.1 - 1 -v- t .11., .7 . . V ..iiv.:r..4 SALISBURY, N. C. JUNE 9, 1871. VOL. VI. , NO, 23, v - , . ... 1 1 - I it .4- AamlnItratoirfl - Notice. TfU undeletied havlni qmltCl Admln Uraf apon the eUio of Job M. Lawrence before the Probate Court of liowaa county, barter Botlfleeall WW having rliniirslwt aaiJ estate lo exhibit them to LliU before lb fin day of Juno, 171, or this notice will be rieadad la bar of iht-ir recovery . TT, . 8AUX H UWRANC , snaTrtfla fill - ' AdminUtrator. ;i JL. A. DAVIS, D pOK Kit' A ND' HANK Bit, "WILL deal In Unld Hull, Hula, Cmmly DUoouiit ami Holtw, collH t'mtiirrrial pMf, boy and -11 fc3tHmnfc. e iw nminta Bud alio InUTtl (Ml 1m MU. Witt rftcctYB ulmiiim nnmiot, M inlrrert for Mort lmnU and Farmer, Kalional liank of Chirlollo. N. C. UwpaclAil policiu . tho correiKinUiiM of thoaa M dealt witb a Uudikr or Uio Jirancii Bank of Cai Fur before th ar. BalUlxirj, Majr 19, 171. 3m-xL Simt Table Western 17. 0. S. XL ' TAKE! IFKECT 6TU SkPT. 1870. OOlKO WEdT. GOING EAST, : I S SPACE. C - pi ... .... ... 8,01 it 6.66 " H.0S' " 8,55 . " lt,SS I 11,1(1 11,69 1S.48 ra H.IOi SulUbnrr. ;!Wr' HOT ' Third t'rwk. H.9H HWfk 7,10 jKUtonvllle. 7.SO " 7.3S S.W7 HJitawba fita.l . " " 9.00 'Newton. t 6 31' " b 35 " 9.4S Hlckjrr. 1 4.-W " 4 Nl ' 10,30 " , lcrd. 4 0!J ' II IK - ; MifcFiriintnn. I H 15 1 IS.04 " iBrlilBrnter, I 8,96 1 ilUrlon. UI1 Fort. 4.C5 " 3 io 1,44' Cf Rntakfiirt and Huppor at kuukviiic. Hent. ii, ItflO. mf R. W. BEST & CO., jULEjGir, x. a, AUCTION &'C0MISSP Jdlerchanti Solicit Conilnnment, of Corn, Floor and ProJnce Generally. Particular Attention paid to Auction . Sales, ItKFKR BY Pt:ltVtSHI()! TO w. II. WJU.AB0. rres't Calf iuH N.:t"! W. K. A if Pimm, " diVr-enx " " Jwo . Wlu-tAWa. " Wnte ' " W. II. It. (4. -Trciii !.. KiiWgb, N. p llarch 17 3m II. iv, .nn Km, ukIuc i ar rxir "' r. In nuorr1"!. onijr eiiiu. h. lbr.lJ uth"r. lit if.l. A.ln.l ' ). iM.nrly BZAsraoei Hotc Lout. 7m." tliblurvil. JCTP'11.h rl.fi ft- rlH-nnf n-. ti'LVlll WKLL'II CVl.VMU -! " 'l.r rul l c.rc (, ii. . in i! ) '"rr; "r nlnal WMknw.. Irm.lunUrt b Btl.l I. . '. a,.. ., kim Cn.-.ui' pri'" by Hr iihIum drfnoortr.1 sir m aiW.'jr e.' u. ul .reiiM,l' i k. .i.r..ly.. .i..io. ncn ol M'll aH innj 1-r rii'i'c. ny ear. I wlllinul the U.niriTom at- of lniern.1 nwllc iin-r the upUcmt on o I e knife ; ilt.! ' ' ' BtO' O'.'m let eertnirf mfl nTiiul, by mcni f wlilch eeery MBcrer, no metier 1 n iltl'm tuny B , u.my eere ttoMlf th...ly, i r lf y uti'l i Mnlly. Thl trtnr, nl nulil b In t e haii ol evay jruiitli tnil eeery nu le ttie Iea4. g.-nl, ii 'er enl. In " epe, t ' nv e.IdrcM, IMHtpnld, n rreri l f e-nli r l"o m1 .1 in. Al-e, Dr. Cillverwe!!'" "Mnrrlnee Hiildf, ' n l.v '2 rt Adclre.. H e rmW,"f, I II J r.. hi.ink C. . fl Raecry, Nee Vurk, IN,.' OU tx II , li-S r4rly. w. r. 0HA.rF4,J T..B. -iKAi;Jif'M, 1 - t. law (Sraucs' tDarcljonsc DANVILLE, VA ! FOR TIE SALK OP Leaf Tob.8ccp: Salea room 166 hy 70 feet, with ninctwn sky I'romDt Attention to tl.o Intcrttt mid ('omfrnt of Planters and tlielr Teoniu. Grave,' Waretionw lias n' tlic T.ihI alcs Ttnnra In Town. Wairnne loirked u;t in WbhIk.uw atnifflit. , Dry btallti for lluim.,. l ull anil tet iim Oct Ij, OrijeCDI&NarU) State rrtni.isiieo Wceklt bt L K W I H. II A N 15 H . ilitor and Proprietor. Omi JtAB, iNfUeia alruc. .."J.f'JfXI Six Momtiu. t " l50 ft CopU lu tiuit a.KlriM...... 12.20 10 fjul to uueeJiraaa. 0.00 0uaSlQNr. fint fnai-rtlun For eanh mlJitional iiifH-rtUu Sitril uoliota u ill Lc cliniioJ 30 xr n nt hlnfiiT tliau tliu almVf rHlfii Court auJ Justkc'n OrJii, HILo i)ul.l'i.!i fd at tint fiirw rule, with other ! vit is- $I.fM) . .'Ml Obituary nntlrcf, ovr six lince, eli.trgctl as advert iarimMita. CONTRACT RATES. i k o rr - ' I o a I Siinure. .M) ?37.V 500 j.r0 fiaiMI 2 Snimrin. 1 1 .VI fiV2.r H 50 111 INI VJ.00 :i.iijire. 1 : HI ! OOi 12 00 liO 00 .'0.00 4 SqilftOS. HfHl II 00 nOO'J.'iOO :X7,'A) (.oluinn. II 'Ml ItitHI V'MIII .MI I. ..ID Clrtiiin. !H 00 2 1 Oil H0 Oil 45 00 7.VO0 1 Ct.liiiiin. 2.00 10 00. 50 (Mi eotO 130,00 celebrated Ijr Iialftl. Tke RloriCod tUto of Cbrirt eoioueiicing with hi rriame lion nil ronflrtDrJ y llio nilnqnrnt df cent ci llio rilt iicprrlj Include' nil rutlre trgn Jinliiii)trl!on. leaving tie craro in tlcliUmw Ulumjih he dfflpgfJ la Lis ttetoHrfoerUariot-wbrcl U eonrjuer. rd milliont nfdcith nil hell. When in Jubilant pomp lit aiernded throngb llo lninuanratlj foncavt or lue neareni, hn1 1 art It po,cm! lairoortnl ram, (be . " a a i might lav beard ilia pntieiif ncraiiif etrrwietKil ' it twf - rliroui of vtentlty. 'Lilt tin Tor bead. O ye enlc, and be ... . ; . a lyo litttd np ye trerl.inllng Uixiri ana UiC rkifig o( (iltrebal! come iu"j cnith tulglit haaaiKtd in the dramatic lanpnngo ol rn j hifj-, "Who in lbl King i rfJlorvT lleuwn rriilie. enrrb crtirifii-fi Hitn,"l'l'C Lwltl, . rli-rt n ,d lilah'V "i I'P'iSl y llt? I l'UilI.I.SIIEl IIV ItllQl KST. ASCKNl'lON OK CHRIST. A SKKUOX BY 8 C. l'llAUlt, 1). 