. ,7 I. t 4 . V t r- w U-'v- V 1 .a-.- . ic. ::rT.r: ... . . . . v. asy-- -"I 1 . ,. .,, "-';'.jt'"" 1 M .7 VOL. VI. 11' I 1 11 S ALTSDUIIYTJCV H A 15 871. NO. 18. Disolation of Partnership. THE partnership hrtcf' rt ettalng between ItINt t A CDJiLLNM was tM day aUuivcd by WUlUl COWWUU ' M. KINO, . L. C (t)l.l.ENfl. . I- GOLDSMITH. utn-m, Hi. . . KINO A Ctm.TS n-nima tU lliWlllit. of 1 im nrm. nl woiiiu ri ,viiuny can urnuon ryvitf, phiw in,. eotit. rfjr jy j jlr. ., . T i).vMKfr. cor.rxss. . rrzr)i,rtjrfi, w i a-f "V "' CLDMM0U3 STAG C LINES 1 " 2- WARSAW IKAVK Wariww for Fn.rMville tlailr J rntHmiJfty. Tlirmifh Ti keln frnm tild boro' via Wanxiw.to Koj-cttcvilloiti. Throujih ticknU from -TTrldoii l I-jyt tti-ville, flO. Ttronfth tlckrlK from rilminpton, Ti Ww---- mw U Kjrlipvllle, tJ. CHAKLOTTK VIA TTADERI10R0. TO liKADOf C U. K. Hi Lrare Chartott after train from Knleili via llunme, fur Wadvulioro' TocMlnj-, ThuiH dajr and Satnrdny I'ave TTadeKlioro', Tiiri' duv, Tburitay, aud Saturday, aftiT trian from AVihiiiofrUin. ' CHATHAM U. It. TO FA VKTTEVII.I.KAXI) VKSTKKXK.lt.: " Inve ChatUiUii lluil Kond aftor truin from Itali-i:h. Leave wis!nm Knn.l nt Joinlionr nflT train frolii FavHti illo, daily xcri l Sinnlnv. SALKM ANDllltiu 1'ulXT ST ai leave eueli place duilv. Oillce at Uutuer'e llutid, Pnlin. X. ('. 11 T. t LKMMONS,- Spct. 10, 1870 tf tontraelor, . - Timo Table Western 17- C. B. 3 takis ErEKgT 5tii Sti'T. Iro. C0IXO Arrive. WKriT. tioixi; i: st. Lcitrc. Arrin. l.iare. I 6. Hi AM fcnlWitiry, ; !l l 00 AM B.fi7 " 'Third ("matt, ' R 9H " S ?H r 6 56 " 7.10" Sltcri!Ie. ; 7 2t " 8.M " H.7 ' itiUwl Sta.1 fiJO -'! 8,55 " ! 9 IK) " , NevtoD, j 6 3t' 40 i 0.45 " Hi. krr. ! 4 10 " I0.5 " MftM " 'TarJ, 4II(' 11.10 11.15 " llorgairton, ' S 15 " 11JS9 ' ;t2.U4 ''. JViducattr. ; a.Sti .'. 6 as 6.35 " I 4.MI " 4.i 3.90 " ; a.si " : i,4'j 13.48 rx JJ.irmn, Old Kort. I- Hrrakfimt and Siiiper at Htte.vil!e. Kept. S3. 1R7H. 3H-tf BARBEES HOTEL, IUQU FOISTS. Q. -r- T-i OlTOSITK RAILUOAD DEPOT, Ten paces from where the Curs stop. Bert of porter. In attendance t .11 train.. Mail 8U(re for S.lem leave thin lnue daily. Paweairen ilup.tebed to any point at abort notice br private conveyance. Grateful for the liberal patron.tre of tbe pt we bare by atrtet attention to tbe want, of jour gtteiiU ta exit a continuance of th Mine . ' WM. U. BAltBKS. Jaa. 1. 1870 tf Proprietor. Mlmt, IM mt irHlUmM MOUM, BUCVTTS, MMM1D, t iinBnf Ml oOmt OriiJU Ma fifctl0 rm ni MHmfkm&t '" TW vatiP MST Mkf la Of WVMLD, mni It IT'LL 1 1 MP ON IAXS CM MtX, a (Umu. M rra. It to mD tOtui tmi U la I. Ml nmxi, IU BMST XMUSTrOWDMU audi "W- liuton, t4 Cmmr, Oill'll: " . .OLD BT OEOCEBS DEALERS EVpBTTnilBB. V.-Manufactured by POOLTT fc EEOTTTTTL, 69 NEW STREET, NEW-YORK. R. W. BEST & CO., 11ALEIGU, A", a,' AUSTIN GOAlMlSSiJ;. ""Holicit t'Bnsi7;nniciit.i of sj Corn, Flour and Produce acneraily. "Particular Attention paid to Auction Sales. ' BEFF.R HY iF.RMIIO!f TO 1 W. H. Willabd, Pres't Ralcifrb Xat'l liank. W. . Akukhson,-. " t.itizcns' " Jmo. (J. WiiLuaa, Mate " W. H. k It. 8. Tick IB A Co., Raleigh, X. C March t7-3m The symptoms of Liver leom'plnint are uneaMiiecs SIZaTMCOIfS' and imm In the side. UUUUeAlil.ainJ&i tlie shoulder, nnd is nm- takeu for rlieuinatim, tlie bIoiiiiicIi is alleged ithVloM or appetite anil sicKnew, iiuwei in general- raKoontive. sometime alternating wnh lax. I'he bead in -troubled with pain, nnd dull, hea vy sensation, considera ble Ion of memory, nc- XXVZXl vompnniea wini paiiiiui seiiMtlion oliiuviiiL' left undone sonietliini.' which wcmghttO hare bi-en dotie. Hten comphiimng of weaknem, tletiiiity, and low pjiiritu. onietiuies many of the aboejsM4tu.at$ and at (tther times very cw oftht in; but the liver l generally the organ mont involved. Curethe Liver with -- 1)U. SIMMONS' L.IVEK KKttt'LATOK, a "pre n ratron of rrioiit a nd herfc; warranted to be atrictlv vegetab)?, and can do no injurv to any one.. It has lecfl used by hundred, nn known j for the last 4l vttlr one of tbc most reliable, IrluCaeiOUM aim ll.TllinieM. ITf j'arnn.uift rtvi .il- Fr nersixtenflv. it sure to ettru yipvia, hesdsclie. iauiiiice,cuMitei.i.,ieK i 4M-diH-lw.clmii.Sc diair-! I'liea.nfii.t tii'jisoJ'ilieblail- if ' .ta i Hegnlator. ; IliaJ tattu?.. d.v:UfeJ'f' feetimw .l the kidtKy, nervouiie, chillis di--, ofthcfk... 1nnr.tvort!ie Wo.,,l,...elau- j-taLdgPrcA-'ioti .f Ki.iriU. bcariburn, enhe, i M.t. tn !. ...ttn ti-rtrT c.v. n agd .line, dioiv,lHiil.s p.tin in tl.f l. t;. fie-. I'reitrU only by J. 11. ZL1L1.V A UL, l'mcattv Mae-in. lia. rtrii'p.st!