The Star Want Adv. Rates Oni Cant a word (this type) each insertion >■ Ue Minimum Chart# 2c a word this size. 3c a word this size. t 25; WANTED A HOME FOR AN AG ed man—and will pay well foi his care. D. A. Beam Co. 3t 26c VISIT MRS. ABENETHY’S ANTI qua shop in Ltncclnton for fur niture and bric-a-brac. Lovelj pieces priced especially low. 4t 26; iot~ ACRE.PARm'^S-MILES OI York, 8 room residence In nlcs grove, 3 tenant houses, in fin< state of cultivation. Good tern 83,000. J. C. WUbom, York, S. C ltl will rechive carToaiTgooi mules tomorrow. Saturday, thi 38th. Cline Bros, and Doggett. ' -•ltl WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS Our motto is courtesy and service Barbers: R. B. Turner, Ploy Water*. Cordon Lowery, Joe Cart ner. We thank you R B Turn* Barber Shop It 27 - ---- BOOMS FOR RENT. Vi* NORT1 LaFayette etreet it WE PAY CASH FOR LESPEDEZA Morgan C.. were loss seriously hurt, i The aoddsnt oceurre dwhen thro t automobiles ran together at a stree ( intersection. 1 F. dTrTJr. Bettor t BOSTON, Nov. 27.—Pranklin O Roosevelt, Jr., confined to a hospt , ital bed by a sinus infection, wai 1) very much better" today, accordini “ to Henry Cushing. brother*tn-law I of Jume* * Federation For 30 - Hour Week TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 27.—(/P)— The American Federation of Labor today threw it* strength back of the SO-hour work week “ae the only means of master* in* unemployment.” Declarln* the six-hour day and five-day week would “pro tect society from future de pressions." the convention di rected the A. T. of L. executive council to call upon Congress for enactment of the SOhour week into national law, Technological advances, the delegates were informed by the convention’s shorter work week committee, have brought about a condition offsetting the re turn of industrial activity to the 1028 prdouctlon level. But Russia Is Ready, Waiting (Continued from page one.) stones of Soviet defense againsi any Japanese attack. It parallel! the trans-Siberian railway, but wel within Soviet territory. Krutoff declared the Soviet fai east was "ready for defense" ant sounded a stem warning to Japan "Our policy is one of peace.” hi said "but we give warning that U there is an attack we shall delivei a crushing blow. We will not sur render an inch of far eastern ter ritory. MADRID DIFINDIM ABB BURROWING IN GROUNI , MADRID. Nov. 37.— gardens of the war ministry am 1 some peasants broughth sheep, pig i and fowl from outlying districts t i live with them in their new refug I In the Salamanca district of th city. I Pigs seemed to be fairly plentiful ■ but fish were not. Many were tak [ en from Ornamental ponds am . eaten. \ WASHINGTON THANKFUL AS AMERICANS LEAVI I WASHINGTON, Nov. 37. — m - Word that 30 American refugee - fleeting *hell-tom Madrid ha > reached their goal—the shelter o i a Navy Cruiser at Valencia - > brought relief today to tense offl eiala at the State department. i About as many more were be ■ lieved to have reached the city o i Valencia, arid a ftidlo #aessafe fron 1 Naval officers at the scene promts ed that all would be safely quar i tered aboard the vessel, the XJ. 8 i s. Raleigh, by tonight. , ALL DAT SINGING AT FREE SAINTS TABERNACLI There will be an all day singlm convention at Cherryville at th Free Saints Tabernacle Sun da; i November 39th. All sinters ale es , pecially invited, soloists, duets, trioi . quartets and all singers will be glv i an free dinner. There will be a mes sage at 11 o’clock by the pastor. Ret i Durham Whtenant. Hi* subject wll i be the Divine Nature. Birmingham Pastor i To Spoak At Grovei Rev. Donald A. Hyde, former pas tor of the Ensiey Fresby terlan churcl in Birmingham, Ala., will be ii . charge ef a union service at Grove Sunday night at 7 o’clock. The servlet will be held at th Baptist church. Other churches li | Grover have been invited to at I tend. Summary Of The Market Furnished by E. A. Fierce * Co. NEW YORK, Nov. #T. — Dow Jones* stock summary for today la as follows: Atchison system Oct. net operat ing Income $2,460,907 vs. $3,341,269 in Oct. 1936, ten months $13,350, 006 vs. $13,394,721. McKeesport Tinplate special stockholders meeting adjourns without voting as directors advise of new plan re-merger with Na tional Can. British objections to Osman Japanese alliance against commun ism may be voiced officially next week, reliable sources said. New Haven Oct. net income $370,391 after taxes and charges but before guarantees on separately op erated properties vs. net loss $224, 70$ in Oct. 103$, ten months net loss $4,444,666 vs. net loss $3,943,640 in 1038. Mountain Producers declared regular semi-annual dividend 30c. Directors meet for settop on Ra dio Corporation and American . Commercial Alcohol dividends to day. Maytag declares dividend of 80c on common Dec. 31 and Dec. 8. C. St O. places order for 37,471 gross tons of rails, Carnegie Illinois gets 19,800 Inland Steel 13,118 and ' Beth Steel 4,490. Pere Marquette ordering 7,400 gross tons all 113-pound rail. ' Nickel Plate orders 13,836 tons all 113-pound rails. American Air Lines places order for five additional Douglas D. c.