WINBORNE MAKES PREDICTION for election result C.v, Mott Work in 36 ^Years Will Be Done ettElGH Oct 30. "Yes, I’ll R fou » prediction," said State ■*** 'tjc Chairman J. Wallace rlnr to newspaper reporters wore urging him to make a * , Of the results of next. "**f •< election, “I predict that w ot'the 100 counties there will * more work done at the polls L election that has been since { recaptured the state from the Sfp^cincts are organized JL than I have ever known them L par that reason I feel con ’ we will Show a Democratic Joritv of over 200.000 for both tonal and state tickets, despite fact that the Republicans are lending more money in North -roUna than 1 have ever known ion to . ■ They m‘8ht have the lCnty but we are going to have it votes" State Chairman Winbome and ir5 J B. Spilman. the state vice jairman. this week sent their final pptal to the thousands of work •s they expect to have at the polls ■om sunrise to sunset next Tues jv These seven points were stress Oet all your challenges filed ■day and heard and. out of the Monday. Have all watchers named and e their personal agreement to throughout the day. Have all markers named and EXECUTORS' NOTICE Hivina qualified as executor* of the elite ot W. N. Blanton , deceased of ClertlAnd county. North Carolina, this is „ Mn(y hi persons having claims against the said estate to present theim to us properly proven on or before the 7th dir o! Sept . 1937 or this notice will be pleaded m bar of any recovery thereof. Ail persons owing the said estate will please make immediate settlement to the mdersigneri. This 1st day of Oct, 1936. LAWTON BLANTON and HERBERT BLANTON. Executors of the will of w. N Blanton. «t oct Jc ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE Hiring qualified as administratrix of the estate of C. D. Parker, deceased, late . pi Cleveland county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims sgamst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to -the undersigned at Bel tpod N C. on or before October Bth, 107 or this notice will be pleaded In bar if their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate pirment Ibis October 9, 193S. MRS. R T PEELER. Administra trix of c li Parker, deceased, lie P. Mull, Atty. «t oct 9c CASH FOR POULTRY The following prices are be in? paid for poultry: Heavy Hens_15c Leghorn Hens_8c Old Roosters_8c Spring Chickens_13c EAGLE POULTRY CO. PHONE S34-W NEAR SEABOARD DEPOT secure their personal agreement to devote the day to the party. 4. Have a list of all Democrats in the precinct in the hands of poll workers who know the voters and impress on the workers the Im portance of seeing to it that every man and woman on the list comes to the polls and votes. 5. Have automobiles and drivers read to get voters to the polls where necessary, 6. See to it that all workers are' at the polls by sunrise and that1 they keep up the drive throughout the day. i 7. See to it that all absentee bal lots are prepared strictly in com-1 pliance with the law. Families Paying U. S. Its Rentals1 ASHEVILLE, Oct. 30.——A proposal for registration of libra rians in the southeast came up to day before the annual meeting here of the Southeastern Library Association. Various state associations will hold their dinner meetings to night, and sectional meetings and committee reports will be the order of the day Friday. A“Book Dinner" will be the con cluding feature of the convention Friday night. The convention opened yesterday with between 200 and 300 delegates from ten states present. Malcolm J. Wyr, of Denver, Col., president of the American Library Association, spoke last night. Book Dinner To Feature Meeting RALEIGH, Oct. 30.—fflv-Region al headquarter here for the re settlement administration reported 1 today that families living on farm- i steads of the division in 13 states 1 had paid $187,323 in» to the United I States treasury In rentals. The report said that 94 per cent; of rentals due by homesteaders over the nation to September l had been paid. Rentals from this region Includ ed those from Penderlea home steads in Ndrth Carolina, Cumber land homesteads In Tennessee, and Tygert Valley homesteads and Red House and Arthurdale projects in West Virginia. NAMES ARE DRAWN FOR BIG DEER HUNT ASHEVILLE. Oct. 29.