. v s . . - . , -- . 'SV "' i y ' 1 ' - ' ) , " VOL. VI. SALISBURY, N..0., JULYJ,, 1871. NO. 29. - cli:t:tio:yv -STAGEJLINES. ' j Uyf ARRANGEMENT i . ON AND AFTER JULY 3, 1871. .BALEM TO U10U r0I5T-Aii.T rora bobsk coacuu. Eicvribm ZicletsJlouniTrip, Good Wilmington to Salem, O.XLY 18 05 Wilson " - "13 85 Tarboro - " 16 15 fiiAOB GiTicts At Pfoll it Stockton's Merchant's Hotel, Wiiistou, N. 0. At Burner's Hotel, Salem, N. (.'. Ijc ID Norll) Stale K XV I 8 II A IV 15 S Editor and Proprietor. DEAD OF WESTERN RAILROAD TO ASI1EV1LLE: Ii)y fonr horw Co hv, nwpt 8(!ikUj Eirurfion TickrtH t Asticville for m (he Ehnripal lUil Uuwl uflict. ou the North Caro ii kitilroatl. lltven L'htthsin am KtyrttcvilU-auJ Wv. teru Uailruad, Daily rxccpl uiitiay. CHARLOTTK TO 'YADKSIIOKO. AND 1JKAD or V.. C ,1 J. It. 1: Lfatc Charluttr, llniulav. VeJinnlar nml FriU Leave WaJ-Hl oro', Tnt-Mluv, f burn riaj, and Kaliirdav, uu:kin; iiiiiiiiitiiiii with Kailwada at Chrf.tte and tlnilj' hI.iku to head of Wilmington, Char. t Kutherl'owl It. II. from VdrlM)ro. liy tliiit route pu-nigcr leave WiluilugloU and Charlotte Holiday. WediifM day and Friday at 7 a. m., and arrive at Wil uintTUm aud Charlotte next evening, restkifr at nibt in WadexlHiro, euch wav- Thmugh Ticket from Churlot'u- to Wilniing ton, only ilO. KATKA or laririmoif Oxa It am. payable rn advauM. ....250 Dia UUSTUli " ...... J .Ml 9 Cwplea to on adJreaa, 10.00 AaM of AtHrti?tttq. A I . w . V . . OB miarv, rat 1 naiTTTonT. . '. f 1 ,00 For each additional luaertlon SO Hiwial Dotloea will be charged &0 per cent uigurr tuan in auuve raiva. Court aud JilKtire'a Order will be iidl.li.h d at the turn ratea utUt Mthmt ajvertiae iiient. Obituary Dot ire., over afz lioea, ebargisl aaadvertiaeuieuta. COXTUACT RATES. SPACE. o o K c a H c 3 3 5' O a KINGSTRKH TO G!-:oRiKTOVN, S. C. : Leave Oerci own MtHiday, WeduesJay and Friday. Return next d.ir. Tnroiiffh TickeU ia N. K. Ka;!riml to Char luton, $00. , E. T. CLEMMoNS, June 24, 1S71 2C.tf . Contractor. I Square. HUH : 75 3 (0 H 5(1 I.UK) 2 Squaree. 4 50 li '.'5 H 50 l.'i 00 m I.Souarea. u 00 HI0 1 .' IN) -JO (M) :l.00 4 Squares. f 00 1 1 INI A ft 00 '25 00 07.50 J Column. II 00 10 (Ml OOO.'IOOO 45.00 i Column. I8IXI J4 00 ;dnN)45 00 75.IN I Column. '28 00 40 00 50 lh fO 00 KJO.OO TAKING THE CENSUS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Tliaa Table t7etcrs 17. O. n. XL. TAKF.H EfEEt'T Sill Sf.I'T. 1870. G0IS0 MK8T. tiOi .(1 EAST. Arrirt. Leave. Jrrire. Leare. I 5,11)111 Snlmbury, 6 56 7.10 Slateavillo. 8 US f 8,07 " Catawba Sla. 8.56 : 9.WI " .Vcwton', .4U " j 9 45 " l.i. kjry, 10.35 " ! 10 311 " Icard. 11.10 ' 11.15 " ,VorK:intnn, 11.69 " 13,04 " Bii.JtfcwaU.r, 13,4am '.Marion. , J J OI Kort. I If- Brenkoint and .Sujer ul t-.atebv ITTe Kept. S3. 1K70. J.2U ri a 2:1 7 i'l " B.23 " 5.3C ' 4.40 " 4 00 ' 3 lj a,26 fi.28r 7.25 4t'J 4.05 3.; 2,-:i 1,43- 3-v-tr R. V. BEST & CO., IIALEIGH, A'. C, AUCTION & CSfcrlSSICM Merchants, Boliclt Connipnmpiits of Corn. Floor and Produco G enerally. Particular AltenYion pull 16' Z Sulrs. REFER BY rERMISMlON TO W.H. Willabd, 1'rej't llnleijih Xat'l Bank.. W. E. Akdekson, " ('itiieiiB' " Jwo O. WiLiiiMn. " Ktite " " W. H. A . TicrEK Oot, Kaleigh, N. C March 17 3m Raleigh National Bank, Of N. C. Raeeioh, Mnrch 20th, 1871. fh Rint fonder fe rewliitioh of the Stock - holder anfl. authorily from the Comptroller of the currency.) lins opened hooks at their Hank ing bouse in this elly, tor, mfawrrprntn-io the in reaxe of the Stock to half a million Dollars, bt Ine the authorized cnjiital. 12uf C. DEWEY, Cashier. 'S(nifcjiii!a.ijiinail-( Administrator's Notice. Tharwmlowigtic fatrator nwm the eKtalo of 4 "i" AI. Low rum c before the Probate Court of Rowan county, "ifebyn.uti'ureaaTliWoahaylnir:cnrini!'ngaiii.t naid eRtate to exhibit them to him before the 6rrt day of June, 1872, or th'w notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. ? iua26:6w-pd Aduiiiiimrator, Tlievntliuf Liver J 'Oiiipl.-iint are uncaKinew and iam in tne wile. fiiietluTeS the pnin 1 in :he hotilder, and ia nnn- kn lor rheninatii-iii. the slomach ia aflected whhr-fcai-.