1) , Preached in the Lutheran Church, in ilia place, on .iscenston Tiny (EXORDIUM.) I.u K K 24, 50 51. ACTS 1, 9. Great in our surprise w hen we diccovcr how slow the diiirijiles were to receive nud understand the itirtriictitiiiu oi the Divine Master l)id lie fpoiik of the dec. use lie hould necoiupirh at Jiiti.Oihii), tiny C'liiiii not endure inn liiotilil el fiicii a tnehiiicliely isHuo to II is ricli snd vnried niii.ii'tirtttoiir). " Did. IIMnTi'iet His rr-sifr- rection, they coijht l.ot njipn hciid His iiM-ntiiiifT, nor divyic to bat He u feirtd. When lie stkikii ul letiuruliuf . to. 1U ijt. tlier and di-vhired tlic KjM'Aial emli nl His a-'t eiision ;it-l i: t inn ed tlu tn of tho ieej li;West Uii V t;,i.u!'; r . ineo f.l Mlcli nit evei.l, (t-ir.te IK: v. .is. tf"!l'f; ' J.ri-pare a I'laci; fir tlsetu in.d tct f ei.il tin 1:1 unoilii i comlorter, who i-Iiiiilil more ni in coinnen- le f..r the 1 Raleigh Rational BMk, Of N. C. Rat.eicii, March 'iOih, 1R71." Thi, Bank ftnukr a resolution of Hie Hti k tioiilare end aiilluiritv from the Constrtntller of the currency,) has oicneil liooks at tin-ir I'.nnk iag house ill this city, for subscription to the in creaite of tho Stock to half a million IXilhirf, be ing the authorized capital. iUt C. DEWEY, CadiloV. ThexvniDtohifi of Liver coiiipinint are nnenwniwi inu jjftin in the suk', Somelinies the pnin if ill lllic choiililer, nud in niir- jtakeg lor"'rheLHuatiy with lose or appetite unit hkkiu'sh, uowci ,in ceneral costive, eonii'tinies aitornntiug with i.ix. m 1 1 1 1 iti , -1 .ti t l lie .jumua ih irtflitticti wilh pain, Mm uuIJ, hea vy HcirKiition, convirlera- tle lost, cf nieniorv, ne- onipahieil with pHinfuI szsssxan-s I If IZVSR J rienUKm ottiaviBjr WinrHitmesuiit-thiiicwIiiert ought to have been done. Often conipl.-iiuing of weakneM, debility, and low Fpirite. ' Hometimeo many of the above symptoms 'attend the diwiise. and at other-times very ftw of them hut the liver 1 generally the organ moet involved. Cure the Liver with ' --DR. SIMMONS' XmRREK a preparation roots and herhe, warranted to be strictly veRCtalde, and enn do no injury to any Oiu), Jt has been mn-d by hundreds, nml knou ii for the Isut 41 years s one of the mort reliultle, tffijmriom and hsninilem prepnrntiortn-erer-ofi fcred to the wirTcrsnp. Jf ifnVei: regularly and ptriieniiyJ.L?j..irv.v . .Svintu.f r n , - i llh'MH'-iiHia, h , A a f Jj.imiii!it,''(:tivein-.si,:iii k XLegHlAlor. I lica!nchc, rhroiiie liinri;- ;ie!,;iiertwmi'oi iih-oisiI-JS ftTPr.tnfrip dy'iu-ttti ry, hf- i jt. 1 XLegnlAlor. Ij they eoul.l not enter into his let-Imps nor com u l. end tin io!ei:: mill ni.-ij. stic theme. They imifmd that they unilerftnod Him nnd suid, "Ln, iinwsprakeel thou jilaiul., and sK'"li no proverb ;" but they tmin it'estly shewi-d, -tven oft er 1Kb resurrec tion, how ignorant they were; since tiny still drenmed of His .-itiiLlir:in a teni porn I ki:ig:loiii, and nskt-d in ri I'vnuutcIo il, "Kori!, wilt thou nt this time restore n-;ai:i the kirgtb.-lii to Jsiael'i" Wilh simihir views and iniutions lln-y suivi yrd the nscensioii of the L"i'd. lute.-ul of bc-i iijj; fully . pntpnred to expect it its n guiuMc, concluding act of tho sacred druniu, cuitijih titijr His in. uiatoriul v.oik on eiirth thiouh His persona! iiiiiiistiy, they stood .nid' j;azrd up on Him with h stupid hhi.izi nient, till two utels in the form of men reproved their stolidity7; m,d assured theni th.'if, at a future "peciod,tbi:tr divine Master blnjuld again ix-tnru to earth in a manner similar to that of II is depar ture. ThV testimony ol the. ungi Is.con firmed tho ft idenrt: of their Sfi;ses,.oc- iii-ii:.' ns il ilid hnhe liht r f day. His f:rfnrc nnpfaiinp lo Kuphen, l'.nd iid John, cunt, feted with. the. descent of the, Wjdrii or .the flajr ni i'viitieort. coii."-ti:iiteti an array of proofs to th.'r fiet. ' It was, l!ii-n, a real and not an ifjiaf-inaiy or ap paieut trniisaciiott' a visible and local 'b:vmioii to heaven nu actual iuoiio:i id his htiuiaiil nature ew iftt sudden, glori oil", triuniphaiU di fy ingmid counieract inft !ie cenriipetal fores; ofgruvitation Ly wliicli ettna-aVid systems are bound into one complete and harmonious ui.iveise. Ho who commenced His ministry by proclaiming iierc)f !o jio captive. sinn-r ; who proceeded liotn i-itutnii lo ciinton, ilo ing good to men ; who r.'iised tho fallen, happy a; id vl;..i" u i:h His dying hn-aili pray eu lor ills i-i.tr.iies. uow siiww -il .JMs disciples that II is pace arid teiuli ine;i.-, compassion and love had not. l.et-ii chii'Ied by the pamlul cross uau (.