r 1i ' - - CI . -frail?' J! 1 SALISBURY, N. C MAY 12. 1871. NO. 19. .. ... .... . a e . ... .. . .1 " 1 . , : -V i ' - . .... 1 . . f ...... - - -. - r-'g i I I i . i i w " " '.' " " .' " 1 . i -...--ft-.- r. . -" ""'r"- ' -- -1L7., ..7. , ." f .. ,'7,' 7.7 .PIJJJ;: .11111 i wwtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm CtEMMOnr ST AO I I.IW33S 1 ; WARSAW iV' TaFftfjdttriUe. LKAYH Wrwfor rytt.rllL u eept8anU, Tbruairh Tk-katu (Vom krfTitVimv.tal'irclli'rllUjll. Thrwuph Oekr-U from W.ld.m la KrrUrUU, l fkrMii ttckfto fYrwn- WUmingio; TU W mi la r.ytitUrllle, t. OniKLOTTR TU Tr4t)ERHOB07TO UCiUOr W, C A K. K.UI U Uf-fm, fc.r W'iWUn' Tni'Mla. Tlnii- 4r,Thnn1y1 ami Hirfnntirj', Ar tnn friu CJIATUAU K. K.TOKAYCTTEVIM.K AM WKSTKliN II 1!.: ljnTti Ctiathim Knrl Hmil OtT trmii (Wm train from l'vrtfK,tli ilntly -xt t Suinlv. KALKM AXlllln.ll l el.xr Sl'cK .-.'HTH -mb plao daily. Offli'o t IiutnorV II t. l. S.ili in. N. 4C T. U.KMMOXH, Sjwt. Ifl, 1870 tf C..iilrn t.ir. JZ2XM6178 Tk m ptoiTM of LIm i-aiplulul art untaiui ii. U pain in lb. iJ SouHlnim lh Mln U la uTriMtuMlIliii, lh plum.Ml ia aflinlfd 1U Km f aiwvtita and iUkiir-. buwrU U frtwml fi. iMfiriimw aliirntli' villi lax. with l, anJ dull, h ill. Ion of mraiwry. umtHinUHl wlib painful 1 Zntmiionui iaavuia J-ll umlnn aumrlhinc .U h tnilil la ka li Wn. urWA cM)pralnlng vl ckncs dvliiliir, ami low .iril. iSimHiaiM many uf l!ie Ih.- o qipli'inn alirnd ih iua. and al other t!nin vi rv few of tin m : l-wt 4b. Xllw iN"it u4flljf tLa.urfiin.UMjtt iuiuhd.T7. l'ur tho later nh IK. MMMON8P livi:ic ki:il VTon, pm ami ion ofnmu and hcrl, warroiilnl to Ik iridlr vi vtal-l-', and run do no injury to any cue. ll ha Utn imiI by IniudmU, and V iwn for tin- l.wt AO yeani one of tlic niot rvt.Mi', rilii'.i iii mill liarmtiTM in ratioti rrtr uf fvJ lu tlia MilU riiig. U uLlii riguJiixIjf auJ iM-r-i-U-i.tu-, it i -ur- to rure Tim Tbl WctttrnU'.C. H.H. TAKC KIKECT &TII SllPT. 1 r70. COIXO WKST. Jlrrire. Lturt. (ii'lXli KART. Arrirr. Lrart. M AM M " IN " B.&6 ' 40 I0.S5 II. 10 II 69 " UAH rm 6. Ill AM hlifliurj. 6 117 7 10 H lT 9ti 9 4A 10 311 11 IS 1904 ' Third I rk. Mnl.-.vill... 'a)awha HtA. N tm. Mirk ry, ft.t' MuriiAiit.in, rriitireaaler. Hid I art 0 jn rM mi" 6 33 ' R 31' 4 4 i ll ' a ir 3 M 8 38 rM 7.25 6 : 3j 4 ; 4 If) 3 311 9.ai I 43 alcralator. Ivxi, lieaJaclir, inuiitiiix'.i'tMtivciivw, k Iit;aiTii-1ip;'rhroii1r rlisrr-liu'a,al!vctiunofllicLlad- ler, ainii ilyM-nlrry, ai- I y HrrakfuM u.l u.fr at Mutrn Kept n txm. 3a tf R. W. BEST & CO., . JlALElUll, x. a, AUCTION ,& COMMISSION Merchants, Sollc't ron8l(rnnieti of Corn. Flour and Produce Generally. - rarttOHlaF Wnlivn jHtnitoA uetian Sales. A nt-rttt TtT'PrnfwrrrTTO W.H. Willakd. 1'res't INVlth Nfl P.irk. W. K. AnnitMHOs, "- l it i i f' " KB li. n li. 1.1 AUK. ri.nu . tt. A K. H. Tl'CKEK A C ... ItalciKli, . V -le.h 17 AT THE 2 A A uwra .1011, N. C, C. IF, BLACKBALL. Proprietor. 15:tf BATE8, j T M'PKAKMOM. I M . T. I AW rauc5' iDarcIjousc DANVILLE, VA., von Tilt: sale W Lesf Tobacco, flalea room lf by 70 f.-et, with nineteen -ky-LlrliU. Prompt Attnt!on to tt.e Intrrcrt ai d Comfurt of Planti'iT and tin r 'l :m h. (JravtH' Warebouw l.aa now the Lnru'ist Snb-i" Boom in Totii. Wacoim '"k'.'d up in w'ii'l-ii! atnifrht. Dry Stallbfor IJuimh. Call nd m e iik. oet 9H ly. NEWSPBIN GCODOi MOCK & BR0WV . AFE now receiving thi:ir lifj-'o ar.d will ted Stock of Spring imd uiaiiisr Ctoeds which have Iti'fii M-lcctftl with rc:it ciin- mu! ; liuirht at low uiious. Tlmir Sl-ick ciniinU full IlllOii of Staple and. Taiicy.Jlfyi.Clao.dja.,,,.,. Giiuji;uii:s, IIATS,.SIIOKS, which they arc .nffrriip 11 1 low pru-w. Owinjr to their,cfiinffd tcrniN ol litiKibv, Htllitijr ai most estdunivcly fur cash or hurtijr, lakintr no rink of iTflit can and will otli-r iiMlncciiiciits to porchawerH f UoimIm that nnijt cncuI tlm Tho Htyli'H of (roods thin wesson arc linndsoinc and price as low as before the war. Their fuclMMMi ol 1 1 ic kidney, nervoilcllcm, chill, dia en of the Kkin, -iuipiirily of the LhJ, tneliin clHly, or deprrwioii of xpirit, lnrlbiirn, eolic, 01 ti.iiiiK in the IhihcI, pain in the hvnd, fi vir nu'o diop'r, Im.'iI. wiin in the back, a-. rrrl only by J. II. .LILI.N A It)., Inigi;Ll, Macon, (ia. Price, $1 ; l.v mail l.' . l or -ale by T. I'. KMTTZ A CO., feb 21 l v Sali-l-urv, N. C. townallo luTri. ltll be riven ie le llitt townaLlp ia wLkli ike lerrer pert InctW U a'amUrd". f . Tbe fiat f UialU pmprty of the praa f iU iwaUall rtfer le ike firat day ef Jeae In tlal ear, and eball . 