Shop This Page For Your Week-end Food Specials Just Ten Years Ago t.kfn FrOJ" rr,f ' irvrmnu November 19, 1926) ■(omrtime b»<* ,hp ,ocal Kiw,tnte! dccKl,d to sponsor a night ('iool Eight members of the city j rtooU faculty were employed un-; ity school direction and now l ,‘hodl is functioning. jl.ii r.irf women, some of them “ th/m 40 years of age, who; * hud the opportunity for Looling' in their youths are grasping Hie chance that comes vears. They now realize the -j(ip of an education and are get u it. to . mooth over the remain a year.'. School officials say that far 115 people are enrolled in *e school- I hrec of these are in ^ first grade. 18 in the third and, tourU), 13 in the fifth, 38 in the lixth and seven. 19 In the high ichool department and 27 in the lorne economics clashes. The play, “In Old Morocco” which i va^/played by local cast in the Cen- \ ifal school auditorium Thursday i ;vening was one of the best ever fiven in Sheloy. A new furnace has been installed \ it the Episcopal church on South ha Fayette street to add to the com fort of the house of worship. A flock of wild ducks swooped down in the new water reservoir at the pump station Wednesday, see ing the large body of still water, which looked inviting. COLUMBIA, S. C.—Bankers of South Carolina in large numbers arc taking the pledge not to lend incney to cotton farmers until the farmers sign agreements to reduce their 1927 acreage by at least 25 percent, said Henry S. Johnson, sec retary of the State Bankers asso ciation today. Sir Henry Bessemer revolutioniz ed manufacturing process In the steel industry. PIG6LY WIGGLY SPECIALS FLOUR Plain or Self Rising 24-POUND BAG 74c Cora Meal 10 lb. bag 21c Dukes Mayonnaise pt. jar 20c Sugar 10 lb. Cloth Bag 48c JELLO any flavor Each 5c Macaroni 7 oz. pkg. 5c Matches 3-5 Boxes 10c Dessert Peaches Ni,**T£r 15c MILK 7 Small Cans. 25c Heinz Catsup 25c Bottle 17c Soda Crackers 1 lb. Box 9c LARGE SIZE H ernz Pudding FIG, PJLUM. 5 DATE 39< i red band flour specials Red Band Flour 24 lb. bag $1.23 Red Band Flour 12 lb. bag 63c Red Band Flour 6 lb. bag 35c Meat Specials Pork Chops pound 23c Roast Beef lb. 14c Goon STEAK pound 19c good Stew Beef pound 10c Mix Sausage lb. 10c Cheese Best American lb. 21c steals For Sunday By MRS. ALEXANDER GEOROE Breakfast Grapefruit, Fruit Filled Omelet Creamed Ham Popovers Coffee Dinner Clam Cocktail Lemon Quarters Roast Duck Candied Sweet Potatoes Buttered Asparagus Toasted Rolls, Buttered Currant Jelly Green Salad Bowl Bettina Dressing Fresh Fruits Cheese* Salted Wafers Coffee (Black) Supper Avacado Pear Salad French Dressing Cocoanut Cookies Tea Popovera (Nine) 2 cups flour 1 cup milk ’i teaspoon salt 3 eggs, beaten Mix ingredients and beat 2 min ites. Half fill greased hot baking lishes or Iron gem pans and bake 0 minutes tn hot oven. Lower fire ind cook 10 minutes. Serve hot. ‘opovers are done when they really pop" out of the pans. Candied Sweet Potatoes 6 boile dpotatoes 1 tablespoon i tablespoons fat 2-3 cup brown sugar 1-4 teaspoon cinnamon lemon Juice 1-2 cup water 1-2 teaspoon salt 1-4 teaspoon paprika Peel potatoes, and cut In lengt.l visa slices. Melt fat In frying pai idrl augar and cook until blende tdd rest of Ingredients, bake ( 100k slowly on top stove 30 minute Ptirn potatoes frequently. Bettin* Bate* I) renin* Clove garlic I teaspoon salt. I teaspoon sugar 1-4 teaspoon dry mustard 1-4 teaspoon celery seed 5 tablespoon* olive oil 1-4 teaspoon 2 tablespoons paprika lemon Juice. Bub garlic on inside* of small x>wl, then discard garlic. Add dry ngredient* to bowl and add slowly i tablespoon* oil, alternate remain ng oil with lemon Juice and beat 2 ninutes with fork. Chill. When •eady to serve beat well and pour rver salad. Lutheran Church Subjects Given Dr. E. C. Cooper, pastor of the Lutheran Church, will use as his subject this Sunday at the 11 o’ clock service the question, “Do The Redeemed Sleep until Resurrection Morn?" At 7 o'clock Sunday eve ning, the subjeot will be “Jesui Touche* Some Sore Spots In Mod ern Life." TWO ARE KILLED IN MARINE PLANE CRASH ANNAPOLIS, Md., NOV. 30.