-lot my sepul loid tf hosts, Ho is the Kinr of Glory." ... . . . . ti utb wss the retral triumph - rucii inu sttifM-tidoiis inauguration of tho Uou of Uod. The rUing Chrit fornook the tomb, l'p to Hi, Father', court, II, tliea; CliertiLic lrf;ien guard-1 1 tin home And Seraph, shout lliin lo tho kkica." S He ttacrnded to iwi- rrcomfenec frr bimstlf. The Father bad ciijjaed iu covenant with him, that it ho would make his soul nu cfiuii.p for sin, lie el ( ill.! see serd, prolong his dnvs Slid the pleasure of the Isrd should prosper in his halnls. In l!:i coinpi.ct, his liuuian n.it uro was onlaiued to enjov n full par ticipation of his glory, Lein uillinuicd nt the ri(jlit ham! of find, nud, by viitun of the hypostaticnl union, invested wilh all the honors due to the most Ligh God. All tho angels in heaven, no less than re deemed saints wero bidden to worship Hun. lo this ho looked forward as to the joy that was set before him nnd in consideration of it be endured tho cross and despised the. shame, till he sat dowu on the right hand ot the throne of Uod All this waa conferred upon hitn as the recompense of Ins humiliation, lie, be ing in the fnm cf God, thought it no robbery to be eijital with God; but made himself ol no r outaK.n, and took upon hi ti i lie form of a servant and wfti made in the likeness of tiinu : and being found rn iatl.i'tn as a man, ho bumbled himself He rfccltrrti gifta f.r.tuen, and is exalted lo giva rrpentabre end teuisitioii In sins. Ksredally tliil lie tirot.il- to gtre the Holy Fpirlt and we know how abundant Jy that promhu wa fu!iil!e;I, T!j corn ph tion of ba Inspired cs:'. nt hy (be add) tloo o( (be Nt w Tcstamei.t ami the bisti tnilon of the ministry, til will as the Christian Sabbath, attruuf d by ti e Holy Ghost, are tho principal tije.niia which he hsi appointed and IhS-ea for our conver sion and prrpaisth n f t J-- n, and the most poweiful arvMt wi -tonkrii.g them iffcctaal waa given after bis ascension. ft, lie ascended that lie tnight enrry on and perf vt bis work fur us. As our Great High I riest, he offered himself a sacrifice upon I ho cross. Hut In order to execute tho s.ieerdotnl i-ffice feompleti-ly be must catty-tlutJilQttd-wkl iii tln,teil a ri cfTer I iacetise also bcloio Uin merry seat : nor, t'11 bo should bavo done tins, would he htvo any authority 14 bless tho people Arcnrdingly, In bis tuicenslon he perform ed this remaining part of hia priestly of fice i entering ipto heaven wilh bis own blood and offering beforo God the incense of bis continual intercession. Had he couduuul ou cauh, h4Bigbt have Loon regarded as an Advocate tut his Intercrs- s ions might have been generally coiisiU- eied as restricted to a lew and it would have probutdy been known for what par t'cul ir persotis he did intercede ; and, then fore, by ascending ar.d removing hlmsdf to the holiest of holies in heaven, lie could more readily, and without intru siou or hindrance, accomplish his woik of intercession for all his people, whether among Gentiles or Jews. Without vocal sounds lie simply appears b( loro God iu bis mediatorial capacity, and exercises bis will that tho bi. ssmgs ot tile redeemed shall be imported to mankind - Fire lik-eding wound ha bears, Ueccivcu on tnlvary, They injur cflcciiuil prayers ; I hey Htrongly speak lor me : I , ... .1 rn LiPiriun t . . . e I't ! r r- Kivr- tot rtiMt ittintt..t tntii. jftrf liut his kingly office was now lor executed in a fuller manner than it had yet been. Da v ITI had said, The Loid said nnio my Lord, Sit ihoti ny bt h-attd till 1 make tbir.e cneiaies thy footstool. And again; the stone which the builders nnd bi-emntt Abedis! onto tlt-alk iiVtin thftilS LWi. ,ncl ?"m9 Uiauc the l.uad of . . .... . r. . . Ti :'" h't .1 - ' ' - dratli ot tho cross. V hervlorc tiod also to niett hint as Hiiaca and Elijah were on llio Mount ol TrousSguraUoit, wo will not now undertake to dettfmluo. Whether we are JUi enjoy the presence of Ood end Christ, in heaven or ou earth, It will tank no dilTurence In ear present duties, nor add anything to our present encourage ments. Tho onotraous errors which haw toon bioaebtd by aymo who have been most xcalous iu prttpagalhig their peculiar Millenium nollonsj are abtiniUi.ll r soQ. eieot tu keep alt others who are prudent from W.ig uUawu lU iliai csvv4i. vor. tcr wfiicii, I;.ereasli)i In raiiidity at t ery revolution of its edying thfe, is prepared lo engulf and destroy the Ignorant and uiiausiH-cilug. Of this however wo are certain, that ull the ihda vf thd tarlh aro glvcu lo ilTtLLittd Jesus fur Lis possession, aiitktliat iu ll.'i appoint! d season all flesh iijii ecu mo fjivaiion oi uou. j.iincr it back to heaven aa tho angels brought it down, an hat over ssnh and sky aud on all Uia psiT.a of (orjiul, wa euuU lioar it rolling, like the full-toned thunder tf bra tmi, pealing in grand harmony! through all cam pa and coast, eooUueuta and oceans, town and eh Irs, empire and re. nuLliea. I'rmlsa him. all hlsantrtlst 1 i'raisa y him, all ye ,bla boat. . l'ntbte yo tiim, snn and noon praiaa tiitn, ail yo aura of br.hu l'ral ll Lord from the esrih,ye dragon J, and all deeps fire, and knJ l iKtW tiiii istwiufj Riarmy wind falulhnz his word 1 mountains and alt liutli highly exalted him, and given him iiitni U'liii'L mIm.vu kmy iiii i ihut st the name of Jesus every knee should bow ot limits in heaven aid things m earth, nnd thit.jrn under the earth ; and thai tveiy ton-ue rh'iuld conh ss that Jc hiis Christ i.