) . -. - , : ' ' i VOL. VI. SALISBURY, N. CJUNE 2. 1871. Kn QO ' tBBT"-?---'------"W-" -, -m---------------------------------------- . s ill. - . ------------------------------ OXASSSZOXmYAOl ZJZfflll VARSAV 7o Fnyettrrillc T BATB Vimw fur f.tUrUU .I1r i JLi MptHaad.r. Throarh Tk-ke( from Uuldt W'UWrMW.UIf.j.tuill.(J. Thuwgk ukiufroM w.ia u rrurui, 10 Tkmagh tiokaU frm WUmiutM, t1 Wu CB1RLOTTB TIA TfADESBOBO. TO . . HKAD Or W. C.AK.K.HI Lmt Cbriitt fUrtniM fnn IU1U1 d-, TkarMU, imI B-tarUaj, uw Ua mm n uukmo. C-TX'I UAJI R. .TTIT1TTTBVHjLB AiU Lmt C-ftUutm B-tl Ru4l -far train from Bli Ir WMtara Bmul at JoaMboro' aftr Waiafrom rajrUrUle, dail j vicmH Hnndaya. 8ALBM Atallioi Puurr 8T.ua laavea aac- plaea dailr. U-k at Bataar IToU), Im. X. C. E, T. C LEMMONR, Bp. 18, 1S70 Omtn-tor. . ZLaM TAhia . Wsttra IV. C TAKE KFKRCT 6tK 8r IT. 1870. GOINO WKriT. (iUIKO KA8T. Arriv. Ltmn. Jrrire. Lemr: 8al-barj, 9.90 r Tku-4 Creek, i 8.W ' S.9H ra .U 1 T.IU Kutcrille, i m ; s.vr - r.uwb. hu. H.U " a.l " Newtoa. I t.46 - lliekirr, la.M 10 90 le.nl, II. I - ll.lt " MorjranUia, ll.9 " 13,04 j Bridgvw.ter, IMtfra! Marion, 1 OH Kort. . 7.90 " 6 S3 b.ao 4.40 4 0U " 3 15 " 3,96 ' 7,96 8 28 6 as " A M) " 4.06 " a. so 9.91 1,49 ' l)c(DltNartl)Btatc L-K W I H II A IV IS 8. Editor and Proprietor. hatbs or (CMirTI- Oki Tear, pylU ib adraoo 3.0u BIX MOXTUa. 1KJ SCult Uuoai(lrtM....... 13.50 IU OptM to oa addraaa.. SU.U0 7af Qf JiJ9rtui. O 8jnar. I rat laaertiua '..1.00 Vnr k.rK 1.1. m I l.-tl..M Ri-m-I-I PftHfj-a rilUm ''rjj .irlYwt " CBttc " in Uia practical working lie at th root of oar praaant judicial tjitrro, W-ila lb 8upriior Co-rta art wjalrrd bj tba UonsUtatioa to b opn at all timti for bv$inc$$, cierpt llta tral ol Uaoea of fact It a J-rj, aa act I Ibo ruilara prorldiar that errUin baalucaa. wblcb la really too Urjrer and nor Important part of tba buainrta of lot Bop-rior UoarU, aball I traoaacted onlj at tba xmi aunual tormt. U beld hj onr 8apma Coart ta U valid aad o bartDonlxa 1th tba Contlitation. , ' Tbm arTMt aiamptra of tba coatra diction aad aUawidiUra tbat a bo and in tba Couatitatioa. 8a neat ar tba diffi klffhar tban lha akavajralM. lnirt and Ju.tioK'.OrdmwttlW nuMUh- ad at tba mm rata with other adrrrtla. mmta. Ubitoary autiosa. war ais liuaa. ehar-nd 1 . ' o a. aar.ru m-uk-uii. 00XTUACT BATES rAcz. a 9 g 03 m' K o s s r s 1 Knuara. 2 5() .) 75 5 U) d 51) (M) 2 8lUaia. I 4 50 li 8 50 l.'i Oil Si.m .J S.iiarj. , 6 (Ml tl 00 12 00 20 00 30.00 Suaa. 8 (HI 1 1 00 15 00 25 00 :r7.50 Column. 1 1 00 I fi 00 20 00 .10 00 45,00 Column. 18 00 24 00 .'HI 00 45 (10 75.00 1 Column. 28 00 40 00 50 (HI 80 00 130.00 rf Brrakfa.t and 8i.ir at SUtmville. Bfpt. 83. IH70. JH-tf R. W. BEST & CO., RALEIGH, X. C, AUCTION & COMMISSION Merchants, BolToH Consignments of Corn. 21 onr Aad Prodoea Oenorally. Particular Attention paid to Auction ' Salts.- UKtrn nv i-;ii.mi.siux w W. H. Willako, IWt Rul.inli Xat'l limik. W. B. Ampkmkos, " (.itiy.ciiH " Jiro. !. Wii.tuMB, " Stiite W. It. A It. 8. Tunauft Co., Italtih, N. (' Marrh 17 3m ADDRESS OF THE CEXTKAL EX ECUTIVE COMMITTEE. brtti'fudTcTaTTiyeTe toe LonatliaUon that it ia not turpriaing that tbcra ia to ba found in 'Jia recent dfcUion of tba Supremo Court, a diatinct recognition of tba necaaaity of "judicial Irfialatton "- doclrina biiherto n lib ear d of ia tba lariaprudeuco of tba Stale, aod ono that aet ma to na at variauee with tba theory of republican goverumentin wbicb tba functloua of the Executive Judicial and Lrgialative departmeuia aro auppoaed to Im diatinct and aeparala. it Is not three yrara since tbe new con- slitution went iulo operation, yet many suits hare already been brought and prosecuted through the several courts, ith much expense, to ascertain the rights ofthecitixen under its conflicting provi sions ; and we hare seen tho Supreme Court, in several instances, compelled virtually to make sections ol the Consti tution, in order to reconcile irreconcilable prorifions. Whatever n-ay be f lie chr Vjcr and learning of t lie judiciary, it is tlanperouK in tlie extreme, that tliu moct valunLle rights of I lie, citizen should de pend n if i n nu organic law, so uncertain unci coiifliciin" in its terms as that livfc tba Sutef of tba Union, and Ia4n perfect hannony wita ererj provision, aa wftll as the spirit Of oar present o te I onslitutloa. There ia rfe provision la tba Constltatlou wblcb, la terms or by any rrasoaabla Im plication la tba slightest degree, abridges r Impairs tba right of the 1 torn