Cop hers Again Top Rational Football; Duke Ranks Eleventh JHHSIANA IS SECOND, ’BAMA THIRD, PITT 4TH Southern Teams Move In For Wave Of Support Bt ALAN GOULD jqW ORK. Nov. 34.—UP)—Min „50ti5 Gophers are right back rhere they started—at the top of erica's collegiate football heap. Ballots in the sixth or semi-final iDking poll conducted by the As jcliied Press restored Minnesota , first place today after trailing forth western for three straight gets. The assist is credited to Notre june, which achieved what Minne fajied to accomplish by wallop ig the sluggish Wildcats in their iniJ game. Northwestern thereby popped abruptly to seventh place b this week's "top ten" despite the eam's otherwise all-conquering rec ird. The two leading aggregations ot hr deep south. Louisiana State and alabamn. moved up into second and third place on a wave of voting rapport. They face final tests this wit against Tulane and Vander bilt. respectively, with Rose ^owl ir,d Sugar Bowl invitations at wake. Here Is the tabulation of this week's poll, based on a 10, 9, 8, 7, .6, 5.4. 3, 2, 1 system for point scor ing First ten: 1. Minnesota - ...- 391 i. Louisiana State ._ 338 3. Alabama - - 281 4. Pittsburgh . 275 5. Santa Clara. 201 8 U. of Washington .. 191 1 Northwestern -_._151 i. Fcrdham__ 129 9 Notre Dame __ 128 10. Nebraska . '_ 50 Second ten: 11. Duke . . 44 12. Duquesne . __......__ 31 J3 Pennsylvania __ 24 14. Dartmouth . ___;_19 15. Marquette . _—... 15 16. Yale . .. 14 11. Tenne.sse . _ 10 18 Texas Christian . _ 9 19. Tulane . _ 7 JO Washington State . 6 *eacons Are Ready To Meet Wildcats WAKF. FOREST, Nov. 24.—With •fa date of the game with David* «m college there on Richardson told Thanksgiving day wily a few toys off. Coach Jim Weaver has pronounced hia Demon Deacon as fit and ready to go to fottle in this annual Turkey day classic against the Wildcats. According to Coach Weaver, his toys will spend most of the time fois week in perfecting the timing •ud execution of their plays. The [Deacons were largely occupied in “•'t week's drills with setting up a defense to be used against the fa f®0® running and passing attack 0 Mr- Teeny Lafferty and com pany, Clash For Title CHAPEI HILL, Nov. 24.—Roa We Rapids and Mills Home will ash here Friday afternoon for the s' clltS6 B title while Raleigh *nd Charlotte play Saturday for e North Carolina class A crown , '5 23rfi annual state high school football contests. Both games will start at 2:30 and will be played in Kenan Sink The Navy ANNAPOLIS, Md„ Nov. 24.-WP) ' J Navy, Us football telegrapl "wed over to full speed ahead lw best and biggest “Sink Th wn>5 signals today. signs and cartoons appeal f to Navy to defeat Its chie R»it°lf<* h«ng Bancrof in»eiinlhr rpgiment f* holding pe] . ns nightly preparing for th Saturday in Philadelphia. Fire The Army POINT, n. Y., Nov. 24. Davidson, Army’s head coach t;.‘ worries as the annual bat N»vy draws near. team, thougl to that his fttllv* re^n-.-ered from the influent ah*.. me mnuenzi s cau£ed trouble In mil has not retained the forn n,v!n **rlr se**on. The other 1 he blocking and tackling ar ' "hat they should be. Branch Bank Opent ^ALtUOH, Nov. 24.-(iP)— Th nking department unnounc Jankitw Jhat *** Plrat-Clttten ,nd TrUst company of Smith konri Pf,npfi * branch at Richland morning. Volley Ball Is In Full Swing Among B. S. College Girls fSpecial to The Star.) ! BOILING SPRINGS COlEE!" 'Nov. 24.—The girls of Boiling Springs college are showing the foot ball boy* what spirit really is. The girls were divided into Red and Black teams at the first of the year. | These sides are being held through I out the two years to provide com [ petition In the Intramural program, i With Reds winning the softball i tournament Blacks the soccer, now' j they are competing in volley ball, j playing two or three days. Each day I the winner will have W'on two out . of three games, of twenty-one points [each. The clrls are carrying ban kers decorating the gymnasium and are showing even more enthusiasm than that shown at Intercollegiate games. Captain Quessie Hunt, a freshman from Casar, has led her team to victory over the Black team, i After volley ball games between the classes and societies the scrim mage of basketball for the Inter collegiate program will begin. FINAL PRACTICE FOR BIG GAMES HELD IN LOOP Southern Outfits Go Through Closing Scrimmage RICHMOND, Va.t Nov. 24.