The Star Want Adv. Rates One Cent a word (Urn type) each Insertion 25c Minimum Charge 2c a word this size. 3c a word this size. Cash must accompany all ord ers unless you have an open ac count with us. All keyed ad\a. are confident ial. No Information about same will be given. The only way to reach these Is by letter. An extra charge of 10c will be made for all “keyed ' ad vs. We reserve the right to roviw or reject any copy. Shelby Daily Star PRONE NO. It OLD FURNITURE MADE NEW Ws repair, reiinUl) and upholster any kind Shelby Upholsters, 295 West Ford "trett, phone 694. tf aug 26c CAROLINA MARBLE AND GRAN ite Works. Charlotte. N. C. of<*rs \ yon more In monuments. See ur,. Write or call P. 8. Bearn, Gas tonia. R-3, N. C. Phone 3321. 1f .’5c FOR SALE — GOOD 1934 FORD V-8 Coach, A-l condition, rail Star office. 2t 19p MONUMENTS ’ j We have certain dcngns in mon uments, a* special price*. B. R.j Dal linger, Shop near Hospital. if 19c IF YOU HAVE A LEAKING ROOF or chimney which needs cleaning out ace me. I can atop the leaks and fix the chimneys. Can tlso paint and cover your roof. First class work guaranteed. J. W. Den ton, telephone No. II. tfp V/KECKED AUTOMOBILES ~RE palred, painted, upholstered. Alsu woodwork repaired in cars. Leigh’S Body Shop. South Shelby. Lily Mill Road. tt 18c , LARGE ASSORTMENT ALL FALL styles In ladles dress material* on sale Wednesday. Cleveland Cloth Mill. tf 2c WANTED TO BUY SECOND nand laundry heaters, water heaters and small coal heaters. Iron bed and springs must be reasonably priced. Shelby Salvage Co. Phone 7S1. 2t 19c REMEMBER LAST winter! Don’t wait. Order your coal now. Lutz & Yelton Coal and Oil Co. Phone 831 - 832. tf-F-Wc FOR SALE — PINE SLABS FROM 91* to $5 per load. R. F. Elite & Sons Transfer. Phone 571W. 4t 18p WE PAY CASH FOR peas. Morgan and Co. tfN2c FOR RENT: 3 ROOM~DOWN stalrs apartment, sink and cabinet In kitchen, private entrance, gar age. Apply Richard Riviere at Star office. 3t I6p FOR RENT OR SALE — SEVEN acres with six room house. In North Shelby within city limits. Telephone 192 if Interested. 3t 18c WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcements, either printed or engraved. Beautiful line of sam ples to show you. Low prices. The Star. 8helby. 5t 13p MATTRES8ES RENOVATED. ALSO make new one*. Work guaran-1 teed. Cleveland Mattress Shop. 413 South Morgan street. Phone €62-W. 4t 18c RECOVERED SOME STOLEN goods consisting of meat, sugar and dry goods. Identify at Chief D. L. Willis’ office, City Hall. 2t 19c LOST: P- TNUM BAR PEN with drain end In center Please re turn to Mrs. D. D. Pou, 410 West Marlon street, and receive re ward. ltc GOOD GREY, SINGLE BLAN keta. All you want at 49c each. No more to pay. The Stamey Com pany, Faltoton-Polkville. m-w 16c FOR SALE: SEVEN ROOM~HOUSE on East Marlon street. J. A. Del linger, Box 116, Shelby. 3t 18p TWOAMOCO SER vice Stations for rent. See Arev Mo tor Co. 3t-18c ! 1 o Discuss Kesults Of Pellagra Study NEWPORT NEWS. Va„ Nov. 19. —Results ot pellegra studies by members of the Duke Univer sity faculty will be used ill a dis cussion of the disease by Dr. J. M. Ruffln. associate professor of medi cine at Duke, at the forty first an nual meeting of the Seaboard Medical Association of Virginia and North Carolina at Tarboro, Decem ber 1-3. Dr. Clarence Porter Jones, of Newp: rt News, secretary-treasurer of the association, announced the program here today .listing among other prominent speakers Dr. R. A. Vonderleher, assistant surgeon gen eral of the United States and Dr. Charles W Mayo, of Rochester, Minn. Fatally Injured ROCKY MOUNT, Nov. 19.-I/P)— Lee Bert Ortffln, 28. of Castalla was fatally injured In a highway accident near here. Clemmon Grif fin. 24. also of Castalla, was seri ously hurt. Banker Paroled RALE7IOH, Nov. 18.—OP)—William J. Swan, 60-year-old Bayboro bank er. won free today on a parole after serving five months of a four-year term for banking law violations. Rumanians ‘Censor Law* BUDAPEST.