High School Turns Leaf In Athletic Book As Basketball Approaches UST FOOTBALL battle is lost 32-0 TO LENOIR ktter Prospect* I n Store A. Ca*er. Practice k ne«- lea! for the sports calen , ghelby high school was tum J'ui nigh' following the 32-0 de * ef the Lions by the power Le ^ gears which swept across the line almost at will. Bulcetball. * sport tor which and Cleveland county teams „ famous, will begin with regular IrflU on Monday with Coach Bill ^jon as coach of both boys and ** Lost Fighting a the cold game yesterday after ^ Shelby team was sub by a heavier line, faster Bctfleld and more experience at ..frail However, they went down bhttog and the work of Parker at Bter Roope at tackle and Ervin at Bd css best for Shelby. Church, pjtrd and Wattes (Lenoir’s Cap Si Watts) in the backfield, were (gt Scores w®r® road® in tb® first pwter, two in the second and two 5 the final period. Most eff the mvv played in Shelby’s terri n Season's Scares The season proved rather disas bo-os for Shelby, although not as sompletely ss last year, iba Lions m one. tied two and lost five ■m«. Following are the scores, HUB the opposing teams’ score tot: Hickory. 14-0; ChenyviUe, 6 I; Kings Mountain. 6-12; Cliffslde, 14; Forest City. 33-0; N. C. 8. D, )4; Bessemer City, 26-13; Lenoir, M More hopeful prospects loom as he basketball season swings into new. Five letter players, two guards md three forwards, with a number King dally getting: to condition hr play on the girl* team. The out in won the Western Conference Sumptaship last year and Shelby n.<»habit of winning nearly every l»r. Among the veteran guards will be Birtgrov* and Williams, and the brward* will Include Ruth Mull, Ccrlrre McWhtrter and Ella Mae Blanton Whttener and Leonhardt if* alf-o expected to shine, along nth a star player, Gardner, from So J community. Two lettermen remain for the team Pepper Martin and Gor ton Weathers. Watts and CJashion Rre recently ruled Ineligible be lw of age qualifications. Gary Jeffner who was a potential star na * broken arm and will not be ible to play until the latter part of top season. There will be some agitation on hf part, of school officials and tou for extensive repairs to the tin ran ” playing place of the teams, Hich ie now open to rain, drafts rtf cold. WKSGIVING WORK COMPLETED Conference Teams To Taper Off For Next Games MCHMOND, Va„ Nov. (#V 01 Southern Conference wlxn squads had completed their work for the season today a* « tapering off process for nj«k»giving games began. JWr signal drills and limbering exercises were on the docket for thrfe circuit eleven* which go action tomorrow. North Caro as Tar Heels reviewed new plays a scrimmage yesterday and were r for the trip to South Caro Coa<* Ray Wolfs team must ™ a division over the Game xs and then trounce Virginia * Tnanksgh-ing to close the sea . "ith a claim on second place * ,Duk* the standing.. sellout was in prospect for "«ni»nds meeting with George ti s? College park Saturday. The liner* were cheered by the tlity that John Gormley. vet '‘a blocking back, will start, iienvon still had several reg working in sweet clothes in 0 Permit injuries to heal as gn-8 prepared for the Furman - on Thanksgiving which will c.,„.the Palmetto state title. L- hes Hoc Newton and Gene Lg.v0 "*re none too optimistic bt., anlle<1 the D»vldson Wild fe >h.°F W alte Forest- The Deacons. t „ mi*antime, were undergoing fc/*!“ng °f lineups which may feim'eral rormer reserves on the "Tb'k eleven. [^Wallace Wade turned to k Z ‘board tod»y but there was Hjnmmage. At N. C. State. WnClmon sent his men ^rimmagv against the i* plays. Annie Oakley Is” Hot”Putter Used In Tourney By Wild Bill By DILLON GRAHAM P1NEHUR8T, Nov. 20.—An nie Oakley was shooting for Wild Bill Behlhorn In the Professional Golfers’ championship today. Annie is a putter that resembles a croquet mallet. Bill got it a few days ago and has been "hot” ever since. "1 call it Annie Oakley because it’s a sure shot,” explained Mehlhorn, known among golfers as Wild Bill, j because of his explosions after poor' shots. "Annie Oakley may have been a great rifle shot in her day," con cedes Bill, "But she didn’t have anything on my Annie. "Why, I cant keep the ball out of the cup. I can't even lay ’em stiff, they all run in,” he grinned. "He certainly had the range against me," observed Big Ed Dud ley. “He's hitting well with all his clubs. Bill's a threat against any of the boys,” Dudley lost to Mehlhorn yesterday, 6 and 4. "The trouble with me Is that Ij enow too many golf strokes," Mehl 10m once said. "When I get Into a touph spot I can't decide which to use, and If the one I decide on Joesnt come off. I’m cussing my-| self for not having taken the other.” But he's been choosing the right! jnes this week. The old man of the tournament it 38. Mehlhorn—who wears a wlde orimmed grey cowboy sombrero to tarry out the wild west scheme—, [aced young Jimmy Hines today in he 36-hole quarter-finals of