Just Ten Years Ago from Tin CkrsUsd »ter Oi indication* are that by tha com n| of mother Amlatloe day a fine Mortal tabiat. toppad with a sronw ««««• * tha doughboy at n, win r>M Cleveland county i court During tha lwt weak, In which wM Armistice day, the memorial fund being retied * SUr mounted rapidly with school and individual gifts. Ti f Shelbv chamber of com merce is hard after the Piedmont •nd Northern railway officials foe lh. extension of Its line by way ol soalby Secretary J. O. Newton hai communicated with tha P. and N creiidant and other officials with « Jle* to lending a representative delegation to Charlotte to appeal Wfore the proper authorities foi tht purpose of setting forth Bhel Wi claims A letter from the com puny promise* the Shelby group i hearing. A Shelby man, J. D. Uneberger president of the local Kiwanis club ,,j elected lieutenant governor ol lone 1 of the Carolina! District Kiwanis international at the con ventton held last week in Charles ion, S. C, Charles I,. Eskridge, electrica genius, one of the first to install i radio when thla marvelous inven tion came upon the market, now has the latest in radio achieve mentf-s combination radio ant Bectrols. The $1,000 machine l said to be a combination product of the Radio Corporation of Amer ica and the Victor Talking Ma chine company and embodies th< very latest improvements by bott factories The radio is without sta tic which Is so annoying to radii fans who possess the older mach u»s. there are no batteries to g< ' dry nr bum out and there is n< atrial either inside or outside thi house The machine can be shlftei from one room to another and se in operation by connection with ai ordinary light socket. Miss Arelia Roberts has bough the stock of millinery and ladies ready to wear formerly owned b; Mrs. P. N. Wood In South Shelby Miss Roberts has reopened thi itore and added considerably to thi itock of hats, dresses and coats fa ladles, misses and children. A number of Baptist minister uid laymen left today far WU mlngton to attend the Baptist Stati convention which convenes then tomorrow. Prom the Plrst Baptis church go: Dr. Zeno Wall, J. H Quinn. George Dover, J. T. Led lord and Albert Dedmon. Elizabeth Randle Goes To Chicago Kluabeth Randle, 17, King; Mountain. Cleveland county, select' «i by state Club Leader L. H Harrlu *s the year'* most alt tround 4-H club girl in North Car olina 'Rins an all-expense trip U 15th National Club Congress U w held in Chicago, November 37 t( December 5.'She was preriousl; MnW(l county champion. Although a club member for onl; w° year.-. Miss Randle has madt ,B exceptional record In canning clothing, and wild life and sol conservation. Her work In the lat er Project won a trip to the Statt , wHd Life Conservation Con' erenre at Camp Graystone. he was president of her elul 7 vears anfl gave seven variet demonstrations at local, county an< "*u "vrn,s- with her team matt *'0n state sweepstakes las' ®r In demonstration contests, ant united highest in the county cloth a? Judging contest. Her prist "nnings gross $6.25, Til1 compete with othei ,h"n state champions for reg n®. honors, and If successful wil .. * ^tender for one of thret .J! colIege scholarships of MOO J® am1 *200, provided by Mont tfS, r' War<** sponsor of the con togeth«c With Chicago tript *na county medals. Wkeyg Abundant, ow Price* Forecast Washington, not. h. - t JCIC'L Wer* slven c»u*e for port fh ^ in * government *1 more <* tho birds this J around the nation's fai bum,' J ‘han ln ^y prerious i ^■^Comparad to beef steaks . emu J-5L *h« »grioulture depa TVkey price* pr Th, j ** low this year.” V «^ulick gtmrd tn ♦if V tl * ,,^'howw^, that the tt* tinbaai^ une »>• Aon n«gt, f:ardt5' 18 «pecte Oon nf t?4 chopplng-block ret hn no^*u,rmy 04 20,000,000 now 8broad In the land. <*a luto ^^enbacktr, an Am« ^htomoWle racer, distinguish *»r. *s «n aviator ln the Woi ‘BABY MOSES’ STORY A HOAX! Blue-eyed "Baby Mosei" remained In a hoepital at New Orloana after Mre. Louie Crawford confeaaed that her atory about a large blaek deg eringing the Infant to her home in Pearl River, La, wae a hoax, the idmltted ahe le the mother of the child and told the atory to deceive ier hueband, a backwoode WPA worker. Here’a "Moeea” about to be eneaeed In hie hoepital Incubator. (Aaaoelated Preee Photo) 13 UNDEFEATED OUTFITS REMAIN NEW YORKrNov. 