of tba otau to alter or amend It, or call a Con realioa for Ibat parpose. There ia no wora or iimiuttoa on toeir power In anv of tbeaa respects, and altjiough it wu aot necessary that they - aba-Ji. da so. Iber bare been careful -to -provide la terms their purpose not to part with such pow are t - for it ia provided ia onr Dill of Itighte In tbeae words i retted in and derived Jrom the people-1 all owemment, of rtght on y ma tea from the peopk.it founded upon their will only, and m tnaiiiuica toietjf jor m food of the u-mou,- "See. 3. That the people thit State hart the inherent, tule and trriurirt right of regulating tht internal government and poiut Merer, and of altering and abolish ing their constitution and fur m qf 'oorem. ment, whenever it mag be necessary to their tafetu and happiness : but even tuck riaht should be exercised in per sua nee of law eon listen tig with the constitution of the unirea statu." "See. 37. Thit enumeration of rightt tuau not be construed to impair or denu others, retained bg the people ; and alt powers, not herein delegated, remain with tne jtcople. The only limitation inthe Constitution in referenco to calling a Conrention is itnj oned on the legislature that body simii not call n Convention unless by the concurrence of tiro -thinls of the rotes of all its niembers hut that body mnv in the ordinary way ol leeinlnlion. nroviiln of the Northern Btatee. that . tba great mdia of onr white people are hostile la negro race and tba Federal government, ana aesire. u arena row tba Utler-Hber pertlsteolijr make inth fsUe and scaiJal- oas representations and aodertake, we re THE LUTIIEIIAN CnUBCII IN N. CAROLINA AND TENNESSEE. We publish ibo following, presnmlng rret to say with soma aoceeaa. ta auatal- I friends In Utla aeellon af tba Bute t political moUree erery crime and out-1 , ran Perpetrated ia aeeret and by persous 7" 'w- rw. la disguise. 8aeh ofleneea tbey matlr I J? Jolnt Commlttea of tba RraogaU. magnify In aainber and character, while -tber" Bnoit of Nertk Carolina they make no diligent or teaeoaabla af-1 Tannaaaaa, appointed At tbe last An- forto bring tba offendera to justice, al- I "u ivUoa of tbeir respective bodieo though they and tbeir friends for t-emoet 'ambled IB coDfrrcnco at Mt. I'leasant, part, control the whole machinery of p-" eounij, .u, April Zlo,lB7I page tlS, taction 1 and 1. (Ac Decreet o CoJ We stould do a set forth tba Doctrine tf tbt "Decreet of 0od.M aa to DnJestiMnliM. W tbet It will ba ialmatlur to oar Lalheraa TPT" bgrae, and rrprdation, at Kt.-A. .v. t tn aUoluta moral neeessitt ia Iba salratloa of tbe elect, and la tba aation of tbe reprobate. ChrisTt Descent into J7B Wo abonU erTrTharipmrtta1werTm g-e wponhirrtowtnyrTrtl-ilf-of f . I J J i. . j . . aa I . a I a !.. a ,-. a I. a I merrited punishment Indeed, there ia mack 0,on iw Sjaoda. reajon to believe that in many instances. I aicriov 1st Oevkkal. the- hart direct lj or indireellj, procured 1st. In order to tbit Union, agreement m- p-rp-i-auon or sucn outrage in oroer in .Doctrine m nerwassrw and fan-ii -j au-uo id serve potiiicaj in practice desirable, purposes. Ia repeated instances it has 2d. The Holr SeHntnrea ara tha Ant .! . t l.i m I , , I . i . . .... " - app-ar ur Dosiiive Droor. I iniaiiibia ruia or in anil Hn i.i- that tbeir political associates, black and 3d. The true bond of Union ia all Ee- wnite. Pave perpetrated tach offences. 1 Lul LjL.a il fii. And facta and circumstances within our trinal standards or as they are renerally Buvwi-uc- nw,g uo uuuvi on our minas. i eaiiea I onicaaiona nr mm i that these desperate political adventures 4th. The unaltered Angshurg Confes bave, by preconcert, arranged to bring sion is the true bond of union between upon the people tbe calamity of Federal the Churches of Evan-eliral fthm- militsry rule and a suspension of the Synods. privilege of the writ ol habeae corpus, on purpose to produce terror among- the Deo- ple, am! thus deter them from suppress ing through the ballot box in August neii, the radical misrule, extravagance, 5 lb. The three Ancient symbols of our Church, vis ; the Apostolic, N'icono and Aulhanasian Creeds, and tbe unaltered Augsburg Confession, together with tho Apology, Smalcald Articles, Luther's To the People of Xorth Carolina: Tlii Centrnl Executive Committee of the Democratic Conservative l'artv let I nu thorized and called tllioiito addreioi tin- nieu nnitH liuve the power liv construction 1 tileiins Lv nnd llmim-li il,i..i ,U.,.U people nt thin time, upon matters of grave ; o to change and amend it. This ohjec- j may, at any time, call a Convention ; the ytililic. concern, and they venture to Hum J lion nlono is Millicivut to warrant the Legislature has filch power hy the whole that what they sny will receive llieeandid lnipt action ol the ettple. 