r. V . ; . . . r. i . .... 2--v.. VOL. VI. SALISBURY, . N. 0., rWTEJIIJEU 8, 1871. .. . . , - " , t i - CLE.1I.YIO.S' STAGE LINES. tCMlf KB ABRANGE3IEXT ON AND AFTER JULT 3, 1871. MJTQJI 10 II POINT-iU roCR itojui coachm." Etcmrtio 7kltt$lU& Trip, Good 'V. N Wtlmlnr-Uu urSal.-, 0l r 118 Of rrr irboi - " trS 8tok Omcw At PfoH it Siocktou'a Merchant's Unti l, Winston, N. C. ArlJutnT,rHtH-8U,-C - Eljc (Dlb Notllf Slate rUBUIIIBO WtKILV v LIS WIS II ANUS. Editor and Proprietor. . mates r rarHirriAN Oil Tbab. payable I advance. ....9.M Six MowTHi. - 1.50 ft Cople to oa addr, ...10.00 - 2xaU . Adetriutnq. - HEAD OF WESTERN RAILROAD TO ASHEVILLEt Pally four hoi Coaches, except 8tindy. xcnrlnii i.cxeis u A.nevwe nr .aie ai me rincipal Kail Road office on U)o North Can, n Railroad. 11MVN1 Chatham and Fayetterilleand Wea- tern Kallroad, Uatly except aunday. 6 II A RLOTT E TO TTADESBORO. AND HEAD Of W.. C.IK. It. R: " Lear Charlotte. "Monday, "Wednesday mud Friday Leave n adeirtioro', Tuesday, Ibura lay, and Saturday, making connection with Railroad at Charlotte and daily stage to bead of WilmlnjrtoP, Cbar. A Rutberfowl U. K. iruin Wadetboro. Djr Uiia nuU ytwptn Iwava WilmlnirUin aud Charlotte Hobday, Velnr day and Friday at 7 a. m., aud arnre at Wil minrUrn and Charlotte next ereuinfr, renting Tbroafh Ticket from Charlotte to Wiluiiog ton, only f iu. KINGSTREE TO GEORGETOWN. 8. C Leave Oeorjretown Monday, Wednewlay and Friday. Koturn next day. Through Tickets via N. E. Railroad to Char leaton, 6 00. E. T. CLEMMOX8, June 24, 1871 20:tf Contractor. SPARKLING CATAWBA SPRINGS, Formerly called the Carolina mUe Sulphur, Catawba Connty, XT. O. "' "Tbtllitghly- popnlitr wowing. Uaoe..wiIl ;be oihsd for vimtor on WEDNEslJAY, JUNE I3ih The Mineral Wnteri of tliene Spring nre, the White and Dine Sali'hnr. Chalyebt.ute, the me dicinal propertie of which are not excelled,and a healthier and wore delightful watering place not tw be found. The Spring will be under the management of J. AI. ULAlli, an eTpenennd liott i Kee(er, together with Mrs. Wrenn, and viMtora may relr upon good fare and good attention. Plenty of Ice, good bnnd of Muhic and good Physician in attendance, &c. Leave Baltimore or Wanhinglcn in the mor ning via Acquia Creek, Kichmond and Danville K. K., to Kulwbury, where vou take the Western and Morganton liond, and reach Hickory 8ta tioo (the Hpringa Depot) by half-pant nine o' clock the next rooming. Leave AugiiHta, Ua., at night, and take the Charlotte and Statenville Road at Charlotte you reach the Spring, early the next morning. Charleston in themorniig,and be at the Spring, the nest morning. A good four home Omnibn. will run in con nection with the train, to the Spring over a beautiful road only .ix mile. BOARD. Per month, (or four week.,) $40.00 Per week, 15.00 Der day, 2.50 Children and colored aervanU half price. No charge for infants under 2 vear. of age. J. GOLDEN H YATT. Sparkling Oilawba L'priny, June Id, 1871. 24 tf aiMinorrs'j I.IVER Th e v nxptonu! of Li ver 'omplniiit are uneaKineHa nnd pain in the Hide. .Sometime, the pain 1. in khe shoulder, and i. niin- taken for rlieumuliMii, tlie .tomncli ih atiectea with loos of appetite- and Mekne boweU -in general eoHtive, .nriietlmefi alternating with Ix. with pain, aid dull, hea vy Renmition, oonHidcra hle low of raemorv. ao- .nmriniiiw! with niiinful eiiiiation ot having ten nnwme nmethtng which ought to have been done. Often compluining of -weaknem, debility, and low .pirita. .Sometime ananv of the above .yroutoin. attend the liwane. and at other time, very few of them; but the Jiver ia generally the bry an most involved. Cure the Liver with DB. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR, m preparation root, and hrlw, warranted to be trictly vegetable, and can do m injury to ary one. It ha. been twed by hundred., and know n . I 1 . 1A .... ....a nnna Bu. t w. l.ln icfficacioii. and haramltiw preparation, evei" of fered to the .uflering. If taken regularly and Deritentlv, ft i. .nre to cure : ' uy.pcp.ia, neaOjiicne, jiiundice,co.ti venem, Mck headache, chronic ilinrr ha.a,atlection.of the blad der, camp dynentery, af- fectioiui of the kidiievi hervouxhe.., cliilln, dii- aiwa of the .kin. immiritv of the blood, nielan- be4y f depruwioo of aplritiy hearlburn, colic, of pain, in me oowein, pain in iiie neau, lever 0ga ague, diopay, boil., pain in the bark, Ac, Prepared only by J. II. ZEILIN & CO., Druggist., Macon, Ga. Triee, fl ; by mail $125. , for aale by T. F. KLUTTZ & CO, ' feb 24 ly Salixbury, N. C. OaeSqaarv. Irat Itfaortw.....,,.'