Society and PERSONAL NEWS MRS. RENN DRUM, Editor (Any News For This Department Should Be Reported By 11 O’clock. Phone 4-J.) S ROBERTS TO WED sei.l c. langlee t ,nd Mrs. E. E. Gantt an w the engagement of their j Dorothy Mae Roberts, to gl carter Langley, of Green 5, C. arid Shelby. |C wedding is to take place ,time next month. CROSS SEAL SALE D(S TOMORROW e sale of Red Cross Christmas will be launched in the city cow, with Mrs. Charles H.j , serving as chairman of the aittee. Mrs. G. S. Dellinger as tant chairman, and a group of m which includes: Mrs. Annie b Long, Mrs. Charles Wash Mrs. C. C. Carpenter, Mrs. J. iwen, Mrs. Bill Beam, Mrs. ais Beam. Mrs. M. E. Olesby, Rush Hamrick, Mrs. Brantley lb, Mrs. P. M. Washhbum, Earl Hamrick and Mrs. John Surd. icse members of the selling Bittee will make a house to * canvas of homes In the city, tug the seals, and Shelby peo ge asked to co-operate. Twen jve per cent of the money real from the sale will be given to State Sanatorium for tuber l patients to help care for in Bt patients, while the remain 75 percent will be kept in the mry of the Woman’s club here e used for a milk fund for f tuberculars. iNKSGrVTNG DANCE I DINNER FOR NURSES gdent nurses at the Shelby hos i entertained a number of ids at an informal dance last iig in the parlor at the nurses t Twenty five couples enjoyed affair. Punch was served during evening. b annual Thanksgiving dinner reunion for student nurses at hospital and graduates of the ing school is being held in the ttal dining room today. All Bates of the school of nursing invited to return to the hospi ftr Thanksgiving dinner and a ion with former class mates, i they find it possible to do so. number of those in town, who I be reached by hospital su ites and who were not pre id by other engagements, were ®t at the dinner today to share he Thanksgiving celebration. * SPOILING WILL WED MR DIXON IN DECEMBER IWNDALE, Nov. 86.—Mr. and W. B. Spurling, sr., announce engagement of their daughter, ilorene, to Monroe C. Dixon, wedding will take ’place in De M Mary Louise Bradley of the «hool faculty has gone to her tta Lima, Ohio, to spend the wsiving holidays. * Amsterdam was the name i by the Dutch to what is now York City. 'aried Rugs Made of Same Square r Other Arrange ments Are iiiveo in Pattern L PATTERN 5736 r_ * erand way to inexpensively brighten up your room-crochet F Sm* ifUl rU8 and 01611 nui,te an afShan to match! Either la made tt of ^ qimre—repeated and Joined in varied arrangements, a dlf. i xhe ?n resultS- Two ways are shown—more are given In the pat se arrangements are equally good for rug or afghan. Use rags, I pick °r Candlewick for the rug, Germantown for the afghan. It’s I chartUP W°rk' In Patera 5736 y°u will find complete instructions Sk, ' U l makin8 the square shown; an illustration of it and of the »obuJ™ maLerial requirements. Hit Sh . . ' Pattern send 10 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred) k. N v ' Da‘ly Star'’ Household Arts Dept.. 259 W 14th Street, New Bo Sllre to wilte plainly your NAME, ADDRESS AND Ray Brown of Shelby, student at the state university at Chapel Hill is one of nine seniors at the uni versity elected to membership In Beta Gamma Sigma, national hon orary fraternity for students in the School of Commerce. Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is restrict ed to those students whose scholas tic record places them in the high est tenth of the class. Miss Elise Bolton of Spartan burg, S. C., came to Shelby last night to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. L. O. Hunter and Miss Eliza beth Roberts. Edward Saseen of Savannah, Georgia, is here visiting his uncle, Joseph J. Owen, and Mrs. Owen at their home at 405 Beaumond Ter races. Robert Dixon, who works in Greensboro, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dixon of Fallston. Mrs. Linda Watson Phipples, 23. who died at her home in Gastonia yesterday, was a sister of Mrs. George Moore and Mrs. Andy Clon inger, both of Kings Mountain. Fu neral services were held this after noon at 2 o’clock in Gastonia. Earl Hamrick, Jr, student at the Citadel in Charleston, S. C, is spending the Thanksgiving holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamrick. Mrs. m. J. Beu of Kings Moun tain who has been a patient in a Charlotte hospital for six weeks, spent last week-end at home but returned to Charlotte Monday to continue her treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Rush Padgett, Jr., af Grover, announce the birth of a son this morning at the hospital. Mrs. Padgett, before marriage, was Miss Sara Moss. Among the students at the state university at Chapel Hill, who are spending the Thanksgiving holi days in the city and county with their parents are Loris Dover, Evans Lackey, Will Arey, Jr, James Byers, John Dorsey, James Williams, Paul McGintry and Hal Cornwell. Mrs. H. L. Newman entered the hospital here yesterday afternoon for diagnosis and treatment. Mrs. J. L. Lackey, who has been 111 for three weeks at her home on West Warren street is showing some improvement, but is still confined to her room. Mrs. M. M. Moore, patient in the hospital, who has been seriously ill, is now much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parmer of Chapel Hill are spending the Thanksgiving holidays here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Parmer. Mr. and Mrs. Dale D. Johnston ind two sons of York county, S. C., spent today here with the former's sisters, Mrs. John P.Gordon and Mrs. Renn Drum. Lillian Floyd Of Rehobeth Married To Rybum Petty (Special to The Star.) REHOBETH - SANDY PLAINS, Nov. 26.