'J'he reports j tenor and sj.iiit ef tho Constitution as cotisiderMtiiin if every citizen. ollhe supreme CVui t are nccissiLIe to nil, well as l.y the express ti mis (i noted aliove. i lie Legislature at its last cession, made J and lull y sustain w liat we have suid oil; I he jteij,le tn.iy do what the Legislature provi.i.iu ty which tn eiial'le the people of t I'" sulijoct. Raleigh National-fiank. Of N. C. KaT.EKiV, March th, 1871. This Bank (under a resolution of the Stock holder and authority from the Comptroller of the currency,) has opened hooka at their Hank ing house in this city, for subscription to the in crtane of the Stock to half a million Dollars, be ing the authorised capital. 12:tf C. DEWEYy Cashier. til?, lilalc an the tirst Thursday in AhhsI 'lb 4 onetUtiH has eeinpli tely orcr next, by popular vote,' tn cnlfn Conven- j turned and i.holished our old rysti m of Hon nnd elect uelegites to the same, for ' jurisprudence, and iiilioduced a new one. the purpose of amending the State Con- in no sense adapted to'. the wants, habits, sti'uiioii. The propriety and wisdom of tastes, iconviiiience or economy of our this action cannot he seiiously (jueslioued i people, and it may he said of it most tru wheii we consider the causes that eave lv. that it is loose, uncertain and illoiMcal. riso to it. " MAKinOOD : How Loot, lion- lle tared. JTTrVnf.h d, n- rllionr I . rl'I.VEH WKLLH CHKRH i nU MAV n ihc rS el (-llhsil ml em ) ' St- itiiirn ir, or Se Mhial WrakiKW, Involunlao' mlnsl lirpii-iic nalaail nhr-l al lncanell. liiM.fllni. nl. to Mrrl K. ec, .Ua Oo- iu"l'n. Ki.ll'ixy, nl flit, In.luc cl j lf Inrfalirc c nr ix .1 rxir v.irann-. trSV 9r m.. lull BlMl fllVI-OD. nilv S cent. tbe 4(rll author, inl.li siliul le v. rl iirly 4a Us . fr at aiMr'y ya'' u.-rrt ul pri-ti-,l' i Ih. atanahtf eoneqaru. wlt-ab m innjr hrad'cllx mf9i Tlianwl thn -1-n -ra " nl internal itmllr h ir Um app'iraHoD o' t knife ; .Itiilna; "ut a fpnl f cure at fmi le ; certain nl rIT. ciual, by meaninr ahlch mtf wSrrer, na ataUer w l.a Mi -intttti may b ', may care t imanii rnrn"r, ' r rMi".,. i Thll leetar oul.l be In t e hau la ot evt jy youlli and very aaaa la the Ian4. Sent, tvler seal, la a plain enyeVpe, tn any aJJreat, aaatMld, .n rrcriX of 4 crnta ur two ."t Xtmn. AW, Br. Culerwll'. "MarHaee Guide, p Ice i5 cla. Addran b. publlah'ra, CllaS. J. r. K I.I NIC A CO.. -11 Bowery, New York, Pol' Ollce B a, 4 iWSS Bart4-lr. . ' - ; w. r. aaavBs, t.b. MPA-0, WJI.T. law rciucBlDarcljoipc , . -j AriVlLLE, VA.. ; FOR THE 8 ALE OP Leaf Tobacco, Sales rooss 166 by 70 feet, with nineteen Eky LlrhU. - Prombt Attentloa to the Interest and Comfort of Plaatara and their Teams. Oraeea' WarebonM has now the I,arpeat Piles Boom la Tow.-- Wagon locked np in W.relioaw al sight. Dry Stalls for Horses. Call and see as. : ctsty-. "-; ' I Thesymptoms of Liver land pain n the side. Somtitimea the pain ia in It he slioulder, and is mis- or rlieuinaiisai, the stomach ia alTeefed bx Bfltaxozsrs Ukeo ft with losa of appetite and mckneaa, bowels in general coat I re, sometime altemaltng with lax. 1 1 1 fl he UVSXL head ia troubled with pnin, arid dull, ha- f aensatmn, considers-1 e loss of memory, no wtptf.i4'wttl--iiiiiaiit- aantHUion ot having leu undone something wnieli ought to have been done. Often eomplnininc; of weakness, debility, and low spirit, fjomrtime many of the above symptoms attend the rl lyase, and at other, times, very, few of them i but the liver Is generally the organ most riivolved. Cure tkeXiver withmi ii . ... . IK. SIMMONS' LIVER R E IT ts A TOR , a preparation roots nnd herbs, warranted lo be atricllr-r egetable, and can do no injurv to any one. It hs been need by hiiiirlreU, nrul known for the last 40 years n one of the most reli;rl.li , ffi:ious and hsratiiless tir( lmrritioiis i vir of fered to tba SHnVriiMR- li -neraistentlv, it is stire to a ... I Th itim l- . i nY are so many nnd so tnnnilest, that almost every person of ordinary iiitelligence,with- out relerenee to part' atliliations, concedes that it needs to be uiaterially altered and amended.' The organic law of the State should be so plain, precise, harmonious and logical in ita form