm. ....93.0U Rix MoxTiia., vr ' ...... I.W ft Ci'l to on adJrtHia,..... ...... 12.M) 10 C-Jl- t onad.lna, SU.00 . - - - - . - . f r i ' f JiaUi of AJwrtutua. I.M) lurMc!i l.P.T.Vi.iiHi"ii.1rTlnn.-:-.-. - fl- HiHial iiiti ill r charctl .K per rvut liilu-r t tint i Ik- til.. it riitfu. Court and Judio'V Order, ulllln- ";l,linh td nl thu j c(if rutt' uilli utlu-r n !m tueiiln. Ul'iltmry u ti ova , over nix liut-t, cliargi-J a J vcrui't nu i.iii. COXTUACT KATKS. o 5 e H er C 3 c a ,B . 9- i, 1 Square. 2 Sijnarm. U Siiiurf. 4 Siiia-eii. i CiiIiiiiid. i Column. I C'lluinn. 4 50 U 25 IWMI !MNI p 00 II (10 1 1 oo i; (to r (HI I (Kl J-l (Nl 40 H) i500 I&H50 I300 8 50j:UN) I J (H) JO (Ml ;WI,(HI 15 (Ml t" 00 :t7..')0 2()iki:i0ini 45.00 .'Kl 00 15 (HI 75.00 50 00 HI I (HI l.'tO.OII willing tar to ilia IMortuer WickllflV.who deuird iLe aulliorii of Kome , an o i cuaeJ Ibe nalloa froai ftjlng In debt. Alierwardi (1380) ibU Minf cret man finULrd a translation of tie Latin DiM into I'ngli.L lie wroto tract for the jHx.ple. 11a rcvirrd preacLinf to tho pH-ple. Ilia difidca wmt JiligfUll up and down Ibe land, teacliug and preach ln tie trntb and tU autboril of tb Uolf Scrlj-tnr. . for LuJjkt tu LraiJ ofu tevolirtion ary itfoimer (151S), the loavcu cf Jlillfl rvadiiig and privai iLlnkiiig waa at woik ammip Ik KnpU4vHi4iJ ....... Ilut I lie Chinch of KnI.ind was itlll U"inaii Caihi.lic, notmiiliinaiiiliiig tin work thai wan 011 aini-rg lli" JfOIli--. Tlie follower ol ickliflV, known in Iih try nt LollanN, hvi f urnirlicd lliniipiimla of linuit a to the liirhojia' lift of In n titi', i liu-wln-re known an the noble army of Uiarlyia. l)urinj; the rripi of Inry VII). (1531) the tlntnh in Knjrlaud if cl.ind iud" -tw-tn'riit ( Il'me. Tliia waa MrTiaa tlie ciWi of tic Krit!ri ' It i for mal inn. 'i'liia curiotii king, hating married liif erw--ln on word, no n!:Clou TO EM BOOK that can atanJ a inoiurul in torn parUon wltn the l'rjr Honk, of the Kptacopal Cborcb In the two fold quality of rlcbucM and age. ' " , TLa prwtcr name, Ix eaHao trwly do aeHptiva, for tbla Cbxn. would b CHCICH OF THE if'fOK. A it tb way with all tlbir I'l.nit-a, tohen, llo Church t-haroiIon a 4 K -J.-rlire many wlaelhlnra tor. ' ' ut th ChurcK ni ti Pr1; Time Tablo- TAKKM KKK.KLT coixu vi;st. Arrire. I.tavc. Western 1ST Til c n r. Ski'T. 170. (i()IX(i WST. Jrrirr. I.nirc. C M 8trt ' 8.66 " W 40 " M M6 " 11.10 -11.69 " 13 4H m : 6 IIIlM 6 07 " 7.10 - 8 07 " 9 IKI ! 45 " H li II 15 " l i 04 Snl.ftliur.t . Third "n --k, Suuinille. I'xIn iliA 'la. f-nton, ilii k .fy, i uard. Vur(ra-nt n. triili'ew tiler. M,iriin. I i'.Mt !l -J. CM H 2S -7 SO " l i3 " 6 30 4 HI " 4 Ui n 13 " 3ai 7 25 -2N " 6 36 " I Ml 4 0a " .1 20 " J.5I " I 4 J tf Hr.iikr.o-t .ihd Kt 23 1M7H. ii! MilteJI ille, 3H-tf BARBEL'S HOTEL, 111(111 '0!NT, '. O. 0 prosiTK itAii.noAO dki'ot. Ten parts froux trhrrc tltr Curs slop. (lent of porter' in att'idnnrp n nil tr:irB. Mail Stmjeii fornli-m Iit tliic lumw daily. Pawnfr dmpatchrd to tiny point alsliort notice bf private iinreymiee. (;ratful fur the iiU-nl putronae of tlie past we hope fir utriit attention I" 1 e antx of our gueittn to merit a continuance of It piime. IVM. ej-ARBKr;. Jaa. 1. 1870 f Proprietor. It npMtf rnvfrn m1lii H otbrr pnpvmllmM tot prtMtodn Jllj.nr. SmtH mt WhoUnmt B0LL3, BT3CVIT3, tBtlB, Mltl an oOH OridJU Ciktl PtrfteU) Pun mi JiWiHi. ui oJtfaya nadi tor ( ml Tht CBMAP mtrm,r .mw. womld,-mitt wnx iisp oir LAMP OM MIA, IX mt eih, far tn Ma mU titfOA . th. w T Mtmckttrcn, Miner, Marinmt, Smtgrmu, .M U tm tmtt, in r r-fct, UU BEST YK1ST POWDIH "fvrtU KUcken, l)f Camp, th4 Oollef. BOLD BT OUOCEBH a IlEAIXBB EVERVWHIRR ' . Manufactured by D0OLKT St BKOTHER, 69 NEW STREET. NEW-VORK. R. W. BEST & CO., iAu:JGii, Js: c, AliCTiCfl &"C0.VrMlSSl3H M er cliaii is, So1(c:t (ViriMlt'itinciifs of ' Particular Ailnifioii pnirtto Arretron Sith'S. . ' ' . REKKIt JIV J'KItMISSK.X TO W.H. WA.LARW.' IWt l.'iilei'xIi.Xafl Punk.' W. K. A miFKSON", ' Oitizeiin' " JKO. (. WlLJ.IAM. " Stato " VT. H. A It. S. TivkerS Co., Italeih, X . C March !7-3m A LKITL'KK, DSLIVKKKH IN THB-OPEKA 1101SF, M.MI KEW YORK. By I'tT. Ihotnas K. Bcecher, Pastor of the Coryregatiotial Sorttty, Khuira, X. Y. Let another mnn raio thee, iiml not thine own iiMUith ; a Ftrangei and not thine own li) I'koV. izvii. 