-ef -appctita and nickneiw, bowefa in general rostire. Konietiniea,alternating wiili lax. I tZZZZZZZZZ ; iTUe beail i troubled 1 1 TT Iwilh pain, and dull, hea 1 1 liXVEIL' I Ivy sensation, considera- I I I Jlple loa of iiiemory, nc- ANOTHER DANGEU. Soppoge the proposed eonvrniion ircriTCf the votes of a in ij n ily of llie M-ople and uvseiuLli'S. SuppoHo it tort. outallilie prciHMit Stute f!icTi, and thu they make nc rcnintance, but follow the sample of Gov. Worth retire under protest o ua nve llicir It-jjul lilits for niljiidiration be forelbc proper tribunal. Suppuae fojiber. that uiiih-r tin- new order oi'tbinga a man ia arrcfted and iirpt ironed for crime, or a debtor openly attcuipta to leave the Slate with bis property and id arrested and ira priaOncd. In either cane then, uppoe application for a writ of habeas corpus :'f made to a FYinrul Judc, reciting that the party is lo'r.iiiieil of Ilia libcrlv in violation of ll.e li li Amendment to the Consliiuli-jn ci'iiir (Jiiiied StNlia, jut a. H didn't brlonf to J oa P Ivor Utaaa dou 'I talk about chivkroa and tuikey, dry aropa oon ana qui iny here, Bljger f.t.l I A lAHrk I, Ir k mlk t d Lravbif that plac. and pqttlnjr por In my icd( J -ooq futttl nijrn If at an old ladit-a houna ool fr i! ,tant, told Iwr I waa lakinff lb Crams yea, aal.l ,b, l. I r I l . m' j a bat U II all lorj will 4 1 any brnrfii U til ppU . 0umV I ' .clirua, fola Jo 1(1 tb pp.V4i re . 1 imtl want nvihtng to do wiib it." Kludin a lmublriM 4 1 -dr..rHl to pr. I ill late Iter, atill the bord mocb atub nrtllirta. I beran the rumernna aura. tloiii laid do wo, but for a long time made low prvgrvM. When I catne to aux-i and produotiatii of the farm, hr on',! uot aujdue In r fivliur. and eeaard iti'k- inf for a while, at lenpth be b can, . I eiiirctrd, mrddlinc wiib whatdonl con ci'tn ' m, alio people about lh ir cowa bora and borrea , and how tnuchliuik they make, who ever horrrd (he like. I ve ,een urn round ab.rraiin ticb quia IkJiia. I LraiLaU'd a lew tuiuutt-a aud aiK ojptrd to proceed, I then uid to lie in aa couiteoua maiiiirr a I rould, "niad am, plcate tell bow much butter you have r.nide In ttir 1 . 1 n I twelve nionlh f She became lurioiia. " Whit waul to k.iow bow 111 iicli Lmter I auke do ye, that' none ol your Liii-im n, want to know how much milk and butler I get hrv,wit will ye ax me next. I rrkon you'll want to know much iniroua. atcr 1111J cubera last summer. U lio doubu that the Feil eral Judo would rtleaae him on the ground that llie itate Judge hail fieri ved uo power from tlio convention to which he owed hij ollico that eaid convention being '" art anuuthorisvd Unity, " its acta wero void aud thoBC aiteaopiiog to exer cise the functions of office uniier it usurp er? Here then a direct coiiflicl'ariaei. Dors any one propose to rcrint the Federal a'utTiorllies Vy force t""WtS tried that from 1SG1 to 1SG5 to so little advantage that it id believed that no one will advise that it be tried again. What then J All the new officers will vacate, aud the old offi cers aud the present constitution will be restored as a matter of course. All the money expended on the convention will bo lost nruf tmich bad -iWtdiug be tngenr dered. Then let the law and order lov ing people of the country prevent an in crease of their jaxes and preserve the peace and harmony of' the State by vo wing against the prescnj unconstitutional convention echeme, for it can only' get tbem into trouble. LET THE PEOPLE BER: KEMEM- Having rrcrivrd the Act of Congreaa for taking lb i'niatta, Inalractiona, I'ortr Folio and'Iilaiik, I art oot lo enumerate ibe inhabUlanta and to prrform all lb dutira reqairrdol aa AaaUiaut Alaiahal. I will not aitr-.pt to give a detailed aa ro tint of all that happened in my peram bulations yet a brokaa and aaounuloaaa cwantry, bat Wll rontrnt niyietf by giv ing iuch inridenta that occuj red during 1 he peiformanca of nay labor ibat way be of tutrrrat to luauy woo rtrruaua urvrr thouglii of the many trinla and difficulties of a Cuusua Taker; I traveled, aoiuetimca on horse bark and then on fool, moat people wrre kind, well diioard aud in clined to give the drairrd iniforroation, but once in a while I met with some who were vrrv aoaoicioua of a trick brine played off on tbem, aud bad traure idea of the buaiuess and eometiuiea would re fuse lo answer the many questions, I was compelled to consume mttrh time in ex plaining the law aud instructions, getting on smoothly for a day or two, the third dar after worryiuir tnywclf leltinc down fences and climbing many hill, 1 railed at the rabiu of an old man aud (old him my bnaiuews, be said, " Well Squire ron.e in and lake a seat." So down I sal, ibe old man, bis belter half, tha 4 jtirls and boy a ranged themselves around the room, ready to bear what uughl be aid. I commenced by asking the names, ages