(Society and PERSONAL NEWS MRS. RENN DRUM. Editor For This Department Should Be Reported By 11 O'clock. Phone 4-J.) hofv TO rf honored ^ in CHARI.OTTE SlOTTE Mr Hamilton C. c.v a tea «t her home Li® road. Eastover. Wed SrBom from 4 to 6 o'clock • *': Mrs. Clyde R. Hoey ol riv invites the ‘jr women from Ward 7 I w call to meet Mrs. Hoey. CLI B* SCHEDl LED •m THl’RSDAV ,r. will be a regular meeting e second division of the Wom rlnb Thursday afternoon at ,t the home of Mrs. R. T. Le ,(1 Mrs. LeGrand and Mrs. J. rfbett are to be hostesses. Mary Hanna and Miss Faye |n,fr will be hostesses to mem ,1 the evening division Thurs erening. The meeting, to be lt the Woman's club room, is gin at 8 o clock. D-WHITE marriage OCNCEMENT MADE nouncement is made today ot marriage of Muss Hattie Lee t to Thurman Austin Hord, t took place at the home of jev B P. Parks on Saturday, ter 3. with the Rev. Mr. Parks Wing. j. Hord is a daughter of Mr. Mrs. J. H. White and Mr. Hord , jon of Mr. and Mrs. J. jni. with whom the couple will i their home. li GROUP ATTENDS NTBV CLUB BRIDGE mall group of members of the try club were present at the iy afternoon bridge tea when were entertained by Mrs. Ben tail and Mrs. L. W. Gardner, prize for the afternoon, a dou Kct of cards, was won by Mrs. f. Blanton and after four pro to the hostesses served sand a, cake and coffee, me playing included Mrs. Ion, Mrs. Dan Frazier, Mrs. S. irker. Mrs, Vick Wray, Mrs. 3. hren, Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Itll. mtN STAR DISTRICT UNG WELL ATTENDED * school of instruction for bers of Eastern Star chapters he ninth district. held here riay afternoon at the Masonic lie, was well attended. About representatives from chap in Gastonia, Cramerton, Cher it, Wingate, Charlotte and S Mountain were present. J. Minnie K Lewis, of Ashe torthy grand matron of the J chapter of North Carolina, the instruction. Also present Harold Moag. worthy grand » of the Eastern Star, and Moag of Greensboro. 8 WINIFRED QUEEN •8 OTIS HAMRICK '• and Mrs. W. L. Queen an w the marriage of their hter, Winifred, to Clyde Otis rat on Sunday. October 11, year. The ceremony took place Wfnev,, s. c. f bride, daughter of Mr. and w L- Queen of this place, prior to the marriage. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hamrick, also of Shelby, graduated from Shelby high in 19> and since then has completed a course at the Salisbury business college. The young couple will make their home here. REVIEWERS CLUB WILL ENTERTAIN OTHER CLUBS The Reiewers club will entertain members of other literary clubs in the city Tuesday afternoon at a program tea at the country club, the meeting to begin at 4 o'clock. Dr. J. A. Eastwood, of the faculty of Limestone college, who has just returned from a trip around the world, will be guest speaker, talking about interesting experiences met in his travels. Clubs invited to be guests at the tea will be the Renaissance Study club. The Readers Book Club, The Contemporary book club, the Chi cora club, the Twentieth Century club and the Ishpennlng club. YOUNGER SET ENJOYS HALLOWE’EN PARTY Members of the city’s younger so cial set were entertained Saturday evening by Miss Betsy Hall Rob erts and her cousin,' Henry Queen, the party being given at the Dover home on Soutii Washington street. Fifty young people were present to enjoy an evening of games and contests appropriate to the season. All the guests were dressed in Hal lowe’en costumes, which added to the fun of the evening. Mrs. DeWitt Quinn and Mrs. Charles Roberts, mothers of the host and hostess, and Mrs. Rob Laney served sandwiches, cakes, candies and punch. , HALLOWE'EN CARNIVALS PLANNED FOR 3 SCHOOLS Friends of the schools are invit ed to attend the Hallowe'en carni vals to be held at several of the school buildings Thursday evening. Each of the carnivals will be fea tured by a program by the stud ents and by seasonal stunts- and games. . The carnival at Marion school, being sponsored by the parent teacher association, will begin at 7:30. Graham’s school’s carnival, also sponsored by the parent teacher as sociation, will begin at 7 o’clock. The carnival at the high school, to be put on by members of the senior class, wiU