. , . - J '.'. ... .- . w-', , ., . ' ' . , ' - . J - ' ? "' ' . - f ' - . ": - 7 . ... .J J 7 C'r t t IE l 7: M -1 f , I ., i i 4 : i I ."I 3 11 Ii S ALI8BUUY, N. 0.,1 MAY 19, 1871. VOL. VI. NO. 20. , ..(..;' . ' ' , ' r i a ,'' , ' - ' - v A aw v r ,av- v A. . i h rhW f42 IS!' tttl'' .1 lJL ... cLasxsxoxrr szaoi uxrssi rr -WAHSAV ifflL 7i FayttletlUe. LKiVit wiu fu? ry-tivnu aitr at MtAHmia. Tbr0tb Ttrknia from (luM Uro' rU f wiiw. U ') ettill4. Thr-onk tiokHafrom V.ld.iil Ut rTUrllI, " Ttr0fh tlikeU IWmh TVUniingluB, vto n CHAULOTTM VIA TTADESnORO. TO , 11 AD t)i C U. It. U t . rv .Inn brt(jlU ttUt Uuln fivw J? U Monro., tut Wtolmfeutw 'i tMU7, tiua djrnd Bslurdujr Inivb WJtlMr', Tur. ljTbQMt'lMiid BaIuiiI. ftr tiUn ftw n iiuuniriiiu. etl)cliijfi)r!l)0late r(7iMmo wiiilt ir h K W.I H II A N K H. . , EJilor and Proprietor, , , . -ettATA Kr.T(1TgTTf.Tltt.Ayn4 r;irh!1 "T r,rwrt t.;uurt uj juoiu-r vnr niiw imumii'Ii- ' Letve CbatliMd Rail Ituad after train frum Lmv WtwU-ru Ial at Juutrturi' aftrr train from Kuytly. illi, tlxilj- unci lit SuiiU,v. KiLKM AKDXIiutl ri'l.tTSTAt.i luang cui'h plat daily. . Ol&ca at Hatnor't IluM, Pnlrm, X. 0. K. T. (. LLilMONS, 8et. 16, i370-rt C'onlrai tor. Tim TabU Wcitcrs TJ. O. S.'lt. TAKK8 EKKKCT 6TU SKIT. ?870. 00INO WEriT. UOINU KA8T. Jrrir. Lmr. Arrirt. l.ctin. 5.10 am Ha!lbur;, TTt r 6.09 am' 6 rr - ;Tulrd(Vrek, ! H 8 3rn 6.U " 110 Hite.ill. 7 " 7,'16 8, .0T ! b Hta. B S3 5H" MM 9(K " Xlo. ' 6 W 5.1!" U.40 0.45 " Hi. k .ry, 4 W " 4 Ml 10,84 " 10 " l.ard. 4 tut " 4 ( ' II.IU . 1 1.16 " MortraiiUin, 3 15 " 3 i 11.61 " yl'3,04 " Hri.luUr, S.2U ' 3.91 hi it r inn . Old Kirt. liiTUerivwiiirTiM-"' Oasis. iajrtin dvatt. ....3.00 8il Momtim, ' t I JO 3C'j.la UouaaJJrcaa.... 12.60 10 CVfbt to oaJJrM... ........ 0,1X1 at.. ...... (. ' , 9m9 . i .ra,.aftM, .Jf-l e a. t.i L- a, m Wcrtilr fnnpllr iaro, whom iecelpi M 8relarj oj Trraaarar of lh Hoar 4 TrUw of tit Uufvcnitj l N. C, lU dutiia ( Lich ofliea be prfumfi fur early half crntihrj with marked nccmc, f Julilj and aalUfattlon, durinf Lich priod, b wa an acdra Truite, tad for a lorf time on ()' Eiocatlro ComrtiiilMi of the llovJ. HI connection with lie Unirer-1 it jr did not crata till lu'olj orcaoiaailoa waa drstmved and It proet snturta iju.MMrd !ulCS. 1 atlliT rtaot;.! tnitAiuH ttaiiiy, tnat jhf t fii Tcriir fuypllr rralixed lite itrwoitHla of 'or;arh aii-lititiiial iiiM-rtiuu. iMe ratn with utber adveriin-- rl at lb liifllU. Oliitunry ni.tir-., ow ais liua, rhargdl aalvrliftri-!iU. Ct IX TRACT 1UTES. arAca. s a 2 I X o s t 2" i ? 13,48 rk1 tt" IlMikfui4 and Suier at Malr il.r. Ka. 83. 1M70. 42 3H-tf R. V. BEST & CO., . RALEIGH, X. C, ' AUCTION & COMMISSICM Merchants, Rlie!t ConalKnmrnt of Corn, 3noor and Prodace Generally. Particular Attention paid to Auction Suit's. . ;. ..erKft i'f KM !i,TV - . W. H. Wilmi. lWt IUIi(h Nat l Hank. W. K. Abmckson, (;itii;ii Jko . WnjLUMa. " Wale " W. II. k It. S. Tit ik 4 Co., Raleifrb.'X. C Mareli 17J3m - Raleigh National Bank, , Of N. C. Kat.ekut, MmwIi 20th, 1871. Thia Rank (umler a roliiiiin of the Stoc k- lioldera and authority fnm the C"mitrollvr of the currency,) haa opened hooka at their Hank ing houe in thia city, for atibrrition to the in creaae of the Stock to half a million Dollar, be ing the authorised capital. Ifctf C DEWEY, Caahicr. . " ' Itote Lout, Hotc Jttmtored. JHT Pu! IWi 4, a tifw edition f D . ft'lVFR. WKIL'I OMKHftl) SM1 on the rad ! (lthiMil mul c ) I'liff alvrr1 tea, or fe minW WrvkiwM, Involuntary f nalnal , lii.intc, Mailalaari phr-l at lnc -eit Ihi(.cIIim. i.t I.. M irrl ajr wc.t atfi Co: ip-4tt,n Ki'il'f".v. himI FI'h, In.iuc it bjr ir tiwlnle- or x al tu VAua-MH. ?f" Fr In a alwl nvr , only tl c-nl. taerl-brsted aathnr, In tMa B in I k' le . v. el arly nVwoatral Ir m a iM jryra-' uit- it praotlcr .t' at ttwalarininir cnnftwncvti w it-It ah ct- ti.ay h ra.j'cHy c.r.t arHhoul th 'langen" u ofinivrntl nmlir nr r thf apn'it'on o' I 0 kriir. ; ncliirlfiir mt a n.oi-' r .-ure M.toaa'n I. ; "ewtalii aal caVc'..!, bv mni -f al-ieb vary aiffr, a. niter l-(at l(i on''!!1"!! n ay b , miiy e.r. Jma-lf cha.ly, , r vntr y and raiiK-all.v. Tli'a !! ! ihiI.I In t t liau l ' cn-jy ynuili and tvrrf nan la Ilia land. x afnk, 'av'w aeal. lir lal' enve rpe, t auv a'Ulnis, hwIII. tn rtii-li t ol I'Hila or t u i".t .1111111 . Aho, Dr. Cnlirrwull'. "Miirrlape Cyl.l, ' r lef 15 eta "';"TMdr h. M!r, CUs. J. m?Tt) 1ST Buwry, V.rk, l't.i Orticc II x, 4 MS art4-ly. FOR THESAtEOP Leaf TobscGO. Sales room 166 ly 70 fcet, witli nineteen Sky Llpbta. v I'rompt Attention to tlie Intwt and Comfort of Planter and their, Teama. Uravea' Wareliouse lina new tile Largest ' f-'u!ca Room In Town. . Wajions locked up in W'aieliouH at alfrht. ' Dry 8Uila for Horaea. Call iid ace ua. oet38 ly. V- 1 Stpmre. 