-t.vi'i5ii;i .T!r.." v" . - For l T I' k T I "TT7 A (tV ,ix:feluui--t-.--: ; Jcatfj-,ryi..?c.JrV; urijceDlDNorll) State rUBMBUCD WSEKLT BT L i: W 18 II A N K S. Editor and loprictor. atki or inrmrri! lOsi tiAO.. rmvableiu Bflvanee, 3.00 j8ll MOXTH. r' U I.M S Coiiie. to ono addr.aa, I5..V) 10 tVjiie. it ouedilra JM.tKI Odm Square, flrtt lncrt'vy,....,.....tl,(XI For aeh additional lint rtlon,-. ....z.. .VI hit I ban l lie alxive rl' . id Jucliev'v Onlim illbe .u t! iih - e.l at tl in mime ratt-K wan otiivr aavertine- tlieiiU. OWtunry nutirei, over i Hue aaadvvrliiMiiifutii. CON'TKAOT K.VTr.S. liaieil I i er a 4- c BPACE. c 0 I Kmmre. ,K 7.V (XI jiH At) I .' (K) 2 S(imren. I 4 M) i 2." 8 Wl lMIKI !K.KI i Square.. , ! INI !MNI II' (HI ','IMHI ;H).(NI 4 Kfiiia'e.. H (Ml 1 1 NI 13 (Ml 25 IN) :I7..H t Column. 1 1 INI Hi INI 2(1 IN) .'til IN) 45. (Nl i C.diimn. IH (Ml INI Jtll INI 4.'. INI 75.INI 1 Column. '- INI 111 INI .Ml INI HMNI I.UI.INI J"'i i mi the lUjn ,n t.PTIO. OK ACTS AN1 KKOLUTIOXS (IF THE General AssemMi, passed at the Session (1S70 71. (Continued.) April 1 An act, to incorporate Elm wood Lodpe, No. i?4C, A. Sc. l Jc A, V. Masons Usual charter. April 1 An act, in relation to the Meaaowsnf lJnckitisrham connty Makes Dan Smith rivers lawful fences; allows a vot to bo taken . bother ilia citiauua in that locality want fences or not; if they vote "im fence, our present fence law is of jio force there. April 1 An net, to incorporate the Cul sagee Curuiidutn mining aud uiauufuciur- II. M. Grisn and M It. Smith, with a capital of 5ft, 000 for tho purpose of min- tug and iii;;,i'.r.iclunng cuiutidum and eorundiiin wheeis. April I An uct, to retjuire all State, county and municipal oilicers to be voted for on a Bepaniie ballot Provides that hereafter candidates for ull State, county and municipal offices shall bo voted for on separate ballots. April 1 Kesnlution in favor of George W. Dickey and 14 ft. Dickey Public Treasurer directed to issue to them a bond for I500, p.iynblw 1st. January, 1S7C, w-ith inlerest at G per cei;t. April 1 An net, t prevent the eab; of spirituous liquors within ouo mile of Fort Ilenibm; Academy, in Clay oouniy Makes a violation of tbe act a misdemean or; does tiot apply to pi.r.oiis owning or occupying property in lluycsville. April 1 An act, to incorporvto - the Trustees of Liltle Itivc r Academy in Junihrlaud c'liiuty l'."iinl charter, with a prohibition to retail "within 'three miles. Aprir t-VH-uct, to incorporate the Ilaywood and ane Creek Kailroad Co., - Charters a company with a capital of ffriOO.OOO. wuich inav be increased to Cll.O llWI I.. i. fi... tmriKittO f.t hill . II. f. II tlie mirnosc ol nuuain ,,. ,1 i i i .... i 10.1(1 irom liavwooti, oi noui buuk; nimi - .1 , I I .. ,. ,t I I. , -ilm.ra-.,, or i.ea tlie Alamance line; an permnis, cyrpori-.tions and other authorities may subscribe for s ock ; company may lluse ot sell out. (.hatliam Kailroad charter amended. (It sceuia to be a very iiutiorX taut bill.)- Apiil 1 An act to authorize tbe coun ty Commissioners of Nash to levy a spe cial tax Allows 62,000 to be leVi ;d to defray current expenses aud for other purposes. April 1. An act, for the better govern, meut ot tbe Penitentiary Abolishes tbe oflices of commissioners, architect and superintendent ol liiltentiary;' appoints iniTeaTTncE eoe, G; W. a Board shall appoint the gem ral stipi r i.-jiou id' the erection of tbe buildidgs, Sec; also, appoint all sub ordinate and fill vacancies in their own body ; Hoard of Directors to go into of fice 3d .Monday of Apiil, 1871. ' 31 arch 30. - Itesolut ion, ant horisyivg Principal l. l ik 11L tbu Jlousa to einpToy !addniotiul assistance- May employ assis tance as he requirts it. April J. An act, for the relief of J. W. Schenek, Jr., Sheriff of New Han over county Helieves him from tho j ro visions of the act compelling Sheriffs "to settleand gives him until May 10th, 1S7-1, to settle. April 1. An net, fo amend an act to incorporate tlie i.iauni ianq tror-i om pany allowed to M.ue ITiODO.fvS per cent umun. 1.... i . . i- v t . Aern lAn act, to legalize fltnl mak' valid an election heid in the tow n of .illeiid'w.iMi.a;Livtd , tlw. .eU-cu. t,., ., ," 2nd " of January. lSol, ,1)t,i(.;,,;il , flje t. , .,1 . . ., . ,. T-Ti.ii it i .au mi, id rtcu.ate inn r:cia of o.,: Hi" CTle' W lier C'.'M't". have ii (ie'mlv b . n alund 1' fidir-g in thy pari tanslLrn:d -r.rvj3:rictt i ",' a' ' Cu:i' - ' juicy lwyc.iHi. co.at-.go'U t'l'yu-i.ai by sw- iring s -.t- jt, .Vc. ' 111 e-ry."VVm Boy la li, MA BIe7l-l miBOTmcanor '"r- ro .,... n,,.,..,. ,.ri.7..nn.nn ...! P II Pr.ffi .bl the river aim stiller lucm to remaiu 101 inein in an ussotmn.