- Loj-d, to the g'ory of God the ralhcr. ilius tu sonic degree was ra ol His boi!if!y presenct ), Ittas vetilii-d tho projiheey ol Daniel; I tUe.. a sheidieid taiid,ucu n.. i ..l .1 . ; r. . . ... ii .1 I ..... ' . . . : He led ti t in out as far ns to Ik-iliany theHoft liKjuentcd and favorite Ioc.ility- wlti re lie communed with Mary, Martha and IjtKnrus, near tly. GethsemaiH! which had bcn already" eonsi crated by His Ik. w bag tcara bkiody pt'rpii atioii, and earliest prayeri"; and with uplifted hands He-b4esieed-thtW'tr trw'tT)TC"'rftnpB' of Mt. Olivi-t, and' whil.o. Idi-SsiVrg'lhfiu He waa parted from the.ni and tunied up into hesveii ,L-1 us enn'tider, "L Tlie eiids I f irraeenf Iori"ti) Iu av en. Tbessj are-sfnlly dj-cland in Mo.'v i J i.out tfK-MHirtnrr lit :- liaul the liniue e snail pnseiil the fol lowing: He -..o-ei.'i.-d (!) t, exhibit Ii'rs hsd T en antic p. i el hv tho Land 'as liez ah's ei'i.tr-rf -- , l ' .- - cctioiM ol the WmIim-v nrrvmiues rbilM, cine, of the kiii, iniuuritjarf tlut IiIikhI, .nichm- -chotypw ikmrei'u of mnriti'. iieurtl'-iiii, roKrvf - .Mt.- sttr --h! hWi oi lviinain ilietlowFK pain ift tin- tv4, H-vrr ttit- hf;-ti - -t ;i'-., : it v.-n nnc-T'-qr?1 ' ago ag1ie7tny7l;.t1i-tirW;ift Jhe 1iatiL&. 1 ThScT1TiiiTi I'i ir? ralietf --iho h. JTvparvd onJy i,y t;. a a! K in,,: - cornip'i 3 .ei-a w hi utrnioi ' T'rt.-eiT'-'St Mte'or., 1 ti. I ; ;c I .li.t 'i.orv. and ifc.-ui' Trice. $1; lm.jl ' , tho Hsalmist he 'fenl hf i ii saw in the night, visions, irtid, bcho!d,ono like the Son of man come with tho clouds of heaven and come to the ancient of (lays, nud they brought him near before 1 1 1 in . Aud there was givii him a do minion, and glory aud a kingdom, that all people, nations and languages should serve him : his dominion is an evei lusting dominion, which phall t:ot paps away, and hid kingdom one that thai! not be de "y ed. .'i. He afCi'iidcd that be mijrlit take pos sesKion ol he;iveu on behalf of his people! He eulen tl us the Redeemer, as tliellcad of the Church, as the Fore runner, lhido giooni and Gnat Hin;h Driest. For ns he hak entered. I go to prepare a place (or you. Heaven is a locality. It is cle sciilitd art n material struuro and its ilimensioiis are given Revelations 21st chapter, lGili veise, ''Twelve thousanii fiiih.ngs. The ler.gthaheijiht and breadth are eiial. Fifteen - hundred miles will nn, he 7,0','0,tmrt ret, whivlr being cubed is, !) is,(jsy(()oo,tioo.oooioao)ooo,oo(fccuh!- iu feet. Thn "half of this area wo will re served for the tltrnrrcof Hod and the-cotirt of heaven, half of the rcmaiiidHr for" tlie sAmyaiidMthcjmiaitiuiff liuif djidiiAby. 4 'JCT tho culic feet iii tho luuuia J.U f eel . square and 10 feet Iiig!', will be 5,7 13-, ,750 000,000 rooms. 0 will now suppose tlic world always did and always will contain 000,000,000 of inhabitants, and a generation to last 3.'i. years iJ,700,000 every century and that tho world will rtmid 100,000 years 2G,00O,00.ul00O,00O persons. Then eup potiti thereare 1 1 ,230 such worlds, equnrio this JiBtuber of iuhuLilanla , jtliddunijioi! of years, then tlii re would bo a room 1G fei t big hJ-'L:u;Jj p rs.u,iaud y et ..thcru would be loom." The countless seats vacated by I fiF'firViri-'riiTVgTle aTe to ire-lilledxp" by i-he Teth'f-tiied troirj the t.h.ldren of man. Their n sai reclioii bo dies, like llioso f-f Enoch, Ltij-th and the Saviour hi mm If, must occupy pace 'i'hc liiateii.il place some.v. in-re ia uie universe, beautiful, glorious, nilun.nl u i:h jnecious titonisiit.il filled with every desk able ob ject, piliitied froir. the coutainiuatiou and tl'ei ts of sin and contributing to ttie ph'iis trrc arid htppr?iess of hriiy hetngs; 'B'rth iliinitirt tl bodies and the most richly gift ed n: id liiidy cultivated iliind.-. Maii tioHH uf glory they way welt bo cnUed.- They are many 'as We have teen. ( hrirt h:is utceuded tu ..prepare, tlicttt- us.and. 1 1 iti-pare us for tin iu as well h&Jim as sure us that "when prepared Fir them iu iiis own time' and way, we chaM ji'mo as-- i-i-in! ( dwell-with him in his FaTher's.; roit?e f-irever; 77- : 17 lie a.ceiided that be niMit send dd'.vn heavenly liles-iuirs on Ioh Clnlreh. lite corner. 