Pass D Baseball Circuit Organization Is Proposed umas. n. c., not. x.- m - enthusiasts of si* towns girted the ban roUing for the of the North Carolina, class D organisation that Up its heels 30 years* ago the drums of awr were roll through the land. __stives of High Point, Mooresville, Lexington, ,„d Landis last night ap for franchises in the propos drcuit The group named Gene 0f charlotte as temporary and instructed Daniel Hill, president of the League, to formally apply charter December 3 at Mont nfifcl at the annual convention of the National Association of Pro fessional Baseball Leagues. Spokesmen for Elkin and Coolee mee said they were Interested In obtaining berths but added they were yet unable to make formal applications. Final organization plans will be made at a meeting here December 15. Before the old North Carolina league cracked up because of the famous ‘work or flgHt” order It had graduated numerous performers to faster company. Its membership was composed of Asheville, Char lotte. Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Durham, and Raleigh. I Fourth Dynasty Of Rameses Begins Exuding Lack At UNC CHAPEL HILL. NOV. 28. - <**>— iv. fourth dynasty of Rameses Hvnrri today in football's twilight *j( vou likr vour metaphors scram jed to a crisp). In the University of North Caro ina'5 memorial hall, where the pall if reverence hangs thickest, Ham 5,, iv yesterday homed In on jctbell publicity and was estab-1 ijbed as the fourth in the line of! accession as goat mascot -of Tar; !wl football teams. • The woolly-headed young sover Ign, his brew rung with a crown of iCT, was credited by student* with i mt bit of political acumen in iclung the date of hoe coronation Jo the eve of the North C&ralina Ifirginia game. tNote: North Caro ;M I, top heavy favorite to frock b, cavaliers today at Charlottea ffiel. there was solemnity of a sort! t the crowning of IV. tree body got up and said some bing a bom these ancient rivalries nd this tradition stuff and some tore about past records. Then Bother fellow got up and popped iff about sportsmanship. It was all right, but it didn’t go over ao big. Then they trotted Rames TV in. He was sent up from Texas last jeer by a graduate. Last Sunday Raineses III died. They said heart trouble brought on by Duke’s drub bing of Carolina two weeks ago caused it. So Rameses of Texas got | nod. Well, they plung an “N. C." blan ket across the little ram and made few mascot. He bleated a few goaty Seats and began exuding what ttey call good luck for Carolina, And If Virginia whip* Carolina, Bteyll be casting about for Ram ses V. WAKE, DAVIDSON SEEK 3RD PLACE End Practice# For Game Today At Davidson DAVIDSON, Nov. 26.—(A*)—Wake ftrert and Davidson closed their football campaign* here today in a| fcuthern conference game. ‘Third place in the state race was prize at. stake. The kickoff hour was 2:30 p. m. The Wildcats defeated the Dea •m last year 14 to. f. Probable starting lineups: Jake Forest Po*. Davidson ®or( . lie . Williams *®Ter -.- It —.— Hunter rlther . lg .—__ Johnson Mumford . _e _. Purdy logers foan .. Msuney Alim .. Morris . barren [Daniel rg ..... Johnston — it - arden — re Leo — Ob ..... Armfield ... lh - Corbin — rh ...... Lafferty — fb ...... Dennis Officials: Gerard (Illinois) refe Press <Ga. Tech) umpire; “m h(N. c.) head linesman; Per D iElon> field judge. Wit, VIRGINIA READY FOR PLAY CRARLOTTESVIUJS, Va., NOV. With governors of their re VKtive slates in attendance, the oaiversities 0f Virginia and North '•roUna awaited the kickoff today * renewal of their ancient Wdlron rivalry. Hi* lineups: Kortl> Carolina Buck ^Pej- __ llclver i’tty Webb __ Bartos . *«rsh»k uttie Btewart _* Batson _" ^Jtchiris I Pea Virginia 1* -.McCarttn It - Weeks If - Moncure e-- . Berkley rg . Trell rt .Haskell re-Turnbull qb - Male lh - Conner rh - Nistad fb - Acree Cevison Dead 1 •'BURGH, Nov. 3f.