the Professionals’ match play cham pionship over Plnehurt’s rugged No. ! layout. Youthful Jimmy likely had no thoughts of golf back In 1925 when Mehlhorn bowed to Walter Hagen In he finals of this tournament. Willie Coggln. the San Bruno, Calif., ace, probably was still see ing ghosts today—the Joplin Ohost, Horton 8mlth. IV. / - UIUC were plenty of red faces at the box ing commission tne otner day . . The commission had a wrestling promoter on the pan for underpay ing one of his burpers .... "We have subpoenaed you here to get at the facts,” announced Chairman John J. Phelan . , . "Beg pardon. Oeneral, but I am here as a volun tary witness—” began the promoter . . . . "You are not; you were sub poenaed; why, you have It right there In your hand.” interjected Phelan . . . "This subpoena isn't worth the paper it’s written on—” continued the promoter . . . “Now. now. now,” stormed the Oeneral, his jowls bulging and reddening, but the promoter stuck to his guns “In the first plaoe you forgot to sign it . . . and in the second place you forgot to put on the seal of the state of New York . . . Nary a com missioner spoke. Babe It nth beat Isa Gehrig Into the merles . . . He's already started work on a short . . . Marguette banks on a soph named Cclgarelli to make >m forget Ron Nuivid next year .... In other words he’s flots ahelli . . . Red Bnrman. Jack Dempsey’s light heavy. Is swinr Ing an axe to put on heft at Charlie Miller’s ramp up in the Maine woods ... On the coast they don’t cal! ’em cheer lead ers—they’re “yell kings.” Like a lot of other guys. Charlie Buchman, Michigan State coach, is a bit absent minded when the heat is on ... On a recent road trip he walked Into a dining car. sat down and waa handed A menu . . . . With his mind on next day’s game, he drew a diagram of a play he had been planning and without comment handed the menu back to the waiter . . . The purr,led white coat called a steward to help de code an order consisting mostly of X’s and ciphers. Can’t accuse Louisiana State of picking Ms spots ... On suc cessive Saturdays next season the Tigers will take on Auburn. Mississippi State. Arkansas. Mississippi Georgia, Texas. Van derbilt and Rice ... If there were any more Saturdays left, theyd probably schedule Pitt and Minnesota . . . This Is the people’s year, so don’t be sur prised to find a lot of names you have to sneese In decorat ing the 1936 All-America. Six l earns tntered In Cross Country CHAPEL HILL, Nov. 30.—Six] teams are officially entered in the 13th annual Southern Conference cross country meet to be held in Chapel Hill Saturday afternoon be ginning at 3 o'clock. Those to compete here Saturday are Washington and Lee. Davidson. N. C. State, Furman, Richmond and Carolina. Duke, defending cham pions, is expected to enter later in the week with the possibility that one or two other members of the Conference will be added. Davidson, Richmond and Fur man, admitted to the Southern loop last spring, are making their, initial appearance. WRECKER OF CHAMPIONS GETS ANOTHER CHANCE i NEW YORK. Nov. 30.—UP)—For | years the fight industry has been' sailing Jimmy McLamin the wreck »r of lightweight champions. The Tittle Mick" from Vancouver is rolng to find out tonight if he still las the name as well as the fame.1 He meets Lou Ambers, the cur- • rent 135-pound king, in a ten -ounder at Madison Square Garden n the second start of his come back campaign. BARKER PICKS FORDHAM, YALE ANDJRISHMEN Ties Smaller Number! But Difficult Teams By HERBERT BARKER NEW YORK, Nov. 20.—>—From fake punt formation, this harassed gridiron guesser tries a little de ception to outwit a smaller, but equally tough, slate of football fix tures: Notre Dame-North western; Re membering the game's at South Bend, Notre Dame to win. Yak-Harvard: This corner feels the Yales are too smart, too tricky and. If you must have it, too lucky to lose to the Crimson. Pordham-Georgla: Pordham. Princeton-Dartmouth: Princeton's Tigers. Duquesne-Marquette Marquette rates a thin edge. Temple-Iowa: Temple. Ohio State-Michlgan: Ohio State. Wisconsin-Minnesota: Minnesota to make the Badgers yell "Papa ’’ Purdue-Indiana: Purdue. Chleago-Ulinois: Illinois. Rice-Texas Christian: The Chris tians. Baylor-Southern Methodist: Bay lor. Centenary-Texas A and M.: Sprinting along with the Aggies. Catholic - Western Marland: Catholic. Maryland-Georgetoven: Spinning the coin, Georgetown. Manhattan-Vlllanova: Vtllanovas the choice. Syracuse-Colgate: Colgate. Penn 8tate-Bucknell: Penn State. Nebraska-Kansas State: Nebras ka. Oklahoma A. A M.-Oklahoma: With fingers crossed, Oklahoma. Missouri-Washington University. Missouri. Tulane-Sewanee: No worries for Tulane here. Georgia Tech-Florida: Tech. Mississippi State-Mississippi: The nod goes to State. South Carolina-North Carolina: North Carolina. AiiKiirn.T.nvnla • a itkmw. Caltfornia-Stanford: On a sheer guess, California. Oregon-Oregon State: Oregon State. Brigham You ng-Wyoming: Brig ham Young. Proposed Fight Is Gate Builder NEW YOR* Nov. 30.