-.. ..u.. c. of Directors of the: IVnltentiary;"" . T . .r.a i flvJ v Y . .p-... v I ..... li ..:.!. X ' 1 C., .l.V Mum " A- .V , n ,v .wl.... I... 4.I...II Anr 3 Aii net. to incomrwate t he Da- ',"UUI-1' , r-. April 1 An act, to amend Mct to drtlar tha llrtrard, French liroad nj Joota' (lap ItnaJ k TiraptL l'rrnlu toll gala to I erected on every tea niiire ol completed road, and tli toll aUl Into tba eonu'.j treuorj ff repair, ; . April 1 An act, to amend an act to pro tU for the eolWtiort c tax eg by l lie State, and tlie auveral eoontlri of lLo fr-'tate on prrtertT, PoIJa1 and Income ' Tlio rtv-mn Burlilucr till, !rnrar t , April 1 eoIuU'in, "eoneerrirff ceuteuniJ anuirer&ary ot Atnrrir.n ULpeuueucuAaiwrirt a ct-mui'ii communicate with tlie eeiiV.il cm in liter iu l'liiladelpliia. Ainil 3 Jo' nt ltolutioi aiijnurii on lie G:li in.t. j April 3. Ki-iolntlon. in relntomto tin invcaiiiration of tlie tale f tlie 8laW in lereat in tlie Cape Fear Navigation pany Joiut select eommiltee liicbarre(i, and the matter njerred to the Coioioii iionra appointed to iortjtigate tbo rail road fraud. April 3 An act, to incorporate tbc TrimUTi of the Wacamaw Daptif t cliurb, in tbe county of Columbus, near Her- ringtoii L'nial act iJ incorporation, with power to bold real ettate; relailinp piril4 prolnoiletl witlun two mile of the t hutch, j Hiirii 3 An act, lb amend the rbnrter 1 of ihti l'luiitera Jtuil Koad C'ompiiny i I'ixea the teruiinua of lhi road on tbe Atlantic and N. V. l!ail Knnd at or near C'oie L'reek Station, thenre by Trentou to the navigable water of New Uiver. Ajiril .'! An net, to amend fi-c. 81, chap. 201, Lawn of 1SC9 (iunrdiaiis and ol In i s allowed to invent in United I States secui ilies April 3 An act, to incorporate the Waynesville Academy Association Us ual act of incorporation, with ordinary powers. "April 3. An act, to authorise tbe Com missioners of Mitchell county to levy a special tax May levy ?2, )( to build a jail and conipUte tbe (Ji urt Aousc. April 3 Au act authorising the Com missioners of Currituck county to levy a speci il tax May levy $5,000, to pay in terest on petit, and ordinary expenses. A nil 3 An net, authorizing tho Com missioners of Moore connty to issue bonds Allowed to issue SGO00, of coupon interest: may establish a sttikins: tun snTtitiff a J to redeem them, and levy a tax to suport it. The trustee of this linking fund to give bond; may buy up old county debt, &c. April 3 And act, to authorise the Com missioners of Alamance county to levy and collect a special tax May levy iu 1S71; $,000, for the support of tbe poor, and for necessary expenses. UIIU ll iivv'vumty tviii-. .r, April 3 An act, concerning the anncxv lion of .a portion of Caldiull to tbe cun- ty of NYatuuga Purely local, and oi m ir-.ttutrnl Interest. b " ... . April 3 An uct, in incorporate the town of Jefi'eison, in Aehe county Usual charter; appoints Wiley P Thomas, May or, aid .lames Wagg, I'.. C. Ilartlett, W. II. Waiigh, J. E. Foster and W II Perkins, Cjiinju'sftmicis, to bold oflice until their successors are elected. April 3 Au act; to repeal an "act for tbe preservation of the public health," by establishing ' luilable. quar inline regula tions fnr Beaufort Harbor IJeprtihr the act of April, 1SG0, and. directs tbc Phy fieiaM to sil dm iper4V - iKhmging l-o the Mite. Apnl 3 An net to, incorporate .the iilu-n f t'arev. iu Wake count v Char-1 TftT-rTtitm--na.btr . .... i - - c-- "...; i ode. cli.it. 1 1 1: town extends one extends one-ball - ., . mire tloiHAiiO IIUS .uuiuiu tutu UJ , til the regular tTccllW R. If. Joiieii7A-T II. Merr it, W. P. Mallef, II. B. Jordan aud Yv. 11. Bobbin shall act us Cobimis sioners. April s. An act, nutborizing RB. Webster and Robt. TiCwia, sureties of Walker Smith, Into Sheriff of liocking liam, to collect arrears -of taxes Allows them to collect the taxes for jl8GG 'C7, until January, 1872; any persons swear ing that they believe their taxes have been paid, are relieved Tfbm paying. April 3 An uct to prefent the felling of trees' in Yadkin. Kivcr Makes it a barrus Rocky River Bridge ( Vmpaiiy Charters a company with a ciipiul stock of $5,000, to build a toll bridgtr, over Rocky River', Iu Cabarrus: county; jregn lAte the tolls, -Vc. i A nril 3,- An act; tit-favor of : thef