. Forearh ..t''ltit?all'i. t'i.., higher than the above rate. Court and Juatice'a Order wtllW pablUh d at the $am4 rate with other aJvertiae- .1 1.00 t Ml, J f lite air, but taking gooj car to i f rt out of M war when the Lawk poanetf dawn poB or unprotected brood. II will fl poii tlio lop of fence, and flap hlawlugi aud crow at u the world belonged to him, and look dowo ith l be otinokt eoronU ceocy upon na hena bile w art toil.ng to lapport oar familiea. "Now ihla aort of tbinc baa been going a for to long a lima without lie protect, and Bocuilngiy with tbe conaent and ap proval of lb hena, that it bar come to be rep.rded at th natuml alate of . aff.lr.( inenta. Obituary iXleii over ai HaaaV ekaYJed aiadvertlaementa. C0STRACT RATES. PACK. f 1 s $ p i 1 -f S K S BT m t 2 1 Square. 2 Sqaaref. 3 Squarea. 4 8(uaM. J Column. Column. 1 Column. i t'i SO 1 75' 0tl $8 40 i 13 00 f 1 50J5St 50n f; t?.t)0 ( DIM) 12 00 20 0(1 30.00 37.30 45.00 18 IN) 24 00 30 00 45 00 73.00 ' 28 00 40 00; SO 00,80 00, 130,00 8 00 II 00 15 00 35 00 1 1 oo io oo 20 oo :) no' tmu iicVir tern I An You bav all UEN'S RIGHTS. . Tni histokt or tux ohiat bkfokm MOTXMEKT. v tilled by oar anceetora. beard f lb mad 0 , tbt-t wonderful mineral which, wh.n applied to the part bitten by a mad do or aiiake, will in f-twtly oxOtLuLi).luuuu..au4 lajre tli lite ol th auQerer. W II, I'ly mouth l(ot la tbe rreat moral road atone which, wb applied to tbe moral r-orra and bite wbic amict tbia world, will produce an in.taiit cure. JU t maternal ancestor, liiddy Hard bell, came over iu the Mayflower, and vii the first of the poultry tribe that eve el font on Plymouth Rock, and ike firit hen that ever laid an egg in America When Diddy Hard aliell gave her cackl poN lluat cImmic apot, tbera waa atten d the warning note or the diaeuluralJnieii of the remits tex. "ftiuce then tbe female at tbe north baa been at work, and ill activity ia ini nicnae, far beyond anything tliat'you lux urioua daughter of the tunny aouth could ever imagine. Idea diaiilled through the alembic of our mind are cry taliced into rem of thought that are destined to da tie tbe world. You will therefore not be surprised when I tell you that we have discovered that t tie law and custom by which our social, domestic, and politics life have heretofore been governed, are unnatural, unjust, aud degrading to the diesttliat Is'wL.t I e Jm march of In. lelkct. It 1 I'lyruui Uck lucking th pfllsoa fiom the '"t oUI snake. bite. If w ro on im;' we shall stop laying I lb roosters will h depend Opoii the Ural i Cbiua, bhanghais, ai breeds to keep up thr 'And now, ladies, at your Cist eioi) In rr straight and turn your t aiid necks out to i' i arose i "C ( that rate, ether, anj then 1 ako it op, or IVntraa, Cochin )iLr foreign me (o give yon 2.. .Jbtatiil nn COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE JN ; ' HOLLAND. ' . From Londoa Society. ' fa It possible that even iba yonnr of the soleiroinded people fall In lov f Young peopU fall In lov la th customa ry manner, and tbe swain makes bl offer without any Intermediary assistant. A marriage of couvenienc la an on beard of n2l,il,i lirfr-'-ry. f-.f wlthoot ft th marriage of .tin II - ' . . . - T ' r a a ua ) tc-flrrlnrec-uoii. snd void f lal mnp on j r. rpimT 7 ,l,u whole more than tweniy From the Richmond Enquirer. At a farm-yard iu Virginia there lived a family of domestic foals, con.ia'ing of two cock and about a doseu hen. 1 he cork were came and of the best breed, female ex nd were remaikuble for their pluck and "Io a hen of an inquiring mina tne gallantry, a well a for their devotion question naturally arises, W by are these and attention to their wives. W hen food things a they are I lor example, why waa thrown to them they never partook of ia it that hen lay egg and rooster do it before calling up the liens and seeing I not i n ny is it mat a nen is suuji cieu they were served fir. t, and, w henever they I to the fnconvenieiice of incubation, silting chanced to find a savorv bur or to scratch like a fool, sUrinr at vacancy for three un a delicate worm, tbev always denied mortal weeks, in a very confined and themselves the luxury and invited the I cramped position, in order that a doien hMi4Aoujoy. it ia prtUurwicii, thua.sluo.Ws ng their chief gratification consisted in Into I lie world, line tier sen sty iu lord, the comfort and happiness of their help mates. And the