2 Squarea. 'I Square. 4 Sipia'ea. Column. i Culumu. I Ciiliiinii. I 4 50 t25 Bi W I.IIIO 22 it I titMl !MNI l (ttt20M) .'HI.IMI 1 h oti 11 m 15 (ki i imi a7,.vi II IN) Hi (HI 20 (Ml :) (M) 45.IKI HtMl 24 IMI .'Ml IN) 4.i (N 7.VINI 2H INI 4(1 INI .V) IN) H (Ml l.-ttUKI iu Ttniicce, liicli of fiUnda vbo bra t!a memory, va hart to eonaoline aidranef, il roujh faltb, that our brother naa paraed itir from iba Ufa ha adorned aa well, to a crovn of glory "eternal in the Hearcna. , On motion of K. 0. IUdtrr-r, Eq., the Secretary wai rcq netted to furniah conlea of ibeee reaolutiona to Mr, Si.Iidior Cot and My. Attorney Cenemt( tLIpp, to b t recanted by ihrra reapcdi I r lo the 8a perior Court of W ake com r and to the feiiprrma t'otirt wUb the rt qKT ihuf lUey tf Yptti opori llie j ulnuk a of tbrae tourla. On motion of Judge Fowle, meeting plan, and earrtea conviction to every be nevolent mind ai toon aa aeen. Time t " fox I K35- luL Ijr m m'4 Mia. aaaf lv. i e t 6WI.UH. ta,a).ue i r.TrrM l.ta I aa:,-. . . i IM . no. (MM AM.I tmtnitTMf 4aia, tlinl Slate, and liirli conrtiluted the chief l.ar of the properly l the 1'iiiver ail)', onro tltti bouelcd priJu anJ uoblv "J Theaynfptomaof ljer comiilnint are unenoinew" Sonietimca the pain ia in the ahoulder, and in mi- taken lor rlieiiniliui, The Ftoniach ia aflictil with loaa of appetite and ftirkneifj 4owel in peneral cwatlve, aometiniea altcnmliiip with Inx. Hie lieail ia troiililotl with j:iii), anil dull, hea vy" st n-ation. oonsiderii- !tle--li4 f n'nirrV - acnealiou olliai inj; ifft imtltnie MiniclliiHL' ulucli -oiittht ta hare 4h?cii done. ifu-n coljiplahiijg of 1. . j i hi. .. t i ..... V- " ... weaaneaa, neiHiny, aim low apims. i-Miinefinif many of the aliovc nvniploma altcml tlie diaeaae. and at thrt time, very few oftl.tm; Imt the liver ia generiiTIy tfic org'in most involved. ... Cluta lha liter ith:..... - DK.MMMOXS' , aUVSlt From tlie Telennini. (.IOVnM ANI.Y MKKTIXO F Til K mi:mi;i;ks of the hak. At a tnt'Cling of the mcinbrra of llic lUr of the city of llulrigh, lielil fr the jmrjoac of jti)'iiig ri'cpift lo the memory of I lie late (Governor Cliiia. Manly, on :lii' bill i!iy f May 1571. (fn moiion, ilo.i. Win. II. llatlle was called to I In chair, and C. M. lluubre, Kfi., rifjuestcd lo act at btcidiiry. dir. Jtainngcr idov til thai a eoininiltee of three be appoint cd to prepare editable resolutions or the aicetmz. J he motion was ndopted and the following gentleman T V'ore nppoiiited Hon. D. M Itiirrincrcr, and Mtatre G. V. Siroiiff and'A. M. licwia. Mr llHrringcr, from the committee, re ported the following teaolnlioita, which were rend and adopted : . Wbkrras, Almighty God the antbor and rinialier of our being, having in ilia ulwise l'rovidcnce been pleased to re move from our'midi't, on the lM, instant, full of yenra and of honors, our late es teemed friend and distinguished brother the Hon Chaa. Manly, late Governor of this State, and long a leading and honored member of tlie legal profession, we his surviving brothers, deem it due alike to the mchory of onr fiiend, his honored family, to ourselves, and to the people of North Carolina, whom be served so lone and so well, that we should meet together and give public eiprcesioa to our feeling and sentiments upon the melancholy oc- cAKion of hi denth, in commemoration of bis nseul life and elevated character, therefore, Ilesolred, That the high and honorable place' always, held in our profession by the late (lovernor Manly, ensile his mem ory to the win-must tribute if our frater nal and ufl'ectionate regard ; nifd while we mount hia lues as brothers and' an members of society", we commend hi good example mitl manly viiiues to i II who aeek and expect succeed in piofen sional and public life. eaatftV4al4iin, jc)iuuiffiu tt'ii-li .tbju. M'opl f ISoiili CaroHrirt wIiotti he m Jaiihiully served na Govt-rwor and ii va rious other, rt spniiiiible trusts, wo will ever clieiisti a gruteittl n niemhrance ot hi mtiny"u?efuT"Hl exhibiiing as lie did, in every position of public confluence, the high (qualities of an able head and honest limi t. 