THIMBLE THEATRE _._Filial Respect. By E. C. SEGAR rm HEWSUJHy \ THINKS HE Am ME SON- \ SOCKEO HIM ON THE CHIN ftN HE 0\DNT HIT r KIN ve * \ SON OF M\HE NOT J UlTTlN* Bf^CKfj-/ f BUT MV GOfcStV. I WOOLONT H\T ME OWM \WttER The G-Man’s Scuttled Vacation. SECRET AGENT X-9 By CHARLES FLANDERS X-t's VOCATION « OHCTHEP VMDPD FOP MOPE.' VOOCK TWO HEOV1LV INSURED FRE16WTERS SANK MYSTERIOUSLY IN 6 MONTHS' OUR JOB IS TO PROSECUTE , CRIMES ON THE HISH-SEflS/ IN ONE WOPD— SCUTTLINQ -THERE'S fl SHIP SCUTTLING SONS AT LPR6E f flNO IT MU5T BE STOPPED / (-1 Tmdppow THE Director explains THE fBI'J’ STRPN6E5T RACKET PROBLEM BLONDIE Neve* Sleep With Your Mouth Open! By CHIC YOUNG TME RADIO WASVEOV, 6000 J TDMU5WT/ / WEVE BEEM LISTENING ID IT SINCE SEV/EN OCLDC^-POUP MOURS • -- V STRAIGWry L «/ I . £<• Wiffi ■ v - ■ 1 Ik'* . N4B aSas HENRY By CARL ANDERSON s'"4“c-»o.u I CiH Andfiw« ««fcu,o,„^ ca«i_ c Andirsom — — Just kids “Crossing His Bridges »> By AD CARTER E7 WERE WOT SOIWS 60 WELL FOR. THE STEBBINS FAMILY -MR STIBBINC LOST HIS cJOB AND * THE ' FAMILY HAD TO TAKE IN HOARDERS WHAT DO YOU THINK? MAYOR TRELAWNEY HAS eJUST COME BACK—AND YOUR DADDY SAYS THAT WE WILL HAVE NOTHING MODE TO WORRY ABOUT AND HE WILL HAVE A VERY NICE SALARY!'. I WONDER-MOM-IP VOU AN* SHOULD 00 DOWN TOWN AN* PICK OUT A AUTYMOBILE? V rJ J? [u-g < e As TILLIE THE TOILER Adding insult To Injury. By WESTOVER mzz IS AFRAID TtUUE V1UJL BREAK OFFTHeeH l THINK KAC'S UlORRIFO AT "me TH005HT OF NOT BEVN6 A BACHELOR, if Tt>U ASK r ME r-sE1—7 OH, NO—THAT® MOT IT_TOST BE PATIENT, T1UUE. <31VE HIM TIME EVERY THlNe VMIU. COME OUT* AU1_ V/MHAFS THE e>\6 \OEA, w/vuvjy 7 milkman sac HE WAS ORDERED TO LEA'® A BOTTLE OF BUTTERMILK. _ HERE—SO I TH006HI \'D TT2.V \T— WAVE. a cup; .J/HCI0CD X ^MoGb THROUGH A QEV0LV/IN6 DOOf2 i^AD£PAQTMEMr V STofft! j FUNNY FABLES H0Q5ET © IW, fe* »yn«rwf. Inc. WmU njSi« SCOTT'S SCRAPBOOK » I ^oPlES of STradiVARiuS VIOLINS ofTen HAVE. BETTER. T&NES Thau The ORDINALS JeremS ft BEHlf/AM, i eo-FouNDER' /oFUKlVEMiiy 9 co LLEGE. London, 'piO NOTOEJiRE TO LEAVE HIS ScHooL WHEN He pied 104 years Aqo He ordered HlS SKELETON PAD! CLOTHED, SURMOUNTED BY A WAX LIKENESS AND KEPT" IK SCHOOL— U&REMi'i OWN shrivelled head rest's atHis feet FuMMy FACES OLD U.S . CANCELLATIONS /0-3t The chemicals 1 make the rocks / also the best of ] body builder COOK-COOS By Ted Cool “If I had money,” mji Joe ■ Savoldi, wrestler end former Notre Dame Star, "I’d like to buy a college and train football players without interference from alumni or faculty." That could be arranged. The Savoldi college wouldn’t have any alumni and could do with out a faculty. Or if Joe had to have a faculty, he could hit* wrestlers. And they could teach grunting and grimacing. In fact, graduates cony step right into big corporations, and take over all the grimacing and grunting. Big executivesi could say: “You stay in the office, young man, and grimace and grunt, while 1 go play golf." Willie, in the family coupe, Chased his Pa down through the loop. Mama yelled, ‘ Pa's running nifty: “Let's see how he looks at. fifty.’' —Bob Gorman. * * * Department of Agriculture announces a five-year project to reduce the »ixe of turkey* ao they’ll fit tmaller roasting pans. Gosh! It look* like the Demo crats are pointing toward the less-ahundant life. Republican* should promise ,, t" attack the problem differ- ‘ nelly. Increase the six* of the roasting pans. * * » BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME (Lii.-u&r. Mo., Democrat.) Joe Bright had quite an ex citing time at the football game between Lamar and Mt. Vernon on the latter’s floodlighted field Friday evening. Joe was stand ing along the edge of the foot ball field, when someone came along and pushed him, saying, "Stand back.” Now the man who told Joe to stand back was none other than Sheriff Agar. Joe says that he didn't know that he was the sheriff or who he was. so he struck the stranger in the face and knocked him down. Then old Joe was h a hornet’s neat. The sheriff got up. Other officers came to help him. They began to work on Joe with their clubs. They took hini up town and were going to throw him in. when Marshall Wattenbarger came up and got Joe out of the clutches of the law. The sherift said he told Joe who he was and showed him the star before he pushed him back. Chris guaran teed that Joe would be on hand when he was wanted so hr was released. / WPA VOTE BIG W TO EXPERT i Frantic efforts are to get out a foil vote os W 3. With only a week maining, party bosses' art ning around in circles, op and down and ceiner hooks. It secret that' both are poszled by tbe In fact, J. Milford the expert prognostii conducted a house to (disguised as a man) in seven States, Alaska and Hawaii, says won’t say whether or nst WPA note can be “My guess,” “is that a lot of fuse to pull down tbe lew cities where they mechanical Toting Some will sit down to lots and then refuse to Others will switch at tbe minute, when they discover the noting machines are machines and not devices. Others — the theoretical types—'will take the noting machines and put them together while still others will koaf ing a slot in which to nickel in hope of jackpot.” FAMOUS LAST One vote won t ' thin*: one way or. I'm gonna Depths of dispo'1" Simile from Lee Reiter-^ Obvious as a **r