THIMBLE THEATRE A Paternal Dislike. By E. C. SEGAR SECRET AGENT X-9 A “BRING TM BACetaoinshrdlu now is the time fi By CHARLES FLANDERS SHOOT GROUND HIM IF POSSIBLE-X-<9 WOKTS TO TAKE BBB HIM olive ! M BLONDIE It's The Principal Of The Thing. By CHIC YOUNG POE DCWM DMSV r WES BARVONG FOR BRRR— ITS MIS BLANKET—VOU FORgOTT FREEZING--NO TO GIVE mo WIM AND WONDER WC WAh YOU KNOW WC CANT ~ X A_n~ sleep wrrwour rr T HENRY By CARL ANDERSON HBNRY--WILL YOU # WK DOWN THAT NEW w LINOLEUM RUG?Jy ■ 1. 1 J JUSTICES Swelling The Rank*. By AD CARTER ; ACV-MR.1 BRANN6R! TO YOU'VE ME DID I SWOW< r vuhp A Strange Face. TILLIE THE TOILER By WESTOVER «DT SOME - OM HIS VUISH I veah , BUT t'M AF^A»D mv n J r «x *• J- SCOTT ■HoW WOULD YOU Lin ■<0 VISK A *£*,2 SALOH And Yout-rfetrt' FI LED-To ^SHARP fa H'« Dome , BYtSt ^V/OMiN of BASoBo -taiBtHt -tit iHiivm jss^ _ — -WE first" "submarine MAIL* WAS CARRIED OM-friE U.S.S.C-3. MAV 7, I9IQ io-2* (omuoff. iw. c»ntA. mu moociatioh 1 l/MOTfft/ WAS BORN IN 0NL4| Hk Carolines , Bur* Elected Presi&MI, FROM fit.INiSSUi I MAKINfi NIMMUi FIRST PRESlDIMt FROM WESToFtStl ALLEGHENY MoUMtAH COOK-COOS By Ted MUGWUMPS’ LAMENT “Political observers foal that • tho final decision roots with tho Mugwumps who can't make up thoir mi ndo until tho last moment. Thoir votoo may ha swung either way by tho last minute campaign appeals of either candidate."—Editorial. We are the Mugwumps. A Mugwump, you’ll find, Seldom, if ever, can make up his mind. We have an attitude plas tic, like clay, Moulded by everything others may say. How we suffer—deep and long, Weighing right, and weigh ing wrong— Weighing wrong, and weigh ing right, Tossing through an endless night 1 One day we question.. .then we affirm... Pivot ana summersault, gle and squirm, Reach for conclusions, tlwj turn about And scamper to hide in closet of doubt. Bigots never falter, slink— | They just rush right o’er f brink 1 Willie roughly shook the ladder; Pop, above, kept getting madder. Pa yelled, “Tell that brat to stopl” Ma hummed gaily, “You’re the top.” —Bob Hope. • • • Simile— Discouraged as an electric icebox salesman in November, e e e VAGABONDES’ DICTIONARY (1610) A CURT ALL—A Curtail is mnch tyke to the vprlght man, bat hys authority I* not folly ■o great. He rseth commonly to go with a shorte cloke, like to grey Friers, & his women with him in like linery. which he calieth his Altham if she be hys wyfe, A if she be not, she is called hys Doxy. AN DUSHE TOTLE — An Irisha Toyle is he that carieth Us ware in his wallet, as laces. who, poyntes, and such like. He rseth to shew no wares ratill he tune hys almes. And if the good man and wyfe be not on procureth of the ehUIUdren or seruants a fleece of wool, or the worth of sij.d. of some other thing, for a peni vorth of his wares. TODAY’S OPPORT (Pertonal—S»turd»y WOULD RAMBLE by car where out of San Have you car and a v some spirit? Box 330-B. And how about a Jwk ^