—(/P)—No tices went out today to 1,700 hunt ers today that their names had been drawn for the fourth annual public deer hunt on the Pisgah National Game Preserve next month. The hunt is held each year to | bring the deer population of the preserve to normal. Each of the 1.700 hunters will be allowed to! "bring down” one buck. Albemarle Rally ALBEMARLE, Oct. 30.—m— Representative Robert L. Dough ton and former governor and Sen ator Cameron Morrison will address a Democratic rally here Saturday night. Elks Meet GOLDSBORO, Oct. 30.—(A’)—Elks' from Goldsboro, Wilmington, New j Bern, Washington, Fayetteville and j Elizabeth City held a joint busi ness meeting here last night. Dls- , trict deputy Leslie P. Gardner of Goldsboro presided. • Listen to the political news ,nfi campaign ‘P'fches. Be H E R £ when ,hlnes happen - "■ith a new Cros W F'"cr. A mar vt,0'ts performer "h rnany new l. ur*s Exquisite cabinet. nc*d within reach of all. $19.99 CAMPBELL DEPT. STORE i “Crosley Dealers ” HOWS vaut H E ALTH 0 Utnih D»- Up Qrtdtmm tm BEAMS MILL. Oct. 29— Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bridges a son. William Carrol. October 27. Wil liam was the name ol both the ba by’s grandparents, all lour of his great grandparents, one uncle, two great uncles, five great great uncles and five of his cousins Mrs. W. C. Bridges is suffering ! from a badly burned leg, sustained last Thursday when she spilled a I bucket of boiling water. She is con- j fined to her bed. Mrs. Plato Cost ner is not doing very well. Ray, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Wright has been having trouble with his j leg. He has been unable to walk, but is some better now. Frank j Seism, who has been confined to his bed for sometime with rheumatism, is reported as improving some. Mrs. Bob Kendrick of Shelby and Charles Alexander of New Pros pect spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Costner. Mrs. W. H. Glasco and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dewrell Glasco of Morganton. . Mr.and Mrs. Yates Wright visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Beaver of near North Brook Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Ware of near Kings Mountain spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Elliott. Harry and Betty Elliott, who have been visiting the Wares, returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crocker of Cherryville were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vertis Wil liams. Defay Co6tner of Asheville joined Mrs. Costner, who has been spend ing several days with Mr. and Mrs. Plato Costner for the week end here. They returned to Asheville Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Stonewall Williams ! visited Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Spangler ( of Double Shoals Sunday. Miss Hessie Dellinger of Toluca Is spending several days with Mrs. 1 W. C. Bridges. CONVICT TORRENCE Ot MANSLAUGHTER CONCORD, Oct. 30 -(F) A Jury convicted Harold Torrence, 21. of mansalughter in the death of El woori Hawkins, 10, in an automo bile accident. BOILING SPRINGS SOCIAL MENTION Clubs And Birthday Party; Mrs. Morris Dead BOILING SPRINGS. Oct. 39 — Mrs. Graham C. Hamrick recently entertained the members of the Tongues and Needles club and sev eral guests at her home. The home was attractively arranged with baskets of chrysanthemums and dahlias and low bowls of roses. After the ousiness session a social hour was enjoyed. At this time a Halloween contest was held. Mrs. J. L. Pruette, the winner was pres ented twin vases as the prise. Birthday Party Mrs. Blaine Whisnant entertain ed a large number of little boys and girls at a lovely birthday party, honoring her attractive daughter, Joyce, on her fourth birthday. Games were played in the yard. Then plates consisting of cakes, sandwiches, candy and nuts were passed. Book Club Meets On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. J. L. Jenkins was hostess to the mem bers of the Phllsonian Book Club, the members of the college faculty and a few other friends. Two papers on the topic of 'Scot land” were read by Mrs. J. H. Jones and Mrs. M. A. Jolley. Mrs. Dan Moore sang two Scottish num bers. She was accompanied at the piano by Mrs. V. H. Hamrick. Mrs. Jenkins passed a Scotch Hymn Book which had been brought to this country by her grandfather who came from Scotland. Most attractive refreshment plates with a Halloween color scheme were passed. Mrs. M. A. Jolley, Mrs. Mae