and orrnpations of the fanii'", and before I could wrile down tho anaw pit, the old woman bring M ated by her old man, lib sM'Ctarlea tied ou a lib acottnu tnng In r ton tiiiircra pured tiv the side o her no.e rocking' ber-elt back and forwards, patting her foot, and occaniouully eh iking iter head and bunging a long aih, 1 wua iiiterupled by her saying, " Whut in all this lor, I In re is tut good ill it, I reckon I know what its lor, they are fixiii tor another war, mid ure g wine to lx ilie people liigher 1I11111 ever bi loie. Old man don't you tell any more the Shentfwill be round again mioii after more taxex, so you jiiet Inld your uioqih." H'-re wan a liileuima. I In gau to explain, but t" no purpose, was Mopped ly her continuing. 1 011 need nt tell me thai a 110 harm in it, hat ila law. 1 on't believe a word of il. filk n ill to be depended on. I know n hen the 'rolliii-- m ill come loe.ud iifier et:r j "l bia-rn-ad and face, raid 'Jj1 jo. Ixait be back home, he look bun ott unu 4rr-r , J haint come buck yil " I said iiianam, what. Ji.. become of your son! Slie an swered, saying, " Why I raly don't know but some folks say lie l fi tVc Federate Ar my and joined the Yankees and l hey pul him in It- Penitentiary for stealing:! pig." About thai lime I w hh relieved of llie old dame's pres. nee by an alarm being given by one of tin- little urchins, that a haw k btd tiik- ii one of the chickens and the bees were swarming. Alter many argu-HM-nls-wiih, tbji old man, hc.cqiitjiiurd to the interrnL'alorles. ever and anon ON THE I make, and how many chickens I've got. Xeed'nl come axing about chickens, I y body abot.t brie, but d killed 1 1 imu more ttian nuv ine cuoiera comi1 a:o!ig 1:1 i Killed every one of 'cm, so don't lull; about chickens. 1 do not know 1 antodofoi a loos ter to crow lot d.n." J Had enaLhd to couijilt te her list by he oldes: fon com ing in and promptly unsMcrcd my injuries. ery eaily one ruluy tnnning ui Au gust while taking a man'- list, 1 was seat ed under a huge tree in ,iie yard, his lit tle sou, a perl boy of six je.-trs o!r! held mv iok stand, and paid j..id attention to what was .-aid. The nila leuiaiked that the law iis exact in its n uuiiemeiits. I lold li.in it was so, I. nt did not wifi to 7mf petiple-trr tfnrrrrt-ry trrtiWitffrf r!W not l.-h In be so ovcilv nice as to rn ac cording to a dials I o. , ' the l ltfe t. I- low who had been fij.l.l i i.g t he lii, s anil gnats, at ibe Same litue sljppii g the side HOW TO KEEP IJ0Y8 FA KM. I doa't m, tor my part, what this roontrjr coming to I" iclaiuira my neighbor, as be dropped ia o Monday svrniog 1 Ma many ot the brat bays are quilling ibe farms. Wby, when I was a boy," be prooredeJ. warming is with lU rtrollectioo, "It wa eouslderrd a rt-Iiari- ous duty for one ofiha'aoi.a in every r.imity to iticrrrtl to the fcomratrad oi hi fatkrr and ibe aiJiaWt al Lialsauavra pursard lb Sana boarable Calling. Now a id then, a proajl.ing one adopted a profes ion; but as a rule, not to be a farmer was thought tiboul equivalent to being a va grant. Now bow ia ill Wby, blraa nir! tbrc quarters of our Jmys aie deserting ibe f belter of the in in roofs, leaving iheir lather s acres to more patient plodders ELOQUENCE OF THE 11LAUT. era. he grafts iilppins'and grreniogs on he native slock, sHa out new orchards and takes rare of old onrs j lie obtalus Crtmwrll was one day -engaged la a '.he handirat loots and liousoa th 111 1 be warm argument with a lady on tba sub builds alalia for rattle, and raises roots ject of oratory, In which she maintaining and steams fodder to feed tbem. He that eloquence could ouly be acquired by adapta tho soil to the nrrds of vegeUbls thoao who made it a arndr from early life 1 if wet, be draina j if light or sterile, from early youth, and tbelr pretlee after-' be luma under clover aud mlxrf- more wara. The Lord Prolertor, on tho con onacioaa soil and be almost alwaya trary, malnUlnrd that i n was aa rlo plow deeply and man urea liberally, nnonee lhat srrang from tie heart 1 s Ilirarina mi so:m rot nir liof'to 1 tieo UhU waa d.