1. Tbe qtwaiirjef Und liabrd la Uie townlilp Ut nlelion drecribUif k. t. NvmUr ol lor. !-, lackf, Ji ntiu, goal, tatile, ofi end Uf, p aratrlr, and lLa value ikrrvef. . 3. Katlmatpd ale, wliHont 'piffltiir tbe erwrir, Hjkim'kt XClt, J- ! f mefUaiilc. liiMtaclioM and kite tea furtil- lure, iirovlahaii. arua fot tuaalrr. vcaiiiix apiWitfjfct . Jtt i'LftKM hbrariea and aciwilifie iulrumnU. valuing lU pmperiy el railronda jnU o'her 4. Moixy on band or ou d poi. i. AniounLof lolrftit cn-dila owing In llio patty, wbfilMr ir-bainUiAuJivl'ill.on eicbankre, upA-n accmiilor tine an'i, paya ble, anil wbctlirr oainjr by any govern tnctii, a.c.' lotul ol thia Hiale tr of the I'niled tiuref nenipl from taxation Ly law, czrt pt t nl accjuinf? for llie cum nt vear for the bite of talahlo nroiM ity. If trtry Jtar value ike jK-rioual property at it true value. Tke val.mu.a foud j tLrta lby aball affif l rviry (prcla tt praperty panicaiariard in taction aloe el tkiaact. Ifany pertoii liuUele le ckarjd wiib tairt "!' refua to aitawer.any qureilov rfix"tiiif bl UiiMe proptHy, be akall be rtiilty of a u ld7nranor, aud en eonvkilon, liable tol j unithed by fine or ImprUonror-nl, and it aliaii be tbe duly ff ike board U ! n the refuaal la pad, lo bind over 1 sulcr l appear at "iba in-U tt-tia o tbe .'.tp, 1; c uft r.f ; ike cnuntr, and to rnmrv tbe fact to l'e eolirilor for tbe juuieihl diatrict in ordej 1. Pl'ltI.IIIEI WEKKLV IIV i: V IS HAN i: S Editor and Proprietor. RATK.1 UF M H HIF'I ION ONE YEAH, payibletn ndvauee. ... Six .Months, 5 (Vph-a t tine addrpua 1 0 Copiea to Hia ddre.. .......... ,iuten 0 JLdoirtiHthq. One Sijnarp. first inoertion r rtf eitMt Hd4uuBal iuertuiu. ....... Hiei-ial Uoti; u ill be charged HO tier cent higher tlian the above rate. Court it nd Justice Uidera w ill be publish ed at the sume rates uith other advertise-nietitM. ObitUHa- notice, over six liuei, cliarired as ad vartiaeinenta. 7-NTrr.VCT RATES. " .'l.(Ml 12.50 20.00 fl.lXI 5 a' SPACE. 3 1 Square. 2 Siiuarea. 1 Snuareg 4 Siiare8. i Column. 4 Column. I Coin tnu. 52 'At 7.") 4 50 G 2.r) (i(HI !MKI 8 (HI 1 1 00 11 00 It! 00 H IN) 24 00 2r IM) 40 (H) jj5(HI 50 $1.'100 850 I.HKI 22.IK) 12 (Ml 20 00 :o.oo l."il0 25(0 37.50 20..(MX:t0 00 45.1X1 :l 0(1 45 0O 75.00 50 00 f0 00 1110.00 IMl'Oni'ANT TO 'J'AX-PAYKKS. KEVKXCE Til K MACHINERY ACT. We have Iien toforu publiclicd in full tbe Revenue Act. As we cannot find epace for llie Art to Provide for (lit Col lection of Tax llie ".Matliim-ry " Act we give tlirt follow in suniKiary of it pro visi -us which will tni found uccutute and Bufficieiitly full t'of the purpoxea of fux "payrrs: W c ottMt UM)!ioi tnin only peil.iiiiin to the duties of fiici'itis ami other officers who are provided w ith the act ill full Set tniii 1 . "f1t! iowii.-fViji hoiifil df trtts tcen eh ill lit the l-Hiita ol llie Stale (ill the vaiti.ttioii ot lNi'.l, mill t-liail assi all the personal propeify in their township not exctnjit this act at the cash value, on tin; 1st day of J tin: mutually. See,. 2 'Lillid and real property' means not only the toil, Imt all buildings mid erection! I hereon, all right, . fraueliiciea and uatieitiiuciita Appurtenant thereto, niid all tiifiiea and uiim ml.i on or under the suifice. . .Six, fi. Tltf..littli..abalLliC give in with- - - G O O T)'S is much larger than uv;j..!, ei.nipriinp ;vll llie newest and ui-ist deniin!l. H and at prices within the tya7i .ifc ly aK an pxaiiuiiatii.n r mtr kiw- im Ktot-k nftfimble tioiMl- at low pr.ee. lair ami 1 BwiMfft 8 ealinSTTi'mi'TTttTewtimi ty trh I'riiicilial ami Clerk.-. wi:i '' an imliK eiir - 1 1 to liiirfr of l?fHnIs v. nn.it. i-e it. Wey.'ir.ild ealltiie att.-nti. 11 of ... Country Merchanls to our lar'e ami ; 1 s lecty.l Ktocl.-. lei-Iinp contideut that w u euai ui:ii.e it'M Ui"ir interet to buy poods of a-. We d al larpdy in all kii'd of CounttV Produce. ami pil r.iit. 'in lai tcr.ii desired, inargiMl H'K IHMW.N. . 41 i.v HI ti 111.' . rr r. nrSt ' I I. . Ii. i.ti..-' , :i .. 1.. M .. ii If in. ia mc d riAKnccn : - JIJT Pl'M 4. n. nlitki: f It vri.n rs 1.1 itin 'n " rl i ca rjtit'.i-'jc.ii.-i-. ai " Ihfnal WiLj.r, 'l liTl Mr S I.- ;J jiff lXjjui-.y 1 innp c-t-ns l.i. S T Hhi Co- n.t fit uxi. V 'iU-lK fcjfir Irwfulrr ml .! r. V PT I" A l"l rl. r . I, '-l l, V. c ,.t. . VIM ArlJ lilt. T, lr.