That's His Dish. THIMBLE THEATRE By E. C. SEGAR VOELL, IP VER OOlK TO \ Hf\NG WOUND, \ 60ESS COME ON. POORS'5 GOT THE CHOW PEAOV- AN* IF S£ HICKS ABOUT THE , FOOO ve KIN GO TO ^-v^~T"'”''5v>~\ SLATES ve hwe got X TO EftT V£R \SPlfAf\CH'. s&s«2s *«Pw SECRET AGENT X-9 The G-Man Sees Something In The Woodpile. By CHARLES FLANDERS y*9 GETS HIS ORDEPS AND CLUE I I WANT yen TO TRACK DOWN THE SCUTTLING GANG-WE'VE ONLY r-' ONE CLUE / r-:—1-’ IT 5PYS P NEWLY OR6PNIZED 5HIPPIN6 COMPANY MAS APPLIED FOR INSURANCE ON ITS ONE AND ONLY FREI6HTER t BLONDIE Reader’s Cramp. By CHIC YOUNG By CARL ANDERSON HENRY HENRIETTA Ok15U /“* /‘ViOCJ&eM JUST KIDS Turning The Other Cheek? By AD CARTER MOW-MB. SMYTHE - YOU PIPED ME-AND MOW < THAT I'M MANAGER-1 COULD PIPE YOU- T/ BUT T'M MOT SOiNQ TO->- J ' G Kmc ftitvrr* SyittfmN. I«*c . W«rl4 ri| -YOU WAVE A WIFE AND YOUNGSTER - SO I'LL BE MORE CONSIDERATE OF YOU TUAN YOU WERE OF 11^4 WILiL» KINDLY dE^TURE WORK OUT? TILLIE THE TOILER She’ll Reconsider Now. By WESTOVER USTEW,BvJBBU=S—I'M THROUGH VM(TH MAC BOR. <3000 AM* HE CAM has/e h^s old r»ms back. for. all \ CAKE-(FT HE CAM BE tMDJFFErtEMT ■SO CAN \ —I'M MOT (SOIMSTb EVEN SPEAK TO H»M ANVMORE-.HE'S A t cSUE'SS. 'TOO'KE R.»©HX BUBBLER-\NE BEEMTHIMk. IMCS »T CMEB_I .UTTLg HAVTY Mac Mas CALLED IM A HAU2. SEC IT My MiS BARREN DOME I^AncienT Columns! ^WERE ORIGINALLY I *FLUfED"TD PREVENT - SPEARS FROM FALUNCyO when Worshiping wary \ RlORS LEFT -THEIR. / Weapons outside / \ A THE TEMPLE'. i JH -/previously I _ YJF /au anciext UKk., /COLUMNS VjJMMr / \mere SMOOTH. PONTIIUS PILATE. SCOTT’S SCRAPBOOK GAME MORE THAN / CENTURIES OLD / CHESS DATES BACK MORE -THAN 3 000 VTEARS. ASEf WAS FOUND INT-IE TOMB OF KINQ-TVl 17 RULE* IN EGYPT 1350 B .C. by R. J. scon Pilate: tf’M ROMAN PROCURATOR., WHO ACQUIESCED IN THE. CRUCIFIXION OF JESUS CHRiStl HAS BECOME A SAINT/! -THE COPTIC (EGYPTIAN) CHRISTIAN CHURCH HAS CANONIZED PONTIUS' INA CENTRAL Nt» COOK-COOS Dr. N. E. Ischlondsky, Paris, says that it will soon be pos sible to extend average old ago to 140 yoars. Apparently be views the automobile as just a passing fancy. : It would be a great joke on the present generation to double the life, s^nn—so that every body had to stick around and pay off the national debt. " 1“ fact,” says the French doctor, “senility should not set in before the age of 140.” Do you suppose he means that a person can play around with a scooter until he is sev enty? • • • MODERN APPROACH TO ROMANCE (Peraonal—Saturday Review.) COUNTRY MOUSE, female, desires correspondence with city rat, male. Minnie. • 9 Little Willie—nutty mug!— Built a fire 'neath the liquor jug He jumped and danced with devilish glee. To see his father’s spirits flee. —James A. Bell. • • • TODAY’S OPPORTUNITY (L*mar. Mo.. Democrat.) There will be a free poll ex hibit and the world’s greatest expert at card tricks at the Elite Billiard Parlor tonight. • • • Simile— At full of lelf-explanationa as a •alf-made man. Add Scoundrels’ Diction ary (thanks to Dr. M. H. Kornblum, St. Louis)— LOUSE TRAP. A small toothed comb. LULLABY CHEAT. An Infant. LULLY PRIGGERS. Thieves who steal wet linen; also the meanest and lowest order of • thieves, who go about decoy inf little children to some bye corner, and then rob them of their clothes. LUMPING. Great. A lumping pennyworth: a great quantity for the money; a bargain. He has got a lumping penny worth. Frequently said of a man who marries a fat woman. • • * Miltttent on (At path to world peace— LONDON — Candy magnates, in convention, agreed that people are no longer interested in candy boxes decorated with pretty girl feces. The people want cows. By Ted Cook FFONT RUNNER IN THE I ALL-AMERICAN DERBY! Thit i» Abe Ur***, id** man for 6m*u**< ,“1*' ■nick 4c Gimmick, wko ««■ *• htr* 0170010*1 nor* radio pr*" from tkoo any other tone** in tko oroo bounded by boundoriet of the building >« which Gimmick, Gimmick ■ Gimmick hare their off** Right now, Mr. Loreoo _>» *J* •orbad in whot ho coll* Project B-7564-A, which, when tr*‘« through hit intrieoto office no moont tfcot he’d like to haft •» idea to toll to Pritco Htir L*r« Co.. Ltd. Mr. Lar.en ha» !«»• without food or tleep for •«*» nightt and half » day »■* ' about ready to prepare what call, a “Preliminary ?/**•»“• tion of Project B-7S64-A J* Pritco Hair Lard Co., Lj“ Hit brochure will, he *ay*> * the romantic ttory of htir I*' through the age*,” and prj>P° that the concern buy op ' work time for three night* week, and let ttation. go «*«»“ for two hour, after the * nouncer .ay., “The.e momen of peace and re.t are »»«• possible by Hair Urd Cm Ltd.” “S o m e people who keep talk ing about capital and labor haven’t had much e x p e r i ence with either.” FAMOUS LAST WORDS You’re u cracked as «» Liberty Bell. Father D,rtn wasn’t even ronnin* 1 ident! _