and terms as that the plainest mind may understand it, and as to leave as little n possible to inference and legis la ive and judicial construction. It is in tended and ought lo be the bulwark of the pcopl-j's rights and liberties. To the extent, that any of its provisions are left to inference or constructions, to that ex tent are the rigtts.of the people and often their most valuable rights, left to the whim and caprice of their Executive, Judicial and Legis'ative officers moved sometimes by the voice nnd influence ol party xeul and strife, nt others, by corrupt considerations, and yet others by ignor ance and (stupidity. Our present Constitution is flagrantly liable to such oljcclions; it is loosej illog ical, contradictory and absurd in many of its most material provisions, so much so, that a wise and learned lawyer lias said of it upon his sworn opinion, that it "is a medley of confusions and contradictions. JI3i&.eompurt us to cite biif ofirortWo TrlnBtmirm? of the giving rise to interminable litigation and third of tTTe cases that go below thoTu pretne Court go there upon questions of practice and construction. cTowinir out of the "Code," and which tiring justice and (Convention tbey have by their practice cannot people limited (lie powers of . I, B ia. a a ... . . me xftMwrrr tu nnt ciining a C onven- linn hiy did no: utideltako to limit thetuselvt s, and it may well Le questioned whether, if they wished, they could do so, in sncli way n to bind the present generation, much less any suiceeding one. Hut in addition to the plain meaning of the Constitution and the grand nrincinle to" widen Ve have adverted, tho people of North (Carolina have, timo nf'ter time, sanction d such a method of calling a oppression and intolerable taxation which larger and smaller Catechisms, and tho nave uiigmcu tne remaining proepeoli or f ormula or Concord faithfully exhibit the their future prosjierity. The initiatory truth as taught in the Word of God aud ......... l i ..i i'i i I . . . . . truth of whatwc sny. - Tin-Constitution requires in one section that the Legislature, shall provide by ade quate taxation for the payment of the in terest on the public debt and The" debt itself, In another section it provides that the capitation tax shall not exceed two dollars on the head for State and county purposes, and that the tar on three hun dred dollars worth, of property shall tint exceed tho tax on the bead. If these satisfaction to nobody. This is not only our experience, but it is the experience of New York and other States where it pre vails. It may be further said of it, that it is corrupting n its tendencies to the llench, the liar and the officers of Court. Under it, much of the business is done privately at chambers and in the clerk's office in. the absence- of opposing panics and coun acl tho amplest opportunity is afforded for corrupting the Judges, tho offtcees ol Court and counsel ; aud onr short experi ence harmonizes with that in other Mates under "the Code," and proves the truth and force of this objection. The township system in each county is exceedingly ctunbersrnie and expensive, and quite us complicated, ond gives rise to great confusion and expensive litigation. A great number Df officers aro necessary, aud these must be paid reasonable com pensation else the county machinery must cease to work and thus give rise to inter minable and intolerable confusion. This svslera does not suit tho necessities and wants of our people; it is not needed by tlretiu. however tlUtWy like New England The provisions of the constitution in reference to raising revenue and taxation arcr in the w lost conflicting mid ronfuse d condition. Already they have given rise to the most serious and expensive litiga tion, and will continue lo dtso if not amended and reformed. Even the deci sions made by the Court on these subjects are often unsatisfactory the judges dif fering widely in their opinions from each provisions are to betaken according to tliAiv Inertia anil anv rawnualilA rntialrni.. other. bWyis ic wo iiiiiup-atirions, iiui-wwa-uaiJLr.!. taxation thb whole prop- wc need not now point out, but which ore The pn worthy the most eerious,cnusitleration. ol igjinrau.t, jmprincipled adventurers, who i i v. Vi. i.:. .t.;vw.. - u..