t r SALISBURY, N. C AUGUST; 25. 1871. NO. 34. VOL. VI. PREMIUM LIST or THE FIRST ANNUAL PAIR OF THE WESTEBV AORTA MR0LI.ll "jriculfufat and ufcrpninl gUmiiicn, TO HE HELD Cctober loth, 1871, rr 7 - nTTHETCITY OP SAOSBtJRY, " TO CONTINUE FOUIi DAYS. HON. HENRY A. WISE, or Viihjima, GEN'L. WADE HAMPTON, ok South Carouxa, and GEN'L. ROBT B. VANCE, and HON. R. P. DICK, op Nobtii CARO LINA, INVITED AND EXPECTED TO DeI.IVEB AdDUEKSBS. Offittrj. Board of Directors : Dr. T. W. KEEN, President. Da. C. A. HEXDEKSOX, Secretary and Treasurer. Da. J. W. HALL. JOHN I. SHAVER, JOSEPH O. WHITE. JOHN BEAKI). MOSES L. BEAN. JOHN C. MILLER. M. V. COXXEIL SAMUEL HAKRISOX. G. ,A. mXGHAM. P. P. MEHOXEY. GENERAL STATEMENT. SITUATION. The grounds of the Association are situated on tlic southern border of the City, within a few innute wait froia'any-por-tion of it. They arc in the form of an amphitheatre, with a Race-Tract beautifully graded, which is overlooked by specta tors from any point within the enclosure. - RULES AND REGULATIONS. , 1. The Exhibition will be opened to the public on the 10th day of October, 1871. 2. The gates will be opened each day at 9 o'clock, A. M., and at that time every officer is required to be at his post. The exhibition will commence each day at 10 o'clock, and con tinue until the programme of the day is through. 3. No entrance fee will be charged on the following articles : First, on goods manufactured by ladies and exhibited by the manufacturer. Second, on culinary, pantry and dairy articles, exhibited by the lady making them. Third, the entry fee on all other articles will be as follows : 20 per cent, on the value of the premium contested for. 4. All premiums will be paid at the time of awarding ; but "if any premium shall not be called for in thirty days, it shall be regarded as forfeited to the Association. 5. FEES. Life membership, - -Gate fees: annual membership, Single entrance tickets, -Children under 12 years, Single, ejrt Single Single ... "Wagon,- - " Saddle Horse, $15-00 2 00 50 50 .i 00...,.. 50 25 10. No disorderly conduct will bo allowed on the grounds. A ufficicut police force will be in attendance, to prevent the a rue and to see that all rule are observed. 17. Thai Association will take all proper and necessary care to prevent accident, but will not bo responsible for loaacs or damages, nor unnecessary expense not specified. 1 18. Betting or gambling- in any ahapo whatever, or any Im morality, will not bo tolerated on the grounds oftbU AasocJ-w. 6. Tickets will be sold in the City and at the gate. No money will be received byvgate keepers. Grooms and waiters pay as other persons. Positively no person shall be allowed to enter the grounds, without a ticket. 7. Judges arp requested to report themselves to the Secreta ry, at his office on the grounds, at 9 o'clock, A. M., of the day on which they are to act. 8. No stock will periyitted to.ipte the fenclofiaijexcept under bridle, halter, or perfect control of the groom. Loose stock will be taken charge of by the police and impounded ; and upon the surrender of which, a charge will be made of $5 for each head, unless accidentally loose for a short time. " 9.' No premium shall" bo awarded to any animal or article f without competition, unless the judges shall account it wbrthy. 10. No intoxicated person shall be allowed to exhibit an animal, contend for premium, or remain on the premises. . 11. Every animal or article introduced on the grounds for exhibition, shall be under control of the officers. x (. 12. No one shall act as judge if related to the person com peting for a premium. 