Most Conference Teams Begin Preparation For Turkey Day Tilts iavidson star STILL LEADS IN LOOP SCORING fluke's Win Feature* Week-end Play In State RICHMOND. Va„ Nov. but three exceptions. Southern Jerence football squads began Uiting today for Thanksgiving which will renew several of J; south’* oldest gridiron, rivalries. North > arolina and South Caro M will break the interlude Sat "L with an encounter at Colum 5c c While Maryland’s Old Jerswill meet Georgetown at Col ’‘nuke^Blue Devils, who conquer the T«r Heels 27-7 in last week feftture contest, wiU enter the foanksgiving clash with N. C. State the top of the conference ladder. . victory will give Coach Wallace nde’s chargee their second eon •cutive championship. A loss— rliich i* highly unlikely—will give lorth Carchna and V. M. I. an op ortuntty to claim an equal share thf crown with Duke on a per !dtage basis. The Blue Devils have taken six eonferenee games without a loss. ,jj I, which climbed Into second pise,, by blasting Maryland 13-7. h« won five of six contests within ta circuit. The Keydets close their season with Virginia Teach at Roa noke. North Carolina with four wins gainst one defeat can climb back into second place deadlock with V. M i. by upsetting the Gamecocks and then following through with ihat should be an easy decision over Virginia at Charlottesville Thanks giving. The most bitterly contested of the neawm’s curtain affairs will prob ably take place at Greenville. S. C. there Turman and Clemson are to battle for the Palmetto state title. Colorful meetings between an cient foes will also find Richmond and William and Mary clashing at Richmond, and Wake Forest and Davidson playing at Davidson. Other Game* Other tames will bring together Maryland and Washington and Lee at Baltimore: the Citadel and Wof ford at Augusta, and Xavier and South Carolina at Cincinnati. Ed Armfield. Davidson quarter back and Mac Folger, Clemson halfbark, were deadlocked for the conference scoring lead today with U point.' each. Armfield has parti cipated in only eight games, while Mger ployed in nine. Chet Smith, big Citadel fullback, who has been among the leaders most of the season, dropped into a he for fourth place with Doc Saun high Lion* began today tn th* cold breeees a* Coach Ooodaon be gnn drilling on tactic* to b* used against the Lenoir Wildcat* her* Thursday afternoon. In the paet two year* the team* have split the games, both winning home games, and It la now Shelby's time to win again. Bessemer Clty’a big team beat Shelby dedalvely here Friday night W to 13, crashing through the line by sheer power. Both Shalby'a scores came on passes. Th# visitors were one of the best teams aeen here this fall. Boorekeepers noticed that on Fri day the 13th Shelby scored 11 points, two goal* and one conver sion and the winners scored exact ! ly twice IS point*. I Shelby scored first on pass** i which brought the hall to the It yard line where Gaahlon recovered a fumble then ran around right end The second score was by Ervin on a pass. Rose Bowl Choice* Narrowed To Seven By HERBERT BARKER NEW YORK. Nov. li.— (JP) —It looks like Washington'* Huskies will be the party of tha flrat pnrt » in Pasadena's annual New Tear's day Rose Bowl claaalc. Just, who „ will receive the bid to oppose th* far western representatives, how ® ever, remain enshrouded In oonaid s erafele doubt. e Northwestern’* wildcats can b* p; reckoned out of the Rose Row! pic ( i ture because of the big ten confer ‘ cnee rule against poet-season ' games. The choice today appeared to r have narrowed down to Vtordham t and Pittsburgh tn the Beat, Mar i' quette In the Middle West, and » Louisiana Stat* and Alabama tn th* South. 1 Tho Hall Mark of Men m. 9. C. KilUHtrt, PreaUsnt of w —f-rjl Urn Jest received lb* silver trophy pictured at U>e left. Thb «bM of distinguished public tsrvieo b one of oUreo sword ed throughout tho ontlro United Statoo to thooo who "hi 9m •fhlto of thob follows bto doao moot b tho rsofml of thob basinets to reflect or edit to tho furniture bdustn “ Holt ell re bollob wore tokoa ot tho national rurnlbnro Ma» Position at OUeifo hi duly and the sword mods today. N b with justifiable pride that our ontlro -T-Ym Jobs with the eon temporaries of our President In honoring a Mo thaa of terries predicated upon tho highest of ideals oat dedicated to tho promotion and welfare of ear Meade, mm •■•teeners and our employees. It b particularly gratifying that this ntmrd, tho fbut of ha kind, should be bestowed upon a death era or, fho President of oar company. To no, tt b more highly prised than mi *-*-ur Award nr a joarnallstlc prise for It b tbs “Sterling" of the fnrattara thdmdry. It b both n recognition and n ehallsngo. ..a rbh Ufa deservedly rewarded and a challenge far Mm psrprtaa baa of fho high Uoab that hb standards bars mads fho STERCH1 BROsT STORES * I