-n,' nil .1 ' 'r . r. rl. rlr Vaua Tf nr ti -t - if u n . . nc..i. .Ui miirmHip an.in.nrr . .li ij 1- ru ec-lly cr w'Ukml lit itancrm 11 tt nfiiiirii.t mrlir'fir r tl e Afai' 1 ne.; 1 iiei.. - .a f curr , ClrN'C( MvtMTl NrtrtMl, I." "-t "t bicli rrj wr. M .A.tr I tl ofOor n.nf b aajr ttfn ' '"' '"' ' r- TVi .I.. It Id t c h l ev-jy oalk kmI T fry In Ow lnnl. frnt. vixt iii. (Juts in"' I. As I lri. MtfMVl. n r4t t .1 .-rt r I -t ) - fMT BrTVTe". .FWi WTfva cfv A4.lrv ( in I .1.. r., IUU i,i:.HM.I CM. in ten da,) 8 alter due'noTice has been riv en by the person charged or his Hjeni.Xr lf the person liable In: a corrnriMoii il pjujpcuy uuiy -Lc ineii JilliyZlii: j.ireeidiiit euKliier, treasurer ir oilier pcrnou appoijit ed for that pnrpofel ' . 8ec. 6. All real ptrprrty and llrtn-fc-,-f.triiilii'g tilefisifs ai:d Llhei1 irr-iohal plii(i w ty um. tl-iu uou ut:ctiou . w 1 1 h iIh: .cu ill va tion of it 1 u-fli. i-li.iil be giveii in in the lo li.-liiji in whiii s;iid propnty is pilu. t -d on the lirst day of June, and where the line ol any townjiliip run through nny nsuh nt's l.ti;l, trm.mn-ph:ill be fared in ihe towhship ol uci rehident. JSec. 7. All oilier personal property whatever, including moneys, credits, in veMineiits in bonds, tocKs, joiiit "stock companies or othet w ise, and all taxable polls am', all other fulj.-r. s liable to tnx alii:ll,exci pt iicTrrii idiTs. . atid personal pxtipt icy -as-are-4H ip-ei.tlly provided lor, i-hall bo gIMii in in th township in which ihep-toii sn charged ieides on the ttrfV-duy of 7' '!:.. Tin-residence of a Colhor.iiio.i, li.ii tij'.ihii or i lint any credit be rrparded aanul entirely aol veni, il aliaTI Vc given In at 111 Mtlmatrd value : tbe party may deduct from tbe amount of debt, owing to him, the amount ewinp by biiu, and the reaidaeouly aball be liable to taxation. C. Stock? in anr incortMirated company or joint stock' association, and their esti mated Value; but the Block ahall Uul be taxed if the company pnya a la. 7 All oilier personal projMtty wba'cr er, including therein all musical insliu centa, pluteil and ilver ware, aud th. walrbea and jewelry tHsaeMd by tbe partr, lii wife, or any minor child. 8. The income of the party for iheyear next tnecetiitig the. hrst dy of June in the current year, with a aUUnu-ut of tbe aoutctt r aoureea from wit ch U wae (1 rived. From the amount of the Income five hundred doll.tis aball be deducted, and also tbe aiuoui.t derived from' any Italic, tiJAucliise 01 prolttiwi taxed by tbe lawi ot llii Jjtate. 9 If the paily be a noil-resilient of the conrttr,-nnd own land tbiritiy il aball atate Id address, and may name any agent resident in the county to whom uoticca may be" given rep-cliitg bla' taxei. " i c. 10. Every gtiatdian, executor, ad- minH-ttator er trustee h; II in like manner, btit on a senarrte list, give in tbe property held by bitu in that capacity; the value of the fianrhiso vol .very railroad, aanal, tun. pike, plank road, navigation and banking eompany, shall be given by the president or chief officer ol the said sever al corporal ions on the day fixed by this act for the giving in of taxable property to the Treasurer of tba Slate, aud shall be assessed Ly the said Treasurer, the Auditor and- the Governor of the State ; and their valuation shall be returned , to the County Commissioners of any county in which any part of said ronda or canals, or navigation works shall be ; and the tax upon such franchise so valued shall be the same us tipoti property of erjnnl value; and the tax collected in each county anil township shall be in propor tion to the length of such road, canal or works lying in such county or township respectively ; and such Uxes shall be collected as ojhor taxca are required by law to be. The rolling stock of every railroad company, and tho vessels em ployed by any canal or navigation com pany ou its canals or woiKs. snail ue valued with the fiai.chise. Si c. 11. Property exen.plroin tnxa- ;,." . 1st. The property belonging to the li uiu d flalea- iit to. this tit a ie, or t o ; any: county or iiicoTp iraled city or toit, Jd. l'he piopeity belonging to and set .1 part ii l excliisi ely tised tor (He I 1, the Masonic I'Valeruily, Order jf Odil Pi llows, tiood Temnlais and Friend of Tetiiiieranic, schoids for the education of youth or the support ol the poor or nfrlic ti d, such properly iisniay be si t npint for and tippioiiriated lo the exercises I divine I . . 1 - . . r . 