13. Owners of animals under age, .must place i.njhc hands of the groom a card stating the age. : ' 14. Persons entering animals as thorough-bred, must fur nish tha Secretary with a well authenticatotj pedigree, which "" ' ...... " shall be referred to a committee appointed to inspect and report -on the same. . ; . ' - " 15. The best animal or article to be indicated by a blue rib- a, ana tne second test by a reI ribbon, to be ainxed on the morning of the last slay. . . $tolf$ for tfxhibUom. SPE.gAL..NQJICEJ3., 1. The Secretary will receive entries at his usual place of business until elsewhere herein jeei6ed. Persons intending to become exhibitors are requested to notify the SecretaryDr. C. A. Henderson, at Salisbury, at as early a day as possible, which will greatly facilitate business, and also prevent confu sion on the grounds. 2. No article or animal entered for a premium can bo re moved or taken away .before- the cluse of the exhibition. No premium will be paid on animals or articles removed in viola tion of this rule. All articles aud animals entered for exhi bition must have cards attached, with the number as entered at the Secretary's office, and exhibitors, in all cases, shall ob tain their cards and pay the entrance fee, previous to placing their articles or animals on the grounds. 3. No articles manufactured in the Penitentiary shall com pete for premiums with legitimate manufactures. A. Positively no entries shall be received after the close of the first day. 5. Persons oflering sjun-ial premiums must dexisit the money or article with the Secretary at the time of the oiler, otherwise they will not be published. ( nslmdicns to jjiitjts. The Judges will meet at the office of the Secretary on tlie lOth of October, to receive their badges and books, when they .will proceed under escort of the Superintwidents to their re spective Divisions to examine the articles on exhibition. They will rptrt writing to U Stmrtdttry . tl 111 blc moment. No jxTson shall be allowed to interfere with the Judges during their adjudication. In no case can the Judges award special premiums, but may recommend to the Executive Committee any article that they may deem worthy of notice, for which a premium has not boenofleYed. The Judges may withhold premiums when there is no exhibitor, or when no article of a class is deemed worthy of distinction. They must not express or allow others to express any opinion touching the merits of articles or animals under consideration, until the vote has been taken, which shall be by ballot. MARSHALS. t The Chief Marshal and his Aids will have charge of the Fair Grounds, during! the hours of exhibition, and will at once exclude from the enclosure any person guilty of disorder ly or offensive conduct. SUPERINTENDENTS. A' member of the Executive Committee and a Superinten dent will be appointed to take charge of each. Department and Division, whose duty it shall be to direct the arrangement of articles, to exclude those that are inferior, to attend and aid the Judges in their insjectioii8, and to attach ribbons or cards to such articles as are awarded a premium. Their directions and orders in the discharge of their duties must be respected by exhibitors and all others. The book of entries will 1k opened at the Secretary's office at the Fair Grounds on the 10th October, aud all persons who. intend to exhibit horses, cattle, sheep, prswkc 1 must uuiu inc kHn-iciuijr uy ivni'i u em.ii iiiiviuiKu, uu ur uv - fore that day rand furaishM of 8uehtock, that arrangements may be made for their accom modation and sale. All who intend to compete for premiums in whatever class or department, must have their articles entered-' at the Secretary's office, and on the gYonnds without fail, on or before the 10th October. This regulation as, to membership does' not apply to ladies exhibiting in Floral Hall. Cards denominating by name and number each article entered,, will be furnished by the Secretary, and. must be attached to the article before received on the ground. No article entered .or a .pruiium.ieun-bercmaY.y of the Fair, without the consent