and PERSONAL NEWS MRS. RENN DRUM. Editor N ws for This Department Should Be Reported By — Municipal Judge Lewis E. Teague dismissed a manslaughter indict ment against H. C. Steed of Greens boro in the death of Charlie Col j lins, killed in a highway accident ! near here Monday. MORE WPA PROJECTS ANNOUNCED BY COAN RALEIGH, Oct. 30. — OP)—State WPA administrator George W. Coan, Jr., announced approval of seven more relief projects in Pas quotank, Person, Bladen, Lincoln, Union and Stanly counties. KENTUCKY WOMAN ON RAMPAGE AGAIN JACKSON, Ky., Oct. 30.—(IP)— Breathitt county’s “Queen of the Barge,” Mrs. Stella Combs, 45, who figured as a witness in the spec tacular Clayhole election shooting i which cost four lives in 1921, await-; ed in jail here today a hearing to- j morrow afternoon on a charge of| slaying Walter Allen. 40, a divorcee.j SLAIN FAMILY IS FOUND BY RELATIVES! AKRON, O., Oct. 30.—(A*)—Rela- 1 tives went to suburban Cuyahoga Falls last night to visit the family! of William Harrison Slabaugh only to find all four members slain byi rifle fire. County Prosecutor H. E. Werner! said today that Slabaugh shot his' wife and two children, and then! himself. , ! Elam Announces ' Stewardship Meet Rev. W. A. Elam has announced a stewardship and mh$ion rally for the Kings Mountain association! to be held at the First Baptist church of Shelby, beginning at 10; o'clock and closing at 3 o'clock. Each of the 43 churches are ex pected to be represented. Rev. Perry Crouch, educational secretary of the state Baptist convention, Dr. Zeno Wall, and Dr. G. J. Bur-| nett will speak during the day. A| light lunch will be furnished by the local church. Exciting New Beauty for Your Needle I [Household Arts » b> p Alice Brooks l % > / t This 5 Flowfi - Design - WiU r Brighten < Your Room PATTERN 5084 li»e 1 'at cllarm the eye will also make your needle fly; they’re fjec! j( (lnch crosses and you know how quickly they’re done! ><*t gl0riQU£ly realistic shades their full-blown beauty on your the ,P t0Wels and naPWns will make them just twice as dainty. * you ,|01 ' V moufs together, if a large wreath’s desired. In pattern r rev 111 tind a transfer pattern of four 1 01-4 inch motifs, four- and ot| Cu' ' uil two different 2 1-2 inch motifs; material require 'o0bt() ^ SUKKt'stions; illustrations of all stitches needed. Hie Shelhv n paltern send 10 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred) t N Y Vailv Star)- Household Arts Dept.. 859 W. 14th Street. New ^R-n number to write plairUy your NAME. ADDRESS AND This Marian Martin Bloomer Frock Cut Just Right For Active Tots ’«<> Personals Former Governor and Mr«. O. Max Gardner left this morning for j Raleigh to spend the week end as j guests of Governor and Mrs. J. C. j B. Ehringhaus. Miss Jeanette Poet, daughter of | Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Post, freshman j at Duke University, has been sel- I ected recently in a group of twenty girls to serve as a chapel choir. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Roberts will spend the week end in Chapel Hill with Mr. and Mrs. Dewey King and will attend the State-Carolina foot ball game. Mies Ruth Hopper and Mrs. Paul ine Hopper of Charlotte will spend the week-end here with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Major Hopper on North LaFayette street. J. C. Mull, who fell and broke his hip Wednesday morning, has been carried to the Charlotte Sana torium for treatment. His condition is considered rather serious. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hendrick and family moved Wednesday from an apartment at the home of Mrs. P. 1*. Hfennessa on West Marion street to their new home on Thompson street, recently purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nolan. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Grice, and j two children, Roy and Eddie, of Lenoir, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Allen of Wilmington, Tommy Bordeaux and Misses Dorothy and Lucille Bordeaux, of Savannah, Oa., came to Shelby today to attend the wed ding of Miss Virginia Warlick of Kings Mountain to James Grice which is to take place this eve ning. They will spend the week-end here with Mrs. J. L. Grice and Mr. and Mrs. Rush Hamrick at their homes on South LaFayette street. Mr. Boyd Hendrick spent the week end with his family at Lenoir. Junior came home with him where he stayed with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hendrick. Mrs. C. P Gardner is slowly im proving after a serious attack of side pleurisy. Mrs. Gardner has been ill for a week at her home on North LaFayette street. Rev. W. H. Wall, returning home last night from a trip to Marion, slipped on the train step as he was leaving it and suffered rather painful bruises and shock. He was taken to the local hospital for ex amination and treatment. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Short left yesterday to spend a few days with relatives in Greensboro. Mrs. Jesse White and little son have Just returned home ' after spending a week in Anderson, 8. C., with relatives. N. E. Burgess and Chester Bas sett of the New York office of the Cleveland Cloth mills will spend a few days here on business over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Burrus and children returned home last night after spending the early part of the week in Statesville and Mocks vllle. Mr. Burrus attended court in Statesville through Wednesday and Mrs. Burrus and the children visit ed Dr. and Mrs. W C. Martin in Mocksville r n 11 uw wu*o Even though this cunning young ster has Just broken her dolly, she’ll find consolation In her dainty, new frock! Mother Is delighted with Pattern 9936, for It Is as simple asj can be to make, and Its complete Diagrammed Sew Chart Is a valu able aid! This fetching Marion Martin style is Just the klnd-any ac tive little girl of two to ten will need, for Its trim collar and full pleats will “stay put." while the gay puffed sleeves add a saucy touch! Don’t overlook the match ing bloomers, for they’re Just hte thing to keep her comfy and warm on a nippy winter day! Select bright, washable fabric if possible: challls, serge, gayly sprigged cham brav, or for parties, a satin-finish cotton broadcloth. Choose bright wooden buttons. Pattern 9936 may be orderly only In sizes 2, 4. 6. 8 and 10. Sise 6 re quires 2 3-8 yards, 36 inch fabric. BE SURE TO STATE 8IZE Write at once for the new issue of Marian Martin pattern book! Don’t wait another minute to get this new book filled with smart, modem and advanced styles in frocks, suits and blouses for the workaday morning, the brighter afternoon or the glamorous even ing. Scores of suggestions on ac cessories, fabrics and gifts, too. Book is only fifteen cents. Pattern, too, Is but fifteen cents. Twenty five cants for both when ordered together. Send your order to Shelby Dally Star, Pattern Department, 232 W. l*th St., New York, N. Y. Miss Kffle Evans of Dillon, 8. C., will spend the week-end here with Miss Elizabeth Black. Miss Evans has visited Miss Black here on previous occasions. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cooke and Bill Osborne were in Winston-Salem Tuesday and Tuesday night where they attended a Jolht meeting of district directors of the Lions club and the state Mfhd commission, of which Mr. Cooke Is chairman. They attended the dinner dance given for officers Tuesday evening at the Robert Lee hotel. A. F. Collins and W. C. Jackson of Grover will spend the week-end In Raleigh where they will attend a rural letter carriers board meeting. Mrs. P. H. KendaH left this morn ing for Baltimore where she will attend the pre-wedding festivities and the wedding tomorrow evening of her cousin. Miss Anne Arm strong, to William Emory, nr. Miss Armstrong has visited Mr. and Mrs. Kendall here. Miss Adelaide Oabaniss Is spend ing this week In Danville, Virginia, with Mrs. Paxton Mussleman. Mrs. B. O. Starnes has entered the Shelby hospital for treatment. Mrs. R. P. Hamby has returned from her mother’s home near Clay ton, Georgia where she has been visiting for two weeks. Mrs. L. O. Hunter spent yester day in Spartanburg. S. O., visiting friends. Mrs. P. E. Bragg left today for! her home in Smithfleld after spending two weeks here with her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ceph Blan-1 ton. Mrs. Jack Stevens of Greensboro is expected to come to Shelby to morrow to spend next week with her sister. Mrs. Draper Wood, and Mr. Wood. Mr. Stevens will come with her and spend the week-end. "Children should be seen, not hurt,” is the slogan on a poster used In New York City’s automo bile safety drive. According to an old record, the duties of an English schoolmaster of 1661 were as follows: "To act as court messenger, to serve summon ses. to conduct certain ceremonial services of the church, to lead the Sunday choir, to ring the bell for public worship, to dig graves, and to perform other occasional du ties.” At The Theatres “The Captaln’s Kidwith Guy Kibbee and Sibyl Jason, completes