1 I worsii'p or inc proiugatiou 01 tue gospet, or t.s d as parsonages. 3d. e)Mich properly us may be set apart for grave yards or burial lots, except sticiT as are held with a view to profit or ior tho purposo of spcciilaling in tbe sale corporations in which tbv Stale U a itotk-holdi-r.tbe bole ptvprrtt. tl.all be valued, but a lurt ol 1 ha valuation (ball be de ducted ptcporiToiiate to tbe interest of the Slate, and ibe las Irvird ou tbe naidue only. Tbo tax o bvied belt 1 paid by lliu corporators, shall be cbaiged by tbu corporal km mi the ladieklual corporation only, and when aty dividend shall be declared ibe dividend to tbe State aball exceed 4 ha 4 loJtlti u pttai a by the amount of all Usee previously paid. Stocks fir shares la incorporated compa nies shall not be taied wbra tbepropi ity of ibe company ia taxed. Nc 17. If any eersoai ekall complain , lifoie the c. aiutisavuera ikal bt proper- ty, eitbvi real or pirx.al, l.aa been itu I proiM ily a!uif, t that b ia ckaretl f h ill, mi. i0 la m.m LTI r.r. ai. I his or before a Justice of tbe peacl of tbe reaaty, take and aubacrlbe aa oath, faith, fully aad beneatly to aeeoaat for tbe eame wka tbeaberliTorotber person anihoriied to reeeive ibem.' Said oath aball be tiled aad kept an tbe dock at of tke county board, and I r Milare of aay deputy her Iff to pay over tack Ui aa bo may collect, be hail be guilty of a tntedemeaaor. Bee. 27.' Tbe sheriff la person or by deputy shall lAuilahtly atteud at ibe eouii houao or Ida county rrora Ihe Brat Monday ef Afust to the 11 of November lu tac'i y ejj4 f, r the purpose of raceiviep lae i he shall also in l. ioniK r wen;J at least vne diy after the aoconilllfouday of TJcloTier atoriienbTcJ ldlXili'tflVa ship, of which twelve daya notice shall be given by advertisement at three or more pulilie places iu the township i lrocidcd, 1 hat nothing ia thia section shall be com s trued to prevent the collecting officer from levying and selling after the taxes become tluu. Seo. 23. The personal propi rly of de liunueTita to he sold, or failing that in suf ficiont quantity, then tbe land of delin- Qucula. .Tviicc of vale to be riven. If delinquent cannot be found, aotice to be givcu lo any known ageut. If no known agent, notice lo be posted at court house door, ice. Any person liable for taxes, not having property iu tbe county where the is u s are due, but having property in another county, juch property is liable, with ten per cent additional tax. S-e. 29. The hirhtst bidder shall be claim in arilil r, and ll sk ill bear any ' tbe purrhiser ol proj.erty sold for taxes. evidence adduced ty , aMj shall sum- c. Jo. I he sheriO to buy lor the inon and rlaaiine any wilxeM necessary Statu if no oilier purchaser, forthejnsl detisioa of tbe qui stkm. It H-e. 31. The deliuijtient mny retain ther b-cide scaiosI tbe couud tioant they ' possession of property for lwlve mouths shall also give judgment sjjinsl lim fir J afti r the ile, willun which lime bo may the cost of tbe iuvesligaliou, but if the , redeem it by tendering the purchaser the couuiy ciimuALsaLiUAje La'l find that be 'aiuonnt paid for it and tweniy-five per cent annitional thereto. S c. 32. Purchaser lo claim title if not redeemed in eighteen mouth. Act ratified 1st day of Auril, 171. SeH.ituJ. THE rENITKXEIAUY. , l Tbe ' OrcensVore " Jtcgullicam, ' of tbe SOtb instant, (whose editor vat out of tba bite Pouiveutlary Coinmisaionere,) coo lain Uie Report of tho Aseistan Arcbi tect aud Superintendent of building, Mr. W. J. Hick, mad to the new Board af Directoia, from which we clip the folbw-lngt.'-. - 7"- 4' ? There are 20G3 feet e( Yrbon Stock ade, St l'riaoa Cell, and twe room for IvkLups, all i of which are 10x19 feet ijuaro; one Hospital . 22x23 feci, with three rooii.; uerou I3xl teet, for MciTcal Department 'ftne Yr m 1 t lif rtt, ftniffsprwr Prceaf &, arti-f ffepttal Room 22x48 feet, that ia calculated to bold 21 tingle bed". Office framed building, lathed and plastered, with three room" 17x17 feet, and kitchen 14x28 feet, two rooms; one bathing-room 20x24 fuel, both supplied with tub, to which are furnished hot and cold water pities t all the tub have plug aud drain nine connected with I bo -mai F basins: cause for Complain! I hey shall direct their cleik retider a true account thereof, and tire account thus rendered, certified by the ebik, shall bo returned to the Auditor, who ihatl cM-dlt th shrriff with llie