2. If nnv man, however dcrrvinjr, begin ! to phow i'ff and brag, Hpe.ikin often of jbia pant irruid ami jiuLlic tc; vifi f. U' J m.'ikfii hin.si-lf nft'eiixive. i jliil when it (ferlnral give credit to bin liridlier tieneral, ana acrinc victory to tlicir w inrloni nnd valor (f tlie in my, tln u all are ilea.'ed. turli woidn are twice narlul they profit l.im that rpcnki, nnd llteui of h-iu 'hi-y are spoken. In romi'lliiiifr the h.-iiiic uay wc are of fended when we henr or read the word which Cliillthuu tl :lo;ik in ilnide ( iieli of his own church or denniiiinali.ii. They fecm conceited, hi injiiiit, olTetisivp. Tliev iin i in ( 1 1 1. v:iin"lnrv 1. 1 home mil ill-will i o abroad. Hut it lnisi ("eeuied to me t!t Cliriftian pai-tois and prelates might he at leant urf courteous one to- Pnotlier u Army oflieeis are ! And if we would note and praise the beauty of our sinter churches more, and silence our own bmt tfulncH. there ur'ylit come t paps among Clnialiitn peo- i pie a smiling charity and peaceful rcjoie- !'? . ' . j I invite you, therefore, thia evening, j tp view the beauty, the u?ei", ami the j truth that It long tinhfuie Chri'tiaus a-I inong uu w ho are popularly called j EPlSfOrALIANS. In '.lii.- city theie are four kinds of churches that ha ve Ilibi'iH, and therefore call llieiii.-elvce Kpiecop.il. itotnan Kjii.-icopitl. l'rotr-iitaiit Kpiecopal. Mctbodiet KjJcoiiil. Aineiican Methotiist Kp!?cop:il Zrn. But only one of tliei-f. ia g'neial!y know n ; the ii.-c ip ll Church, mi tiivly th(! l'rntf stunt Kpiwpnf Chtireh, li pre sented in this city by Uo parielie uud a UU40ll titudet that firjucntler eonrt art drawn thither mostly by love of the prayer, the litanit and Iconi of the I'laytr lJk. r ... 4 . And, bn-thrrn of every name, I certify you that you raielv hear iu any I'huich a puyer f jM.keu lu rlngltuli, that is t.ot in detud to tho 1'iaycr Hook for uie of it choiceM t" tiod. And further, I doebt whether life ha. in toit for any of yon an uplift so high, or downfall so deep, but that you can find company for your ou! and fitting word for your lip among the trvMurc of this Book of Oiuuioii Trover. In aH ' time tf--r 4rtbuUti'm all. time ( our primptrity ; in tlie hour vj ikath and in the Day qf Judgment Good brotlier's w idow hv mm ciul ieruiiiion of ; l.nd, deliver us. the Church, by and by applied to that A a coiiHeijuenee of the Prayer Book came Cliuich to declare the iniiniage tin - uud it nee 1 note: law 'nl: and when the Bit-hop of Koine 2. Th- Kpircopal Church prerve n ! verv high grade ot iligiilly, decency, pro- pritiy aud pL-iiuaueucc iu all her public i very oin opriopitiou nttig into extravagance and cruelty. After Mary came Kliznla th.who cainrd Boiikiii Catholics at one exiiiiue unil l'u ritanc at the other to feel her pcorn, and stirrer rinr-i", inipi'iitoMiient and death. 'i'hen came .Iitrut4 X. oi''. KuzluniI, by nliotic order (Wir present Bible wad iie piiK il, und printed, umI :iiithoi ized. Am thus frrmrwRwtw Tript th t 'linrch- iw.j . ........ ..... ... .. i . . - i i t . i i i.. : : . . t. . i In t ier,. cotittiittnnnn - r xne (Hirctr of oi Mt;taiiu tmnm'mmm. aiawMaM- Kngland. Hf gardeitr lay down ii branch by lil Je her pres. tit shape, and lay'ng all "V.r a vine lin.T Vfii1c1'trfart-nTrd cViTtH4Xt4wowUiUti 111 UliLumfdf"iJ d lh" Koiinm would not giant tins no, illicit divorce, Henry, the heudrtrong and hen rty, de clared it himrilf, nianiid again, laughed nt hia own excommunication, "caused him-t-clf to be proclaimed the Supreme Head of the Chinch of Klightlid, and to prove tint in all these etcpn he was quite right, be cut off any mail's head who should dispute thoeame, eg.. Sir Thomas More (1534). 