—<>P)-Be-' hind all the negotiations for the : Jim Braddock-Joe Louis light in Atlantic City in February is thej promoters’ belief it offers a prime i buildup for a million-dollar gate in a title match next summer. Mike Jacobs, who will co-promote the proposed 12 round no decision fight with Herman Taylor of Phi ladelphia and possibly Madison Square Garden, if it strings along, voiced that conviction today as he pushed ahead with efforts to iron out details still in the way. Such a match would have Max Schmellng meeting the winner of the Shore City clash, Jacobs ex plained. If Louis should knock out paddock, he would be paired for a return go with the German heavy weight who belted him out in 12 rounds this year. If Brad dock fin ishes convincingly in front of the Detroit Brown Bomber, a fight be tween the champion and his al ready-designated number one chal lenger would draw a far larger' crowd. I Coleman Medalist In P. G. A, Tourney Fay Coleman (right) of Culver City. Calif., is shown driving off In one of his rounds that i won him the qualifying medal in the Professional Golfers association tournament at Pine hurst, N. C. He scored a 68 and a 75 for a total count of 148. Watching him are Horton Smith (left) and a group of galleryites.—-(Associated Press Photo.) wildcats seeking Win In Last Game CHICAGO, Nov. 30.—(A*)—North - eastern'a undefeated Wildcats will battle for the mythical national football championship In Notre Dame’s rad brick stadium tomor-. row. Champion of the Western confer ence. winner of seven straight games, conqueror of mighty Min-' nr.'iota. Northwestern seeks its first perfect record In 47 years of foot ball history. A victory over Notre Dame, the team that tost to Pitt and the Navy but defeated Ohio Stats and the Army, would clinch the champion ship honors. DEVILS HAVE NO GAME UNTIL NEXT THURSDAY DURHAM. Nov. 30.—FV>r the first time in nine Saturdays Duke's fighting Blue Devils are not engag ing In a gridiron battle this week end. But they are hard at work in Duke stadium getting ready for their final dash of the year—one that looms as the toughest they have faced this season, a game with State college. Joe Cornea South NEW ORLEANS. Nov, 30.—(AT Joe Louie, heavyweight lighter, la scheduled to make his first south ern appearance since he gained fame in the ring here tonight. He la scheduled to faoe Tom Jones, 1M pounds, and Paul Wil liams, 310 pounds, both negroes, m bouts of three rounds each. SPORT BRIEFS Jimmy O'Boyne. Irish middle weight from Boston, won his first 38 professional bouts. Almost every boxer knocked out by Joe Louts has felled In at tempting to corns back. The Miami high Btlngarees are dickering for a water trip to Hon olulu to engage a football team there. J. B. i Ears) Whitworth. Louisians State guard coach and chief scout says the best guard he has seen this year Is Marvin Baldwin—of L , S. U. Maurice (Red) Blder. Kansa State fullback. Is an usher at the church he regularly attends. Jack Torrancs, former all-around athlete at Louisiana State and now under contract to Mike Jaeobe, Is helping coach the Bayou Tiger boxers. Ray Paterson, the University ol San Francisco fullback, got Off th* longest boot an the Pacific ooaet In 1935. His kick carried TS yards m the fly. BOUGHT — SOLD AND FINANCED BY Rogeri Motors More Than Ten Million People viewed the New Chevrolet in the first 24 hoars Thousands upon thousands have already placed orders. « . , Other thousands are buying at this moment. . . . See and drive this brilliant new ear and you will want one, too! /rs WINNING THE OKA Y OF THE V. S. A.! AnH —more than the okay— the enthusiastic preference! That’s the word that is coming from the eities, towns and farms of all America, where more than ten million people viewed this new Chevrolet in the first 24 hours . . . where thousands upon thousands of people have already placed orders . . . and where the demand for new 1037 Chevrolets is increasing with each passing day! The reasons are plain. This new Chev rolet for 1937 is the only low-priced car with Vew High-Compression Valve-in-Hcad En gine. New All-Silent, AU-Steel Bodice and New, Diamond Crown Speedline Styling .. . the only low-priced car with Perfected Hydraulic Brakes, Improved Gliding Knee Action Ride* and Super-Safe Shockproof Steering* . . . and the only low-priced ear which combines Genuine Fisher No Draft Ventilation and Safety Plate Glaas AM Around at no extra cost! Take a look at this car, take a ride in it. and we are confident that yon will follow America’s example and give your complete preference to the complete car—completely new. CHEVROLET MOTOR CO.. DETROIT. MICH. *»«• venom one 3moe*proof yt—rtng mt Matter Dm Imk* rnrxtrJ* *>nly. Mmtoe» tnjumtlmmm PUm — per MM» pwrM. i Grnnmrtd Mimrnrn Vetmm. i w THE OILY COMPLETE MR PRICED SO LOW ... - i D. “HUSS” CLINE PHONE 678 __ _SHELBY, N. C