-l"'l.. tlon, an imt ossi at such rates nt taxation the whole prop erty of the State, together with th$ : eapf-'t'1 taiion tax, is uoi smiicieni., in raise, reve nue sufficient to pay the interest of the public debt recognised by the very Con vention that framed the Constitution, to say nothing ol the ordinary expenses ofJ government. Because nt thTS absurdity-, our Suprema Court have held thai the last provision above mentioned did not apply to Un dent of ihe State a ii exisled nt the adop tiuu of. the Consiilutioii. I he Court was olilifrcd to make srmie tlceuionr lln v madi- Tlrtr, - rtd 'tlrtrr- v 'rrnmHy nrmlr IW,c" tif 1 fe t-very NtlC;ttntw-w UUm. m.4 T4m ks most important provisions in the Couslilii tiou which turns the Legislature loose in the people.- , u'dliir s'etioii provides, tliat "tin SupeiiorC oiiits ..'shi Si.ii- v at nil onnetr and necessity nl a Iomestcud tor every family in the land, 'evT!rY.TeirorirtT 0.1 I , " , .1 1. . 1 . : .. .. A n . 1 1. nX .'11 t lIlA A. all WHICH is 111 una inroiigu n kuiiti uiiini of trun-hearted native North Carolinians. Our Constitution1' would not he what it is now if our own people had fiaiued it. It ia the haiidiwoik. in a great measure, ol not only recognized the doctsiue above mentioned, hut have acted upon it and created precedents that have been acted upon in most, if not all, the Slates oi the Lnion. It is sometimes said that in 1861 tbe Legislature passed a similar Convention net by a tuo-thirds vote nf the a hole legislature but that was then done out of abundant caution and not for the pur pore of amending tbe Constitution, sud was the only instance of s-ch action, and such a' vote was then unnecessary The. plan adopted ia manifestly in ac cordance with every principle of the Cons ti I ut ion and the doctrines of popular government, that,, we can scarcely credit the sincerity, of those of (hose wo sug gest the contrary. The act providing for calling a Conven tion, wisely provides that if called, it shall not have power to interfere with the Homestead provision of the present Con stitution, rror with tho political and civil rights of the colored people, nor with the provision for a mechanic's and labors's lein. ;-.-.;..'. This expression in ' favor of .the color ed people, ought to satisfy them thai iTieie fs no their light,' but it may Leas well for theru to under stand, if I hey do not, that I heir political and civil rights are established by the Constitution of the United Slates, and the proposed Conventiou would have no power to disturb them. , There can be no reasonable objection to a laborer's lein he i entitled to it upon every principle'1 of good govern ment as well aa the spirit of the scriptur al maxim, "the laborer is worthy of his steps have been taken. They need a pre text for such military interference, ami hopo to create a sufficient one by stimu lating crime and outrage, and then pub lishing throughout ihe. country, the most alarming, extravgant and exciting ac counts of the same,, aud asserting the pretended inability of the courts to bring ufKhdcis to justice. This work has been beguu already, aud every radical official both Mate and retlernl who will conscn lo lend himself to so base A purpose, will, contribute ,ja effort in that respect. Al ready we Hud occrs in Ihe Internal lie- venue service as well as State officers, making reports of the most extravagaiit character, ot crimes and outrages and their inability to execute their offices U itllOUt lha uL-kf- milia A..... 1U tlie pretext for inaugurating a icign of military rule and terror and by such means thwart and stifle. the populy will They must have a pretext they can in no other wav create one. Ihe imputa lions made by the Kidical leaders above referred to, against the w bite people,- that they are hostile to the colored race . . f , i . j .1. .and the leuTni government, ana mat they, or considerable numqers of them, endorse or connive at crime and outrage, we know to be shamefully aud wickedly false and groundless nevertheless they are made and for the sinister purposes already indicated. - v VV e sincerely trust the people ot all. classes and parties everywhere will dis appoint their their hopes that peace and good order will prevail in every section of the State. Crime of nil kinds is wrong to be deprecated and denounced, and its authors punished according to tbe laws of the laud, but crime perpetrated under circumstances of terror and by per sons iu disguise is doubly to be condemn ed, it is the imperative duty ' of every good man to be specially active in bring ing such offenders to. justice and punish ment and particularly at this time, let let every one feel called upon to be care ful to see that such