-niv ,U.a. . . v... ! B6t" off I10WI0 I wfieo tW waa U.miIt-J fertilisers j not only what will thrive best I to supply the fluency and richness of sl op a given soil, but the reason for it: not nrrssion. which would, in tbe comparison. only bow to drain and irrigate, but why J render vapid tbe studied speeches of tbe because If thry know the Why, they ! most celebrated oratnnj It happened cannot forget--the llew. Thus- ho turns soma days afterwards, that this lady Waa ibeir ryes from iheir 8tate ctpltal to their thrown Into a slate borderiug on distrne own township, (chofl dlirrlrt. home, and tiiin.br the arrest and imprisoroent of tiotn Ireland aud Germany, and eagerly cul"v"c lll"t ,ocl, P0-rio"',n which is her husband, who was conducted lo too rrrking rrfugn iu tho rirauco crtv What lne fu'dtion of the ration 'a stn-ngth. Tower as a traitor to the government t rT- fsiled " ' can bvs got into them t Such a slate of things is to be deplored. The prosprtity of a nation alwaya de pends on the thrift and happiness of its rural people. Tbe sources of this disss! isfactiou ought lo be removed. As they a-e nunieioiis, ao are the reme ly com plrx 1. J he Jlo-ifstead mutt Ue made more Uittruetni A thrifty farmer's boys gene rally see that their tathtr a bouse is built more carelessly and kept more slatternly than Ibat of the citr merchant. Their Gist nnconscioui inference is that fine and pecuniarily. Y Hearth and Home. will be ready for distribution in a short time. 1 he committtre and ofllcns of the houses arc iho exclnaive product of the efforts to perfect the necessarv .rran.ro. ciiy; their next deduction "thal'a the menu for a solendid exhibit eommnd..-. Such farming toys morally, meutilly The agonized wife flew to tbe Lord pro- A. Ckout, im lector, rusbed through bis guards, tnrew l erseir at bis feet, and, with the most pa il,, i!n j.l..'tt..i.A t i.mi.i fnr ttiA lifit and . siAl&tAlU. iuiuicwice ol Lcr uijtued boabaud. Hie The eiecutivo committer of tbe Slate lIg,e uali.talned a levere brow, tHI Agricultural Society have fixed upon ,,, pli(,n overpowered by the excesa I uesday, the 17lh of October ensuing for of b'eT fiu, 5 ,l,e e,,ergy with which the opeuing of tho next fair, to continue .1.. a A . for four days, as usual. The premium list 1.:. ., L, - .i..'..i t.,, . .mil. I, . 1 me 011:111 iiHiuiiiaiiiv i aoBwve w w ias undergoue a thorouirli reviaal aud j i:.. j... l.. o 1 m ii 11 . rxu'i uinir in urr amaa uiuci iui aaaaa their plate to live bat ia the picture which thry too of- ten leave behind when thry take their flight J A house flnpuintcd and without bli: ieV: barn rickety and hastening lo al n lcc.i; 1 heumatlc fences, off. rinL' kitidlv blo seal in their efloits to perfect the ne cessary arrangrmenta for a splendid ex hibition ; aud we trust that their efforts may uiiet with a hearty sccoud and co operation of the people in every secliou (if llm Stuff 'Pile 471'1-Ht nt, !!. nimiijl nt passage to hungry boisrsand rilihy.bony certaIy commend 'tL-mselves to all ho cov.s; II. the foreground, obtrusive piles d,,jr,. lo M1. nllr 0,,i n,l ol iK trb clcd tools, w aeon-wheels, old I .1... . ;.: i :i 1 : : .1 ... .1.. ' , , , . ', , imiuiiiuii iu which sue . oioeniiy en- 11011, und iifu.ite rubUb;in the 1 bak titKti. and which will aaau. idly result groun.i, a ureary waste 01 skliiiiea at.U ,rolu o... ...l.i;:..- ,, i," , s ,. immediate liberation of ber husband, be said. "I think all who witnessed thie scene will vote on my aide of the ques tion, in a dispute between us tbe other day, th nt the clcqncnce of the heart ia far above that mechanically acquired by study." PASTURING HIS NEIGHBOR'S SHEEP. Iho story of the "Infidel's Sheep" re minds some one of another story about sheep, which is aluioBt as good. He bad it from the lips of the late William Ladd. M11101, .Maine, the famous old peace man plundered fields! ithonl any exjiense, meraui0 arlict.g Wuic, wou( do leered- uf P g"teration except a Iil'.Ie time mid tnslr, our faituers lioiue ran be embell.shed nd rendered li liglitfnl; and only ro can the best voiiihs of this generation bo induced to .'ri.'i'v 'I'.'i't.homteads of iheir fathers, .w-gr.t oi ei.U-rpiicC. -AY 1 tanners must choose a higher so- a,,d all will fet 1 called ci'ii iraiHii'g. a 11 w ol llie test educat ed and cultured men of America are far- work I Slopped ho apie ared linn answer I That the late Chief Justice Kuf Fixr oan ... of the profoutulest jurists that thrs ration has' ever produced, ami whose opinions commanded the highest respect, even in Westminster nail itself, declared, in a letter pub lished in the AVilinington Journal in Jul v 18G6. that a Convention of V . y . . ' ... . the people called under the Constitu tion of this State, in, any other mode than by " thc'ncTsrH AcTOWy-rtwo4. - thirds of all the mem hers of each House concurring," would be "an un- tiuUtorizcd body, and, therefore no more Bensaiion ol haying left undone nomethintf Inch Jian a ruhintttri) ColLvlion of SO many ought lo have been done. Often complaining of j wlwisv4lkiliw ads tcoutd 1 , ..r ilia liiv.. ut-niiiiimiH iittt'iitl ibe disease. I . ....