'I hue. then, we come to a Church inde pendent ot Home, but not yet reformed. The Bible was in tunny ( hurches. Yet men, not a few, wcro slain for reading it and talking it. Among these, William Tyndale deserve our mention ; for he translated the New testament into felicit ous Ki'gliidi, and put limbed much wise di ctrtw, in coiieejrifiiee of which ho was (luiy ftraiigh d mid burned. the King multiplied Bibles but cut cfl Bil le reader. After Henry .and his slormy wayscnnio pious and gentle Kdwuid VI. to the throne, and at once lhe flower of reform In gnu u hlossom;and the Church to show the features w hich she wears to-day. ! The Ku-lii'h Bible . as read by lessons at moiiiing and evei ing service us now. The Liturgy was lrau?lalcd aud s-iid iu I wilirli. The Creed .of the Church was packed iu toity-two urticJcs, alici waids reduced to th famous thirty-nine Ac- ; cordingly both tho bread aud wine were given to the common people at the sac rament And other reforms and piuif'y ing were set afoot. Kdw.-ud s reign wns a short one (1547 -53); long enough to introduce these changes, y t short enough-, to kei p tin 1 i , it i Klaiit.-) from etiii.jr too liinch lu ai! way. Afti-r him came the pious but gloomy aud unhappy (ueen niary, who strove to bring i! e iciiliu i f England hack to Rome, she caused persuasive (ires 4o be kindled for the '-nod of dissenting souls Hie did . i whatslo- could, but she could not undo tlie licfoiiiialion. l'ailiaini'iit and. the people weie too much for htrr But her kept Hie retorniel'H Irom rtin- ct Iu nearly every n -p ipir you may read coiua funny stoi v I . . . J upon the ignorance or ettentriciiy -r hl.trphf uioua familiarity of some cxtrmp. iiz:i g pi.iyer niaker. All of you h i. present have been at aotne time sboik'd r hou d by public devotional j-.eihiiin.inci s. Nothing of this ort ever occur in the Episcopal Church. All fhingsrc done and spoken decently and In order. And o, too, of permanence nnd it ac cumulating Worib of holy association no transient observer can adequately value this treasure of a birth light Churchman. To bo using to day the self-sumo word that Imvtt ibriHtgU eshluiks UecUwd ib fiiih or mndirknown tlw jrycr of that mighty iiiuhittide, who being now deliv ered from the burden of Hi sli, aro in joy and felicity : ' To bu ttpiis'?d inexly iufancyr d never to klUi. tjnie w hi u we weie not rv'4;uizi-.ilUM.e.'3t,!,C th tuU Iions who have entered u tho same door: 'J'o he confirmed In due lime, in alfaith that has sustained a nohle army of con- fe.sors, approving its wurtli thiotigh ner- liei-utions iiiid piosperities, a strength lo the tin it und a cuasteiiin; I This EptscopuT Oiurcli Tir'Afhf'nca' i; aiaiivi wii-s-i kii T I ie sv ni pt otns if Li ver iiml pain in tlie side. - vjtiK-tioies lhe pnin is in lie shoulder, nnd is mU- lakeu hr riieiuiiatini, the stoinrich i. a fleeted with losa of appetite atid m .kne, Imihi-Ih in -neral ciwtive, s.,nietinies ultemntii g with lax. Ill"' ):ul i.4 troiilileif Mith pnin, and dull, hea' vv Miwaiiou, con.-idera- ble -. o-s of memory, Cr It undone soiiiL-tlnne wlueli I it takes.roof, aud then cut tt on and leave I it to grow by its own roots, so the Kpts- i copal ('hiirch in this land was a branch t of the Chin ch of England, which wns laid i-. . ' ... . d.iwn and rooted, and by our UevoIu;i';i I ary ar wad cut eil to grow ever since with roots of Us own. The Church" iu America, differs from Church, as' then existing Slid administered iii that I tide age. 1 the I'rayer Book inny bo called sub stnntially complete as we now have it, in hjtjyj!iViiidi century (1G0I). Thus this refoi itieTTC hutch of lit gland filled up neatly three hundred years iji Jic.r woik of puiifying and sjin.pl if virtg. And of all be-Hfrmrh-- KLw4.iw.4lmait-jau then fore, sin; best ihiefly that must needs have teen changed f deserves tin Im niiTHejoruicrt. " n ensallon ol having 1 ought to have Keen done. Often complaining of weakness, dehility, and low spirits.Some't tines tnftrey. nf Qip iMive syoip and at Other times very few of lliein ; Imt tht liver is (renerallr (lie organ njt involved. Cur the Liver with DJt.HMMONf? liviii: isi:ia 'p'Jatais, preparation of rooN and lu rl, warraiaeil to tic trictlv Vegetnl-1", and -aii do no injury lo any . one, '. If has livn "used tiy Ituiidred-', ; rnl knijwn for the las(..4W year-" as one of the ma t reHahio, cQicftcious and liairnle.