f nvTu THIMBLE THEATRE Ya Can't Teach An Old Dog New Trick*. By E. C. SEGAR ^ DON'T H\T HIM B*CK TO*R, REMEMBER RE'^> =V ME POPP& l NO HP e*CK, POPEVC-RE NICE GOV VJHV CftKT VB BE OOOO.POPPB? ^ THEV f\\HT HO | SEtHSl BEIN'J§ SO MEf^N i^SON. D\D VC EVER^gS GET TOOK fWUFsV r5 FROM ft PLftCE VE K , LOVEO ? & PLftCE UJICH iVf CMLEO isi- . HOME' i i.rfirtlfi ' VER Tf\K\N’ ME PROM MG ROME ME ISLmO-. Tt\R\K ME FROM THE ym UFE \ LOVES- l BE h OL‘ -i (MfSR MU' IT'LL BE RfcttO 'V ---~^rVTOUVEUKE ; %^^kC\VIU2EO f* £% ^OA POLKS J m, SECRET AGENT X-9 The G-Man’s Good Listener. By CHARLES FLANDERS VOL) SOV TH££E'5 £800*5 flCOUND -i HEPE * f ( WOP5E THAN THflT 1-n-N LISTED .1 X I GOT IT STRAIGHT THAT 5HIP-SCUTTLEBS ABE HANGIN' OUT IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD WHAT ARE THEVi / --l j[ f a Jr L/' ✓. IIiwt m 1/Jo wJm\ 1 I CAN SEE VOJPE 6BEEN, ALL (?ISHT- THEV'CE GUVS WHO S/NK SHIPS FOP THE POLISH ! _ t DO THEY EVER SHOW IF THEY DID tD T'ROW EM OUT ON THEIR EAR BLONDIE Grammatically Incorrect. By CHIC YOUNG \OU SHOULD SAV, 'DAtCV AND I CUT TWE LEG O^P \ DADDv'iS PANTS " C \ 1 I HENRY By CARL ANDERSON JUST KIDS Gone Native! By AD CARTER .•M QOJNA, TA.KB J6BNEVI1VC J PER A WA.LK MOM ; qjNK! r TILLIE THE TOILER The Protection Of A Promise. s4*r‘'-lrnmrnwm *■ - J0»*. King Tr*ott* SynAqtt. Ii*, WorM nghte iwmd, By WESTOVER l-Skl'T IT » M AI^VJE LOUS, MR. SIMPKIMS r mac's Hair Mas. GraovuM out i-rsm 0X3 T ILL\E,M AC S OKA')' open the door \ WON'T L6T AMVBooy \K1 |«OTTA6rfr tklTBRVf* BEEN MlKlOTe MAC.IF YOUME FOOLIM6 ME/’LU NEVB2 SPEAK. TO Vt>U AflAlM LET ME SEE -THE TOP OF YOUR VaI»U-,TILUE, IF YOU'LL PROMISE ME YOU VAJON'T BREAK OFF OUC ENfiAlSEMEMT, MO MATTEBL NAI Wat HAPPENS FUNNY FABLES HEY, EODIE ’ SEE IF vJE HAVE AMY 8EEC oft SoDY-PoP Oti ICE' J. PEF/?l&E^ro liittle Willie, playful rat, Broke two eggs in Papa’s hat. Mama said, “That's fine, my pet: Now we'll have an omelette.” —Dorothy M. Kauffman. • • • VAGABONDES DICTIONARY (1610) SIMON SOONE AGON—I. he. that when his mayster hath anything to do, ha wil hide him out of tho way. This is a loytring knana that wil hido him in a corner and sleeps or els ran away. GREENE WINCHARD—Greene Winchard is he that when his j hose, is broken and hang# out ; at his shoes, he will put them ; into his shoes againe with a stick, but he will not amend 1 them. This is a slouthfull I knaue, that had leauer go lyke : a begger than cleanly. PROCTOUR — Prectour is he •bat will tarry aleng, and bring a lye, when his maister seadath him on his errand. This is a stibber gibber knaue. that doth fayae tales, s ■ • Lives of great men oft re mind us We can live much safer i lives ' Taking only gals who mind us For our helpmates aiul our Ihfc. Jrive». w'v ^ MONEY SAVED TS MONEY EARNED Expart Makes Unexpected Leap Toward Bal anced Budget It is no *ecret in Wa*hing‘.*>' efficiency circle* that Badh*i» B. Badham, of Badham, Bad ham A Badham, ha* been call** in to affer suggestions an ho* to balance the budget by 1996. Indeed, Badham ha* mad* recommendation*, which, if adopted, will save million* *"d millions and million* of dollar*’ As money saved is money esmed, these amount* can be added t* the government income. In *horj, Mr. Badham suggest* that *!' relief workers now on th# roll* be signed np in one big ubiob, which, to avoid bad feeling, «'l be called the 5u*pen*ion Bridg* Painters' Union. All member* will then bo set to work pai"' ing suspension bridge*. But th* peculiar merit of the Badh»» plan is that the painter* will ut* dry brushes and will not (*»’• paint in their bucket*. * "'* economy, he estimate*, *" amount to $311,000,000 hefor* January 1 . . . which is » **•' saving, even in government cir cles. A happy aspect of th whole proposal i* that bridg paint, if used, would be «*Pe*' sive paint — which make* •» saving even more dramatic. Simila from Lao Raitmao— Self-conscious as a short I escorting a tall woman. * * bulletin "I’ll have no thirktr. in the squad rooms listenmi tho radio and reading tho n a wo pa port when they should he out lighting erime." — Lewis !• N. Y. Police Comm Va/enf""’ FAMOUS LAST I don't want anN^ £ the tip—all I »** « htU your winning*. All rlcbt. tkra. <«»• >• •“