-i1 li...i. u ' r 7o amt at -other tiuM vcrv. kw uf bt re : liver is generally the organ most hivolvcd. Cure the Liver with V DU. SIMMONS' LIVI-irRIJCJUf.VTOIS, a preparation roots and h?rls, warninted to be atrictly vegetable, and can do no injury lo arrv one. It has been used by hundreds, and known for the last 40 years as one of the nnwt reliable, ITclJ'eould te7Thfrtrmarrefef4U people" t!iat the Constitution hav ing prescribed two distinct modes of amendment "all other modes are ex cluded by irrexisfalle infetence." Ihe AciritM-iiier. J be editor ol t tie 1 1 .1 . ..r 1.:, a...u,t -nwi ookiiiu lor 1 no reiiiio oi niu pjm'-. , u.,.. frequently hesilating about answeriin' and now and then would enquire, " You say thars no barm coming of this here matter, 1 bar aiut gwine to be no more war, taxes wont be any higher T" Having satisfied him. I finished my list and departed, not knowing what 1 might expect of - there. -One day I weut oo a sale of an Admin istrator, soon as I arrived, the par. leg in tejested took rae out and asked many que ions about the law in regard to sell ing property. I tried to excuse myself, told them the object of my mission, pro cured a seat - and table, near where llie property was being sold1; tho widow was much excited and objected to the rale. I was fiequctitly appealed to by her to know if slie'cotild not stay proceedings. diing with tlieirbtiniiKSg. As thesale pro gressed sho walked tibi.ot much tioiiiled in mind, some mischievous wight having having told tier a story, lhat I-was--net-friendly disposed towards her. She sat awhile " nursing her wrath to keep it warm," then commenced ou me Sayinf, " Yes, and what are you going round the country takin peopl'a senses for, you bet ter be at home at work in-1 lie corn field as I have to do, you aiut after on good, trying to late folhs ennrs, w hill Jjobody haint had much setiee since the war. I know I haint bud any sense hardly at nil nice" lne a eTewr hunters "shot- our old dog1 for barking at 'cm, and the Yankees come along and took our yalli-r crctur." Wending my way along a p.iili tbiongli what seemed to mean interminable forest, 1 stumbled upon a small Inuisw in a fn ld occupied by one of-the Afiicau race, the family beio-vrry tgworaut 'and appt'ored loth to relftler a list. After a short collo q uypjlieTT.niies and -places of traftviry-br--ing nriived at as near as circumstances allowed; I found the most ditlicuU task wa ascertaining their ages, after many in. ffi-ctual Httempt to obtain this in.'or mation, 1 eaid " I'ricle can you tell me anything by which lean come at the a"cs of vourself and family." " I reckon c - - About ihe Citti-e of in at the lioiiM- uf a 111 111, v hoi n and wiiilnr ln.iti 11, and si etin (I distressed about bis innlial nlt'airs, lu- said to me ' Squiic, going around nuiu beiing the people.' 1 i 1 ! bun 1 v.-as tak ing the l-ensiis, 1 iiil.inn.il him that I de sired lo know tk:- nanus, ngi-s, occiipa lion ii:nl paces of nativity id the mem bers of iiis family, the quantity und val ue of his laud, the number and altic c f his ' stork, llhd lli- tminrrnr nf ihr- prodmrtious of his farm, lie 'gave the h-llow ing doleful aud quaint account of a!!. 1 mil an old man nearly done for th .i world, 1 dont know my iie, 'my old Voniati hus-gnne to rest, 1 hope, mot t ol my boys went to the Army and never returned, the gula are mariicd till ibul one anil gone from me, I uyver kept atiy of llieir ages, my land is ucaily Worn out and washed away.- 1 've got but tine tfrrt-fiilteo InHiiii cult jind that has the distemper, one blind kicking mule all my catile have died with uiunitii:), the dogs have killed all my sheep, all my hogs havo beet) stolen but tho old sow, and the como up with her ears torn off by the dogs ; the craps werm good last year; my orchard did'ftt bit-; the drouth destroyed most of my grain; the worms ent "tfie tobaccojlhe wheat had .tfee..ft.ft".djbc.tocU cat aM llie fye and oil S aifd i wfiaf irale Vvai saved has been e-it up long ago ; I've got nothing worth -while to -put any tiling down " Finding he likeiiiany otliers supposed lie would be taxed on his projiciTy. "TTiad iig im to explain the meaning and intent of the law. Having finished pies to the authorities 1 have been anx iously, expecting t.. receive pay Ironi tlic Government, received but little, the re niajuder has not comgjo hand. A man in this region who reeeived'a TiarrI blow" on his head with a l.oo and it was sup posed his' mind was rnmewhut ad:!led, beinga'wFiieiT lntIiocmrt, was akf A liiv.