-i pr pai atioiis ever of fered to the siiflertng persistently, il j" cliti itv tiiat musiiieetis wave open cnangeu because these States ceased to-be colonies and became a nation with diff- ring poliii ckl constitution. lustend'TKing, the ihcf'hurchman in Ami-iicasays lVesidei.t; for l'ailiaiiienf, tVmgress; he ne'eds a prayer quite new- tor hi. --Legislature and (Jc veriior, for in England there was none iM;h .Jiut .lje diojj.-a!L uientio:! v( the 'Gunpowder 1'lot, tlir; . inirtyidom 'of Charles I , the accession nnd liapnyretgn .'of our efiWei-Jy, ly, Uttw'ftort3r ftird f t fir n fiTfiilate; 1td' 1 fttrf ftw w ith t si- an otuer sincity JvrrgtrsrMLti-nis. The AniericHii Cliuicliman otiiifs, too In this country, the first parish of tliip I Church was prolhbly that in Jamestown, ! Virginia, 1C0O-8. I)ou to the llevolit ! liouary" War, the ('htin h in this laud was utiuer the, rare ot tlie ni.!rnj of 1OiuIoti. .ShorllWaftLl- the- -lievohiitou an appli c'TtTnu was made to l'ailiainenf lo nliow a-i A mei iesn Hirhop to he consecrated. But the I'uriiaiiS and ' I'm shytcriana op posed the propwiiioii, nnd so A!r Senbury, to the woildly- iuii.dcd : ( To he inn lit (I, byan nnthoiity before which kings aiuljieastfut how alike, at-k-ing beuedietion upon '.he covenant that without respect of jiersoit hinds by the same woids ol duty, the highest and the lowest; To I'ling our ttew boru children us we were hioiight, to beeju wheie we began, and lo grow up to till our places : To die in the faith, and almost hear the Cos pel muds s.xiii to he spoken over one's own grave us over the thousand times ten thousand of them w ho have .slept in Je sus: In short, to ba devout and consistent Chin chiuau, hrii.gs a man through aisles fragrant with hdy association, and ac- compaiii'-a ty a long pioeessron oi me irood, chantii ir ns they march a uti'son of piety nnd hope until llny'come to the holy j-l.u-e where sliinii'ig. .saints sing the new song of the redeemed. And they sing with I hem. ALofher xcciNMicc J TiHe : . 3. ...The Episcopal Chinch firiiishe (to all who nerd such comfort) the assurance rrf nn organic and -niibrokeit unity and wiiowsiiiii n4 rum tf es u fhrin ih roi g h 4 h .Aposlhs.'hy a line of ntilhenlie Bishops down to Bishop llniitington, (;f this l)io ccse. ' " " " '" King Henry VIII. nnd Queen Eliza. Heth, with tl.iir prnrhtmatioiis and par liaL-ients, nn so conspicuous juid fill so mucil space in the iiu-rely political history of the English ( tiurt-h- that many able writers deny that tho' river of apostolic succession so dntnned by thrmycoultl ever get arotind the dam and flow along again "p uTeTan ffncnlamtfutu'iT,'" I"ca"n ii oTTTS7" cidfc this question absotutelv. What 1 gay is this: The coml-rate consecration at I lie hands certain Scotch Bishops. Burnt last, the Athanaaian- Creed, which is long and jll7 Parliament allowed the Archhishnp true,. bt lias a dry airl funny rntllo to it '.ol l.anternury to conseri-nte three regular, that makes irreverent people smile. ! first-class ' Btslnips for New York, I'eni.- Of all Protestant Chinches the Episeo- at Ivanfii and irtntiTrrpeetJvely. Wwe pal best deserves thcJutmultt-44-M4r4-then tin -holy t,?tWB has-ttot-l cen atlow Hhe pif sve?""fo tnary ol the uire. nnd ed ty Tail. " With pious' rare, it h is'fiei u tVpnstolic succession in tho Episcopal Church can he tract d bnck so many hundred years in the dim. past, that it i nn' sttiiQie for any mnn to say. "Ibclit're' it to extend lacj.'to PETER, 'rsrr., nnd .lonm and ho w ho verily believes that the ordaining or coti--"finiiiug liaTiJ of tTic"Tns1inp is tlectne rt the inuual IifV that n eed fiwi Ji,X.iaW hand of virtue and worth. He who doubts will find it n hand of form and ceremony. And so withoutjr.oppijijj to decide lhe question whether our Bishop is really a successor of Punl or John, I say. that the Eprscoeb-Ch'.irch afford a so fuuett v lU'itcu-th-i-t she'. has in heriEpiscnpate tho true s ncci ssion, iiihi n is no stiane- to tiny outrldg lhe dclure. The Church of Christ, lu which if loond Miration I ear thrn that the claim of the KM eopal ChutcU to be each an aik of Uod, or Church of Christ, endowed witk taero menta, absolntlon nnd jroulable . author ity are for all practical porpoare valid. I learV historian aud tccleahtda 'to their endlcM wgrds, and n,ert tbat the poor InSpiril who eei k comfort and al vatioo through, the ofLee of the Episcopal