nre4 lies of Hugli Bt iruthrie, late. Sheriff of Orange coVnty- Allows bis snreties to collect arrears of taxes uudt r certain limi tatipns and restrictions. April 3 An -act. corMHrning a Con ventionAct has been, published. " Ltrch 30.J Affotf In rchttioirto olrstntc tions in Nottalnb and Iliwascn rivprs, in Cherokee county Afakes a misdcmeii- ror to4Mild or continue dams across those j rivers. ' . j MTirdi 31. An acC jo incorporete the Georeia and North (.Wvtiria Kail Road t'oniDauv -Chnrtercd for the nurnose cf UJ i U: 'L. ...CJ1. !. I 1 ! . -,w,a nf Utf t, tirvta iv tl liiiiiuiog a toad , from some, point on the ' depthwild cnmjdeflon i f lint AJffiuli;:..llta;A'g .attdTrinin," or fx"tn leslityilfg it? I :..oi i t lino .in tJbi;rHle-nfiutj.jj Thirarts any matter pending in sdeli court fully point on tlie iVtine'ssee line, in tii'n or; f IVbru -try, ls57 and 1SGI, and directs unl truibfiilly, or it) ii jure any such par t 'herokpr- counties ; capital stock, 5-500.-' tiiat the suit heretofore brougLl. against ty or witness in bis- m raun---h property (i(!ti, with privilege- of- increasing itr to the t'-Vmpaiiy be d'h'misucd i at.dprgvHLuU .i accoiiBtof. his . baving-so nttnu dor 5.00:1 Oi'O - i a- iir;iriry of tbc Diiectors are caiieeB n(J. teetifre or by force,'- intimidation, ;r ,.iai-.i -j t. an JTt in nnTnl. Ei-f , IJ,, . ... ... t . PJ'.I, jbaJiTTnTjarXivdJi crnii'S ' rfttaehmenid, Aw-tiU tin-; of attach m-nt in . sacral liUi.'u! .t eoi bt too (reat Unftb ta t toalracr la a note. . T. Jiarcli 31. An act U Incorporate d Lnaiabnrff Mannf4ctar!r(r lompany Aa tbcriiee Jamea lK til a'i oibt ra to f .rm a company wltb a capital itnek of 1C0, 000, fur tha puipo tl inanuf.irtuiluj cotton, wool, Lc, t IUwbnijf. f March 31. An act tou.i tct!rn )t rbapierSOS, Lawn riirtri.;nS Cniail..inrcf( of Saja. s r,'..t " pUonii-u C'ly ,o fcf tlie tlie I niitn provitlrd inr, In- M.tirb An art Iiicorpotnto llie i town oi j-.'nriviii. i:ieo i.niair iin ); t i W.urli 31. An act to antlmrizn the : ct'Tii m i r i 'i.a r i f Sloki .ountf hi levy ! m pi i-einl im-Auili'iriX' 1 a tax of !-., 0io i i 1 1' v eil iii Luild a I' m.t 1 1 ..uc , iVc, if voted I v lie- voter, of the county M.i rih 31. Kei"Kii!oii in fitvor of J. Ca heiitk. Jr. flie-riff cf New ll.nover IN lieve bun f.viu I he judgment obtaini'Va-tainst bitu iu Wake Su 6 Coutt, iMoricTrd-aa scttlea I April. March 31. An act to autboriso the Commissioners of Rockingham county to issuo bonds for aying tbo county debt, See. Allowi 25,000 oi coupon bonds to be Issued by county commisainnera ; cou pons to be rece ived iu payment of cootity taxes : Mieciul lax to be laid to par the bunds, tVc ; bonds payable In IS32. March 31. Au act to change tbe liue lielwten the counties of LJecombe and NashMakinff tho tlmuigton and Wtl don liailraad tho line ; Nash agreeing to pay cs00 of the debt of Edgeceiube. Slurcli 31. An act to incorporate the Kinston and Koenansville ltailrond com p.my Company chartered to build a road fioiiLtlie two points named, with a capt tal of $400,000, with tbe usual duties and powers, March 31. An act to incorporate tbe Newport Peabody Kducatioual Associa tion Incorporates a company witii Jas- For II. Mann, Edgar L Perkins, W. S. lell, Ivilby Tolson, Sr., and 1). McCain, of Carteret county as un mbers( for tbe purpose of promoting education in that section. March 3k An act to providn for a tax collector tor Gai-tou coiintv Allows tbe conrruissioners to appoiot a tax collector; quired to do. f ' Mrch vl An act to yicorpornte the ?:.iti..-vtik- Air Line Iliil Koad Company Coii.p tny chard n it to rwiftruct a road from the Nuu b Candiiia in the coun ty of Cleveland, to the Yliginia line in .'.uiiy county, vU Stateville capital n,0t"i0,(Jtd. March 31. Uesolution iiiKiug a com - - " ---- j ; mittee of inquiry into ihectudtict of John j l'.rf !, U. S. Senator Th-i Kesohitijus j ili Ic publirbid as soon k tbe report of rrtifrmniniiiee is made. ! ....... . . I .1 1.: . .M.i veil Jl. An act dtni lng ine uuiies of the keeper of tbo Capittl Gives him ce.it rol of thu servants alojl the Capitol; of the Arsenal, Sec. i March 31. An act to rtJiico tbe bond of tho Superior Court Clerk and Judge of Probate of D.ire cotiiiv Ueducts tbe boud tioui S 10,000 to fi3,bOO March 31. An actio Incorporate the South iiivcr Draining Company Com pany -chartered fur-the purpose frfdtaiii-' tug the Swamp Lands of Sou h Uiver in Un thMiities of - Sampson, Bladen and Cumberland ; all the vacant binds drain- id, tobo grau'ed to the ceinpany. March 31. Ail act concerning lunn'tc'pal 18.4IJ. -tl .iV.r .r...l'.U... t..lii.ie!i.al IL inn!TiilC.arl- ficers to turn over to their succcssois .