—<d>>—Sir throngVison’ 65, Publisher, philan and ^st president of the matiwai Hebrew Christian Al f. today. DUKE DELIVERS AGAINST STATE Wademen Kick Off At 2 O’Clock At Durham DURHAM. Nov. 28.—(JP)—Duke university shot its final bolt of the football campaign against N. O. State college today in an effor to sew up Southern conference and state championships. The kickoff hour was 2 p. m. Each team has won six times in the past 12 years—always by close scores. Hie Blue Devils clinched the state and conference titles with a 7-0 decision over the Wolfpack a year ago. The game ended the collegiate football career of Duke’s captain Clarence (Ace) Parker, termed by Coach Wallace Wade one of the greatest backs he ever tutored. Probable starting lineups: N. C. State Poe. Duke Cara -- le .Liana Bugg - It .... Brunansky Kirschner _ lg . Yorke Mark . c. Hill Brownie .—.. rg . Alabaster .. rt - Cardwell Berry -- re .4-* Taliaferro Gadd - qb -Hackney Berlinski _ lh . Parker Entwhistle_rh _ Tipton Ryneska fb ...... r Gardner Officials: Arnold (Auburn) refe ree; Menton (Loyola) umpire; Tol ley (Sewanee) head linesman; Hill (Wofford) field Judge. FOOTBALL GAME PLANNED HERE AlUtars ~Will Meet Mooresville At Park A football game between the 8helby Allstars and the Mooresville Moors was announced today. The game will be played Saturday aft ernoon at 3:30 at the Cloth Mill park, arid will be a charity game for the Salvation Army Christmas fund. Guy (the Ripper) Brown, former star here and at Lenoir Rhyne is managing the local team and some of the best known players here and at other colleges will be in the game. The Mooresville Moors have played two games here and have a hard-driving attack. Names of the Shelby men who will play will be given tomorrow. FIVE VIRGINIA TEAMSIN ACTION RICHMOND, Va., Nov. 36.—<**>— Virginia, home state of six mem bers of the southern conference, will see five of them in action to day in Thanksgiving finales. V. M. I. will, seek to keep its state clean against V. P. I. at Roanoke; Virginia’s hapless Cavaliers will try to hold the highly Javored Univer sity of North Carolina at Char lottesville, and William and Mary and the University of Richmond will battle one another for their first conference victory in Rich mond. Washington and Vee, conference champions two seasons ago, will tackle the Maryland outfit in Bal timore. While V. M. I. hopes for a state championship in Roanoke, Duke looked for a triumph over N. C. State in the Durham bowl to clinch the southern conference and North Carolina titles. The Blue Devils have lost only to Tennessee, a southeastern conference member. The South Carolina crown await ed the victor in the Furman-Clem son scrap, slated to be one of the hottest in the loop today. . . . . ■ .... - ■-•••• j The legendary Ticjan war took place about the beginning of the 13th century. SARGA SURVIVES TWO DUELS Unhurt and triumphant In two duals with platoia, Dr. Prana Sarga (left). Budapest's wholesale challenger, prepared to fight seven ether eppon snU with -aabrps. This radiophoto shows him preetlelng with his In struetor. Hs challenged nine men because of their Inslnuatlen that he married his helrees-wlfs for her money.. «*W zUKK, WOT. 30.—(Jr)—Th* Brooklyn Dodgers and Boston Bees are alter Beattie Feathers, Chicago Bear back, who hit .400 in the min ors last season ... Lou Little oi Columbia will throw a dinner lot Tiny Thornhill and the other Stan ford coaches Monday night . . . , Pat Coffee, Louisiana State’s triple threat back, doesn’t drink it ... , Tom Yawkey and Joe Cronin arc shooting in South Carolina , . . , What’s become of all those "Worn Rose Hill to Rose Bowl" button* that were smeared all over tbs Bronx last week, in the vicinity ol the Fordham campus? Tag story dept: Tbs ether Sunday p. a. a couple of fans nines were playing near Ster ling Conn. . . . one lad sent a blistering liner into left field that struck and