begin at 8 o’clock. MISS SELMA WEBB IS CHICORA HOSTESS Members of the Chicora Literary club were entertained Friday after noon at the Cleveland hotel by Miss Selma Webb. The group met in the parlor, decorated for the oc casion, with vases of beautiful chrysanthemums. The program included discus sions of three articles from a cur rent issue of “The Readers Digest.” Mrs. W. F. Mitchell talked on "101 Ways to Win a Woman”; Mrs. L. P. Holland talked on “What Is Slang” and Mrs. Josh Lattimore re ! viewed ' Amerida Revisited" Miss Kate Webb. sister of the hostess, was the only visitor pres ent. Eleven members were present. Elaborate refreshments, in two I courses, were served at the close of1 the program. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER GIVEN TOR BRIDE Mrs. Bynum Mauney was hostess at a miscellaneous shower Friday . afternoon complimenting Mrs.' Thurman Hord, bride of this month. Mrs. Mauney received her i guests in a frock of autumn green i crepe and Mrs. Hord wore a be- | coming blue suit with accessories in l the same shade. A number of games and contests furnished amusement during the afternoon. The first contest, writing wishes for the bride, was won by Miss Elsie White, and one on ad jvice to the bride was won by Miss Pearl Turner. The two prize win ners presented their gifts to Mrs. Hord. The bride was given the end of a otrlng which ted her to the dining room table where the shower gifts were arranged. Misses Margaret and Novella Hord. Misses Bessie and Elsie White and Miss Minnie Mauney helped Mrs. Bynum Mauney to serve sandwiches, cake and coflee. GOLDEN LINKS CLASS HAS CONTEST SUPPER The Blue side of the Golden Links Class of Central Methodist Sunday School, the winner of a re cent contest, was entertained by the Yellows with a buffet supper on Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, at the home of Miss Marietta Hoyle on East Marion 8treet. Thirty nine were present. The living room and dining room were attractively decorated with Halloween emblems, roses, mari golds, and black eyed Suans. A lovely bowl of marigolds graced the center of the long dining room ta ble, from which the supper was served. After supper, music was rendered at the piano by Miss Mary Faye Penninger, after which Mrs. Ed Hamrick and Mrs. A. E. Gregory conducted an entertaining pro gram, conisting of games and a Halloween contest. The winner of the contest, Mrs. Norman Harris, was given a prize. BEAR HUNTERS ORGANIZE CLUB A group of men of the city, Just returned from a bear hunt on Mount Mitchell this week, organ* ized a bear club Friday evening at a dinner at which they were enter tained their wives. The dinner wasi given at the Cleveland hotel and the club was organized after dinner, including the men present as char ter members. The Shelby group were members of a party of twenty hunter* which had brought down three bears on the hunt earlier in the week and a shoulder of the venison was the center around which the dinner menu was built. i Dr. D. F. Moore was master of ceremonies for the informal pro gram of anecdotes and the organ ization session which followed the dinner. Those present were: Dr. Moore, Dr. and Mrs. Ben Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dixon, Dr. and Mrs. B. M. Jar rett, Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Morrison and their daughter, Dovie, and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wright, Ceph Blan , ton had been invited to join the group at dinner. MRS. RILEY McCORD IS PARTY HONOREE Mrs. Riley McCord, attractive bride of September, was honoree at a pretty party given Friday after noon by Mrs. C. A. Burrus at her home on Cleveland Springs road. Mrs. Burrus was dressed in a party frock of powder blue moss crepe and Mrs. McCord wore a becoming dress of bright blue with hat of the same shade. Charles Burrus, Jr„ son of the hostess, met the guests at the front door and they were greeted by an informal receiving line which in cluded Mrs. Burrus, Mrs. McCord, and Mrs. Harvey White and Mrs. Herbert Combe, also brides of re cent months, who shared honors. Mrs. Paul Webb, Jr., and Mrs. J. E. Nash helped the players to find their places while Kitty, small daughter of the hostess passed thej tallies. A pleasing feature of the party was the hand painted gifts for the honor guests, and for winners of prizes, and the hand-painted tallies and other bridge accessories, all of which were done by Mrs. Burrus. Also adding to the beauty of the party was the mixture of dahlias, chrysanthemums and roses used in decorating the rooms. Six tables were placed for bridge. The high score prize was won by Mrs. Clyde Nolan and the low score award by Mrs. R. H. Rogers. Mrs. McCord’s gifts was an oil painting and Mrs. White and Mrs. Combs received smaller, floral paintings. Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Nash and Mrs. W. R. Casstevens helped Mrs. Bur rus to pass an ice and sweet course with coffee. GIVE SERIES OF BRIDGES PARTIES Miss Easdale Ramsaur, Mrs. Louise Ramsaur Larkin and Miss Nettle Rayle entertained over the week-end at a series of pretty parties at the Ramsaur home on West Warren street. The living room and dining room, opened to gether to accommodate seven tables, which were arranged for play at each of the parties, were effectively decorated with roees and tithonia. The Hallowe’en holiday note ap peared in table decorations and on the refreshment plates which were passed at the close of the games. Miss Ramsaur and Mrs. Larkin were hostesses at Friday afternoon’s party when prises went to: Mrs. Clyde Short for spring high; Mrs. B. B. Lattimore of Des Moines, Iowa, guest of Mrs. Frank Hoey, for scoring second high; and to Mrs. Ed Harris, who was last to hold the floatin prize. • • • • Friday evening Miss Ramsaur, Mrs. Larkin and Miss Rayle receiv ed together. The high score prize was won by Mrs. Draper Wood, the second high prise by Mrs. W. R. Casstevens, and the floating pri<b by Miss Ettalie Moses. Saturday morning Mrs. Larkin Miss Ramsaur and Miss Rayle were again hostesses, the party being given as a compliment to Mrs. Harvey White, Mrs, Herbert Combs and Mrs. Riley McCord, attractive brides of the summer and fall. Each of the three brides receiv ed a guest gift at the close of the morning's games, and other prizes went to Mrs. C. R. Webb for hold ing top score, to Mrs. Helen C. Pen dleton for scoring second high and to Mrs. E. E. Post for winning the floating prize. Miss Edith Reid Ramsaur of Charlotte, who spent the week-end at home, was among the guests at the party. , Misses Post, Lutz Are In Sororities Miss Jeanette Post and Miss Marjorie Lutz, last year graduates of Shelby high school and this year at Duke University are pledg ed to Durham chapters of national sororities, it was announced today. Miss Post, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Post of 513 N. LaFayette St. was pledged to Kappa Delta and Miss Lut?, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Luts was pledged to Delta Delta Delta, ffl Exclusive Alice Brooks Picture PH Household Art* by Alice Brook* The Choicest of Xmas Gifts in Fascin ating Needle work idnm, rAiTMUH 5720 . '* ^nr<‘ rh)ld"—how near and dear to our thoughts at Christ _ , Wl a' a handsome gift this striking wall panel will make, 'tn in softy colored wool or silk floss. For all Its beauty. It re ™«R little how hme *e complete; it's done mainly in single stitch, and torlii Wh“tewr roo«n its hung. In pattern 5720 you will find a f'as>' that is. The finished result is one that will prove Whern of jfcj a wall hanging 14x18 inches; a color chart; material _ “lustrations of all stitches needed; directions for finishing lie Sheib'1* 6 1)attern send 10 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred) t k Y RDally st»r. Household Arts Dept., 259 W. 14th Street, New IN NUMBER Urr 10 Write plainly your NAME- ADDRESS and PAT MAKE SOME TOT A GIFT OF THIS MARION MARTIN DOLL WARDROBE PATERN 9077 Dolly * sure to need new olothea, ■so Marian Martin ha* planned this complete wardrobe, one that wtU delight the heart of any kiddle! Here's the answer to "what shall I Rive Mary-Jane for Christmas?" —a dashing set of varied ooetumes for her favorite doll! See the Jaun ty coat with its matching beret, the cunning pleated frock (smart as Mary Jane's own!), the perky "an tra" frock with Its protective apron (she'll adore that touch), and the saucy pajamas with their puffy sleeves! This Inexpensive yet fetch ing gift can be made from Pattern 9077, and an enterprising young ster may even make these olothas herself. You can do wanders with leftover scraps! Complete Dia grammed Marian Martin Sew Chart included. Pattern 9077 may be ordered for dolls measuring 13. 