16.——Only East Tennessee Teachers fell by the wayside over the week-end. as 13 football teams from coast to coast remained In the select undefeated and untied set In this rapidly clos ing football season. Three of these—-Mlddlcbury, the east's leader with eight victories; Carroll of Wisconsin and Kirks villa (Mo.) Teachers, each with seven—already are assured of “per fect record” seasons. All have com pleted their regular schedules. East Tennessep Teachers had 1 held their opposition scoreless in six games until Appalachian thump ed them 33-7 to end their streak. ; ftie survivors: Tennessee Weslayan, Western Re ' serve. Santa Barbara St. (Calif.), ' (x) Middlebury, St. Benedict (Kan ' sas), Shippensburg (Pa.) Teachers, | (x) Carroll (Wis.), Marquette. North western, (x) Kirksville (Mo.) Teach ers, Arkansas State Teachers, St. Anslem’s (N. H ), Santa Clara. (x) Completed schedule. ART BtJCK, WISCONSIN QUARTER LEADS SCORING NEW YORK. Nov. 16.—(/^-Al though the nation's list of football scoring leaders underwent drastic revision over the week end, none of the touchdown-producing pace-set ters was able to come even close to overhauling Art Buck, quarterback at Carroll of Wiscconsin. Buck's point total of 102, com piled by 14 touchdowns, 15 extra points and a field goal, went un changed, since he has completed his season, but he still remained 17 points in front of his nearest rival, Len Wilson, of Appalachian, who added two touchdowns to bring his season record to 85 points. Davis Still Leads | ATLANTA, Nov. 18.—(/F>—Geor ’ sla Tech’s Dutch Konemann w« : only one point behind Alabama's Joe Kilgrow today in a wide-open battle for second place In South 1 eastern conference football scoring. Bob Davis, Kentucky halfback leading the field all season, went ' scoreless for the fourth straight 1 week-end, but remained safely 1 ahead of the slowly-advancing eon 1 tenders. To Shoot Grouse BANNERS ELK, Nov. 16.—<*>)— Sportsmen from many sections of the United States are expected here Friday for the opening of the Grouse season—America’s counter part of the famous Scottish port. Edgar H. Tufts, president of the Edgar Tufts Memorial Association, reported reservations by sports en thusiasts from a wide area. THREATENS TO BOLT IF BLUM INTERVENES PARIS, Nov, 16.—Moderate sup porters of the popular front gov ernment warned today they would bolt If Socialist Premier Leon Blum yields to a communist demand for last-minute Intervention in Spain to save Madrid. Triplets Get Free Care SALT LAKE CITY — (tp —The Wagstaff triplets got an unusual gift on their fifth birthday. It was a membership in the Salt Lake Visiting Nurse association, entitling them to free nursing care through out the year. Employment Problem PESHASTIN, Wash—The Cham ber Of Commerce scheduled a din ner, then discovered so many members were working overtime in fruit warehouses it had to be posN pnned indefinitely. LOUIS-BRADDOCK FIGHTJTUD1ED By SID FEDER NEW YORK, I»ov. Ne gotiators for the Jimmy Brgddock Joe Louis heavyweight fight Ir Atlantic City got down to business again today after a week end In terruption, with New York In gen eral and Madison Square Garden lr particular as the main fronts foi action. Of prime interest was the pos sibility that Herman (Muggsyl Taylor, the Philadelphia promote) who started the whole thing b] guaranteeing heavyweight cham pion Braddock $400,000 for a 13 round no-decision go, would pos $100,000 of that amount as evident of