of the Executive Committee, and in every case the article removed will bo refused a prem ium, i No one will be permitted to enter more than one animal in any single class. saledu entering them. No stock of inferior quality will Ikj admitted on the grounds, and if .inadvertently done will be removed by the Superintendent of that Division,' or by the Executive Com mittee. f, ' '"" "" .. Every machine or implement offered for a premium, must ; be so described as to identify it to future purchasers, and its selling pricemust be marked on the cards and stated in the published reports of premiums. ;'' 7 Stock brought t6'lheFaTr for sae7'wlll lie' assigned enclosed lots in the fair grounds, where they ran be kept at the charge of tlie owner. -AirnnalS n-McTTreTntunis have been awarded must be paraded around the track with the. premium badges attached. " The Executive Committee will use every precaution for the preservation of all articles on exhibition ; but will not be re tknsible for loss r damage, Exhibitors Tmtst attend fo their" own articles and receive them at the close of the Fair. . A band of muaio will bo in attendance each day. - An efficient police force will take charge of the grounds du ring the night. 4 . FORAG E STOCK--STALLS. - There will be Forage Master on tha ground who will up- pi? f'Z at market iriem to the owner of itock. Stall will '-.flirnished on the grounds of tha Society for unruly or da2ftVuu animals, nor tor stock not on exhibition. This Association cordially invites citizen of other States to compete for prices. Agricultural Societies of other State are invited to send delegates, who will bo entitled to a compli mentary card. PEEMIUM LIST, EEPAETHENT 270. L LIVE STOCK. Class 1.....1I0HSES AND MULES. For the brat Stallion .'. . .$20 For the beat tingle heary dra'ht 0 do 4o Jo do do do linxHl Mure, 13 do do aaddle home, mare, j or gelding 10. do do pair match Carnage Horn, do 20. do do do .ingle harneM honte, mare, or gelding,. . 10 do do jmir heavy draught, 13, do do colt, mare, or bono between 93 yeara, S do between 18 ycara, 4 do onder 1 year, S do pair of Mulua, 10 do .ingle do S do Mule colt under ly. 8 do Jack, 13 Class 2 CATTLE. For the brot null 13 For Ixttt calf, 3 to 8 yeara old,. . $3 do lxt Miltch Cow, 10 do calf, 1 to 8 yeara old,. .. . 4 do imir ol Oxen 10 do calf, under 1 year old,. . . 8 lo Fatted bullock or cow, . . 10' Class 3..r.SJIEEP. For the best Huck, 3 For the iocond lnwt Yew, 3 do M-cond bet, 8 do best Lamb,. 3 do 1tt Tew, 5; plass i ::::smXE: For the lxt IJonr 3 For the xvt Pig under 1 y. old, 3 do Sow 5 do second lxt do do 4 do Fatted Hog, . .'. 5, do third bent do do 8 Second department. . SPECIAL -PREMIUMS FOR TRIAL OF SPEED. int. Trotting in harness, half mile heat, best 2 in 3. No horse enter ed that was ever a Hiiccewsful trotter on a fair ground or public race track, $.0 2d. Trotting in hitrnesx, half mile heats, bext 2 in 3. Xo limitation or rent rii-t ion as to entrance, , $50 3d. Pacing or rocking in .harness or under saddle, half mile heats, I . best 2 in 3 , $.-0 4th. Trotting in harness, one nile heats, best 2 in 3,. ........... . 100 Uliird department. TOURNAMENT ON FRIDAY. For the best rider If 25 For the third best rider, 10 do second best rider, 13 do 4th best rider, 5 And tlie customary honors to each at the coronation Bull on the last night of the Fair. Cfourth department. POULTRY. For best pair Game Chickens,. . do second lest pair, do third ln-st, do liest pair chickens for table, do second lest pair do I . do best pair Turkeys, ........ do best single turkey,.' do $3 For best pair of domestic Geese, (2 a do Willi If do - domestic I)M-ks, . . 