16, 18, 83 and 84 Inches. For Individual yardages see pattern. BE SURE TO STATE BUS Write at once for the new Issue of Marian Martin pattern book I Don’t wait another minute to get this new book filled with smart, modern and advanced styles In frocks, suits and blouses for the workaday morning, the brighter afternoon or the glamorous even ing. Scores of suggestions on ac cessories, fabrics and gifts, too. Book Is only fifteen cents. Pattern, too, Is but fifteen cents. Twenty five cents for both when ordered together. Send your order to Shelby Dally Star, Pattern Department, 239 W. 18th St., New York. N. Y. At The Theatres i Hollywood'* quadruplet* of swell entertainment will appear at the Webb today and Tuesday in ’Ladies In Love." They are Janet Oaynor, Loretta Young, Constance Bennett and Simone Simon. Don Ameche and Paul Lucas have the leading male roles. Latest news reel and comedy will be added attractions. Robert Taylor comes Wednesday in “Always Tomorrow.” Library Drive Gets Under Way At K. M. The drive for $500 to finance a library at Kings Mountain is under way with nearly |300 of the desired goal already subscribed. The canvass will continue this week and on until it is finished. Leaders are much encouraged with the way residents of the town are responding. Garden Cfnb Mfeeta KINGS MOUNTAIN, Oct. 25. — The meeting of the Garden Club which was scheduled for Friday of last week has been postponed on account of a conflict with other meetings and will be held- on Thursday afternoon of this week instead. Personals Mr. and Mrs. James O. Darcie have moved to Shelby recently from Gastonia and are temporarily lo cated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Thompson on West Marion street. They will later move into an apartment at the home of Mrs. P. L. Hennessa. Mrs. C. R. Hoey, Miss Isabel and their house guests, Mrs. E. E. Wil liamson and Miss Alioe Williamson attended the Western North Caro lina conference in Salisbury Thurs day and stayed over for the speech delteverad toy Mr, Hoey Thursday evening. They and Mr. Hoey were dinner guests that evening of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woodson of Salis bury. Mr. and Mrs. ▼. W. Breese* left Friday for a trip to New York and New Jersey. They will be away a week. Ben Roberts, Herman Eskridge, and Dr. Louis Roberts, all of Dur ham spent the week-end here with relatives. Theos Hopper underwent an op eration for the removal of his ton sils Friday at the local hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson of Raleigh spent Friday night here as guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hoey. Mrs. C. B. Freeman of Columbia. 8. C., spent the week-end here with her mother. Mrs. C. B. Alexander, and Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Freeman and Misses Augusta and Elisabeth Alexander spent Friday night and Saturday at Oteen with Clary Alex ander who has been a patient there for several months. Mr. Alexander's condition continues to show some Improvement. Mrs. Arthur Byrd of Greenville, 8. C., is spending a few days here with Mrs. P. E. Bragg at the home of the Uttar* parents, Mr. Md Mrs.' Cepb Blanton. Mm. Ok a. M4 and torn shtl dren, Nanay and Charles, of Char lotte span* the week-end have with the former's mother, Mn. K. h. Newman, and Mt and Mn. Hoy Newman. Mn. Paaar daemon fart the week-end with relative* tn ftranita Falla and Oaatonla. Miss With Hold Rameaus, teach er in the Charlotte afty schools, spent the weak and ham with her motor, Mn, Walter Namaaur. ktUaaa Btama Brwtn and Sue Propet spent the weak and in Hiokory with the latter* dM*r. Mrs. John Keeler, and Mr. Easter. Mr. and Mr*. Walker Blanton of Marlon vMtad the former** unde, Caph Wanton, and MM. Blanton hare Saturday. BtU Thompson, atndant aiOtem aon Collage, S. O.. returned to aohooi yesterday afternoon after spending aavaral day* hart with Ms