yu, are m well oil in bef a mej tn lie l.i any V uurco. And iiste rainy are profoundly prejudiced jIntthc Chnrcb of ltome, I am happy to point all urh to a ure wi Icome in the r.nicpal Cnnrch ' wrih acTanieiirs7ruc'cr'elon and trthot ity good a tho best. 4. Th Episcopal Chorch I excellent in her provUtou for Christian education atid piout drill. Cburche that avowedly receive very young infants as member must nccessa lily provide education for these accepted clnldrcu. Accordingly the Episcopal Chuich is characteristically a Church for lhe training of children, just as some sis ter Chnrtbca arc choractctisticAH rental Churches for the conversion of grown folk. In the Prayer Book and Chnrcb Alma nac you find lhe Christian year divided into periods separated by high-days-r-tnouuineiits and memorials of Christian story. This Christian calendar agrees nearly with that of the lluiutu Church. And he is an unusually well- formed Chnstiin w ho can read over this catalogue of days, and in few words tell the story that each day celebrates! But a birthright Churchman who has been tjiiietly trained in a Church home f. r fileen years, will need very little teach ing more. In connection with this calendar is a system of lessons in following which, the render is led through the entire Bible rsrhycar, and through ita more profitable parts, monthly or oftener I He, who foi years has been a Church man, and yet remains ill grounded iu Scripture, sh.iws himself an unworthy sou nf a. very faithful mother. . . By tho Lesions, Gospels, Epistles, 1 en I ids, and Collect appointed for spe ciul f.-iht or feast days, tho events com memorated by that day are wrought into the memory of avcry worshipper. And TiV lessons "longer or shorter of special rvlitfioua ttffort -- and ..-olMMirvane. thla- Church satiefic the satoo want which other Churches aatisfy by week of pray er, protracted meeting and long revivals, A good school is a dull place to any visitor who rushes in to find aensation and excitement. He w ill call it dry, poky, itupid. In like manner, many religious sensation makers and sensation seekers will prompt ly vote the Church calendar ana-all its smooth machinery of pious drilF, a very dull substitute for a regular, rousing re vival. But, in tint-long run, the Chuicji that steadily trains and teaches will out live the Church that only arouses and startles "If yc continue in My word, then are ye My desciplci indeed." 5. This Church m.-'ki-s n distinction between her Creed as a Church, which all her officers must subscribe, and that much shorter declaration of faith which she ex pects from her children. This Church Ttevcr vexes her converts with profound questions in theology. Of thnse who would receive the lord's Sup per she requires thnt they repent them truly of (heir fVrmcr sins ; steadfastly purposing to Ie.nl new life. That they have a lively faith tirGod's mercy through Christ, and a thankful remembrance of his death, nnd that they be in charity with all rren. ' To jiuy nnd to all such, asking no fur ther questions, this Catholic nd most generous (jjiurch approaches aiidshy the hand ofjier priest gives, tho consecrated i. ..,..! J j ;';, un, l, r If !', I rtii i iiMHviivki. .11, u.jii rj wtf-hrml J esn Clwwt , which was given c .. . - i ,i... i . j i ..... nil inee, inepeiic iny oouy biiu eoui unio everlasting life. Take and eat this in remembrance; that' Christ died for thee; and feed on Him iu thy Heart by faith, with thanksgiving." And with like words thu consecrated wine: ''Drink this in re membrance that Christ' blood was shed fbtvlhec and be thankful." , ' -C4 YwwtA TV&yrasv CAPTIONS or ' " - -ACTS AMD RESOLUTIONS OF TUB ' C enerai A tatmlly, passed at the Session , C1870-7L" (Coptlnoed.) ' irarck SI.. An, act, to authorise ike CouuUalooora . LfJPoIk ud. Jackson counties to levy a special tax Allow each county to levy a tax of 93,000, to nay outstanding debt March 21. An act, to charter tlie Ca UwLa Valley EsiTroad Company char tered to LbllU a road from Chariot le, or Tuckascege tatton; capital (lock $500, 000; counties and other municipal cor poration may (ubscribc, &c. March SI. Resolution in favor of Wm W. and llaniel M Watts Correct grant, No. 