'Tlcsotifil, That' we sincerely syma- thize wiib lus bnrenved fumily in their great loss j and while wo beg tonPiure them of our heartfelt condolence in their grief, we feel that they are not without cenVation in the knowledge that a good husband and a devoted father illustrated a long life with the crowning glory of Christianity, and a steadfast- f'ltitb, in the iiUla QLJlMT.-atQn.t''K' Savmur. J'eMrea, 1 hat the pnrx rsof the State be requested to publish the procceedings of this meeting, and that a ropy of these reaolutiona be aenf by ife'c flhair man, to' the family of t be-late' Gtv. Manly. ' -Mr. Ihiriinger then submitted the fol lowing memoir; - ' The-I-loHv Cbarlea Mnnly bite (lover; ornament of our Mute In lb;' 4, ho was appointed reading Cbrkto the lleuae of Commons thai fine specimen of old srlnxil gentlemen and Revolutionary limci, the, venerable I'lcasaut Henderson, of t.'hapel Hill, be ing firiucjpul L'luk. lu lSlO.bu Li ca'ut;.. principiil Clerk, and remained continual ly, by rcjHatcd t lectioii in the same of fice till ibe general election uf 118, when he wn elected Governor of t In state, the duties of which office be dis charged with great honor, usefulness Mid distinction. He tilled various other offices of confidence ami trust, the dutitsof wiich were itlways pet formed with credit to liinm If and usefulness to the public. Anumi: thefc eie IDtrictor at tiilb rent petiiHls of tho priniiiiil bank of the State, Coininii-airiiier to self and collect proceeds of sale of Cherokee lands, and chief cleik to the eommifsion which sat in Washington to adjudicate claim, undi r a treaty w ih the United States. As might naturally be supposed, the vnri.-'is office which he held especially bis long connection with the l uiversity of lite State and with the old House of Com mons of tho General Assembly, a wi ll na that of Governor of ibe State, made him very generally known among" the people, and especially those of pioinence and ditiuctiou. There wa not perhaps, at the time of hi death,! another gentle man in the State who had seen nudso well known the many distinguished men whose lives had adorned our annals during the closo of the last and since the beginning of the present ceutory; and no Otic person was belter known throughout the South and Southwest among the thousand of Alumni and student of our University who had become distinguished in their different vocation of life, in that ection of the Union. Gov. Manly waa universally respected wherever known and was a grcul favorite with his person al friends. In the height of hi fame and in the midst of hi career of active life be was foryenri, personally the most popular man in Iortu Carolina. Uf hue person al appearance, agreeable manner and possessed of a rich fund of anecdotes and personal inciueuts connected wuu me. lives of our most distinguished men and affairs, be was the attractive centre of the social circles wherever he went. ilfi-xcelled in thenrt of polite conversa tion, and wherever to be lound in com pany was- sure to be surroundid by hap dv anil admiring friend. Without as perity of character his wit was used lo amuse, not to wound and leave, a sting behind. FtVnd of society and given to a generous Hospitality in me paimyuays oi iSuuvhci'UJ piosperiiy and nbuijdance, his home win the. resort of crowds of friends to partake of hit) liberal entertainment miiiki.de.b.t uf bis toiial intei com -r. To tlie poor he never turned a deaf or HHwiH-4tg ear. Willi a.high oi ler of in tellect, attractive. . manners und devotion to Ins prolession and energy in its f ur- C M. HrttncK, Secretary. WILL. II. IIATTLE. CltAlKUAH. The Uuited State steamer Teentieaaee tin Teen surveyed aud pronounced sea worthy. lucrative practice. Jiirt l.iolessional lif was a bajipy illustration of the tt tit h that the profession of the lavlien propeily puiMnil, in iiniMin Vvitti tlititite piilict iles upon which il is loHiided, cullivaliH the highest virtue and attributes of hu manity, and ut the same time in it tree country become one of the strongest de fences of civil libiuiy. As a practitioner be was zealous and taitlilul to li is client, but always fair iu the management of his causes, disdaining all mero technical or petry advantages. With a thowgh kn o w teiTge of hi case, theyllid ji o t uF" fer in hi iiands by the bluuders of neg lect or the fatal mistake of incompeten cy or inefficiency. U'hile be Was emi nently rcspi clfnl' and courteous to all both the IJuucli ami tho Ifeir -lie wa es ni ci illy kind and conciilt : ale to bis rADCCAii, Kv., March 30, 1871 