overcTiaxgBjii-bla etllcmetit of Ukityear.. Sec. 19 The cnntily commissioner shall insert in the abstract of the lax list for rack towiish'p, tho dcertpttm and aud valuation of all properly not given in, with ihe tinrwi of the prison Mtpposcil lo be liable for the taxes thereon, and the name of all personam each township I it' bio for imll lax who failed lo iiivo ! themselves in, and rhall thaigu all such lietsous with (lioilli.' the las with which i SOUTHERN CLAIM Firt Conference of the Commissioner $. The Southern Claim Commission met in conference iu Washington one duy last week, and the following report of the pro ceedings bad, will we presume, be of general kilorret : No public business was transacted bo fore the Southern Claims Commission. they woitid otherwise oe chargeable, tin-, Commissioners being eneaired in pri less sati.-t'.ictory excuse therefor be rcn- , vale conference upon the cases in w hich denil., , the. witness have all been examined, and thereof. 4 .Ii. 'tic!i property of-the .'tato ngriculfural socielie8 tt may beset apart and used by them for agricultural fairs. 5 h. A: ins fi .r in lister, .wen ring npiare I and pi'riVisions for the US'1 of the owner aud his; family, household and kitchen frtrnitufe, nie hutiu-al ..aiul-iigi iciilturiil iftiph metifs of ftiechaniirs and farmer., lilirarit'H ",,4.t!l',')'.,Ll'l'l,,l,,"JL,i "9. i Xeei ding in apgregate value tw-rl '"biiti- di i d dollars ; .Pneidrd. Tlia! the exemp tion Iroin nix.'iTioti shall i:ot exceed Two" himilieil doll, us rn behalf ol any iudividti- j the name nf the party (he tlate of pn) meuf Sec. 0. Coin. ty commissioners may exenii fioiii'pull lix iu certain cases of poverty or infirmity. Sec. 24. In chsu within the interval between two regular pel ioda lor ib valu ation of land or real properly, any piece of land or real properly shull become divid ed in ownership eiilier by partition or a sale of a' pott am theieof, or otherwise, either of the part owners may at any time, upon five da s notice lo the other part owners, apply to the township boa id of truMcfS f"i ii n nppotiioiiiiientof valuation, which shall Le allowed as-may be just, and nil personal karfng- tax litarc re quired to amend the sutiin according to llie judgment of sijid boaid, on the pro duction of a certified copy thereof: Pro vided, That no amendment made after a tax on ihe hind has become due shall operate to i ffi ct that tax. Sec. 25. If any xiolati.m of real or per nn.i ioperly and before the tax thereon shall beeonir duethi-prirfy-i,hnli hW rnttic' det-tn tyeif o r ffeprceia teif o V ef! wT-n r ty-live per cent 'on its 'assessed value, o In rw-ic tiian by act ot the owtirr, tin boaid ul tiustLts and upnu prnJi'T proof, may have :he valuation reduced, and the board of tittstee shall thereupon immedi ately furnish to the cleik of the couiiiy coiuiiiisgioiieis, aa well us to the party, a certified copy of their order in the premi se. x If lh" property was insured, the amount of the insurance shall iu such case be consider d in alin ing the valuation. In like manner if property shull have in creased tweuty fie per cent ov"er its as served taxable value, (he -sheriff of the county niioii ten day notice to tbeowner, frft mey-atmi; alter lh valuation of ihe property, and upon proof I bey shall do so; but live valuation shall not be tillered if tho ap preciation lias occurteil in coisi qtienee of itiiproveinents tnade on ;1W property by draining, clearing, building, or the .like. aud the testimony closed. Numerous p plications have been received under the late rules, to have the necessary testimo ny in support of claims taken by local commissioners, at the cost of tbe claim ant, as provided in the rule, but no decis ion in such tipp i ations can be made for a few days, aa ihe Commissioners have yet to fix upon and designate suitable person for the taking of testimony- at various points, wLerv such agents will bi ni did, and to settel upon such modes of taking testimony a w ill bo least expensive to claimant, and best protect the govern ment interest involvid. It is already ap parent fictu the character of many of the claims filed, and the testimony 'aiken in public session, that the limited ' time and the labor ol the Coinii tsttouers are likely to he needlessly taken up and much mon ey sp"ht, hopes entertained and anxiety created nseh ssly by claimants, through a miciH!C('p'i)ii of the class of case-that l'ongr'pa ItitCli'dcd pbonld be settletl by CoilTin'St'Ti7""I the elainiaiits tos itisfy th mselves, first of all, not only of their ability to pr.Vokeu i pes connected with tho .main Sewer i tK). Steam i lurnished from a Prin- dW Steam lioiler in the Wash-room. Wa ter for' Kitchen, Washroom, ace..