broke a hind leg ef a hone tethered there .... the game was halted while a spectator went to a nearby farmhouse and returned with a rifle ... the hone was shot... then .hovels and spades wen produced and after a grave had been dug In left field, old Dob bin was lowered away with duo ceremony ... the funeral over, the hay teasers took up the ball game when they left off. Beroie Bierman personally wtl scout the Notre Dame-South err California game next week . . . Minnesota plays the Irish next yeai . .. - Jimmy Johnston, the Madi son Square Garden maestro, was 81 yesterday and he hasn’t a gray haii in his head . . . Ralph Kercheval kicking star of the Brooklyn foot ball Dodgers, plays bis last prc game today . , . He’s going to de vote all his time to training bang tails for the Greentree stable. When Otto Bordenkircber writes a racing piece for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, they have to set the lead double col umn . .. Ott’s byline Is too long to get into one ... Danno O’Ma honey, the rassler, is back from Ireland and mdy take out oiti ■endUp papers .. .The Associated Fran All-American (the offi cial) will be out December 5 .. . Chet Wynne of Kentucky and Francis Schmidt of Ohio State were right np there In the front ranks of the Thanksgivers this morning ... and now, please pam that drum stick. THINK BARNEY ROSS WILL WIN HANDILI _____ 1 NEW YORK. Nov. 3«.—<A»>—De spite Promoter Jimmy Johnston’; prediction that the welterfelght title will change hands tomorrow night, the general impression along Broadway's fight row today was that Champion Barney Ross would take Challenger Izzy Jannazzc handily. The betting fraternity was offer ing odds as high as 6 to 1 on the Chicago champ to win the first de fense of his title since he regained it by outpointing Jimmy McLamin a year ago last May. MISSES JONES WIN U FOR BEST SONG COMPOSED BOILING SPRINOS COLLEGE, Nov. 36.—Misses Nell eng and Fran ces Jones were awarded the $f prize, offered by President Burnette for the best song composed, per taining to the Boiling Springs and Mars Hill football game. Lucy Crisp, Julia Hunt, and Sara Bess Ledford received honorable mention. MASONS TO ELECT OFFICERS AT FRIDAY NIGHT MEETING The regular monthly communica tion of Cleveland lodge will be held Friday night. 37th. This Is the time for the election of the officers for next year, and it is de sired that a good attendance be had. There will be some other mat tes of importance to be attended to. \ CRACKER BARREL GOSSIP RELEASES BASEBALL NEWS Giants Do Not Want Dizzy Dean At His Price NEW YORK. NOT. »day is the day for the turkey diet In most places, but the hot stovers still go for the cracker barrel Around and about, where the bass bailers are bedded down for the winter, you hear among other things the following: The Giants, in the market for a third baseman and a catcher, Just as they were after the world series, still aren’t interested in Ding Dean —not at the current price. Neither are the Pirates, although Manager Pie Traynor is out in St Louis right now conferring with btg> shots of the Cardinals. That the rumors of a three-way deal among the Dodgers, Reds and Cards are still going the rounds, with Spud Davis. Paul Derringer, Van Mungo and Linus nay among the players mentioned. That the Yankees aren’t even giv ing lineup changes a thought, but would be interested in a pitcher. That if the “young blood" af other positions clicks, the Red Sox will have Bill Werber in the outfield; Joe Cronin on third, and Jimmy Foxx still holding down first base. That if Hank Leiber goes from ttie Giants, ho may wind up In the Cub outfield. In return, Chicago will give a first-string player, but will get cash along with the man who was ousted from his job by Jimmy Ripple. That Babe Herman’s one-man re bellion at Cincinnati will result in his sale or trade to some other club; and that the Reds will also give up Lee Handley. And that the Indians are angling with the Browns, with the ex changes of Catcher RoUle Hemsley and a Brownies’ pitcher as a pos sibility. TO DECIDE BIDS TO ROSE BOWL NEW YORK. Nov. 36.