-'vei the nU!'i;tioii, "ilo you tliink It and arc known to exist, und w hich it has been a source of irurrt have hi reto- forc not hern found on thu fair grouir, solely oil account of liidiffereiire ami it a truiiL.iuuLeacli unon to interest themselvea to secure au eihibiiion of all ini-i itorioiii4 nti;eb. in tlw.i .,..i.l. I... -I. . .. . I .....j ,u 11 I 11 IJ 1 Ilin UB loi-is, iii.u no ii rinoious soiie are tracinj' ... .i.,, f - ihe Mini - net uiiatifin. liut such are a Yrfr-iWhri-WiJia ilmrWiBh n n't my work and sent cn- iiy a you ye?j tliat are J'1 fered to the ' sure'ring. Tf taU irregularly err-f j- prderable experience in ttrr newspaper missus was when she die ( J. answered persistently, ltissiireto cure ll;.-sp ps-.a, heaoaei i Bi:iMinHee,eostiveoes.sts I liieadacl.e, chronic di.-i iji the You know how old- umssiis whun she got married ? iie!,t mind ?" " Why i reckon so. I'll tell yuu, ever f nice Ilin all lily blow, llnil I'lilil g:l'i" '":' my senses have h- cu low a coiiiin, but wJejibjjdJcou I ! lic-vo tin y ill be ns good as iln y aT iiy'J wi re.''" Fsi if llie pay of ihjr4Vftn-Tiikr is sbw, coia-.. ing, 1 suppose, it wiii be good iiid accept able, when it doet come. r The Ciil fi inia big tree, known as the Forest King, :iow on exlubiliou . jji Aew York, is p.oiiounred one of curiosities ever seen in lhat ll., In u r.- Ivvft, tlit ar, unuerlmt:! Fanners. oii'.'lit. as (X class, to cultivate better manners m parlor, kitchen an field: at lilt side aud table. Libanity and rusticity, orginaliy meant merely city life and country lite; it is not by acci dent tint these words have come to signi fy p.. lilt-lies and boorishnees. Only li.iiiiigli human contact can we acquire polish, and by lack of this attrition, we, as a class, have come to undervalue the affable maimers which mark the gentle inaii Integrity and benevolence ate not giirni.te4f, pulitueee ;. there, must be added to these inttrcouise with w ell-bred pi ople. To recover what we have lo.'t, or gain what we have missed, let us seek to con struct a society about uo, to- encourage neighboiliood gatheri.igs, farmers' clubs, agricultural societies, und evening pai ties of every innocent kind, that may bring r.s iu contact with ethers. To this end let . us try co operative faruitng thousands fiy to thejcily because they wish to "see folks." To this end, sIbo, w e can, if we w ill, learn from our wives, lor they ore often belter read and usually better mannered than we. 3. I'rogrtsshe fanning- tmist Ue sulsti- ulcujor roHiittue Jtii tiitng.'Avoiibkii.ue i uHiurvd glr as liessic i icjdd. fcue got plodding system : brink up traditional 1 g0 angry with the teacher to-day, because rontinrf arid The coys win - suck io larm- i bie had to study her lesatm over, that l!!gt.cieti jjirta the adoption of fancy tneorreV;' it means UpBet her ink, nud muttered lhat she h-Bniiug from-the law s of Nature, and the .'didn't , euro' to tho gir beside her j . and experience of other practical farmers, how ohJehe , math the teacher ever so much to exehango b'ad habits of husbandry for trouble." Here little Katy Lad to stop and biTf er ojiei. " 1 tako brratrr, eo rantdry had she- run on Mind governs matter; ana no art or telling tier schoolmate a faults. si 1 1 f .. f I t. ii i m a. a pretension (icmaiiu lor ns perieci imvei- well, my dear, is elio the only little opment so much general ana special m- ghvi m yOUr school who has any faults V "1 suppose you mean mo mother; but when Miss: tidwards told mo to -study v. sin n as medels, pitchers, Ice. A premium of this kind, is of a peitniiueiil character, udd ii mains us a memento of the occasion and ihe article fr which it is awarded, and can, be, and vould be bet j us uu lair hiom, be baudid down ta those cqm ing h!ii r, v, Iiik- u mire money pn iniutii woiiid be fiugotton with its expenditure In addition lo this, ailizans, lueihauice, ecc, &e., il! have a peipetual recommen dation lor I he ai tit le obiiiiiiing the pri-ini tun. It is thus m.uk' an advertising me dium ol fici;t value. - -We InrH-itls.f'- tliit -it w designed -to liuvean extensive ; !n d or'paviltiou erected on the fail' grounds, tor the purposes of holding