-ill : l ooks, paper.-', Sec, or builiy of m.- i . . iweto -''. o i f diimemTTirT" Tnx tiul uf the anrhotrtTcFwho laid I he'tlfth 4 u. rnir . iMaitih 8f; An ct to imoi poiule 'heTjf(U 0 furnish the means fnrWeii vindi- NfOi Carolina sto. k ruling and iislung fcompany Company with n capital of f 100,01)0, chai tend tor the purpose, ol "raising live stock, horses, cattle, hog,-? and sheep . catching shad, herring and other fish in nets and line, and shooting and killing wild animuls and wild fowls," A'c.j etc. March 31. An act to incorporate tbe Co-operaiive Saving and Loan Associa thin Company chartered to "encourage lUUH'i. 'VV'J l-4'atteisoii, late county Publ.ii fund him the sum of S337 GD, nmount paid1 in excess Of taxes for the years 1SG-S - 09. ts ilrcJt3i-l4aaJutViMtt- fivoc fkJdtit-. Crbjp of Macon t'oun y Allows him to enter 14a acres or iann. Jiarcli .ill UcsolutieHt atiflioiizin T.'.iri.lliiKr I'lerk trtomnlov ajifal Slay employ bocIi additi(7trarasSwstance as may be necessary. , March 31. An act to enable the North Western Notth NftriU rdiitsltailVoad CoiiiiaiiyltoC4)nip!eto their road to Sa lem Allows a consolidation w ith any .....inieaj llwlll .1. - .. . I . llie loan to .... , v .7 ' . a - Mrth-oLAn set to amend nt? net bi -provide '!-r the enWgeinetit, inrrcasc of ''ih" State: ali i.ws t"'''. onpa n v to sub-. licit. ita iF I ni.linlliv'nnil tlll'Ul III the IlKlllS ..i .... i . ... .in. I... 'i in. 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 . treasurer directed to le- tlie .- I a i e, a 1 1 i ' i x '.-i-n..- fi.MiUlilS ui uiiiuiuec ii' .. u.i.uj4-.uf"i ca - aT onPcliug with it. j M irejr 31. Au- act o eJttcni the, time J for tba re jU; ration of ffraaU, deeda nnd other coaveyapeca Tba n.aal act for twa year. , , ' March 31. Anjrt aopplcmentary to (ha act ereailnf Saail couuiy Tim ntit al act rlvlnj JuruJiftion, ejUbli.biug eoarti, cootity gorernwmt, &e. k March 31. An act tl.ai'nx tlio tim ol bol.linjr tba Ppriitt; Tcri of Jtmnforl and 1'iit Courta Tba coui lr lleaufurt on t 14 b Monday after tha I M.m.I.iT in i . I ary jioil. ue'iti, r ll.t- 10 1 Monday after tbo 3d MouJar nt rVbraa Ainil I. ItriioluiiorV.L-avorif P. K. - niiink .vuuiior au iinUii k AuJiior auiSnriietT to audit irrnr ar HyH mo u ili on the eh.rve aaalnst Judire Jones. m i! the Public JnatSurer I directed to IxlV it. ( A pi il 1. Ucsofutioii iu favor of Mrs. I Jane llintonTay her 140 for wood j furnished luttaiifl Asylum. ,piilT An act, to authoriio the Com- miiimcra ol JolinstoD county to issue r-r - ids, ic t- Jlay iaaua 000 id cuupon nds, payable in five years, for the puryj oie of funding the old debt ; eoupont receivable lor county taxes ; commission ers to levy a tax ta moot principal and inteest. April 1. An, act for tho protection of Fair grounds Societies may appoiut po licemen, who upon being sworn, possess the powers of coustables to preserve th peace, -Vc ; protects articles intended for exhibition from seizure. April 1. An act to incorporate the Ma rion High School, in McDowell county Grants the usual powers and authorizes them to Uic tbo buildings heretofore used by tbo Male and reuiale Academy.' April 1. An net to incorporate the Wairenton nnd Macon Turnpike Compa ny Charters n company with a capital of 3,000; to build a road from arren ton to Macon depot April 1. An act to incorporate tire town of Iturnsville, In the eoonty of Yancey Usual charter with a provision to Bubmit the question of license or no license to the citizens. April I. An act in relation to fishing in Pamlico and'Tnr Rivers, and Tranters Creek Fbids fishing from Uattle's Fac tory to a point below Washington, from noon on Saturdays to light on Monday morning, under penalty. TniTKiTTKlUX BILL. Tho following is the full text of the Ku Klnx bill .finally. passe iv riin- gress : An Act to Enforce the Provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Consti tution of the United States and for other purposes,: lie it enacted ly the Senate and House of Hepresetitatire of the United Slates of A merica in Cunaresss assembled : That any person who under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, custom or usage of any state shall subject, or cause tc be subjected, any person within the jurisdiction of-.tbe United States to the deprivation of any af the rights, previ- j leges or immunities secured by the con stitution of the United States, shall, any such law, static, ordinance, regulafion, gtom or nnige. of tho state to the con tray notwithstanding, be liable to the party injured in nny action at law, suit iu equi"ty, or other proper proceeding for red res ,. such proceeding to be prosecuted in tbe several district or circuit courts of the United States with, and subject, to w tfnnM. rM.jf.