7& tTitntiihiSite'tf1tttriinm4 Jily the United States : I).F.lt Slit AM) liROTneai I had the honor of proposing last yeartrt the Grand Lodge of Tennessee the follow iiig method or plan of Insurance, which so met with their approval that that body (because of ita fiscal nature) remanded It t tlie sev eral Subordinate Lodge for separate ac tion, to be brought to a vot at the next (u tml IidL'e inciting. Since w hirh time, h.ivii g moved to this city, I te ul it to our buthii u In re, and they haye appointed a rominifte to send a copy of said plan lo the (liard Master i f Kentucky, ith n reijuest that he, ns Grand Master, Live a suflicitnt number of copies struck off and distributed to ibe .-vera! Ix!ges in Kentucky, so thai they may be prrpaied to vote upon it merit at the licit meeting uf the Grand Lodge of the State, Thus t-inboldened, I have presumed to write, to you, enclosing a copy of the plan, with a similar request from many uf tho brethren, that, should it meet with your apiHrovuL iLut you lake tu b step in the matter oayou in your wisdom may sec fit, in order that tbrarreral Grand llepresentatives may be prepared without further delay to vnie upon it merits at the next session tif the Grand ldge of the United Slate. Tho plan i simply tbl, fi : "If encl member of the Independent Older of Odd Fellow will agree to be assessed one crnt fot each death that if ill (iccoiding to the most approved life tables) emir among ua for each ensuing year, I lieu the figure will stand thus ; Tun in every thonsand will die rnch year, and if there are five hundred thou sand members there would be five thon sand deaths, which, at one cent per death per memhei will equal fifty dollar to each, member. Now, 00,(100 member multiplied by $.'0 w ill give $25,000,000. Tin $25,000,000 assessed in advance, and put at G per cent interest, will yield, at quarterly payment of decth-claims, the Bum of $!)37)500 interest, and the 25,000,000 being distributed among the 5,060 death-claims will give '$5,000 to each claim. 1'roof: 5,000 claim multi plied by $5,000 equals the assessed 825, 000,000. Thus: J Death rate 10 in 1,000 Number of members, 500,000 Tux per lieud, f 50 Int. by reduced principal, monthly, 812,500 I uU by re duci.d prineiiiajj .. quarterly, Amount insured, Death claim. Tbia plan, at ten dollar per bead, will tnaora our poorer brethren one thousand 'afnWars., Jittbcr of iba. ibrafeiirtUaimpn. Ution in the above acbedule ia within the reach of any State Grand Lodge of and as the Interest accruing tit either case I show n lo be equal to all sible ex pense, and leaving a surplus from which may bo establiahed a sinking fond for general charities, there is no rational rea son wby they severally tlould not adopt this system of mutual protection aud put It into immnlmte uvtwn. The Odd Fellows alone, through the (rand ldge or the United State, can command o 10 a .ntiuibcr.M 5QOQQ0 member, and on the above schedule can insure each member at death in tho sum of $5,000 for ?50 yearly in advance. And from the interest accruing may establish a sinking fund canal to evcrv demand with a heavy surplus for the relief of ac cident-policies, charities. See.; and all this is accomplished at the rate of one cent tax to each member forracb death of that year, which is from 100 per cent to 500 per cent less than obtainable iu any first class ronit any extant. Hoping tbis will, meet your approba tion and hearty and early "co operation, I u m Yours, most truly, in F. L. & T. J amks It. Coi.e, M. 1)., Demopolis Lodge, No 41, Demopolis, Ala. Mtt. POOL'8 EXPLANATION. The Hon. John Tool, In reply ta the testimony' of Mr. ltadger that be bad counseled Gov. Iloldcn ' fo have certain ciihjena "lost at sea" or murdered, made ht fallowing atatemeut lo the U. 8. Sen ata before the adjournment of Congrras ""Mr. I'resldent, tba Senator (ram Mia soari (sir. liUIr) baa rt furred ta a state- Lmr. af.JL.Ga Uadgrr. Mr. lUder la 1" I . r . . . r - 1 . tuuuat'n in mosi m ne points mcrrea w in Ins testimouy by tba Senator from Mia J9urkTJien wcjra ibj jts.ttmtuta.ftjlwo other wituees takca at the same time, and I presume the Senator from Missouri was not aware of ibo fact, or else be would not have done ma the Injustice of sup pressing the truth, for both of those w it nesses put a different face upon the whole. autir. 