hens were not slow to avail themselves of the sell-denial and po liteness of their hu.bande, but gobbled up' grain, worm, and bug, without even w ho has been tbe canse ot all the mi. chief, struts about and arouses himself ' paying gallant attentions to other deludtd females f Again, why is it that ixKif'ei. crow and hens 011)7 cackle f The first savinr "Thank vou." or "Won't vou loin question is rather hard to .answer, and I u. They seemed to look upon these am afraid that 111 your present uneducated delicate attentions ol pieir lords, und the elate it would bo difficult of sutiffactory appropriation of all the best things to explanation, but the second question has themselves, us their UHlurul and inherent been very cleurly answered by Professor right. Greeley in a small essay entitled ,hat I On the other hand, the hens were lov- know about crowing, 111 wintii it is stated obidieiit. and' attended that w hen the first rooster crowed the hen gentle, and o domestic duties' notably laying their immediately clapped her wings and crow res willi retru arity and dispatch, silting ed also; whereupon the rooster, indignant on them carefully and patiently, and rais- at being imitated, and no doubt fearful of ng their chickens 111 the most affectionate being excelled, immediately pounced upon nd devoted manner. Iioth men nnd wo- her, and gave tier sucti a wring 01 ttic men, if their prido permitted, might draw neck as to cause a stricture of the larynx, nstructive lessons from the social lifo of from winch she never recovered; so ttiat this family of domestic fowls. The men ever afterwards w hencver she attempted miirlit ronv after thn eoeks in courntre. to crow the sound degenerated into a con- elf deniiil.and thoso pleasing little atten- t.mptible cuckle, and that all her (Tescen- tions which are so much appreciated by dents were afflicted in the samo way, and their w ives; aud the women might imitate consequently could never crow. The the hen iu their regularity, patience, learned professor ha moreover shown iliirencc nnd industry : in their devotion thut the stricture ia accidental and not to their children, and in their respect for, j natural ; but by proper .culture it would and snbmisHon to their husbands. be entirely removed, and hena would ic- Ono day this family of fowls w a visi-1 gain their lost powers of vrnee, and, soon ted by two strange hens that had arrived Mearn to crow as well ns the roostei, of from Massachusetts. The strangers were 1 which I will give you abundant evidence tall, raw-boned, long legged, long-necked by and by. and bigfoted, and . hud coarse, harsh voices. Without invitation" or introduc tion" they strided into the barn yard,-atid irculalc-d Hmonfret the hens, and conver- "ed with ihrtn fir free and easy a style "I here are now at the Aorlli two sdiools of philosophy. One is called the Positive bchooi, which look to the cul ture and training of t-lie male, so s to en. able and indtice them tf perfrm all - the unhenly (creecli and yell, that tbe rooster, who wa beUiid th barn and wondering what bad btcone of bis beus, ru.hrd frantically Io the spot, at d there be beheld the Jn-Jyged Intruders clapping their wing and erow'in'j "arffie ' lop" of "tBrhr bents, lie or ade one spring at the orator or the day, caught her by the comb aud dug his spur into her sides, pitched her over and touseled her fo such a degree that she hnrdlr bad euoagh leathers lft to cover her nakedness. As soon ss she could recover her breath aud her tongue she cried out, "Hold 1 Hold ! Air. Roos ter, aru'l you ashamed ol yourself to beat a lady lu that way T 1 thought you Southern cock were famous fur your gal lantry and attentions to the fair sex, and here you are beating a lady to death." Lady, indeed I cried tin roosti-r, "didu t I bear you crotcina t How was 1 to know that you were a lady I 1 am sure yon don't look like one, you look to me like capou ; now get you gone, and if I ev er catch any moie of you long-legged Boston sbe-males coming down here and preaching hens' rights and setting up crowing schools, I'll beat you whithin an inch of your lives ; clear out I ' I he long-legged descendant of the il lustrious liiddy Ilaidi-hell of Plymouth Rock, and her companion, then scampered off, scresuiiug at the top of their voices, "Kuklux ) Kuklux ! ! Kuklux, Klux, Klux, Klutl!" Regulator. Afotiee in Rankrupfcy. UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA, 1 DisT. of North Carolina, r CAPE FEAR DISTRICT. J In