-..r-Jn.,. m. 'w.ih wpirw- i ...it. ..; :.l,.,l !,!-.. i rror ailtl oilier lunu:e iiiimiai in ..ie cn(i,.R in guch courts under the provisions m 0 tho 9th of-April, J SGGjj en- ciiizena in ti, Tfnlf elrt'litcr-'W :' thffr -civrl richtf, IBWLi cation! aiid the other, remedial laws of the UniTedStates which are iu their na ture applicable to such cases. S c. 2. TliltJf two or mote persons within anystate r tejjtitory of tbe Uni ted Statesshnll coVspire together to over throw, or to put dowfy or -to destroy by force tbe government of the United State ; or to levy war against. the United Slates; or to oppose by fqre'e the author ity of the government f the United States: or bv force, inliniidariou. or threat t prevent, hwmert" or ciel tiow of any law ot tlie Libitea amies j or by force to seize, takjf.. or possCBS any 'property (el the UnitijTStates contrary to the authority thercoff or by force, 'intimi dation, or threai tof prevent any person from accepting of holding-any office of ttusr or place yfJfr confidence ' under the Unind KtaJf or fioin discharging the ihilit4ljffeW--r-.by-Jorc,-4iitimidajiiir or Utrrat to iiimice any tiiicet; or me ited Slates to leave any stale, district, or place where bis 'duties as such officer . , . - n . ! i : nngtit law iutiy ie pcrioimeci, or 10 injure him in bis person or property on account ' r i.: 1 C . I ,l;-,l.r..., ..I . I,,. .Intli-a nf ,M4.ffice,orto injure Ins-person T.nrl "f' leather or all the Soi'M. us. xua G( -A pious Jie-en-aed in the lawful discharge of Uifc, af..resaid. Hie .conyjcUoj. .-of ich . p,, wm. wae otice caught by her maa- AiZ of bis office. or to ininre his prop-' off. nders and the p.. f ervnl-V the pnb. ,cr steylmg a,4?ol.y, and the net booday ;i.r..r-. i TIV lo O t iii"tcri. iiiiiuti, Mitv--1 i kVee4rmw--bfm-ht- thc"drsct.aTiT1Tram, .p v.w 5Uti' ' I TnTfTfficlaTdinyTr ur in i lit ii lo ui . I"1'.. "" - - any court of the United . .Slates from nt ?mt In iktiui uce the T.er.dtcU.4'JClm ''', or indictment f noyyurnr. ..rran-l jnror la anyxonrf of I be I 'i.it d Stale, -r 1 to injuro any sufch juror in his p property on accoant of any rerdict, pre aentmenhor indictment lawful! r assent ed to by him, or en accoant o( bis belnf, orthsrlng been, such Jnrarj or bImII con spire together or go in dinjalse vpoe tbo public bighwar or the prcmlsea another for lb parprae, either directlj or Indirect, ly, tf depriving any feraan, or any da." ol prraona ol tlio ctjunl protection c-l tba lawa or tbe equal privi!er'i s or iaiinoul- tl'i under the law., rr for tho purpose tf 1IKi'UU..(,'li AUmtrr.ng the nwaitilal authorities of any Ut freto ' giving or aeenring to nil persons within such state tba eqnal protectiono of the laws y or t hall conspire together for tbe purpose, In fr-vrnirrn nf -tm-rirrti: tihVrf erttl In ffy-iWnrler7of -tmYrtfTtf;; rirfrdrrlrt or defoatlug 4ke doc course; of ju.tlco iu any stato or territory, with intent to deny to any citison of the butted Stnto the due aud erjuaV-protection .of tba laws, or to injure any person Iu bis person or nil property lor lawfully enforcing the right of any peisen, or class or persons, to the equal protection of the lawa ; or by force, intimidation, or threat to prevent any citiien of tbe United Statea lawfully entitled to rote from giving bis support oa advocacy in a lawful manner toward, or in favor of, the election of any lawful ly qualified person as an elector of presi dent or vice president of tbo United States, or as a member of the congress of tbe United States, or. to injure any such citizen in bis person or property on ac count of such support or advocacy, each nnd every person so Mending shall be deemed guilty of a high crime, nnd upon conviction thereof in any district or cir ctlit court of the United States, or the district or supreme court of any territory of the United States having jurisdiction of similar offenses, shall be punished by a fine of not less tliau cillO nor more than f.i.OOO, or by ituprisoumciit, with or without hard labor, as tbo court may do- teruiitic, for a period of not Ic8 than six months nor more than six years, as tlio court may determine, or by both such fine and imprisonment, as the court shall determine; and if any one or more per sons engaged in any such conspiracy shall do, or ca jse to be done, any act in furtherance of tbo object of such couspi racy, whercbv any person "alinll be injur ed in bis person or property. 