2 For second best pair,. . . . l'For best pair Pea Fowls, of uo pair uuincu uo 1 t T.'frWl,iiiiT A' 1Jirttrfrcpartmcntr Agricultural Products raised the Exhibitor. For best Bread Corn, 1 bush. $2 lest Stock Corn, do 2 best Wheat, do 2 second let wheat, do 1 let specimen Oats, do 1 best do field peas, do 2 second best do do 1 ln-st specimen grass seed, a (laptcd to southern climate for hay or grazing, 5 11m. 2 . lH-st bale Cotton, 400 lbs. 10 00 For 2d lwst lwle Cotton, 400 lbs 3 00 00 j best 5 Um. fancy w. Tobacco, 5 00 00 2d best, do ,do do 3 00 00; best 5 lbs. red Rpiping do 3 00 50 2d lxst A llts. do do 3 00 00; best sorgum Siigar, 1 lb. . . . .2, 00 OOj liest sorgum syrup, 1 qt 2 00 j lMtt wheat Flour, 1 sack,... 5 00 I 2d lKft do do do 3 00 00. Ixwt Corn meal, one bushel, 2 00 jWL-jK-at .Bue,k wheat flunr, ftmshy8-h- Sixth department. orTrirgwrryarlety A pphFrflrtr do do do Penrs, . - do do do Peaches, do do do tjuinces, do do Figs.... do., do do Grapes... Bi-st Yam or sweet Potatoes, '-Jbu. Best siHi-iinen Irish do j bnsltr lo do do do do do do do do do do imen Ceten'. r. do Cabbaire . . Ilcctsv . . . . Turnip . , Tomatoes, Pumpkins, Parsnip. . . do do do do do Seventh department. "-TDoxrsnc: For the best sample Mess Beef, 1 2 For.aecorid lest.Clu!ese 2 do do tuml Bacon Ham, 2 For lx-st jar of Butter, 5 lb. ... 2 do do do Mutton do t, lcst native Wines, 4 bottles, S do Cheese,., s ,,3! - 2J lt ,'. .do do 3 (ifjhlh department. JA EC H N 1 CAL' I PLEENTg, Cr Tot th. brat HUUI.Ie Hough,. da le.t doultlo Mold boanl.e. da do do vmu't da .Ingle Plough,... da lub-MiU da a. da cotton da ... do Tooth CultWaUi. . . da Iron lloJlcr. , llonw-rake, t-hora W.gfin,,... Hone Cart......... ha J'K.C,rr'ffs riuilou, ..7. ...... do da Buggy, da da da da da da da da .da do da da For the bet da da da da do do do da . do da ai a,,' do da da da da da da do da da da do Bulky $3 Thrmhing Machine, 8 Mowing do 5 Heaping do S Cotton Gin,. ...... S do Praia, ..... 8 Hay do....... 8 Com Pheilnr,. Mtraw Cutter,...,. . Chum, t ttowlnif Machln, , . Uftl.u IHoirs...., Furc d4 ..,.. . Jslnth Department. -M-A'lFiV-ea?XJIlESr Best Carriage ITarneM, 3 bert Buggy or 8ulky HarneM beat Paddle a Bridle, leather,. 8 beat Saddle Bridle, (lady'.) 3 txwt pair wagon Harm-an, .... 3 Best Itedstead 8 beat Rocking Chair, ..... . . . t beat Parlor Chair 1 beat Sitting Chair, 1 beat Toilet Table, 2 bust Sofa, 9 Best pair gentleman'. Boots, 8 bwt pair gentleman". Phoea, 1 beat pair ladlea' HIiom, ...... 1 best pair Brogan Shoe, 1 best Fur Hat, ; 3 best Wool Hat, 1 best gent Coat, Panta Ycat, 0 jbett Min)le Pole Leather, ..".$3 ;tt aample Kin andCaJ.... 8 ,lkt lot of B.ki ta, 1 best lot of Tin W are, t !bet lot manufactu'd Tobacco, I 1 not leaa than 8 Iba 8 ' 'bert lot Pmoklng Tobacco,. . . 8 best lot tlgara, 8 ,lt lung handle Brooma, .... 1 Ikwt jociuien Broadcloth,.. . 8 - best .Mchnea Casalmerea,. ... 8 liest ccimen Satineta, 8 iliettt wimple Woolen Jean, ... 8 ibeat wmple riatmel,".'. l.'iV.? 't " jbutt pair of Blanket, 8 U-st MUipIe Oanaburga, 8 'best miii pie Shirting Sheet 'g 8 best Mattrea, hair, moat, ahuck Ten th Depart m en t. TrXORAX Kaix. " v The following articles will be admitted without entry fee. Best spec. Flour Bread loaves, SOcts'licst upecimen Jams, 50cta best sih('. do do Bolls, 30 lx-st sjieciinen Sponge Cake,. 50 " lest siH-ciiiien Fruit Cake,. . . 50 " Itest iecimen Plain Cake,. . . 50 " lest mm pit) Honey-Comb,. . . 50 M liest sample strained Honey,. 