2CG8, for 155 acres of land. March 23 An act. to lay out and eon struct a road through the county of Ashe - 1'oud authorised from tho mouth of l'jucyJjUik of .Cranberry .Creek, to Jet. f.rton. 1 March S3 An act, to amend the charter of the Hook and Ladder Company of ..... . . - t ilmington Local altogether in its pro vision. Much 23 An act, to incorporate the 1 rustees of Blue Kidce Academy, iu Henderson county Incorporated- with tho usual powers and datics. March 3 At) act, to amend tho char ter of the road through Ashe and Alle ghany Amends tho law of ISCS-'CO, in relation to tho hand liable to work oo the road ; provisions entirely local. March 23 An act, to lay out aud con struct a publice road from the town of Sparta, Jin Alleghany county, to the Vir ginia line Directs a road to be laid out from Sparta to Wyihevillc, with the usu al provision in regard to hands, See.' March 23. An act, to construct a Rail road Fr m Kenauivllle, iu Duplin coun ty Inorporate the Kenans vi'Io and Clinton Usthoad Company, with a capi tal of t-400,000, whieh may !h increased to 300,001; eoutith and tow ns Diny sub. scrbe, if the voters therein shall so elect. Ma-iIi 3. An act, to incorporate the "Pair the Carolints," at Charlotto gage, and to rc-eeiva cotton, A., a m enrity. . . . t March SO Art act, to limit the power of the Township Trustee la the eoupUea of Cherokee, Clay, Jackson, Henderson, Madison. Watauga and Carteret Porbid them to lay a tax for any purpose, ex ceeding one (ixlh of on per cent. . ' March 20. An act, to anthorixe 'tLa Commissioner of (-a barm ' eonnty te levy a special tax Mar tear for threo years, l871-"73-73, if ibe qualified voter agree to i , a tax r tea rwt-w tss- "The Pair of the Caioliua" incirporated to promote Iiuprovemcnt " of agriculture," Inc.oding tlio great staple of trade and in dustry, also" ol fruits, vegetables, &c; also of the mechanic arts, rural economy snd its kindred subjects. Capital stock, $5,000, to be increased at pleasure to $100,000. March 25. An act, to incorporate the Oxford aud Henderson Railroad Com panyCompany authorized with a capi tal of $500,000, which may be increased to $1,000,000; municipal, and other cor porations may subscribe. March 25. An act, to extend the time of Geo. Nicks former Sheriff of Tadkin, and others, to settle their county tr;xes Relieves tho Sheriff of J adktn, Person Clay and Wilkes counties, from the pen allies incurred for not settling with tlicir county Treasurers, proeidtd, they settle by the 1st uay of July, 1871. March 25 An net, nntlioitz.ng the Dismal Swamp Cmil Company to issue 8 per cent, bonds Empowers the Com pany to issue 100,000 of 8 per cent, coupon bonds, in Addition to those author ized by the net of 1866. ' March 25 An act, to nuthorizn the Commissioners of Anson county to levy a special la for county purposes May levy iu 1S7I n tux of $25,000, to com plete Court House, jad, and pay thu in terest -OH-4uo-.bau4piLu.eJii f 100 worth of property, for special por- poses. Maxh 26 An act, antheming the Commissioners- ef Ilrrtfurd. .xxuulTlo. . levy and collect a pecia! lax May krvy. from time to time, 14,000 j if to agreed to by the qualified voters, for the pnrpoaa of re-bnihltng the Court Iloufo. (March 30 An act, authorising the city of Wilmington to perfect tide to a eer lain lot. Gihlum Lodge No. A. Y. Maeeat 'Direct the Mayor aud Alderman to convey the lot, oVo. March 30. A a act, to repeal aa act to prevent the tale of epiritaoa . Hqaora within three mile of Silver Hill, David- - sou county, rati tied tne cay Of December, lfC 9 Repeals tho ad, aa4 allow license lo be issued. March 30 An act, to prevent the sale of spirituous liiiuor within two atilee of Point Caswell, in New llanovcr Forbide retailiug under penalty. Mtrch 30 An act. to aboli-h the Speci- cialCourt in New Bern aud Wilmington Repeal the several acts creating each ol the Courts. March 30 An an act, lo change the time of holding the Superior Court of New II mover county Provide for font terms, of two weeks, in eacb year, to Kpis'copal Church' is a reformed for stationery. solution excellencies of lhe lJonim Church, and propngat d. ' And ti e Episcopal Church j common nniii jlo believe kVr And if Regulator. Tr fiikiTrrepiiti stands to day i , mtt iivi.i k v I's in li it"'''' . i tT,ri.t;rr.Tt ,)T , t.,:-T., If, yrrtnr , rhtin h ! l-1? -"''- iy 'lie lin-rf"p-rrr-d ;(, t..;m ,M-t1,P iliM-.i'k' A11 other1 Ei o'i.,i,t Churches seem rev- ' ie Succession as the Churcfa of England j r, Ifls!ip. Widaehi1 ehr-iiie feff.' 