'or deprived of having and exercising any" right or privilege of a citizen of the Lulled States, tlumaaori! so. iuiymd J,depnvclrf such uin an action for tho VccovWy otdtfuIVfaT ages occasioned by such injury ordepri valion of bis rights and privileges against any one or more" of the persons" engaged in such coiiaoiracy, such action to be pro secuted in the proper district or circuit court of the United States, with and sub ject to tlie same rights of appeal, review upon error, aud oilier remedies provided in like cases in ench courts under tbo provisions of the act of April 9, 18GG, en titled "An act to protect all persons in the United States in their civil rights end to furnish iuc ius of their vindica tion." Sec. '3. That in all cases where insur rection, domestic violi lice, unlawful com binations or conspiracies in ati3' State shall so obstruct or hioili r the execution of the laws there of and of the United: Stales as to d( prive any portion or class of people of such .'ilulo of any of the ridus, privileges, immunities, or protec-J lion named iii the t. - i . I i t n : iT iT"a'TT(l secur ed by this act, and the .constituted au thorities of such State shall eitlu r Lo un able to protcct-or shall fioui any came '"I i" or reluse me protection ci tne pe.- .... , . , .... r . t ITT r rtCTi i iiuf, putn i.it.s r.iiiio ni di -fined a denial by -such State of tlie equal protection of the laws to which they' are entitled under theiConsliuuioii of the- TJiiitetrSt.Trt''arrd-'m-'nU rnch'-ca,--- wbenever TJtiy such insurrection, violoiiciv uiilifwTut combinaiifMi or conspiracy shall oppose ( r ooatiuct ttie laws oi Hie ctnieu States, or the cue execution thereof, or impede or obstruct tbe due. course" of jus tice under tbo same, il shall be lawtul for the President. tand it shall be bis duty, to take such measures, by tbo employment of the militia or the laud and naval forces of the United States, or either, or by oth er means, as he may da m necessary, for tbo suppression of spVh insurrection, do mestic violence, or combinations; and any ..... . .. . . . . person who shall bo arrested under tho tVjSMjL8jO .ijll lift ftft&iileft'Ml'W P"T " lions shall be delivered to tup marsnai pi the proper districts to bo dealt with ac cording to the 1av. . ( 7 Sec. 4. l'liat 'whenever, in any State, or part of a State, the unlawful combina tions named in riio preceding section of this act shall bei organized, uud ruined, and so nuuii lous and poweiful as to be able by. vioJt4icft.ak...uiJkr.,ov'crjlrrow.4a; set at defiance the 'cm.! tituted authorities of such State, aud tlie United Sat s i14if.iw.k&4t4- wlm ihncim.tli'Q'ed , auilioiities me iii complicity 'with or shall ! connive at the unlawful purpose of 'such L powi.rl'iil and armed combinations, and lie sa(IV pliall become iu (tucli h?ti let im i , j shall be ..le lneil a r Molion dm in C'li-iinnat.ei -I' f 4- irfiiii thv I:nr "tTi'' iITsttiet w ;IV ,t!ielt ol," .ich sb ii! j-o ruiio. t l iiv r to ii-prc?crihed t.- ii.Oel ll-intfr.ll. it sleiilTe nil f.r tbo . Vioal. nt of ihv Uiuk.r Sr..t s,L vbi'n in I "H -5 inr!rm-nf-4tie- jnti- .- ;. i y . .l.ali-tv-. inriyrrenl'tit vti g't.vi.y u: it. so m--p-n'l 'l r ,r!v;i;.-gr . . . ,t-,-rt-aa. 1. ' . TV7 - J , : , ' . lrf 1 "' ' .. ' - , . . ," ;M M t ' ;'" ' f"r ";') - (.i ir" ifit ' !,tT-- tlon of an act entitled "A a act relating la knbeat eorput and regulating judicial pro ceedings In orrUin cases," approved March 3, 1863, which relate to the dis charge of prisoners oilier, then prisoners of war, and te the penalty for refusing ta oby the order of the ' courts, shall be la full force so far as the same are applica ble U the nrort.Ions of ibis section i JVo pided further. That the President sba'd firrt have mode proclamation, at row pro. mlmiJty law,,.enaliSf .). . gent I to disperse t JfotikJ mUa, Thai the previsions of this section shall Ml bd. in force after the end of the neil rrrvlar session if Congress. . . -See. .'Jl1rarTiOTrBn"haTtbtfm or petit juror la any court of the Laltei " Sutes, ujkju any inquiry, hearing, ec . trial of any salt, procecdinr. or proeeca tiou baaed upon, or arising voder the pro visions of thu act who