50" liest sample Jelly, 50 " liest sample Preserves, 50 44 beat .jiociiuen Pickles, 50 44 lx-st specimen Catsups, 50 44 liest) sM-ctmcn Syrup 00 liest sn-ciuien Corilial 50 44 Is-st sMcimen dried Peachea, 50 44 liest dried Apph-s, t 50 44 liest dried 1'runes,. , 80 44 lx-st dried Figs, 50 lxnt home-made Soap, 00 44 HOUSEHOLD FABRICS. Best Counterpaine, best Quilt lx-st Worsted Work lx-st home-made Caqx-t, . b(t hoiue-uude Uloukct. liest pair lady' or gent' Hobo lx-st Foot Mat ' best home-made woolen cloth, U-t gi-iitluiHan' Shirt, . . . . .j. 60 CO 60 ( "V" best Tabl3Hats, 50 lx-st Toilet Mat, 60 50 best Lady's. Collar, 60 Best & prettiest lady's Tymnet, fl lx-st lady's Cap 60 best lady's Straw Hut, 50 lx-st lady's Head Dress, 60 best child's Hat, , 50 .best lady's Killing Hat,, , 60 Largest and best variety of Flowers, $3 - Second largest ami lx-st variety of Flowers, 1 -0- -LUTHERAN CONFERENCE. A correspondent of the Hickory Tavern Eagle gives tho following account of a late session of the Lutheran Coufrnmco held in Catawba county : "Conference met, at time and place, according to previous ar rangement. Preaching by Hev. Mr.' Peterson, in which ho ably discussed the subject of the Christain armor. After preach ings an election was held, which resulted as follows: Rev. J. M. Smith, President ; Rev. J, R. Peterson, Secretary, and A. J. Fox. Treasurer. Tho next business in order before the meeting was an essay, prepared by the liev. J. R. Peterson, on the subject of good works, which was called for and read; this placed tho subject before the meeting for discussion. After some able and intelligent discussion a resolution was offered : . . . v ''Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that good work., are newaixrwthr or do not nec essarily contribute anything towards making biihn christian no more - Uiamhe, good. work., aud Uarky ldd" to ls fellow-xhHdren" contributes to making himself a child; l-thTnk "IhrBTs fclcarly "cons" ceivable and admisblo to every mind that a child cannot be capablo of any of those things until ho is a child and inasmuch as he is inca pable of pei forming a good work in the sight of God, until ho is a child of God j so then, as the child acts because he is a child, so also the christian acts because be is a christian, and not in order to become one. Dut ir conclusion I will say that where pure faith is-cherished iu vnu ueiirt oi i(io ueiierer mere is true ennsunnuy noni wnenco good works AW as free as water from its fountain bead. s "- After the adoption of this subjec'. ni' before mentioned, the meet ing was then adjourned till Satuiday morning nine o'clock, with ..naaulJEixurcues. - j - . .. j Conference met accorcliiig1 to a(ljovrimient, with tho usual exercis es, preaching by the Jtt v. . . I. A, Fox, after an able and eloquent shower of Divine intelligence in which consisted in not only the drops but the spoutings of the sonl-strctigthcningaiid soul-rt freshing powers of Devine intelligence, tho Unfinished business of Friday .was then resumed. . -, . - - ----' The essay pi ejar(d by Rev, J. M. Smitlijipon the subject of tho Union of the North (mitiiivi .'rid Tennessee Synods, was presented and read. This placed the' subject hi fore the meeting for discussion, whereapon a considerable ('iscuesicu ensued resulting in tho opia ion pfjhe mceiing that a union was expedient, bm not practicable at preseiit. . . ....... , The meeluig then adjourned to meet on Friday before the. last Sunday in March, 1SC2, in Ciirist's Churchy Gaston county, N. C. Sunday morning arrived which brought anxiety and gratitude anx ious to receive the imperishable bread distributed grat filed to see so many apparently ready and waiting to receive. W hen the hour ar rived for preaching, the andienct was entertained by Brother F6x, who delivered an t-lilcient discourse 'iiponMAcsubject of theJUKeya "of the KingJoiu." For refietliiijenMO ininntes were lwd. After which tho congregation reassembled aud were entertained by Brother Peterson, with an appropriate sermon to the occasion ; after which confesit)ti and absolution ncre Attended to, whereupon tho Lord's supper was admiuiecrcd, in which a goodly number were partakers. . - : :o: s -. One of the most contemptible habits tliut can curso man is that of making Iov retnarka about-Wouien jiikssing aloti" the street. It is a euro index of low-breeding and a shallow lnind, true gcntlcumu will-da iL : ' :