tbe matter of Andrew Murphy, Assignee in Bankmntev of MeNeelv A Young. Notice is hereby given to all such creditor, of Wceely and lonng as may not have proved their claim, that they will be required to prove them Utkireli. lI.l!ro.lfiell, Register in Rank roptey, fr the Clh Dintrict of North Carolina, at bis office S.Iinbury, on'or before the 1st day of October, 1871, or the property ami eflWt remaining in my li.il will be reconvened to, the original oxaCt by-ordez .of Judge.Iookl s if f hey liad'fciiowirilH-m udeed, one would, have supposed thai fur as tlie, sitting, tiatcfiing, feeding, and tbe Wr . yard . blM few remarks unon the late war and the this school is a decided success, and the scarcity of cocks, they requested the hens day is not fur dis ant when these labors to separate themselves from the roosters, will be . performed almost entirely by and to collect in a corner of the yurd, a roosters, and then we poor, down trodden they had matters of vast importance to females will have some time to look around communicate to them. The curiosity of md enjoy ourselves. Jlut the grand ob the hens being thus excited, they filed off ject of this school ia o make the rooster furtively to the appointed coiner, and I lay egg, and here, Lregrel to say, that formed a circle around their new acquain tances, and in solemn and jeepectful si lence listened to one of them, w ho thus addressed, th ami- o-, "Iladii-s: I have called you togett erlo address you on a subject of paramount ANDREW Ml'ltrilY. Awiunee Aug. 15, 1871:3t, of McNcely 4 Young. importance, not only to yonr own comfort and happiness, but to the future suecess and progress of your posterity r nvl of all civilised poultry. You are aware of the accented idea that MHl beginning ol this world the iuuIj portion ol cr atiou weie fcadj first, and that the It male was created ai a sort of aiteitTioughf, or de issue, to relieve the male from the .cdnim of being alone, and to contribute to his comfort and nleasme. There is no doubt thatacting ugnn tlii '',e mu'e has I coarseness of the ma consul n ted himself the lord of creation andJiUB-SeLbiuii-eK up as being tho supe rior of -the-- leutAle, and, taking- a-juca: advantage of his great size and strength, has imposed upon the female all the cares and drudgery of this life. Especially is this the cae wTth tbe feathered tribe, and 0f Eetr. and here, also, we have met will pie eminently so with that portion 1 of it marked success', so much so, that the pro- that we represent. Upon the female por duciion of eggs by tbe native New Eng- tion-of aur tribe have been imposed all anj u(.e mB been reduced from what it the iiiconveiiieiice and, labor of laying was formerly, iu the ratio of eight 40 eggs, and the responsibility and trouble ,nn.e. that is to say, that where an nn- ofraisittg cTmkeus while the malo ha eultivateiLJien in old times used to lay nwhing eWtia but loitrut about and g,t egg,,, well edncated lien of the admirehiiuself. -awl give an ncrnsional hre.cnt ditv onlv lava tl. n' mnA j ecrcani when lie eeti a bawk bovtring iu J doen't lay tUn unlce she choose. La- our success baa not beeti quite so decided. Our plan is to surround the pupil, and hen-pek him to such a degree as to de priy .b.?m f ll of hi tail-feather, and the larger portion of bis comb, and then feed him liberally upon parched corn and pulverised oyster shells, and drive bim brick ly uplie hill. 'The result, as I have informedyou, has not been entirely sat isfactory but Airs Dr. Cackle, of JJoHton, U10 etn iut-Ktben-clieniiiit, after a profound study of tlwsjibject, bus suggested the addition to the dTaiof proper proportion or'rutphnraftd and ' predict that our succCwPwiil llien be assured. The school looks alsojto the cultivation of the female voice up Io the strength and 's. Crowing schools have-b0ti Batajdifrbea aH-over New Eng- land, and now it is a common 'thing there Xutbeti to crow as fiercely and lustily as roosters. The other school is called the Nega tive School, or the Society for Suppression EXUAUST1VENE8S OF DRAIN WORK. The following beautiful passage is by the Rev. J. F. Corning. It will he an- recTtied ly alrt1i5T'traiitVo7Iief":w.'""'" Whil 1 sit at sny study-table w iih my pen in hand, the finger moving w ith tardy pace at thn beckon of the brain, I hear right below my wid Jar tbe adjacent field, the monotonous ring ol a la borer 'a ioc upon tlie corn mils. Mile tie noes he whistles hour by hour till the clock strikes twelve, und then with