1 say, sir, npon that point that I never advised or beard any one advise the arrest of a single individual in North Carolina by uame; nor did I ever know, nntil after I heard of the arrests being made, that any particular man was tbo't ol as a I eraon proper to lie arrested, J will stato that I never advised violence of any sort toward any man, and that I never advised or beard of a resort to mili tary tribunals for trial until long afterward." ;tt)37,500 fi.000 5,000 If fifty dollars should hiJ bought too fare g ffi m'fof Tnrilii iy'of fiui'' f)orer breth ren,, a separate class, if over thousand in number, can hofmmcd for tin ir espe cial benefit MJLXi'ti Dollar annual assess nieitfj) Yin advance), which will insure each of this class in the sum of one thou sand dollars ; which scheme certainly is within the lejcji of the poorest brother, and cheaper by over 100 permit mid upward than obtainable in any establish ed company. X The most approved life table petimite that not more than ten in one thousand MkjmjjmiukfiaaudLy 21 and C5 will die thi first year, and they all agree that if these ten vacancies can be supplied yearly with a young -or yo u ngcr recruits, tko pei ceji I a ge chdratlr will tend to decrease rather thai increase. This being a'd monstialed fact, it fid, lovs that the .Mnons ir Odd Fellows A NEW USE FOR LIFE INSURANCE. The Ward-Scbrocder case, mentioned recently among our news items, ia crea ting some excitement among lifu insur ance men. It is thus stated by an ex change ; - - -- - Mr. bchroeder was killed some time ago by Mr. Ward. Like all prudent men, Mr. H. had hi life insured for a rather large amount in one of our city companies, and the policy ha been presented for payment. J he company will have to pay the risk, of course,, but propose to sue Mr. Ward for the money value of the property which the policy vested in the company. If tho company interested succeed in this ease, the result may Add something to the value of human life. The trouble in this country has generally been that homicide is rarely punishable by the court, in case any sort of provocation can be proved. Juries have little regard for the life that bus been taken, but a squea mish tenderness for that of the Ii vine man that tok it. If the killer, however, can be .held liable for damages to the compa ny 'that pays the insurance of the killed, the killing of insured men may not bo so cheap an exploit as heretofore. Many a jury will give damages in eases where if would hesitate to hang the perpetrator of the deed. If this view of the case be carried out, ifu insurance may yet accomplishevcn more than its professorB have claimed for it. nor oTNoith C:in,lmir, vas born ' Iti to rerrderiffm every tstirtietu )ounger biethnn, and icutly m.d w iilmg j toii.ll tin ir organized laws i.f h, i evo LIVE 1$ Ki:ClXATOR, a preparation of roota and herbs, warranted to lie strictly ejrethr and can do no injury to any one. It has Wn used by hundreds and knpwtt-j for the last 40 year one of the rtvsit reliable, efficacious and harnvlw preparations ever of fered to th etifieriuir. If taken rccularlr' and peritenllv. il ia sure to cure a, . .... . t - - i viejisia, iiestiactie. a u ud 1 1 e,col i veiie', s ek Kegulator. I Chi thitm. county, N C , on the 13tli day of'May, IV'Ja, ui.nl havwig died e 1st hist.; he was within a tew days of 7G years of age at the lime of his death. Having yTt-ceivrd tho usual preparatory edacatioti of that day he brcumu a stu deutatour University, and graduated with high honors in 1S13. lie was one of three brothers, all ot whonrtimk their degrees w ith much (distinction at the same Institution; and the otln r iwo, like him self, subst qui titty became very distin guished in their respective spheres of life s.ilc was mairied in this city, id 'lbj 7, As a public servuut he w as, in official W', In in, just and conseieiitiVjiis in the dise.bjUrge of duty. He was lliefifcnd of the neonle-never . .t . 1 1 r t . - - i! Uier Tl.illeier jienau irutj conception of that rial civil lib'eity which ennsfetin obedience to good aiid equal laws' male by th peoptts' ihitiselves.' Ilw cohleinpt for the demagogue was only '''equalled by his hathyiNol the o'pprejsor. He, w.ns a good manJATud a noble' citizen. With all his other trails of character and above them all. Gov.- 'Manly wa a Christian (Ittitkimht: , He w as in full comiminioii leitcfani! rnarrfr n! errml i ibe trrca sion, ami eaii al.itvw- other associations best aVail themst-lvi the great benefit nris-iug from c p;M'i mi. td can ihri.ugh their yo"lJi! iicaiidi..iit-s, oust in. ly'seVk ing auuiissin'i, su-iuu Tt oti iTii' sure und A New Hotkl in Ntrft' Yohk. A N. V. correVno n d ivh UlvfTreal fJro u hd" tiiujl been .broken for the great Central ' I'm It Hotel. It will cover the entire block bounded by Fifth avenue, Madison ave nue, Fitty-eigbfli and Fifty-ninth streets and will ctst, with fiiriiiiure, at least $2, 000)000, and is to be built by an incor porated joint1 stock compuuv. 