good faith. Julian Black, co-manager o Louis, said Mike Jacobs, who ha the Detroit “brown bomber" unde: contract, had Informed him Tayla would put up that amount In Nsi York today for the fight to be hell in February. Taylor himself eouli not be reached for comment. If that $100,000 Is laid on the 11ns much of the sparring that hae beet going on for a week should be over Joe Gould, manager of Braddock has said he would sign up for tin go If the money were put up. Blacl said he would put his name on th< line, also, if the guarantee Is post ed. Jacobs, too, Is agreeable. NEW 1937 FORDS i ON DISPLAY HERE j Rogers Motors la displaying fa 1 the first time the new 1037 mode Ford cars which make their ap pearance this time with two type of motors between which the ous tornera may choose. One ii a V horsepower at a saving in weight price and fuel and the improved Si horsepower motor that delivers thi flashing speed and acceleration fo which the Fbrd V-8 engine is fa mous. Both are eight cyliner mot ors. Mr. Rogers visited the Ron factory in Deabom, Mich., last weel where dealers from all over th< nation assembled to see the nev car. In appearance it is distinctlvi modern in designs with headlamp streamlined into fender apron* Modern lid-type hood, larger lug gage space and spare tire ooncealw within the body. Brakes are of the easy-actioi safety type while the body is all steel with top, sides, floor am frame welded into a single stee unit of great protective strength. Hundreds of people visited th< Rogers showroom here Saturday ti look over the new models. Seek Surfacing RALEIGH, Nov. 16.—<4*3—A Ran dolph county delegation requests* the State Highway and Publii Works commission to hard-surf so State Route No. 33 from Franklin ville to Climax. Death Accidental WILMINGTON, Nov .16.—<*> Coroner M. A. Northrop termed ac cidental the death of Otis N. Fish er. Wilmington automobiles sales man, who died a few minutes aftw he was found on a highway mon than 50 feet from his wrecked ear Deaths Rose In Depression HOUSTON, Tex.—(JP)—Dr. H. W Cook of Minneapolis told the As sociation of Life Underwriters hen the mortality rate, as registered b] insurance companies, rose sharpl; during the years of the businea: depression. Observations Of An Old Timer ——■—By J. K. OSBORNE— ■' I never vu strong on trying to change a man on hli idea of poll* Sloe or religion. I was entirely sat* tafled I had the proper artlole for me, but was not positive that what X had to offer, was the brand that would suit Ms complexion best. Bad luck is public property, as I see it. Anyway there’s a lot of it Using around loose that dont seem to belong to anyone in particular. Young men, when you get mar ried and start out on life's warfare as a lieutenant, you need not hope for a promotion. Frank Mull and 1 used to argue which of two old friends of ours were worth the most to civilisation and the worth—Jake or Dan. Jake was all head but no heart. Dan was all heart but no head. Take the case, gentlemen. Look the world over and you will never find a perfect horse or a per fect man. How would you expct to find a perfect man when you can't find one who is half as good as he can bet The feller who has done a char itable act and kept It a secret is oourtlng companionship of the an gels. If we confess our sins, and joy fully forgive our enemies, we have made a good start. Not that. I am a preacher, but I do have Ideas of my own. Borne guy said way back in early days that "it’s a wise child that knows Its own father.” AH right, what’s wrong with the wisdom of a father who knows his own child? Especially, In times of depression, ; and things. Figger It out boys and send in the answre. REVUE SKIT BARRED AS ‘OUTRAGE’ This skit, entitled 'Scouting a Rumor.” was withdrawn from the mu* ical revue "New Face*" in Philadelphia after Mayor S. Davie Wilson termed It "a damnable outrage” for "ridiculing the wife of