TALK TO parents -^ 01() TO Discipline .. u, vfrv hard for parents to ac "the fart that their children * Fown Again and again one fathers and mothers giving sons and daughters orders ihich one might expect a little lid to obey, but which only rouse Jintment when the child Is older 0lle cannot correct the table of 0 bov of 15—at least iTdirectlv. and certainly not In liihUc A hint or suggestion when “ is' alone with him may help, if o nothing will. All that is gained ° the public reproof is surly rebel Nor ran one tell a girl of 15 to rash her hands and face. At that m when a girl dreams of being a fgV^of romance, a sleeping beau tr waiting for the prince to come, it is humiliating to be recalled to reality in the presence of others. Jn a more natural state of life girls wcrf women and frequently moth ers at fifteen. Biologically they are women, in spite of the position of dependence in which civilization keeps them today. The best way to handle these difficult years when as grown peo ple the children are still forced to submit to control, is to treat the youngsters with the tact and re spect one would give adults. They should be talked to as equals, con sulted on family matters, given real responsibilities, allowed as far as po sible to manage their own lives. Generally they respond to this kind of treatment where orders, scoldings and penalties have no ef fect. No one would tell an adult to take small mouthfuls or sit up straight, to brush his hair or clean his nails. If the child has not learn ed the need for these conventions before he reaches his teens, he will hav to find it out for himself through experience. Odd But TRUE Bv 0. Max Gardner, Jr. ~ The most beautiful gardens In the world, one of the seven won ders of the ancient world, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, were built to fill a woman’s passion. Amvtls, wife of Nebeuchadnezzar, wanted to see beautiful flowers and planus like the kind she had In her home-land. Therefore, Nebeuchad cezzar built the Hanging Gardens to fill her passion. The sounds coming to us over our radio, reach us quicker than if we were sitting in the studio at the time of the program. The rea son for this is that the radio waves travel faster over the electrified air, than they do In plain air. The average dog lives about 12 fea.-s. This Is equivalent to a per sons life. One year of a dog’s life is equal to the.t of seven years of a human's life. One of the most peculiar growths known today is the electricity tree of Central India. If you even so touch as tip a leaf with your finger >ou receive an electric shock, uerefore, birds and insects keep •"'ay from this tree. "atch out for people with brc ■B' Statistics show that pec *Tth brown eyes can lie better th People with lighter eyes. J" Japan * Package of home f * r^arettes sell for about four cigarettes^ P8Ck contains twenty Breeding Turkeys Should be Saved £ ‘Urkey prices during th. d * and Christmas holi their k. eri tempt Producers tosel Vp ‘l,bfSt blrds and keep slower de pcsesn? lUrkPys for bfeeding pur That'« thev could th* W°r8t thin| P,rr;., uld d0' commented C. F ParrKh . ’. commentec 1st at c,fxlension poultry special at state College. Bot°f! th« the ho!iday seasons an 0,u he said gTOwers shoul. ground Kr‘r birds lnt0 thre and culls rfrderS’ market turkeyi ,Although the very ticuld be best bird ha” saved for breeders, ther fo- ,many ?ood birds availab for «y>a .. wa v a a mu make » f lng- and growers shou SL "Z pff°rt to get the P,rrL ^ ln g00d conditio Skev m °Ut *~>t of birds will coi tts,, J2*wt Prices than oth tii„. ucts °f the same fo v meat is considered some luxury, he added, r«ue. quick rn*?tched’ wel1 develope ton,x urink Pullets and your nrst p,'efert,uc