offenders are brought before thV Courts, to the end they niajn be punished, an J further, that the eoun trjumajMteaMi'J aud their officers will not do their duly vigilantly, let erery citisen trouble himself to expose every such refusal or neglect of duty. We are confident that the Courts and prosecuting officers have not made any active or reasonable effort toaster tain secret offendera. Let them doaUt their diligence: aud where they are in competent, let special once be employed. Notwithstanding the clamor raised nst before the last election, and the preteud ed military effort to bring alleged offend arc to be received without reservation 6th. The right of privately interpreting any articlo of the Church's Creed, with tho design of giving in any other con struction than is put upon it by the ac knowledged standards of our Church is denied, as subversive of a common faith nnd as productive of strife and schism. Therefore, every minister must stand pledged to believe and teach tho doctrines contained in our symbols according to tbeir uniform inrerpretation. 7 ih. The Holy Sacraments. Hantism and the Lord's Supper, are to be admiu- istered in the words of Christ. Mat. -xiii-19; Mat. xxvi-2ti, 28; 1st Cor. i, 23 to 2.0. 8ih. Ihe Word of God and the Saw not undertake to Vinlain thb artlrl. f.-. tbor than k ia act forth la oar symbol. ' Mods afn'orshlrWMst ft 1a e-l. .a --! I- -t . . mfc no Honour h mod of to-blp,shoeId ba generally practiced, ia all tba Charc-ea within onr rn, - jhll.lhQgld not ta arad-at 8orlttowtH j- aM.Aitsl .- Confession and A bsdution Ton rVa. aad Abeolatloo, as always bald and prac ticed in tba LaOttraa Chnreh. ahonlA ba neglected in any eonrreratloa or bw tar mltltter in onr connection. VT hereby, as tvideoet of oar arroo. menL affix oar namet to tba abort, thit If7ll..a7 of April, 1871. Tf. C. Synod. Tenntssei SmaiT. u v. UAoaicLoa-, A. J. For, B. 8cna. N. Aldkich. J. A. Fish is, A. Sirro-D, J. If. Suits, Timothy Mock, ALIX. C0)f-AD4 A. Cost ji xx, mm iir 4S "rrs0'tQ slirr-not'-mrrT-yq 1 far as- - hTtrrr-t-t g; finits. itntl' frn'Miieiils Uiken Stale ('onstitntioiis. ! is the sjointt d from olli r si lame of- the American people ns well as the peb pie ol this Slate. It is wise, just and humane, nnd rests not only on there grounds, but on .lie further ground of sound puldiKpolicy- ThcStatc and so ciety have a direct interest x in the proper I rerrn I its li i mt nt that every chrhf shall have a home, to il. i- end. he may not become w audi r- ..- ,i l,,.r!i often a vagabond ni.i , nilnlil v eltort to n tno e inn curse ant J.,.r" i-Av. (aiuilv. Fhttiild have n blast ib.iil. now tl.irki n their hones nnd had ' not ''tri'e-ihclmatiotr"TA'--WTOft-M irortffjr'awl eurmre stwr -iirti withmj wants tastes aiid necessities of ihe iieo.de I its bortlcis ; it is n ruatter ol high mo nor the capacity to put together fli - v a learned, has been brought Ih fore the Courts. Tho Governor took' and, bus telrfrT Wo epfb" wTcTO and Terminer, and the pretended seal of executive and judicial officers in behalf of law and order and the weak and helpless, passed fill' with lio , excitement' of the election. - .W lrut Uo peojd. will carefully -abstain fram nil violclict! and make ext.raor tlinry effort to pieserve pet feet peace, . m - and harmony, While (hey make a sinner and establish tbe believer. 9th. It is admitted that the Word should be preached, (2d Timothy IV, 2,) and that the Holy Spirit alone renders it effectual ; but it is denied that His divine influences are ever subject to tbe human will (John i, 8). By this, however, we do not intend to teach that the operations of the Holy Spirit upon tbe human heart, may not be resisted to the destruction of the soul. 10th. In regard to the mode of conduct ing public Worship, liberty of conscience should not be luteifcrred with, but there should be as much uniformity as possible, which implies adhesiou to genuine Luthe ran usages. 11 ih As tbe religion of tho Gospel is something that addresses both the under' standing and the heart, Catechetical in struct ion is, without doubt, a wise and judicious provision of the Church, for enlighteuing the former and exciting the affections ot the latter, and therefore, un der ordinary circumstances, should bo strictly adhered to in reference to candi dates for Church membership. We, therefore, disapprove of the adoption, of any measure that necessarily tends to its abolishment or that may be considered in its nature a substitute. 