—(dV-Tur key day tradition has its annual renewal on gridirons all over the country today, with the added im portance of Rose or Sugar Bowl bids hanging In the balance for several teams. Fordham meets Its traditional lo cal rival. New York U, In New York, in an effort to keep its unde feated slate dear; Alabama’s pow erful Crimson Tide, likely “Bowl" candidate, tangles with Vanderbilt; Pennsylvania's powerhouse takes on Cornell’s sophomores; Pittsburgh collides with Carnegie Tech In a local Pittsburgh rivalry, and on the west coast, Washington’s Huskies face their all-important tussle with Washington State. The Washington-State clash likely will decide the western en try In the 1937 Rose Bowl battle. 1 Alabama, ranking with Louisiana State as possible “eastern” conten ders st Pasadena, hits Its final bar rier of the season In the Commo dores. Fordham, twice tied, can look for no sympathy from the Violets, in regard to a possible Bowl nomina tion. Last year, the Rams ruined N. Y. U.’s undefeated season in the final game of the campaign. French “Solidarity” j PARIS, Nov, W.—(d>)—The na tional Congress of the federation of metallurgical workers today ex pressed its “solidarity” with striking ! french metal workers of the de partment of the north. SPORTS SLANTS By TAf Ben Ini*. Louisiana State uni versity's end coach, is a quiet and reserved fellow who seldom speaks tor publication. Yet he is willing to go on record to the effect that his boy Oaynell Tinsley is the greatest and he ever saw—and that covers a lot of territory and Includes quite a few all-America ends. Last Pall Tinsley was unani mously named all-American wing man — the experts called him the "perfect end.” As a Junior, in IMS. Tinsley was almost impossible to circle and gave Inches on out side tackles ashes grudgingly. If Tinsley was a “perfect end" last year, this fall he is a "super perfect end." As Shis points out: "Tinsley was a brilliant and last year, yet he Is even creator this season. Be has more polish and more pdas and hot bettor on of fense and every Mt as deadly an defense.” In proving his point that finely had Improved on offense. Bale re called that Oaynell scored a touch down in the season's opener Rice Institute when be tossed n Woe back behind the goal Una and th« recovered the Texan's fumble. He caught a pass and mead W yards to a touchdown against Georgia. But It was against Ole Klee that Tinsley really stepped out. He took a pus from Pat Oof fee, shook off Hay Hapeo, the safe ty man. and outran another 10a atalppi book tor 48 yards. He rang up hie fourth touchdown In the Auburn game when he took a flat pass from Coffee on the 8 yard mark and stepped over the goal Una. •hare Tap WMfc Han Louisiana State earned Its fifth consecutive Southeastern eonfsr ence victory when the Tigers soar ed. 10-4, over Auburn. That victory Just about insured another confer ence title for Coach Bonds Moore’s chargees. The Tlgem art rated u one et the two beat teams to the South east. sharing the honor with Ala bama's Crimson Tide. Coach Bemle Moore has a pair of husky guards who would warm th« heart of any football ooeeh in1 Ward* 11 (limp) Lstak and Mar vin Baldwin. Both haw hern play ing a sashing brand of ball all Much of Louisiana's suocses this lall can be traced to the successful j which this pair of huskiea have ipread deepatr and daatructlon in the enemy'* ranks In particular, tilli>nan Pits Baldwin, the regular right guard since the Vanderbilt game of 1094, la rated one * of the outstanding performers at that post in the conference. Aa his unsavory nick name of "Bullfrog" might Indicate. Baldwin la a tough-looking cus tomer when viewed across the neu tral acne. Be la