shall la the fed meut of the court bo la complicity with any such combination or conspiracy, sad every such juror shsll before enteriuf up on any ucU inquiry, beannx, prtriaJ, take aud subscribe an oath in opneourt " that he has never, directly or indirectly, counseled, advised, or voluntarily added any luch combination or conspiracy, and each and every person who Shall tax this oath and shall therein swear falsely shall ho gnilty of perjury, and shall be subj et to tbe pains and penalties deciar- d aguinst that crime, and tbe first section, f the act entitled "An act defining addi tional causes of challenge, and prescribing prescribing an additional oath tor grand aud petit jurors in the United States courts," approved June 17, 18G2, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sic. G. That any person or persona having knowledge that any of the wrong conspired to be done and mentioned Ta the section of this act are about to b committed, aud having the power to pre vent or aid in preventing the same, who shall neglect or refuse so to do, and such wrongful act be shall committed, such person or persona aball be liable to the person injured, or his legal representa tives, for all damages caused by any sack wrongful act which such first-named per son or persons by reasonable diligence could have prevented, and such damages may be recovered in an action on the case in any proper circuit court of the United States, and any number of persona guilty of such wrongful neglcetor refuBal.ffiT menceu wunin one year aner sucu cause of action shall have accrued, and that, if ttieMealh of" any person" sliatr"1e caused " by any such wrongful act and neglect, the legal representatives of such deceased person shall bavo such action therefor, . and may recover not exceeding $5:000 damages therein for the benefit of the widow of such deceased person, it any there be, or, if there be uo widow, for the benefit of the kext of kin of such deceas ed person. Sec. 7. Nothing heroin contained iuall be construed to supersede or" repeal any former act or law, except so fitr as the same, may bo it pugnant thereto, Sqd any offences heretofore committed against the tenor of any former act sbairbe proseen ted, and any proceeding already com-., menced for the prosecution thereof shall be continued and completed, the same as if this nci bad not been nasced, except so far 118 the provisions of this act may goto sustain and validate surb proceedings. '1 he GobDscriMiDTS. A paper in New Yofk, run by females, knows as )jclhull fClftjn?s WtcUtfj, which ..'. free spoten Iin t; aiit iiorUisfriclIneS to.. scandal, lately pu'LHshed a statement that -Jjamy Lind's husband bad. r.uiitbrough V. it " . i i t t her siilemlid lorttuie, and tlial sue naa forced to teach niusic for a eupport Three London journals copied this. atate-, nient, were sued for libel, and were each mulcted in X730 damages ; this,, too, not-,, withstanding that tbc defendants express ed their regret for having published the paragrrpb, which appeared without tho knowledge of tlio responsible editors. , In -giving the" verdict the foreman of the jury declared that they felt that -i'no amount -"of damages could compensate the plain "tiff for the injtrryfticted'-upon him' by t "so iniquitous a libel." The testimony gien proved mat Air. uoinscnmiut una managed the propertyunder hjs control twee u himself and his wife were kind and affectionate. Mrs. GohWlimidt herself tesnfiud to this "effect. Ilia Lord tlhief" Justice, in summoning np, pronounced the libel ''most scandalous and. abominable, "and one for which t here, was noCa shad' i-o w of a fouHdatiou." v A pretty good warning against copying a Lit f eodl 4ria a paper s edited -by women' rii'bla wonn ii. What wduld become of the world iftTicso women were u get Iwld of the State and tlie press! 'i - would b rxll-mel indeed. " , Jiiekmond ISUpatch. nnrUM.k of ike coiiiinuiiioti, alter wnicu r. . . .t - - . the master nccosttal Iier as follows : - . - Wh)-, HaunabjLi yon to-day at c 'oninuiil'iii table. Y st tank tie. LtrJ, niassa, I was low- llo be dar wrd de rested' Ilhr fanuly." mttit, If -.iiii.iTi l,was surprised to sce ; . . ' ! mi . .-. -.. Voil tii'To, r re sftn. uuw n noow "onse " Sha looRrd a 1 title surprised, a il sbe h otnne4iijlh'qLty siioni: tat f-r't biiigrlTijntaMtit'g, exrl-iini 1. limed ; uU-l Ub-v, iUr .la yt imk Use gwine ' M. '.' ?Ln U.I goose staii 1 a,twcn me aal Maker!" . - ' '- J2

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