—t^V-A paragraph advocating discriminating on the basis of race, nationality, and reli gion was eliminated by the cabinet from new laws governing the es tablishment of a Rumanian cham ber of lawyers. USED CARTaT lowest prices in town. See Arey Mo tor Co. 3t-18c notary~pTiblic^at_the Star Office. tf31p WE PAY CASH~TORTeSPEDEZA Morgan & Co. 20t 6c TRY A~M O C O IP you want good Oil and Grease in your car. Arey Motor Co. 3t-18c FOR RENT NICE FOUR ROOM j apartment In duplex home. D. I Huss Cline. 5t 16c USE TEXACO GAS AND OIL FOR easier starting and more mileage. DePrlest Service Station, phone | 300. 2t 19p 1 NEW FLOORS — SEE~Z.T. Thompson Lumber Co. phone 107. tf 19c FOR RENT; TWO ROOMfT FUR nished or unfurnished, upstairs, | private bath. Apply 700 North Morgan street. 3t 18c SYMPATHY ACKNOWLEDGE ment cards. Engraved or printed. The Star, Shelby. 5t 13p WINDOW GLASS INSTALL^ ; ed. Z. J. Thompson Lumber Co., i N. Washington St. tf 21c HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR nntl-freeze yet? See T. B. at De Priest Service Station. 2t 19p POR VJ a BnnTinir innrrT six feet high, four feet wide. Price (10.00. Bee Corbett Hamrick, An tique Shop. 4t 19p WANTED: BY YOUNG LADY heated room with meals Close in. Address "Room” in care of Star. 2t 19c WE ARE SHIPPING another car of peas this week, and pay in gthe highest mar ket price. We also buy black walnuts and hickory nuts. I). A. Beam Co. 3t-19c LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR your Thanksgiving turkey at the Curb Market with Mrs1. Foy B. Putnam. Dressed or on foot. 2t 19c IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN IN A good used Singer Sewing Ma chine. see E. O. Lee at Reinhardt Gro. 10# W. Graham St. at 19c SEE _THE~NEW POWER-SEALED battery before you buy. USL bat teries as low as $3.95 exchange at Dt Priest Service Station, phone 300. 2t 19p THE NORTH ^CAROLINA COT ton Grovers Association classifies cotton, pays the first month’s warehouse fee, and states the price they can get for the cotton all for one dollar per bale. You fell your cotton to whom you please. The association loans up > to ten cents par pound at four ' par cant. For further Information write the Association or Ivey Willis. Lattlmore. Phone No. 9. 3t thur 19c American Colony of Rio De Janiero Awaits Expected Visit by President Roosevelt • •' « r. RKrKjs/DJCNTATivEa or twenty one nations of the western hemisphere are today convert Ins on the city of Buenos Aires, capital of the Argentine, where the Pan Amer ican conference opens on December 1 to,discuss the possibility of an aU-Ameiican League of Nations. “But of these twenty-one nations,” according to an article In the Initial Issue of Life Magaslne, "the biggest and perhaps the potentially richest will not be the United States of America, but the United States of Brasil." And In glfcmorous Rio de Janlero, capital of that vast empire of trop ical Jungles and sub-tropical plains, the American colony eagerly awaits the expected visit of President Franklin 0, ftosevelt. who. It la hoped, will be able to pay a short visit to beautiful Rio should he at tend the Dueni'i Aires gathering. An Invitation has already been extended by President Getullo Var gas of Brazil, presented in Washing ton by the Brazilian Ambassador, Oswalds Aranga. Many Americans In the Brazilian capital hope that President Roosevelt's warship wlH arrive there on Thanksgiving day. so that they may hear the President give his Thanksgiving Day procla mation from an American cruiser In a foreign port. Latest Rio de Janlero dispatches, however, indicate that the president may not arrive before November 27th, the day after Thanksgiving. "The wealth of Brazil funnels into the capital. Rio de Janlero," accord ing to the Life article, "to make It one of the world's greatest pleasure cjtles. Rio citizens who call them selves Carlocans spend most of their time in the area shown In the left of -the panorama picture. Here are the shops and offices, the Archbishop'*. j0(1 the President's palaces, and the jreat boulevards." On an adjacent full, facing the Sugar Loaf, is a gt ;antic 130 foot statue of Christ, A'hich dominates the colorful seen* lelow.—Froi$ Life Magazine. Barnes Again Is In Hands Of Law CHARLOTTE, Nov. 19.—