a two-day engagement at the Webb today. A good comedy and latest news reel will be added attrac tions. Warner’s dramatic story of a South Seas paradise, titled “Isle of Fury,” will be Saturday’s main attraction at the Webb. The stars are Humphrey Bogart. Margaret Lindsay and Donald Woods. Ex tras on the day’s program will in clude “Phantom Rider" and com edy. Shirley Temple in “Dimples" will begin on Monday. sHoEsBiRE^Si SHOES DYED BLACK FREEMAN’S! SHOE SHOP WARREN ST. I Surprise Party For Mrs. Jas. DeBrew i Special to The Star.' POPLAR SPRINGS. Oct. SS The young ladle* class of the Sun* day school surprised Mrs. James Or Brew, a recent bride with a mis cellaneous shower at the home of Miss Elmira Hamrick last Wed nesday night. As the guest assem bled they were asked to register and write a ward of advice to the bride. Prises In the contests engag ed In during the evening were won by Mrs. Jasper Greene and Miss Thelma Blanton. After games and contests were enjoyed for a while. Miss Kathleen Hamrick dressed ss sn old colored washwoman entered and gave the wash to Mrs. DeBrew. The wash proved to be a large col lection of beautiful and useful gifts tar her. At the close the evening refreshments consisting of sand wiches, sweet cakes and an loed grape Juice were served to around 100 guests. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Wilson are announcing the birth of a 10 1-3 pound son. Misses Elmirs and Margaret Hamrick are on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Waka Hamrick and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Greer berry Hill near Bat Cave. Mrs. Allen Jonea entertained at a lovely dinner Sunday honoring her son, Robert Allen on his second birthday. Covers were laid for the child's great grandfather, A. M. Hamrick, his paternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Callahan and littla daughter Mattie Ann and Dan. McCurry of Beaver Dam, Mr. and' Mrs. James DeBrew and Mr. and Mrs. U E. Hamrick. His maternal grandfather R. W. McCurry was unable to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Oree Hamrick and daughter, Eleanor Sue, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bar nett of Ellen boro. The Intermediate B. T. P. U.’s held their quarterly social at the church Saturday night. GOVERNOR APPROVES ALL AMENDMENTS RALEIGH, Oct. 30.—(IP)—The five proposed amendment* to the State Constitution, to be voted on next Tuesday, today had the endorse ment of Governor Ehringhaus. Ab sent from the state, the governor Is sued a statement through his sec retary urging voters to support the amendments. OLD AGE LAWS ARE SOUGHT FOR STATE WINSTON-SALEM. Oct. 80.—UP) —The Forsyth county old age pen sion association called upon Gov ernor Ehringhaus In a resolution to convene a special session of the legislature for the purpose of ob taining old age pension legislation for the State. Another resolution asked that the state ‘match federal funds for old age pensions.” To Continue Relief. PITTSBURGH, Oct. 30.—UP)— William Lemke, Union party can didate for president, declared to day "If I am elected president, re lief will continue until it Is substi tuted by a living American wage.” WEBB - Last Timet Today - “The Captains Kid” With Guy Kibb«e and Sybil Jaaon Also COMEDY — NEWS - SATURDAY - IN LOVE WITH THE MAN SWORN TO CAPTURE HER HUSBAND ...DEAD OR ALIVE! a wARttca b«mb. mv«n Also “PHANTOM RIDER” ! and GOOD COMEDY - Mon.-Tues.-Wed. - “DIMPLES” SACRIFICE PRICES ON All, USED CARS 1935 PONTIAC COACH. 1935 PONTIAC COUPE. 1933 PONTIAC SEDAN. 1935 FOKD COACH. 1935 FORD COUPE. 2—1930 CHEVROLET COACHES. AREY MOTOR CO. 219 8. WASHINGTON STREET — PHONE 764 — CA R O LIN A “SHELBY’S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE"A M ** “ TODAY — “LUCKY TERROR With Hoot Gibson in a Western Comedy of Fan and Fight. Also Short Subjects. SATURDAY— A rollicking, reckless drama. Singing as they shoot. A great western to see. Also “Vigilantes** in the Fourth Episode. Popeye and Fibbing Fibbers. — WE THANK YOU — I I I EVERYONE knows our delicious confections, because their extra deliciousness and rich flavor con stantly win them more, and new friends. Start to enjoy them—and to Kive them as welcome gifts with our Hallowe-en assortment. DENNIS DRUG CO. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING PHONE 774 ALWAYS THE NEWEST IN MILLINERY AT NASH’S $1-95 to $5-00 Keeping right up with the newest. Bach week dozens of New Hats reach us. The largest showing of the season, your approval. - NASH Here for —