the president of the United States.” The actress on the left depicts Mrs. Frartkiln D. Roosevelt, that on the right represents Mrs. Herbert Horver and In the center Is the burlesque conception of a Girl Scout. (Associated Press Photot 'HICKORY MAN HURT IN CROSSING WRECK HICKORY. Nov. 13 lA') A shifting Southern Railway loco motive hit a lumber truck at a ercwslng, seriously Injuring Isnm McGuire, 40. Odts Greer .driver of the truck, waa unhurt. CHILD STRANGLES WHEN PACIFIER GETS CAUGHT GOLDSBORO, Nov. 16 l/l’l Marguerite Webb, nine months old Infant, stranaled to (tenth when i pacifier around her neck caught It a crnck of her cno. lU’RAL KMCCTRIF1CATION AUTHORITY MKRTI RALEIGH. Nov. 10.—(/D — Th State Rurnl Electrification Authorl ty met today to (Uacua* problem Involved In electrification of north western counties Chartreuse la either a yellow o a Kreen color. Toluca Community New* Of Pa*t Week • Special to The Star) TOLUCA, Nov. II.—A large crowd was preaent on Sunday at *t. Pater* M. P. Church to welcome their new pastor. Rev. Houta, who came here succeeding Rev, W. L. Scott. The reports are highly In favor of the new pastor. The women's missionary society of St. Peters M. P. church held tta j regular monthly meeting at the | church on Wcdneaday p m After an Interesting program refresh ' menU were served. Leon Young returned to hi* . home In Raleigh Monday after ! spending the past week with his ! father, W H Young and Mrs. 1 Young Mts* Iner. King of Lincoln court* i t and Miss Louisa Costner spent the week end with Mias Zeunla Sain, 0. O Boles altended the M P * conference In Gastonia on Wed nesda Mr. and Mr* EUd Costner Mr I and Mrs. O. E Burns motored to ! the home of Mrs. Burns1 brother, Mr and Mrs, Pink Absher of Mor ganton and spent the day Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Esker of Dal las spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and MU A. D. w>n» bo An In has accepted work wit* J. C. Penny Co. of Shelby. ICD WILLIAMS AND SAND PLAY AT COUNTY HOMS Kd Williams and his string band \eaterday af.cmo© nentertatned the i Inmates of the count home with a ' program of music. Selections of 1 sacred and popular music were used. ‘ HICKORY PILLING STATION OWNER IS HELD UR HICKORY. Nov. 1«, -OR) -Alert . Evans, operator Of IllUnc station ! near hera, reported two unmasked men held him up and robbed him | of $40, > .—■■■».' ' An area within a radius of eaven miles of Tarltntua. Texas, la the I second largest producer of gulok I silver in the nation. California la j first. NIGHT COUGH i irs^agsaniBgf j THOXINE CLEVELAND DRUG <30. 4 CUT OUT COLD LEAKS Around Doors and Windows—Um WEATHER STRIPPING CALL' 107 Z. J. THOMPSON Duke Power customers in suburban Shelby, Patterso n Springs, Earl, Beaver Dam, Polkville, Cleveland Springs, Double Shoals, Stoney Point, Belwood, Tol uca, Hollis and Rural Cleveland County. . —.t/rr- — • ■ —« ...— ■ - -- -— *-?— • - - . •y»» -t~-~ -. .— — ii »—■ in ■ II Two Important Facts You Should Know,” i MODERN FEATURES Hotpoint Calrod, hi-speed, clean-heat coils . . “Chef's Brain*' (automatic timer dock) . . Thrift Cooker . . new type oven temperature control . . fully insulated oven . . table-top model . . all porcelain enamel. . trim med with chromium. SPECIAL OFFER *5 C«* $10 ou w 30 Easy Monthly Payments On Balance /If electric ring* ui*rt on th* Duk* Pow*r system operate Hiiir electric ranges for an aver age of probably LESS THAN $3.25 PER MONTH... and in thousands of instanco* the cost is much lower then this figure. Now is the time to change to Clean. Simple. Carefree Cookery. The thousands ofL, women who have bought Hotpoint Electric Ranges have embarked on a new ex perience of happy, clean, carefree housework. The ranees are practically "self cooking.” They ereate •*« dirt, soot or soil; pans stay cleaner and food tattoo better. % DUKE POWER CO. SHELBY, N. C., Phone 90 - MOORESBORO, N. C.