stockUybuilt. with massive shoulders. He to 9 feet 11 and weighs 110 pounds. Coach Moore's pat guard was quite an athlete In high school, if the wholesale manner in which he mneoted school totters la any crit erion. He gained on own doeen to top Tulanfs Immortal Don Zim merman by one. Hto efforts includ ed football, basketball, baseball and track. Ha was always Mg for his ega. in high school ho Upped the moles at an even MO pounds. He has been gaining steadily ever ^tearing of Mg football players, the Bayou Bengali hare one of the country’s heaviest grlddera to the huge Ben friend, the taokle. friend, who to a shot putter on the track squad, ttpo the beam at an seen MO and stand* • f eet • Inches. In the matter of height friend moat yield to hto teammate, Boy Knight, Who stands • fori • inch** when he Isn't Waning over the ball In hto position at center. The Louisiana State eleven boasts three shot putters who aoored points in the MM Southeastern conference track and Held oham ptonahtps. They are BUI Craae. 900 pound eH Southern back; friend, and Oordcn Lester, a 198 pound half bonus bob nmonn AND STOCKHOLDKBS. TOO WATKINS OLSN, N. Y.. Nor. M. —<#>—Warren W. Glut*. Sr., presi dent of the Watkins Salt Oo. today announced o bonus for employes and a dividend for stoekboldm of tho oonoora. * The 190 employe* will receive 118.00 and stockholder* will gat 195.000 on Doe. M. Cast Given For Pageant Friday At B. S. College <8pectal to The Star.) BOILING! SrRINOB COLLEGE. Nor. 2«.—The pageant entitle, "The Eire of Perfect English," which will ba given In the college reception hall Friday evening, Novebmer 27. at 7:48 o’clock, haa the following oaat: King, Wilbur Martin; Queen. Sara Mae Falla: Lord Dictionary, Lawrenoe Blanton; pages dotted I'a and croes Ta, Moselle Costner and Maael Walker: announcer, Roy Oreene; Bugler, Dob Thompson; Executioner. Oharlee Padgett. Vis itors: Dame Care. Margaret L. Liles; Vulgarity Slang. Louise Brown; Bean Diction. Leonard Morrow; Mias Silly Provlnclallsmss, Aileen Seism; Misses Obvious Ob solete and quaint Archair, Edith Oreene and Annie L. Roberts; Pu rity Anglo-Saxon. Madge Hardin; Labor Latin, Vernon Richardson; Mr. Bad Orummir. Fast IMMi Root Greek. Woodrow Sill; MO*. Embellishment French, Katharine Herlck. Dords end Ladles William Herr)*, Wei ford OordOO. John Blanton, Jr.; Mack D. Fagan: Kyle Miles; Nannie Ooodraan; Margaret Herndon; Lucy Crisp; Florence Burnett and Nellene Jones. Another play to be given on tfekl j same occasion la the “Hettery* The {cast is the following; Mr. Way crow, Graham Piercy; Mrs. Way cross, Margaret L. Liles; Mrs. Role, Moselle Costner; First Clerk, Madge Hardin; Second Clerk, Flor ence Burnett. Both the pageant and play were written by Mrs. George Burnett And ere quite Interacting. The public Is cordially invited to attend. French Approve Strike LE HAVRE, Nov. 3«.—(FMDOSk workers refused today to unload freight from the United States lin er Washington ‘to show our soli darity with the American dock strikers,” It’s Thanksgiving You will always have cause to be thankful if you begin now a few shares of our building and loan stock. It’s a safe, systematic and sure way to lay aside a little each week for a HOME for the family or an investment for the “rainy” days that are sure to come. Money to teen on desirable first mortgage real estate. Cleveland B. & L. Association J. L. guttle, Sec.*Treaa. E. B. Lattimore. Pree. i I TOYLA \ m Friday Morning, Nov. 27 OFFERING SHELBY AND CLEVELAND COUNTY THE LARGEST SELECTION OF TOYS EVER OFFERED BY BELK5 AT PRICES LOWEST IN MANY A SEASON. SUCH LOVELY DOLLS AS SHIRLEY TEMPLE AND THE FAMOUS DIONNE QUINTUPLETS Dolls! PRICES ON DOLLS RANGE FROM 25c to $8.95 COME r BRING THE KIDDIES, AND YOU TOO, MOTHER AND DAD WE INVITE YOU. - FREE! CANDY FOR THE KIDDIES ON OPENING DAY REMEMBER THE DATE — FRIDAY, NOV. 27.

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