—</P)— One mare round of hard work to day, signal drills tomorrow and then on Thursday Southern conference football players don their be smirched grid togs for the final time this season. The renewal of those ancient Thanksgiving rivalries will find Duke university's Blue Devils seek ing the circuit championship for the second ccnsecutive year in a game ! against N. C. State at Durham. Coach Wallace Wade’s elevens lost their last contest to a loop foe back In 1933 when North Carolina stag ed an upset. The Blue Devils have yet to be dangerously pushed by a confer ence team this fall, Davidson hold ing Captain Ace Parker and com pany to the closest margin, 13-to-0, in the September opener. Coach Hunk Anderson shifted Tom Lawler to a first string berth as a running mate to Eddie Ber imam at naiiDacK yesveraay ror a dummy scrimmage at N. C. State. North Carolina's Tar Heels were still without the services of Tom Burnette, one of the south’s best kickers, and Bruce Smith, regular guard, as preparation went ahead for the Virginia game at Charlottes ville. The Cavaliers, on the other hand, were in their best shape phy sically in weeks. The V. M. I. Cadets went through a unique drill when their young as sistant coaches, fresh from stardom on conference teams, Impersonated Virginia Tech players. Those work ing against the Squadron were Har ry Montgomery, Jack Alexander and George Barclay, of the coaching staff, and Paul Shu and Joe Harris, freshmen luminaries. Wake Forest will have its hospi tal list cleared for Davidson. The Wildcats drilled on deceptive ground gaining methods. Richmond’s forces were cheered by the return of Jack Sanford, star end, while William and Mary, intense rivals of the Spiders, also hoped to have Otis Bunch and John Coiner, off the injured squad for the final con test. ENDS FIFTH YEAR WITH NO CONFERENCE VICTORY , SEWANEE, Tenn.. Nov. 24.—UP)— University of the South was at the i end of its fifth straight season ; without a conference football vic ! tory today. » | The little mountain school, a for , mer powerhouse In southern foot I ball, has lost its last 27 games ; within the Southeastern and Sou | them conferences. | Moving To Begin Subsidy For Ships -— WASHINGTON, Nov. 23.- (JP) — : rhe Maritime Commission Is mov ing rapidly to gear newly-created administrative machinery to the task of substituting a multi-mil lion dollar ship subsidy program for the present system of mail con tracts. Breaking new ground in the field Of government aid to the merchant marine, officials reported today thsy have practically completed organ isation work and have begun de vising methods for terminating ex isting mall agreements. THEY'RE LWAYS u.. ■ se Of Death Of Old Rameses Martha O’Driscoll, the film dancer, makes a specialty of kicking—and so does Elvln Hutchinson, star halfback and punter of the Whittier college football team who has scored 60 points this season, seen together In a little demonstration of their high-kicking Whittier, Calif. (Associated Press Photo) CHAPEL HILL, Nov. 24.—(iF)— Solemn ceremonies befitting his regal Egyptian namesakes will be held by University of North Caro lina students at chapel hour to morrow for Rameses, III, who Thurs day would have wound up three years of mascotting Tar Heel foot ball teams. The old fellow with the perman ent wave In his horns died suddenly at Hogan’s farm near here of what attendants said was heart trouble aggravated by North Carolina’s re cent defeat by Duke. In his three-year tenure, the deceased hung up nifty record for future mascots to shoot at. In his three years of sideline patrolling, Rameses Ill's goatty good luck brought the Tar Heels 22 victories, five defeats and one tie. His three year contract would have terminated Thanksgiving against Virginia at Charlottesville. But his was a JJfe of ups and downs. Early In his reign the snatchers got him. Bent up evil, they came at night, literally pulled the wool over hts young brown eyes and made off with him. A posse ol indignant students, armed with tethers and thongs, swept over tc Duke university's ram-rustler hide outs, but found not a trace of the baby goat. Later Rameses III simply show ed up on the campus here, nibbling grass, but university G-men (Goat men) were unable to put the fingei on suspects at the neighboring school. Rameses IV, of the Texas Rameses, already has received the accolade as the new mascot. He was sent here last year by Frank O. Ray, an alumnus now living In the Lone Star state, and was immediately established as heir apparent. The Lake of Neuchatcl Is the largest lake entirely within Swit zerland. It is 1,420 feet above sea level. or your battery will forget youl If you neglect your battery, you may have to pay for it in shortened life, or unexpected and expens ive battery failure. Our Willard “SERVICE TEST’ prolongs battery life, and saves you trouble and expense. It’s FREE —no matter what make battery you own. Drive in TODAY .