1 las, thci j .,e, ow remuto- ed to b'3 fulfilled ; at.d lor the ncc.ninpli.li DUiiil ot it Christ was i v.ltd iu L,iy.. And this aeeouis wiui I be nccount ei-Tti us by St. l'eter: This .l-fu-; bath God raised up, v In n cf yv.c (.11 1:115 .V iUtt..ti S Tin n ft. re, being by the ii; lit bund oi find exalied, aud Intviu'; rei'eivi .1 of the Fa'ber l!ie ptoinisn of the Holy Gh"'f, bo !ik;Ii shed forth this which y V-w ii'.w see ;;,d tear, i'or Uavid has not ascended to the fu'.iveit but ho s.iith himsi lf'l'!ie Lo d sitjd nnto my Lord, Sit thou on "my ri- lit band till I make thy fr.eg thy footstool. Then lore, h t all the house of Israel know assuredly that God' hath made that same fetus, whom ye have eriicifn d, both Lord and Christ. I o the same 1 iii-et St J'iinl also) sjicaks : Cnto every one r.f us is thh' grace given f.ci ording to the measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore be sarih, Yv hen he in eemled up on high, he gave "Tills unto men ; ho gave h-mi-, apostics ; and some, prophets ; nt d s me, 1 . ai:gi 1- tstf, and sini;; pastors and- te.-u hers, for the perfi cting of the aaitits, for the woik of the mii-istty, for the i-tlif yinir of the body of Christ ; till tve a!l ome, in the unity of 'the faith, and cf the knor. h dgc ol tho sou ot God. unto a iierh ct man. unto the measure of the Htattio of the full ness of Christ. "This was the end of ids ascension as the same apostle elsewhere expresses it-still 411 01 fully and foiiiLly ; God raised hitn nn and set him at his own ngfit-hirnd -in -the "-f-rn'Vfldy'"fdaci-'p,''f'if above ull - i-i iiioi-'iJit v and j-uer n:. f .u'ht -n-jfd 4lotMHi4ui.4Ui4-e.vii v..iniae l'nt is named,, not onlyiii.this World, btit nisi) in that which is to ci niA ; and lrhTi put alllliiiigft under Ins feet and gave I.itn to ho Head over all tilings to. the'CIiurth, which is his body; the fulness of him that filleth all in nil. Having thus been re advanced to his hernial position, he holds and wields the sceptre of universal ato minion, lie is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. IIu lives for .evermore, llo keeps the keys of (hulk- and hell, and when lyi openeth none tan shut; when he sh u t ''t it no:ie can- ot en II. The limp aiid;,manpcr of hia fntnro. ad venl. , i here are two periods nt v. Inch tlie Lrd Jesus Christ may certainly he ajx jic-M d -to .come agaiu-after- t-Inv Smiwf ol Ins !eiartuie. (I)- At the period jot I lie .'dilleniuui ttr es'ublish his kingdom. Christ laid the foundation cf h's kinjrdom Jqtlin A'tqatd.agc!aii4litJit,j,ee- maintained -and carried forward to the pVefent day. Iut there in a titno ap proaching when all the kiifjkims of 1 he world sliali be subdued nnto him, and he above shall reign over 'he face 0 the whole world. Thai I appifhriid to he ibcaea- sou called iu Senpture "the refutation of :Ult'th1iigV' trfr wiTtTirHirrihc ' bcavefis haru reeelVLd liiui ; but t hen, that peruid h ill have arrived, he wj'l fgiiu he sent, after the inan tier of bis' i'epar: ore hence 1'; power' a U'l great gbry "FroirTtTn" pr tiil.eey tuf this event it Seems that as he ascended 1V0111 the mount of () i.c, oon tharveiy moiint ill In' agt'li appear; atid t'.ot. itnprobnldy as he did on Moiint Thhr jLHt err.'ai;sly to -establish.". his. ciri'iif over ,tl, fite "f lh-e - whulc rarth. f -'I .'belt wiilrtakw pliee what "is en tied . ... .(.-.,.... . : . - . ' 1 i. nu 1 iv -trm-t 1 1 1 1 it . it in iutoi .mail : .. . ... -.,.. .. tU, 1 i-,.t,i 4-;w-w;- i .ccnt'iure,.tne nn-irr.meTu.in, , . , , , , , ; . , . .v 4 , ,.,VF 1 III ,1 I 1,-111 III It IV L1J VIT I .- " . . . . i- - "'HW M'u I'tfr. i-'.rv-itif TTTrTTTlenl-irtar.'nwi.rtrM.' SHn.lyT-wrartat-wtrd-all-fcu atiiitn-lWM't c?t . . . .- ' .r.. - .1 : . .1 .11 1 ; ....-.....-,.... r - - m-'v. . ..... ti-i.tL .11 i-u w;ii.i".'i, ;.u aa. li.e c :t.t ;c-i',!iii is iaseu tcori'ip 1 m ; i--.i ...i;:e.n '..rn nrnnTTrii- j t;t-i.ii :!:utn-9.- oTniLa.iHajjis. -without recar-l ; ;e . .11. 1 ti,et--. :. !': ! -J-..I ',' iii-ri Itt.fft t lit 1-iKISI, i hi- Llo C. on ol' inn r- i.f-s t!'( y t ) r oi the r.