—The marriage of Miss Lillian Floyd to Rybum Petty was solemnised Sunday, November 22nd at 12 o'clock at the home of Rev. and Mrs. w. A. Elam of Dover. The couple were quietly married In the presence of only Mr. and Mrs. Elam. Mrs. Petty is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Zlmmie FlsyV Mr. Petty is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Petty, all are of this community. J The bride was dressed in medium blue with navy accessories. A bountiful wedding supper was set at five o'clock at the home of the bride. Covers were laid for the following: Mr. and Mrs. Rybum Petty, Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Hol land, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Petty, Mr. I and Mrs. Zimmie Floyd, Eurel ! Floyd, Corbet Mode, Misses Frances i Humphries and Lillian Greene. ; Mr. and Mrs. Petty will make ; their home at the present with the ! groom’s parents. : Miss Estelle Waler of Boiling ! Springs spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Doty. The Padgett comunity home club held their meeting in the form of “husband’s night party” at the | hmome of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. ! Walker Tueiday night, Nov. 24th. Twenty five were present. A number of songs were sung, games and contests were enjoyed with Miss Frances McGregor in charge. A fish fry was enjoyed and sand wiches, slaw and cranberry sauce were served. Com Shucking* In New Prospect (Special to The Star.) NEW PROSPECT, Nov. 20.— Mrs. Willie Hamrick of Fallston, a missionary worker, made an in teresting: talk at New Prospect on last Sunday morning following the Sunday School hour. R. M. Grigg has been sick. Mrs. Louise Eaker suffered a stroke of paralysis on Monday. Mr., and Mrs. Cline Wright and daughter of Pallston, Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Wright ^pd children of the Pleasant Grove community and Mr. and Mrs. Jethro McSwain and children of the Bess Chapel section spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McSwain. Zon Anthony of Lincoln county visited his sister, Mrs. Margaret Anthony and Mrs. A. L. Howell on last Sunday afternoon. The people of this community have been having a series of com shuckings for the past week or so. On Friday night V. V. Wright made one, Saturday night P. C. Beattie made one and on Monday night Jackson White shucked. Robert C. Beattie, who has been working as a carpenter in South Carolina, spent the week end at home. Quarterly Meeting Of Shelby Circuit The first quarterly meeting of the Shelby circuit will be held at Sha ron Methodist church Sunday aft ernoon, beginning at 2:30. Rev. Claude Moser of Gastonia, presid ing elder of the district, will preach the sermon. After the worship service a busi ness session will be held which all officials and members of the church are cordially urged to attend. Members of the Missionary so ciety of Sharon church were enter tained yesterday afternoon at a regular meeting by Mrs. J. N. Wise, wife of the pastor, at which time members of the society “pounded’* Rev. and Mrs. Wise with good things for Thanksgiving. The pounding had been planned as a surprise to Rev. and Mrs. Wise. Slightly Injured KINGS MOUNTAIN, Nov. 26.— Glenn McDaniels, 21 year old resi dent of the Bethlehem community was slightly Injured and his car damaged in a wreck Tuesday night about a mile east of Kings Moun tain. SPECIAL! FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY 18 Piece Hand Cut Crystal Stemware $4.95 CONSISTING OF— 6 GOBLETS 6 ICE TEAS 6 SHERBETS Gilliatt Florist Phone 7 Marian Martin Doll Outfit Cunning For Kiddie’s Gift Inspects Towers RALEIGH, Nov. 3#.— invited to attend. m Mrs. Sellers Dies At Kings Mountain NINOS MOUNTAIN, Nov. 96. Rnent Adams Sellers, 79, died at home of her daughter. Mrs. Mar Ooforth, with whom she made home, Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock. In addition to Mrs. Oo forth, she Is survived by one other daughter, Mias Emma Sellers of I Mien of Kings Mountain, C. O. Mien of Charlotte, W. P. Sellers of Columbia, 8. C., and 18 grand* children. Funeral services were con ducted at the home of Mn. Ooforth this afternoon at 3:90 o’clock. Bur laf was in the old Bethel church near Kings Mountain. The Danish historian Troels FrederUt Troels-Lund was bom In Copenhagen In 1840. DIRECTORS OR DUII DECLARE DmDWD NEW YORK, No». ».—(*)—Di rector* of the Duka P