„ , before you forget it. Remember — WILLARDS COST LESS TO OWN! Ideal Service Station 24 HOUR SERVICE SHELBY, N. C. PHONE 194 New Teacher For Belwood Arrives (Special to The Star) BELWOOD. Nov. 24. — A large number of people attended the singing held at the Belwood school auditorium Sunday, Nov. 15. A number of good quartets were rendered. The Ladies’ Auxiliary of Knob Creek church will meet next Wed nesday with Mrs. Rob Wallace of Lawndale. Miss Selma Propst, who has been working at Morganton for the past while has been chosen as teacher to All the vacancy in Belwood school made by the resignation of Miss Sara Harris following her marriage to Hugh Rudlsill of Llncolnton. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Leonhardt of Lincoln county visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Leonhardt recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brackette ol Greer, s. C. visited his mother, Mrs, J. W. Brackette over the week end Mrs. Lovic Chapman is able to be up after having been confined to her bed for several days with cold and grippe. John Boggs, Jr. has been very sick for several days. Everybody Loses On Quarantine Order ST. PAUL—Lawbreakers couldn’t get Into St. Paul’s jail at present 11 they wanted to. A quarantine for scarlet fevex barred admission to prisoners and visitors alike. It also kept two Jail ers and a matron 'from coming out. Fifty-two prisoners are under quarantine, imposed after a tran sient held for investigation fell 111 of scarlet fever. Shelby Definitely “Out” Of Carolina League Ball The Cleveland Cloth mill Is def initely out of the Carolina league baseball circuit and there 1* no cer tainty that the mill will have a team at all next year, It was learn ed this morning. tfWRher will the mill sponsor a basketball team this winter, as the high school gymnasium Is hardly In condition for fast play and for the comfortable seating of a large crowd. Decision on the baseball situa tion has been hanging Are for some time, but was made definite last night fotlov a meeting of Caro ling league representatives at Chnr lotte wherr a salary limit of $600 per week was adopted. .Steve Woodson, financial mana ger of the team last year said sal aries plus operating expenses would run the coat close to $B00 per week, much more than Shelby will be able to take in. Tf Shelby has a te«ni at ail, It will be in a olbs* D league. In the meeting last night were representatives from Charlotte. Concord. Kannapolis. Moofesville, Lexington, Shelby and Forest City. NEW YORK. Nov. 4.—(*■>—Jimmy Braddock goes o nthe air Dec. 1. under a year's contract calling for 11,200 a week . . . The program will dramatize the fairy talc story of his life . . . Jimmy Thomson con sistently out>drove Denny Shute 60 and 70 yards/ but Shute won the POA championship, toughest of them all . . . Proving Bobby .Jones spAe a mouthful when he said It's the game around the greens that counts .... Baseball men are packing up for the minor league pow wow at Montreal next month. If you want to get along in the world, jnit get a Job man aging the Syracuse ball club .... ex-star pilots are doing all right for themselves . . . Andy High ’34, is slated for one of the Brooklyn coaching posts . . . Frank S ha ugh nosey, '31, is pres ident of the International lea gue .... Burt Shotton, '26, now pilots Columbus ... Hi Myers, ’38, is a bank prwident and Bill Sweeney, ’24, led Portland to a pennant last season . . . Reports continue to bob up that Jack Dempsey is coming In for some sort of political job .... Jack Swears ho isn’t interested in the chairmanship of the box ing commission. When Jimmy Braddock went to Dallas last week to referee a wres tling match, Governor Allred made him an honorary member of the famous Texas Rangers .... Old Rajah Hornsby rates 100 per cent with the new owner of the St. Louie Browns . . . Correspondents whe usually know what they’re talklni about say the Southern conference'. i Oraham plan 1* headed far the rocks, sure u shooting . . Cornell is the eastern team to watch next season. One paper says Jimmy Mc Larnin has more dough salted away than any other fighter or ex-fighter except Jack Damp eey . . .. How about Gene Tun ney? . . . He’s not- exactly flat, you know . . . Neither la Jack Sharkey . . . The 1038 Prince* tons don't even look like eon* ainn of laat year’s team . . . 