- it an- Idied from a Pump located between the itchen and Wash-room. Tbe drinking water is produced from 'a Pump in front yard, near ceil buildings. There it one kitchen for Prisoner 20x32 feel supplied with stove and five boilers, &C. A Pin ing room 20x22 Let, lor (juards and Overseer. One Ilakery 2025 feet, with necessary fixtures, iScc. One Store Roon, 20ii30 feet, one shoe shop 14x14 feel: one Blacksmith shop, one Carpenter shop, and one Tool House, Stable and twelve Sentry lloxcs, tc. There are 8C0 feet of Railroad Track running through tho ground, and con necting with the N. C. Railroad; alio 870 feet heavy plank stockade enclosing the Quarry. There are 350 feet 6 inches of Terra Cotta Sewar pipe that take all drainage from kitchen, Wash-room, bee. The above temporary buildings, imple ments, tools,, tee., including Penitentiary Site, have cost f 10,507 91. HEW HUILDIXOB. Expenses of Arcbitcxf, $5,3C6 46; Stone work, 513,044 fl4; Prick , 52;233 58; Total eifM nses, f92,174 49. ' A WEDDING. A New Totk letter ayi Many read er will remember tba VatUra af South Caroliua, one of whom loaf rep res o 14 that Stale la tba Senate. Another, Pierce, bat not the dlaliiigaisbcd Benator, mar ried Fanny KetmUo loaf year ago, and their daughter inherited what wis once a handsome property la, Georgia. There wa aoiae Iroeula betwoea tbe parents, aa the mother live la Eugland, while tba daughter remaiaeai a thia country with her Caber. A few year age be died, and tbenrh often visiting ber mother, she atill Tprtfrmd I I.'m LUo old Lau'Af plej- t 44e.inliiii JuJ4,Juaiex,An . JLiigia., gentleman traveling In that section wa anxious to visit a well organised rice plantation, and consequently became tka guest of Mis Ilutler. Tbo result of tbia visit is that in May ibe goes to ber mother in England: there become tbe wife of the Hon. .Mr. Leigh, whom ibe eulertaioed juit one year ago. ' Tbe following beautiful parody of tba "Long Ago" was contributed to tbe col umns of the Ooldsbore AfwNper - OLD TIMES. Tns Calm Depths. Shallow water are easily mudied. After a night of storm, the waters of the bay along tho beach, stirred by the winds, are foul and black with the mire and dirt. Put look beyond. out in the deep water how blue and clear il i ! The white cups ou the slir f ce show the violence of the wind, but the water is too deep for the storms that sweeplts surface to stir up the earth al the bottom. So iu Christian experience. A shallow experience is easily disturbed ; tbe merest trifles becloud and darken the souh-whose piety is superficial ; while the most furious storm of life fails to. darken or perturb the soul w hich hag attained deep experience of the things of God. The agitation may produce a sparkle on the surface, but in the calm depibs of such a spirit reign eternal tranquility, the peace of (Jod that passeth all understanding. -Coon IIakits. Remember, boys, be fore you are twenty you must establish a character that will serve you all liiq. As habits grow stronger every year, and turning into a new path is more anil more difficult, therefore it is often harder to iii:learn , than to" learn ; aud mi l his. nc count a famous flute player nsed to charge 4ul.U prku 44 ibaac puirila: ulid.bad.bwU. taught befoic by a jjoor master. Iry nud reform n lazy unthrifty, or drunken per- MHay,biiAtud, thai such property as they lotl was taken 'tue : f day of August in each yen', . hen paid, lite sherill shall note on Ihe tax list iigamst by. or by 'the authority of persons whoso official position or whose particular situa tion at the time gave them the right to takeXil ; or else that tho tropeity taken went, beyond question, into the service of the Government, and not into the indi vidual possession ol officers or soldiecs not iiuthorizi d or ordered, nor compelled by necessity, to lake private proiwrty for public use, ("uses of unauthorised de predation by the United States troops, or of damage to properly caused by tbe -aTBrypw- settli'd at Jill, must wait for: further Jegia laii"U by Congress. bad hahil, w lateveritris, has so woiiuil Into ihe life that it. coniiot he uprooted BT KULA. There's a beautiful