THIMBLE THEATRE A Hair-Raising Discovery. By E. C. SEGAR POPPA. WANTS *tO AST VA SUMPlK V0U AN ME, HAS BEEN \ SEPEPATED/ 50UONCj?/< >VJ COME | SECRET AGENT X-9 A Clean Sweep. By CHARLES FLANDERS 4o X'9 woe NOT \ SEEN THE LOST OF Wifi ty/o FPI6ND5 . OFTEP RLt ... BILD/5 TRVIN6 TO TELL IN R MINUTE WHAT IT TOOK HIM R 0flV ttt *D 1 I KNOW WWCTT It> LIKE TO DO__ BE A 6-WOMAN f SOROy THAT '& BLONDIE By CHIC YOUNG Hn 1 m 1 p - $ ♦.* ip SMI r^"-T >(■ < ' { ITS THE J BROOM *■ :■' VMAN By CARL ANDERSON HENRY CUCKoo CUCKOO JUST KIDS By AD CARTER HE SETS INTO EVERYTHING!^ YUH! IWONIDER IP THAT YOUNG OKIE ymr\ is Tweouew sweeping -7 THE FLOORP TILLIE THE TOILER Exhausted Patience. By WESTOVER i caMe im to Sav v* sorry fon. THE WAV I ACTED "THE OTHe^ DAV. t I-r-—-—c VmHO -ivucr <300C>-L00K.VM<3 vftDUNJ6 DOCTDfe ~n-V\T \aAS iaj OPFlCE r •> I KJ^OVU, BUT » VAVWTtO'Cti l would a serpent—look him right in the eye. Stare him ou . him. When he asks your telephone number, bite the l°w** the head. Pivot and start reading the display cards as was hurt. And then— (Continued Tomorrow.) lip, I ANTICLIMAX (Personal—Saturday R*Tiew.) SUGGESTIONS WANTEDI Where and how can woman, 50, earn living? Good health, happy, not bad-looking, Re publican. Bor 5r-3-B. Willie wanted to dance and sing Like Fred Astaire and Crooner Bing. lie went on the air with Major Bowes; Bong! went the gong—and Bowes held his nose. —Eddie Sacks. FOOTBALL GLOSSARY' BENCH WARM EH A •ub*"1 BREATH. Tlm« 0"' „ h-ltM BREATHER. CHAIN OANO. Th; '” ,* chain for menaortnf tan J Cl-OCK. A food f1 CENrEEEMB. A h ’f'1, 'hrtBrC CRASH HAT. A f®0**’11 „^a»t. COBBIXG.^JRnrrioe^®1' opl "'“'tin “pi"*: Wr<7 ptorln*. DIGITS. Nninber* of are on their icrarj* DIMMT HARK. >• for tneklini i>r’r Return poatnae n*!! a K