-iirei,ii-, r'id alone will : i-ian'ioil, if ilw'-Lni -nient lt- di Tr.ua 4ta34ft.?y"t?T'Tie ttnf'te rwjpt him. Whether Pus - sbaH." sceoiniiTislied, as bey nud resurrection of fiod's auciei 4 ku of hv F.aekud must U r . - by his personal appearance, or by tho fro- iinrnt anJ ahiiiwl.tiit effusions of tho Spir it, ho shall reign in Mount .ion, In Jeru salem and before hia ancient gloriously. (2). At tho last day to judgo the world. Uf this our blessed Lord has spoken fully. The Son of mail shall ho aeen com ing iu tho Io4tda -of -aaatrrn -wrth power and great glory-, lie shall come in hia glory, aud all the ho'y angels with him : then shall he fit upon the throne of bis gh.ry : and b. f re him shall be gathered all nations, and be shall separate thera one from another, as. a shepherd diviJtth bis sheep fiom the goats. This ia the advent spoken of by St. 1'uul who says : 'i'hfj- Loid himself shall descend from heaven wilh a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God. llo shall bo revealed from heaven, with his mighty angels, in flowing fire; taking vengeance ou them that know not God, aud that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ j who shall be punl.hcd with evei lasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the Glory of bis jiower. Tho babe born yesterday and Adnm farmed in Paradise, the nearest and remotest generations, shall meet in one' promiscuous assembly, and rising above the blaze of a burning wot Id bhull stand Lcf.1re.1hu etcat white throne. Every eye shall seo him and each soul receive from I .. ' I - J nun ins everlasting anon.. I here is a chain of causrs reverting fioifl onr Immrdt.-ite observation to the throne if- God, nnd the AjuJlty can, lbroiiz.li any iutci vcntnc li:;k. acennii lish - r . . any resnitJie may clengn rot our benrta i:id his glory. 1 he ascension of Count is one c; the rreat tvents Ihroufh wl.'.elt If.; tevVliittoitizea the u or.d cor.Jitioti of stcj.i.ty, and bis second coming is another tbiuugh v.Lfch hcfliall irreversibly seal the denial destiay of all tho inlelligei,t and moral creation. Let us wave any further discussion of it as a fact to he established aud direct attention to It as a truth to be improved A mere vacant gaze, like that of the Apesth s or iv hat we should now consider a fair i univalent, a historical belief and speculative acknowledgment 1 would unite with holy angels in're proving as ttnauita ble to the occasion of ihis festival. Uut we would Fay, Direct your eyes to tho Kord Jesus in heaven and prepare for his future r.pjiearaitce as your final Judge You caiHiot have your eyes too oarncctly fixed , ti IV"1 l''m- Vour constant Motto should be : ''Looking to Jesus." 15ut let us hok to l.iiu wilh int( lli'-ent failii ns our Fore-iuniwr, gone thither to prepaie it place for us ; as our Head who ensures to all his members a tiarticipalimi of liis clory ; as our Advocate and intercessor who iiiaiutaius our peace with God nnd secen s all needful supplies of grace and sirctijrth': and as posaeaeinz ull fulness, that out ol his fulness wo may receive all that you can ever stand iu need of. Look at him n trur very likr aiidlet your soul nioivC in tho.'. Moancc Unit w hen he shall api!Vj'!'i- J'JM! r,b-' ..ekail.. r.ppcar with biiiit as the iirstI his travail, the trophies of his victory and the jewels of his crown. And whilst looking for him keep your lamps trimmed and burning and your selves as servants waiting for the coming of their Lotd. This is tho proper posture of his people, to be wailing for hia ap- ( leaning, loving it, delighting ia it nud iustenkig it forward by all possible means ; that, nt whatever hour lie shall come, yon may enter wilh him into his pi et ence chamber, and bo forever happy i ti tig, jftuitift't il .bis Li vt!i A3 uti iiggr"gata sacrmcntal-host the Church should regard bis second advent -ns tmt -nun !y possible5, hnt cver-tmiieiid-' ing. For her encnnrng"iueut the faithful page of prophecy has unfolded the nmpJi lude of her coming glories. Whether in tftn miiiSt of tii-vrm-iRpo4Mtlyua-iu 0I11I1011, or 111 the biuoUiess tritunplia ol WrittMt lor Vm Old Btata, EOXGS AND MUSIC. Alfred the great, wboie Bane la alwtre i presented to na when rtcerriug lo the ? prevalent accomplish menta the age la I which La lived, added to LU other aeaS tle that of being an eteellent naslciaa. . . Ha waa 13 yeara old before be waa pre , vided with a teacher bot.be ooold alng .. wany Saxon aoaga by note. He Waa j failed on by the DmUh army to perfiirm , t lr;'i'-lrran p m a lIsrpcr..Ai4 In r-fj ha fonnded a profesaorship at Oxford, Sot the t'r biila i fruitful trees and all cedar t. beaiU I cultivation of tha acienea of Mo tic; aod and all cattle ; creeping ihing and llylug J tin' wa the-firat professorship uf the lowl ; kings of the earth, and an poor w ; i ind in i.ngland. pilnci , and all IuJkc of tha eartit LLolh I The first prof-snor of Mnsle wae Friar young men and maidcua j old tnfn and John, of fit. " Darid'r. The iclenea of children. let them praise uie name of the I llusie waa then Involved In ao many Jif- Tio"f JTltfTiT naiuo aTOnrTla'cxaTTenntficuTtTe an'J'tTio'metiTod of teachlna: waa In glory is abovo tho ooxUi and iicavuu. I ao tedious, that bloo or ten year atodr l'raiae ye the lxird. HOUACE OBEELY FOR 1'UESI- HEXT. W AanivfiTov. kfav 20. Th, folloar- uig wrtesj'ondeneo is publmlted t Lka VKN v.OKTll, Kansas, A pill 29, 1871. To If on. Horace Gretly: DitAK Silt: Your many friend in Kansas desire to havo your views in re- .ition to your name being brought beloro the next .National Uepubliran Conven tion in 1872 for the nomination for Presi dent. Without any disrespect to Ocn. Grant, wo bclicvo no living American statesman has tho claim of yourself for 'resident. Very respectfully, your friond, (Signed,) Wk, Larmocs. waa required to id ore a rood onderitand- 1 bg of Muaie. I Till VAKMIU'l SOT. Thlaaong a rrgalar aerenadf, waa written by a young lady. In Mrriola. la . the year. LS43-. . The worJa aad ..taaebt -. a Duett form can be Lad of A. H. Ellla, for 25 cenla. 