't't'niry rather tl.-iiit'trmed.' herelf. ' i l'li-threir, many this Kpis'cop Church, and not revolutionary) because lil-r Book af Prayer is ril-h and venerable ibovc nil iu the English tongue; because her ritual promotes decency, dignity, prosperity nnd permanence ; because her historic tin ton through-lhe Apostles with Christ comforts and satisfies so many fsnhl f'lecanspr she " adopts her " rcfrtnt children, and provides for lhe in education and drill; and berauso with large hospj tnli y she proffers icr sacrnuieiit to all ti ne believers of every name ; ''therefore from her pwty Psalter let us take the words wherewith to bless her: "They shall prosper that lovo titers Peace be within thy walls,, nnd pleneousrjess jjth-in-tky palaces. ;J For my brethren and eonipanto'na sake," I will W!-h thee pro- 1 ea, because of the bouse ot tlie March 2 An act, concerning the Trus ses of Mount Venion Academy, on B iy River, iu Craven county Repeals pan of tm act of iriCfrrpr)fatfo"ii, ,it?li"i'd ICth day ot last luonui.. Marc li25 .Au, art, In JeIaumuJjLnatraders. act of tho County Commissioners of I woTulWttr-j4y rsjlitclicil county Renders legal the and nho- thu es ol) of certain townships, taUIIslinient of others. Marcti 27. An net, anlhoilzing thu county (Gpmtniesioncrs "of Tyrre.ll to levy A special tax May levy c2t0f)0 to pay off the indebtedness of the county. t March 27.ResoIutioii ' in favor of m ir r.,r. wit : On the 2nd Monday in February! on tbe 1 4th Monday after the 4th Monday in February; on the 2nd Monday la August; and on the 14th Monday rfter the 4th Monday In August. March 3aAn act, to incorporate tbe Navassa Goano Company ef Wilming ton Company with a capital slock of fiiOO.OQO wiih power to increase it to $1,000,000 f-ior-the. purpose chiefly of manufacturing fertilizers. r March 30 Au act, in relation to Uoaa Steamer Make it lawful for any person to use Traction Engine aud Road teamen open- ear pub' to roads -the Lexr- tngton copper mining uompany, aatnons. ed to construct a road for sneb purpose,' -from their mine to tho N C -Rail Iloadj and may be condemned therefor in tho usual mauner. March 30; An act, for the relief of tho tax payers of Buncombe county Pro-- vide that the tax levied for school pur poses in 1870, shall not be collected t and if any person has paid, it shall be refunded. March 30. An act. to incorporate tho town of Murphy, in Cherokee county Appoints M. C. King, S W. Davidson, Samuel Ilany. W M Manchester. J Vf Cooper and llobt Kikin, Commissioner of the town, till the regular election in May, with power to choose one their own liuuibrr Mayor, ar.d appoint a town con stable. Mai he 30 An act to authorize the Al bemarle Swamp Land Company to con struct a Rail Rond from Pantego to Indian River, in Beaufort county Kin powers the Company to build the road, and condemn land, !tc; county road may be built alongside of it. TO BE CQNTIjrUID. ' March 27 Resolution to raise a com mission to examine into the accounts iif (he Public Treasurer Two Senators and three members of the- House to be ap pointed us required by the law of 1SC8 and 1S69, citfap, 270, sees. 77 and 78' . March 27. Resolution to priut tho act in relation to Fees Of coanty'tinTci r.," and others Directs the committee on public printing to have punted a stiflicient iium- If I was possessed of the most vsl able things in the world, and was nl out to will then awajt thfii Kllowtng wou!d be my distribution : " I w'nnld give to tho world truth and friendship, w hich are verv scarce. -'"1 woidi gfvoe!an aitdtt niiial portion of ' honesty and truth to lawyers, merchant and traders. idans skill and learning. I would pi to printer their pay. To gossipping women short tongue. To young women good sense, modesty, laVge waist a .id natural teeth. To young sprout ami dandies, ' com mon sense, 'littlejensh and hard labor.'