'i he ground cost f(iOO,O0(), and the purohasc has cuus- tl a further rise uf property in the neigh- Loihood. The edifice will be eight s ro les high, the wails arc to be of stone and iron, ana the aicinicctiire or the renis- since order. -The centre of tho building will suriound a courtyard one buudred feet in diameter, in w hich will be batiks of fjowera and a fountain,- There are to three 'hundred single bedrooms in addi tioii The whole of the wood to be need iu beconatrnction ha been rendered un Tiiflamhi&tile by a new patented process. The interior will be decorated in l'ouipei- lan stylo ami tlie muiuigt uieut will be in charge of Lelaiid." 1'ETiTtT Dsns?, the ' IVin TvllliT man, knowa something iiboui the following. Ho stopped advertising once, and Hemic near killing his business : " "fvervliodj- knows nr. rome firm fiuuil.iif..n f rtiTeVtTri'Uffiirg.Viii .... I . . . -. 1-1 1 . -. . . 1 F .l II I heir thousand ruaiii ics, like tlie kine s Mtave oeen in oh" puice oi uusiness all treasure, have Wr-tttiole up of fTrthi'ngs, audit being a fnixlann ntal, paramount law witti thni. ! maintain and provide for their widows and mphalis, and. wJlj he no batdsliip lo fbi in to auttcipate thiTi casualties for eaelietisi ingyear by giving ftifi veatlv ainoniiijii advance once for In the Mempklt court Saturday, Judge Flippin sentenced Samn?l II. l'oaton to lentil fur murder. Iu their childhood, the jndg and the criminal had been schoolmates. and had gmwn up together. To this the judge alluded, and ended hi sentence of d.ith upon hi old schoidfellow, bathed in tear, iu which the ectator took a baud. An explosion in the new gas works at Chicago on i uesday, caused by sup posed defect of the mcrte, blew out the north end of the building considerably. The chik aud another pert on in tlie office were badly injured. A secret soaeiety of workingtnen, 50, 000 strong, called the "Raft," ia in exis teuce in New York. Its object is to in fJucnco elections favorably to the work ing classes, ltranch societies arc in near ly all the largo cities in the Union. Ibe Common Council oi Boston have resolved not to appropriate $25,000 for hrc-works on the 4 in of July. A dog is counted mad when be won't take something to drink, and a man when be takes too mucb Gen. T. II. Rngr. for. a time In com mand of tho District of North Carolina. ha been appointed Superintendent of est l oin t Military Academy. Commodore Vanderbilt is announced as soon to start a daily paper in New York wuu izvv,vvv capital. Mr8iEddy, ol Lincoln, caught her better half kissing the servant girl. The doctor was sent for. He says be can patch up Mr. Eddy's face, but he'll al ways be baldheaded. A veteran housekeeper alarms that the scarcity of good servant is largely at tributable to the scarcity of mistresses who know bow to keep n one should be kept. Of sixty pupil in one, school in Cape Elizabeth, near Portland, Maine, the past winter, thiity-livo were Joj-Jans. Iti hoped that their tencher did not find "Jordan a hard road to travel." Nearly complete official returns of the election for Justice of the Supreme Court' in Wisconsin give the following result : .LyflAtepjibj miJcrat, 55,436 j KepuWeau majority, 12.187. The Newborn Times baa been shown a Bpecimeff ot petrified -eork'VatrtnTT mushroom attached. The cork was eirig, Inally attached to a fish net, and frotti "'ap pearances might have been used a thous and years ago. THE LUTHERAN CIIURCa.' A eommltloe of Ministers aad Layae , of tha Synods of Tennessea and Nortb . Carolina, Lutbrrao Church, mrt at Moaal . 