parents, Mr. and Ifta. S. J. Thompson, during hoiidaya given the Clamaon studenta during South Carolina’s state fair last weak. Broadus Newman, formerly of Shelby, who haa bean seriously iU for several weeks In a Charlotte hospital, waa reported as being vary 111 yesterday after having shown improvement for several dags. Miss Katharine Love and Frank Love, Jr.. of Saxapahaw spent the week end here with ooudna while their parents, Mr. and Mm. Vtank Love spent the week-end In Lin coln ton with relative*. J. C. Bowttng it a patient tn Mer cy hoepital, Charlotte, where he la undergoing treatment for acute arthritis. Vick Wray, D. H. OUne and Dr. J. S. Dorton left yeaterday for Lex ington, Ky., to attend a horse show. While there they will invite exhibitors at the Lexington show to enter the show to be held here on November 11. Misses Sara Bather Dover, Ada Ramsey Wall and Mary France* Williams spent the week-end at W. C. U. N. C„ Oreenborao, visiting Misses Esther Ann Quinn, Dovie Logan and Katherine Morgan, students at the college. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Shull. Miss Fally Shull and Edwin Stull, all of Hickory, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. C. EL Shull. Mrs. Roberta Pryor spent the week-end in Gaffney, S. C., with relatives. Miss Ruth Whitener of Charlotte was a visitor in the city over the week-end, spending the time with her grandmother, Mrs. D. H. Shu ford. Mrs. Oharles Eskridge and two children, Jean and Charles, Jr. are back at home after spending two weeks with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Edwards in Scotland Neck. Mr. Eskridge Join ed them there over the week-end and brought them home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Williams spent the week-end in Burlington on business. Miss Kate Roberts Is spending this week with her sister, Miss Bes sie Roberts, who is a teacher in the Lillington schools. Mr. and Mrs. George Carpenter spent Sunday in Forest City with relatives. Mrs. Elisabeth Wooley of Char lotte spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hoke Thomp son and on Saturday Mrs. Wooley. Mr. Thompson, Miss Agnes Welch and Lyle Thompson attended the Tennessee-Duke football game in Knox villa, Tennessee. Mrs. Thamp* non, who had planned to *o with the party, was kept at home by a slight Illness. Miss Katherine Alderman In upending this week with her par ents at Dum. Mrs. Alfred Eskridge of Oreen ville is spending thin weak here with her mother, Mrs. R. M. Old ner. Iked laker and George Hoyle spent yesterday in Salisbury at tending the W. N. C. Methodist con ference and Mrs. Hoyle, who had gone down last Wednesday, re turned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Whleonant returned home Saturday after spending a week In Washington, Philadelphia and New York City on their wedding trip. While In Philadelphia they ware entertained by Mrs. Whiaonant’s brother, Henry Hamrlek. and Mrs. Hamrtok. Mr. and Mrs. Whleonant an temporar ily located at the home of the for mer’* mother, Mrs. D. A. Wh Ison ant on South DeKalb street Km Charles ■pale, a patient it the Shelby- hospital, following a serious operation more than a weak ago, Is now getting along nicely and Is abls to have soma oompeny. Mr. and Mn. Wilbur Baber at tended the Methodist oonferenos in Salisbury on Friday. Mm. Louise Ramseur Larkin re turned to Charlotte, whan aha Is taking a business course, this morn ing after spending last wsek hare with her mother, Mn. Walter Ram eaus. Mrs. W. B. Richardson and two children, Marie and Billy, came to Shelby yesterday to spend a few days with the former’s mother, Mrs. Alios Uneberger, having come especially for the funeral of Wil liam Uneberger this afternoon. Among tho Shelby people who attended the W. N. O. Methodist conference during Its several days In session In Salisbury last week were Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mc Clurd. D. Z. Newton, Thad Ford and B. O. MoOowan. Among the relatives end friends In the city today to attend the fu neral of William Lineberger are: Mrs. Ora HID and Miss Kudlow Kill at Concord, Mrs. Claude flack of Oaffney, S. C„ Mm. leaufcrd flask at Forest Otty, Mr. and Mrs. John Uneberger