ravenous ppetite repairs to his beautiful yet sim plo meal, only to resume uir task again nd pursue it to the setting of the sun As I stood at the window watching his toil, and turned again to my pen and pit per, I ricked myself how it happetud that llio man with his hoe will labor his eight or ten hours a day w ith less fatigtio than the man with his pen w ill toil his three or our." Hujrti Miller was a great' woiker i ill his shovel and pick would have made a good hand in a slate quarry, ill uarding a railroad, or diggiug a canal. But one night, as you know, he shot him self in n fit of nervous lever. What was the difference between the great geologist nd th(t niati with the hoe w histling under my window t Himp'y rihis, the, former was a 'Worker of the brain, and the latter woiker of the muscle. Let this man ith the hoc lay down his husbandry for littlo w hile to studying one of the stalks f corn-Of the. ciietuistrj of one of .those ills ot soil, and very likely lie would 1011 learn what it is to lose one's Appetite, . ' 11. ;io hear tlie ctocK strike nearly an tne night homo in feverish wakefulness. And thn we get nt a great organic, law of our beinc to. will that hraiu woik snu'fcts vitality from the fountain of, w hile nmeelt work only draughts upon, tho ru. uiityiug streams of life. It is estimated by'ccicri--' itifi.5iuv.4lsrW lunch vital force in woikingjna brains two hours a he w ill in woikit.gx hi luUrclcs eight. The extent to which labnrsnving ma chines have been introduced into aricul ture, says tbe Chicago 1'Tribiihe," we saw we mw illustrated a day or two ago to W isconsin. A farmer was seated 011 a reaper, with glove on in iiands, aud with an umbrella over him, and; with as BlM.ifrI.coro,fqrtu, aullaiurivinr buggy,- lie was cutting oais, tlie reaper tlirownrg them into regular and convenient sheaves for binding and stacking. We remember the time when, twenty years ago, we. cut oats w itjiout nn unibrella or gloves, and let the grain lay where it fell fioin the cy tlie- Yet here wua a matLW uk jl pdit of horces, in comprative comlort, doing more in one day than ts-enty-five men could httr c done by hand - twent y yeats ago. An enterprising individual in New Yoik State professes to be in possession of a secret whereby the Government is annually defrauded by cigr dealers of of hundreds of Ihorrsands of dollars, throngh the repeated use of cigar Stamps. He is witling to tell the Internal Reven ue Uurrau all about it, but want to be paid $10,000 for hi secret, f-He is in formed that the Government is not in th habit of doing business iri that way; that the Treasury don t purctiase "a pig in a noke,'and Tiiformrd tttat- it ire will com pensation for imparting; it. Washington Patriot, , - ' , ' - oue b a lernl mean of bringing recalcitrant pareut to iion. W ben all that delightful private arrangement has been made, and content of pareut obtained, th engagement soon get abroadj and tha young couple bav 10 go in company 10 maa can jpon on friend aud her friend. Tbe proverbial lip 'iwlit cop and the lip I not known in Holland a elsewhere nevertbtle, thi system of making formal engaged call certaiuly doe tend to prevent a rup ture upon slight grounds ; for it i a mat ter of no small embarrassment to call op- en th saut pvoplo lb second time aud ceremoniously introduch sweetheart nam ber two. It is held to be a part of a (ov er' duties to accompany hie mistre to parlies and balls, aud also bis right and pleasure to take ber to the theatre and concert unarcompanied by a chaperon ; but be is seldom asked 10 pay a vieit in tbe same houso with ber for more than day. Lover alway choose the boos and boy the furniture together during the courtship. When tbe lime come tbe two go together alpno to the town hall for the "aanteckening" or betrothal. Thi if merely a public notice of tbe intention to marry, and is given iu writing. The no tice i then put into a kind of box, pro tected by a brass wiie, and placed for omc time i'l a conspicuou part of the hall. Ilanns ate also published in church. A runaway match is held to be thorough ly disgraceful, is accomplished with diffi culty, and seldom attempted. Friends now, in place of wedding card receive by post a lithographed document, announcing aauleekening. On the first Sunday af ternoon snbsequent to this, the bruid and broidcnni, who are thn called in the in , ler.val between lha Aautcekcuiog and.. the wedding day,, hold a grand reception in the drawing-room of ibe bruid. A