12th. A niform system' of Church Discipline should be adopted and enforc ed. 4Yihr-IirmrXJhrla1Smw(mt i both God and man, we hold the God Rt.in suffered and died, and that now he U present as to both natures everywhere. tinman Depravity Human Depravity :io nataral result of Adam's sin, tini al at it includes all Adam's posterity, total aa it effects the whole nature of and inclines to all evil. In whomsoever innate depravity exists a- l i - ' .!.n . a rauicsj, moral cuango is eeseiiuanr nee Adam, as to its nature, by virtue of Chnsts mediatorial work, is capable of regeneration filth Tbe greatest sob-ao aeons tunnel, not orly In this country, but in the world, will be, when completed, the railroad tunnel under tho Detroit river, connect g the newly-consolidated Michhran Central and Canada Great Western rail roads, and forming the last necessary link- in sitin h.I 1 1: . r 1 - ' uuuiuaru iiua oi ran to the West, via this route. It will con sist, properly speaking, of two tunnels, ono running alongside of and parallel with the other at a distance of fifty ffcet. each having a length of 8,568 feet, and forming a circular cylinder of masonry two feet thick, with an interior diameter of eighteen feet and six inches. Tbe grade will be one in Ay on each side of the river, and the tubes will be sunk to the depth 'of not less than twenty feet below the surface of t ie hard clay which forms the bottom of tho river. Each will have a singlo track, and between the two there will bo a smaller tunnel, or tube, of fire feet in diameter, which will oceun- a wider one, as tbe ihames tunnel, for instance, will, it is expected, considerably reduce the amount of excavation, while the liability to accidents is also greatly lessened, and there is also tbe not unim portant reason that, ni tbe event of dam age to the ane, the other will yet remain available, and the stoppage of trains ta avoided. The Can ad fun Parliament baa chartered a corporation, under tbe name of the "Detroit Hirer Transit Company," which will have chatge of the work, that, is estimated to cost $2,650,000. Neces sary action in the way of Incorporation has also been taken in Michigan by tho leading promoters of this magnificent and gigantic enterprise, the completion of which is supposed to occupy less than two years. Wash. Patriot. An exchange says : "The worst joko that was ever perpetrated on scientific men took place recently at Louisiana, Mo. A man was sick with rheumatism, or something, and a fellow went around to the doctors and professors and things, and told them that it was the queerest case on record. - He said the man had no feeling, You could slick pins in his body all over, and he paid no attention to them at all. He was perfectly dumb. So the doctors - got together- aud called on tho. . sick man to experiment. All arrived with -pins and needier And bodkins. The man was asleep Ittd they got around IiT7Ind! each one stuck his pin In the patient- r The sick man rolled over and looked at the crowd, and thought they bad come to dissect him, so he took a chair in ona hand and a bed-post in the other, aud drove the crowd thence. They are around) with iheir heads tied np, looking for tho man who said that sick man had no feel. ing A Sacraments paper reports that re- eentlr air Chinamen were seen in a. ywy-el-K-4-fMjn, eBgt.r', iii'Mutiatrrr" the-eaWf ilif "tnils," which were finally purchased at ' the rate of three dollars each, to be man ufactured into ladies "a wilches.1 Mrs. Liucoln is now in Chicago, where ' she intends residing for the prescn with her eldest son, iir. uooers jiucoin, wno . . it -.' .1 . . is practicing inw successfully in tuacuy, lie married the daughter of ena.or liar- t l.in, of Iowa. ' fixedness In parents and Innne it gives dignity and fitizeiislirp and stiMiulatis cliildien to lioiit-sf niitl honorable t Units that adventurers nti mangers, oeimg i n interest in us, have 'rfi.iiie "in 'olisliln't ion. ...,.! ..ii.. h ..in ni-surdity ns it i ! However we in iv t! I:', r op..n qnesii;;s .. polities, to eilnratt , t lna'e and fit tbt met Ives for j let the L""n Viol tin-' d' all j.uili. s ar-.i-V-'ocii iy. .This humane poliey has lhe, s prcpnrat ;..n ever of- times open for the transaction of 5.11 UsV ".color." stand f..gt:.. r as North Carolii s sanction t the grcattnass elthe people If lu rularly and ; 'VftKin'trrrtrrrwrr ; ,""-'lt"n: cure . i trial of isstu s of Lo t j, qi, in -a jury.