1 The sun had sat behind the hills, hen up yon dreary moor, When up the Ian a Ud there caax Unto a termer's door. On you tell mo if any trier be, Who will give to me era ploy For to plow, or lo sow; or to reap, or to Bor Or to be a fanner's boy. 2 If you wont eivc to m aoploy. One favor I do aJt; Will yon .belter me till th break of day From this cold winter blact, At the break of day, I'Jl trudge away If you wont me employ. For to plew, or to sow ; or to reap, or to now. Or to bo a farmer boy. Tkiduse OyricR, New Yornt!, May 4, 1671 My Dear Snt: I havo yours of the 2'Jih arkiiif' DoinUd nucationa with ro- : j ' t gard lo our political future- . 1 must ro- fiond in creat ha to. 1 trust never henci forih to be an aspirant for any cflico or political position whatever; bull fully propose- never to declino any duty or ro tt Kiionsihilit v ultirli rav Doliiical fi lends i. . . . - . - ehal! conclude to devolvo upon me; and o! which I (hall be able to fulfill theoMiga tioiis, wllhotit ' neglecting more tmpera tivo liuties. 1 have not yi-t t an.ed a riucid.-d opinion ns to the man that oupht to be our next republican candidate for I'reri.lent, be.t it fcems to me advisable that he choiild be a steadfast, constant 5 In the course of time he crew believer iii tho rood old Whi d-.Uiuc of Am! 'ho pood oh! furmcr died, onr I'residenlial term. (.-signed.) IIouack GltKEY. My fktlier ' dead, mother ' left With iu five children email. Ami what is womc, fot a mother yet . I'm the eldeM of tbem all. Though little I be I fesr not work, If you will me employ. For to plow, or to sow; or to reap, or to mow, Or to be a farmer' boy. 1 The farmer said he'd try the lad, io longer let him weep. Yen, ve,, kind air, hi, daughter asid, While Icars run down her cheek A lad that will work, it, hard for to want . Or wander for employ. For to plow, or to ow; or to reap, or to now, Or to bo a farmer' boy. IIAI5D OX "URI'-'K." The Shenandoah Democrat is too se ven-on "llriek" I'oiucroy. The fdlow- And he left the lad, the fknn that ho had nh Ins daughter for a Itride. The lad ho is a farmer now And often fniilpp, with joy, On the lucky, lucky day that he came that way To be a farmer's Boy. ing cdiiori.il win sour tne bis new honeymoon: It is tune ceaS' i moment he sweetness of said that for- REMARKABLE 8URGICAL OPE RATION. The Wilmington Star says v "A very ... .1 ill V to s-nde upon iSapoleon the remarKubio and unusual operation In eor llssnl ved his conni cii.ui with g'ry was performed in the City Hospital Josephine! and so, doubtless, tho old m this place, on 1 rid.ty, by Die. Wii aoU dame has descried the Napoleon of the aud King. Tho patient is a colored man, newspaper world, "Jinek Feineroy. uy tne namo ot utK Uodgcra, wboae leg Tin; news uf bis divorcement from tie Ma9 amputated some months afeo and who i I I !. I lr . ,.. wile about whom e lias -written so'inucii uno emco ueen lingering apparently al- the mother of the children that he has most on thn verge of tho grave. During "told so many anxious inquirers delighted this time bo bad becoino very much ema- to fondle his whiskers nnd call him "pa- ciated, so much ao that the fountains of pa" and his marriage lo another woman, hfo iiad sccnied almost to have ceaaed to is but a few davs in advance of the in- perform their functions. Tho operation telligcnc.o that his organ, the 'New York alluded to is what is known in anrgical Democrat, has ceased to existt Fortune parlance ns Transmission ; andaoconsia. seems to have reserved to him even a ted iu drawing biood from a Iamb and harder fate than sen girt imprisonment, transferring it to tho veins of the patient, by making hint come down' to the very which was successfully performed. The man from whoge jhonldera be leaped into case is n very rare ono in the annate Of notoriety. i ".'rjreiy, aim it is pro ua Die mat mis 18 . - .1 .1 i . 