sofa, sometime gayly decorated with flowers and evergreens, being occupied by the two," the bruid' relation range them selves at his right hand, the bruidgom'a at hers. Tlie bruid wear her wedding dress, veil, and orange wreath on this oc casion, and the compuny generally are ir gala costume. Visitors then, when an nounced, march up between the two op posite lines of relations and make pretty speeches to the happy pair; and, after having entrusted themselves for a short time to the rare of the bruidsmcisjes, who, dressed for the occasion, have the presents, placed upon a table at the other end of the room, and oiler hipocras cud sweets, oiled "bunds snikers," aud cake, make a rapid departure, and are succeeded by others. The wedding commonly takes place on the Thur day week after recep tion Sunday, and during the interval balls . . . f . , and parties are given in nonor 01 me young couple. On the appointed day, the wedding part', bruid and brutdgom going alone iu the first carriage, make first for tho town hull. 1 he burgomaster marries them, make a little speech and receives their signatures ; to all this there must be four witnesses. Then to church iu the same order. The party having assembled in a sort of vestry, tho brtttdgom give his right arm to the bruit, and leads the wuy to the chancel, (lesenel now a-days for marriage only,) or to the body of the church in (root of the pulpit. Here the t seat themselveg upon n central sofa, and relations range themselves as at the aanteekening- receftMMH- TlW-.creaotty- Is sim pie, the couplo beings-wlready mar- merely have to acknowledge the fact of marriage in answer to the clergyman, and, having advanced to two kneeling chairs already placed u few steps in front, re ceive a blessing from him and a chort ex hortation. No ring is used, but one is sometimes worn subsequently. The new husband then gives his left arm to his wile, and loads the way home again. Tie wedding breakfast is a small a flair, atten ded by tire very near relations only. ' THE ORE AT LESSON. idi iirii jtMoa 1 Dai ft younr aaaa tea a . a . boc id leant M that b doe not know y. rythlng. Th earlier and lb mora thor oughly thi I learned lb belter. A bom. bred voatb growing Dp la lb light of p, rental admiration, with every thing to fos ter bl vanity and elf eteem. la sarnrUrd . - . .... .1 - to una, ana 0110 anwiinnr to trknowl wT h apriority of other. Hat b i compelled to learn It antll bl elf coo- lifoyrifotnnit. ' t 1 --' ww THE WIVE 8 or ANCIENT GREECE Tbey wer ataally married wbea yry young. Their occupation wer to weavo, to spin, to embroider, to toperinteod tko household, Io car for their sick lave. Tbey lived la a apecial and retired Dart of lb boa. Tb mhra wealthy eJdoai went abroad, and aever except wbea a eompanicd by a female !avt reeeiveJ oo malo visitor excep: in lb presence of their bnsband, and bad tot evea a Mat ny. and II la probable that tbia wa w " . Wbea a young nan ha thoroughly comprehended lb fact that luUlnsicaliy b i of but littl value, lb next lesson is that lb world care nothing for bim. II Is tb subject of oo man' overwhelming admiration : neither pelted by tbe one tex aor aavicd-by. Lhsifilher. he, has to take car of himself. II will not become no ticeable autil he doe oniethlng to prove tbat be i som use to o lVty. a o re commendation will give him thi;' he must do tomelbinr to b rocorniaed somebody. i The nest Iction it that or patience. A man unit learn to wait as well a to work, and to be bt content with those meant of advancement in life which he may use with inttyrity and honor. Patience I one of tbe most diffiealt lessons to learn.' It I natural for tb mind to look for imme diate result. Let tbia. then, be understood at start ing j tbat tli patient conquest of difficul ties which rise in the regular and legiti mate channel of business and enterprise it not only essentia! in securing tbe sue- cess which a youug man etkt in life, but essential also to that preparation of th mind renui.ite for the eniovment of ac cess and for retaining it when gained. I Income, and must take especial care that It ia th general rule in all the world and tbe houe fa strictly orderly .the shoe, iu all lime, that unearned auccea it a tbe pot, and the clotbct, alwayt in their i . , . . curse. placet, it it aio, oe ten ner, a part ox her duty to tend her sick slave $ but ber hi wifo interrupted bim, exclaiming "Nav.