-' To old mttids smooth faces, and good tirnjterjind husbands. lo old bachelors love for virtue, cITiv d're"n oud wives. ' , Tu the sill' religious Bible charity for otheis. To bo becoming modesty and a dia posltion to profit by tho experience of old pfcrsons. ; " peril y. 1 ea in lli.- inslinp, Im will get Lord our Uod I Wiil seek lo flu lliei -SaTTfirVrte llerctofore printed. Articles utpqupnt ly w ithdrawn, tiptn Judges Jones' resignation.- x ' March"S An net, supplemental to the act cr4itln'g a commission to enquire into cliarw.'S of cotrtiptiou and fnnd , ralifi -d Ji iLi y of r ehrunfy, jS7I I ng -Daryorr think nlist-rtw -oyeterr-arw ; healthy ?" asked a lady of her physician. ..' ,il l:.l .. l . I "les, ne npneti; "i never Kuew one to her of copies nf ilw . my officers in-each county. March 27. Articles of Impcaclnnent exhibited against Judge K. W. Jones lib-." . . Two ladies, on a Missouri railway train, fd their bahies mixed, and, couldn't tell tbem ajart. 1 Itcy to decii'e the matter. tossed np a cent .not !iea,Hliecliinof tlicldad- i j .ter. CHinp ilim-nlerv, nl- Where, a man's business is rapidly running down, it is lime for hin to think of winding it up.L - ' -"W-BTTilm sHaI i-nii wrtr-wprr-tiai iirtrlnrH the pont'i of ihe e lissIuMcjaiaiyj-jfemntanis V "No, sr.Tb; I've v-en urn , . ... - ....j...... . n ...I .1 ........ ,1... -1!... ........ ,.. I i - a : . i. li(IItAl:S rlLKXTI.Y. WiP I'I'Tl' iu-""-, "u uiuva ill,: -, nniii ; kl i I U11SV. f wool-en,. the, floor. Do you hear it f bring suits upon their recoinmewtittroti. lieedv souls sire "fInItforiiia:i n in Eihrlamhw ns more . A fser tbie mere outline of her bistorv. i aLLio lav hold unon 4wd i,,,,. 1,v ntu.. tharyfw hundred veurs l..n Tkere w ere "ft r mu'ns that 1 note some of her excel - i 'i luK- i-a-ninininurot'i iale a (iosi.il i.rnm.T V -It i mw1mIv alwtut. t he'siiow fMfltli S'. Ih'Snlniitotlai'royide lor a x. j.t i.u a: i. ii tti t nraiit)akaawi i-iiiiu hi;. , i - - i t u -'it.. ii.....:. ' . . i -i -v.--. i. . .... .. . i vi s: i., ri' . a .1 , , ;, 1 7 - ' , mrrnnmif;,,!.. ; no onp-t-Mtiiant.-K'iu n.- . uauuw. , ; we to tbemsi ives. . ,iKe doljf 7,(. t het ihtB iMiiafce a great wliont lo ten Mw-M-ts-fcaajiuciicu iu .ttre t rcamyxm.u.or-, i f f-n v;.iKh.'o"wl.i. l1 Im r..kMi oirt no,,;-.ne. ive.h;j,e.nrreasT J5 . h . . ' , . . , I t,r,n,l .... (.rnj.) .-.i. A V , n-.,. flu, 1 IIIO t ll f UIl.lt t f -ll f -r 1 . 1 f. lll.trr..'. 1.1 llin 1- i .. .1 ..... T . l- 17.. ... 7. . . 3 1 1 . I. I t 1 1 1 YT T . t . .' . . I A ...1 A 14 i...ui.l 410.1 it. I ... J ins in tlie imweis, t-n'.n m rwc irs'I, wht i ' " j-"v A giddy student," having got his fk nil fiacfaied, wa4Id by bi-d'tetor that tlia Ol pan mgi agne(ln'p". Is'ilspaiu iu the Inn -Sc. Ae. rrepased ailvby .1. II. 7.HILIX A- OO, ' - lH.nggh-ts, Macoi:, lii.' rrlee.1; tVmil 1?-V FoMBiIel r T. F. KM TTZ.tKV, feb ! '-rlW.-' e-rfi-lwr. N ,rni rr . Rfo. i mand-d large sums rf Tuoney". in pavm of Iribiita f-Mig- in irn.car, Parii iiuent g oi in w as jnis'lloifTit.r religions. When the PI ( I i hi V.. 1 ji'.'f) de ment ivc ine uhjii venerable luurv ui tlie J-.n- i ,r u,l una -d4Mr-ot4aL-.uasnriliMMui.'iuii' rht aid I no: Micce that lie hod snow liko wool. It is iwiseless ! And 10. j this is nltotretfur characteristic of divine; and rXenuilm v humilil r ' operations. The great forces of the uni- it ht.l Oil it. - March '2'An set, to ameniTan act to i ; i..r was -thu ! use tlTld' di? nfei-esfj.(y"i "-ln tnnji-tie. Tbe or tin noii.anrA annate t-tnnir are n4- Sneb etr roc tialme.I and burled in Latin. -K'lt id Lu- t 9.L-for au 1 neeN a Chuiclrit7 nd lhe ver w"hr.mtfe-:-TlM- Son ne Ver stieaks. Adds an additional section, sl.owing '.In- - in: glib, tlj are" noTessor.s. gosjls. psalm, atniosphere it mute. (iViavitalin U B ank to ad vancem ne,y ttpi tho pledge j night justitit a himself on tho g-poond tbit " rolkc'oii ;ioiis, ihai,ks;rviiigs( t.ray- hix-sepjer. Tlw- tkvf t;J tlallyliWtroVtotigitc. ' Y . , i7'f rwinjgci,-e.t--t-4V--iM awi j licJiaCl rjjhUo itlralu his owir honey t incorporate the Bank of Merklenhnrg Adds-an additional section, .allowing tliej aidr f had A young man who wSs caught strain. his sweetheart to his bosom the oilier " r--r- A 1 I