Phil lips and Miss Velma Goode Jointly entertained the Home Demonstra tion club on Monday afternoon. Two papers were read as follows: “The Life of Mrs. Jane S. McKlm mon” by Mrs. J. M. Walker and “Fall Bulbs” by Mrs. E. B. Ham rick. The hostesses served sand wiches, cakes and tea. A half hour was devoted to re creation which consisted of march es, games and songs. Dr. and Mrs. Allen Biggerstaff and Miss Inez Henshaw of Win ston-Salem spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bigger staff. Her Aunt Dead Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Jenkins and family left Wednesday to attend funeral services for Mrs. E. Y. Morris of Concord, who is an aunt of Mr. Jenkins. The funeral will be held Thursday at Mt. Carmel church near Troy. _ Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins and family will spend a couple of days with Mrs. Jenkins' mother, Mrs- Watson at Wagram while away. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hamrick and daughter, Miriam- of Gaffney visited Mr. and Mrs. Vine Hamrick Sunday. TraVls Wall and Jack, Jolley of Marion spent the Wek end with their homefolks here. * Wellle Hamrick of the Farm School at Swanoanoe visited his mother, Mrs. Benfleld Hamrick over the week end. LATTIMORE TRIO OFF FOR PENN. f Special to The Star) LATTIMORE. Oct. 39—Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nichols and Paris Weathers left Monday for Frocks vllle, Penn. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols will visit relatives while there. Mrs. Pauline King: of Westminis ter. S. C., spent last week with her sister, Mrs. J. C. Poteat and Mr. Poteat. Miss Candace Rayburn returned to the Rutherfordton Hospital Monday for treatment. Miss Ray bum is Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Wilson were the dinner guests of Mr. Wil son’s mother, Mrs. R. M. Wilson of Shelby. Mr. John Taylor and daughter, Helen of Kings Mountain spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Baron Doty. Mrs. B. W. Moyle and son, Doug las and Mr. P. T. Lyerly of Char lotte were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harrlll and son, Phillip of Charlotte spent the week end with Mr. Harrlirs moth er, Mrs. Julia Harrlll. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Sharp of Aberdeen spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mts. J. C. Poteat. Miss Ellse Davis Is spending this week with her aunt, Mrs. B. W. Moyle of Charlotte. ENGINE DERAILED AT KINGS MOUNTAIN KINGS MOUNTAIN, Oct. 30 — The engine from southbound lo cal freight was derealled here Tues day afternoon at the Railroad ave nue crossing. In trying to get the locomotive back on the track two rails were broken, and before the job could be completed It was nec essary to get to the engine from the northbound freight to come back tram Bessemer City to pull the de railed engine on the rtuck. The train was delayed about two hours. Cherokee Officers Seize Four Stills GAFFNEY, S. cToct. 30—Four Illegal liquor distilleries, totalling 340 gallons capacity, were seised snd destroyed by county rural po lice Monday and Tuesday. The outfit were found in pairs. Two were located Monday In the Wllklnsvllle community and two were located Tuesday In the nint Hill area also In the lower part of Cherokee. A 130-gallon sheet-iron still and a 50-gallon plant were bagged In the Wllklnsvllle section on the Buddy Harris place Monday, offi cers said. Another 130 gallon sheet Iron outfit and a 50 gallon oil drum distillery were found on the farm of "Bub" Kennedy In the Wtnt Hill section Tuesday. All four of the stills were full of beer at the time of their capture and ready for operations, officers ststed. Coast Guard Finds Tar Heel Shrimper GEORGETOWN, 8. C , Oct. 30 — (JP)—Taken In tow by the Coast Guard cutter Colfax when It rani out of fuel after battling a storm.! the 38-foot shrimping trawler.1 Louise, was ready today to join the shrimp fleet off Wlnyah Bay. The trawler left Southport Mon day night for Georgetown, became separated from the rest of the fleet in rough weather, and was miss-, Ing when the other veasels arrived' in Winyah Bay the next morning j The Colfax towed the trawler in after it was located a mile off Paw ley's Island, near here. The two mean aboard. Captain J Earl Bow en, Jr, and O. B Baas, both of Sea gate. were safe. Heavy Tobacco Rales ROCKY MOUNT, Oct. 30.—