- but tbat will indeed be tbe moat There i a Digger boy employed on a agreeable of my offices, - ub, at I treat beep ranch in Monterey county, Call- wj-h kindness are likely to be gratefal foruie, who tt a numan curiosity, xie and to love me more than before." With herd about eight- hundred aheep allby a TerT tender and delicate care to avoid himself, and the overseer ay he know ev..-viuinB. reembline reDroacb. the hut- every one of them by aight, and when be DaIMJ persuadet hit wife to give up tho brings mem in at nignt. no win gei opon nftbltg of wearing high heekd boott, tne order fo appear talt aiid of colditng; her face with Vermillion and white lead, lift promised her that if h faithfully per. form her duties, be will himself be tho first and most devoted of hor slaves. del t.rv .trlrtlv and rerr renerallv observed. On tbe other band, living at they did, tU , most delusive among their female slave. deprived of all ihe educatlnf tofloewewof male aoclety. and having oo plac at tho publio tpectaclet, which wer th cbief mean of AlbhUn ehnrr,: thefr taM must necessarily bav been eicecdlogly e n traded. Thueydide doubtlrtt expre- , ed tb prevailing cntimeut of bit coun- " try men, a ben b (aid tbat the bfghett merit of women is. not to be epoken of either for good of evil, and Phldial illut- trated tbe tame feeling when be reprrten ted tho heavenly Aphrodite standing on a tortoit, typifying thereby tb secluded fe ol a virtuous woman. In lb writing of Xenopbon w bav a charming pictur ! of a husband who bad received into bit ' arms bit young wife of fifteen, absolutely irnoraut of the world and it way. H . peaks to ber with extreme kindoeat, bat in tb langaag tbat would b used to a little child. Her Usk, be tell her, 1$ Uf ' be like a queen be, dwelling continually at borne, and superintending the work ol ' ber slaves. She must distribute to eaca their task, must economise tbe family- ' ' A LITTLE INDIAN SHEPHERD. tne corral fWcelid "It-It "whctlrtr one it missing. He is about fourteen, and has a faee a round a the moon, and the brightest black eyes, which fairly spar kle with mischief. He turn, more torn. ersaultt and hangs head downward from more trees than any man could count readily, and feems hardly to be aware of the exii-tcnce of lit cheep during the w hole duv, yet he bring them all hour at mailt. Like a true Indian. In motion are perfectly cat like, and ho never call to his sheep, but alway imitates the owl, the wild-cat, or the coyote. W hen his employer calls him he never answers syllabic, but starts and runs toward him with all his inight. Mischievous as he is when alone, he is as shy as a part ridge, and was never known to come to his meals with the others unless he was specifically called by name. The over seer got tired of being obliged always to give him a special and particular invita tion to dinner, so he wctit out and took hi in by the ear one day, and led him to the table: bill '.he boy straightway burst out crying and blubbering! in grievous distress ot mind, and it look him two day to recover his equanimity A revolver was bought for htm that ho might fire at the coyote w hen they came to prey on his flock, but he regarded it with aversion At last they prevailed on him to carry it two days in succession, How Hot io be Beautiful. A vacant mind take all tho meaning out of the fairest faco A sensual disposition de forms the handsomest features. A cold. elfish heart shrivels and distorts the best looks. A mean, grovelling spirit take all the dignity out of the countenance. A ,.,it.i. f ... . cuerisnen natreo transforms me most beatiful lineament iuto an image of ugli-nes. It is a impossible .to preserve good looks, with a brood of bad passion feed ing on the blood, a set of low loves tramp ing throngh the heart, and a selfish, dis dainful spirit enthroned iu the will, a to preserve the beanty of an elegant man sion with a litter of swiuein the basement, a tribe of gypsies in the parlor, and owl and vultures in the upper part, Badness and beauty will no more keep company a great while than poison will consort with health, oi an elegant carving survive the, furnace fire. lathing With Children. When, you are world-weary and soul-sick, talk with a little child. As tho- clear, trusting eyo ' and on the second day he saw a wild cat, j is lifted to you, a thought of the immea. ' crept upon it with true Indian stealth, j lurable distance you have blindly travel. 