'Barney Rose la expected to hur dle Ixxy Jannaaao Friday nlfcht .... Barney Is a S to 1 shot now and may be higher at poat time unless a lot of Jannaaao money shows up . . . The newspaper men will miss Yale’s Larry Kelley ... He waa football's No. 1 copy furnisher this sea son. Walter W. Rose, of Orlando. Fla., president of the National Associa tion of Real Estate Boards, says to day residential properties of the United States ara 97 per oent oc cupied, as nearly aa can be esti mated. The blue pigment, ultramarine la obtained from the mineral laau Ute. THOUSANDS HAVE AVOIDED COLITIS BY WATCHING THESE SYMPTOMS j Coiitii it fnlatrimation of the colon or large inteuino, tni it generally cauacd by tacaaa acidity, poor dotation, fermentation, or tha pretence In the colon of Irritating bacteria or pareeitea. All of tfcaao cauare can be treated with t doetor a preactlption, known at Ante-Fermen, which hat been teated for more than forty yeere. and baa been found abaoiuttly aafe and reliable. The tiat iga of colttia ore ueuelly gat. bloaUr net; and diarrhea. Get a buttle of y tht drug a tore quickly, and dear up I DON’T WAIT to $29.50 Large Assortment VERCOATS Now othing Prices Are Riegel and Arrow SHIRTS $1.49to$1.95 Stetson and Dobbs HATS $5.oo 100 Dozen NEW NECK TIES WRAYS MEN’S STORE THE HOME OF YOUNG MEN Service Thursday | At Double Springs DOUBLE SPUINOS, Nov. 34. - J Dir Intermediate B. Y. P. U. gave , a very fine playlet, "Putting the B ( Y. P. U. on the A-l Standard," in the dosing exercise of the B. Y. P U. Sunday night. The principal characters were Knowledge, Mias Mary Fiances Davis; Co-operation. Mias Elisabeth Humphries and Consecration, Dettr, Washburn. They allowed how easy it is to put a B. Y. P. U. on the A-l standard and keep It. there with the help of these three but without these it. cannot last, long. Many visitors were present from Beaver Dam, Sandy Plains mid Lattlmore. A Thanksgiving service will be held at the church Thursday morn ing at 10 o’clock. Miss Falthe Davis returned to her work at Charlotte Monday after spending several days here with her parents. Mr/ and Mrs. J. E. Davis. Miss Grace Willis of Caroleen spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gardner. Miss Irene Brooks of Oastonts spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks. Grady Davis of Thomaavlile spent. Mt week at home recuperating aa llncss of tonsllitls. Yatee Oreene, recently dug and lored hli crop of sweet potatoes rhleh amounted to 800 bushel*. He md hts brother, O, B. Oreena, own ind oprritc a storage house near heir home K.IIRINfJilArJt TO ARK TtRKKY »AY FRACAK RALKIOH, Nov. M.—(^—Oover lor Ehrlnghaus, one of North Karolinas most ardent football fans. iald today he expected to aee the annuel North Carolina - Virginia tame at Charlottesville. Va., on thanksgiving Day and then to go >n to see the Army-Navy game at Philadelphia Saturday. Card Of Thanks We wish to thank all our friends »nd neighbors for their love and kindness during the recent Illness ind death of our father.—Mr. and Mrs. Horace McKee and relative*. BOUGHT — SOLD AND FINANCED BY Rogers Motors - nouoa , ECCS lUNNWIILD WNCI CREAMERY BUTTER ib. 8UI/TAMA BROKEN EL1CR 35c 39* PINEAPPLE 2 m 35c MILK 3 c*« 20c CRANBERRY SAUCE "■ - 15c FINEST AGED CHEESE ib. 21c O RAN DMOTHER'N FRUIT CAKE 2 85c FANCY, YOUNG SELECTED TURKEYS * 27c Muon so-ox. PULLMAN LOAF 9c A*r ROUND ROLLS » 5c R»Jah Salnd Dressing, Pt. jar 23c lUJah Long ghrrt Cocoanut, lb. .. 25c AwuwMt Tenderiz'd Prunes, 2-lb. box 23c Sweet Mixed Pickles ST 23c Del Monte—Sliced or Helvre Peaches 19c Marachlnn Cherries k,™ 10c (Jlue Cherries or Pineapple, Vi-lb.l3c Aeeorted Peels, Vt-lb.9c I’lllutiury. fwtmfcw or Cake Flour, pkg. 29c AtmoM Mince Meat, lb. 19c rtrf Mont* seeded or Hlllliw Raisins, pkg. .. 10c Popular Bran A* Cigarettes, ctn. $1.15 sparkle Desserts, pkgr. ... 5c Walnuts, lb. ... 25c Brull Nuts. Ib. .... 21c Camel Pitted Dates, 8-oz. pkfif. 10c Lai*ge Stalk. CELERY. LETTUCE - 3 Head.. CRANBERRIES - Pound .\.. WINESAP APPLES - Pound. ONIONS - 2 Pound.. ORANGES - Dozen.. 12£c to COCOANUTS - 2 For... TOKAY GRAPES - Pound. OYSTERS - Quart. PORK HAMS - Pound. HENS - Dressed - Pound. BEEF ROAST - Pound. Fresh SPARERIBS - Pound . QfflQvod. 4 ~)AV

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