— 3 transports, bringing total of these planes ordered so far to 30. Vulcan Defining declares special dividend $4 cm common Dec. 31 and Dec. 10. LONDON: Stocks firm, trans* Atlantlcs steady. Paris weak, inter nationals firm. St. Louis Southwestern ten months net loss $130,534 vs. net loss $541,450 in 1935. S.H. Kress declares extra di vidend 60c on new no par common A better than seasonal pickup made in metropolitan New York during Oct. total contracts for months $33,355,300 vs. $21,746,700 in American News, New York Cor poration, declares extra dividend $4.25 and regular bi-monthly di vidend 25c oh common. Net income Equitable Office 'mg 6 months ended Oct. 31, $169,972 vs. $109,597 in 1936. United Oas Corporation and sub sidiaries 13 months ended Oct. 31 net Income $10,969,15$ vs. $4,710, in 1935. Chicago and Eastern Illinois rail road net operating income ten months $1,009,390 vs. $351,217 year ago. ’ Butler Bros, declare* dividend * 60c on common Dec. 31 end Dec. 6. Royal Typewriter declares divid ■ end >6.75 on accumulations on 7 ■ percent preferred and regular quar 1 ter fl.75 both Dee. 15 and Dec. 5. COTTON LETTER NEW YORK. Nov. 37.—Covering ! and price fixing In Dec. following the stopping of notices Wednes * day strengthened market and In 1 creased Dec. premium, market cloe 1 ed at high of the day. Worth street f quieter with volume slightly less ' than production, prices firm. ’ strengthening tendency for delivery In first quarter, exports continue to • run behind last season but current [ comparisons misleading due to ma 1 rttlme strike. With a period of ’ heavy retail buying ahead and high ’ mill activity to supply forward or • ders there seems likelihood of steady trade demand and firmer prices. 5 Atk Federal Aid | To Clear Creek • (Continued from page one.) , years a number of fever cases in - this section have been reports. . Typhoid Is not spread by a moe . quite, but by pollution of the stream l and by the stagnation of overflow waters. Petitions are being circulated In the section along the creek south of highway No. 74 bridge and the ■ South Carolina Una. The territory covers about seven miles or more of ■ the creek end the district affected i la about five miles wide all the way i south. r More than 1,600 persons are thought to reside in the area. i Moat of the creek north or the i bridge mentioned has been drained -1 and crops are growing In the bot I toms. T oday *s Markets New York cotton at 3:30 today: Jan. 11:70, Mar. 11:67, May 11:63, July 11:61, Oct. 11:33. Dac. 11:83. COTTON STEADY NEW YORK, Not. 37.— welcome Mr. Roosevelt. The Indianapolis swung into the official automobile and started for the residence several miles away which Mr. Roosevelt was invited to occupy during his 12 hour stay here. They drove through a double-line of helmeted soldiers, who saluted them with rifles at "present arms.” Twelve military bands, stationed at various points along the route.' played the national anthems of the United States and Brasil. Planes Circle The Indianapolsi swung into the harbor as five Brasilian naval planaa circled overhead. Six Brazilian warships in a col umn rode at anchor inside the bay with thslr white-uniformed crews standing at attention at the rails. A light rain was falling as the guns boomed the presidential salute. Thousands of persons lined the r dock* u the ln«Ji*napoii* th« pier and then swung an THe presidential party waved. Inga amid the din of ^ horns and church bell*. In Rio s principal street* nUes carnations and gladioli hum. ’ lampposts. As the gangplank wM ,Wlti the rain lewened remained gray and over Diplomats and government clsls had assembled in the tlon hall of the touring Cluh looking the pier. 8 ub ovi City officials planned elect* displays for Mr. Rooseveff PMture, set for 10 p.m. a^ , addresses the Brasilian parCJ In a Joint session. LARGE BARN BURNED near CLipriu CUFFSIDE. Nov. 27 _ . J bam owned by Morton Scrum farmer and contractor 0‘ j CUffstde, was destroyed by nr. i Friday afternoon. The structure which was used by Wayland Scruggs, s br er of the owner, was perhsp* largest and most commodious i In this section. The seme fire slso destroyed church building which had tom down and stored in the Campbell Values 9x12 MATTING ART SQUARES^ Aborted Colorful Patterns Si Pound ELECTRIC IRON Heating Element Guaranteed for One Year ANDARD WEIGHT FELT BASE RUGS Assortment Patterns - 4 ENTIRE STOCK AT TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS $49.75 ait.$39.75 $39.75 at.$32.50 $29.75 at.$22.50 $16.00 to $19.75 at $14.75 i $9.00 to $12.75 at $7.98 If 132 Felt HATS jp to |4.98 Steep Warm In Muratal Balbriggan PAJAMAS »"<* gowns Si.98 1.50 & 1.98 McNeely's