tho meetings of tho society, tit which the various cssrrys and speeches oii subjects couiucted with ' ltd objects, will be read daily during the progress of the fair. This will indeed be a gVat improve ment, and must add much to the interest of thej' occasion, while it will, protect visi tors from rain in ae of an unexpected such as prevailed during one day last fall. Jitileigli sentinel, lie suid he once bad a neighbor by the name of P , w ho waa slack and care less about his fences, and whose sheep aa a natural consequence, became "breacliy" d very troublesome. They often found tLV:ir Way liifo" Ids 'mowing' fieldsand" grcafJy Jrrtated himself and liia "hired bauds ;" so that they finally threatened to shoot them if they were not kept with- r .1 ! I J 1. . . ... W iniiir nr.iiiio, OTIIEll l'EOl'LK S FAULTS. " Mother, you never saw such an in formation, r.nd so w ide a range ot science, as does tbe tilling cf the. soil. Yet agr null ure, as coinuionly prac.iced, is to-day ((vpr the same lesson, and recite it afier la hind every other art. Farmer have school, I took it jiiht as quietly as could r'lr t tr: - i:- ..tiniUU.. ell. i . .f . 1 l - l J studied less lo master their calling thar have the members of any other trade, How ninny thousands there are in every State, who never tcr an agricultural jour nal or book ! Such farniers h:c1t new ideas more than they lack new implements. Their minds need subsoilinj, more than their grounds ! To make fin ming Tt tractive to our bosy, llie. I'ludgery of routine fuming must beT!artrred Uessic. , sat down- wifb my book, ana stu died as linrd as I could, aud never pouted nor said it word., if 1 had, elio would have- beeti - Vete- keep- UH-a4ialf -hour longerat least." Mother sniiled ; but the little gill set tled herself in her low rocking chair with a .veiy self satisfied air. She thought how much be.tter she was than the liwle, ill- the greatest lily The , . ---ttt" "i ... r.1" , . i it 1 1 i-777i-T, -.V"".! w biliinon iiriiiiiv.I the coiiTinnnn?- prrrirTw-f -" iipatinn. ion n fintr of four men 1 ."iO davs riveYi tin! 'TiirrT'nfrtWtlirrtSM'4y-J,rwiiwt lie tKUuht. This llie day of transitfon l.etween inirFcfeTTTTTl mind, bet ivt en brawn .and brain. Thought is being introdiiced ns a )iew lever to lelieve the elbow. Inventive genius has strewn oyer a cin ee c oiinty of Ohio more agricultural ma chinery than could be found in the w hole West a few vears ago; and it ia changing TtrrrT -trnttrt rmntrtrrnl1 -f jrrrhirigTir tm-oc--f hteiHilIigent. man can now lVrbann, "my dar. from showing ili temper being keut-4rt -4oiMi4!( no ineiit uboul that, certainly. you .were- ke pt lioiu the fi'ar of iSaoiltI tie t Wc want to do right for right's sake because it , i . I l . . I - . j pleases umi, nun iicft ui raum; ii is con venient' lor ns merely .Regulator. arr- - - - - - ... .41 a.alliiliensoiiiivi'iaii- ll hr, cauip ilyseitu iy, af- feetioiia ol llm kidoevs, iiervf.osiHs, chills, di- bow it lo be ovcr 1 , lien how old s ! height was aTSfet't. I;Hiiinular rins 0') years old. its ' Liut I really don't think I'm so cross ns Hessie,' persisted the little girl, shalr ing her head. l'eibaps not;' but haven't vou other trn nlo.ill nud w ho i-s lUeri fore oil illtied 1 . ' . T liejn me nr, . I. I ,. K ,1... ,,1.: il.n. , , v i-llinr , IU P ll,IK Ml"""il.'! , ,n; rm-r t "ri J Si : , . f r . ; f I I I I .11.1 I I , t u. refers lo llie leee.ni j-oniieetloli Ol Al. .A.I 1 lold nun i - " .-- pW.iih -il,. iJrgi: prcet- , yoil 1 n,fnr.ned him H I just j . . . - . . 1, 1 L - I . . .11,1 .ll.ll.l lllin 11 14J 1 ll - J 'Mr. . w in inn it reiiui-s more Drains, your nge n nm i . . . - . ... . I ,. 1y .." i. ii t .i ir. ..ci... : a. tier, while some men were .engaged ewe oi me sk.ii, niiporny o i.,e u..k,, , , , fiHlM, u j j practice usl as old as Miss llelsy and He old e.,w- .l.l. r , onnu.i..n i.f siurils. Ill ai l huh. eo he ' J " . t 1 '. .. n . . t l- . . :7." i" " ..V; ;,' i ,,.. i .a f.,v, r law. or be a TO-inber of egress. Iiowcv- ) dat .Mr. SaiWi llsea in own oon put 10 I .17 i.rc jjn-n.-;r-t.: r .v- ct tirnnrTi . "'7-. ,-'.V";;.-.r.x- t - : Try,:. z-- -.-rr-rri"-. . .i: -rrr.w.t -.7.n-rt.n-r.-M- km i ATvpnreU only iijr ll. .r-i-7 i' , IxaiX. Ll!vJI i" saeni wuai. 10 a.Tp jw as iii.