at Ashevllla, Mr. and Mm. Sherrill Uneberger of Atlanta, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Furman MoLarty of Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sherrill of Charlotte, Mrs. F. F. Pemell and daughter of Franklinton. and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Poole, of Union, S. O. Clyde Whlscnant at Burnsville visited at the home at Mm. Lillian Newton yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hamrick' and daughter, Rosemary, of Fbrest City, visited the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hamrick here yesterday. Hohe Sisk of Jacksonville. Flor ida, Is spending three weeks here with Ms brother, Roy Side, and sisters, Miss Oussie Sisk and Mrs. Lewis Forney. • Mrs. R. B. Brown has returned to her home In Charlotte after spending several days here with Mr. and Mm. C. O. Carpenter. Mm. B. O. Starnes, who has been confined to her bed for sometime, remains seriously 1M. Miss Dorothy King, teacher In the Oaatoala high school, spent the week-end hare with her parents. Mr. and Mm. Will King. Mias Reeves Forney spent the week-end In Raleigh where (he at -——. . Poplar Springs Couple Married Mlm Marv Ruth Hamrick Wads Jam** DeBrew Oct. 15th; Rm. Padgett fwtania Ceremony (Special to The Wor.i POPLAR SPRINGS, Oct. 35 —An outstanding social event of the month vu the wedding of Mis* Mary Ruth Hamrick and James DeBrew which waa solemnized on Oct. IB at B:1A o'clock at the home of the brlde’e parent*. The core mony waa performed by Rev. Ruth Padgett uatng the Impressive ring ceremony. The vows were spoken beneath an Improvised altar by evergreens and mixed fall flowers The bride waa dressed In brown chiffon velvet with hat, shot* and aocaaaortes to match. Mrs. DeBrew Is the youngesR daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Hamrick. She received her educa tion at Boiling Springs. Mk. DeBrew is a son of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. DeBrew. He received hi* aduoatkm at Bolling Springs and at present la employed by the J. 0. Penney Co. of Shelby. After a short honeymoon spent In eastern North Carolina the young couple will be at horns to their friends at an apartment at the home of the bride's parents. Plan Floral Fair At Kings Mountain auras Mountain, ooa. * - The annual liars] fair of Kings Mountain, sponsored by the Wom an's elub, hss been set as Novem ber S, It was announced today by lira. D. O. Mauney, president. All oonuaittees are requested to make note at the date and make their plane to make N the best tn years. The committee on prises has already secured donations for more than the timed amount of award*. A number of small farmers in Swain oounty wW use a ten or moss of Ume each thle fall es dem onstration. So far twelve man neve purchased M toes. Increased sore yMda of eotton by MOaMH m# hebtaw atewde aim rsMon oi Dwwr nT4»non trs wporwo by those man who treated ttietr seed lent spring. tended the State-V. P. I. footbem game. Mr*. Ward Arey spent last week In Charlotte visiting Mrs. J. C. Bundy. Mias OHte Sherrill of Lenoir ■pent the week-end hem with her mother. Mrs. C. F. Sherrill. %*nm lady Ho»» you wished far a watch you oould wear proudly, eorv fidentlyt On* of unquestioned good taste, smart, and ready accurate 9 That desarlbes the HAMILTON. The new Foil models are Indy little gtms k . . at truly modest prices. See our displpy. T.W. HAMRICK CO. CA R O LIN A “SHELBY’S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE" XlL TODAY AND TUESDAY GARY CDOPER and MADELEINE (ARROil »• »* * The GiNEMl MID at DAWN' WILLIAM MAWlfY IDUDLIY DI40IS AKIM TAMtftOPP ‘FORTH HALL* J. M. KIR RIO AN ADDED: NEWS, Color Short WEDNESDAY — 10c DAY LOUISE FAZENDA “DOUGHNUTS AND SOCIETY” — WE THANK YOU — WEBB THEATRE — SHELBY’S LEAPING PLAYHOUSE — ~ TODAY and TUES - 4 Star Special! THESE FAMOUS FOUR . . * TOGETHER! JANET AYNOR LORETTA YOUNG CONSTANCE BENNETT S'tMONS SIMON // ycie DON AMECHE P A U I L I) K A f j Tyroilf POWFP It. AI(I n MOW BP AY I ALSO LATEST NEWS AND CARTOON WED. ROBT. TAYLOR IN “ALWAYS TOMORROW" THURSDAY-FRIDAY “THE CAPTAINS KID” NEXT MIDDAY - UESDAY - WEDNESDAY SHIRLEY TEMPLE IN “DIMPLES**

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