1'lrasant, Cabarras eoonty, N, TH aa tba t 25ih of April, for the purpose of forming ' -aud proposing terras of anion between tba ' ' two Synods or branches of tba ftaasa ' Cbarcb. . " '' ' Tba aoromittea aa tha part of tba N. C. Pyaed waa lUv's. LU, Oraaecloao.'S. Bebercr aadN. Aldrfeb, awd Oaps. tl. A. f FUbcr and l ABUTord. On the art i of the jennefsee oynod t Bar'i Dr. A. , A -P-f ..t A lata. n... . J L-- Rev. Dr. A. J. Fox was elected JW ' dent, and Her. N. Aldrich, SecreUry. The committee remained ia sea lost three days and agreed oo terms of anion, which will be submitted ta tba synods for ' their ratification or rejection. It is though! that the agreement will be eordiallr aa I dorscd by both parties CAar. JkmuenL , Discotjekt or a Btornu'i Gistb- A lady and rentlamaa froaa tba far it South, while here on a bridal toar A few days ago, visited Oak wood Cemetery. Among other objecU of Interest wbHa ' roaming through the soldiers' aeetloa la that city of the dead, the rentlemaa tad. '' denly came npon the grave of his only brother, killed ia tbe Confederate service, and whose last reating place had kitberta been unknown to any member of his faa. . ly. It had been carefully and legibly k maikea by tne good Jadiesoflbe Oak- wood Association, and there could be bo mistake as to its identity. The stranrer immediately ordered a marble alab ta be erected over the remains, and took tba ,, wooden head board nut there by tba As sociation to bis mother in the South. It" is stated that a brother of the bride vaa also killed during the war, and bis re' mains are interred at another Richmond cemetery Hollywood. ' "' Richmond Dispatch. nf The village .of Milan, in Ohio, la ' phantom-bannted locality. According to ' a correpondcnt who write! from thai 1 place nearly every aeeond boose In tba village, is developing into a weird sort of a ghostly receptacle- Upon tha window panes of these houses faces are gradaalrr : appearing, haying tba affect of tba olV ' fashioned daguerreotype of tha yeara past. Nobody can account for these ia itatlons. They develop themselves aa tbe glass gradually. 1 irst an eye, tbea t nose, then another eye, a month, and so on, until tne wbole Jace. sometimes bearded and sometimes smooth-shaven. becomes clearly visible to the beholder." Either tbe people of Milan, Ohio, most be gifted with very strong imaginations. or else a marvel has arisen among them. None of the stupid townspeople think it advisable to remove tbe glasses, and dial pose of them. 1 here s a fortune In those ghostly faces, if they only kneW It. ' Washington ratriot, Tho remain of lliron Steuben wore recently removed from their late resting place to a tomb erected for their reception iu the town of Steuben, ia New York. J'he Baron died on November ?8, 1794, nearly ecvcnty-sevcii year ago Tha i resent interment makes the fifth time bis remain hav been cpmoved. A mon? ument now mark tbe spot where be lies buried, it is to be htfped- permanently. ; ' A man reached Artgnita, Gu., on Mon day last who said lie bad walked all the way from Novia Scotia, tlnit he started a few day after Chrifllmas without a cent in bja pocket, and that he is going to Al abarha to buy himself a farm I "That man, said a wag, "came to Na- . . , . ... hnl apartmenta "d T rfaSTiM n "fHlaTi and In-r artinn lirnafht tha tat.hli.ha' , - eln l.ed.oohi in addi. . V""J"""- 6'I5 ,. much do you snppose he ia worth now ? It wa a conundrum we could not answer. "Nothing," be continued, after a "and be owe for tliobasket." pause, keep an old fashioned rocking-chair sit- -ting in a corner a an ornament, because in it she has rocked , ten . babies, all of wlioni grew wp--t-h"'inaB:a:'i';iioar ' living and married. The new mansion for tbe Governor of Missouii,( at Jefferson City, is expected to ; cost 850,000, Four granite columns to ornament the front huvo been presented by (iov. Urown who own the from which they were taken. A woman cleaned out a grrbling dea in Lima, HI., the other day. Her toa was engaged in playing cards there, aud she conveyed him boldy from tba premf- their lives, and everybody know; them. Such people seem lo forget o taker-hrto consideration. that our country i incrcas- Ling in population nearly forty per cent every ten ears; ami no matter how old the place, may- be, there- are constant change Ink nig place nni moveto jitji:. ai.d has re sided here ever since, in-tbr--aliiierehiril!e' " ltestanr1SrnTr''THiiti4i;. tuhfolbiT 'i1II den ur rrn cr liarta td- rrranger TieTf Tjlarcau 1 .f . . . .! ... 1 : .1 1-S-l I. . 1.1.....!. .1 1 I . . .. .. . . , i ' ' . . i f t 1 l . . account ot ehsparity in ago w lien iieiearns' j In this age ot the world, unless inc nanic 1 .i I.: . - i : .i ' i ,4 i i. . " l .i. . t. . i i , Tieadaelie chronic diarr- I r"c,llc ' jiowwion tinu pi me ijnir , copar noico ; nu aiiiiougn me ciouus Ilji-a afli-ctiousoflhebliife f ited a3HcuUueL till -the cloTf "-mr trtbqf wverspn-ad tlie Wbrtte bouth dti'Uig Ider, cainujlvaeiitery, af-i late civil war, when he r linoitii.hel lltif theatteTjriiHdrjsf ETBttfi - " . i mi . i- . . . - .