4! .1 . .. . v c cannot respect a matt tor ins poii- 'no nioi nine uie tperntton was ever per ....... - . .... I. ... I r . . a t . . . . t - tres ttlone, nd -w" have votwt "lirieK- I tn -voHit varoitnai , l'uiucroy . aiM'.bilg imtnor! and nupriii- cipled'j-bis atttrai--;lgT ptutiOgrapu oi ins reai cuuracier, over t wttu the movcraettt of tho cnoraona gift Dinco Ins illustration of tho marriage re- cicr of Mouto Rosa, in Switxerland. For lation, which ho gavo to the public more the last sixty yeara it has been In motion, than a year ago. Ilia replies to aorao of aud for fifty yeara it ha been etoadily hh lady correspondents (particularly approaching the town of Zermatt, movine .i .iit!. t..i: .rn' :.. ! t . . . . . . .. tiioee iu -.ii ibo ir uuu, ui iuim; oic in-1 at tjnc raio.oi tiiree feet a weea during the suns to women aa gross ana cowiirmy aa epnug mouths, and carrying; with it lm- any imputed to Butler in New Orleans. I mense boulders, masses of rocks, etc. Ita Ho hue been promulgutinx free-love eon-1 progrsss has been watched by the peopla timents and advocating licensed proati- j of the town for wo geneia'.ioue with great I . . h .t,A. cin.n tin MmmdtiMul Ltd vtdtl. I - ..IT.!, -I ... 1 ,L ? .1 t . . Htttpit oimvu w w.Mtuw.w , rtitietiuue, vut uunng - mo toas- Ten yr cara to the salooit girls, and his pictures of il has changed its direction, and tho pco .'frrlit 4,r Nf.Tv--YnTk-"-fie nil Tif"wrrt f Kt;rir y.-vr -. n:: :rr.vrr ::r- r -..r...... ... - t - IV' ...ui.ii.fc aiu biii.-uiB(;4veo Hma. no morns puunc conoemnaiiou anu a greater (if Ieiblfl.jitjiaisbmjiuUliAn UiC defeat hedtas. met with at the hands ol the I?eat. 'We once admired him ns a fearlessl The Cincidnati Weekly Commercial reading Vallandighara nut of the Demo cratic party reminds the Mempbi Ava lanche oX L,ord Dundreary a conundrum 1 Messiah'sniign, we behold the Church pulsing throin;h successive stages of iiu pioveuient and perfection, each glowing with increasing splendor, uiit.il the burst- tngTrAocrrf'ttiTrTTO mi the paie ana brought up upon tne bieiz'' sua! I tevlve the recolh ction and renlix:.' the burdcu of tlnangtl hyain of' I'cthb hem, "Glory to (jod." The shout- injisof the lat hat-vest shall be J.hc.aatUQ i : .ft k L. iii.imcion oi 4ciuoerucj , o" wo now ro- i ... , t .-i - , OTcdwrr him, -jtad onider -hiawVV4kuy-..-.'-,,,..-j...rrrj --, r;f , i'lallinisms as, more dangerous to onr country nnd its institutions than the rule of Radicalum." CURE FOR A FELONV- Many persons are Iiablo to extreme Allfrcl'ii.r. fi-fitn' tV.ltfta nt tlin finfynl. niiA Mr. JefTerson Davia would more wiselv I r..u..,:., :.-... :.. j.jt , abstain from public speaking altogether if a 8urc cllre for dislressinff ailmenl t he eanuot speak, without ptmlaliiling TiTs oTako common rock aall. aneh aa ia naed belief that the principles f.-tho loet .lhr:jajtinir--dwri '-twik or bief, dry flin more are Tmt tmrr Tils precisely such a iu.. ,..i :, , -; -.bt, bd ief en lertained I' jlio Jfert h of jhe L it in a rag and wrap around the part af fected, aid as it gets dry put on rnorv. afid in t wetity-foiit- hours you are cured j the fl.,ii is dead." It x ill do no harm to try it. . "T .1 i ,, . i FitiitL i:rn-i iMti-ti ... tilt: iit,iH ui ittrt rntin. tctlL' Hint HOW'tl 1 110 Seen, Alleiillall ! I ' t - i i i t iryinen, iotn inoit: largely mutt any oae. tlruig.fciaTidi iu the way of tlint tfiii verwil amhp.it v n liit-i. we in .1 1 the surest The lA:ri God i Jmitiptjleiit reigneih. As salvation is the I hi km, to gkt- shail be ,i. ri ., ,,..r i . . u.' lite r.ti.L;. . t.v. i.Liv-. t...-i.ii. t-tkti i." i . . , , , . - .1 . l t t .M ami ii'iic.v-fc i-.t.i i't ;i t:.Liitir fwarn, fur In r rn. I -motioil Use no I. l'IiuS for It 1 - V li !h tl.-ket-wr- rs nrr xA nt.t-ih ih.-fti-i-T ' nt i flort of human hmcilaeo. Tl.iti l .litl i " 0 - rt.ie 1 l ilmhc S l: iid.".rm isbail be tl.o' fb-ri.-Iiid 'aiid grate York Tribune. or t Itf'tw r rv A .Vlrt-Ol ffnllt.rr 11,-r'i'h r,.-.vi-f J-fl.. S.lttr. ; rn -as h iii.-..kc it rr.td - ss frdlows- h-i -drnr''T;nr.'irrrff -rrrt", -r-rhvtk'thl;'-2t'tnorrtlie wiiwt itrirf tel rettrrit f'.'r all the-ilHin:ta.!de a.iod-witb F4-'1' etitertamtd uy the 1,4,1; chihl of Mr.- tlinzJ leavers, ..who. t with I 4hich tlVc ur.ivc.-iat God buikLLi,ra us N" -h' spuiTi-Whhed by th.- tuoiaii-wi, -tie.: KutfTrarrv-kont iiinsi ' 00 t-piritiiany 1 ano I r IJ.e ev r-ir'rovn.jr rrricittes n , "' " ' mm -on-t., r. ntrrtt-rt- - trn-s -itmir-H.itH;w1-. -m- tnrm,i't all ikMint ,ibe ns tjil''twn. ' W oniii it O-td that w t-tr,TBy--tri4n any 4ttn ihing!? stattd. in! Ii.'-r"1n-ithr ns r-hildr 11 Crrhwntly do, but . nt ptoplc rno- J'fuJIf r.-dt-rsto id its import and" 'w-'.ft i-tbf way f .tjte riurem of i!w Drtnnr.ratlc , (Yu-A brfr' shrrrc6v.iviii'd-.it.',-- IhrybtBa ln. 1 - ? tttifretHl : i n.,4, i-.jind it.mi'ht- 1'iake ns bt tt.-i 1 I . ' -1 . 1 tnr' In the-'titl I ri?i.! hi. J I. ction . tXe rtvm'i- Siikis was, t jJ1 j!ttnrMt ji- " ! ...ninnr-lt,-,, - ,1 ,.! X , 1 J T .f. f ' n. r.--tf h- ' cly A P'.rv.rti- Utstttc'- -: ' r