- Cnyenliou of true Im-uh. Notth Caroli- tioij, but ; a .nYmi. ... cjoi. . f our S,v ectio,(pr..yi,l,.; for Twelve Si- nianA. and such on,, as will U worthy J pr me C u,t, w t.tfh ., I.juling ;,s a l,l, fflt- "!ronn. i pe.ior ConrV -Iutlg, s, ,,,eh of then, for a lh' d.-s rW.d..nt .f a ndde anccM.y. ' jtrdieia p.. cedent all l.t.u.e courts j destroy their substance. J ' Tikimas liit.AOO, Chairman, , 4 A. S. .M i:(!i:imo, j M . A. W.kisif, .1. (v). PM ai;t:.i:kt, .1. II. .I oh K iJ. 31, 1?L 5,U' J. J. I.i TrlToKU, It. II. MaitiJ:. . i lil i iinr- .lui Leralator. lliea r.ii-a.aiu'iuHisoi meootti- cilCUil entorrtcilli !i-r i ntiit. ,iv.fitJ- nf- : .1. :. jm. a a coitoit it is Mdlooaoi the kidneys, nerviun eliills dt- Justification- Man is justified by aFone in the merits 'of (. Imst. M (rood works aiy the legitimate and nee sary fruits of Justification. Jlcqcncration Regeneration is a new lite and Jishl-wroglit-iu..miyNAhe Holy i (ihnst, in a iaithful use ot the means ot Grace. lJiillisiu We believe' and teach that. I'aptisui is necessary; arl is the ordinary means of regeneration ; but it is not prop- er in the "case "of " cliiMfflt, ?n l?r pjrnnk t.f i trrye If-electcd Hapiism as lo make it indispensable to salvation in all cases, even where Gospel facilities prevail. The Lnid's -fi upper This Saeranient, -d-itrpTism, i ' whot-fwd has , -. I. . ; :.J ... ... l-tr vtjtiade ii. ii n-iains us nnnirejjiu aiguwy, ( its powr and virtue, independent of our j yiews and conduct in regard tb It; That faith which exists, only in con Leillt f'!it ciilllltJeis.. hysic:i!l imjiosaihh" to keep ts npt n, nnit ss the Judge shall .. . , ., i r i .a. ... t...,i... ... . . i - ..i.miiM i ,,,1111-ifiir- iiiiitji ifi ot pains tnilie oowt-is I'"' muio n-oo, lever j e rw im aum-, ami no provijioni5 i ' - 1 . --j jrdague, diof-r. hoils, jwirt in tte t.ek.A'C. mad for inch d pr.tVs. j gjveriiiriflltir-the right fifth . l.i.fci f l... I I. .1 Uu.I.l. L '.' . Il,l(i.r.i..,...1-"... --'"'"- -Tn. J.TT.F"-. . I r- , thorr. or depr im f spirits, lieartlmrti, Hw, '."""" "nnearti ol fl.ing III here to bihijj to the ; the lrt- that 1 Jprd only by J. II. KKIMN A ., I This alsordily had to. be met; ami lite ; rule, and especially to make, amend-and giinrxmos Conrt was durt u tta construe-1 control their oiganic Jaw. 1 he method Irruvvists. MaOKi. f-ia Trie. 1 ; Winsil Hfi ; . ; " For -u-1. t. f: urrm m,. fcbtt It - Sali-Hire, N. T. 'flic iuelh"l ndoptfd for calling the : ana jiMlj Cn.Jioii is eniinejitly pit per iudet!, Jt is woitli i l we nndeitake to say that it-is the only 1 attention 'f -ihe - per pi i 1I...1 f..lK- rnr1l,..l,9..a t. if I, Tf f -t.- A .. . .1 A. .. ii. ,r -f'li'! itlltlatd 1 ll.iu all one iiut mn. ......j.-...... n .m.. p." t -wicwen tttt "-'n - m le nriderlvinir American ' Si.,to nnd i.oliiiral iniiogw s out ol it. e tet'ide to c.r tl,. onrtiosr-of -i.iig wl piomot- ilig their.persoinl a'd p'liii-:u nrTTiam- cy have la en ati'd ftie i'W Wm k ii j iron, which vlrliiallv strikes mH-'matrl t P'-W.'-Und'- nrrr pu.ei- produce lhc lniptrssioii, P e and else ! provision of th V-us::Uitiou ud one that plf of popnlar government cV-mmon to all f J,, ir-Tmd Cfpriyl'y nmoug 1 lhc ptopic nrction with true contiition, in the words, J . . .., iaI ami tllilV JUiaI Alonta. Anllf llUa trnm convicted M tne crtme -:V L -" f Correction Tor six ! ""rl1" "1 'f ihh. oi i.oncorn, pge,iz ooiioin, aiso oz, sec. 9 and 10- 'J he Wifnesrofthe Spirit This is the testimony of tbe Holy spirit in yont ben He says iu your-hert, "your aiut! are i forgiven' you," jSce Book of Concord " Stealing eoin from a dead person's eyrs ( jf."' has actually been accomplished in lioston. ' '".v TJ;e woman rnt ta the -Huuse, months. A f'Kl iu a high station Ts like a man on the top of a high rooutitaiii-every. thing Spprars small to tiim,ndfleapis smH ti everybody. Henry Ward Needier is the very hast ' candidate announced for the Presidency. Mr. lleecher is not ambitions to bn Grant's successor, but w ill probably conscnl'to A l'oston, man, w ho saw no inclination on the part of thv 'oecnpanls of n stre:t carlo move and give him a seat, sat ilown on thft floor. Itoom was madJJr-4i-then. '"'' A negro woman in Jc-ktonvillc, !:'!,- wnn'ts'the Kuklux act enforced agxiiut the nightmare. Oppressive, very. A wealthy widow;, advertising (or an . agent, was overwhelmed with applica tions, as . the typ by mistake made i, "a gent." ' ... "The wife's secret" bT opinion of her husband. . j The woman who makcth a good pod ding iniihtncf', isIlnHtr than jhe whoiZZ makcth a fart reply. , r :