anng on the alumberous air. that drills through tba valley of dreasos; It comes from a clime where the rua wr And a liin ful heart, and light brown hair That waved in the morning beams. Soft eves of azure and ere of brown, And snow-white forehead are there; A glimmering cross, and a glittering crown, A thorny bed and a couch of down, Lost hopes and Icaflata of prayer. A roar wreath ia a dimpled band, A ring and a slighted vow; Three gold to link on a broken band, A tiny track on the snow'whlte sand, A tear and a sinelca brow. There' tincture of grief ia the beautiful long, That ob on th summer air;... And loneliness, loft la the festive throng, , Kinks down in tbe soul, a it-tremble along From a dim where th rose are. W heard it first at the dawn of day, And It mingled with matin chime : But yearn hare distanced th beautiful lay; And it melody floweth far away, W call it now, "Old Hin A Galveatou yountf man baa lost faith Inhuman natora worsa tKa Graal did. He courted a girl aver two weeks, and .( her parent aid they wouldu' permit any aucb thing, bo the young people conclud ed to elope. He got a youg man, a friend of bis, to take the girl to New Orleans, where he would meet them and marrv the girl, and go somewhere and enjoy life sensibly. The young proxy took tbe girl, all right, but before the fellow that did the courting arrived be bad married ber and gone to keeping bouse. The de ceived chap say yon won't Catch him courting np another girl - for some one elsetuot if be knows it. Two charming young women were 's tagging one dny what constitute beauty in tho hand. J'hey differed in opinion as to shape, etc. They left tbe matter for tbe decision of a gentleman friend, and he replied : ask the poor and they will tell you the most ' beautiful band in the World is the hand that gives ! A young man who wa caught strain ing his sweetheart to bis bosom tbe other night, justifies himself on the ground hu has a light to strain his own honey. ,W..A niljerablo old bachelor eayfrlhat W lolife, .uu4erv..4bejijiitrtiHgJ!. heads for the news of the weak. There is a curious; dilemma in one of tho ennrt of Oeortritt. The "soii if a". muiuen r is. ine ooiictror-iienrrai oi mo district in which tho minder wns com- The best habit in the habit of care iu the- mittcd, ami he insists upon conducting formation of good habits beautiful giil cetiiplained) "Oh, Mr. Syd Mil. II I;. C ill re, ooouo'K, 'r nir ., . - . -ii L . TI.o p.fly ot ftvJ.M). S.oii'1.. l.en 4 m'''"l'15,- ." "' 4Ji ("' J 1 I .. -A ., 1 1 . -r.. A -.1. ... ..tail I. I . al-1 X payer. - (j It. Any township Hoard of Trustess in any .county of the Stale that fails to allow the i Xeinplifus presciihed in the last picceiling subdivision or kuowinglv allows any lax payer Inoie than is ex einpieil in said section,' shall he guilty ol 4 misileiiie nor. r See.J 2 TLlTTii't Hialf refer to llie first (Uy-of June of thoyeur in which they are given in, ; n'l lilate lo the quantity, con dition and value of the property, and Ir stock j the ajo of the party, iii reference lo hi a-.d lc: am Mm p;ijoJ",..fban 1o give receipt to the parties Stutlng the ntumiiit of the State and cottniy tax sepa11eTy."t aud tin' date ol the payment ; 'rovuliit. The sheriff shall not collect the lanes fur anv year until he shall hve setijed iu r..ll il... Ut .i f. - Mini ClilllilV Iri'ttuntAr till! n ill in. .i.... -.- - j ........... pet niTl me: to l-d pern tiotito I hat p a," is iu its style perfect. Tl" v its ' tTie'Vit'inT'ii"iileoK'Vif iTiatcoiiiiilT metiteil IniI Macuuly-r who was an. in cessant talker upon bis "occasional J ll.islii-s of )ilence." Pkavkps ami Tkars. In the first ages of Christianity these were the only anus of the church, by which they long defended it. from ruin, and at last advanc ed " ij) to a gloi ions prosperity. . ! r.'r it... t,.. i.1 the nieviona rear I if I ,- - . 1 - . . .... ,1... K,..rifrtw I! f re rrci-hiWihe t I EtxrcATlos. !' send an nirrrliif ateiT association, shall lie deemed lo be in llie i jinhiJity lo a poll tax ou that day "ec. owusiup iM W!i:c. its inincil'al ..ttlce or place ol. bu.