1 ly flat on his btlh", hclu the pisto) to ed from that sweet trust to your present Ins face, and after sighting along tho bar- atheism, will touch the world-frozn Foun- rel and then Squinting at the oat alter- tain of your tears : and just as the littlo nately shout a dozen times, at last he head, unquestionably and coufidingly ) fired.'fnr pistol kicked him in tlie burr Joane.on,, your breast, you will yearn 'io - The Ditr- g arms are our best and saiest snettcr, , & I r.-,. ..lit, . ' ' 1 lie man or woman must indeed jue past past redemption whom " the little one fn their midst" cannot bring near to heaven. A raid WAS recently adfl in Gaston county, N. C, by the officers of i literal revenue, ty directum of Supervisor Per ry, upon illicit whiskey distilleries uithat vicinity, and several barrels' of whisky of captured. The officers wre pursued by a"fiuTiibeF1Sf'TlR-rI1n7eiSIedriii"lhe' ilfctl trade, aud took refuge in a . house near iiliuiby vUlc, which w as at once1 besieged by the pursing party, w ho surrounded the house at night. The whisky was re captured," but on next day jwas again ta ken by the officers. .Measures have betn . ' a-. al . inaugurated to secure the arrest ot tne parties wlW a4Ufvp44td recover the cap tured whitkyv Wask. Patriot. be induced to take it again. gers are a timorous and gentle race, and dr not take to firearms like the bell-born 1 A aches. A Quaker lately popped the question to a fair Quakeress a follows : "Hum- Yea and verily. Penelope, tho spirit org eth and mo vet h me wonderfully to bo seech the to cleave unto me, fksli of my flesh, and bone of my bone.' "Hum Truly, Obadiuh, thou hast wisely said ; Inasmuch "as Ir f " written that H irtrot Great Yield in .Wheat. - Emanuel Kaufman, of Meno township, Miffin coun ty Pa., threshed 166 bushel of clean wheat, the production of 3 acres and 44 - perches, making 42 biishilt per acre, r and weighing C8 pounds to the bushel. .-JiCateicaVand Mihjcal Mr. and Mrs, I w Tbe oldest tree on record, in Europe is asserted to be the ey press of Somm.i, in Lombardy, Italy. Ibis tree ts believedpresident of the to have been in existence at the time of Jnlin Ca?uar, ' forty-two yer before Christ and is therefore 1,911 yearaJold. It i 106 feet in height, and 20 feet in circumference at one fbjOl fro mi he ground. mumcate his uifoimaiion, ana n proves I .plcon, when laying down nis pian ior faliiablc; he may epect adequate com-J-the great road over the Simplon, diverg- ed from a straigh t fiuo to Una tree. avoid hTytrriirg good for tr.an to he ulone, lo 1 join n w iththee7' . Colonel Jerome Bonaparte, of Bait more, has married Mrs. New bold Edgar, nee Miss Appleton, of Bos tan, n grand daiigh ter ot Jlaniel Vebstcrran4repttted wealthy. Col. Bonaparte has been at Newport, R. I., during the summer. A Georgia man was murderedone day last week because he refused to pay a debt contracted by his wife's first hus band. The crime was committed by his wife's sou by that husband, and as soon as it was done, she gave the murderer what money she had and he fled. It is supposed that she will be arrested as ac cessory to the murder; , Professor JrXawrenco Smith, the new American Association for the Advancement ot c-cicnce, is a na tive of Sooth Carolina, and is now a re- ill so- Florence have returned" frora 7 bringViiew play Wachtef the Uerimafi'i tenor, la coming to this country with It company. Dolhern is to appear in New loik. - Aftcx- iliQ .cancliwion . ol. tlie4crforr! mance at the Iloward Athcna?ttm, in Boston, Monday night, the clothiner of a ' ballet girl named" -Kuiily Jiuith -.caught -fire, and she was badly burned. Her in juries, though painful, are not serious. Mr. Raskin, in furtherance of hiis theory that every wealthy man in England should give ouc-teuth of hik income to the public, nnuonnccB that he Tia mdo over $5,000 as a free gift to the british people, and calls upon his- fellow-pbilau. thropists to come forward and do like wise. ' , Amonz the most iiflDortant discoveriea of -i bo German Arctic Lxnediltou Was a ident of Louisville-, Kentucky, w here he I new land, about thirty-six nautical mile married a daughter flhe late Hon, I east of Suitzbenren. aud situated north James Guthrie. He is a member of' the of the seventy-seventh deeree oflatitud. French Legion of Honor, and has. be- This territorv is larirer tuan Si.ltzberfren ' sides this, had a number of decoration I and preents a very wild and ragged ap bestowed upon bim, by various counUWsivoarae l filkd with almost pcrneu haJuatofL : ; dtcnlar mcantarataod tlfffsr1" " -4

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