—<A>) The U. S. Naval Academy office laid today a United States Marine plane crashed on a farm south ol Annapolis and two occupants were believed to have been killed. I’M DIFFERENT EVERY DAY "In every adventure I have more fun and DIFFERENT fun... a new ■ *.;*%<*<* *• picture card EVERY doy. There's one with every loaf. • « HR’ Your scrap book has pictures of me and my gang around each .■••«*<* page. Ask your grocer. It’s FREE." WITH A VUTD,JN",NrH",SB DIFFERENT RECIPE ON EVERY PAGE FREE 48 PAGE CRAP BOOK lie or-AO ii DIFFERENT be eo’.ie ll it MAPI differently ■ . i»ore cere it devoted t» le« teletlian of moteriolt, the •>omteeonee of the plant a"d the lAKING of the bread. *• I* FRESHER. CLEANER and mere WHOLESOME. »UY it TODAY . . TASTE the difference Ter Heel Sandwich Loaf NOW THIN SLICED and in the NEW ORANGE STREAMLINE WRAPPER. WALDENSIAN BAKERY i FOGLEMANS OFF TO NEW CHARGE; LEAVE FALLSTON Rev. B. M. Williams Is Not Moving To County Rev. H. F. Fogleman and family are moving today from Fallston to Efland where Mr. Fogleman has been assigned a eharge In Orange county by the M. P. conference, aft er serving three years in the Fall ston charge. The Fallston charge embraces five churches, Friendship, Laurel Hill. Knob Creek. Hebron and Macedonia. During Mr. Fogleman's term a new building was erected at Friendship and improvements made to other churches. Mr. Fogleman is held in highest esteem by the people of all denom inations in the communities where he served as pastor. He is broad minded and ambitious in Kingdom work. The charge in Orange county is considered one of the best rural charges in the third M. P. district and carries a salary increase. Prior to his leaving Fallston where he and Ills family made their home, the Christian Endeavor of Friendship presented him with a handsome blanket, the mission so cieties of the various churches gave him a shower and the Fallston peo ple a pounding. Rev. B. M. Williams who was as signed to the Fallston charge by the recent conference convention at Albemarle will not move to the county. He has served a charge near Mebatie for 12 years and be cause of his advanced age and the long distance Involved In moving, It Is understood that he will not come His successor has not been named by the conference. Discontent Topic Of H. N. McDiarmid The services at tlic Shelby Pres byterian church Sunday will be conducted by Rev. H. N. McDlaruiid. Hi* subject at 11 a. m. will be “Christian Discontent.” A chorus of young people will have charge of the music in the morning serv ice In the vesper worship at 6 o’clock the pastor will conclude a series of sermons on the •'Kingdom of Hea ven.” Sunday school will meet at 9.45 a. m., and the young people at 4:30 p. m. The Boy Scout troop No. 1 will meet Monday at 7 p. m The public is invited, to all services Ten Day Revival It Nearing Close The ten day revival meeting at Calvary Baptist church under the leadership of Rev. Harold Smith will come to a close Sunday night. Rev. Mr. Smith will preach at 11, 3 and 7 o'clock on Suhday. Intem perance with reference to liquor and the second coming of Christ will be the afternoon and evening topics. The meeting has been well attended. BOILING SPRINGS I SOCIAL AFFAIRS; FAMILIES MOVE Orchestra Player At Home For A Visit BOILING SPRINGS. Nov. 30.