-iiiess js situati d '; if, however, ! viluatiim of iuc coi jMHauon, piuni ij-wp or association have si par.ite plae-s o." business in more than ImiaUow iifhip.it tlmll givg.iiV iiiAh lbs j'rt'piriyorjcii, ctAlurejiiiiL axyr. body of Jalir?"l,eIiiii,'Tn to a no mri Jon; piitu' rship e 5L-M'i, jaiion, anJ-div id d ly 13. ln-tim v-ear preariked for the the 'TaiuTa, tho boa rd sbiiTr atlix to me ucscriptiou ot eacli piece ot i . . T.n- . i f . lano us irur dav aI Juu irTis li rfialf ptodiicejhe receipts of tliuiJ'iM; " ibe worldt M little bKler than ,,tn all Cuuaiv tL-eanirer. ,i( he was M' turn i a ru h d " "iTog oF a Vild beast into beiiff f.r ib.; -revi..'isyfr,I ui the cb-i-kj 'be Hreelsr. , ihi ..A-Catholic priest transmits fr m Siin Francisco tho sum of 620 :o the Unitetl Slates Treasurer, to be placed to the cred it of the conscience fund, the same having been received by him in the rntifessinnal for restitution to the United Stare gov ernment. . - M4v4yiT-AW .. t h Ivor -q A little school girl up in Massachusetts asked her teacher what was meant by "Mrs Grundy." The teacher replied t'lat the prosecution. A censns.lakvr out Wrest reports eight thousand colonel in hi, district. "Thero used to be more in that part of the coun try," he says, -"but a largos, number of them have been raised to general." A. Could the Christian pilgrim always see his way clearly before him, with the glori ous city of light in the distance, then jAilL-k.y-itit;rit anil nolJgiJaJlb; wards the'TOweher asked the geography rlasa lo which this litlle "bud of promise" I??n5rfif!.!wfr?ir1'r After- some hesitation this little gul brightened Bp, antl replied, I knw At -it. bit a- round lrs. (mindy s waist. An exchange gives tlio foffowing as a sure way to drive bed -hug from old bedsteads : "Takn green to unit o vines, put litem into a basin or tr.iy pound llicni to pkeesas lltie as possible, then stain ihe bedstead where they inhabit wtti the juice, nil llie crevices W illi llie pll'C'i g ol vine; lay leaves under the ends of the l.ua. II iliw , la prajul.:t4.l wtc- M'l-ttr not a 1ug w ill remain in the bedstead. fh if Uie roiiniy tointu'VnueiKand in event ihe slieiiff 'nil fr fi wl uey 4 Wtftw- U1 riTeaj: tba county coin-nisstonets liPt'O'! rTve1' M;i as req-t'ii-d-by the sl.teriff t value in money oil the first ' fai bftilly rolh ct ;tfd pay oyer the taxes. In- thai yrar, aud-abi xcaWi iedlu'gj.tt,li!l..k,i i-e.a nniTTit .is Iirremafier prcseribfrnCT-t '" dep4MAu aimaw.iialnrun), : ,TIitt strongest propepkiij in woman's nature. sa" a carelul student of the aex", haff ! I tt'nl trt know what wmirg oii. nntl he next strongest is lo boliejob". shall' be antiwailr fixedtoth.it LanlLjiiuil i or other sui h tiersonsTthey hall, tMTitre a n w 'v ibiation iV ni-ide. They sk ill in 1 tin- v'-'k of tlit- boaid of coniuiis-ioi,er, f y there lor breakfast. A minister uot long ago prentlied from tliel7xt7''i'J ye TtlTen for steadfast,5 hut i thmmtrrinade him-e x pound 4row ' 4: It is sairtlittrflme is no ' fi iei.ilship between women so strong that one good liMiking-yointg-TiTania-Tiot'abfe to bn-.ik Innocence il4ke nn- wnbpdbY-whcw onco wo; have lost il we may never biqie to get it baca agin. - - "No mn4 tbe rial ion is more Indebf I'd ('HJh1 iH;plfl than ' 1 am." saiJ an of fica-holJer l:Indtaal-sirj tin ir money h-tye y lakeo ' . ill yejAra lf..ri, but be often walks over rough places w ith cionds and darkness round about kun venturing forward solely on the word of hi Saviour ; therefore he walks by fahh and not by sight. .Especially true is this of the .minister of bust. " -Tbe' "M.rt'rrodwte-fif I WtTinore have pur chased a beautiful tract of heavy wooded land wnr Reistortown, Italtiniore county, as a permaitetit location for their "ifaiiip meeting. Thp next camp will commence on Weduefda-, August la I, and etPli are being taken to prepare the grounds, and utake all necessary ai rangeuients. The ein uer's wuy of pleasure.! far from beinif ever'aslinc. for even here the wine of sin first yields the sweetness of intoxication, afterward it ln-.eoiues insipid m illi satiety. ufA er that 'it. grows' hitter w ilh remorse, and as fur ilto ilrgs thereof, ivl. it a hell burn wilh- iii t!i-ui . - - - , Kurse: "I cannot allow hntler and jam, too, ait your liret," Masti-r Alfred. Itiaveryrx.l7ttvag.ini'-- , Mtitr A Ifri il I i can't be extraa gani, -Mary, if "the same piece of bread doe fir both." ' , A f.w days since; Qiaeut IImiltou and F.lixaUelh Orw-jfTJotjbrairir their Ek!e Wedding in lrarku Couiiiy, KeDlUeky. ' There weraV preiit"tBaTfride9iriaidr" the anij eaia Vi i!gro),,nnnaiH i(- of the . guj.ts. and aw old , iri.TboW. much of J uian u mittrd tla,K. wlu ilbruetl . the kriih! -

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