- . . ... . . . . - if . . i . . ' i . . r . . - - v mi twowgn- nrpbrtn MiaTtw Putiiettic ladies of Sjiringfield, III., on Saturday week, iiuaccord;tnco Wklt tbt'ir flsutil citftom, decorated the tomb of the htc'lV'stdent Liriced rrTthrelth'srdf evergreen. 1 luring the day flags' were displayed at half in.ist in the uutinished inonuinent, and the State-house, Arsenal and oilier public buildings. !LJn"Ao Tnuiana farmer cut dowii.Tast wee k, I I 1111.17 . a..... .... an oak -tree which' measured eight feet and nine . inches in diameter across the stump, and produced fourteen and a half cords of wood, 400 fencing posts, and six two-horse loads of chip, .lie sold the wood at 3 per cord, 400 fencing ist at 51) "cents apiece, and the chip per letad'; total, 524 5') . An employe in a factory at Alton, N moot into aucb odium that it was broke Dio Lewis says that not one ease ia twenty of rheumatism will hold ont if the, patient will go without supper, and eat only plain, meat, bread and vegetable, in moderate qnantiticR, for breakfast and dmucr, ami '..going o bed at jught driuk a tumbler of lemonade without sugar. But we doubt it. ) ' x '' ' l'hilarete ( 'basics, tbu French savant, ' ha sireriThU w holu fortuue of over aeven Lhutidred thouaaud lxauca , in purchasing wn.ii ue oeneveu 10. juu aiuograpn lettar. of distinguished inch of former time, but which have since proved to be skill ful forgeries. Despite his heavy oe. he has steadily refused to give the name, of the parties who swindled bini so bae- inn at r . , - . . - r at $2,50 1 ' '. i- -' .,V7)'----.. . j .The- degree of Doctor of Medicine waa 7. i . I - 1 ' iiw aioniTi, mi iHM.i-.i-iuTrrrf ,!,-) nr n"rringe,'ee an-ennw (tie bnHtert;rfmdows OarKiy -upoft nn?a eaaea oi llie SKin. ininiiriiv ol tne nuaiii. weun-I :.. i. . r .1.,. !... it. it .rr ... t V. - ' I I...' I i .r - . . . . , ,. T .Ti-ra iirc t. 4a.ru, -f iu, a, ii iv- i i tit Byaoini ma imuu ui , ur ut- TO. w aiws nr.n mn , , , n ' ...f't I n; i. I jM i l-l. ;.. .1. lr ... v".tlrrr, .iiiiui innnj ........... I" .if.., t cue. 4inr. -ItmU. twin mjlke Nrfc. Ac tlie late Hon, E, IK l)udey,-first GoVer-T Miction with Christian courage i clioly. or pa ajrd a: Prepared only by J. ft. J.lt.lX A V .. rSlt A . ... . "l A. ' rriE, ny watt e-i u Yhr axle W eft S4- ty- T. K. Kl.t TTZ Art, hnrr, .,i.. " " J " . .-v ... , -- .i.a"' - , a-itIH(ila4iMfft1lt r IliA U Ainuil'a U iu( a.. I t4Wt Ky- ca-op.twlT.in ibe lirWbetbood w ill 44tirM 4tHi kef ottfa Pbiladttiv" .1. .. t ti,u ..... ji i kh..- ur KT,. ....... ti.n nnp.ra-. i. iiirir il im i- a u rn im HfiniiK - . - - I lit- rnill-r VI nui IT rlliu I IUIC LIIC VtttnK, B'inp: mi luttl BUU i " ' v "...7. 1; - J,j , disease fell I ,,il,i. -'. ITi- liirfrsVTf'euually bent fund. ! -re all af-1 nd for the small sum ed" fifty dollar in ami rrig- advance .veatlv. he w itTi "every tiroTbeFT analae forcotten. No man ever tiritmtiairtympathy with the j w,f J,e iinui-4 in the ItaiHlswmc sum, oft nor of . Cvrimdrr the amend' d.Consti- iiauon Mt-n( giving the election f4Jovertior t I vetitrable parlnertdi is j sorrows t five thrmaand dollars Jim pe-opie. lie re ad Taw in fTiT "cil'v, in f who umvr'htmr Ids bereaved cIiiMnMi A cas iral "lance is all iu nicien t Tor the . !l.c i.fiiee the late UeiHial RotH-rt ! i who mourn their loss Thi Demorrata liar, earriv.1 AirtrUii ..tfr. r.1 il.L,..:.T.. 1 1 -:-.r :. r vt :r -.;iul :,..:.;. v..... ' " J , ... ..vi;. j uiytMi uiiIll ii"! iiiw .v-i.f.i.oiii c 4 :irvjua. " tf' ' vt-ry short time- take tlit place of theredd' ir ones, aii4jbeJaterjuM out ,a,JtTr ey by judicious' advertising. jo -"' ".---'. bobbin and T1!' '"fJ' &-Tobor, . 11,, the other Art 1 V. Vv C ,9.l"',?tt! id iTnt . . . . ; eomiiHiiceiiii-nt Of the oman a Medical -tw - rxrrnmrm 7y ii - i f v i ...... i ot lVjiihf4UU. a It'll lliriw. we ..ir .a saa, immiru its auuiu . . . r . . Miv irroia ahead of anyibmg rbe.rd'I4 on U,U - - from. j The Newborn Times says tbe fj. M7 3Twent3'-one. Jlcxicana, among ihemUi'trict Court closed its esioa in tba t mon- the widow ot Jliranion. receive iktioii i place on 3 hn eiay Iat. I'lstrict Attor- rTiH tbe Arcbdacbe rophia Maiimtl-1 twy 8tarbnck bad fourteen criminal casea l-L,l4's.Ji.otjicr. J TbeTrcb'ducTles also pay i on tbe trial docket ElcvetT.of tbe eae the Prince ss Salm-Salni': tfiOO borin a I werejricd v Tbe" wcrw tvnVoatleVioaf '- . year. ; t . "t" "fqnuai. - - a V v - . ... . - f --. ': lj .

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