— The Home Demonstration club members held their regular meeting Monday afternoon with Mrs. J. L Jenkins. Mrs. J. H. Jones and Mrs. Dees as hostesses The meeting was an unusually helpful one. Miss McGregor exhi bited a very unique sewing screen that can lie made easily. She also gave r demonstration on mnking collars and scarfs, Mrs. O. P. Ham j rlok read some hints on the curing and care of meats. The hostess served a delicious salad course. Book Club Meets Mrs. Harold Honeycutt was host ess to the members of the Phll sonlan Book Club Monday evening. The home was arranged with a profusion of bronze marigolds and yellow chrysanthemums. During the b<islness meeting the club voted to make some needed improvements in the guest room at the college and to make a donation toward making an extension in the platform for Uie choir In the church. Mrs. F. B Hamrick read a well prepared paper on "The Scandlna van Peninsula." The hostess passed refreshment plates which consisted of a salad course with candy and coffee. Miniature horns of plenty In orange colors filled with randy, nuts and miniature cheese pump kins were on each plate suggestive of the harvest season. The color scheme of yellow and gold was emphasised. Mr. and Mrs. George Burnette entertained their "college boys" at their home here Monday evening with an oyster stew. An evening of entertainment and fun was enjoyed by about 400 boys. Mr*. Dan Moore went to the Charlotte Sanatorium Monday. Her last cast was removed. Mr*. Moore is getting along nicely after having had to stay In a east lot about ten n s t r i t v T 1 I « t 0 1 k J a d a t H a I ( ( f 1 t s 1 1 1 | ( 1 1 I ] 1 I tonths. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawhorn pent the week end In Rutherford )n with Mr. and Mra. Fred Hnm lok. Mr. and Mra F. B. Hamrick nd daughter. Doris spent Sunday here also. Charles R. Hamrick spent the eek end here with his parents, fr. and Mrs. V. H. Hamrick. He ■as enroute to Plnehurst from ynchburg, Va.. where he Is book d with an orchestra there for the 'inter. Mr. and Mrs. Cary Walker and hree children and Wester Walker f Ktnga Mountain visited relatives ere over the week end. Mr. and Mra Charles Callahan, ir. and Mra. Graham Hamrick and tiss Macle Hamrick visited Mr. nd Mra. Carl Ledbetter in Val rse last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Oetace Hamrick nd family made a trip through i# mountains Sunday. They vla cd friends at Edneyvllle. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Greei|r, Mr. nd Mrs. Cade Greene and son, lorace Manning and Miss Gertie ireene spent Sunday at Coker 'ollege in Hartaville. S. C. with Use Annie Catherine Greene, who i attending college there. Miss Marjorie Hamrick of Win hrop College, Rock Hill, S. O. i>ont the week end here with re vives. Travis Wall of Marlon visited hit orents, Mr. and Mra Cohen Wall hi* week end. Willie Hamrick of the Appala hlan Farm school came home last feck for a visit of two weeks. Misses Ollia Lou McClure and Cathleen Hamrick will enter s mstneaa school In Charlotte Mon lay. Mr. and Mrs. Charles CaUshar noved to Shelby this week. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bridget noved here this week from Hick wy. They are making their homt Wth Mrs. J. L. Pruett*. Mrs. Zln Bridges has been qulti 11 this week with a severe cold, Mr*. Sue Hamrick la having het lome remodeled- both the exterlot md Interior. Mrs. Ida McBrayer, who I* con Ined to her home, suffering frmr njurles received In a fall, Is im provlng. Lakeland, Oa., la sole possessor o: i railway line extending nine mllgi o Naylor, a*. F-_ J OP PINE QUALITY FOODS Phillip's Delicious PORK AND BEANS 4 Cans 17c This Price Effective Friday and Saturday Only I Southern Manor Tiny GREEN PEAS 2 Cans 35c Sour Pitted CHERRIES 2 Cans 27c SOUTHERN MANOR SLICED OR HALVES PEACHES 3 T 49 THE GOODNESS IS LOCKED IN 6 lb. can.$1.03 3 lb. can.55c Snowdrift SOUTHERN MANOR ALL GREEN ASPARAGUS - 23 SOLID PACK RED RIPE TOMATOES 4 Cans 25c This Price Effective Friday and Saturday Only! CHEESE pound 21c SOUTHERN MANOR FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 No. 2 Cans OLD VIRGINIA SWEET GHERKIN OR Quart Jar MIXED PICKLES 25c 21c D. P. BLEND COFFEE — Pound ____ 23c ORANGES — Dozen_____15c BANANAS — 5 Pounds_ _ 25c CRANBERRIES — Pound ... .25c CELERY — Stalk....10e LETTUCE — 2 Heads For_*_15c LEMONS — Dozen _ _____25c Mr*. Lou Martin Die* At Che»nee Mrs. Lou Martin, #4 years of age, died yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of her daughter. Mrs , i V. V. Jolley, tn Chesnce, S. C. I i I Funeral services will be held to j morrow afternoon at 3:SO at New Pleasant Baptist chttrch at the old Cowpens battleground In South Car* ollna. The Rev. W P Hall will eon* j duct the service. i Mrs. Martin, who was the wife of the late Martin Martin, la survived by four daughters, Mrs. Jolley and Mrs. J. H. Hune*, both of Chesnee. Mrs. J. H. Martin, of near Oaffney. and Mr.. C. A. Lee of Shelby, and by seven grandchildren. It rid* vllle OlK CHAPEL HILL. Nov. a0.~- m Secretary B. R. Rankins of the North Carolina High Bchool Atl. letlc Association announced that Reidsvllle has withdrawn from the Western class B. conference foot ball contest* bemuse of th* Ineligi bility of one of Its players. Games already played by Reidsvllle will be , disregarded. THORNWOOD BLOODED CHICKS HATCHED IN WORLD’S LARGEST INCUBATORS Buck of our Blood Pd Chicks are the Famous Tune red, Wvehnff, Fish*!, Thompson, Holterman and other world1* famous Wood-lines Sensa tional egg production and large, quick maturing broilers highest, profits. Order now or send for our BIO FREE 4-Color Poul try Book. PRICES PREPAID—PER 100: Wh.. Br., Bf. Leghorns At Hvy Mixed Breeds *0.75 Bid, White, Bf Rocks. Wh. Wyan., Reds, Anes. $7.»o Special Selected AA Grade Bf . Orps, N. H Reds. Bf . Wh. Minorca* .., ffl.M Silver Laoed Wyan., Jersey White Otants __ *».so Assorted. All Breeds S.VOO 100'; Live Delivery THORNWOOD. INC. Box W-212, LOUISVILLE, KY. FINEST AGKO CHEESE<b 21c ANN PAGE SPAGHETTI - 5c Macaroni or Noodle* SULTANA PINEAPPLE 2^. - 35c RAJAH SALAD DRESSING ANN PAGE APPLESAUCE 3 8 O'CLOCK — Mild and Mellow COFFEE po» FRUIT CAKES A&r SO ML Pullma LOAF 9c AlfGBMM Marshmallows 2 •-» In Cellophane Cherrien % lb. oan Pineapple % lb. ... Citron, tnnim or Oran*# Peel •/, lb. HholM Walnnla or Almonda M lb.*)c uMim Ann Pecans % lb. ..18c M,"Pe MwU Uldog l*)rr ( ain«J ritlail Raialna, 2 Iba.25c j Oaten 8 oz. Uh. 2 fee. HR. 145c 85c ‘1£ I Produce Specials J| ORANGES 12V2c to 30c I Winesap Apples 5 lbs. 25c IILETTUCE 3 For 25c j| CARROTS Bunch 8c | GRAPEFRUIT 3 For 10c | TOKAY GRAPES pound 10c | BROCCOLI pound 15c BRUSSEL SPROUTS lb. 19c | SUGAR 10 pound Bag 49c | Meat Specials | Fresh Pork Hams pound 25c I Fresh Spare Ribs pound 19c | VEAL CHOPS pound 15c | Western Chuck Roast lb. 15c | STEW BEEF pound 10c

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