-i"'"1 fiati-:'-" " - f'nipgists, Mac-wli.Oa. - j 'tacfe, how to piesetitand ptess tlw trulb f added a fo qielioii !o those oil the list, Price, $1; by niail?li". Uo aa to hive ail its riWtt. Mr. S. Willi I then asked him. "bow many chickens KI' li -.1 V.!i :., L.....;.,rr ll,,', t' l.,l i,,ri;r. have ron taken nff llie ronl For sale bv- do more llinn a stupid hundred, and derive faults lhat w ill pair off very well w,iih her OOlll" " U"U I'M! I'l ,. . . . 1 " . ... - TV - T f I 1 ' Fe- lii.. a little niii-hieYmiJLtJ'J rt9".d, siniM.'sT ereHjaJji'lrptuigt t-mr-LmId aiaU-lulai4.ccinmodioM dwel-1 JAJLtU-'n "'" TOUUViiMis, 14 r- - - - , .. -....i. ..-.i ...i .,' ,i,J,.i,.ui ! 'I he Supremo ton slice, while some men were .engaged -iu clearing oiit a spring in that -region from w Inch tile le-oplc obtain water irrigation.' fiom it mote tilinsure and lrnfit. ' t arm umcl.iiiei v is not only labor ravnig, it is . ... ro:is quent IiuinMi toi our i.etipl Pnpressivc ngricnjtuic carries n luff to i lie lutnre. t!v civilizing; because ii il, it tends lo elevate and save refine bless- The progressive far- w hat had Ueen u i' e.n niu neiier in oW's. Willi luel anu water cinnrinoii. an adv inced slate of petrifaction. 1 he and evrrv accessory thatVvn ligntenthe iinrrrral-wiw-t?-r.Oidele that cveu the ear j good luniks arc plainly viiible; ' , iftctii d w iie'a toil; bo adorns his ground time to time 'with shrubs m H fl jw tctuperl Turn your eye inward, my dear whe:i you are tempted to sec so much lhat is wrong iu others, and see if you cannot find much that is quite as bad there; Ketneinbrr it is a Tery-rT'F"it of goodness lhat contents itself with find ing fault w ith others' sii(s. out of his neighbor's field. While matters were iu this disagreeable condition, Mr. Ladd said that it occurred to him lhat he was not carrying out his peace principles very faithfully in bin dealing, with neighbor 1' ! Bo he resolved on a different line of action ; and, going to the fence of a field in which he saw P at work, he called to him. "What do you want, Squire I" was the blufl answer. - "I want to talk to you about those sheep," replied Ladd. ' I don't wan t to hear an j thing more about ihe sheep," was P- 's rejoinder. "You may shoot them and be hanged, if you want to; I ain't a going to do any thing with them. ' "No " said Ladd, "I am not going to shoot thtiu. nor hurt them; but. I want , you to let me lake your heep into my ' pasture and keep them for you." "Oh, yes," replied P , "lhat would be a nice plan to get rid of my sheep," "Neighbor," said, lib "if one of your sheep is lost in my pun lure I will pay its full vaU ue." Py this time P had become suffici ently interested in the matter under die-cu-eioii to cease fiom his hoeing and turn towards Mr. Ladd. "Are you in earnest 1" said be. "To be euro I arii," replied Ladd. "Yoa wit wpuil your sheep, rattier iiiuii to have them ia' mv fields: and I would ruarantce tho V iT - - - -- safety of every sheep you will drive into my pasture, tor 1 uou t intend to liavo uny more quarrelling about them witb my neighbor." I looked sharply at tho old peaco man for a moment, and t'icn said : ''You may go along, Squire, J 'II take care of bo sheep." Aud ho was as good as Ins word Ladd never .had any occasion to complain of P -lifter that day thai ha waa juot , gioiT a neighbor us (ie w ished to have. - Coiiyrcgutiunaltst. The Supremo t'our. of MafSlchlidctts has diridid that w onren are not iligillc to the ofiloc of j'istioe of the jieaco Ftl'e. in that - A grand daughter of Daniel Boone, tho . Kentucky Indian hunter and pioneer, is now ihe widow of ex Governor Hoggs, , . . v - . , i-i l.'i :. - t- niid resides in .Napa coumy,i .miiiorniH, on the old homestead, where the family settled (nearly twenty fivo years ago. A ''ynog-tididto iorthe -legal ,,pi'0r,.,.siu. fe.-iiloii w,i.iaaskid what he should hrst rto when eitiploy'ebV-to brtrrg an ftetwn- Ak for the money on account.' lie passed. An English writer speaks of those a-1 mazing American young ladles wnoso abundant luzgagc and boundless variety of dres eclipse humbler HitilWi travellers nn the COiitTirfiit nToTTrsnthirHUlinrnn'dc- mable beauty and inlelligencov A niovemenl is being made in Madison- county, JIass to sunriort and blafk. as against the ralscally adven turers' and scallawags. A paper contain Tng this declaration, is bring nnmermly signed. 1 A-Annertu nt faimeis Sprinkles big cnrraM bw4oiii whitkeyi ) he worms pet drunk, drop olf, and either break their necks r cripple lhemelvr so thit life is i It" . - - - none tut home folkp, white , )y . ;j.i "rr. . 5-jL" IX "22. J I "6 i .-- - - - - --

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